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    Actress Connie Ferguson On Ageing Beautifully And Honing Her Confidence

    Two-time Women’s Health SA cover star and iconic actress Connie Ferguson is a woman of many talents. The fitness enthusiast recently launched her rebranded and extended beauty and body care range. And this is no ordinary range, she says. “I’d like whoever uses this range to feel special, spoilt, pampered and confident, like the girls they think they are and the boys they think they are,” she muses in between chuckles, before adding that the extended range was inspired by her own journey with resilience and can-do attitude. Owing to these two traits, today, she can assertively say that they have contributed towards helping her build her confidence.

    The extension of the beauty and body care range was always on the cards when she first launched in 2014, adds Connie. “We didn’t anticipate taking this long before introducing new products to the range. On the positive side this gave us more time for a thorough research and development process and the opportunity to work on more offerings from CONNIE Brands,” she explains.

    READ MORE: The July/August 2024 Issue Stories That Are Inspiring Our Editors Right Now

    Favourite way to start my day

    With praise and worship, prayer and then exercise. As soon as these three things are done, my day is set up and I’m ready to start.

    A skincare routine that works best for me

    I’ve learnt that layering products is very important as you get older. When you’re younger the focus is cleansing, toning, moisturising and using a good sunscreen. When you’re older, however, it’s important to add anti-ageing serums, turn the focus to additional hydration as well as taking good multivitamins and collagen supplements to gain a holistic approach to your health and beauty regimen.

    The best secret to ageing beautifully

    Happiness. I find peace of mind and finding joy in the smallest of things just helps regulate you as a person, and this adds to beauty from the inside out.

    READ MORE: Connie Ferguson’s Favourite Strength Training Workouts

    Best guilty pleasure

    At home it has to be my pamper days. I take my time! The Connie Eye Slices and mask have become such a treat for me! Gives me that “soft life” kind of feeling! And once a month I will have a spa day with girls where we’ll get pampered even more. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it a necessity.

    Best way to tap into my inner strength

    Meditate on prayer and spend quality time with God.

    Three wellness rules that I’m unapologetic about

    Get enough sleep, drink lots of water, make time for physical activity and don’t be shy to indulge in your Connie Products. That’s four!

    READ MORE: How To Tailor Your Skincare For Hormones, Per Experts

    Best way to nourish my body

    Include Collagen in your daily beauty rituals, and our Elixir Treatment oil is literary the best thing since sliced bread! You feel the effects immediately and see a significant difference in your skin texture and tone within 14 days.

    Favourite way to wrap up my day

    Catch up with the kids, my night time skincare routine before bed, catch up on a bit of tv, pray and call it a night. More

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    Actress Temi Otedola On Why She Prefers A Simple Wellness Routine

    At first glance, Temi Otedola (the newly announced L’oreal Paris Digital Brand Ambassador for sub-Saharan Africa) gives off the vibe of someone who doesn’t skimp on self-care. Always styled elegantly for a 28-year-old, and a fan of a clean make-up look that still allows her skin to breathe, it’s no wonder the Nigeria-based actress is one of Africa’s most loved personalities.

    Naturally, Temi is honoured to be L’Oreal Paris‘ first digital brand ambassador, a role that will see her face plastered on the brand’s digital, and some in-store campaigns, across Africa.

    “My job is to spread the L’Oreal Paris message across Africa digitally, as that is the new frontier,” she beams. She adds: “I hope to be the first of many incredible African women in this role, and not just from Nigeria. L’Oreal Paris is a brand with a very rich legacy, but it’s still new to our space. Not new in terms of products, but awareness. I look forward to sharing about the science-based research that they do on their products and melanated skin, specifically,” shares Temi, who also adds that she can’t wait to remind women that ‘they are worth it’, per the powerful L’Oreal Paris slogan.

    In addition, through this role, Temi hopes to leave behind a legacy of having reminded young women that there is no universal beauty standard – and that comfort with, and confidence in, self trump everything else. Below, Temi shares some of the wellness practices that help her step out into the world fully radiant (and with an assured bounce in her step).

