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    Build Killer Abs With This Quick Core Workout

    Like strength training or running regularly, making sure you work your abs in the gym (or wherever you work out) is crucial. Abs don’t just look good in crop tops, they’re also key for overall balance, injury prevention and more. This quick core workout from onebhody owner Chantel Struwig is a speedy slot-in after your regular workout and burns so good. Chantel Struwig’s killer abs tips With abs like Struwig’s, we’ll take any tips we can! Here, she shares her go-tos when it comes to core workouts. Prioritise core workouts“I like to dedicate at least one designated day to core workouts but I’d like to say I train core /abs every day,” she says. Why? Because it’s that important. “I’m always engaging my core with everything I train. I like to focus a lot on core strength as I know how much it aids me in all my other exercises. Having a strong core really just makes life that much easier. How my abs have come to form and look is honestly just the tip of the iceberg!” Pair abs with cardio “I always do cardio and abs on the same day,” says Struwig. It’s a great way to make sure your muscles are gaining some strength in addition to building endurance and speed. And, it gives your legs and arms a break from the previous session’s heavy lifting. READ MORE: Sculpt A Great Butt With This Home Booty WorkoutThe quick core workout

    Do this workout once a week – or more, if you can, says Struwig, who aims to train her core “at least once a week.”

    Do each move, then move on to the next one, aiming to complete three or four rounds of each move.

    This quick core workout targets your abs in functional moves and engages your sides too. “I always want to improve my core strength to improve my overall gym performance,” explains Struwig.1/ Weighted sit-ups with alternating toe touchesDo: 10 – 12 reps on each sideA: Lie down, knees bent and arms at your side, with left hand holding a dumbbell. Stretch out your right leg.B: Crunch up and raise your right leg, reaching your left hand to touch your right foot. Hold, then return to start. C: Complete the set, then switch over to the other side and repeat. Make it easier: do the moves without the dumbbellsMake it harder: use heavier weights 2/ Elevated commandos Do: as much as you can in 30 – 45 secondsA: Get into a high plank position with your legs elevated on a low platform or stepper box.B: Dip one arm down into low plank position, then repeat with the other arm. C: Raise both arms into high plank, keeping your core engaged and braced throughout and never lowering or raising your glutes. Repeat until time’s up. Make it easier: eliminate the stepper box. Make it harder: add weights, either a plate on your back (of you can handle that) or add in dumbbells and do renegade rows after each commando. READ MORE: This Beginner Callisthenics Workout Builds Serious Strength & Mobility3/ Incline reverse crunches Do: 12 – 20 repsA: Lie on an incline bench with arms overhead, hands holding onto the bar for support. B: Raise your legs up so your knees touch your face and engage your core throughout. C: Lower, then repeat. Make it easier: perform on a flat surface, like the floor. Make it harder: add ankle weights for increased resistance. READ MORE: This 15-Minute Full-Body Workout Is Perfect For Beginners4/ PlankDo: 60 – 90 second holdA: Get into a low plank position, bracing your core, neck in neutral, and butt in a straight line following your back. B: Hold for 60 – 90 seconds without compromising your form. Make it easier: sorry, girls, Struwig “would never suggest making it easier,” saying: “For some exercises, you really have to bite the bullet.” Make it harder: try holding the plank until failure. More

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    This 15-Minute Full-Body Workout Is Perfect For Beginners

    If you’re looking to challenge your entire body — I’m talking legs, butt, core and arms — in minimal time, I’ve totally got you with a 15-minute full-body workout that’s perfect for beginners and experienced exercisers alike. This routine features compound movements that combine more than one exercise, so you’re really going to get a lot of bang for your fitness buck.

    Time: 15 minutes

    Equipment: Dumbbells

    Good for: Total body

    Instructions: Complete the reps as indicated, then immediately continue to the next exercise. Once you’ve finished all five moves, repeat the circuit from the beginning. Do a total of three rounds. To build strength, I recommend doing this routine one or two times a week and warming up with a few dynamic stretches.

