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    22 Simple Tips To Help You Lose Weight Safely—They Actually Work

    Are you tired of constantly trying to lose weight and failing? This is often due to bad desperate decision-making. Yes, we are looking at you bread-hating diets and you torturous Cleanse diet. It’s time to break the cycle and make healthy habits that’ll stick.

    Losing weight by improving your diet and lifestyle is without a doubt the healthiest way to go. All you need is practical tips on how to incorporate simple, easy and healthy choices so that you can not only shed those extra kilos. They’ll help you transform your relationship with food and exercise and embrace a happier, healthier version of yourself!  These tips hold true for most across the board — and they’re theories that you can put into practice today. Let’s get started!

    1. Do Some Aerobic Moves

    Not the Jane Fonda kind, but aerobic exercise. It refers to the exercise you do ‘with oxygen’ (think: cardio), and it used to be considered the best exercise for burning fat, as you use a higher percentage of it for energy. But it’s the anaerobic kind (short bursts of intensity, like HIIT – more on that later) that burn more energy over time.

    2. Burn Brown Fat For Weight loss

    The fat in your body is made up of different colours. Surprised? We know! White fat is the standard fat that stores energy and gathers around your body. Too much of this white fat can cause obesity. Brown fat is a type of body fat that regulates your body temperature in cold conditions. Brown fat also burns calories and generates heat, as does the less potent but more plentiful beige. Regular prolonged cold exposure fires up both helping you to slim down. Turn your air conditioner down to 19 degrees.

    3. Work The Deficits To Slim down

    If you are looking to lose body fat, you’ll need to be in a calorie deficit, explains sports nutrition expert Dr Emilia Thompson. “That means, simply, that you’re burning off more calories through exercise than you’re taking in.” Not a fan of tracking every morsel? Thompson recommends ruling out post-dinner snacks as a low-effort way to stay within your caloric budget and, ultimately, maintain your deficit.

    4. Watch Your Environment

    By which we mean factors that influence you to eat more and move less. This covers everything from eating the leftovers straight out of the pot (portion size) to a commute that consists of walking to your dining room table (sedentary jobs) and medicating a bad mood with an entire box of Astros (stress).

    5. Choose Foods That Keep You Full

    Or satiated. The goal is to choose foods that keep you comfortably full, for a while – and not to the point where you need a nap. The protein-rich yoghurt, fibrous fruit and fatty flaxseed in this breakfast parfait from performance nutritionist Liam Holmes will reduce your levels of hunger hormone ghrelin and raise levels of satiating peptides.


    150g Greek yoghurt (or a vegan alternative)

    A handful of berries

    1⁄2 banana, sliced

    2 tbsp flaxseed

    METHOD: Dollop half the yoghurt in a jar or bowl. Add half the fruit and flaxseed. Repeat. Eat.

    6. Watch The Junk

    In a Stanford study, we cited subjects who lost significant amounts of weight without counting calories by eschewing processed foods for the whole, real and satisfying kind. Guess what? They ate fewer calories without number-crunching. Quantity and quality both have an impact.

    7. Check Your Intentions

    Ensure that you’re trying to lose weight for the right reasons. If you think you can reduce deep sadness by slimming down or control a scary situation by controlling the number on the scale, that’s anything but healthy and could tip you over into disordered eating territory. Address the emotional issue first.

    8. TRY A HIIT Workout

    Want to torch excess fat in an expeditious fashion? Welcome high-intensity intervals into your weekly workout schedule. Try this no-gear, no-excuses circuit. Warm up, then go hard on each move for 45 seconds, resting for 15 in between. Build up to three circuits, giving yourself a minute after each round to get your breath back.

    01 | Push-up

    02 | Squat jump

    03 | Bicycle crunch

    04 | Close-hand push-up

    05 | Jump lunge

    06 | Bicycle crunch

    07 | Staggered-hand push-up

    08 | Split squat jump

    09 | Bicycle crunch

    9. Drink More Water

    Animal studies indicate that H2O may facilitate fat breakdown, while human trials show that if you drink more, especially before meals, you’ll eat less, as it helps you distinguish thirst from hunger. Another reason to hit your 2L target.

