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    PCOS Diet Plan: The Best Foods To Eat (And Limit) When You Have PCOS, According To Experts

    If you’ve ever dealt with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and its array of uncomfortable symptoms, you’re not alone. A complex endocrine disorder, PCOS throws reproductive hormones off balance, causing about eight to thirteen percent of women of reproductive age to experience issues like irregular or missed periods, polycystic ovaries (large ovaries with many small follicles) and excess body hair, per the World Health Organization (WHO). And although there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for PCOS, sometimes, little changes can go a long way—including to your diet.

    From a functional medicine perspective—which emphasises a personalised, systems-oriented approach that considers the underlying causes of disease—nutrition plays a critical role in managing PCOS, says Samantha Schleiger.

    “A strategic approach when it comes to nutrition and PCOS is centred upon lowering inflammation, supporting balanced blood sugar and providing an overall nourishing nutrient-dense diet to the body.”

    READ MORE: Millions of Women Struggle With PCOS In South Africa, So Let’s Unpack It

    Meet the experts: Samantha Schleiger, RDN, is a functional dietician and women’s health specialist at Simply Nourished. Clare Goodwin is a registered nutritionist and founder of, an online clinic for PCOS support. Ana Cristina Lewis, RD, is a dietician and owner of Functional Nutrition By Ana.

    What’s the connection between PCOS and diet?

    There’s a lot to unpack, but PCOS is a multifaceted condition that generally affects various body processes, such as insulin resistance, inflammation and obesity. Having a healthy and balanced diet can improve insulin levels, reduce insulin resistance and inflammation, and help you manage weight, along with less-talked-about symptoms including fatigue, intense hunger and cravings, mood imbalances and poor gut health, says Clare Goodwin.

    Between fifty and ninety percent of women with PCOS are insulin resistant, per a study in Clinical Medicine—which means that the cells in the body struggle to absorb sugar from the blood. This causes blood sugar levels to spike, triggering the pancreas to produce more insulin in an attempt to help cells respond—but when the pancreas can’t keep up, blood sugar levels can reach diabetic levels, per Cleveland Clinic. Obesity exacerbates insulin resistance, creating a vicious cycle. So, making dietary changes may help improve things over time.

    Best Foods To Eat For PCOS

    If your doctor diagnoses you with PCOS, consider prioritising foods rich in protein, fibre and healthy fats, says Ana Cristina Lewis. “When meals have sufficient protein, fibre, healthy fat and nutrient-dense carbohydrates, it will promote satiety, support balanced energy levels throughout the day, and help avoid huge peaks and pits of blood sugar (which then helps insulin, too),” says Lewis. “By choosing whole food, high-quality versions of these foods, it will be anti-inflammatory in nature versus choosing processed, packaged versions.”

    It may also be helpful to go for foods that help regulate blood sugar and have anti-inflammatory properties, Schleiger says, such as:

    Leafy greens: Picks like spinach, kale, Swiss chard and arugula contain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory components that may reduce chronic inflammation.

    Fruits: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are all low-glycemic foods that support balanced blood sugar. Avocado is a great option, too.

    Fatty fish: Foods like wild salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout contain a high-quality protein. This is necessary for muscle repair and metabolic function, Schleiger says.

    Whole grains: High in fibre, options like quinoa, brown rice, oats and barley aid in blood sugar control. And may improve insulin sensitivity, per Schleiger.

    Legumes: Options like lentils, chickpeas, black beans and kidney beans are high in fibre and protein. It can help stabilise blood sugar levels and improve satiety, which ultimately helps weight management.

    Nut and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds contain protein and fibre, which support satiety and blood sugar regulation, Schleiger says.

    Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables contain compounds that help reduce inflammation. That’s why broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage are helpful options to add to your diet.

    Probiotic-rich foods: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi can help improve your digestion and nutrient absorption, says Schleiger.

