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    What Is The Pescatarian Diet — And Is It Even Good For You?

    Honestly, who can keep track of all the ‘tarians that exist these days? There are vegetarians, flexitarians, pescatarians. Don’t even get me started on pegans. But seriously—which one is best if you can’t give up spicy tuna rolls?
    Basically, if you like the idea of slashing your meat intake but have a LTR with salmon, the pescatarian diet may be for you. People who follow the plan eat a wide variety of plant-based foods, like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts—plus fish and seafood.

    Whether you eat dairy and eggs on the pescatarian diet is up to you. Some keep them in their weekly rotation, while others opt out. Totally off the table: red meat, poultry and pork.
    This might sound similar to the popular Mediterranean diet, but there’s one major difference: Red meat is allowed (in moderation) on the Med diet. You’re also supposed to avoid packaged foods on that plan, while the pescatarian diet doesn’t have a specific policy on store-bought stuff. Otherwise, there’s a lot of overlap: Seafood, fresh produce, and plant-based proteins are mainstays of both eating plans.
    Is going pescatarian healthier than other diets?
    Unless you can’t live without steak, there’s a lot to love about the pescatarian diet. “You’ll reap the nutritional benefits of a plant-based diet, as well as the nutritional benefits of fish and seafood,” says Emily Kyle, a registered dietician
    Basically, pescatarians get all of the antioxidant- and vitamin-rich produce vegetarians do, while also getting some nutrients (like complete proteins and omega-3 fatty acids) from seafood that are harder to take in on a strictly plant-based diet.
    For example, while many vegetarians and vegans may struggle to get their fill of vitamin B12 (found primarily in animal protein), “pescatarians are able to meet their daily requirements for B12 with a single serving of most fish varieties,” says Georgia Rounder, a registered dietician.
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    Also key: Seafood is one of the best sources of heart- and brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. “Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease inflammation in the body and lower both blood pressure and triglycerides,” says Rounder. You can get omega-3s from plant-based sources like flaxseeds, but it’s harder than just eating an order of salmon and calling it a day.
    “This diet has also been associated with decreasing the risk for other chronic diseases, including diabetes, dementia, and depression,” adds Rounder, thanks to the boost of omega-3s you get when fish is your main source of protein.
    Other people, of course, choose it for sustainability reasons, animal-rights concerns, or just personal preference, adds Kyle.
    Can the pescatarian diet help with weight loss?
    The jury is still out about any particular diet that champions sustainable weight loss. But eliminating a lot of meat can help create a caloric deficit that would lead to weight loss, especially when the diet is supplemented with vegetables.
    One literature review of studies that evaluated vegetables in weight loss found that “a higher vegetable consumption in a healthy diet may prove beneficial for weight loss in overweight adults.”   So if your aim is to lose weight, watch that your fish consumption doesn’t take the place of consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits.
    READ MORE: How Much Water You Should Be Drinking Daily, According To A Nutritionist
    What about all that mercury tho?
    One important thing to keep in mind: Being pescatarian doesn’t mean you have to load up your plate with fish each meal—you can actually eat a carnivorous diet and consume more fish (and more mercury) than someone who’s pescatarian. But if you do consume a lot of seafood—regardless of which diet you follow—you’ll want to avoid eating high-mercury fish all day every day to minimise your risk of mercury poisoning.
    Eat swordfish, tilefish, King Mackerel, and large quantities of tuna in moderation, says Rounder—especially if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
    That said, low-mercury seafood options, including canned light tuna, cod, clams, salmon, and hake are generally less of a cause for concern. “The most common fish that we eat on a daily basis are [low in mercury], meaning that in general the pescatarian diet is safe for most individuals,” says Kyle.
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    Whether you’re pescatarian or not, The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fish a week. And mix it up so that you’re eating a variety of seafood—that will further reduce your risk of consuming too much mercury.
    The bottom line: Go ahead and try the pescatarian diet if you’re interested. For most people, the health benefits of eating a plant-based diet plus fish far outweighs the potential risks.
    This article was originally published on 

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    Is When You Eat More Important Than What You Eat?