    10. Go Slow And Steady

    Your metabolism slows as you lose weight, stalling progress – or even reversing it. Former contestants on the diet show The Biggest Loser came away burning up to 800 calories per day fewer than average. Why? Because their bodies had adapted by going into starvation mode, doing all they could to cling to fat stores. Go slow and steady: aim to lose no more than 1kg a week.

    11. Axe Keto

    Touted to being the queen of weight loss. Think again. If you’re unfamiliar with “Atkins on steroids”, it’s essentially forgoing carbs (and fun) to get your body into ketosis: a state in which it burns fat for fuel. But once calories are matched, other diets are as effective for weight loss and superior for exercise performance and retaining muscle. Is it really worth forgoing fruit, veg, fibrous grains and beer? Didn’t think so. Should you need more convincing, two words: keto breath.

    12. Say No To Stress

    Stress triggers cravings and may leave you too strung out to buy and prepare healthy foods. It can lead you to eat poorly, mindlessly and irregularly (by disrupting hunger signals) or emotionally. Plus, you lose out on sleep. Dial it down with meditation, yoga or this breathing exercise by Michael Townsend Williams, founder of Do Breathe (

    01 | Sit somewhere comfortable and, ideally, quiet (or wear headphones).

    02 | Breathe deeply from your belly and through your nose, feeling the air passing through you.

    03 | Count to five on each inhale and exhale. Repeat three to five times.

    13. Get Some Light

    We kid you not. Yes, we’re talking about the UV kind. The sun’s rays shrink white fat cells, while studies have linked bright morning sunlight exposure to lower BMI because it signals that it’s time for your metabolism to get moving. Meanwhile, vitamin D from sunlight, salmon and eggs stir the fullness hormone leptin. Go for an al fresco brunch, basically.

    14. Stop Overeating

    Just don’t do it. Only eat when you feel physical hunger (gradual and in your stomach), not emotional (sudden and for a specific food). Ask yourself if you’re thirsty or bored. And be sure to stop before you’re full – as opposed to 10 minutes after.

    15. Work Your Quads

    Write this down: One of the two prime movers in a squat, a move that burns the most calories of all the common lifts. Read again, ‘burns THE MOST calories of all the common lifts’. Strength training while losing weight retains and even adds muscle, which raises your metabolic rate.

    16. Be Pro Probiotic

    Yes, the gut. You’ve been there, done that and brewed the kombucha. But did you know that gut bacteria also affect calorie extraction? Grow your own probiotics in your gut by eating plenty of garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, cabbage and oats. All contain prebiotic fibres that “good” bacteria go crazy for.

    17. Try Tracking

    Pretty self-explanatory, this. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a useful way of monitoring your dietary intake. Whether you use an app or pen and paper, give as much detail as you can about where key health markers – sleep, digestion, mood – are that day. It’ll help you see how lifestyle tweaks are affecting you.

    18. Reward Yourself

    The odd treat (not “cheat”) doesn’t affect your metabolism substantially but can refuel your staying power. But if weight loss is your goal, keep within your deficit, or all that discipline will be in vain.

    19. Eat More Consciously

    You eat more when you’re distracted by screens or music. So, contemplate what’s on your plate with mindful eating: bring your awareness to what you’re consuming, slow down and savour the smells, colours, textures and flavours. Om (nom nom).

    20. Eat More Veggies

    Eating less is hard – so eat more. According to a Penn State study, subjects trained to monitor portion sizes still ate however much was in front of them, but they consumed fewer calories by filling up on low-calorie, high-fibre veg. Devote half your plate to a variety of vegetables and you’re good.

    21. Add Yoga To Your Regime

    Regular practice can support weight loss for reasons beyond a raised heart rate. In a 2016 study, yogis who had lost weight credited the discipline with reducing cravings and stress eating. It’s also been proven to aid sleep.

    22. Get More Zzz’s

    Insufficient shut-eye causes you to sleepwalk towards a bunch of weight loss-sabotaging behaviours: eating bigger portions, selecting food impulsively, consuming more calories and expending less energy overall. It disturbs your hormones and gut bacteria to boot. So, remember: if you don’t adequately snooze, you don’t lose. More

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    Normal Sleep – Turns Out, There Might Be No Such Thing

    When we think about sleep, almost anyone will tell you that getting eight hours is ideal. However, how many people have you met who swear by only getting six? Or those who get 10 or even 11 each night?