    Full-Body Workout by Betina Gozo

    Squat To Overhead Press

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of your shoulders, palms facing each other. Sit your hips back and lower down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. As you rise back up, press the weights directly overhead until your arms are completely straight, biceps by ears. Bring the weights back to your shoulders as you lower into a squat. That’s one rep. 

    Complete 15 reps, then continue to the next move.

    Full-Body Workout by Betina Gozo

    Plank Row On Knees

    How to: Place two dumbbells on the floor shoulder-width apart. Assume a kneeling-plank position, forming a straight line from your knees to your head. Grasp the dumbbells so your hands are elevated off the floor without creasing your wrists. Slowly, pull the left dumbbell to the side of your lower rib cage — your elbow should be pointed up and back. Keep your body stable as you lower the dumbbell back to the floor with control. Then repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.

    Complete 10 reps on each side, then continue to the next move.

    Full-Body Workout by Betina Gozo

    Lateral Squat With Curl

    How to: Start in straddle position with hips wider than your shoulders, feet flat, toes facing forward. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms bent, palms facing one another. While keeping the left leg straight, shift your weight over your right heel and sit your hips back until your right thigh is parallel to ground. As you lower down, extend your arms and bring the weights to frame your right knee. Drive through your right heel to push yourself back to stand, and curl the dumbbells toward your shoulders. That’s one rep. Complete 10 reps on each side, then continue to the next move.

    RELATED: This Quick 15-Minute Morning Workout Is The Wake-Up You Need

    Full-Body Workout by Betina Gozo

    Standing Low To High

    How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart holding a single dumbbell in your hands. With control, lower the weight down and to the outside of your left knee while slightly bending at your hips and internally rotating your right knee (heel raised) so it faces toward the left. In one fluid motion, reverse the movement and continue rotating your torso to the right, pivoting your left leg inward and lifting your left heel. That’s one rep. Complete 10 reps on each side, then continue to the next move.

    Full-Body Workout by Betina Gozo

    Leg Drop With Dumbbell Above Chest

    How to: Lie on your back with a dumbbell held in between your hands and extend your arms. (Think wrists over chest NOT your face.) Lift your legs up directly over your hips. Lower your left leg down as low as you can go without your lower back arching up off the mat. Return to start, and repeat on the other side. That’s one rep. Complete 10 reps, then repeat the circuit from the top.

    This article was originally published on  More

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    High cortisol can weaken your immune system: 5 ways to combat it


    by Ruman Baig
    36 seconds ago

    Feeling frazzled? You’re not alone. Daily pressures can send cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, into overdrive.
    For women, chronically high cortisol can disrupt sleep, worsen PMS symptoms, and even contribute to weight gain. But don’t despair! Here are 5 science-backed strategies to keep your cortisol levels in check and your well-being soaring:
    Power Down for Power Up

    Sleep is the ultimate stress soother. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, including winding down electronics at least an hour before bed.
    Why it Works: According to a study published in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, just one night of short sleep can significantly elevate cortisol levels.
    Breathe Deeply, De-Stress Completely

    Deep breathing activates the relaxation response, a natural antidote to cortisol’s fight-or-flight effects. Practice belly breathing for just 5 minutes daily. Inhale slowly through your nose, feeling your belly expand. Exhale slowly through pursed lips.
    Science Says So: A review published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology highlights the effectiveness of deep breathing in reducing cortisol levels and promoting relaxation.
    Nourish Your Body, Tame Your Stress

    A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides sustained energy and minimizes blood sugar fluctuations that can trigger cortisol spikes. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine, which can worsen anxiety and stress.
    Move It or Lose It (the Stress, That Is!)

