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    7 Ways To Meditate For Anxiety Relief That Are *Actually* Easy To Do

    A way to meditate for anxiety relief that’s actually easy to do? Please, say some more…
    Anxious thoughts are (arguably) the least pleasant kinds of thoughts—and as soon as they pop up, your main goal is to get them gone (which, honestly, only seems to make them multiply). Real talk: You can’t necessarily stop yourself from ever having them…but you can learn how to manage them (and prevent them from going rogue)—that’s where meditation comes into play.
    Meditation can actually teach you how to recognize anxiety-inducing thoughts, observe them, and then let them go. Basically, you’re learning to recognize and respond to your feelings rather than instantly reacting to them, says Andy Puddicombe, meditation and mindfulness expert and co-founder of the meditation app Headspace.
    Still, it can be hard to know where to start—and, uh, what to do when you’re actually feeling anxious. Try one of these seven quick meditation tips for anxiety to help bring yourself back to reality ASAP.
    7 Ways To Meditate For Anxiety Relief

    1. Focus on the rising and falling of your breath.
    With your hand on your stomach, focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale. Count your breaths—”one” on the rise, “two” on the fall—as you pay attention to the movement of your body, to bring you back to the present moment, suggests Puddicombe. Do this for 10 seconds, he says, repeating if necessary.
    READ MORE: 8 Things That Are Sucking The Happiness Right Out Of Your Life
    2. Pay attention to how your feet feel on the floor.
    Or how your hands feel on your keyboard; or how your back feels against the chair—anything that grounds you to where you are and what you’re doing at that very moment.
    Allow thoughts to come and go as you normally would (because they will—meditation isn’t void of thought), but as soon as you realize you’re lost in the thought, pivot your thinking back to the sensation you were focusing on, says Puddicombe.
    3. Do a full-body scan, starting at the top of your head.
    Close your eyes and focus on your forehead—then begin to scan down your entire body, stopping at specific parts (like your eyes, your mouth, your neck, etc.) to take note of each sensation—good or bad—that you feel, says Puddicombe.
    Don’t pass judgement or fixate on any specific feelings—just make a note of it and move on; scanning your entire body two to three times, paying attention to how you feel before versus after the scan is complete.

    4. Imagine bright, warm sunlight shining down above your head.
    You know how it feels when you’re sitting next to a window (or lying on the beach) and a beam of sunshine hits your face just right? Imagine that feeling the next time you’re overwhelmed—but instead of just your face, imagine the light beam filling up each part of your body, from your toes to your head, suggests Puddicombe. “Allow the warmth, light, and spaciousness to melt away any tension in the body,” he adds
    READ MORE: 11 Ways To Beat Year-End Fatigue
    5. Let your mind think about whatever it wants to think about.
    Yep, that even means feeling anxious, says Puddicombe. It sounds counterintuitive, but when you sit with your thoughts—without any expectations, sense of purpose, or focus for several minutes—you give your mind the extra space needed to help it unwind, he says.

    6. Picture someone you love—and breathe in their anxieties.
    All right, this one sounds weird but just go with it: Hold an image of someone you love in your mind, and imagine yourself taking on their anxieties and insecurities with every inhale. On the exhale, think about all of their good qualities and the great times you’ve had together—kind of like breathing in the bad and breathing out the good.
    This exercise of putting the happiness of others before your own is called “skillful compassion” according to Puddicombe, and it’s “one of the most effective ways to let go of a strong emotion such as anxiety is to focus on another person,” he says.
    READ MORE: “I Travel Solo Even Though I Have Anxiety — This Is How I Cope”
    7. Talk to yourself like you’d talk to a friend.
    Ask yourself, “what do you appreciate most in your life?” Once you’ve got something (or things) in mind, dwell in that gratitude for 30 seconds.
    Inquiring in the second person separates you from your mind and encourages a space of appreciation, free from any overwhelming emotions, Puddicombe explains.
    This article was originally published on  More

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    11 Ways To Beat Year-End Fatigue