    Dr Alison Bentley, Restonic Sleep Specialist, cautions against the idea that only eight hours can be considered normal and in fact, healthy. Dr Alison Bentley has been seeing patients with bedtime problems for 30 years and helped to run the first diagnostic sleep laboratory in South Africa. She believes that there is some room for deviation from commonly cited “normal sleep” in terms of three main components: duration, timing and solidity.

    “What is normal sleep?” asks Dr Alison Bentley, Restonic Sleep Specialist. “It’s not a strange question, really. But while books and Google insist that normal sleep is 7-8 hours long, in one go from 10pm to 6am, how many of us actually rest like that? I find that people whose rest differs from this ideal often believe they have a sleep disorder. However, that’s not necessarily the case.”

    While on average, sleeping can lie between seven and eight hours, that’s not to say the norm is the only kind that’s healthy. There are people whose bedtimes are only five hours long. Dr Alison says that while a sleep disorder could be in the realm of possibility, that person could also just be a naturally short sleeper. “The difference lies in how they function during the day,” notes Dr Alison. “The naturally short sleeper copes well and doesn’t feel tired, while the person with insomnia feels tired and fatigued with a deficit in attention resulting in poor concentration and memory difficulties.”

    The sweet spot

    So how can you tell if you’re getting optimum zzz’s? Dr Alison says you need to pay attention to how you feel after waking, and during the day. “The most important thing is that you need to feel that you have had enough when you wake up – that you are not fatigued or tired during the day,” she says. “Being able to concentrate and focus during the day on important tasks is also an important measure of enough rest. Good daytime function is a better measure of sleep rather than the right numbers at night.”

    Timing your zzz’s

    While many people catch naps between 10pm and 6am, there is variation in terms of timing. “Some people are like larks and go to bed early and wake early – feeling refreshed and ready to go to the gym at 5am,” says Dr Alison. “Others are owls, preferring to stay up late and sleeping in a little later as well. Whether you are a lark or an owl is also genetically determined.” You can always try and override your natural sleep timing but this would leave you feeling tired.


    Naturally, nap for a short period of time and wake up ready to hit the gym? You’re a naturally short sleeper. If you naturally prefer a lie-in and like going to bed later at night, that’s your natural duration. “It is important to accept the duration of your rest, otherwise it is can lead to a lifetime of medication with no real change in your sleep,” says Dr Alison.


    Lastly, Dr Alison says there’s also a misconception that zzz’s happens in one solid block – uninterrupted from start to finish. “Solidity of sleep refers to the expectation that rest during the night should occur in one solid block,” she says. “However, that never really happens because we actually wake up every 90 minutes.”

    According to Dr Alison, these wake-ups are very short and good sleepers don’t even remember them. It is believed that we wake up just to check the environment – an evolutionary “safety feature”.

    “If you extend your duration by an hour, those wake-ups are also likely to expand, meaning that when you wake up normally you may stay awake for longer,” she says. “Sometimes, the first three hours of bedtime stay intact with multiple awakenings after that.”

    While many assume that any period spent awake during the night must be abnormal, Dr Alison says that literature from centuries ago suggests that it was normal to go to sleep as soon as it got dark, followed by a few hours spent awake during the night and another few hours of sleep before starting the day. “So, sleep would be in two pieces – and that was normal,” she says.

    What about tech?

    While you might be using blue light blockers to minimise your blue light exposure before bed, what about smartwatches that track your zzz’s? Dr Alison says it’s a useful tool to use. “Smart devices can give us lots of information about our sleep,” she says. “Analysis has been done on many of them looking at how accurate they are compared to the gold standard – a full overnight sleep test. They match up quite well but can be up to 40 minutes off when analysing sleep stages.” So don’t go overboard when using them as the absolute truth of your rest – it might be off by a few minutes when letting you know how many hours you’ve slept.

    They can also give valuable insights in sleep apnoea and heart rate levels during rest, says Dr Alison. “If your heart rate during the night is high and your oxygen is very variable – that is not normal.”

    Our top sleep-tracking watches

    Huawei Band 7

    With 96 workout modes and a two-week battery life, you can’t really go wrong. It tracks sleep and can identify up to six sleep-related issues.