    Exercise is a potent stress reliever. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Physical activity helps burn off stress hormones and promotes the production of feel-good endorphins.
    The Science of Sweat: A meta-analysis published in the journal Sports Medicine concluded that regular exercise is an effective strategy for reducing cortisol levels and improving stress management.
    Connect and Be Kind

    Social connection is a powerful buffer against stress. Nurture relationships with loved ones, engage in activities you enjoy, and consider volunteering. Acts of kindness boost both your mood and the well-being of others, creating a positive feedback loop.
    By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can effectively manage your cortisol levels and cultivate a calmer, healthier you. Remember, consistency is key. Be patient, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the journey to a more balanced and stress-free life!
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Unsplash, Pexel & feature image: @xun1020 More

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    This Quick 15-Minute Morning Workout Is The Wake-Up You Need

    This quick 15-minute morning workout ticks a few boxes: it starts off gentle, then kicks into gear with some moves that’ll get your heart revving just enough to kick-start your day.

    And yes, working out in the morning is a great idea. “If you work out before your day distracts you, your chances of exercising regularly go way up,” says sports scientist Dr Cedric Bryant. And a.m. sweating can make you sharper all day: “Exercise enhances the secretion of neurotransmitters,” says Bryant. Neurotransmitters are the body’s mail service, sending communication throughout the body. So by enhancing this process earlier in the day makes for better, sharper focus. Wake your body up with this 15-minute morning workout routine, created by exercise physiologist Suzanne Meth.

    The 15-Minute Morning Workout

    Warm-up and cool down by jogging on the spot for two minutes. Then perform these moves, doing each for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side of your body before moving on to the next move.

    Watch one of our staffers perform this 15-minute morning workout:

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    READ MORE: This Powerful Bodyweight Workout Tones It All – Fast

    1/ Cat-cow

    Wakes up your core

    A. Get on all fours with your hands in line with your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips.

    B. Inhale, lifting your head and tailbone so your spine arches slightly towards the floor.

    C. Exhale as you tuck your tailbone under, curl your back upward, and let your head hang towards the floor. That’s one rep. Do 10, moving smoothly between positions.

    2/ Split squat

    Wakes up your hips, glutes and thighs

    A. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides or hands on your hips.

    B. Step back with your left foot and sink into a lunge until your front knee is bent 90 degrees.

    C. Push back up, keeping both knees slightly bent.

    D. Continue the up-and-down movement with the left leg for 30 seconds; change legs and repeat.

    READ MORE: Sculpt A Great Butt With This Home Booty Workout

    3/ Burpee pop-ups

    Wakes up your triceps, chest, glutes, hamstrings and quads 

    A. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

    B. Squat down and place your hands on the floor directly in front of your feet.

    C. Jump your feet back and land in a push-up position.

    D. Do one push-up, then jump your feet back towards your hands and return to standing. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for one minute, then repeat.

    4/ Leaning side plank

    Wakes up your obliques

    A. Stand with your left side a few centimetres from your bed.

    B. Bend your left elbow 90 degrees, lean towards the bed and place your forearm on the edge of the mattress, stretching your legs into a side plank position (your bed’s unstable surface will make this move super-difficult).

    C. Rest your right arm on your side. Hold the position, with legs stacked, for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

    Shake up your routine with these workouts: More

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    Sculpt A Great Butt With This Home Booty Workout

    There are many reasons to do this home booty workout: sitting all day? You’ll need this. Chasing a new PB? This booty workout is for you. Want to grow those glutes? Right this way! And it matters more than aesthetics: a stronger butt creates more stability and lessens back pain. In short, your booty was made for so much more than sitting on the couch.

    Why Sculpting A Great Butt Matters

    Did you know your glutes are the biggest muscles in your body? That means keeping them firm and toned doesn’t just look great in jeans, it also spikes your overall fat burn. What’s more, having strong, capable glutes will help you do pretty much everything better, from walking up stairs to running a faster 10-kay. This booty workout by trainer Angelique van der Linde will help you sculpt your booty and boost your mood. Sign. Us. Up.

