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    10 Healthy Summer Recipes You Can Make In Under 20 Minutes

    Healthy summer recipes are easy enough: add fresh, crisp ingredients, toss and enjoy. But iceberg lettuce and a plain vinaigrette don’t have to be the be-all and end-all of your summer diet. When creating healthier recipes, there are so many ingredients that pack flavour but don’t add excess kilojoules to your plate.
    Right now, you want food that’s fresh and fast – and that features the season’s bounty of healthy ingredients. These recipes from creative culinary guru Mark Bittman do all that. Best of all, each one takes less than 20 minutes to make!
    Healthy Summer Recipes
    1. Feta and Watermelon Salad
    Combine watermelon balls or cubes in a bowl with crumbled feta cheese, sliced radishes, chopped fresh chives and a few drops of olive oil; toss well. Spoon over a crisp wedge of iceberg lettuce, being sure to use all the extra juice left in the bottom of the bowl.
    2. Deviled Eggs with Crab
    Hard-boil eggs; meanwhile, combine crab meat with a spoonful of Dijon mustard and mayonnaise or yoghurt, lemon juice, diced red bell or small salad pepper, paprika and cumin; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Run eggs under cold water, shell and halve them, remove and mash the yolks into the crab mixture; stuff into the whites. Sprinkle the top with chopped parsley (or caviar, for that matter).
    Mark’s Tip: Buy fresh crab meat or use chopped cooked prawns.
    3. Rocket with Balsamic Strawberries
    Hull and slice about two cups of strawberries and place them in a large salad bowl. Toss with two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and several twists of the black pepper grinder. Let it sit for five minutes. Add a bunch of rocket, some crumbled goat’s cheese and a sprinkle of salt; drizzle with olive oil and toss.
    READ MORE: You’ve Got To Try These Super Simple Summer Rolls With Asian-Style Sauce
    4. Prosciutto, Peach and Mozzarella Salad
    For each person, cut a fresh peach into eight wedges. Tear prosciutto and sliced mozzarella into bite-size pieces. Dress mixed greens with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Toss in the peaches, prosciutto and cheese.
    5. Wholewheat Spaghetti and Cucumber with Dipping Sauce
    Boil and salt water for pasta; meanwhile, combine a quarter cup of chicken stock or water, three tablespoons of soy sauce, two tablespoons of a little honey mixed with warm water, and a teaspoon of sugar in a bowl; mix to dissolve the sugar. Cook the noodles until al dente, then rinse under cold water. Serve a nest of the noodles along with sliced cucumbers in a bowl (set it over ice cubes if you like), with a small bowl of the dipping sauce on the side garnished with chopped spring onion.
    Mark’s Tip: Add a bit of freshly grated ginger or wasabi for more spice, and top with bits of cooked meat or tofu.
    6.Courgette and Dill Soup
    Grate a couple of courgettes. Cook a chopped onion in butter until softened, then add the courgette and stir until softened (five minutes or so). Add vegetable or chicken stock and bring to the boil; simmer for about five minutes, then purée until smooth. Season with salt and pepper and lots of fresh chopped dill.
    Mark’s Tip: For a richer texture, add fresh ricotta, sour cream or yoghurt while puréeing.
    READ MORE: These Banana Muffins Actually Alleviate PMS And Cramping
    7. Fish Tacos
    Cook a chopped red onion in olive oil for a minute or two. When it’s soft, add a big pinch of ground cumin or coriander and some salt and pepper. Keeping the heat relatively high, add about 450g of fish fillets (white fish works well here; you can also try crab or prawns) and stir to break them into chunks, cooking until they’re just opaque. Remove from the heat, squeeze lime juice over the mixture and scrape up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Warm corn tortillas and fill with the fish mixture. Top with shredded cabbage, chopped tomato, a splash of hot sauce (red Tabasco is good) and a dollop of sour cream.
    8. Honey Eggplant
    Combine half a cup each of chopped parsley and breadcrumbs with three tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of honey, a minced garlic clove and a pinch of salt. Cut one large or two medium eggplants crosswise into 2.5-centimetre slices and score the top of each slice.
    Put the slices in a dish and spread the breadcrumb mixture over the tops, pressing it into the slits. Partially cover with wax paper and microwave on high for about five minutes. Remove the paper and cook for another two or three minutes, until very soft. Sprinkle with lemon juice and serve with yoghurt on the side.
    9. Korean Braaied Beef
    Slice a fillet steak into two-centimetre pieces. Mix together a teaspoon of sesame oil, a tablespoon of brown sugar, three tablespoons of soy sauce, a tablespoon of a little honey mixed with warm water, two minced cloves of garlic and a pinch of dried chilli flakes. Brush the meat with the sauce and braai until it begins to crisp (about two minutes per side), basting frequently. Serve the beef sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds and chopped spring onions.
    READ MORE: Here’s How To Make The Viral TikTok Green Goddess Salad
    10. Spicy Braaied Pork with Peach Marmalade
    Combine a quarter cup of peach or apricot preserve with some minced garlic, a tablespoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of soy sauce, half a teaspoon of mustard powder, a pinch of cayenne pepper and salt. Coat thin, boneless pork chops with the marmalade and place on the braai, taking care not to let the marmalade burn. Slice fresh peaches or apricots in half and remove the pits; sprinkle with salt and cook flesh-side down until they start to brown and just soften. Serve the fruit with the pork. More