    Fitbit Sense

    Track your time spent asleep in various sleep stages and use the app to create a personalised wind-down routine that’ll keep you accountable.

    Garmin Venu Sq 2

    Understand how your body is recovering with our improved sleep monitoring feature. After waking up, you’ll receive a sleep score as well as breakdown of your sleep stages. More

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    Here’s How To Actually Do A Digital Detox, According To Experts

    It’s 7 am. Your phone alarm goes off and, after snoozing for twenty minutes, you grab your phone. Inevitably, you’re littered with notifications: Uber Eats, that workout app you never open, WhatsApps from while you were asleep and some viral tweets are all demanding your attention. Of course, you open one and before you know it, it’s 8:30 am and you’ve got 30 minutes to be at your desk.  

    Like it or not, we’re humans enslaved to our digital devices. Come evening, mindlessly scrolling TikTok on mute while simultaneously watching Netflix is the norm. It feels impossible to just ignore every ping and vibration. It stands to reason, then, that our interests pique when someone says they’re taking on a digital detox. The international practice, used by celebrities, CEOs and regular people alike, allow us some distance from our devices.

    “It’s a period of time where you intentionally disconnect from technology, including phones, laptops, tablets, and social media, yes, that means even a quick WhatsApp,” says Melissa Lain, health coach.  

    But there’s more to it than that. Every time you open your phone, your brain is flooded with dopamine, the body’s innate reward hormone. It’s the same thing that makes you feel so satisfied after eating chocolate or winning an arm wrestle. But being exposed to it 24/7? That’s flooding our brains with the stuff, making us addicted to our tech. And, per a new survey, South Africans are spending upwards of three hours a day on social media alone. A digital detox, also called a dopamine detox, can help. “The idea is to take a break from the constant stream of information and stimulation that comes with being connected all the time,” says Lainn.

    How to tell when it’s time for a digital detox

    There are various signs that it’s time to shut down those reward centres for a while. First, if you’re spending excessive periods of time in a scroll hole, it’s time to put the phone down. Zahraa Surtee, counselling psychologist, notes that sleep disruptions – and checking your phone in the middle of the night – is also a tell-tale sign.

    Also, pay attention to how you’re feeling when you’re not on your devices, notes Melissa. “If you feel like you can never switch off, are constantly checking your phone or emails, even when there aren’t notifications buzzing, and feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you are consuming, it might be time for a digital detox,” she says. Zahraa agrees. Are you feeling anxiety when your phone’s not within reach? You’re likely in a dopamine rut. You might even find a feeling of disconnect with the real world, says Melissa. “If you find yourself spending more time online or watching other people live life rather than creating and experiencing your own, it’s a sign that you need to intentionally disconnect for a while and re-engage with the present moment.”

    Then there’s the physical ramifications: “Spending long periods of time in front of a screen can cause eye strain, tension headaches, neck and back pain, and other physical symptoms,” says Melissa.

    How to detox, digitally

    Zahraa sees digital detoxes as a way to carefully curate what you’re exposed to. “It’s not about giving up screen time completely,” she says. “Rather, it’s firstly about recognising that the media we consume DOES affect our mental health and the way we choose to show up in the world.” Spend some time curating your phone. Go through your apps and disable those notifications that annoy you, or that cause you to scroll endlessly. Do you really need a notification every time someone likes your Reel? “Just as we get to choose the type of foods we ideally want to nourish our bodies with, so we do get to choose the type of content we’d like to nourish our minds with,” says Zahraa. “Digital detoxes are ideally about spending screen time more mindfully and in moderation.”

    To Melissa, the digital detox you embark on can be individualised to you. “It can be as short as a few hours or as long as a week, or even more,” she says. “During this time, you commit to disconnecting from digital devices and focusing on other activities that promote stillness and well-being. Don’t overcomplicate it, an hour or two a day is a perfect way to start, especially when there’s load shedding.”

    Keen to try? Instead of using the time to stare into space, itching to check your phone or Netflix, try scheduling a tech-free activity. Maybe that’s a bubble bath, some colouring in time or just some tea and time with your thoughts. More

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    Is Your Mattress Actually Good For You? Here’s How To Tell, According To The Experts

    Sleep is our body’s top recovery mechanism. It impacts our health, our weight and is even affected by our menstrual cycle. But what you sleep on? That’s a different topic entirely.