    How To Do This Home Booty Workout

    The workout is divided into two stations, each comprising three strength moves and a cardio finisher. You’ll spend three rounds at each station.

    Do station 1 as a circuit, moving directly from one move to the next.

    Once you’ve done all three moves at station 1, end the round with the cardio kicker, then start at the top again.

    You’ll notice the number of reps decreases with each round. Once you’ve done all three rounds of station 1, move on to station 2, following the same pattern. Get ready to feel that booty burn!

    You’ll need: A broom; 5L water bottle or large protein tub

    READ MORE: “How I Went From Being A Party Girl To A Fitness Fanatic – And Lost 31kg”

    Booty-Building Tips

    Want to up the ante? How you structure your workout can make a difference. For extra burn, alternate between slow, weighted sets and high-tempo bodyweight sets. So you’ll do one set with weights, performing the number of reps indicated slowly and focusing on creating a strong mind-muscle connection. Then, on the next set,  drop the weights, up the tempo and increase the reps, doing as many as you can with good form.

    The Home Booty Workout

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    READ MORE: 6 Workout Moves You Can Actually Do With Your Dog

    Station 1

    REPS: 15, 12, 10 CARDIO KICKER: 30 Mountain Climbers

    1A: Broom Squat

    You can make this move more challenging by hanging weights off the ends of your broom, like identical water bottles. Just be sure to secure them properly!

    1B: Squat With Water Bottle Overhead

    If 5 litres of water is too heavy, drink (or empty) some of the water until your bottle reaches a comfortable weight. You know what we say in fitness: Hydration, hydration, hydration!

    1C: Plié Squat

    You’ll need your water bottle for this one again. Make sure your feet are turned outwards and squeeze that booty!

    Next up:

    Add the cardio finisher, then repeat the circuit until you’ve completed three rounds. Then, move on to Station 2.

    READ MORE: What You Really Need To Know About Running For Weight Loss, According To Experts

    Station 2

    REPS: 15, 12, 10 CARDIO KICKER: 30 Skips or Star Jumps

    2A: Broom Alternating Lunges

    No need to power through these at pace. Move with control and focus on your body alignment. You’re aiming for a ninety-degree angle as you sink into your lunge. Too shallow and you won’t reap the booty benefits; knee too far forward and you’ll put pressure on the joint.

     2B: Single-leg Deadlift

    Keep toppling over? Tighten your tummy, squeeze your glutes and plant your standing leg. You should feel both butt cheeks switching on. This will help your balance and boost your burn as well!

    2C: Lateral Leg Raise

    This will hit your booty from the sides to round out your results. If you experience knee pain or you struggle with squats, strengthening the muscles on your outer thighs might help.

    Next up:

    Add the cardio finisher, then repeat the circuit until you’ve completed three rounds. And you’re done!

    Bookmark these workouts next: More

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    5 of the best high intensity workouts to book in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    16 mins ago

    Want to break a sweat and burn those extra calories? Then High Intensity workouts are the best form of exercise to go the extra mile.
    High-intensity workouts are designed to push your body to its limits by incorporating short bursts of intense activity followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise.
    Overall HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, refers to repeated sets of intervals that are between five seconds and a minute long, with a relatively short rest period.
    The main type of workouts include:
    High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
    Alternates between high-intensity exercises and short recovery periods.
    Circuit Training
    Combines strength and cardio exercises performed back-to-back with minimal rest.
    HIIT Cycling
    Pedal your way to that heart-pumping rush. HIIT cycling workouts, on the other hand, can make the time fly as you challenge your body and mind with various effort levels, work intervals, and recovery breaks.
    What are the overarching health benefits?
    Improved Cardiovascular Health
    HIIT can help improve the efficiency and strength of your heart. Also, Regular high-intensity workouts can reduce resting blood pressure.
    Enhanced Metabolism
    HIIT boosts your metabolism and keeps it elevated for hours after exercise, helping you burn more calories even at rest. These workouts are effective at reducing body fat.
    Time Efficiency
    HIIT sessions are typically shorter than traditional workouts, making them ideal for busy schedules. Despite the shorter duration, HIIT can provide significant fitness benefits in less time.
    Improved Muscle Tone and Strength
    High-intensity workouts often include resistance training, which helps build and tone muscles. These exercises can improve overall strength and endurance.
    Better Insulin Sensitivity
    HIIT can enhance insulin sensitivity, which helps your muscles use glucose more effectively. Improved insulin sensitivity lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes.
    Enhanced Athletic Performance
    HIIT can increase your maximal oxygen uptake, improving your endurance and performance in other physical activities. Overall, it can improve speed and power.
    Mental Health Benefits
    Intense exercise releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and improve mood. HIIT can improve brain health and cognitive functions such as memory and learning.
    So, if you’re looking to burn those calories, Dubai has a host of venues that work for both beginners and experts.

