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    This Healthy Cauliflower Risotto Is A Winter Dream

    A classic, cosy way to cook rice, the risotto stands out not only as a filling and delicious dish but as a veritable winter warmer. And this healthy cauliflower risotto ticks all the boxes.

    This recipe, from Executive Chef Kerry Kilpin’s new offering at Steenberg Wine Farm’s Bistro Sixteen82 winter menu, nails it.

    The new winter menu at Bistro Sixteen82, curated by Kilpin, embodies the essence of winter comfort. Featuring an array of fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients, the menu includes highlights such as umami-glazed Cape Bream and heart-warming desserts like Valrhona chocolate marquise, promising a sensory feast that celebrates the best of what the colder months have to offer.

    But if you can’t make it to the lush foothills of the Steenberg valley, Chef Kilpin has this healthy cauliflower risotto recipe to cosy you up.

    The key to a perfect risotto

    Use the right rice

    A short-to-medium grain rice does well and absorbs the liquid, making it velvety and rich. Another tip: don’t wash the rice beforehand – you want that extra starch to create a good, rich texture.

    Go slowly

    Per Jamie Oliver, cook your risotto slowly on low heat. Also add your broth in ladles: this gives the rice time to absorb each spoonful of broth, slowly plumping up that grain.

    Pay attention

    Like the perfect scrambled egg, you can’t leave a risotto unattended. Stir frequently to prevent the dish from sticking to the bottom of the pan and make sure the rice never dries out.

    Healthy Cauliflower, Corn & Bacon Risotto

    Executive Chef Kerry Kilpin

    This healthy cauliflower risotto is a winter dream and comes together in minutes.

    Prep Time 10 minutes minsCook Time 20 minutes mins

    Course Appetizer, Lunch, Main Course, StarterCuisine Healthy, Italian

    1 onion, chopped100 g butter2 cloves garlic, chopped200 g risotto rice200 ml Steenberg Sauvignon Blanc, or dry white wine15 ml smoked paprika1 cup frozen corn250 g streaky bacon, chopped½ head cauliflower  blended roughly to make “cauliflower rice” 2 cup chicken stock2 sprigs rosemary, chopped125 g parmesan, grated20 g parsely
    Sweat your onions and garlic with 50g butter in a pot for about 2 minutes. Add your rice, cook for a further minute until the rice starts to go translucent on the outside. Add the wine and allow the wine to cook off and the rice to absorb all the liquid. Add the paprika, bacon and enough stock to cover the rice. Cook on a medium heat. After a further 2 minutes, add the cauliflower, corn and rosemary and top with stock. Throughout the cooking process you will add stock and stir from time to time. Keep your risotto moist at all times. If you run out of stock and your rice isn’t cooked, top up using water. Once your rice is about 2 minutes off from being cooked, add the parmesan, butter and parsley and allow to melt. Season to taste and enjoy with a glass of Steenberg Sauvignon Blanc.

    Keyword bacon, comfort food, Easy Meals, risotto

    Try these winter-warming recipes More

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    4 Breakfast Swaps For Weight Loss You Should Try

    Few things feel as luxurious as a gorgeous brunch at a bustling restaurant where mouth-watering options abound. But when you’re watching your waistline, a little bit of discernment and a touch of inside knowledge go a long way. So to keep your brunch plans minus the extra calories, we’ve rounded up these breakfast swaps for weight loss. You’ll be surprised to see which options deliver the taste and satisfaction.

    Swap eggs benedict for scrambled eggs

    We hate to break it to you but spinach with your eggs Benedict does not make it healthier. Hollandaise sauce, made with butter and egg yolks, bumps up the total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content. Keep your helping of bacon moderate – it’s a sodium bomb and, depending on the type, can be fatty too.

    Ask for fresh tomato slices and you’ll score one of your veggie servings for the day without the extra grease. For added flavour and folate, ask for a topping of fresh basil leaves.