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    You’ve Got To Try These Super Simple Summer Rolls With Asian-Style Sauce

    These summer rolls are a great way to slip some fresh veggies into the mix! We’ve swapped out rice paper rolls for baby spinach leaves – more nutrients – and the pickle gives this dish a zingy, juicy crunch. These summer rolls are low-carb, healthy, low-kilojoule and pack a flavour punch. You’ll be having thirds and fourths before you know it.
    Here’s how to make leafy summer rolls with an Asian-style dipping sauce…
    Asian summer rolls
    – 12 large baby spinach leaves– 2 baby/Mediterranean cucumbers, julienned– Crispy onion sprinkle– Beetroot microgreens– 12 long chives, blanched
    For the pickle
    – ½ cup lime juice– 2 tsp sugar– 2 medium-sized carrots, julienned– 2 thumb-sized pieces of ginger, julienned– 2 long green chillies, seeded and julienned
    READ MORE: 9 Breakfast Ideas That’ll Give You A Better Boost Than Coffee
    For the dipping sauce
    – 2 tbsp soy sauce– 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar– 3 tbsp water– 1 tsp red spring onions, sliced
    Summer Rolls With Sauce: Method
    1/ Make the pickle by mixing the lime juice and sugar in a bowl, then add the carrot, ginger and chillies and toss well. Leave for 10 minutes.2/ Mix together all ingredients for dipping sauce and set aside.3/ Place some of the carrot pickle on a spinach leaf, add some cucumber, a little of the onion sprinkle and one or two micro greens. Roll up and tie with a blanched chive.
    SERVES 12. Per 71g serving or bundle: 85kJ, 0g fat (0g sat), 5g carbs, 210mg sodium, 1g fibre, 1g protein
    READ MORE: 24 High-Fibre Foods That Should Be On Your Plate Every Day, According To Nutritionists
    Cook’s note
    These need to be made fresh just before serving. If you can’t be bothered with the finicky task of wrapping and tying each roll, spoon the filling into individual baby gem lettuce leaves and serve the dipping sauce with a spoon, so guests can spoon it over the filling just before eating. More

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    28 Easy Food Swaps That’ll Help You Lose Weight