    Foods To Avoid/Limit When You Have PCOS

    Avoiding or limiting certain foods can prevent the worsening of symptoms, inflammation and insulin resistance, says Schleiger. This doesn’t mean tossing everything in your pantry, but it can help to be more cautious about consuming these foods:

    Sugary foods and beverages: sweets, candy, pastries, sugary cereals, soda and fruit juices with added sugar

    Refined carbohydrates: white bread, white rice, pasta and baked goods made with white flour

    Heavily processed foods: fast foods, processed snacks, processed meats, frozen dinners and anything with a lengthy ingredient list

    Alcohol: beer, wine and spirits

    Artificial sweeteners: aspartame, sucralose and saccharin

    7-Day PCOS Diet Plan


    Breakfast: full-fat Greek yoghurt (prioritise grass-fed, organic options) with fresh berries. Plus, a variety of seeds (chia seeds, hemp hearts and ground flaxseeds) and a dollop of nut butter

    Lunch: quinoa salad with chickpeas, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and a lemon-tahini dressing

    Dinner: baked salmon with a side of roasted Brussels sprouts and sweet potato

    Snack: sliced apple with almond butter and grass-fed droëwors


    Breakfast: smoothie made with frozen berries, half a semi-green banana (which has a lower glycemic index than ripe bananas, Schleiger says), 1 scoop of quality protein powder, liquid (like unsweetened almond milk, cashew milk, etc.), spinach or kale, frozen cauliflower rice (Bonus: chia seeds, ground flaxseed, hemp hearts, pumpkin seeds, etc.)

    Lunch: grilled chicken breast with a mixed greens salad (spinach, kale, arugula and/or romaine) topped with walnuts, avocado and balsamic vinaigrette

    Dinner: stir-fried grass-fed beef with broccoli, bell peppers, snap peas and an organic white rice-cauliflower rice 50:50 mix

    Snack: fresh berries, raw cashews and string cheese


    Breakfast: organic overnight oats topped with chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, fresh blueberries and a drizzle of honey

    Lunch: lentil soup made with carrots, celery and spinach. Serve your soup with a side of whole-grain or sourdough bread and pastured butter

    Dinner: grilled wild shrimp and a quinoa-vegetable pilaf (bell peppers, zucchini, garlic and onions)

    Snack: fresh cherries served alongside carrot sticks with hummus


    Breakfast: scrambled pastured eggs (with spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and feta cheese) served with a whole-grain English muffin and a side of fresh fruit

    Lunch: turkey and avocado slices wrapped in a tortilla with lettuce, tomato and red onion (with avocado-based mayonnaise)

    Dinner: baked cod with a side of roasted purple cauliflower, steamed green beans and a baked potato

    Snack: greek yoghurt topped with homemade granola and a handful of raw nuts


    Breakfast: chia pudding made with chia seeds and coconut milk and topped with fresh raspberries and ground flaxseeds

    Lunch: chickpea and vegetable curry with brown rice and a side of fresh mixed berries

    Dinner: grilled chicken skewers with bell peppers and onions served with a side of mixed greens salad and a side of whole grain rice

    Snack: fresh fruit salad (melon, berries and kiwi) served alongside cottage cheese


    Breakfast: pastured hard-boiled eggs topped with bagel seasoning and seaweed sprinkles served alongside whole-grain avocado toast topped with feta cheese and cherry tomatoes

    Lunch: canned wild tuna/salmon salad made with celery, onions, capers, cucumbers and avocado-based mayonnaise served inside a whole-grain or nut-based tortilla

    Dinner: stuffed bell peppers made from ground turkey, black beans, onions, quinoa and tomatoes

    Snack: half an avocado sprinkled with sea salt, pepper and seaweed flakes served alongside cucumber slices and turkey roll-ups


    Breakfast: smoothie bowl with blended spinach, banana, almond milk, topped with granola, sliced strawberries and chia seeds

    Lunch: Mediterranean salad made from mixed greens, olives, cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, chickpeas, feta cheese and sliced grilled chicken served with a lemon-olive oil dressing

    Dinner: baked eggplant parmesan (using almond flour for breading) with a side of whole-grain pasta and marinara sauce

    Snack: dark chocolate with a handful of almonds

    How To Treat And Manage PCOS

    A healthy and balanced diet is one way to manage PCOS, per a study in the journal Maedica—but making other lifestyle modifications can be helpful, too. For example, incorporating exercise throughout your day can help, Lewis says.

    “Ideally there is an enjoyable movement that provides a mix of cardio and strength training throughout the week without being too taxing on the nervous system,” she says. “Avoid working out after an overnight fast to avoid putting extra stress on the body.”

    Practising good sleep hygiene may also help with PCOS management, and you should try to aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep per night if you can, Schleiger recommends.