    READ MORE: Exactly How To Pick The Healthiest Muesli For Breakfast, Per Experts

    Instead of an English breakfast, try French toast

    A good old English fry-up has its place, but pass if you’re watching your waist. Two fried eggs, bacon, sausage and tomato can contain more than half your daily kilojoule needs and more than 25g of heart-harming saturated fat. Bacon and sausage up the sodium levels to around 2500mg – more than the health guideline of less than 2300mg (six grams of salt) daily.

    Research shows that too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, increasing our risk of heart disease and stroke. French-style toast (at less than the calories) equals less sodium and only four grams of unhealthy fats. Ask for the golden syrup on the side and only add a trickle.

    READ MORE: Weight Loss Pills: We Delved Deep Into The Science To See If Any Actually Work

    Ditch croissants for a bran muffin

    Farewell for now, beloved buttery flaky delight! We’ll see you when we reach our goal weight. The croissant and cream cheese meal is hefty in heart-unhealthy fats (about 15g).

    Muffins contain a fair amount of fat and sugar, but the bran versions are usually lower in these and have more fibre than white-flour options. A standard bran muffin (about 60g) will give you roughly three to five grams of fibre. Go easy on the cheese and steer clear of those giant muffins.

    If you’re looking for omegas from salmon (in the croissant), rather get your omega-3 benefits from salmon at another meal. Grilled, steamed or as sashimi, accompanied with an unrefined carbohydrate and heaps of veggies. If you must have salmon at brunch, combine salmon ribbons with a poached egg on wholegrain bread, with fresh tomato slices and coriander leaves. Mission accomplished.

    READ MORE: How To *Actually* Lose Belly Fat With Diet And Exercise

    Sub your latte for a cappuccino

    A milky latte is delicious as a treat, but racks in more kilojoules than its cousin, the cappuccino, which is made with less milk. A short latte with low-fat milk comes in at around 720kJ; a cappuccino equals 350kJ.

    The best bet when sampling the fine javas from your favourite barista is to opt for skim milk – it makes a better froth, plus a cappuccino with skim comes in at around 200kJ in a small cup. More

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    10 Healthy Snacks That Won’t Give You A Sugar Crash In 20 Minutes

    Raise your hand if you ever ate a candy bar for a mid-day boost, only to experience a sugar high…followed by an immediate crash. Yup, it’s a nasty cycle.

    An alternative? Sugar-free snacks that help stabilise your blood sugar and wean you off your sweet tooth says Desiree Nielsen, a registered dietician.

    Whether you opt for sugar-free or no-sugar-added (aka only naturally occurring sugar) snacks is totally up to your dietary needs.

    But, when you go for a sugar-free snack to fuel your body, be sure the ingredient list reads like a recipe (no chemicals or artificial sweeteners), says Nielsen. Look for the word “unsweetened” on the label, and go for snacks that have a hefty dose of protein and fibre to further balance your blood sugar and boost your energy.

    And don’t be scared of fruit! “Naturally occurring sugars in moderate amounts, like whole fruit as opposed to fruit juice, are part of a healthy diet,” says Nielsen. She explains that whole foods contain fibre that slows down the rate at which your body accesses the sugars (warding off that dreaded afternoon slump—yay!).

    Need some ideas to get started? Try an RD-approved, sugar-free and no-sugar-added snack to fuel your body right.

    1. Apples dipped in almond butter

    Nothing beats this no-utensils-needed iconic snack. “It’s one of my faves,” says Nielsen, thanks to its plant-based protein content. Be sure to read the label and make sure no sugar has been added to the almond butter.

    Per medium apple: 95 calories, 0 g fat (1.5 g saturated), 25 g carbs, 19 g sugar, 2 mg sodium, 4 g fibre, 0.5 g protein

    Per 1 tbsp almond butter: 98 calories, 9 g fat (1 g saturated), 3 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 1 mg sodium, 2 g fibre, 3 g protein

    2. Dates stuffed with peanut butter

    Nielsen says this is the perfect no-sugar-added snack for anyone with a serious sweet tooth.