    There’s a simple hack that can boost your weight loss, leave you feeling fuller for longer and have you feeling more regular. It’s called fibre and this often-overlooked food can deliver major benefits to your body. Not only does it keep your system nice and clean, fibre has a genius move in its arsenal: the ability to keep you feeling fuller for longer, boosting satiety. That feeling of fullness is a major key in weight loss, prompting you to eat less instead of more. These genius food swaps find the high-fibre substitutes of other foods, which are often healthier, too.
    Why you need to switch up your food
    We all know our bodies need calcium for bones, vitamin C to fend off colds and chocolate to save relationships. But when it comes to losing weight, the nutritional information is a little more confusing. The mighty trilogy of nutrients – protein, carbohydrates and fat – garners most of the food industry’s attention, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that fibre needs to be the fourth leg of the dietary table.
    Study after study shows that not only does fibre help lower your risk of cancer, heart attack and high blood pressure, it also keeps you full and helps you decrease the total amount of kilojoules you consume every day. Trouble is, most of us think that getting the recommended 30g of fibre a day means eating cereal that tastes like the box it comes in. But that isn’t the case. You can sneak fibre into your diet anywhere…
    Food Swaps At Breakfast
    1. Spice up your eggs: A third of a cup of chopped onion and one clove of garlic will add one gram of fibre to scrambled eggs.
    2. Drop a whole orange into the blender to flavour your morning smoothie. One peeled orange has nearly three grams more fibre than even the pulpiest orange juice.
    3. Make your own fruit juice. Blend peeled, sliced and cored or pitted fresh fruit with a little cold water in a food processor. Drink immediately for the best nutritional value. A 250ml glass has more than one gram of fibre.
    4. Cook a bowl of oat bran instead of oats; it has nearly two grams more fibre. Add even more flavour and fibre by stirring in a quarter of a cup of raisins or chopped dates before popping it into the microwave.
    5. Sprinkle ground flaxseeds over your favourite cold cereal or stir a few spoonfuls into a cup of yoghurt. Two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds deliver almost an extra two grams of fibre.
    6. Grab an Asian pear. Similar in taste to other pears, the red-coloured Asian variety has an apple-like crispness and shape and, at four grams a pear, it delivers significantly more fibre.
    7. Buy spreadable fibre, like peanut butter, for your wholewheat toast. Two level tablespoons add three grams of fibre, along with a healthy dose of heart-protecting fats and nutrients like vitamin E.
    8. Make a smoothie using fruit or oats, as these contain at least two grams more fibre than blends that aren’t fruit-based or don’t include oats.
    READ MORE: 5 Ways To Measure Healthy Portion Sizes Without A Scale
    At lunch
    9. Try rye bread if you don’t like wholewheat for your sandwich. One slice has almost two grams of fibre – twice the amount found in white bread.
    10. Opt for quinoa instead of white rice and you’ll get six times more fibre per serving. Mixing in half a cup of lentils with the quinoa will add a nutty flavour, another six grams of fibre and a boost of folate and manganese.
    11. Stow a tin of microwavable soup in your desk for when you need to work through lunch. Woolworths’ Chunky Vegetable Soup packs as much as five grams of fibre per 400g portion.
    12. Shower your pasta with origanum or basil. A teaspoon of either chopped herb adds one gram of fibre. Order it with mushrooms and you’ll get an extra gram.
    13. Build your burger with a sesame-seed roll instead of the plain variety. Sesame seeds add half a gram of fibre per roll.
    14. Order your boerie roll with tomato-and-onion relish Every quarter-cup of the relish you pile on adds up to two grams of fibre to your meal, and having a wholewheat roll tops that up with another three grams.
    READ MORE: 3 Meal Prep Hacks That Will Make It Way Easier To Eat Healthily
    In the afternoon
    15. Drink chocolate milk, not plain milk. The combination of chocolate and the compounds needed to keep it suspended in the milk provides a gram of fibre in every 250ml serving.
    16. Pop a pack of reduced-oil popcorn instead of popping open a bag of potato chips. There are eight grams of fibre in every bag of popcorn.
    17. Enjoy a tomato juice and its two grams of fibre per 200ml tin. Go with the plain juice and avoid the cocktail version, which is high in sodium from the added salt and Worcester sauce.
    18. Graze on trail mix instead of a granola bar. Most granola bars have only one gram of fibre, while trail mix with dried fruit has nearly three grams.
    READ MORE: ‘Keto Crotch’ Might Be A Surprising Side Effect Of A Low-Carb Diet
    At dinner
    19. Toss half a cup of chickpeas into a pot of your favourite soup. They’ll absorb the flavour of the soup and tack six grams of fibre onto your bottom line.
    20. Swap a sweet potato for your standard spud. Sweet potatoes have two grams more fibre per tuber than the typical variety. Not a fan? At least eat the skin of the regular potato – that alone contains one gram of fibre.
    21. Go wild when you make rice. Cup for cup, wild rice has three times more fibre than white.
    22. Add some green to your red sauce. Doctor your favourite pasta sauce with half a cup of chopped spinach. The spinach will take on the flavour of the sauce and pad your fibre count by more than two grams.
    23. Cook wholewheat or spinach pasta instead of the usual semolina kind. A cup of either contains five grams of fibre.
    24. Cook broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and you’ll take in three to five grams of fibre per serving – nearly twice what you’ll get out of them if you eat them raw, as heat makes fibre more available.
    25. Add beans to give your bolognese a fibre boost. Substitute one part chopped, cooked beans for one part lean-beef mince. Cook both together to allow the beans to absorb the juices and seasoning. For every 100g of cooked beans, you get seven grams of fibre.
    READ MORE: Calories Vs Nutrients: What You Need To Know About Losing Weight
    For dessert
    26. Say nuts to chocolate bars. Bars with nuts, like Cadbury’s Whole Nut chocolate bar and Lunch Bars, have up to two grams of fibre – almost twice the fibre content of bars without nuts.
    27. Top a bowl of ice cream with sliced fresh berries in lieu of a chocolate topping. Half a cup of raspberries provides four grams of fibre; strawberries and blueberries pack half that amount.
    28. Try a slice of apple tart or a bowl of fresh fruit salad and you’ll add at least an extra three to five grams of fibre. Cake doesn’t have nearly as much. More