    READ MORE: How To Tailor Your Skincare For Hormones, Per Experts

    Skincare routine that I swear by

    “To be honest, I’m very simple with my skincare. So long as my skin is hydrated and I’m wearing sunscreen, that’s really where it stops and ends. Where skin is concerned, I do think that less is more. I love using  hyaluronic acid  but I think the more things we use on our skin, the more irritated it becomes.”

    “I love a facial once a month. Like I said, hydration is my top priority. But, I also always say that it doesn’t matter how many skincare products you use, if you don’t drink water or sleep enough, it’s all pointless really! I know it’s clichéd, but self-care is more important a lot of the time. I’m on a plane every few days so if I don’t back it up with sleep, my skincare routine will be pointless.”  

    Sleep catch-ups

    “If you give me the time, I could sleep up to 14 hours – I am that person [chuckles]! Unfortunately, I’m not able to do that. I can’t nap, although I wish I was able to. Let’s say I have the odd one day off and I know the next three weeks are going to be crazy, I will happily sleep for 14 hours [chuckles]. This relationship with sleep runs in my family. My 92-year-old grandmother wakes up at 5am daily, goes to her farm and she’s in bed by 8pm. I hope to be like that at her age!”

    Favourite way to stay fit 

    “Yoga is my favourite thing ever! During the pandemic when we couldn’t go to the gym, I got into yoga classes on YouTube. I love YouTube because you can get anything you need – and it’s free. I enjoy walking as well, it’s the best way to experience a new city, especially when I’m travelling.”

    READ MORE: How To Change Up Your Skin Routine For More Hydrated Skin This Winter

    Favourite way to nourish my body

    “So, I have this amazing smoothie that I love to make in the morning. It has flax seeds, chia seeds, frozen berries, spirulina powder, almond butter and a few other good things. I just throw everything in because I can just sip on it while I’m on the move all morning. I also love taking green juice, as well as fresh ginger and lemon. With all the travelling that I do, if I don’t do this daily, I will fall ill at some point. I think it’s so important to give yourself these little boosts throughout the day, be it a ginger or turmeric shot, because they help boost your immune system.

    I was vegetarian for six years and that’s very rare in Nigeria [chuckles]. I was one of five out of a population of two hundred million. I found myself hopping on and off the vegetarian diet. Having seafood now and again is also good for my iron. I think it’s important to always listen to our bodies at all times.”

    My best way to stay focused

    “Let’s say I’m on a movie set, and call time is 4am and I know that I’m going to be there until midnight, it’s actually best to put my phone away and be as present as possible. The issue with our phones is that we can be in twenty different places at once – almost like you’re teleporting yourself. You could see one message or email that could change your entire mood for the day. I only touch my phone when I feel grounded in my day. When we were shooting with L’Oreal Paris, for instance, I tried to take in as much of the present moments as possible. Our phones are a great communication tool, but they can also be very addictive and disruptive.”

    READ MORE: Everything To Know About Double Cleansing – And Which Products To Use

    Best way to de-stress

    “I love all things aromatherapy, something I inherited from my mother. I always have incense or candles burning in my room. Amazon has these eucalyptus shower steamers which I love using after a long day. They help take weight off me.”

    Best way to hone confidence

    “Confidence and beauty are what’s underneath the skin, they’re not surface level. In the past, I’ve been very honest about my insecurities and my own journey with beauty – and how in the end, I actually decided that I didn’t want to be like everyone else. I’m only trying to be the best version of Temi. You want to try be the best version of yourself at any given time, it’s never about aspiring to be like anyone else.