    Many people worry about gaining weight if they eat later than a certain time. But does it matter when you eat? Is this time really more important than what you eat?
    There’s been a ridiculous amount of research into whether you’ll gain weight if you eat (dinner) after 8pm. The results of the studies are not always consistent. In one study, there was no association between eating late and being overweight, while other researchers found that those who ate after 8 p.m. consumed more calories than previous eaters. Those extra kilojoules can actually lead to weight gain. In general, you do not seem to gain extra weight if you eat late at night, but then you should eat a healthy and varied diet during the day.
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    Food Choices
    Don’t be blinded by the times. In reality, what you eat is much more important than when you eat. In addition, the problem is that late eaters often tend to eat more, and less healthily. Regardless of the timing, eating more kilojoules will automatically lead to weight gain. So eating in the evening can only lead to weight gain if you eat a surplus of ‘joules.
    Furthermore, eating late can affect certain food choices. Late at night, you are more likely to choose unhealthy foods. These foods often contain little nutritional value, such as chips, soda and ice cream. This is partly due to emotional eating and fatigue. In either case, you crave less healthy, high-kilojoule foods .
    READ MORE: 12 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight While Doing Intermittent Fasting, According To An RD
    Meal Timing
    While the total number of calories you eat ultimately affects your weight, research shows that there are ways to regulate your appetite through meal timing and frequency.
    Several studies indicate that eating a high-kilojoule breakfast can keep you feeling full for longer and potentially prevent overeating in the evening. In one study, people who ate a 2510kJ breakfast had less appetite and significantly less hunger throughout the day than people who ate half the kilojoules for breakfast. In particular, the appetite for sweets was reduced.
    Late night snack
    Also, eating several small meals can help control your appetite and reduce hunger pangs throughout the day. So experiment with the timing and size of your meals. If you still feel like a late night snack, it is best to go for these foods.
    This article was first published on
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    This Is The Best Way To Support Your Immune System, According To A Dietitian