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    5 Ways To Measure Healthy Portion Sizes Without A Scale

    The Association for Dietetics (ADSA)  in South Africa held a Twitter Talk on #HealthyNutrition4All, which highlighted how South Africans are becoming one of the most obese populations in the world! Some of that is attributed to unhealthy lifestyle habits, but a hefty portion can contribute a lot to the statistic. Here, dietitians, The Heart & Stroke Foundation SA, FoodBank SA, Soil For Life and the Department of Health share tips on measuring your meal’s healthy portion sizes – without a scale.
    Use The Plate Model
    The Heart Foundation recommends using a plate to estimate how much starch, meat and vegetables you should eat. Half your plate should be veggies, a quarter starch and the rest protein.
    READ MORE: 5 Portion Control Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard Before
    Use Your Hands
    Dietician Maryke Gallagher advises that you should measure food with your fist. One portion of fruit should be the size of your fist. Also use your palm to measure how much protein, etc. you should be eating. A palm is the size estimate of your protein portion, your fist is the size of a starch portion and your full hand (or more) is the size of a veg portion.
    Know When You’re Full
    Dietician, Karlien Duvenhage, believes it’s important to be in tune with your body and start learning when you are hungry or full.
    READ MORE: What Really Happens To Your Body (And Brain) On A Detox Diet?
    Go Mini
    The Heart Foundation suggests you eat out of a small bowl, with smaller utensils and cups to make the meal appear ‘fuller’. Use a smaller bowl for rice and noodle dishes instead of a giant one; try eating your regular meals from side plates instead of full-size plates. This tricks your brain into thinking you’re eating a bigger meal and also makes you feel more satisfied with what you’ve eaten if it looks like a large portion of food, when really it’s a healthy portion.
    Your Portion Size Go-To Guide
    Meat should be the size of a deck of cards; carbohydrate portions (rice, bread, noodles and spaghetti) the size of a tennis ball; fat (bacon rind, oil, mayonnaise), the size your thumb; and veg is a free for all, according to dietician Jade Seeliger.
    READ MORE: Here’s Exactly How To Start Working Out Again, After A Winter Hibernating More