    We can all agree that it has been a loooong year! The best way to get through this time of the year, with decent energy levels, is to get enough sleep at night.
    Honestly: “Nothing replaces sleep to give you energy,” says Dr Alison Kole, director of sleep services at Summit Medical Group. “Most people require seven to nine hours of sleep per night to feel their best.”
    Still, that’s not always entirely possible (just one more episode of Manifest and a few minutes on TikTok can’t hurt, right?). But the good news is there are some quick energy-boosting tips you can try that work pretty well in the moment. Here’s how to get more energy, like, right now.
    1. Follow this super-specific hydration formula
    Admit it: You don’t drink as much water as you could – and dehydration is one of the main reasons why energy levels bottom out.
    “Most of us walk around in a state of dehydration on a daily basis, and when your body is dehydrated it can make you feel tired and sluggish,” says registered dietician and nutritionist Dr Allison Childress.
    Fortunately, Dr Childress also says that pretty much any kind of beverage (except alcohol) counts toward your daily intake, so if you’re not a huge fan of plain water, mix it up with juice, tea, or even broth from soup.
    Not sure how much you need? Dr Kole says it depends largely on your body size, and recommends multiplying your weight by 20 grams to calculate what your daily goal should be.
    READ MORE: 1How Much Water You Should Be Drinking Daily, According To A Nutritionist
    2. Choose coffee over energy drinks
    Yes, a quick jolt of liquid caffeine can definitely perk you up – but here’s the thing, not all caffeine is created equal.
    “Stay away from energy drinks…they may give you a temporary boost, but these are stimulants and can set you up for a crash later on,” says Dr Childress, adding that energy drinks often contain caffeine as well as a mix of other stimulants like guarana and yerba mate.
    She says that 240 to 350 mils of coffee is a much better choice when you need some liquid energy (i.e., no crash). Just be mindful of the timing. Dr Kole warns that having caffeine too late in the day (say, after 4 pm) can interfere with sleep – and possibly force you to need even more caffeine the next day.
    3. Snack on both carbs and protein
    Your body’s energy comes from the calories you consume, says Dr Childress, so if you’re feeling sluggish you might need to fuel up. But don’t head to the vending machine; there’s a simple formula for noshing on a perfectly energising (and healthy) snack.
    “Choose a carb and a protein for maximum punch,” she explains – the carbs will provide your body with fuel, while protein will help you stay fuller (and more satisfied) longer. “Try an apple with a piece of string cheese, a cracker with nut butter, or half of a protein bar,” says Dr Childress.
    4. Do a few laps at the office (or just get up for some water)
    If you find yourself nodding off at your desk, there’s a simple solution: Take a walk – it’s an automatic source of energy that boosts your circulation and keeps your muscles active, says Dr Kole.
    And before you complain that there’s no place to walk outside your office building, know that fresh air is not mandatory for this tip to work. Take regular trips to the water cooler, log some laps around the open plan cubicles, or walk up and down the stairs a few times. Dr Childress suggests setting an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to get up from your desk every hour and move.
    “Do it regularly to keep fatigue at bay and keep your mind focused — a move break is just as good for your mind as it is for your body,” she explains.
    5. As soon as you wake up, make a plan to crush the day
    You know that feeling when you wake up and have so much to do that you kind of just want to go back to bed? This tip can help with that “I’m so overwhelmed” feeling.