    With the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us are trying our best to keep our loved ones and ourselves safe and protected. From wearing masks to washing our hands regularly to social distancing, we each have to do our part to flatten the curve. And while we’re doing everything we can to protect ourselves from the outside, we should also dedicate time to getting our immune systems in fighting shape.
    “If it’s not already a focus of family life, this is actually an ideal time to prioritise nutrition and health,” says Retha Harmse, a Registered Dietitian and spokesperson for ADSA (Association for Dietetics in South Africa). “As lockdown restriction levels fluctuate; we will have more freedom of movement, but also more risks of contracting COVID-19. Eating a balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining health and supporting the immune system, as well as all the body’s vital systems.
    A balanced diet is the best immune support
    We’ve all seen the Whatsapp group messages that tell you to eat or drink various foods, medicinally-used plants or nutritional supplements as ‘immune-boosters’, treatments or even ‘cures’. But many (if not all) of these are misinformed and have no scientific evidence that can help protect you from the virus.
    “Of course, everyone would like to minimise their risk for contracting COVID-19, however, there is no simple quick fix to boost our immune system to guarantee that we won’t be infected. Simply put, you cannot ‘boost’ your immune system through diet, and no specific food or supplement will prevent you from contracting COVID-19. Good hygiene practice and social distancing remain the best means of avoiding infection,” explains Retha.
    READ MORE: COVID-19: Here’s How Risky Normal Activities Are, According To Doctors
    Maintaining a healthy balanced diet made up of different foods that provide a spectrum of nutrients that include copper, folate, iron, selenium, zinc and vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D is the very best way to support immune function.
    “In addition to a healthy balanced diet, a generally healthy lifestyle is also important to support your immune system,” says Retha, “This means not smoking, exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep and very importantly, minimizing stress, which is very intense at this time.”
    Enjoy a variety of foods
    Although certain foods might be a bit harder to come by, don’t fall in the trap of eating only certain foods. Variety also means including foods from two or more food groups at each meal.
    Support local businesses like Yebo Fresh who deliver fresh fruits and vegetables straight to your door. There are also options for you to donate to families in need.
    Be active
    Regular, moderate exercise is very beneficial for getting outdoors, stress relief and improved immune function. Try some of these lockdown ideas:
    You don’t need big spaces for cardiovascular exercise — running up and downstairs is great; as is skipping, and skipping ropes are inexpensive cardio tools.
    Download exercise apps for daily workouts.
    Similarly, there are many physical activity videos, including dance, martial arts and yoga, available on YouTube (check out our selection of workouts while you’re there).
    If you have a closed-in garden or courtyard-type space, play physical games such as handball, bat and ball, mini-cricket or mini-soccer as a family or couple, combining fun, bonding and exercise.
    READ MORE: How Can I Tell If My Symptoms Are Allergies, Or A Possible COVID-19 Infection?
    Make starchy foods part of most meals
    Choose whole grain, unrefined foods to add more fibre, vitamins and minerals to your diet. Good options to choose are whole-wheat pasta, multigrain Provitas or cracker bread, brown rice and bulgur wheat.
    Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit every day
    This can be challenging while we are under lockdown and want to avoid frequent shopping.
    Choose fresh, whole fruit that is naturally longer lasting such as apples, pineapple and citrus fruits.
    Eat fruits as snacks and desserts. Add sliced fruit or dried fruit to your cereal, muesli or yoghurt.
    As some fresh vegetables don’t last long, blanche or cook them on the day of purchase and then freeze for later use.
    Root and bulb veg options such as carrots and turnips, onions, garlic and ginger are longer lasting.
    Frozen and canned vegetables are also good options.
    Eat dry beans, split peas, lentils and soya regularly
    Dried legumes are not only good substitutes for meat, fish, eggs or cheese, but can also be used as affordable ‘meat extenders’ to make meals go further.
    Have milk, maas or yoghurt every day
    Maas and yoghurt will last longer in the fridge than fresh milk. For more long-term milk options buy long-life milk, skim milk powder or evaporated milk.  Fresh dairy products can also be frozen.  Eat yoghurt, with added fruit, as a snack between meals instead of a packet of chips as this contributes to the day’s nutrient intake and does not contain excess fat and salt.
    Fish, chicken, lean meat or eggs can be eaten daily
    Stock up on tinned fish options such as tuna, pilchards, and sardines. And meals such as quiches and omelettes are an easy and tasty way to use up vegetables that might spoil soon.
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    Drink lots of clean, safe water
    This is perhaps the easiest time to get into the habit of drinking enough water because you are confined to one space. Keep a bottle of water nearby so that you can stay hydrated throughout the day.
    Use fats sparingly
    Choose vegetable oils rather than hard fats, and always use only a little, as fats are high in energy but provide relatively few nutrients.

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    24 High-Fibre Foods That Should Be On Your Plate Every Day, According To Nutritionists