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Unsplash @malikshibly More

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    This Powerful Bodyweight Workout Tones It All – Fast

    No gym? That’s no barrier to getting your sweat on. Get stronger with this fun bodyweight workout that you can perform in the comfort of your own home. The only piece of equipment that you’ll need is your coffee table or a bench.

    This all-over bodyweight workout was created by personal trainer and founder of Fit Best Training, Renché Seyffert.

    To complete this workout, work in intervals. For intermediate to advanced athletes (yes, you!) work with the 50/10 principle. This means you’ll work for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

    If you’re a beginner athlete, use the 40/20 principle. Work for 40 seconds, then rest for 20. Rest for one minute after each round and aim to complete three to four rounds in total. We’ll warn you: it’s a doozy!

    Watch PT Renché Seyffert demo the moves, then read on for the technique notes.

    The Living Room Bodyweight Workout

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    1/ Single Leg Skater Sit Squats

    Stand in front of the edge of the coffee table on your right leg.

    Jump sideways to your left and land on your left leg in front of the left edge of the coffee table.

    Still only on your left leg, lower yourself down into a sitting squat, placing your bum firmly onto the table.

    Get back up by pushing from your left heel upwards, using your calf muscles, hamstrings and glutes.

    Jump to your right side and land on your right leg before lowering down into your sit squat. That’s one – keep going!

    READ MORE: Transform Your Legs With This 20-Minute Home Workout

    2/ Incline Push Up with Clap

    Get into a plank position with your hands on top of the table, shoulder-width apart.

    Keep your feet hip-width apart and bend your elbows as you lower your chest towards the table.

    With an explosive movement, push yourself away from the table, forcing your arms and upper body into the air and clapping your hands. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    3/ Plank Cross Tap to Bear Jumps

    Start in a plank position with feet hip-width apart, elevated on top of the table.

    With your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart, jump onto all fours, then jump back into a plank.

    Tap the left foot to the right side underneath the body.

    Move back to the plank position and tap the right foot to the left side underneath the body.

    READ MORE: Can Wearing Wrist Weights On A Walk Really Tone Your Arms? We Asked A Fitness Expert

    4/ Tricep Dip – Alternating Toe Tap

    Get into a tabletop position facing the ceiling with your hands on the table, keeping your feet on the floor.

    Bend your elbows as you lower yourself towards the floor.

    Straighten your arms to move back up to the starting position. Ensure that you use your arms to perform the movement and not your hips or legs.

    Once back to the starting position, tap your left hand with your right foot. Repeat on the other side.

    5/ Side Plank Hip Dips on Right

    Stand in a side plank on your right elbow.

    Raise your left leg on the table and ensure the right leg is suspended in the air, under the table surface.

    Dip your hips towards the floor and back up. Repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: This Beginner Callisthenics Workout Builds Serious Strength & Mobility

    6/ Step Up Reverse Lunges

    Start by standing with both feet on top of the table.

    Slowly step back with one of your legs into a reverse lunge.