    Dr Kole suggests starting every day with a positive thought or goal (like, “I’m going to spend 20 minutes mentally rehearsing for my presentation over coffee today”). This will help you manage your attitude toward the day’s activities – and conserve some of your precious energy, because freaking out about everything is super draining. “Personally, I try to focus on one thing I’m thankful for,” she says, “which creates a positive mindset moving forward.”
    READ MORE: Mindful Drinking: How More And More People Are Becoming ‘Sober Curious’
    6. Take a whiff of something refreshing
    Whether you work in an office or at home, the air around you can get…stale – which definitely doesn’t bode well for staying alert.
    Perk up by diffusing essential oils (they’ll spice up your environment and boot your energy levels). Dr Childress says that eucalyptus and citrus oils can refresh a tired body and mind, and that if simply smelling some zesty lemon doesn’t quite do the trick, you can also try putting a drop on some pressure points (like the insides of your wrists) for an extra kick. Just make sure to read the directions; some essential oils can irritate the skin.
    7. Go outside on your lunch break
    Sunny days aren’t just good for your mood — they can also be good for your mental and physical health.
    “The sun can be very invigorating [and it can also] stimulate vitamin D production, which has been shown to enhance mood,” says Dr Childress. Everyone needs vitamin D for bone health, but many don’t get enough of it from food—enter, supplements and good ol’ fashioned sunshine.
    FYI: a little bit of sunscreen-free sun exposure is okay, but make sure you don’t go overboard. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin in order to soak up those vitamin-rich rays; you only need about 10-15 minutes of exposure.
    8. Keep your curtains open and wake up by daylight.
    If you need one more reason to consider the sun your friend, pay attention: opening up your curtains and letting daylight into your bedroom as soon as you wake up in the morning can set you on an energised course for the whole day.
    Kole says that exposing yourself to bright light first thing in the a.m. helps regulate your internal sleep-wake body clock and may even improve your mood, especially if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
    9. Go ahead, take a (power) nap.
    If you have a full-time job (or children), taking a nice, long restorative nap when you’re feeling sleepy is probably out of the question. But there’s good news: you don’t need a long nap to reap the benefits of some afternoon shut-eye.
    “The ideal length for napping typically is about 20 minutes,” says Dr Kole. “Longer naps tend to leave people sleepier, in part because the further you go into a sleep cycle the more likely you are to hit deep sleep, and waking up during that stage often causes people to feel groggier.” Basically, consider this permission to take a quick midday snooze.
    10. Try to sweat a little bit before breakfast
    In addition to making you feel super-productive before even starting your day, working out in the morning can boost your energy, as well as control anxiety and reduce stress – two major energy-suckers, says Dr Kole.
    But there’s one other reason to make going for a daily run the first thing on your daily to-do list: According to Dr Kole, a morning workout sets a positive and energised tone for the rest of your day, while working out in the late afternoon or evening is more likely to interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night, she adds.
    11. Free up brain power by actually writing things down
    If I were to peek into your brain right now, I’d likely see a miles-long list of appointments, schedule changes, and other things you definitely cannot forget about – and that’s a recipe for crushing fatigue, says Dr Kole.
    You actually expend a lot of energy trying to mentally keep track of everything you need to do, so Dr Kole recommends sitting down to actually get some of that stuff done – or at least organising yourself better by writing down all of those things. She says resolving these distracting loose ends can free up tons of brain power and make you feel more prepared to tackle the next thing on your list, whatever it is.
    This article was originally published on  More