    Social media has made made people feel like their lives are not enough. When in fact, we should be inspiring and encouraging each other, and constantly reminding ourselves that who we are is enough.” More

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    International Yoga Day: 10 studios in Dubai to book


    by Sarah Joseph
    3 hours ago

    As it’s important to start the year on a positive note, it’s time to book a yoga session to feel calm from the inside out.
    International Yoga Day, also known as the International Day of Yoga, is celebrated annually on June 21st. It was established by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2014, following a proposal by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address to the General Assembly. The first International Yoga Day was observed on June 21, 2015.
    So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, there’s a class for everyone to try out and feel completely rejuvenated after.
    What are some of the benefits of yoga?
    Physical and Mental Health
    Yoga is known for its numerous health benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness about these benefits and encourage people to incorporate yoga into their daily lives.
    Cultural Heritage
    Yoga has ancient roots in Indian culture and philosophy. The day highlights yoga’s historical significance and its role in promoting a balanced lifestyle.
    Global Unity
    The celebration fosters a sense of global unity by bringing people together from various countries and backgrounds to participate in yoga activities, emphasizing peace and harmony.
    From Vinyasa to hip hop yoga, you can choose a class that fits best into your workout routine to relax and heal during your time off or for a midweek break.
    Hence, for inspiration on where to book next, Emirates Woman has curated the perfect guide of venues to book for your upcoming yoga class.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @galaortin & Feature Image: Emirates Woman’s January Cover 2024 More

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    Yes, Happiness Can Boost Productivity – Here’s How

    As humans, we’re constantly in the pursuit of happiness. And that pursuit grows, the more we learn about its benefits. Martin Seligman, considered the ‘Father of Positive Psychology’, said “…the happiest people tend to be those who pursue the full life– they infuse their life with pleasure, engagement and meaning”. With that in mind, could it be that happiness can boost productivity? Experts say yes. Here’s what you need to know.

    Meet The Expert: Nisha Rodgerson is a clinical psychologist with a special interest in neurodiversity and neuropsychology and works at The Couch.

    Why Happy People Are More Productive

    When it comes to boosting productivity in the workplace, there’s a lot of emphasis on processes and tools, but what many fail to recognise is the significant impact that a person’s mood and emotional well-being can have on productivity levels. “When we’re happy, we’re more likely to approach tasks with enthusiasm and energy, leading to greater focus, efficiency and effectiveness,” explains Nisha Rodgerson. “Also, a positive mindset enables individuals to adapt more readily to challenges and setbacks, maintaining momentum and productivity even in the face of adversity.”

    Your Brain Under Stress

    It all has to do with brain chemistry. “The brain undergoes remarkable changes depending on our emotional state,” says Rodgerson.

    “When we experience happiness, the brain releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of pleasure and contentment. Conversely, during periods of sadness or stress, the brain may produce higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This can impair cognitive function and decision-making abilities.”‌

    While some people may work well under pressure – and may even claim to work better under pressure – there’s a difference between the thrill of an imminent deadline and the chronic stress that comes with feeling like you’re constantly behind or working in an environment that makes you unhappy.

    “During periods of stress, the brain’s stress response system, primarily involving the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, becomes activated. This leads to the release of cortisol and other stress hormones, which can have profound effects on brain function,” says Rodgerson. “Chronic stress has been associated with structural and functional changes in brain regions such as the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex, which are involved in memory, emotion regulation and decision-making.” What this means? Missed deadlines, difficulty focusing, indecision and work that’s not up to scratch. Yikes. It gets worse. Unhappy workers are also more likely to have higher rates of absenteeism, as well as presenteeism (where you’re physically present but not doing anything constructive), says Rodgerson. “One’s attitude towards work plays a pivotal role in determining productivity levels”. 

    Building A Happier Workplace

    Fostering a workplace culture where people have a positive attitude towards work can go a long way towards improving the productivity of the business. “By prioritising happiness and well-being in the workplace, employers can unlock the full potential of their workforce, leading to increased productivity, creativity and overall organisational success.”

    Image by Freepik

    This goes beyond having a pool table, fancy coffee machine or pizza party. While these are nice to have, what goes further is demonstrating a deeper understanding of people’s needs and giving them the tools to solve the problems that are causing their stress. According to Rodgerson, this may look like:

    Encouraging work-life balance. Offering flexible work arrangements, paid time off and wellness programmes can help employees manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

    Providing opportunities for growth and development. Investing in employee training and development demonstrates a commitment to professional growth and fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

    Cultivating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. Promoting open communication, recognition of achievements, and collaboration can enhance morale and create a sense of belonging.