    Signs you need a new bed

    “There are a few signs which indicate that you need a new mattress,” says Rudo Kemp, founder and CEO of Sloom. “If you are waking up feeling sore and stiff – your mattress isn’t correctly supporting you and distributing your weight which could cause pain in your neck, shoulder, lower back, and hips. This is the generic answer however, having been in the industry for 11 years I’ve found that there are many other factors to consider.” Other factors to consider? If there’s an indentation in your bed, it’s time to think about a new mattress. If your bed is more than eight years old, this is also a sign, says Rudo. And, if you’re waking up groggy (and consistently, sans partying the night before) or are plagued with allergies, it could be your bed that’s got to go.

    If your body changes, your mattress likely needs to change too.

    A good mattress should support your body changes and not leave you with little aches and pains. “If physical changes in your body such as ageing or weight gain are causing joint pain, muscle aches, and stiffness then it would be time to find a mattress that relieves your pressure points and supports your body,” says Rudo. Also, springs in beds wane in strength over time. You might want to look at a bed with a different supporting mechanism. According to Rudo, “The Sloom Mattress has modular comfort, meaning that the foam layers can be rearranged according to the specific firmness that you prefer. If your body is changing, it could mean that you require a different firmness level to support those needs. Sloom uses a high-density foam that is divided into five ergonomic zones that help relieve pressure on the shoulders and hips by correctly distributing your weight.”

    How to pick one

    This one’s a biggie. When it comes to picking a mattress, there’s a ton of conflicting information, but Rudo says there are five main points to consider:

    Will both myself and my partner enjoy the firmness of the mattress? Look for beds with split comfort so partners both wake up on the right side of the bed.

    Does it have zoned support to relieve pressure points? The Sloom mattress is divided into five different zones to relieve pressure.

    Does the mattress have an anti-bacterial treatment? Reducing allergies and bed bugs leaves you with a safe sleeping environment.

    Do I have support from the brand that I bought the mattress from? Aftercare service and the option to have the freedom to return your mattress after the trial is essential.

    Can I change the comfort levels? Some mattress companies can customise the firmness level of the bed.

    When you’re buying a mattress, it’s always easier to go for the cheapest option possible. But not knowing what’s in your mattress, not having the option to customise it and not having aftercare can dictate how well you’ll be sleeping each night. “The perception that a high or thick mattress is a better quality mattress still dictates the demand in the industry,” notes Rudo. When picking a mattress, look for high-quality foam. “Advances in foam technology have allowed for far more breathable foams with even better durability.  The foams that we use in our mattresses are not just any type of traditional high-density foam but rather a new generation of foams specifically formulated for better durability, longevity and quality,” he says. More

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    Start Your Wellness Journey and Improve Your Lifestyle

    Feeling overwhelmed with the idea of starting your wellness journey? When it comes to improving your lifestyle, it’s important to start off on the right foot and celebrate every small win.

    With the fast pace of modern life and the demands that come with it, taking charge of your health and wellness can be daunting, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. That is why Momentum Multiply partners with you on your journey to better health.

    Here are five tips to help you achieve real gains in your healthy lifestyle journey and have fun while doing it:

    1. Get moving with an activity you love

    This makes it easier to stay motivated and stick to a routine.

    2. Set realistic goals

    Listen to your body and avoid straining yourself by doing too much too soon. For example, you can start with a goal of completing 30 minutes of physical activity three days a week. Multiply members can access the Multiply app for customised weekly goals and tangible rewards when they achieve these goals.

    3. Tap into fitness tools

    Tracking and recording your progress with fitness tools will help you stay motivated and keep track of your accomplishments. It can also empower you to be more aware of your habits and areas of improvement. Multiply guides and encourages members to improve the way they eat, sleep, breathe, move and connect in a seamless digital experience.

    4. Constantly challenge yourself

    As a Multiply member, you get to participate in health challenges with your peers and stand a chance of winning not just bragging rights but tangible rewards.

    5. Make it a date with yourself!

    Much like the pay-yourself-first approach to saving, blocking off or scheduling time for your health and wellness is key to making your goals a priority. Set a reminder for that 5-minute meditation or half an hour run. Go on, invest in yourself!

    Momentum Multiply is not just a wellness rewards programme.