    Yes, everyone wants to feel full for hours after they eat lunch and never be bloated again. But like, how?!? Well, there’s one solution that’s not exactly sexy (your grandma probably swears by it), but it works: fibre, baby.
    Okay, yes, so fibre bars can be kind of nasty. But you can (and should) get this stuff from real food, too. Fibre helps keep your bowels regular, naturally lowers your LDL cholesterol, and, yes, makes you feel fuller for longer. “High-fibre diets have also been linked to lower rates of colon cancer, and most of us aren’t getting nearly enough,” says registered dietician Alex Caspero.
    That said, too much fibre can shock your system, causing bloating and diarrhoea (fun!). “If you’re only eating 10 grams now, please don’t start eating 50,” says Caspero. She recommends adding in five grams at a time every few days over the course of a week until you hit about 30 grams per day—the sweet spot for most adult women.
    And don’t forget to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep all that bulk moving through your GI tract (otherwise you’ll get gassy and bloated).
    Not sure where to start? Here are 24 high-fibre foods that pack a solid amount of the nutrient (and other health benefits).
    Chia Seeds
    Fibre: 13.5 grams per 1/4-cup serving
    Chia seeds add a nice nutty flavour to smoothies, yoghurt, and other foods — and they’re super easy to use. Just sprinkle them over or into your dish, and you’re good to go. In addition to an impressive fibre count (and being high in protein), “they’re a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been associated with a decrease in heart disease,” says Keri Gans, author of The Small Change Diet.
    Sunflower Seeds
    Fibre: 5 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Like chia seeds, sunflower seeds are an easy way to inject a little more fibre into your day. These fibre-filled little seeds are also “a good source of monounsaturated fats that may help decrease cholesterol levels,” Gans says. Toss ’em into a salad for a little crunch, or just nosh on them on their own.
    Fibre: 10.5 grams per 1/8-cup serving
    Bran is surprisingly versatile — you can add it to smoothies, oatmeal, muffins, and even mashed bananas with nut butter, says Sonya Angelone, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. There are also different types to choose from. “Wheat bran is a great source of insoluble fibre, which helps prevent constipation,” Angelone says. “I really like oat bran as a concentrated source of soluble fibre.” (Soluble fibre slows digestion and keeps your blood sugar stable.)
    Fibre: 10 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    High-fibre almonds can do your gut and your skin a solid. They’re a “good source of vitamin E, which has been associated with a reduction in UV damage of the skin,” Gans says. She recommends using finely-chopped almonds to coat meat before baking or over salads, or just munching on them whole.
    Sweet Potatoes
    Fibre: 3.4 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Sweet potatoes are an awesome way to up your fibre intake, plus they’re also an “excellent” source of vitamin A, which is great for your vision, Gans says. You can swap sweet potatoes into just about any potato dish, or try this cool hack from Gans: Slice sweet potato into quarter-inch thick into pieces and put them into the toaster. Then, slather your slices with your favourite toast toppings, like peanut butter, banana, and honey.
    Fibre: 6.2 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Prunes have a solid rep for getting things moving in your gut, and part of their power is due to fibre. They’re also a good source of potassium, which helps your body regulate your blood pressure, Gans says. She recommends throwing a few into oatmeal, or blending them into smoothies.
    Split Peas
    Fibre: 22 grams per 1/2-cup serving (uncooked)
    Don’t be intimidated by split peas. “They cook up in 30 minutes and don’t need to soak first,” Angelone says. “They also make a great one-pot meal when you add some vegetables at the start of cooking and then fresh spinach at the end.” Split peas are also a great source of iron, which is needed to transport oxygen in your blood, Gans points out.
    Brussels Sprouts
    Fibre: 3.5 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Brussels sprouts are a great option when you’re tired of broccoli or cauliflower but still want cruciferous vegetable benefits. They’re “rich in vitamin K, which is needed to help your blood to clot,” Gans says. Try brushing your Brussels with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roasting them for a delicious side dish.
    Flax Seeds
    Fibre: 14.3 grams per 1/4-cup serving
    Like chia seeds, flax seeds are an easy way to inject fibre into oatmeal, smoothies, yoghurt, pancakes, or baked goods, Angelone says. Another, non-fibre perk of flax seeds, per Gans: “They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties that have been associated with a decrease in joint discomfort.”
    Fibre: 5.6 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Seaweed (a.k.a. nori) makes a great addition to salads and soups, and can be a go-to snack on its own, says Scott Keatley, of Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy. (It adds a nice salty flavour to just about anything.) “Snacks like seaweed can help you to feel fuller longer, decrease cholesterol levels, help regulate blood sugar levels, and be great aids in weight loss,” he says.