    Make sure both knees are bent and your back is straight. Ensure that your knee (of the foot in front) does not go over your toes.

    Bring back your leg to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

    Once you have found your rhythm and balance, you can speed it up a little and add a hop on top of the table when changing your legs.

    7/ Elevated Sit-Ups

    Start by lying flat on your back on the floor and place your feet and calves on table.

    Extend your arms over your head using your abdominals, as you lift your upper body and crunch down so that your hands can touch your feet.

    Slowly lower yourself back down to the floor to the starting position and repeat. More

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    This Beginner Callisthenics Workout Builds Serious Strength & Mobility

    If you’ve ever watched gymnast Caitlin Rooskrantz perform gravity-defying feats, you’ve probably wistfully imagined yourself being *that* strong and flexible. The truth? Those fabulous moves are built on callisthenics: the body-weight workout style that prioritises using your own body as the weight. Practising body-weight moves is an effective way to build functional strength and sculpt sexy, lean muscle tone. And, in case the title didn’t clue you in, you can start as a total beginner and still feel like Simone Biles. Ahead, reasons to tap into callisthenics workouts and the moves to start with.

    Why callisthenics workouts are so good

    You can do it anywhere, anytime

    The great thing about body-weight training (or a callisthenics workout, as it’s technically called) is that you can do it pretty much anywhere with minimal equipment. That’s because you’re using your own body weight as the load and gravity to create resistance. Also, most of the time, you don’t need to move very far, so it can be done in relatively small spaces, depending on what you’re doing.

    It builds killer abs

    There’s a lot of balance and stabilising required in body-weight moves, so your core will work overtime (yay, abs!) Plus, having this improved stability means less falling around in the long run, making you sturdy and strong.

    Callisthenics sculpts your upper bod

    All the pulling and pushing you do with your upper body will sculpt your back, arms and shoulders. If you’re aiming to try a pull-up or handstand, these moves will help you reach those goals.

    How to do this beginner callisthenics workout

    These moves, from Tim and Jacko of the training community School of Calisthenics,  are ideal as callisthenics for beginners starting body-weight training. And all they require are a floor with a cushioned surface (like an exercise mat, carpet or grass), a wall and something to hang from. We’ve used gymnastic rings, but a straight bar at your local park will also work fine.

    Tim and Jacko from School of Calisthenics, with trainer Hayley Ryan, show us how to master these moves…

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    1 Frog Stand

    This foundational move helps you build the upper-body strength and balance that you’ll need for more advanced body-weight moves like freestanding handstands. If you find your feet can’t lift off the ground, that’s totally fine. Over time, you’ll build enough strength to lift them!

    2 Wall Walk

    As adults, we don’t spend much time upside down, so this is a fun challenge. Keep your core braced and only go as far as you feel comfortable, but aim to walk a bit closer to the wall every time.

    3 Dead Bug

    This body-weight move from Pilates works different core muscles simultaneously, strengthening your stabilisers, lowering your injury risk and improving your coordination. Be sure to keep your lower back glued to the floor at all times.

    4 Hollow-Body Hold

    Kind of the upside-down cousin of a plank, this isometric body-weight move (holding a single position; not moving) targets your whole core from multiple directions. It’s brilliant for building core strength, as well as body position patterning to protect your lower back in other exercises. The goal is to create a bowl shape with your body. Again, keep your lower back glued to the ground at all times. See how long you can hold it for.

    5 Hollow-Body Rock

    This is a classic example of how a body-weight move can turn into a fun game. Once you can do the hold for 10 seconds without breaking form, the goal is to rock back and forth like a rocking horse, while in that hollow-hold position. Way easier said than done.

    6 Skin The Cat

    You might need a few practice rounds to really nail this, and that’s ok. It’s a good idea to warm up the shoulders before attempting this one (check out this warm-up you can do with a broom). Then, see how many reps you can knock out. Even if you can’t skin the entire cat, you’ll still get a top callisthenics workout.

    Try these workouts next: More