    Offering perks and benefits. Providing benefits like health insurance, retirement plans and employee assistance programmes demonstrates care for employees’ overall well-being and can improve job satisfaction and retention rates.

    ‌“Being in a positive mood not only enhances cognitive function but also fosters creativity, problem-solving skills and resilience.”

    Taking Charge Of Your Destiny

    Here are Rodgerson-recommended well-being strategies you can use to boost your mood and productivity. 

    Move more. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood-lifters and reduce stress.

    Practise mindfulness and meditation. These techniques can help alleviate stress, promote relaxation and cultivate a positive outlook.

    Seek support. Spending time with friends, family or colleagues can provide emotional support and enhance feelings of connection and belonging. Seeking out therapy is also a form of support.

    Set realistic goals. Breaking tasks into manageable chunks and celebrating small victories can boost confidence and motivation.

    Prioritise self-care. Getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in hobbies and activities that bring joy can significantly impact mood and overall well-being.

    Use technology to your advantage. There are apps and websites available that can assist in goal setting, progress tracking, mindfulness and increasing holistic well-being. 

    Happiness-boosting Websites At Your Disposal

    WHOLE introduces one to healthy habits and allows you to maintain them. It keeps you accountable for your healthy daily routine.

    October Health keeps you in the loop with health professionals and allows you to receive accurate medical information. Your goal to being happy is assured with October Health.

    SoSerene is an amazing system which helps integrate holistic healthy living into busy lives, with a focus on supporting mental health. Check this app out for any tools to improve your well-being. More

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    11 fabulous activities to do in the UAE this weekend

    Your ultimate guide to the weekend in the UAE, June 7 to June 9, 2024.
    Savour this new modern dining experience

    Visit Late Eatery, a modern dining experience located in the heart of 77 Valley, the latest food lover destination in Al Khawaneej this weekend. The concept has been curated by AP&Co. Hospitality, and is a tribute to time and its infinite possibilities; Late Eatery offers a one-of-a-kind ambiance that is sure to captivate the senses and elevate the dining experience. Guests can savour the Baby Beetroot Labneh sprinkled with roasted hazelnuts is a tangy palette opener. The Charred Red Pepper is a cold starter freckled with roasted pistachios, topped with feta. Must have mains include the Robata Steak and more.
    For more information visit here.
    Indulge in a delectable breakfast

    Breakfast at Maison De La Plage is served in the beautifully elegant beach-style space, complete with a stunning pool and beach area. Guests can look forward to a refined breakfast menu inspired by Chef Izu’s French exploration, revealing a selection of alluring and timeless dishes. Savour Oeufs Benedict English breakfast muffin topped with veal bacon, perfectly poached eggs, and a decadent Hollandaise sauce, or a classic breakfast staple, creamy Scrambled Eggs accompanied by warm toasted baguette. Sweet breakfast treats abound, featuring Waffles adorned with chocolate sauce and Chantilly cream and French Toast and more. Enjoy this picture perfect beachfront spot, with breakfast served daily from 10am.
    For more information visit
    Try this new menu

    Located in Business Bay at The Opus by Omniyat, the award-winning concept, Salmon Guru Dubai promises a cocktail bar experience like no other, overseen by founder Diego Cabrera and his team. Savour in the new refreshed menu with dishes, like Thai Salad with warm ramen noodles, Seabass Nigiri with crispy nori seaweed and Lobster Indulgence with softly roasted lobster tail. For a taste of innovation, try Matured Beef Kofta on garlic butter brushed naan while the Cannoli Duo dessert merges Italian flavours with creamy pistachio ricotta and dulce de leche mascarpone. Complement your meal with new drink creations like Vieux Carre De Pina and Beirut Basil Bash each a masterpiece crafted from premium ingredients by Diego Cabrera himself.
    Dine Alfresco