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    Mazda Made With Soul

    Mazda has searched the South African landscape to find people driven by an innate sense of curiosity, willing to tell their human-centric stories of success and passion for their craft. These individuals embody the true meaning of community and harmony with all things in and around us. In this series, they will be imparting their stories of precision craftsmanship, infused with their soul; so who better to share their journey with you, than a brand Made with Soul?
    [embedded content]
    Meet Roushana Gray
    Founder of Veld and Sea, and winner of the Spier Sustainability award in 2019, Roushana Gray is a wild food artist, foodie and avid forager. She shares her passion for the local edible landscape through immersive educational experiences, connection and creativity. For Roushana, her vocation as a food innovator is a journey that never ends as there is always something new to learn and discover.
    Explore more HERE 
    *In Partnership with Mazda More

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    Stay Ahead Of The Unforeseen Costs Of A Severe Illness

    Here’s a little something to ponder… When it comes to insurance, most people seem more comfortable splurging on entertainment, clothing and food than they are on lifestyle protection policies such as dread disease cover. Often the thinking is that: “it will never happen to me?” or “I still have time.” However, life-altering illnesses such as cancer, a stroke or heart attack often require that one take time off from regular programming to fully recover. 

    No Guarantees
    This was the case for Kim Gillot, who was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at 32 – without any family history at all. “I discovered a lump after bumping myself in the shower and ignored it as most women do because we often don’t want to be inconvenienced by these things,” recalls Kim. A week and a half later, she consulted a doctor for food poisoning and insisted on a by-the-way breast exam. When the doctor couldn’t pick up the lump via a physical examination, Kim listened to her intuition and insisted on a mammogram. The mammogram results showed an abnormality. Next was a biopsy. “I remember receiving a call on 25 February 2017 confirming that I had aggressive stage 2 hormone-positive breast cancer. My cancer was both oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) and progesterone receptor-positive (PR+),” shares Kim. She had the tumour removed within a week of her final biopsy and adds that getting the surgery out the way so soon was what ultimately spared her from the aggressive cancer.
    Kim received her payout from her Old Mutual Illness insurance policy shortly after the lumpectomy. “The money was a huge godsend,” she says. At age 20, Kim recalls seeing her father work relentlessly to pay her mother’s medical bills after she’d suffered a stroke. This, along with a 2016 smash and grab incident, made her realise just how underinsured she was, leading her to take out the Old Mutual lllness insurance amongst other policies.
    Peace Of Mind 
    When experiencing something as all-consuming as cancer, it’s a cycle of medical tests, treatments and recovery. After three harrowing rounds of chemotherapy, doctors switched Kim to aggressive radiation, which she did five days a week for seven weeks. “It was tiring and painful,” she recalls. This was followed by hormone-therapy implants for the next 18 months to subdue her oestrogen levels. The therapy introduced a new dynamic –  chemically induced menopause as a side effect! In November 2019, instead of continuing on the hormone therapy, Kim opted for a hysterectomy – something she says left her broken, with a lot of unanswered questions. 

    For Kim, who was placed on temporary disability leave at work, the Old Mutual Illness insurance payout took away the overwhelming financial burden of the upfront medical payments and shortfalls. “Even though my Old Mutual financial adviser is based in Cape Town, I have telephonic access to financial advice at all times. I really appreciate how each adviser that I spoke to gave me really good counsel in investing and growing the money to sustain myself,” enthuses Kim. 
    Kim is currently recovering from a double mastectomy and her can-do attitude remains strong. “Cancer is the demon I love to fight, I’m going to keep fighting it,” she shares, adding that she always makes it a point to share just how important severe illness cover is. “If you have the financial means to do it, please go ahead and make that sacrifice. We lead fast-paced and stressful lives and tomorrow is not promised to us. Everyone has a journey – yours may not be cancer but another illness.”
    How Will The Old Mutual Illness Insurance Benefit Me?
    The Old Mutual Illness insurance pays a single tax-free amount between R100 000 and R6 million should you suffer from a severe illness such as cancer, stroke, heart attack and other predefined illnesses. The money can be used to cover rehabilitation costs, travel expenses to treatment centres, modifications to your home or car and day to-day expenses while taking time off from work to recover. If your quality of life is severely impacted by treatment and you can’t care for yourself, the Cancer Enhancer will boost the payout by up to 25% of the cover amount.
    Can I Customise My Cover? 
    For an additional cost you can tailor the cover to meet your needs by adding extra benefits such as Top-up Benefit, Child Illness Benefit, Mild Illness Benefit, For Women Benefit and Returning Illness Benefit, plus other add-ons such as Premium Protection or *Cashback. Every five years, on the cashback anniversary, we will pay back 15% of all premiums received for the contract since the previous cashback anniversary and while cashback exists on your contract. Cashback will not be paid if the contract is not active on the cashback anniversary. Cashback would, on average, increase your premium by 12.5%.
    Choosing the right cover for serious illnesses doesn’t have to be daunting. For more information speak to your financial adviser. Visit www.oldmutual/illness or call 0860 60 60 60
    How soon does the cover kick in?
    Immediately. You’re covered for up to 30 days before paying your first premium.
    DISCLAIMER: This story was told by one of our customers, who received a monetary token of our appreciation for sharing it. The information shared in this article does not constitute financial advice. For more information and Ts & Cs, visit 
    *In Partnership with Old Mutual More