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    3 Smashing Pumpkin Recipes That Go Beyond Halloween

    Just because we don’t really celebrate Halloween doesn’t mean we can’t reap the benefits of healthy pumpkins! These pumpkin recipes will bewitch you with their perfect flavour pairings and warmth.
    Pumpkin Risotto With Crispy Sage
    Prep Time: 10 minutesCooking Time: 35 minutesIngredients– 5 cups low-sodium chicken broth– 1/4 cup olive oil– 8 sage leaves, plus 2 tsp minced fresh sage– 1/2 cup finely chopped shallots– 1 cup arborio rice– 1 cup sliced shiitake mushroom caps– 1/2 cup dry white wine– 3/4 cup canned pure pumpkin puree or pumpkin cooked and blended into puree– 3/4 cup plus 4 tsp shredded Parmesan– 1/2 tsp salt– 1/4 tsp freshly ground pepperMethodHeat broth in a saucepan until boiling, then keep at a simmer on the stove top.Heat olive oil in a saute pan until hot but not smoking. Add sage leaves and fry until crispy, 10 to 15 seconds. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate.Transfer 1 tablespoon of the sage oil to a saucepan and discard the rest of the oil. Heat oil over medium-high heat. Add shallots and cook, stirring, until translucent but not browned, 5 to 6 minutes.Add rice and cook, stirring, until rice is glistening and coated with oil, 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and wine; cook, stirring, until most of the liquid is evaporated, 2 to 3 minutes.Add 1 cup broth and cook, stirring, until most of the liquid is evaporated, 2 to 3 minutes. Continue to add broth 1/2 cup at a time, stirring, until liquid is evaporated after each addition and until rice swells but is still al dente, 17 to 18 minutes.Add pumpkin puree, 3/4 cup cheese, salt, and pepper; cook, stirring, until incorporated, 1 to 2 minutes.Divide risotto among 4 bowls and garnish each with 2 fried sage leaves and 1 teaspoon cheese.Makes 4 Servings: Per serving: 1008 kJ, 7 g fat (2 g sat), 34g carbs, 680mg sodium, 3g fibre, 9g protein.
    READ MORE: Mindful Drinking: How More And More People Are Becoming ‘Sober Curious’
    Roasted Pumpkin And Pomegranate Salad
    Prep Time: 15 minutesCooking Time: 30 minutesIngredients– 3 cups pumpkin, cut into cubes– 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil– 1/4 tsp salt– 1/4 tsp pepper– 6 cups mixed winter salad greens– 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds– 8 tsp lightly toasted pumpkin seeds– 1/4 cup crumbled goat cheeseVinaigrette (makes 1/2 cup)– 3 Tbsp pure pumpkin-seed oil (available in health-food stores and specialty markets)– 2 Tbsp champagne vinegar– 3 Tbsp orange juice– 1 tsp Dijon mustard– 1 small chopped shallot (1 Tbsp)– 1 tsp honey– 1/4 tsp salt– 1/4 tsp pepperMethodPreheat oven to 200 degrees. Toss pumpkin with olive oil, salt, and pepper and arrange in one layer on a lipped baking sheet. Roast until pumpkin is tender-firm and edges are caramelised, about 30 minutes.Remove from oven and let cool completely. Combine all vinaigrette ingredients in a small jar with a tight-fitting lid and shake until dressing emulsifies and has a creamy appearance.Divide the greens evenly among 4 salad plates. Scatter 1/2 cup roasted pumpkin, 1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds, 2 teaspoons pumpkin seeds, and 1 tablespoon goat cheese on top of each plate of greens.Drizzle with 2 tablespoons vinaigrette.Makes 4 Servings: Per serving: 1260 kJ, 21g fat (7 g sat), 23g carbs, 410mg sodium, 4g fibre, 9g protein
    READ MORE: 9 Breakfast Ideas That’ll Give You A Better Boost Than Coffee
    Creamy Pumpkin-Peanut Soup
    Prep Time: 10 minutesCooking Time: 20 minutesIngredients– 2 tsp vegetable oil– 1 small onion, chopped (1 1/4 cups)– 3 cloves garlic, smashed– 1/4 tsp ground turmeric– 1/2 tsp paprika– 1/2 tsp chilli pepper flakes– Pumpkin puree– 1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth– 1 jar roasted red peppers, drained, 1 tablespoon chopped and reserved for garnish– 1/3 cup smooth reduced-fat natural peanut butter– 1 tsp sugar– 1/2 tsp salt– 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper– 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice– 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream– 2 Tbsp chopped roasted peanuts– 2 Tbsp chopped spring onionsMethodHeat oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook, stirring, until golden, about 10 minutes. Add garlic and cook an additional 2 minutes. Add turmeric, paprika, and chilli flakes; stir.Add pumpkin puree, broth, peppers, and peanut butter; whisk to incorporate and bring to a boil.Reduce heat, simmer for 5 minutes, then stir in sugar, salt, pepper, and lemon juice.Transfer to a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Divide among 4 bowls and garnish with sour cream, peanuts, reserved chopped peppers, and green onions.Makes 4 Servings: Per serving: 1134 kJ, 18g fat (4g sat), 22g carbs, 450mg sodium, 4g fibre, 10g protein.
    READ MORE: These Banana Muffins Actually Alleviate PMS And Cramping More