    Fibre: 7 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Popcorn is a whole grain (and therefore loaded with fibre), but the kind of popcorn you choose matters, Keatley says. Opt for the buttery movie theatre version, for example, and you’re adding in some ingredients that kind of undermines the good stuff. But, if you get your popcorn plain and dress it up yourself with garlic powder or cinnamon, it’s a benefit-packed snack, explains Gans.
    Fibre: 7.5 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Apples are a sweet way to get your fibre intake up. Bonus perk: Apples are also a great source of vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system and helps your body produce wrinkle-busting collagen, Gans says. Snack on them plain or top them with almond butter for more staying power.
    Fibre: 7 grams per medium uncooked artichoke
    Artichokes are a great source of fibre — but a pain to prepare. To make life easier, Caspero suggests adding frozen or canned artichokes to salads and frittatas. Or toss into whole-wheat pasta with sautéed sun-dried tomatoes, parsley, chicken, and a sprinkle of feta for a fibre-rich Mediterranean meal.
    Lima beans
    Fibre: 12 grams per 1-cup serving
    Frozen or canned is your best option to get all the fibre in lima beans; pair with corn to make a savoury hash. “Corn gets a bad rap, but it’s technically a veggie and it’s relatively high-fibre,” Caspero says. Or puree lima beans with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper to make a “hummus” for veggie dip or a spread on sandwiches.
    READ MORE: You Might Be Eating WAY Too Much Fibre — Without Realising It
    Fibre: 16 grams per 1-cup cooked serving
    You’ll get TONS of fibre and protein in every cup of this vegetarian staple. Buy a bag at the supermarket and forget the soaking; just drop in simmering water and they’re ready in 30 minutes. Caspero recommends using lentils as a filling for tacos or wraps, or making a “lentil loaf” (like meatloaf…but with lentils).
    Black beans
    Fibre: 17 grams per 1-cup serving
    Caspero suggests lightly mashing black beans and adding to sandwiches, pairing with sweet potatoes and a sprinkling of cheese, adding to soups and salads, or wrapping in a whole-wheat wrap with chicken and hummus.
    Whole-wheat pasta
    Fibre: 6 grams per 1 cup of cooked pasta
    Pasta is a surprisingly high-fibre food, if you do it right. Take your whole-wheat pasta and toss with about two cups of cooked mixed veggies, plus tomato sauce or olive oil and lemon, and you’ll have a fibre-rich meal.
    READ MORE: 30 Healthy High-Fibre Foods That Make You Feel Full And Satisfied
    Fibre: 8 grams per 1-cup serving
    The season for raspberries is fairly short, and they’re pricey otherwise. But you can enjoy fibre-rich raspberries out of season if you buy frozen, then add to smoothies or fibre-rich oatmeal.
    Fibre: 11 grams per 1-cup serving
    “I call chickpeas my chicken,” says Caspero, since she swaps the high-fibre, vegetarian protein anywhere she’d otherwise use chicken. Because they’re pretty bland, they marry well in lots of different dishes. Toss them in a blender with mayo, celery, and carrots to make a take on chicken salad that’s high in fibre and protein.
    Fibre: 6 grams per 1-cup serving (cooked)
    You might associate barley with soups, but it works just as well anywhere you’d use rice. Buy a pack of barley and make one big batch that you can keep in the fridge all week. Mix with roasted veggies (like onions, broccoli, and red peppers to get an extra fibre kick), a serving of chicken, and dressing for a hearty lunch or dinner.
    READ MORE: Are You Really Getting Enough Fibre In Your Diet?
    Fibre: 6 grams fibre per medium pear
    When you think of fibre-rich fruits, you probably think of apples, but you’ll actually get a lot of it in pears, too. Pair it with almond butter for a snack or with almost any savoury food, like cheese in a salad.
    Fibre: 7 grams per half avocado
    Yet another reason to love brunch’s favourite food! Slather it on toast, dice, and toss with your favourite salad, or just slice and put on top of your sandwich to boost your meal’s healthy fat and fibre content.
    Fibre: 8 grams per 1-cup serving
    Like raspberries, blackberries are a high-fibre food that you should have in your repertoire. Fresh or frozen, you can eat these babies in yoghurt, as part of a fruit salad, or just pop ’em raw.
    Fibre: 6 grams per 1/2-cup serving
    Peanuts have a surprisingly-high amount of fibre for such a small, ordinary nut. As if you didn’t have enough reason to love peanut butter already. Toss the nuts into a stir fry or salad, or just eat some PB out of the jar.
    This article was originally published on 

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    19 Healthy High-Fat Foods You Should Be Eating, According To Nutritionists

    If you’re still thrown off by the quick shift from low-fat-everything to the keto craze, you’re not the only one. (I’m still a little shook, tbh.) You don’t have to go full-blown keto to reap the benefits of eating healthy fats, though. “Healthy fats are satiating, flavourful, and necessary for so many metabolic processes,” explains nutritionist […] More

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    7 Delicious Ways To Use A Can Of Chickpeas

    So you’re going through your cupboards looking for some foodie inspiration and you stumble upon a tin of chickpeas. This affordable pantry staple (great to add to curries, stews and soups) can be whipped up in several ways to make creative snacks. Roast Them  1. Sriracha It Drain two tins of chickpeas, spread on a […] More