    “Poor sleep can affect insulin sensitivity, increase stress hormones and disrupt overall hormonal balance as our bodies heavily rely on healthy circadian rhythms,” she says.

    In addition to a nourishing diet, exercise and getting plenty of sleep, try reducing your stress levels. Chronic stress can worsen PCOS symptoms and throw your hormones off balance, according to Schleiger. You can do this by journaling, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or whatever helps quell your nervous system. While there’s no one end-all solution for PCOS, taking a holistic wellness approach can help you reduce inflammation, prevent insulin resistance and manage conditions associated with PCOS better.

    This article written by Kayla Hui first appeared on Women’s Health US. More

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    What’s Sceletium And What Does It Do?

    The buzzy plant has cropped up in supplements, drinks and as tinctures. Here’s what we know about the herbal medicine and plant sceletium.

    What is sceletium?

    Sceletium tortuosum is an ancient plant. It’s also called kanna or kougod and has been used for ages by the Khoisan people of South Africa. Carl von Linnaeus, a Swedish biologist, described and classified the plant in 1753.

    Traditionally, the medicinal herb has been used by the Khoisan people for various ailments. Sceletium was chewed or smoked and used to relieve toothache, abdominal pain, and as a mood-elevator. It was also used as an analgesic (pain relief), hypnotic, anxiolytic (anxiety relief), thirst and hunger suppressant, and for its intoxicating/euphoric effects.

    Now, it’s commonly used as an anti-depressant or to reduce anxiety. Added to that, some people are using it as an alternative to party drugs. Scientists are uncovering its properties as a cognitive enhancer.

    What does it do?

    The plant has positive effects on the central nervous system. It has potential as a SRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or antidepressant. However, more clinical studies are still needed to explore its full potential. Redditers also describe using it to ‘feel right’. So far, this is what small studies have shown:

    Anxiety and depression

    Small studies reveal that sceletium may be useful in reducing anxiety, depression and stress response. But these studies were small. Simply put, we need more larger-scale studies.


    In a small randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in healthy subjects, people taking the herb daily for nine weeks said they slept better.

    Is sceletium safe?

    Very little data exists to point to how sceletium would interact with other medications in the body. It’s best to chat to your doc before taking it, especially if you’re already taking an antidepressant.

    Where to get sceletium

    For now, if you want to enjoy its reported effects (calm and restful sleep), you can have sceletium in capsule, drink or tincture form.

    Euphorika Sceletium Tortuosum Extract

    This tincture lets you control the dosage, especially if you like to microdose.

    Sereen Sceletium Capsules

    These capsules contain 200mg of sceletium and may improve focus and cognitive function.

    Tea of Life Honeybush Sceletium

    Enjoy the calming effects of this kombucha blend. Plus, probiotics could improve mood over time.

    Keen to read more?

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    Unlocking Gut Health: The Power Of Probiotic Supplements According To A Medical Expert

    Trusting your gut feeling is encouraged if the situation is certain. However, when your gut health is anything but healthy, we recommend scrolling down to read more on how to remedy the situation. Here’s how to find the perfect probiotic to combat gut deficiencies. 

    Meet The Expert: Sam Swaine is a vitamin and supplements counsellor and founder of The Rebalance Lab. The lab provides a holistic approach to ageing and longevity.

    What Is Gut Health?

    Gut health is the health of your entire digestive system, including the microorganisms living in your digestive tract. When your gut is healthy, it can break down food, provide essential nutrients and support body systems with ease. If you have come across terms such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), acid reflux disorder, gluten intolerance and more of this sort, this alludes to an unhealthy gut. To fight these off, look to probiotics and find the next addition for your supplement drawer. 

    READ MORE: What To Eat To Keep Your Gut Healthy And Your Skin Glowing

    What Are Probiotics?

    According to Sam Swaine, probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that are good for our digestive system. Probiotics carry bacteria which many may think are harmful but on the contrary, the “germs” or bacteria are ‘good’ bacteria which, as Swaine illustrates, “…add to our existing supply of friendly microbes which also helps us fight infections and boosts our immunity.”

    For improved gut health, probiotics have been known to “…improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, help manage diarrhoea, boost the immune system and help maintain your microbiome or get it back in balance after it’s been disturbed.”

    “A good probiotic is allergen-free and doesn’t trigger any food sensitivities or upset your digestive system.”