    We have an innovative approach to wellness focusing on helping you achieve your health goals in fun and engaging ways.

    We believe that your overall wellness is the greatest reward and we reward you based on changes you make to improve your overall health.

    We understand that small efforts every day can lead to big long-term health wins.

    Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or you’re a seasoned pro, Multiply is there with you every step of the way. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or hitting the gym, find an activity that you genuinely enjoy doing.

    Sticking to the same fitness routine can start to feel boring and leave you feeling unmotivated. That’s why it’s essential to challenge yourself regularly and mix things up.

    Speak to your financial adviser or visit to start your journey and unlock the priceless value of good health. More

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    Salt Deficiency: 9 Disturbing Signs You’re Really Not Eating Enough Salt

    Ah salt… The crack cocaine of dinner parties. These health-conscious days, a raised eyebrow as you reach for the shaker is par for the “course”, given that too much salt can be detrimental to otherwise healthy bodies.

    But what if we told you that too little salt can also be bad for you? Yup: Sodium is actually a mineral that’s fairly critical for a number of your bodily functions, including fluid balance, blood pressure management and the nervous system.

    A condition called hyponatraemia results from a low level of sodium in the blood, and it’s caused by… you guessed it: Too little of this maligned condiment. In fact, head’s up Fit Fam: Hyponatraemia may be caused by drinking too much water, for example during strenuous exercise, without proper replacement of sodium, which could lead to a salt deficiency. Electrolyte drinks, on the other hand, replenish sodium stores.

    READ MORE: New Research Shows Where Women Carry Fat Could Protect Them From Brain Disease

    What Causes Low Sodium Levels?

    A string of medical conditions can lead to low sodium levels in the body: kidney failure, congestive heart failure, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism and cirrhosis of the liver. Anorexia and certain meds can also cause a sodium imbalance. But it can also result when sodium is lost during prolonged sweating and severe vomiting or diarrhoea.

    For the majority of us, the only time this would be an issue is if you have a diet severely low on salt, or you’re doing some mega training accompanied by mega sweating. Drinking too much water during exercise may dilute the sodium content in your blood, and dehydration also causes your body to lose fluids and electrolytes, which may cause your sodium level to dip. So you need to get that balance right.

    READ MORE: How To Use Genetic Testing To Improve Your Health

    So, What Should You Watch Out For?

    In long-term (chronic) hyponatraemia, where the blood sodium levels drop gradually over time, symptoms can be very non-specific and can include:


    Confusion or altered mental state


    Decreased consciousness

    But the more subtle symptoms include:


    Muscle spasms or cramps




    All of which can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    How Is Salt Deficiency Diagnosed?

    The symptoms of hyponatraemia are not specific, so you’d need to pop in on your doc for a blood test to measure your sodium levels.

    READ MORE: 5 Things We ALL Do To Avoid Germs, That Are Actually Useless AF

    And How Is It Treated?

    Mild hyponatraemia may not require treatment other than adjustments in diet, lifestyle or meds. For severe cases, treatment often involves intravenous fluids and electrolytes.

    And If You’re Feeling Daring…

    Believe it or not, there are people out there who swear by downing pickle juice after a particularly heavy workout. This age-old remedy apparently works because pickle juice is made up mostly of water, vinegar and… salt. But, because there’s a bunch of conflicting evidence on its benefits out there, we suggest sticking to your regular electrolyte drink. More

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    8 Natural Laxatives That Actually Work To Relieve Constipation

    Women are talking more about their bodies than ever, but one common issue is still pretty taboo: constipation (and laxatives).

    Well, we’re here to change that! After all, 16 percent of women regularly suffer from difficult bowel movements, while even more of us deal with it every once in a while, according to research. Fun fact: Constipation is more common in women than in men, possibly due to hormones. Yep, there’s no end to the list of things that can throw your bathroom habits out of whack. Think: your monthly cycle, dietary changes, stress, sleep problems, and even travel. Seriously, what’s that last one about???

    If you’re feeling blocked up, don’t wait more than two or three days before dealing with it, says Lisa Ganjhu, a gastroenterologist and clinical associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. “Your body is going to tell you it’s uncomfortable, so pay attention to it,” she says.