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    How to Choose High-Quality Vitamins and Supplements

    There are a lot of different multivitamins available, and not all of them are created equally. Before choosing a multivitamin, you should do your research to ensure that the one you pick is the one that will benefit you the most. Ask yourself these four questions the next time you go shopping for a multivitamin.
     1. Does it offer a complete range of vitamins and vital minerals?
    Multivitamins are designed to help you reach the daily recommended intake of the several micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that your body needs to function at its best.¹
    Studies have shown that the majority of us are unable to do this through diet alone, taking a multivitamin is a beneficial  supplement.¹
    Whether you need a daily pick-me-up or nutrient replenishment, taking a comprehensive multivitamin will go a long way toward helping you obtain sufficient levels of micronutrients in your diet.
    Remember, when shopping for a multivitamin, it’s crucial to find one that offers you, the things you need.
    A high-quality multivitamin offers a complete range of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, D, E, K,B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, and B12).²
    A multivitamin should also include a broad range of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, and chromium.³
    Understanding the jumble of letters, figures, and micrograms relating to multivitamins can be exhausting. Fortunately, once you learn how to read labels, buying a multivitamin becomes simple. Supplement labels list ingredients in ascending order of predominance. Steer clear of multivitamins that contain a long list of additives.
     2. Is it stimulant-free?
    High-quality multivitamins should be free of stimulants.  Stimulants may cause health symptoms such as depression, diarrhoea, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating.⁴
    3. Does it have the appropriate daily values of ingredients?
    If you’ve chosen a multivitamin tablet with the required recommended daily allowance, you know you’ve made a great choice. Be sure to examine the ingredients in other supplements you are taking to prevent excessive intake of nutrients.⁵
    4. Does it offer a complete solution?
    In recent decades, the use of nutritional supplements has rapidly increased.6 One-third of adults and half of the population (⟩55 years of age) report taking at least one supplement per day.⁶
    Multivitamins come in a wide variety of formulations and forms. The key to getting all the benefits from your multivitamin is ensuring you’re buying a good quality one and taking it daily. 
    Whether you want to support your brain health, relieve stress and anxiety, or just rev up your energy, staminaand immunity, BIOPLUS® VIT-ALITY DAILY NUTRI-PACK⁷ offers a complete solution.

    Get All The Essentials You Need In One Daily Dose!  
    Not sure which supplements to take? Leading pharmaceutical company Adcock Ingram (Pty) Ltd have a daily vitamin and mineral supplement range, BIOPLUS® VIT-ALITY.

    Consider BIOPLUS® VIT-ALITY DAILY NUTRI-PACK⁷. Complete from a-z, BIOPLUS VIT-ALITY DAILY NUTRI-PACK is a health supplement in a conveniently packaged blister designed to provide you with a daily dose of antioxidants, omega 3, probiotics, vitamins and minerals.⁷
    The BIOPLUS® VIT-ALITY range is available at selected Dis-Chem and Clicks stores, as well as selected independent pharmacies nationwide. For more information, visit: and join the conversation on Facebook.
    *In Partnership with Adcock Ingram (Pty) Ltd
    1. National Institutes of Health. Multivitamin/mineral Supplements. Available at: Last accessed September 2022.
    2. Liebman B. What should your multivitamin contain? Centre for Science in the Public Interest. Available at: Last accessed October 2022.
    3. Cleveland Clinic. 9 Vitamins and Minerals You Should Take Daily. Available at: Last accessed September 2022.
    4. Vo K, Neafsey PJ, Lin CA. Concurrent use of amphetamine stimulants and antidepressants by undergraduate students. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2015 Jan 22;9:161-72. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S74602. PMID: 25653508; PMCID: PMC4309786. Available at: Last accessed October 2022.
    5. Blumberg JB, Bailey RL, Sesso HD, Ulrich CM. The evolving role of multivitamin/multimineral supplement use among adults in the age of personalized nutrition. Nutrients. 2018 Feb 22;10(2):248. doi: 10.3390/nu10020248. PMID: 29470410; PMCID: PMC5852824. Available at: Last accessed October 2022.
    6. Hamishehkar H, Ranjdoost F, Asgharian P, Mahmoodpoor A, Sanaie S. Vitamins, are they safe? Adv Pharm Bull. 2016 Dec;6(4):467-477. doi: 10.15171/apb.2016.061.  Epub 2016 Dec 22. PMID: 28101454; PMCID: PMC5241405. Available at: Last access October 2022.
    7. Bioplus® Vit-Ality Daily Nutri-Pack capsules package insert. Adcock Ingram.  More