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    9 Breakfast Ideas That’ll Give You A Better Boost Than Coffee

    We all need a healthy breakfast to give us the energy to start the day. But not all breakfasts are created equally, and coming up with breakfast ideas can seem impossible when you’re already starving and a million things on your to-do list are threatening your day. The trick is to max out your veggie and fruit intake in the morning, so you’ll have an extra fibre – and nutritional – boost to your day. Plus, adding fruits and vegetables to your usual egg or cereal bulks up the meal, keeping you fuller for longer.
    If you’re so bored of cornflakes that you’re about to scream, try these quick and easy breakfast ideas for size.
    Pimped Cereal
    Top a bowl of whole-grain cereal with sliced berries or any favourite fruit. Pour on your milk or yoghurt of choice.
    Spice up your oats
    Make cooked high-fibre oats, mix in a handful of raisins or dried cranberries and top with a few chopped nuts.
    Breakfast Pita
    Fill a medium whole-wheat pita with a sliced, boiled egg, sliced fresh tomato and freshly torn basil leaves.
    READ MORE: These Are The Best, Healthiest Cereals To Eat For Breakfast Right Now
    DIY Parfait
    Layer low-fat or fat-free yoghurt with crunchy bran flakes and sliced fruit or berries.
    Breakfast Smoothie
    Mix up a breakfast smoothie made with fat-free milk, frozen mixed berries and a banana.

    Morning Tortilla
    Spread a medium flour tortilla with peanut butter, add a whole banana and roll it up.
    READ MORE: “I Tried Eating Greek Yogurt For Breakfast Every Day For A Week”
    Anchovy Toast
    Spread anchovy paste on a 100% rye bread and top with cottage cheese and fresh tomato slices.

    English Muffin
    Add 1 slice lean ham and 1 slice cheese to a toasted whole-grain English muffin.
    READ MORE: Exactly How To Include Fibre In Your Diet To Reduce Bloating
    Berry-Fibre Combo
    Mix ½ cup raw traditional high-fibre oats, ½ cup of bran flakes, 2 tsp each of sunflower seeds and sliced almonds in a medium bowl. Add 1 Tbsp raisins, ½ cup sliced bananas and ½ cup fruit of your choice. Gently stir in 1 cup fat-free berry yoghurt and divide between two bowls. Top with ½ cup of fruit of your choice, shared between the 2 bowls and enjoy! More

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    These Banana Muffins Actually Alleviate PMS And Cramping