    Nestled above The Palm on the 52nd floor, CouCou Rooftop offers not just a dining experience but a sensory journey, where breathtaking views, delectable cuisine, and lively atmosphere converge to create an unparalleled escape from the ordinary. Savour a culinary journey with Mediterranean-inspired dishes, ranging from appetizing starters to succulent grilled meats and innovative cocktails crafted by skilled mixologists. As the evening unfolds, CouCou transforms into a vibrant ambiance where guests can dance to the backdrop of Dubai’s glittering skyline.
    For more information visit
    Put your health first

    Feeling tired after the week? DNA Health & Wellness, Dubai’s premier health clinic founded by Sho Choudhury and Dr. Nasr Al Jafari offers an array of health-related treatments. With 90 percent of adults suffering from nutritional deficiency, it is important that you get the right advice on your IV therapy, as the practitioners are experts in formulating bespoke IV treatments as well as recommending which drip from our pre-formulated IVs would be most suitable. From the Energy Boost + Fitness IV to the Liver Detox IV, all IV drip sessions are available at the clinic for a detox or an infusion of minerals. Prices start at Dhs500 and it’s located at
    For more information visit
    Book a wellness escape

    Nestled in the heart of Dubai, The St. Regis Downtown Dubai epitomizes refined elegance and modern luxury. This iconic hotel offers an unparalleled experience, combining timeless sophistication with contemporary amenities to create an oasis of tranquility and indulgence. The St. Regis Downtown Dubai proudly presents the Luxury Suite Escape, an all-inclusive package meticulously designed to redefine the meaning of luxury. This exclusive offer allows guests to immerse themselves in the grandeur of the hotel’s opulent suites, where every detail is tailored to provide the utmost comfort and elegance, along with comprehensive privileges that enhance their stay. It’ every Saturday and Sunday from 12pm to 4pm starting at Dhs1,240 and includes a full board meal, complimentary minibar replenished daily, except Champagne, and daily 30-minute spa treatment for two.
    Upgrade your fitness routine

    If you’re a keen running enthusiast, lululemon’s Run Club is for you. This exciting platform invites individuals to come together, pushing boundaries and discovering the picturesque running routes that our vibrant cities have to offer. The Abu Dhabi Run Club, takes place every Saturday from 5:45am to 6:45am. The lululemon Run Club Community embodies the spirit of togetherness and the collective pursuit of fitness goals. By hosting these gatherings weekly, lululemon creates an inclusive space where participants can experience the joy of running side-by-side a like-minded group of people.
    Abu Dhabi Run Club: HERE
    Enjoy an action-packed weekend with the family

    The fearless titans of motorsport will be at the Etihad Arena in June 8-9, 2024 for an adrenaline-rushing Marvel Monster Jam® trucks showcase. Expect a stellar line-up of renowned valiant drivers including Black Panther, Thor, Spider-Man, Grave Digger®, El Toro Loco®, and Megalodon® with their larger-than-life trucks a barrage battling it out on the dirt tracks with high-flying stunts and high-speed maneuvers. Ticket prices start at Dhs145 for Bronze up to Dhs645 for VIP all inclusive of event and Pit Party access to join the motorsport mayhem. Other ticket categories can access the Pit Party for an additional cost of Dhs50
    For tickets, visit and
    Catch up at Dubai’s homegrown cafés

    Dubai is never short of homegrown local eateries, that come with rich history and a story. When it comes to homegrown the UAE is always proud to create concepts that scale and eventually open up in other parts of the world. From the best brews to traditional delectable delights, these local cafés have grown immensely over the years amongst both tourists and residents. So if you’re looking to catch up with your friends, visit one of Dubai’s homegrown spots in our Emirates Woman approved guide.
    Try an AI dining experience

    Experience the unique fusion of Mediterranean and Asian flavors at Zenon, Dubai’s premier AI-driven restaurant located at Kempinski Central Avenue. Enjoy dishes like Usuzukuri in Yuzu Sauce and Wagyu Beef Tartare in a luxurious setting enhanced by captivating AI animations. Available daily from 12 pm to 3 am, Zenon ensures an extraordinary Eid celebration.
    For more information visit
    Beat the summer heat