    Per date: 66 calories, 0 g fat (0 g saturated), 18 g carbs, 16 g sugar, 0 mg sodium, 2 g fibre, 0 g protein

    Per 1 tbsp peanut butter: 95 calories, 8 g fat (1 g saturated), 3.5 g carbs, 0.5 g sugar, 63 mg sodium, 1.5 g fibre, 4 g protein

    3. Sprouted grain toast with homemade chia jam

    To make the jam, Nielsen says to mash two and a half cups of thawed frozen raspberries and stir in two tablespoons of chia seeds. Let sit until the chia seeds plump and hydrate. The expansion of the chia seeds will help keep you fuller for longer.

    Per slice: 78 calories, 0 g fat (0 g saturated), 14 g carbs, 1 g sugar, 196 mg sodium, 2 g fibre, 5 g protein

    READ MORE: Sugar-Free Easter Eggs With A Collagen Boost

    4. Unsweetened coconut milk yoghurt

    For the healthiest dessert in the history of desserts (or, dessert for breakfast), Neilsen suggests pairing yoghurt with unsweetened cocoa and diced frozen cherries stirred in for extra antioxidants.

    Per 1-cup serving: 110 calories, 7 g fat (7 g saturated), 10 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 45 mg sodium, 3 g fibre, 0 g protein

    5. Flavoured almonds

    A handful of almonds is the poster child of healthy snacking. But Bonnie Taub-Dix, registered dietician, says the Blue Diamond gourmet variety is her new go-to. “They come in a variety of flavours,” she says. “They also provide protein and just the right crunch to keep you feeling satisfied.”

    Per 30-gram serving: 170 calories, 15 g fat (1 g saturated), 5 g carbs, 1 g sugar, 130 mg sodium, 3 g fibre, 6 g protein

    6. Toasted whole grain waffle with low-fat cottage cheese

    Like waffle à la mode—but healthier. For an added boost of antioxidants, Taub-Dix suggests adding cinnamon on top, a great sugar-free way to add flavour.

    Per waffle: 70 calories, 1 g fat (0 g saturated), 13.5 g carbs, 1.5 g sugar, 130 mg sodium, 1.5 g fibre, 2 g protein

    Per ½ cup cottage cheese: 81 calories, 1 g fat (1 g saturated), 3 g carbs, 3 g sugar, 459 mg sodium, 0 g fibre, 14 g protein

    READ MORE: This High-Protein Vegan Salad Will Leave You *So* Satisfied

    7. Almond butter on whole-grain bread

    Not an avo toast fan? This alternative is Taub-Dix’s way of sustaining blood sugar levels throughout the day. Use only half a banana to keep the natural sugars low.

    Per 1 tbsp almond butter: 98 calories, 9 g fat (1 g saturated), 3 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 1 mg sodium, 2 g fibre, 3 g protein

    Per slice: 69 calories, 1 g fat (0 g saturated), 11 g carbs, 1.5 g sugar, 99 mg sodium, 2 g fibre, 3 g protein

    8. Overnight oats with almond milk

    Overnight oats made with unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze almond milk are a dietitian go-to. “I like to add frozen raspberries, chopped nuts and chia seeds to help it congeal a little more. It’s also high in protein so it’s a great way to start the day,” says Taub-Dix.

    Per ¼-cup oats: 150 calories, 2.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated), 27 g carbs, 1 g sugar, 0 mg sodium, 4 g fibre, 5 g protein

    9. Hummus

    Taub-Dix says her go-to partner for cut-up veggies—a food group most of us don’t get nearly enough of—is hummus. “It’s a good source of fibre and contains protein,” she says.

    Per 60-gram serving: 150 calories, 11 g fat (1.5 g saturated), 9 g carbs, 1 g sugar, 260 mg sodium, 3 g fibre, 3 g protein

    READ MORE: This Hot-Honey Broiled Pineapple Toast Recipe Will Crush Your Hunger

    10. Egg and Avocado Mash

    Taub-Dix recommends mixing one hard-boiled egg with one-fifth of a medium avocado for a protein-filled snack with plenty of heart-healthy fats.

