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    11 Ways To Get More Energy When You’re Feeling Tired

    We can all agree that it has been a loooong year! The best way to get through this time of the year, with decent energy levels, is to get enough sleep at night.

    Honestly: “Nothing replaces sleep to give you energy,” says Dr Alison Kole, director of sleep services at Summit Medical Group. “Most people require seven to nine hours of sleep per night to feel their best.”

    Still, that’s not always entirely possible (just one more episode of Manifest and a few minutes on TikTok can’t hurt, right?). But the good news is there are some quick energy-boosting tips you can try that work pretty well in the moment. Here’s how to get more energy, like, right now.

    1. Follow this super-specific hydration formula

    Admit it: You don’t drink as much water as you could – and dehydration is one of the main reasons why energy levels bottom out.

    “Most of us walk around in a state of dehydration on a daily basis and when your body is dehydrated it can make you feel tired and sluggish,” says registered dietician and nutritionist Dr Allison Childress.

    Fortunately, Dr Childress also says that pretty much any kind of beverage (except alcohol) counts toward your daily intake, so if you’re not a huge fan of plain water, mix it up with juice, tea, or even broth from soup.

    Not sure how much you need? Dr Kole says it depends largely on your body size and recommends multiplying your weight by 20 grams to calculate what your daily goal should be.

    2. Choose coffee over energy drinks

    Yes, a quick jolt of liquid caffeine can definitely perk you up – but here’s the thing, not all caffeine is created equal.

    “Stay away from energy drinks…they may give you a temporary boost, but these are stimulants and can set you up for a crash later on,” says Dr Childress, adding that energy drinks often contain caffeine as well as a mix of other stimulants like guarana and yerba mate.

    She says that 240 to 350 mils of coffee is a much better choice when you need some liquid energy (i.e., no crash). Just be mindful of the timing. Dr Kole warns that having caffeine too late in the day (say, after 4 pm) can interfere with sleep – and possibly force you to need even more caffeine the next day.

    READ MORE: How To Brew Coffee At Home: Plus, The Coffee Makers You Need RN!

    3. Snack on both carbs and protein

    Your body’s energy comes from the calories you consume, says Dr Childress, so if you’re feeling sluggish you might need to fuel up. But don’t head to the vending machine; there’s a simple formula for noshing on a perfectly energising (and healthy) snack.

    “Choose a carb and a protein for maximum punch,” she explains – the carbs will provide your body with fuel, while protein will help you stay fuller (and more satisfied) longer. “Try an apple with a piece of string cheese, a cracker with nut butter, or half of a protein bar,” says Dr Childress.

    4. Do a few laps at the office (or just get up for some water)

    If you find yourself nodding off at your desk, there’s a simple solution: Take a walk – it’s an automatic source of energy that boosts your circulation and keeps your muscles active, says Dr Kole.

    And before you complain that there’s no place to walk outside your office building, know that fresh air is not mandatory for this tip to work. Take regular trips to the water cooler, log some laps around the open-plan cubicles, or walk up and down the stairs a few times. Dr Childress suggests setting an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to get up from your desk every hour and move.

    “Do it regularly to keep fatigue at bay and keep your mind focused — a move break is just as good for your mind as it is for your body,” she explains.

    5. As soon as you wake up, make a plan to crush the day

    You know that feeling when you wake up and have so much to do that you kind of just want to go back to bed? This tip can help with that “I’m so overwhelmed” feeling.

    Dr Kole suggests starting every day with a positive thought or goal (like, “I’m going to spend 20 minutes mentally rehearsing for my presentation over coffee today”). This will help you manage your attitude toward the day’s activities – and conserve some of your precious energy, because freaking out about everything is super draining. “Personally, I try to focus on one thing I’m thankful for,” she says, “which creates a positive mindset moving forward.”

    READ MORE: Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    6. Take a whiff of something refreshing

    Whether you work in an office or at home, the air around you can get…stale – which definitely doesn’t bode well for staying alert.

    Perk up by diffusing essential oils (they’ll spice up your environment and boost your energy levels). Dr Childress says that eucalyptus and citrus oils can refresh a tired body and mind and that if simply smelling some zesty lemon doesn’t quite do the trick, you can also try putting a drop on some pressure points (like the insides of your wrists) for an extra kick. Just make sure to read the directions; some essential oils can irritate the skin.

    7. Go outside on your lunch break

    Sunny days aren’t just good for your mood — they can also be good for your mental and physical health.