    And, good news: It can be pretty easy to get your bowels moving without any medication. “Natural laxatives are definitely gentler than some of the prescription laxatives, and even a little gentler than what you can get over the counter,” she says. Bonus: You probably have some of them already hanging out in your fridge or pantry. Laxative foods to the rescue!

    Here, we share eight natural laxatives that can get your bathroom habits moving again. Better yet, integrate them into your regular diet to keep things, well, regular:

    1/ Water

    Just like staying hydrated is good for the rest of your body, it’s helpful for your digestive system, too. “Water basically lubricates everything and softens the stool,” says Ganjhu. “The whole point of the stool getting to the colon is for it to try to absorb all of the extra water [along the way] in order to solidify.”

    The longer stool stays in the colon, though, the longer the water has to get sucked back out of it, eventually becoming rock hard—ouch. “Getting fluid back into your body helps to soften the stool and stimulates the colon to empty out,” she says.

    READ MORE: 6 Reasons Why You’re Pooping A Whole Lot More Than Usual

    2/ Greek Yoghurt

    Yoghurt and other probiotics are generally good for your gut and for digestion. “Whether you’ve got diarrhoea or you’re constipated, probiotics help your bowels because they reset your gut microbiome,” says Ganjhu. “We all have a billion bacteria in there, and if it’s not the right ones that are working well, that’s what can lead to indigestion, bloating, and changes in our bowels. Probiotics add more of the healthy bacteria to your gut and reconstitute your digestive tract with that good bacteria.”

    Look for Greek yoghurt varieties that list “live and active cultures” on their label, she recommends.

    READ MORE: Exactly Why You Get Gas And Diarrhoea On Your Period

    3/ Leafy Greens

    Leafy green veggies like spinach, kale, and cabbage are the densest in terms of fibre, which is what your system really needs in order to get moving. “That fibre stimulates the colon to contract — it gives it a sense of fullness, which it wants to push out,” says Ganjhu.

    Considering the fact that most people don’t get close to consuming the recommended 25 grams of fibre per day, upping your intake of leafy greens could be a quick way to jumpstart your digestive tract. Plus, leafy greens are chock full of magnesium, which can help naturally soften stool, she says.

    READ MORE: ​11 Ways To Get Rid Of Period Bloating, According To Gynaes

    4/ Aloe Vera

    You’ve probably used aloe for sunburns or in other beauty products, but you may have noticed the ingredient popping up on your grocery store shelves lately, most likely in juice form. “Aloe is one of the most common natural laxatives people are taking,” says Ganjhu. “It makes the stool a little more lubricated, which makes it easier to pass.”

    Research shows that aloe contains 75 vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and sugars, in addition to natural laxative compounds called anthraquinones, which up the amount of water in your intestines, help your body produce more mucus, and increase the contractions that keep food moving through your GI system.

    READ MORE: “Is It A Bad Idea To Have Sex While I’m Constipated?”

    5/ Chia Seeds

    You probably know if you leave chia seeds in water, they turn into a kind of jelly. That’s what makes them so helpful as natural laxatives, says Ganjhu. “In your system, when the chia seeds combine with liquid, they expand, and that gel-like texture makes it easy for the stool to move through the bowels,” she explains.

    And considering the fact that one ounce contains 10 grams of fibre, sprinkling some chia seeds into your meal is almost guaranteed to make you need to go.

    READ MORE: “How Often Should I Really Be Pooping — And What Can I Do About It?”

    6/ Flaxseeds

    One tablespoon of flaxseed contains almost three grams of fibre, according to the USDA, which is a lot for a tiny food that’s easy to hide in smoothies or salads. “All that extra fibre will stimulate the bowels,” says Ganjhu.

    The seeds contain “mucilage,” a gummy compound that coats your digestive system to make bowel movements proceed more smoothly. Flaxseed is also high in magnesium, so that can help stimulate the urge to go, too, she says.

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    7/ High-Fibre Fruits

    Like leafy greens, certain fruits are packed with fibre. Stock up on fresh fruits like berries, which “provide the fibre but won’t make you as gassy as leafy greens or apples and pears might,” says Ganjhu. Plus, the antioxidants in berries have anti-inflammatory properties that could soothe your GI system.

    Dried fruits such as apricots, figs, and — shocker — prunes are a good option, too. “Dehydrated food have a combination of dense fibre and extra sugar, which can increase the bowel movements,” she says.