    Banana muffins: not totally at the top of the list of items you’re grasping for when you’re in the throes of PMS. But, while chocolate is your bestie, try pairing it with this recipe.
    Here’s why: Bananas provide cramp-busting potassium and vitamin B6, a hormone regulator that may help reduce water retention, depression, and other PMS symptoms. And buy yoghurt that delivers calcium and vitamin D: the dynamic duo has been shown to slash PMS symptoms by up to 40 percent. Add magnesium-rich walnuts to the mix – the mineral, which may reduce irritability and stabilise blood sugar, can help you control PMS-fueled “I want to devour everything” urges.
    READ MORE: 4 Delicious Desk Lunches That Don’t Involve Bread
    Banana, Yoghurt And Walnut Muffins
    Prep: 10 min Cook: 22 min
    Ingredients1 1/4 cups oatmeal1/2 cup rice flour1/4 cup ground flaxseed1 tsp baking powder1 tsp bicarbonate of soda2 eggs, beaten1/4 cup plain yogurt3 medium ripe bananas, mashed1/2 cup honey1/3 cup grapeseed oil1/4 cup walnut pieces
    READ MORE: 6 Milk Alternatives You Should Consider If Dairy Is No Longer Your Friend
    Method1. Preheat oven to 190°C.2. In a large bowl, whisk together oatmeal, flour, flaxseed, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda.3. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, yoghurt, bananas, honey and oil. Add flour mixture and fold in the walnuts.4. Spoon the batter into paper-lined muffin trays. Bake for 20 to 22 minutes or until the tops spring back when lightly touched. Cool on a wire rack.
    Makes 12. Per 83g muffin: 921kJ, 10g fat (1g sat), 160mg sodium, 31g carbs, 3g fibre, 16g sugars, 4g protein
    Here are 5 easy detox dinners that taste exactly like comfort food. Plus: 6 wintry oat recipes that’ll kick-start your day. More

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    All The Things To Braai This Public Holiday If You’re Vegan

    Vegan braai ideas: a concept so wild that your meat-eating friend, who’s hosting the shindig, is already shvitzing thinking about it. And with all the public holidays on the SA calendar, a braai is going to be hard to skip.
    Never fear: braaiing as a vegan just takes a bit of lateral thinking. Sure, you aren’t hankering after a smokey lamb chop, but you could definitely murder a crispy potato, some mielies, a plant-based burger or two and some smokey baba ganoush.
    Here are a few vegan braai ideas for your next foray:
    Burger With All The Trimmings
    For the burger:
    1 Fry Family Food Co Chicken-Style burger
    2 slices tomato
    2 slices gherkin (sliced lengthways)
    A few rings of red onion
    2 lettuce leaves
    1 burger roll (sesame rolls are amazing here)
    For the spicy mayo:
    1 tsp B-Well Canola mayo (it’s vegan)
    1 tsp Sriracha
    1 tsp tomato sauce
    1 tbsp finely grated onion
    Salt and freshly ground pepper