    Probiotic Supplements Recommended For Gut Health

    “When choosing a probiotic, it’s important to look at Colony Forming Units (CFUs). This measures the number of active microorganisms found in a serving of probiotics. It is recommended that a probiotic taken for general gut health should have at least 10-20 billion CFUs according to research” says Swaine.


    It helps support the immune system and limit the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine. They also help digest fibre and assist in producing important vitamins that the body needs.


    It is a variety of bacteria that produces lactase – the enzyme that breaks down lactose, or milk sugar. These bacteria also produce lactic acid. Lactic acid helps control the population of bad bacteria and increases the body’s absorption of minerals. 

    Helpful tip by Swaine: always read the ingredients on the bottle of your probiotic, choose a brand that is transparent about the probiotic strains in their supplement and all the additional ingredients you’ll find in their product.

    Who Should Not Take Probiotic Supplements?

    “Probiotics are generally safe, but you should always consult a healthcare specialist before taking any supplement,” says Swaine. Although probiotics are recommended here is a list of people Swaine advises to hold off the probiotics.

    People with weakened immune systems taking immunosuppressant drugs.

    People with critical and chronic illnesses. 

    People who have just had surgery as their immune system is compromised. 

    People with severe food allergies

    People with preexisting gastrointestinal disorders.

    READ MORE: “I Drank Kombucha Every Day For 10 Days — It Was Amazing”

    Healthy Habits You Should Consider To Accommodate The Probiotics

    Recommendations by our expert, Sam, on how to help you “maintain a happy and balanced gut.”

    Avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar as these foods decrease the amount of “good” bacteria and diversity in your gut.

    Eat a diet that is rich in fermented foods, these contain a natural source of probiotics.

    Examples include yoghurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, and tempeh. 

    Drinks like kombucha are also a great source of probiotics, and speaking of drinks, keeping hydrated with water is crucial for a healthy gut.

    Eat high-fibre foods. 

    Look to collagen-rich foods like bone broth.

    Find foods that are rich in polyphenols (plant compounds supporting beneficial gut bacteria) such as blueberries, plums, cherries, apples, strawberries, black currants, black olives, dark chocolate, black tea, coffee, hazelnuts, and pecan nuts.

    Good quality sleep.

    Regular exercise.

    Manage stress levels. 

    Words by: Lesego Kgatle More

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    2 Super Smoothies That’ll Help You Fight Off That Cold

    The probiotic health trend is having a massive moment right now and it’s moving away from those tablets you take with antibiotics, to drinkable or edible fermented foods like kimchi and kefir.

    Next time you’re drinking a smoothie, add some probiotics to the mix: the lactic acid bacteria in the drink create an environment in your tum perfect for better absorption of nutrients. You can get your fix from Rawbiotics, a range of live liquid probiotics that works to correct microbial imbalances, or kefir, a fermented milk drink made with kefir grains that’s been drunk for years in the Eurasia region.

    We’ve rounded up two must-try recipes loaded with probiotics that’ll boost your immunity – and are totally delicious!

    Spiced Apple Smoothie

    Other than the fact that this smoothie is truly delicious, kefir’s been used for many years. That’s because it’s rich in amino acids, vitamins, and is alive with tummy-loving bacteria. One study even found that kefir has the ability to reduce lactose intolerance in adults.

    Spiced Apple Smoothie

    This vitamin-packed smoothie is bursting with amino acids and tummy-loving probiotics. Plus, it’s absolutely delicious!

    Course Snack

    Servings 1 serving

    1 Apple½ tsp Cinnamon½ tsp Nutmeg½ cup Oats1 cup KefirHoney, to taste

    Keyword Smoothie

    The Green Monster Smoothie

    Green smoothies are powerhouses for your health: the phytochemicals in green food make them great ways to up your immunity. Add some probiotic, gut-healthy Rawbiotics to the mix.

    Healthy Gut Green Smoothie

    Green smoothies are health powerhouses! Packed with phytochemicals, they boost your immunity. Add some probiotics to make them even better.

    Course Snack

    Servings 1 serving

    Handful of spinach leavesJuice of half a lemon1 Kiwi30 ml Rawbiotics Gut Correct Probiotics250 ml Water

    Keyword Smoothie

    Looking for more smoothies to try? More

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    This Healthy Cauliflower Risotto Is A Winter Dream

    A classic, cosy way to cook rice, the risotto stands out not only as a filling and delicious dish but as a veritable winter warmer. And this healthy cauliflower risotto ticks all the boxes.