    Per large egg: 72 calories, 5 g fat (1.5 g saturated), 0 g carbs, 71 mg sodium, 0 g sugar, 0 g fibre, 6 g protein.

    Per 1/5 of avocado: 45 calories, 4 g fat (0.5 g saturated), 2 g carbs, 2 mg sodium, 0 g sugar, 2 g fibre, 0.5 g protein.

    This article was originally published on  More

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    Your Christmas Menu Is Sorted With These 6 Healthy Festive Recipes

    Want healthy festive recipes that will leave you seriously satisfied?! These are delicious, fresh and allergen-friendly! Therefore you have a Christmas menu that suits (and can easily be tweaked for) all dietary requirements. Below is a healthy menu that’s perfect for our hot sunny, South African festive season: indulgent, but feel-good.

    If you have a gluten-free guest: no adjustments necessary! All these recipes are gluten-free.

    If you have a vegetarian guest: replace the fillet in the Beef Tagliata with gorgeous grilled mushrooms. Then replace the salmon in the Trout Tartare with heirloom tomatoes (think different colours and sizes and textures).

    If you have a vegan guest: Do the above step and simply leave out the ricotta in the Herby Cress Salad and replace the yoghurt in the Raspberry and Yoghurt Tartlets with coconut yoghurt.

    READ MORE: I Tried 3 Viral Recipes And Here’s How It Panned Out

    Healthy Festive Starter: Trout Tartare

    Start off the menu with a refreshing recipe that requires minimal prep and no cooking. A few quality ingredients and you have a crowd-pleasing, effortless festive appetiser. Because what could be better than silky diced fish seasoned with zesty lime, sesame oil, spring onions, chives and a hint of chilli?

    Healthy Festive Main: Beef Tagliata with Roasted Rosa Tomatoes

    Who said your table had to be adorned with gammon, turkey and lamb? This Beef Tagliata is light and succulent and perfectly complemented by sweet and flavourful roasted Rosa tomatoes. Bon appetit!

    READ MORE: 5 Low-Calorie Smoothie Recipes That Legit Taste Like Milkshakes

    Healthy Festive Side Dish 1: Herby Cress Salad with A Crunch

    This watercress salad with flavour-packed homemade dressing is fresh, easy-to-make and uber crunchy thanks to the assortment of nuts and seeds. Best part? It’s easily customisable. Don’t add the cheese if you have vegan or dairy-free guests.

    Healthy Festive Side Dish 2: Whole Baked Baby Sweet Potatoes

    Everyone loves garlicky, well-spiced potatoes. And you’re going to love these sweet potatoes even more. With very few steps, you’ll be able to pop these in the oven and basically forget about them. We love fuss-free festive recipes!

    READ MORE: The 2 Hangover-Curing Recipes You’ll Need This Festive Season

    Healthy Festive Side Dish 3: Asparagus, Bean and Tenderstem Broccoli Salad

    Every festive feast needs a salad that no one can get enough of and every one demands the recipe for. This will be that dish. Fresh, crunchy and perfect for South African summer, this is guaranteed to be on your table every year from now.

    Healthy Festive Dessert: Raspberry and Yoghurt Tartlets

    Here at WH, we love recipes that make use of seasonal ingredients. Take full advantage of the summer berry season by treating yourself and your guests to the tangy and slightly sweet goodness of our Raspberry and Yoghurt Tartlets! This is a perfect summer dessert of creamy Greek yoghurt, fresh raspberries and zesty lemon. Yum! More

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    The Healthy & Crunchy Watercress Salad That’s Perfect For Summer Lunches

    Looking for a new favourite healthy salad recipe for the summer? You’ve come to the right place. This watercress salad (with flavour-packed homemade dressing) is fresh, easy-to-make and uber crunchy thanks to the assortment of nuts and seeds.