    “The sun can be very invigorating [and it can also] stimulate vitamin D production, which has been shown to enhance mood,” says Dr Childress. Everyone needs vitamin D for bone health, but many don’t get enough of it from food—enter, supplements and good old-fashioned sunshine.

    FYI: a little bit of sunscreen-free sun exposure is okay, but make sure you don’t go overboard. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin in order to soak up those vitamin-rich rays; you only need about 10-15 minutes of exposure.

    8. Keep your curtains open and wake up by daylight.

    If you need one more reason to consider the sun your friend, pay attention: opening up your curtains and letting daylight into your bedroom as soon as you wake up in the morning can set you on an energised course for the whole day.

    Kole says that exposing yourself to bright light first thing in the a.m. helps regulate your internal sleep-wake body clock and may even improve your mood, especially if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

    READ MORE: 9 Mineral Sunscreens That Won’t Damage Your Skin – Or The Environment

    9. Go ahead, take a (power) nap.

    If you have a full-time job (or children), taking a nice, long restorative nap when you’re feeling sleepy is probably out of the question. But there’s good news: you don’t need a long nap to reap the benefits of some afternoon shut-eye.

    Pro tip: The ideal length for a power nap is about 20 minutes.

    “Longer naps tend to leave people sleepier, in part because the further you go into a sleep cycle the more likely you are to hit deep sleep and waking up during that stage often causes people to feel groggier.” Basically, consider this permission to take a quick midday snooze.

    10. Try to sweat a little bit before breakfast

    In addition to making you feel super-productive before even starting your day, working out in the morning can boost your energy, as well as control anxiety and reduce stress – two major energy-suckers, says Dr Kole.

    But there’s one other reason to make going for a daily run the first thing on your daily to-do list: According to Dr Kole, a morning workout sets a positive and energised tone for the rest of your day, while working out in the late afternoon or evening is more likely to interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night, she adds.

    READ MORE: 5 Morning Routines That Actually Work, According To Science

    11. Free up brain power by actually writing things down

    If I were to peek into your brain right now, I’d likely see a miles-long list of appointments, schedule changes and other things you definitely cannot forget about – and that’s a recipe for crushing fatigue, says Dr Kole.

    You actually expend a lot of energy trying to mentally keep track of everything you need to do, so Dr Kole recommends sitting down to actually get some of that stuff done – or at least organising yourself better by writing down all of those things. She says resolving these distracting loose ends can free up tons of brain power and make you feel more prepared to tackle the next thing on your list, whatever it is.

    This article written by Sarah Bradley was originally published on  More

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    Volume Eating: The Pros, Cons And Nuances Of The Weight Loss Approach

    True or false: Losing weight is all about eating less and burning more calories. The answer? False in some cases. One diet plan, for example, has gained popularity for supposedly allowing you to eat more food while still maintaining a calorie deficit: volume eating.

    High Volume, Low Energy

    Volume eating is a method or approach that promotes eating high-volume, yet low-energy foods, in an attempt to create a calorie deficit without feeling hungry, says Lisa Moskovitz, RD, a registered dietitian, CEO of Virtual Nutrition Experts and the author of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan. “By eating lower calorie, more voluminous foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein, you have the sensation of fullness yet you’re able to keep calories at a minimum,” she explains.

    That said, volume eating may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders or those with food allergies or intolerances, says Jihad Kudsi, MD, an obesity medicine specialist, bariatric surgeon and the chairman of the Department of Surgery at Duly Health and Care. “In these cases, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to assess whether volume eating aligns with your specific health needs and to explore alternative dietary approaches if necessary.”

    Meet the experts: Jihad Kudsi, MD, is an obesity medicine specialist, bariatric surgeon and the chairman of the Department of Surgery at Duly Health and Care. Dina Peralta-Reich, MD, is an obesity medicine specialist and founder of New York Weight Wellness Medicine. Lisa Moskovitz, RD, is a registered dietitian, CEO of Virtual Nutrition Experts and the author of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan. Amanda Sauceda, RD, is a registered dietitian and founder of The Mindful Gut.

    Intrigued about whether volume eating can help you lose weight in a healthy way? Keep scrolling for everything you need to know about the weight loss method including the pros and cons and how to maximise its effects.

    What is volume eating?

    As the name implies, volume eating is a dietary approach focused on consuming larger quantities of foods that are low in calorie density but high in volume, such as vegetables and fruits, reiterates Dr Kudsi. “It’s a strategy that allows individuals to feel full and satisfied while managing their calorie intake,” he explains.