    This recipe, from Executive Chef Kerry Kilpin’s new offering at Steenberg Wine Farm’s Bistro Sixteen82 winter menu, nails it.

    The new winter menu at Bistro Sixteen82, curated by Kilpin, embodies the essence of winter comfort. Featuring an array of fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients, the menu includes highlights such as umami-glazed Cape Bream and heart-warming desserts like Valrhona chocolate marquise, promising a sensory feast that celebrates the best of what the colder months have to offer.

    But if you can’t make it to the lush foothills of the Steenberg valley, Chef Kilpin has this healthy cauliflower risotto recipe to cosy you up.

    The key to a perfect risotto

    Use the right rice

    A short-to-medium grain rice does well and absorbs the liquid, making it velvety and rich. Another tip: don’t wash the rice beforehand – you want that extra starch to create a good, rich texture.

    Go slowly

    Per Jamie Oliver, cook your risotto slowly on low heat. Also add your broth in ladles: this gives the rice time to absorb each spoonful of broth, slowly plumping up that grain.

    Pay attention

    Like the perfect scrambled egg, you can’t leave a risotto unattended. Stir frequently to prevent the dish from sticking to the bottom of the pan and make sure the rice never dries out.

    Healthy Cauliflower, Corn & Bacon Risotto

    Executive Chef Kerry Kilpin

    This healthy cauliflower risotto is a winter dream and comes together in minutes.

    Prep Time 10 minutes minsCook Time 20 minutes mins

    Course Appetizer, Lunch, Main Course, StarterCuisine Healthy, Italian

    1 onion, chopped100 g butter2 cloves garlic, chopped200 g risotto rice200 ml Steenberg Sauvignon Blanc, or dry white wine15 ml smoked paprika1 cup frozen corn250 g streaky bacon, chopped½ head cauliflower  blended roughly to make “cauliflower rice” 2 cup chicken stock2 sprigs rosemary, chopped125 g parmesan, grated20 g parsely
    Sweat your onions and garlic with 50g butter in a pot for about 2 minutes. Add your rice, cook for a further minute until the rice starts to go translucent on the outside. Add the wine and allow the wine to cook off and the rice to absorb all the liquid. Add the paprika, bacon and enough stock to cover the rice. Cook on a medium heat. After a further 2 minutes, add the cauliflower, corn and rosemary and top with stock. Throughout the cooking process you will add stock and stir from time to time. Keep your risotto moist at all times. If you run out of stock and your rice isn’t cooked, top up using water. Once your rice is about 2 minutes off from being cooked, add the parmesan, butter and parsley and allow to melt. Season to taste and enjoy with a glass of Steenberg Sauvignon Blanc.

    Keyword bacon, comfort food, Easy Meals, risotto

    Try these winter-warming recipes More

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    How Many Carbs Should I Eat If I’m Trying To Lose Weight?

    If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have heard the recommendation to cut back on carbs. You may even be wondering how many carbs a day you should eat to lose weight—which, TBH, can be a pretty tricky number to figure out.

    Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to cut carbs altogether to lose weight. Your body needs carbs for energy and in some cases, they may even support your weight loss goals. “Carbohydrate-rich foods can be your ally when it comes to weight loss and management,” says dietician Charlotte Martin. The myth that carbs can make you gain weight isn’t entirely true and eating carbs won’t prevent you from losing fat if you want to, either, she says.

    Instead, swapping out simple carbs (white bread and flour products like baked goods, cereal and pasta) for more complex carbs like beans, sweet potatoes and whole grains, can help. Complex carbs help you control satiety, hunger and overall calorie intake, and therefore your weight as a byproduct—no carb or calorie counting necessary, says Martin.

    Here’s what you should know about consuming carbs during your weight loss journey and how many carbs a day are optimal for losing weight.

    Meet the experts: Christy Brissette, RD, is a Chicago-based dietician and owner of 80 Twenty Nutrition. Charlotte Martin, RDN, is a dietician and the owner of Shaped by Charlotte. Danielle Schaub, RD, is a dietician and the culinary and nutrition manager for Territory Foods. Crystal Scott, RDN, is a dietician at Top Nutrition Coaching.

    How many carbs should you eat in a day to lose weight?