    READ MORE: Exactly How To Make A Healthy Pizza With 6 Delish Topping Variations

    The best part? It’s easily customisable. Don’t add the cheese if you are vegan or dairy-free. Alternatively, you can substitute with your favourite vegan cheese (Woolworths has a large range).

    Either way, you’ll use this healthy salad recipe time and time again, whether it’s for al fresco dinners with friends or when you’re meal prepping to help you reach those goals.

    READ MORE: This Tinned Tuna Nicoise Salad Is The Ultimate Quick Dinner Or Work Lunch

    Herby Watecress Salad with Crunchy Nuts & Seeds

    This watercress salad with flavour-packed homemade dressing is fresh, easy-to-make and uber crunchy thanks to the assortment of nuts and seeds. Best part? It’s easily customisable. Don’t add the cheese if you are vegan or dairy-free.

    Prep Time 10 minutes mins

    Course SaladCuisine Healthy

    Servings 6 people

    2 Tbsp Flaked almonds2 Tbsp Pumpkin seeds2 Tbsp Sunflower seeds1 Tbsp Sesame seeds3 Handfuls Watercress1 Handful Coriander1 Handful Basil50 g Ricotta or chevin (optional)Salt and pepperFor The Dressing:1 tsp Mustard1 tsp HoneyJuice and zest of half a lemon2 Tbsp Extra-virgin olive oilPinch chilli flakes
    Toast the seeds in a large dry pan until you hear a popping noise and the sesame seeds and almond flakes turn slightly golden.Toss the leaves together in a large bowl. Next, add the seeds.Whisk the dressing ingredients together and pour into the bowl. Then toss the leaves to coat.Plate the dressed leaves and seeds on a large platter before dotting small pieces of cheese among the leaves. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

    Keyword Easy Meals, healthy, Healthy Recipes, vegetarian More

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    These Raspberry And Yoghurt Tartlets Make The Tastiest & Cutest Summer Dessert

    Looking for a delicious and fresh summer dessert? This easy raspberry tart recipe uses ingredients you probably have in your pantry.

    READ MORE: This Is The Best Coffee Ice Cream Recipe Ever… And It’s Healthy

    So take full advantage of the summer berry season by treating yourself and your guests to the tangy and slightly sweet goodness of our Raspberry and Yoghurt Tartlets!

    This is a perfect combo of creamy Greek yoghurt, fresh raspberries and zesty lemon. And if you have a vegan or dairy-free guest, you can easily replace the Greek yoghurt with dairy-free coconut yoghurt.

    READ MORE: 5 Healthier ‘Adult’ Ice Lollies To Eat If You’re Watching Your Weight

    Quick And Easy Raspberry Tart Recipe

    Raspberry and Yoghurt Tartlets

    Take full advantage of the summer berry season by treating yourself and your guests to the tangy and slightly sweet goodness of our Raspberry and Yoghurt Tartlets! This is a perfect summer dessert of creamy Greek yoghurt, fresh raspberries and zesty lemon. Yum!

    Prep Time 15 minutes mins

    Course DessertCuisine Healthy

    Servings 6 people

    1½-2 Cups Cashew nuts7 Medjool dates, pitted1 Pinch SaltBaking Spray1 Cup Double-thick Greek yoghurt/dairy-free coconut yoghurt1 tsp Vanilla extract or pinch vanilla seeds1 Tbsp Honey/agave syrup200 g RaspberriesFresh mint leavesSprinkle Powdered sugar
    Place 1.5 cups of cashew nuts and the dates in a food processor. Blitz until well-combined (add more cashews if needed, so the mixture is sticky, but workable).Spray six mini tartlet trays (or one large tart tray) with a baking spray. Then press the date and nut mixture into the tray(s) and place in the freezer for one hour.Mix the yoghurt, vanilla and honey together.Remove the tart(s) from the freezer and spoon the yoghurt mixture inside. Top with the raspberries.Serve the tart(s) with a few sprigs of mint and a light sprinkle of powdered sugar.