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    5 Effective Ways To Beat The Dreaded Afternoon Slump

    It’s so easy to lose motivation as soon as midday strikes. From frequent strolls to the copier, scrolling TikTok and needing about four coffee breaks an hour, the Afternoon Slump looms large over the human population, threatening even the most productive of people.
    Blame your natural stress hormone, cortisol. It fluctuates frequently throughout the day as we deal with different situations. By the afternoon, our systems are fried from vigorous regulation. If you’ve got things to get done, ASAP, try out these invigorating pointers to energise your body and mind – and meet those deadlines.
    Disclaimer: The below don’t include sugar or a caffeine fix.
    1/ Stretch it out

    Stretching is a wonderful way to calm your mind. Regular stretching focuses on mindfulness and releases tension from the body.
    Do it: Stand up and reach down to touch your toes. Don’t be concerned about who is around you. Bring your hands above your head and hold the stretch for 15 seconds. Tilt as far as you can, from left to right. Repeat.
    READ MORE: 8 Things That Are Sucking The Happiness Right Out Of Your Life
    2/ Close your eyes
    Did you know that closing your eyes is a great way to boost your memory? This is known as “quiet wakefulness”. Resting the eyes allows your muscles and body parts to relax.
    Do it: Place your hands over your eyes for two minutes and relish the time you have to sit and be still. Focus on your breathing and channel your thoughts on something positive.
    READ MORE: What Really Happens To Your Body (And Brain) On A Detox Diet?
    3/ Declutter your desk

    Your space is a reflection of you. Having a cleaner workspace can lead to increased productivity, while clutter can cripple your creativity.
    Do it: Recycle unnecessary paper that you’re hoarding on your desk. A clean desk makes for an efficient and professional student or employee.
    4/ Breathe in, breathe out
    Deep breathing exercises are the best for stress management and improving energy levels. Increased blood flow allows for more oxygen to get into the blood.
    Do it: Get comfortable. Sit or lie down on the floor and inhale through your nose, allowing your belly to fill up. Breathe out through your mouth. Repeat.
    READ MORE: Face Mapping: 9 Things Your Pimples Can Tell You About Your Health
    5/ Take a light stroll

    If you only have a few minutes to spare, taking a walk can do wonders for your blood flow to the muscles and will offer your mind a fresh start.
    Do it: Step away from your phone and computer and go outside for a walk. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase your steps. Your fitness watch will thank you. More

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    Find A New Way To Move With This GPS Smartwatch

    With up to 11 days of battery life, you won’t have to take off your watch every night to charge it, which means a more complete 24/7 picture of your health.
    With this Fitness aligned smartwatch you get heart rate, sleep score, stress tracking, Body Battery™ energy levels and a lot more. The watch comes with 25 preloaded sports apps for indoor or outdoor activities, you can try something new, including running, cardio, strength, HIIT and more.  
    [embedded content]
    Many of us choose to exercise between our work day or other commitments so thankfully you need never miss a call or text as smart notifications are delivered to your wrist when paired to your Apple® or Android™ smartphone.
    Look and Feel
    The Venu Sq 2 smartwatch has a sleek design that’s suited for every outfit and every part of your day. Its bright AMOLED display and optional always-on mode mean you can see everything with a quick glance. From a durable Corning Gorilla Glass 3 lens to the lightweight aluminum bezel and comfortable silicone band, this smartwatch was made to keep up with your lifestyle.
    Stress, Menstrual Cycle and Breathing
    You can track your menstrual cycle or pregnancy. Log symptoms, get exercise and nutrition education. Even see and log details on your wrist with the Women’s Health Tracking app. Find out if you’re having a calm, balanced or stressful day with continuous tracking. Relax reminders will even prompt you to do a short breathing activity when the watch detects stress and will then assist you to relax or focus with breath work activity while tracking your stress and respiration to help you get a better understanding of how you’re breathing.
    If you are looking for some insight and guidance to integrate your watch into a schedule to get fit, fast, strong and healthy, you can dive into the free workouts, running schedules and training plans, all complimented by a Garmin virtual coach.
    Buy the Garmin Venu Sq 2 HERE
    *In Partnership with Garmin More