    Remember: Cutting carbs completely isn’t necessary for weight loss—in fact, most people can lose weight without reducing carbs drastically, says dietician Christy Brissette. It’s recommended that you get between 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories from carbohydrates, Brissette says. “Dropping carbs below the 45 to 65 percent range isn’t recommended for most people because it makes getting all of your vitamins and minerals each day far more challenging,” she says.

    Since everyone needs a different number of calories every day, there is no universal number that will dictate whether or not you lose weight. However, to accelerate weight loss, your doctor or dietician may recommend that you practice a low-carb diet to see if it makes a difference. This means aiming for the lower end of the recommended daily carb range (45 percent).

    How To Calculate Your Carbohydrate Needs

    If you know how many calories you typically consume daily, you can do a little math to find your low-carb range using the 45 to 65 percentage rule. (For example, if you’re eating 1,800 calories per day, that equates to 810 to 1,170 calories from carbs or 203 to 293 grams of carbs per day.) To simplify, you can use the formula below:

    Carb Math: Your total daily calorie goal x .45 = the lower end of your carbohydrate calorie goal per day. To calculate that amount in grams, take that number and divide by four.

    However, remember that your daily carbohydrate needs will also depend on your activity level, age and body composition, among other factors. To that end, always consult your healthcare provider or registered dietician before trying a new eating plan so they can help you understand your unique needs.

    Healthy Carbohydrate Sources

    As a reminder, simple carbs are quickly and easily digested, while complex carbs take longer to digest, but translate into longer-lasting energy. Since complex carbohydrates take more time to break down in the body, they can help you feel fuller and more satisfied, making them a great option if you’re trying to lose weight. Healthy carb options include:

    Legumes like black beans, chickpeas, green peas and lentils

    Sprouted grain bread and whole-wheat bread

    Grains like barley, brown rice, farro, millet, multigrain hot cereal, quinoa, rolled oats, spelt and whole-wheat pasta

    Starchy vegetables like butternut squash, kamut, potatoes and sweet potatoes

    Non-starchy vegetables like cauliflower, celery, arugula, spinach and eggplant

    Fibre-rich fruits like apples, blueberries and raspberries

    Low-carb bread, granola and pasta

    READ MORE: 19 Complex Carbs You Should Def Incorporate Into Your Diet

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does a low-carb diet help you lose weight?

    On a very basic level, weight loss happens when the number of calories consumed is less than the number of calories burned (known as a calorie deficit). Eating a low-carb diet is one way to lose weight, but it’s not the only way, says Danielle Schaub. Instead of focusing on the amount of carbs you eat, try to focus on the type of carbs, she says. Replacing simple carbs (like refined grains and sugar) with complex ones, like carbs from veggies and legumes, can help you lose weight over time.

    If you decide to limit carbs, you might be more likely to get more of your daily calories from protein and fat instead, both of which are more filling than carbs. “You may eat fewer calories overall because you’re more satisfied by what you are eating,” says Schaub.

    Can you eat too few carbs?

    Experts say yes. Eating too few carbs (under 100 grams a day) could possibly impact your memory, energy level and mood, says Brissette. “Carbs are your brain’s preferred energy source, and they boost the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that lifts your mood and makes you feel happy,” Brissette says. “That’s why low-carb diets [may be] associated with a higher risk of depression.”

    Cutting back on carbs can also have some uncomfortable side effects. “Fibre is a carb and it’s important for nourishing your gut microbes,” says Crystal Scott, RDN, a dietician at Top Nutrition Coaching. “If you cut carbs, you also cut important sources of fibre and this can have a negative impact on your gut bacteria.”

    Rather than immediately opting for a low-carb diet to lose weight, try prioritising minimally-processed complex carbs, reducing portion sizes and increasing the amounts of non-starchy vegetables you’re eating first, says Brisette.

    READ MORE: 3 High-Protein, Low-Carb Breakfast Recipes You’ll Actually Love To Eat

    Who should follow a low-carb vs. high-carb diet?

    You may want to aim for a low-carb diet if you have diabetes or metabolic disorders that require you to keep your blood sugar stable, says Schaub. If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight or simply feel your metabolism slowing down with age, a low-carb diet (combined with higher protein and fat intake) may help you feel fuller and maintain muscle mass, she adds.