    Keyword dessert, Easy Meals, healthy, Healthy Recipes More

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    The Easy Trout Tartare Recipe You’ll Be Making All Summer Long

    This refreshing trout tartare recipe requires minimal prep and no cooking. A few quality ingredients and you have a crowd-pleasing, effortless appetiser.

    READ MORE: 5 Healthier ‘Adult’ Ice Lollies To Eat If You’re Watching Your Weight

    Trout is a super underrated summer protein. It’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6 and B12, selenium and niacin. And what could be better than hitting your protein goals with silky diced fish seasoned with zesty lime, sesame oil, spring onions, chives and a hint of chilli?

    READ MORE: Try These Veggie Sosaties Even Meat Lovers Will Love

    Try This Delicious Trout Tartare Recipe

    Trout Tartare

    This refreshing recipe requires minimal prep and no cooking. A few quality ingredients and you have a crowd-pleasing, effortless appetiser. Because what could be better than silky diced fish seasoned with zesty lime, sesame oil, spring onions, chives and a hint of chilli?

    Prep Time 15 minutes mins

    Course AppetizerCuisine Healthy

    Servings 6 people

    400 g Boneless, skinless trout (or salmon)1 Shallot, sliced into super-thin rings2 Spring onions, finely sliced1 Tbsp Chives, finely chopped2-3 Limes, one cut into six thin wedges2 tsp Sesame oil1 Tbsp Extra-virgin olive oil, plus extraPinch chilli flakesFresh tarragon or flat-leaf parsley leaves, for garnishingSalt and freshly ground black pepper
    Slice the trout into one-centimetre pieces.Place the shallot, spring onions and chives in a glass bowl. Then add the zest from one lime and one tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice, as well as the sesame oil, one tablespoon olive oil and a pinch of chilli flakes. Whisk to combine, then add the fish, tossing to combine. Next, taste to check the flavour and add more lime juice, if needed.Divide the tartare between six small plates or bowls and garnish each with a few tarragon or parsley leaves, a drizzle of olive oil and a thin lime wedge.Season with salt and pepper and serve.

    Keyword Easy Meals, fish, Healthy Recipes, No-Cook Recipes More

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    How To Make Perfectly Baked Sweet Potatoes Every Time

    Let’s be honest, we’ve all had a severely undercooked or overcooked baked sweet potato. Well, you’ll never have either again thanks to our recipe that shows you exactly how to bake sweet potatoes to ensure they’re delicious every single time. Thank us later!

    READ MORE: You Need To Make This Yummy Cauliflower Recipe With A South African Twist

    Everyone loves garlicky, well-spiced potatoes. And you’re going to love these sweet potatoes even more. With very few steps, you’ll be able to pop these in the oven and basically forget about them. Who doesn’t love a fuss-free recipe?

    READ MORE: Try These Veggie Sosaties Even Meat Lovers Will Love

    Whole Baked Baby Sweet Potatoes

    Everyone loves garlicky, well-spiced potatoes. And you’re going to love these sweet potatoes even more. With very few steps, you’ll be able to pop these in the oven and basically forget about them. We love fuss-free recipes!

    Prep Time 8 minutes minsCook Time 1 hour hr 5 minutes mins

    Course Side DishCuisine Healthy

    Servings 6 people

    12 baby sweet potatoes, scrubbed clean and patted dryOlive oil1 tsp Smoked paprika1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Freshly ground black pepper1 Clove Garlic, sliced into thin slices
    Preheat the oven to 180˚C and line a large tray with parchment paper.Place the baby potatoes, about two tablespoons olive oil and the spices in a large mixing bowl. Massage the oil and spices into the skin of the potatoes before placing the potatoes on the baking tray. Bake for one hour or until the potatoes are cooked through and the skins are caramelised in areas. Don’t forget to turn the potatoes once about halfway through the cooking time.Sauté the garlic slices in a little olive oil until just turning golden, then remove immediately from the heat.Remove the potatoes from the oven and serve on a platter drizzled with the garlic slices and oil from the pan.

    Keyword Easy Meals, Healthy Recipes, vegetarian More