    How it works

    You prioritise foods with high water and fibre content, such as fruit and veggies, since they take up more space in the stomach, promoting fullness and reducing your overall calorie consumption, explains Dr Kudsi.

    For example, instead of eating a tablespoon of peanut butter, which is about 94 calories, you would opt for a tablespoon of applesauce at about 15 calories, says Amanda Sauceda, RD, a registered dietitian and founder of The Mindful Gut. It’s the same portion size but a sizable difference in caloric value, she explains.

    Does volume eating work for weight loss?

    Maybe. Volume eating can be effective for weight loss since it provides the fullness factor without tons of calories, says Moskovitz.

    “Most voluminous foods promoted through this approach are higher in fiber which can slow digestion, helping you feel fuller for a longer period of time and research shows that volume eating can be effective, especially for those who depend on larger amounts of foods to feel content,” she explains.

    However, it’s also crucial to consider the long-term perspective. Statistics show that within two years, most dieters experience weight regain, says Dr. Kudsi. “While calorie-restricting diets are often successful at initiating weight loss, they frequently fall short in supporting sustained weight management.”

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which may include aspects like volume eating or a plant-based whole-food diet, can be pivotal, but it’s also vital to recognise that obesity is a multifaceted condition influenced by genetics and hormones and may require guidance from a doctor, Dr Kudsi adds.

    Pros Of Volume Eating

    You may consume more nutrients.

    Because volume eating requires you to load up on the fruits and vegetables you will have a higher intake of essential vitamins, minerals, gut-friendly fibre and disease-fighting antioxidants, says Moskovitz. To maximise your nutrient intake, Sauceda suggests eating a variety of colors which should equate to a variety of nutrients.

    You’ll likely feel fuller for longer.

    In addition to taking longer to digest, therefore helping with the fullness factor, most fibre-packed fruits and vegetables have high water content which provides even more volume without the calories, in turn keeping you satisfied, Dr. Kudsi explains.

    However, it’s also important to incorporate protein and healthy fats into your diet to help you stay full for the long run, says Dina Peralta-Reich, MD, an obesity medicine specialist and founder of New York Weight Wellness Medicine.

    You may lose some weight.

    To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn and volume eating can help achieve this by allowing you to eat larger portions of food while simultaneously lowering your overall caloric intake, says Dr Peralta-Reich.

    Cons Of Volume Eating

    You may sacrifice quality for quantity.

    A common mistake of volume eating is sacrificing quality for quantity, says Dr Kudsi. “While volume eating can help control calorie intake, it’s essential to choose nutrient-dense options and not rely solely on low-calorie, processed foods,” he explains.

    Remember those popular 100-calorie prepackaged snacks from back in the day? They may technically be lower in cals than a handful of raw nuts (which are loaded with healthy fats and anti-inflammatory properties), but they’re also much less nutritious, notes Sauceda.

    You could experience digestive issues.

    Large amounts of fibrous foods like fruits and veggies can be hard for the body to break down and digest which may cause gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea, says Moskovitz.

    To help prevent discomfort, it’s best to introduce high-fibre foods slowly and not all at once, so your body has time to acclimate and adjust, adds Sauceda.

    You may actually end up overeating.

    Eating more low-calorie food is the goal of volume eating, but it can also make eating larger amounts of food a “hardwired habit,” says Moskovitz.

    When there are no low-calorie voluminous foods accessible, overeating other calorie-dense foods may feel like an impulse, so it’s important to always stay mindful of quantity, quality and portion control, she explains.

    You may miss out on key macronutrients.

    High-volume eating generally increases the amount of vitamins and minerals you’re consuming, but it’s also possible to be deficient in protein and fat if not done correctly, says Dr. Peralta-Reich.

    Therefore, you need to be aware of your food choices and be sure to include portions of lean protein like fish, chicken, eggs and turkey, and whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, farro and whole grain bread, she explains.

    You may end up over restricting.

    If you find yourself hyper-focused on portion size and calories, volume eating can be problematic and could lead to unhealthy forms of restrictive eating, says Sauceda. In the same vein, if you have a history of eating disorders, volume eating should be avoided or discussed with a doctor or registered dietitian, she adds.

    Tips For Trying Volume Eating

    Eating large volumes of food can be a healthy habit as long as you’re mindful of providing your body with the essential nutrients it needs throughout the day, says Dr. Peralta-Reich. This means including a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil) to ensure you’re eating a balanced diet that provides your body with optimal nourishment, she explains.