    On the other hand, you may want to opt for more carbs if you’re an athlete who wants to improve performance or an active person with high muscle mass, Schaub says. If you have kidney disease, a higher-carb diet may reduce the protein-filtering load on your kidneys, she says. Additionally, if you have digestive issues like constipation, reducing carbs and adding more fibre-rich foods (like whole grains, beans, fruits and veggies) may help.

    This article written by Stella Katsipoutis, Emily Shiffer and Ashley Martens first appeared on Women’s Health US. More

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    How To Get Fit At 40 – And Thriving Healthy Tips

    This is the prime of your life – yes, your 40s are it! It’s a time when staying active and taking care of your health becomes even more crucial. As your body goes through changes, it’s essential to understand how to adapt your fitness routines accordingly.

    Engaging in physical activity also supports cognitive function, keeping your mind sharp and focused as you navigate the challenges of work and family life. It can improve sleep quality, which becomes increasingly important as hormonal changes may disrupt your rest.

    By incorporating exercise into your routine, you’re investing in a healthier future self by promoting cardiovascular health and supporting bone density. Plus, staying active can enhance flexibility and balance to prevent injuries that may be more common as we age.

    “If you’re not engaging in regular aerobic and strength training by your forties, it’s possible there may be a shift towards insulin insensitivity,” says Dr Amal Hassan, a sports and exercise medicine consultant. Oestrogen optimises insulin levels (the hormone needed to move glucose out of your bloodstream and keep blood sugar levels regulated)

    Unilateral Training

    In your forties, unilateral (single-sided) moves should be front and centre of your strength training routine. “Exercises such as single-leg Romanian deadlifts and single-arm dumbbell rows, are great for improving balance and ironing out any muscular imbalances,” says McGowan. “By doing them, you test your balance and work oneside of your body at a time, which isolates and strengthens weak muscles.” It’s a game changer for injury prevention, too.

    Quick, Short Bursts of Activity

    Giving your metabolism a boost is the name of the game, here. “Regular activity is vital for reducing the risk of insulin insensitivity, which could lead to diabetes and weight gain, as exercise moves blood sugar into the muscles for storage and promotes an immediate increase in insulin sensitivity, rather than leaving excess insulinfloating in your body,” explains Dr Hassan. “Short walks after meals and reducing alcohol intake to within the guidelines (or lower) are powerful ways to improve your metabolism.” The thinking is that rather than aiming for longer 20-minute sessions, know that four five-minute bursts could also work wonders.

    Do More Balanced Moves

    Your balance may also begin to wobble a little. Research in Frontiers In Neurology found that the ‘vestibular threshold’ was more than 80% higher in participants over the age of 40.

    Get Fit In Your 40s: The 10 Minute Stretch

    Instructions: Complete the exercises in this yoga workout in order. Move from one to the next without resting. Rest 45 to 60 seconds at the end of the circuit, then repeat for up to three rounds

    READ MORE: The 14 Yoga Stretches To Do Daily If You Want To Become More Flexible

    1. Sukhasana To Half Moon

    Start in an easy seated pose (Sukhasana). Sit like this for a minute with your eyes closed and hands in your lap, breathing deeply. Raise your arms to the sky and then over to your right into half moon.

    Repeat on the left, then inhale, raising your arms up again and lengthening your spine. Exhale as you reach your hands in front of you.

    2. Cat And Cow

    Place your hands on the floor, then walk them forward and move onto all fours. Spend a few breaths performing cat and cow: inhale and arch your back, sticking your tailbone up.

    Exhale and round your back, tucking your tailbone. Continue alternating.

    READ MORE: Boost Your Morning Routine With This Easy 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    3. Downward-facing Dog To Standing Mountain

    From cat and cow, push up into downward-facing dog .

    Walk your hands back towards your feet, or your feet towards your hands, and exhale into forward fold, then roll up into a standing mountain pose.

    READ MORE: This 6-Move Yoga Sequence Will Seriously Strengthen Your Tummy

    Foods You Should Be Eating In Your 40s

    Proper nutrition plays a critical role in staying fit and healthy, especially as you hit your 40s. As your metabolism starts to slow down, it becomes even more important to fuel your body with the right nutrients. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains can help maintain a healthy weight and provide sustained energy throughout the day.

    In your 40s increasing your protein intake from 15 percent of your total calories to 30 percent can help you boost the calories your body burns during digestion.

    Switch to low-GI foods rich in soluble fibre, which helps to lower bad cholesterol. These include: Green vegetables, some fruits, kidney beans, chickpeas and lentils.