    READ MORE: Are You Really Getting Enough Fibre In Your Diet?

    8/ Oils

    Consuming a bit of olive oil, mineral oil, flaxseed oil, or castor oil could lube up your bowels. “I prescribe a lot of olive oil or mineral oil,” says Ganjhu. “Just drink a tablespoon. It goes down your digestive tract and softens the stool, making it a little more slippery or softer so it doesn’t hurt as much as if you’re trying to pass a hard stool.”

    If the idea of knocking back a shot of olive oil makes you queasy, use the oil as a cooking agent or salad dressing. Just remember that this natural laxative option is anything but kilojoule-free. One tablespoon contains 502 kilojoules.

    This article was originally published on More

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    Everything You Need To Know About Endometriosis

    Endometriosis: what a bloody mess. It’s a condition as common as asthma and diabetes, but not as often discussed. It’s estimated that one in ten women suffer from endometriosis. The condition can be so debilitating that women often need to stay home, missing work or other important activities. 

    What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

    While ramped-up period pain is often associated with endometriosis, it doesn’t end there. The most common signs are:

    Cramps — Common PMS cramps generally show up right before your period. Pelvic pain caused by endometriosis can show up days (even weeks) earlier than the expected PMS discomfort.

    Gastrointestinal or bladder issues — Sometimes the uterine lining can travel and attach itself to the bladder or bowels and can cause painful issues like constipation, diarrhoea, or the feeling that you’ve got a UTI.

    Painful sex — If you’re feeling pain during deep penetration (as opposed to say, the insertion of the penis) your gynae may suspect endometriosis.

    Backache — endometrial glands can travel along the back or frontal wall of the pelvic cavity, which can cause back pain or stomach aches.

    Fertility issues — When endometriosis is severe, it can damage or block the fallopian tubes or distort the pelvic cavity, lowering your odds of reproductive success. Around 70% of patients with endometriosis will have no fertility issues. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, up to 30% of women with endometriosis struggle to get pregnant, doctors are unsure whether it’s to do with endometrium distorting the pelvic anatomy, altering the chemicals that affect egg quality or the implantation environment of the embryo, or whether another factor affects how sperm move up the fallopian tube.

    If you suspect something’s not right, go see your doctor, stat.

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    Who’s affected?

    Women and girls of reproductive age, mostly between 15 and 49. There is a hereditary element, but scientists don’t know if one gene or a family of genes predispose women to endometriosis. There isn’t a known equivalent of the BRCA gene (which indicates if someone has a higher risk of developing breast cancer), but scientists are trying to determine if one exists, to then help identify people needing laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis diagnosis.

    How it grows

    Endometriosis is thought to be linked to oestrogen levels, with research indicating that sufferers show resistance to progesterone, the other female sex hormone. This is one possible explanation for associated infertility, as progesterone is necessary to thicken the uterus lining each month. Without it, the uterus may be an unfavourable habitat for an embryo to embed and form a pregnancy.

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    Because scientists believe the growth of endometriosis lesions is driven by oestrogen, patients are prescribed drugs to stop ovaries producing the hormone, which subsequently reduces pain, stops the problem progressing and reduces adhesion size. Typical medication includes the combined pill, progestogens, a progestogen IUD (like the Mirena coil); or a GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) agonist, which causes temporary menopause.


    The aim is to alleviate pain by removing the endometriosis, dividing adhesions or removing cysts. Conservative surgery is usually done via laparoscopy (keyhole surgery). The surgeon will either cut out the adhesions (known as excision) or destroy them using heat or laser (ablation). Complex surgery is required when the endometriosis adhesions are spread across multiple organs, like the bowel or bladder.

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    Severe pain

    Chronic pain affects many women with endometriosis. This can lead to central sensitisation, whereby the more exposure a person has to pain, the lower their threshold becomes. Brain imaging studies have shown that chronic pain patients have a reduced volume of grey matter in the area associated with muscle control and sensory perceptions, such as memory and self-control.


    Hysterectomy is a radical surgery for endometriosis and, if guidelines are followed, should only be considered if a patient hasn’t responded to other treatments. Most experts agree that it should only be used in adenomyosis (where adhesions grow into the uterus wall). More