    Another pro tip? Try pairing fruits and vegetables with heart-healthy, energy-dense foods like extra virgin olive oil, almonds, avocados, chia seeds, fatty fish, whole grains and cheese, says Moskovitz. These high-fat foods may have more calories, but they’re also important for the absorption of vitamins and they make food more palatable and enjoyable, she adds.

    Additionally, don’t get too caught up in calorie counting, says Sauceda. “Calorie counting is a different strategy and just because a food is higher in calories doesn’t mean you should eliminate it,” she explains. Volume eating is only healthy and helpful if you prioritise variety and get all the necessary daily nutrients, Moskovitz stresses. “When it comes to healthy eating, variety beats volume and quality overrides quantity.”

    Lastly, it’s always best to talk to a doctor or registered dietitian before embarking on a diet, especially if you’re hoping for long-term, sustainable results, says Moskovitz. From there, they can help you build healthy eating habits and create a personalised plan based on your goals.

    The concept of volume eating can be beneficial, but anything in extreme has its pitfalls, says Moskovitz. Your best bet? “Embrace a long-term lifestyle change by focusing on whole, unprocessed foods to not only enhance satiety and nutrient intake, but also to support sustained health and well-being,” adds Dr. Kudsi.

    This article written by Andi Breitowich was originally published on Women’s Health. More

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    What Is The 75 Hard Challenge—And Is It Safe? Trainers Break Down The Pros And Cons

    If there’s one thing I love, it’s a challenge. But some are a little more extreme, especially when it comes to kickstarting a health and wellness journey. You’ve likely seen the 12-3-30 treadmill workout and Dukan Diet trending on social media, for instance. But today’s viral obsession is: the 75 Hard Challenge.

    If you aren’t familiar, this 75-day plan boasts to “permanently change your life,” starting from the inside out with a special focus on mental toughness and commitment, says Gina Newton, a certified personal trainer and holistic body coach. Unlike other nutrition plans or fitness regimens, 75 Hard is less about specifics and focuses more broadly on self-improvement with six arbitrary “rules,” she explains.

    With 1.3 million hashtags for #75hard and over a billion views on TikTok, it’s natural to wonder if 75 Hard is safe, effective and worth your time. “Some people thrive on rules and this sort of strict challenge, but if reading the rules sends you into an emotional frenzy, it may not be the best challenge for you,” says Cara D’Orazio, a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

    Meet the experts: Cara D’Orazio is a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and founder of C.G.M Fitness, Inc. Gina Newton is a certified personal trainer and holistic body coach.

    Intrigued? Keep scrolling for everything you need to know about 75 Hard—including the rules, benefits and potential risks.

    What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

    The 75 Hard Challenge was created in 2019 by Andy Frisella, a public speaker, entrepreneur and podcast host. At its core, the system is slated as a “transformational toughness program” that combines elements of nutrition, fitness and self-improvement, explains D’Orazio. It’s not a specific diet or exercise plan, but rather an “Ironman for your brain,” per the 75 Hard website, that focuses on five main pillars:





    Mental discipline

    To break it down a bit more, Frisella explains that he developed the challenge for mental toughness and discipline.

    “The goal is to become immersed in healthy eating and fitness so they become a part of our everyday lives,” says D’Orazio. According to the methodology, if a participant can stick out 75 days of the challenge, they can then apply the mentality to other life situations, ultimately making them less apt to quitting, she explains.

    So why is the challenge so popular, you ask? “The 75 Hard has garnered interest because it can look like a ‘quick fix,’” says Newton. “For 75 days you follow the outline of the requirements and there are many examples from those who have done it showing substantial and/or significant weight loss and physical transformation,” she explains. According to the challenge website, over a million people around the world have successfully completed 75 Hard.

    The 75 Hard Challenge Rules

    The 75 Hard Challenge consists of the following six non-negotiable rules which are intended to be complete for 75 days straight.

    No skip days. The key format of the challenge is that if you skip a day or any of the rules, you *must* start over. Even if you miss one of the five following tasks on a given day, you must restart to day one, says D’Orazio. “This was intended for the sake of not tweaking or compromising the rules, as this can open the door to quitting,” she says.

    Follow a diet. Stick to a diet with zero alcohol and no cheat meals. The diet itself is up to you and can vary depending on your goals, but whether it’s intermittent fasting, keto, plant-based, or paleo, the challenge requires you to follow a set and strict meal plan for 75 days straight, says D’Orazio.