    Try House of Pops, which is hyper-specialised for a specific diet, or believe it or not – not as healthy or natural as the packaging claims they are! Ice cream freezers are stocked with ice creams that contain high sugar, and too many artificial ingredients, colours and preservatives. You can choose from six single pack flavours – from House of Pop’s six best-selling variants: Fancy Choco, Crazy Coconut, Super Strawberry (known as Strawberry Bliss in the supermarkets), Very Raspberry, Mighty Mango and Galactic Lime. Or take advantage of the chance to buy multipack flavours of mini pops: The Creamy Pack (Fancy Choco & Crazy Coconut), Berry Pack (Very Raspberry & Strawberry Bliss), Keto Pack (4 Keto Pops) or a Fruity Pack (Lime & Mango flavours). The single pops, which are 80ml, cost Dhs20.They can be ordered from Deliveroo.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @tialineker More

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    8 Pilates studios to elevate your fitness routine in Dubai

    Looking to revamp your fitness routine? Then Pilates might be the perfect option for you.
    With celebrities such as Hailey Bieber, Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner, elevating their fitness routine with reformer Pilates, it’s time for you to take up a session or two.
    This once forgotten exercise trend has made a comeback since it was first invented by Joseph Pilates a century ago. With social media been the force behind its resurgence, this popular workout channels the mind-body connection to achieve precise, controlled movements that promote alignment, balance and strength.
    Designed to improve physical strength and coordination, form long-term habits and ensure greater core strength, these workouts allow to strengthen your muscles and feel mentally fit. Pilates can help create long, lean, and defined muscles, while also helping to reduce stress, creating awareness in the body, and improving mental clarity.
    So, if you’re looking to begin on your Pilates fitness journey, we’re curated a guide of all the must-visit studios in Dubai.

    This exclusive boutique Pilates studio promises a mind, body and soul. The experience with Reformer Pilates, Cadillac, mat pilates is for all levels to tone, lengthen and strengthen the core. Led by a team of qualifies instructors, the studio boasts a calm, relaxing and inclusive environment. Located in Golden Mile, Building 4, Palm Jumeirah. It’s open daily from Monday to Thursday, 6:30am to 8:30pm, Friday 6:30am to 2:30pm, Saturday 8am to 12pm and Sunday 9am to 12pm. Prices start at Dhs1,300 for 10 classes.
    For more information visit
    Blended Wellness

    This multi-wellness destination offers a sanctuary of wellbeing with its state-of-the-art Pilates studio at Blended Fit. The well-trained instructors help guests experience jaw dropping views of Dubai’s skyline, making this an incredible space to workout and also enjoy a healthy post-workout beverage. The packages are priced at Dhs600 for a five-pack class. Located at The Dukes, The Palm Jumeirah, it’s open from Monday to Sunday, from 6am to 10pm.
    For more information visit
    Sol Pilates Studio

    This equipped Pilates studio offers everything from Reformer and pre-natal expertise to providing its guests with a vibrant haven to learn and grow. Curated for ladies only, the packages are available upon request. Sol Pilates is a fully equipped Pilates studio in the heart of Mirdif 35, street 60C.
    For more information visit
    Reform Athletica

    This boutique fitness studio caps classes at 10 to 16 people and has four signature classes: The Reform Method, TRX Athletica, RA Yoga and Kettle Form. All compliment one another and each class aims to give every person a workout that will make an impact. Inspired by the global fitness scene, the classes are 45-50 minutes long and do not distinguish between skill levels; beginners and advanced participants are all equally welcome and no prior experience is required for any class. As a cross between an intimate fitness studio and an art gallery, the space truly feels like home. A single class is priced at Dhs133 and the five class package is priced at Dhs643. Located in Villa 40, 165a, Jumeira 1, it’s open at various times during the week.
    For more information visit
    The Hundred Wellness Centre