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    8 Things That Are Sucking The Happiness Right Out Of Your Life

    You may not recognise it, but there are several biological imbalances and environmental factors that could create bad mood triggers, affecting your mood as an offshoot of something else that’s not quite right. Read on and check if any of these ring alarm bells.
    Bad mood trigger 1: Food Intolerance
    Food intolerances are responsible for a wide range of physical conditions including nausea and abdominal pain, but they can also affect your mood, causing irritability, mood swings, lack of focus, aggression, nervousness or hyperactivity. If you suffer from regular mood swings, try keeping a food diary – noting what you eat as well as any changes in mood – to see if you can identify a link.
    Bad mood trigger 2: Your Home Decor
    If you want to give your mood a boost, try changing your home decor as your surroundings can heavily influence your mood. While red can make some people feel irritable or hostile, yellow communicates happiness and blue aids relaxation, so try accessorising your home with colours that enhance your mood. Research has also suggested that hanging up soothing pictures – such as beautiful landscape paintings – can positively affect a person’s mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
    READ MORE: Mindful Drinking: How More And More People Are Becoming ‘Sober Curious’
    Bad mood trigger 3: Getting Promoted
    While many of us dream of getting a promotion in work, the reality may not be as rosy as you think. A study by researchers at the University of Warwick has found that rather than improving quality of life for workers, following job promotion employees suffered from increased mental strain and there was on average a 10 percent decrease in people’s mental health.
    Trigger 4: Your Bedside Lamp
    If you regularly fall asleep reading or watching TV, this can have repercussions on your mood the next day. Research has shown that night time light can suppress the production of melatonin; a mood-regulating hormone which is only produced during darkness. So, try investing in some heavy curtains and make sure you turn off all lights at night to give yourself a happiness boost.
    Trigger 5: Nutrient Deficiencies
    While depression can be caused by a number of things, symptoms can be worsened or improved by your diet. Deficiencies in vitamin D, the B vitamins (particularly B6, B12 and folate) and omega-3 fatty acids can all lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Try introducing more foods rich in these nutrients into your diet to see if symptoms improve.
    READ MORE: How To Support A Loved One If You Think They Are Suicidal
    Trigger 6: Your Friends
    You might think that spending time with your friends is a great mood booster; however, that could all depend on their mood. Research has found that emotions – both positive and negative – are contagious and easily passed from person to person, often without you being aware of it. Furthermore, you don’t even need to see your friends to catch their mood, as a study suggests that the emotions of Facebook users directly affect the emotions of their friends for up to three days.
    Trigger 7: Late Nights
    Many of us are aware that lack of sleep can contribute to a low mood; however, research suggests that when you go to sleep could be almost as important as how much sleep you get. According to a study published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, night owls are almost three times as likely as early birds to experience severe symptoms of depression, so try getting some early nights to boost your mood.
    READ MORE: 10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Hit the Gym After Work
    Trigger 8: The Pill
    A study by researchers from Monash University has found that women who take birth control pills are twice as likely to be depressed as those who don’t. For some, certain birth control pills can also lead to mood swings, increased anger and loss of libido. If you think that your mood has changed for the worse since you began taking the pill, visit your GP to discuss the alternatives. More