    Complete two 45-minute workouts a day, one of which is outside. Rain or shine, 75 Hard requires one 45-minute workout in the morning and one 45-minute workout in the afternoon. It’s up to you which workout is outside, but the rules state one must be outdoors, explains D’Orazio. “The purpose of this is to get people to commit and not throw in the towel even if conditions aren’t perfect,” she says.

    Drink a gallon of water. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but 75 Hard emphasises hydration and requires a gallon (around 3.7L) of water a day.

    Read 10 pages of nonfiction. In the name of inspiration, education and self-improvement, you’re tasked with reading 10 pages of nonfiction a day, says D’Orazio. And nope, it *cannot* be an eBook or audiobook. It must be a physical copy.

    Take daily progress pictures. Get your camera out because the challenge requires a daily progress pic, says D’Orazio. The full-body photo is intended to track progress and maintain accountability.

    Benefits Of 75 Hard

    Accountability. Because 75 Hard is strict in its rules and structure, it can hold you accountable for its entirety, says D’Orazio. “When the going gets tough, it can help those who would have probably quit stick to a routine,” she says.

    Structure. Given the simplicity of the rules, the structure is easy to follow and understand, says Newton. The consistent structure can also provide a sense of direction and encourage healthy habit-forming behaviour like hydration and daily movement, she adds.

    Holistic approach. The program entails both physical and mental commitment, so it can provide a more holistic or well-rounded approach to wellness, says D’Orazio. As Frisella has previously mentioned, 75 Hard doesn’t sell itself on a single idea or magic solution to health and well-being. Instead, the concept is to reboot your lifestyle and encourage optimal nutrition, daily fitness and self-improvement.

    Customisable. Unlike other challenges or diet plans, 75 Hard offers an element of choice, depending on your goals, says Newton. You choose the diet that best suits you, the non-fiction book you like to read and the exercise you most enjoy. As long as you’re sticking to the six general rules, the specifics are up to you.

    Physical endurance. Whether you’re looking to gain strength, boost cardio, or lose weight, working out twice a day for 75 days straight will improve your overall fitness, says Newton. Not to mention, it fulfils the US Department of Health’s recommendation of 75 to 300 minutes of exercise per week, adds D’Orazio.

    Is 75 Hard Safe?

    Like anything, the safety of the 75 Hard challenge depends on the individual, says D’Orazio. “If the individual is new to fitness, the two 45-minute workouts back to back may be too much in a day and I truly feel one to two days of rest per week is crucial to avoid injury,” she explains. People with heart conditions, chronic illness, or existing injuries should also always consult with a healthcare provider before embarking on the challenge, she adds.

    On top of that, 75 Hard can be a major shock to the system if you’ve never actively or routinely focused on nutrition, hydration, and/or fitness, says Newton. “Listen to your body and change course when you need to, you won’t get in trouble,” she explains. If the plan becomes too hard to follow and you want or need to stop, that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, your body just isn’t quite ready for it, she adds.

    Remember that safety is most important. If you’re extremely fatigued and/or have persistent aches, pains, or injuries, stop the challenge and talk with a doctor, says D’Orazio. And if weather conditions are treacherous, stay inside for both workouts, she adds. No challenge is worth an injury.

    It’s also worth noting that those with a history of disordered eating should be cautious with the 75 Hard challenge, says D’Orazio. The program’s strict diet regimen, exercise habits and progress photos could be triggering, especially if you miss a day or rule, she explains. Instead, focus on sustainable lifestyle modifications and find a workout you enjoy.

    Possible Risks Of 75 Hard

    Your mental health may take a toll. This challenge is an all-or-nothing mentality and the average person may not have the time or resources to commit to the six rules for 75 days straight, says D’Orazio. “Psychologically, it can be damaging to get past day 50 and have something unavoidable happen in life and need to start all over again,” she explains. The challenge also perpetuates perfectionism and can lead to negative self-talk or feelings of inadequacy if you don’t make it through all 75 days, adds Newton.

    Extreme lifestyle changes aren’t necessarily sustainable. It may be difficult to overhaul your life and maintain several new habits at once, says Newton. “I don’t think it’s worth it or sustainable,” she explains. You may see results during or after the challenge, but the six rules aren’t necessarily feasible in the long run and could harm your idea of self-worth and progress, she explains. “I am an advocate for long-term solutions to health, not quick fixes.”