    Hydration is another essential aspect of proper nutrition that often gets overlooked but is crucial for maintaining energy levels and supporting bodily functions.

    Habits To Avoid In Your 40s

    “I often see clients putting pressure on themselves when they notice that their bodies are changing due to hormones,” says McGowan.

    “Consistency is key but going all out isn’t necessary. I recommend two or three moderate to intense workouts per week, but the most important thing is to reduce sedentary behaviour – stand as often as you can and always walk to your destination if it’s an option.”

    Bragg agrees: “Your body is going through a huge hormonal shift – oestrogen and progesterone levels decrease as ovaries stop producing them, and the control hormones (FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone and LH, luteinising hormone) released by the pituitary gland in the brain shoot up. This all contributes to the most common menopausal symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain and hot flushes. Doing intense workouts will only send hormonal imbalance further off-kilter as they increase the stress hormone cortisol.” Try incorporating at least one yoga session per week.

    This article written by Bridie Wilkins first appeared in the July/August 2022 Issue of Women’s Health UK additional reporting by the Women’s Health SA team.

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    After This Recipe, You’ll Never Have Seared Tuna Any Other Way!

    Not travelling anytime soon? We’re right there with you! Join us while we lick our wanderlust wounds with some delectable cuisine. Who better to take us on an exotic culinary journey than award-winning Chef Monché Muller. Below, one of our favourite creations from her book Harvest Table: A Culinary Journey Through The Wine Regions Of France, Italy, Spain And South Africa. Let’s jump right in!

    Harvest Table: A Culinary Journey Through the Wine Regions of France, Italy, Spain and South Africa

    Chef Monchè’s book blossomed from a casual conversation about good food and wine into a much-loved project that tells many magnificent stories about ingredients, communities, local producers and the people behind Oddo Vins et Domaines wines. The recipes, some traditional and some curated especially for this book, are an ode to some culinary regions in France, Italy, Spain and our very own South Africa.

    Pink Peppercorn-Crusted Tuna with Artichoke and Pine Nut Caponata

    Pink Peppercorn-Crusted Tuna with Artichoke and Pine Nut Caponata

    Chef Monché Muller

    From Harvest Table: A Culinary Journey Through the Wine Regions of France, Italy, Spain and South Africa

    Prep Time 30 minutes mins

    Course Lunch, Main Course

    Servings 4 servings

    1 Braai Stand1 Griddle Pan
    For the tuna4 Tbsp Pink peppercorns, crushed 1 Tbsp Pink Himalayan salt1 Lemon, zested1 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil800g Fresh tuna loinMarjoram, deep-fried to garnishFor the caponata200g Pine nuts2 tsp Sweet paprika2 tsp Cumin seeds½ tsp Turmeric375ml Extra virgin olive oil100g Capers, drained165ml Fresh lemon juice2 Tbsp Marjoram, chopped800g Artichoke hearts, halved
    To make the tuna, combine the crushed peppercorns, salt, lemon zest and olive oil. Cover the tuna loin with the pepper crust on all sides.Sear the tuna over very hot coals on all sides, leaving the inside raw. Also grill the artichoke hearts (for the caponata) for a few minutes, until charred.Cool the tuna on a chopping board for about 10 minutes, then cut into 1 cm-thick slices.To make the caponata, toast the pine nuts in a dry saucepan over medium-high heat until golden. Add the spices and toast until fragrant.Add the olive oil and bring to a low simmer. Add the capers and fry until crispy.Remove from the heat, stir through the marjoram and lemon juice, then pour the hot liquid over the chargrilled artichokes. Allow to cool.Serve the caponata as a relish with the seared tuna slices, and garnish with deep-fried marjoram.

    NB: Not in the mood to braai? Similar results can be achieved by searing the tuna in a hot griddle pan.

    Keyword Easy Meals, fish

    READ MORE: This Tinned Tuna Nicoise Salad Is The Ultimate Quick Dinner Or Work Lunch

    How To Sear Tuna Perfectly

    Blot both sides of the tuna dry with paper towels.

    Rub it down with a little bit of olive oil, then season the tuna on all sides

    Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat.

    Arrange steaks in the hot pan. Shake the pan gently to avoid sticking.

    Cook for one and a half minutes. Flip the tuna and cook for one more minute.

    Video by Pexels

    More Healthy Recipes:

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