    READ MORE: 11 Things You Didn’t Know Were Totally Vegan
    1/ Place the burger patty onto the fire over a medium heat. Let it cook for a few minutes each side until the crumbing is crispy and the patty is heated through.
    2/ In the meantime, prep the burger bun. To make the spicy mayo, mix the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper to taste. Spread the sauce onto the inside top and bottom of the bun, then place the lettuce and cooked burger patty onto the bottom of the bun.
    3/ Layer the remaining ingredients and finish with a small sprinkling of salt and pepper.
    Note: you can replace the burger patty with a giant mushroom. Just cook on the braai wrapped in tinfoil with a glug of olive oil, salt and pepper and a sprinkling of thyme (or your favourite herb).
    READ MORE: “I Turned Vegan And Was Finally Able To Lose Weight”
    The Ultimate Potato Salad
    6 potatoes
    Finely chopped red onion
    8 gherkins, finely chopped
    Vegan mayo
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/ Boil the potatoes in salted water until a skewer pierces the flesh easily, but the potato still has a bit of give (you don’t want the salad to be mush).
    2/ Once cooked, remove from the pot and allow to cool completely (chopping and mixing the potato with the rest of the ingredients while hot will turn it to mush). Once cool, chop into decent-sized chunks.
    3/ Place the potato in a bowl and add the onion, gherkin and enough mayonnaise to cover the potato pieces. Mix together well, being careful not to smash the potato pieces too much, and season to taste.
    Braai-style Baba Ganoush
    2 large eggplants
    3 cloves garlic
    Olive oil
    2 tbsp tahini (get the good stuff at Faithful To Nature)
    Juice of 1 lemon
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/ Place the eggplants directly onto the braai grid, a bit to the side so they aren’t over the hottest coals. Let them cook, turning often, until they begin to collapse in on themselves. Meanwhile, wrap the garlic in some tin foil with a splash of olive oil and place on the grill. Let them cook for 10 to 15 minutes or until soft and sweet.
    2/ Once the eggplants have cooled down enough to handle, cut them in half lengthways and scoop out the flesh into a bowl.
    3/ Add the garlic cloves, a good glug of olive oil and the rest of the ingredients before seasoning. Adjust the seasoning to taste, adding more lemon juice, olive oil and tahini if you prefer.
    4/ Using a hand-blender, blitz the mixture to your desired consistency (if you like chunks of eggplant, only do a few blitzes. If you prefer it smooth and creamy, give it a good go with the blender).
    5/ Pour into a serving dish and serve with crudités and slices of fresh bread.
    READ MORE: 3 Common Mistakes Newbie Vegans Make That Lead To Weight Gain
    Wanita’s Braaied Hummus
    Deputy editor Wanita made this hummus for the office and it was an instant hit. The braai flavour adds an amazing dimension to this classic dip.
    1 can chickpeasPaprika1 tsp crushed garlicOlive oilLemon juice
    Method1/ Make a braai.
    2/ When the coals are ready, drain the chickpeas, keeping the aquafaba aside, and pour them into a veggie braai pan, basted with olive oil.
    3/ Liberally sprinkle paprika over the chickpeas, shake the pan once, then sprinkle on some more so the chickpeas are coated on all sides.
    4/ Add some wood chips or shavings to the coals to produce smoke and braai the chickpeas until they become darker and start smelling like bacon (about 5 to 10 minutes). You’ll need to shake the pan every now and then so they don’t burn.
    5/ Once cooked, remove from the heat, pour into a deep container and blitz together with the garlic, a dash of olive oil, four squeezes lemon juice and a little aquafaba until it reaches your desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    6/ Serve with crudités, veggie chips and slices of fresh bread.
    Braaied Potatoes
    An oldie, but it’s definitely a goodie – and a great side with nearly anything.
    1/ Wrap the potatoes in tinfoil and place in the coals of your braai. Cook until crispy and cooked through.
    2/ That’s it.
    READ MORE: 8 Vegan Food Swaps That Are Total Game-Changers

    Grilled Falafel Pita Breads
    4 Fry’s Family Food Co falafels
    1 pita bread
    2 tbsp hummus
    Grated carrot
    Cucumber slices
    Tomato slices
    Thinly sliced red onion
    2 tbsp tahini (get the good stuff at Faithful To Nature)
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/ Place the falafels onto the braai over coals that aren’t too hot. Let them cook, turning occasionally, until heated through and crispy. Remove and set aside.
    2/ Meanwhile, place the pita bread onto the braai over coals that aren’t too hot. Cook a few minutes each side until lightly crispy – watch them carefully in case they begin to burn. Remove from the braai and cut in half lengthways.
    3/ To assemble, spread the hummus inside of the pita halves. Next, layer the carrot, cucumber, tomato and onion along one side of the pita (so you have space for the falafels and get a bit of everything with each bite). Place the falafels inside the pita.
    4/ Finish with a generous drizzle of tahini over the top and a sprinkling of salt and freshly ground black pepper. More