    With a team of certified instructors who use a combination of mat work reformer Pilates and other equipment, customers can achieve their fitness goals in no time. The Pilates method is at the core with intimate mat classes, equipment classes, the Cadillac (Trapeze table), poles, reformers and Pilates chairs. With both ladies-only and private one-to-one sessions, instructors ensure the core which is your powerhouse can be used to move the body weight with the spring-loaded carriage. A single session, group Pilates class is priced at Dhs140, and a package of 5 sessions valid for 2 months is priced at Dhs650, additionally a private session is priced at Dhs400. Located in Villa21, 53b Street, Jumeirah 1, it’s open from 7am to 8pm.
    For more information visit
    Yoga La Vie

    Based on the Joseph Pilates method, customers can strengthen their core, increase their flexibility with specialised instructors and feel at ease with each class. Located on Golden Mile, Palm Jumeirah, the studio also offers barre and yoga classes for both men and women, starting from Dhs126, Dhs1,134 for ten classes package, and your first trial class is free.
    For more information visit

    This boutique fitness studio offers 50-minute Pilates Reformer sessions available for people of all ages and fitness levels. As a holistic fitness get-away, the intimates space combines traditional contemporary exercises and focuses on building a strong core, ensuring each customer feels strong, stretched and connected. This eco-friendly concept has Pilates reformer classes with level 1 and level 2, with 1 group class priced at Dhs140, and the five class package priced at Dhs400, while the private reformer Pilates is priced at Dhs420.
    For more information visit
    Yasmin Karachiwala’s Pilates & Dance Studio (The PAD)

    With a variety of Pilates classes offered, everyone can choose from The Reformer, Wundu, The Cadillac, The Bodhi, Aerial Pilates, The MOTR, Pilates for back pain, for cricketers and. more.Pilates can also be done on the mat, with or without small equipments. The package prices are available upon request. Situated in 906, Onyx Tower 1,906, The Greens, the studio is open from Monday to Thursday 7am to 9pm, Friday 7am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 7pm and Sunday 9am to 6pm.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram & Feature Image: Instagram @thisisposture More

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    6 spots in the UAE for a horse riding experience


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    From a spacious paddock to qualified instructors, the UAE is well-known for this exhilarating sport which is available all year round for you to enjoy. With horse riding being one of the most sought-after activities it’s worth a try even if you’re a beginner.
    So, get your equestrian hat on to enjoy the outdoors and experience nature at its finest.
    As here at Emirates Woman we are quite the fans of horse-riding, here’s a curated list of stables with fully equipped facilities for you to embrace throughout the year, especially now.
    Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club

    With a state-of-the-art polo and equestrian community located in Dubailand, with over six million square feet of land, it consists of four world-class polo fields, a polo academy, a riding school with a dedicated riding aren’t emulating that Andalusian elegance with an oasis of excellence and uncompromising luxury. The instructors help fine-tune your skills with the well-schooled horses as it operates from Sunday to Saturday, 6am to 12am. Prices start at Dhs240 for beginners in a group setting and Dhs475 for a private beginners class.
    For more information visit
    JA Equestrian centre

    Featuring its own air-conditioned stables with a vast expanse at JA, The Resort. This wonderful place for horse riding in the UAE provides expert qualified instructors for both experts and beginners in a fully-equipped schooling environment where regular riders can venture out and enjoy the natural desert environment, making it available all year round. The stables operate from 7am to 12pm and 4pm to 7pm.
    For more information visit
    Dubai City stable

    This family-friendly oasis located in Umm Sequim district, being only 10 minutes from Dubai’s Downtown area is perfectly suited for city residents who are either trained or wish to begin their horse riding journey as this stable is truly the perfect point for all horse desert adventures as they offer both private and group tuition for beginners through various events too. Starting at Dhs190 for 45 minutes, this place is definitely one to visit.
    For more information visit 
    Sharjah Equestrian and Racing club

    Being one of the first equestrian clubs in the UAE established under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, this riding club is located on Al Dhaid Road. It’s home to one of the largest indoor riding facilities in the Middle East ensuring that its well equipped with qualified trainers and riding instructors who have advanced their technical skills. The riding school is closed on Tuesday and is open from morning 8am to 12pm and 4pm to 8pm.
    For more information visit
    Emirates Equestrian centre

    Whether you’re interested in horse riding or simply wish to experience a tranquil equine desert escape, riders of all levels are welcome and also have the opportunity to learn about show jumping, dressage, eventing, join the pony club or visit the riding school. With fully qualified instructors being able to answer your queries, polo events also take place for you to simply visit. The lesson hours are available from 7am to 11am and 4pm to 7pm and is located on Al-Ain Road, Dubai.
    For more information visit
    Al Wadi Equestrian Centre
    Located at the Ritz Carlton resort Al Wadi in Ras Al Khaimah, this equestrian centre offers lessons and experiences for guests of all ages and skill levels. Group and private lessons are available for experienced and beginner riders, including children. Spacious paddocks and a horse-walking arena are among the facilities.
    For more information visit

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    5 ice baths in Dubai to keep you cool after an intense workout

    Lifeby Sarah Joseph2 hours ago Looking to cool down after an intense workout session?Here are five of the best ice bath spots to visit in Dubai to calm your muscles and to ensure you’re ready for the next HITT or spin class.Embody FitnessEmbody Fitness offers state-of-the art recovery suites, Olympic standard gym equipment, sport therapy treatment rooms, luxury changing rooms and a healthy café. For expert sports therapy, customers can utilise the modern recovery suite including infrared saunas, ice baths and sports therapy treatment rooms to improve their performance to the next level. Located in ICD Brookfield, the session is priced at Dhs130 for 60 minutes and Dhs1,200 for unlimited sessions per month.ContrastGuests can experience an immersive ice bath to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, aid muscle recovery and strengthen mental resilience, making it the perfect modality to complement the sauna experience. As a sanctuary for recovery, visitors can soothe, switch off, rest and recharge. With both hot and cold therapy, guests have the choice to promote relaxation and detoxification. Located at Golden Mile 6, Palm Jumeirah, the Ice Bath is priced at Dhs95 per 30-minute session.ReFIVE Spa, FIVE Palm JumeirahPlunge into the icy cool waters at the Ice Bath at ReFIVE Spa, FIVE Palm Jumeirah. After quickly becoming one of the top wellness treatments, this cold-water immersion action has an array of epic benefits including faster muscle recovery, improved sleep patterns, stress reduction and even boosting immunity. Expect reduced stress and anxiety levels, an increased metabolic rate to aid with weight loss and cellulite, plus the ultimate sports recovery for those post-workout muscle aches. Post-treatment, you can expect a deeply relaxed state for improved sleep. At ReFIVE Spa, the Ice Therapy treatment represents the epitome of this fusion, providing you with an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, revitalization, and transformation. Rediscover yourself at ReFIVE Spa, where the power of Ice Therapy meets the art of well-being. Immerse yourself in a world of renewal and embrace the cold as your ally on the path to a healthier, happier you. Each session is priced at Dhs125 per person.BoxicaGuests can opt for this regimented training technique to regulate the nervous system and train the vagus nerve which is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system. Beneficial to anyone, ice baths are recommended to be between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. This experience is designed to improve mood, completemental clarity, reduce inflammation,muscle soreness and conquer fear. Located in Dubai Studio City, the sessions are priced at Dhs100 for Boxica members and Dhs150 for non-members.LongevityLongevity offers a variety of wellness treatments focused on athletic recovery and performance, including infrared saunas, sports massages, yoga, stretching, and mobility treatments, in addition to ice baths. Founder Dani Afiouni is a passionate mountaineer with extensive experience in endurance sports and brought his expertise to Dubai to allow athletes and health enthusiasts to use cold water immersion to unlock their bodies’ recovery potential. Located at Umm Suqeim, Warehouse #S6, the cold dip is priced at Dhs115 per session.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More