    There’s an increased risk of injury. Working out twice a day with no rest days can increase your risk of injury, whether you’re new to exercise or not, says D’Orazio. In fact, research shows that rest days give your body time to repair, rebuild and strengthen itself between workouts.

    The lack of flexibility can cause burnout. The 75 Hard challenge preaches rigid adherence to the six rules and any slip requires you to start over. As a result, the negative reinforcement or pass/fail criteria can add unnecessary stress, guilt and burnout, says Newton. “People need to be kinder to themselves, not harder on themselves.”

    Progress pictures aren’t the only way to measure success. Studies show that placing an overwhelming amount of importance on body image can lead to anxiety, depression and body dysmorphia. “The photos only show the outside and not what’s happening on the inside which is where the transformation really starts,” says Newton. If the pictures make you feel discouraged, toss ‘em.

    It promotes a negative diet culture. Although you’re allowed to select the diet you choose to follow, the concept of cheat days can be problematic, says Newton. “I wish the word ‘diet’ was removed from our nutritional vocabulary and the term ‘cheat meals’ would go away,” she explains. Instead of insinuating that you’re “bad” for enjoying certain types of food, it’s better to view food as fuel and focus on balance, she adds. If you’re concerned about nutrition, talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian.

    This article was written by Andi Breitowich and was first published by More

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    How To Add More Vegetables To Your Diet, Even If You’re Busy

    If you’re a human being, chances are you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle that minimises the chance you become ill, so you can live a full, healthy life. But adding kids, work and all the life admin into the mix makes things that much more complicated. And while it’s a truth universally acknowledged that you need to add more vegetables to your diet (it offsets inflammation in the body and keeps everything working in tip-top condition), saying and doing are two very different things.

    Having said that, we’ve come up with a few ways to add more vegetables to your diet while keeping in mind how busy everything else is.

    Meet the experts: Carla Chait is a dietician specialising in macrobiotic eating and Gabi Meltzer is a registered dietician.

    Buy pre-cut veggies

    This is arguably your best friend when trying to eat healthy on a time-crunch. Grocery stores offer loads in terms of pre-cut and frozen veg that won’t wilt after a few days. Maximise on this, says Chait. “You can buy mixed, sliced vegetables for stir-fries, peeled and chopped butternut and pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower florets, and mixed chopped salads,” says Chait.

    “This saves time and effort but is a bit more costly, so weigh up the pros and cons for you and your lifestyle,” advises Meltzer.

    Choose fast-cooking veg

    If you’re short on time but long on nutritional needs, try whipping up meals with veg that don’t take long to cook. “Not all vegetables take long to cook. Broccoli and cauliflower pieces steam quickly. Use an electric or stove-top steamer, or simply fill a pot with a small amount of water, place the vegetables inside, cover, and boil for a few minutes until the water has evaporated,” suggests Chait. Brilliant!

    Not a fan of steaming? Blanch your veg. “Blanching takes a short amount of time. Blanch kale, spinach and bok choy pieces in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes until bright green. Make quick stir-fries with sliced green and red cabbage, carrots, peas and string beans,” says Chait.

    READ MORE: I Tried 3 Viral Recipes And Here’s How It Panned Out

    Think ahead of time

    Planning will save you loads of time. It’ll stop you from reaching out to a delivery app for a saturated-fat meal and will save you in the long run. “Thinking about this ahead of time makes it easier to plan for more balanced, nutritious meals instead of just throwing something together last minute,” says Meltzer.

    Batch cook your meals

    There is no need to cook every single day if you’re busy. Preparing large curries, veggie bakes and stews ahead of time will save you when you’re starving and in need of a boost. “Cooked foods will last safely in the fridge for 3-4 days in an airtight container. Or, freeze extra batches into single servings for other meals and defrost the night before in the fridge before using them again. Or if you make a salad as a side for dinner, make enough to add to lunch the next day too,” advises Meltzer.

    READ MORE: 19 Complex Carbs You Should Def Incorporate Into Your Diet

    Turn to veggies for snacks

    Efforts to stay healthy quickly wane when you open the snack cupboard or run into the petrol station for a packet of chips. Keep it healthy by prepping fast veg to snack on. “Dip chopped carrots, celery and cucumber into hummus, avocado or other dips for a snack. Other delicious vegetable crudites include string beans, snap peas and baby corn,” says Chait.

    Think about adding colour

    Each colour in vegetables presents its own set of vitamins and minerals. We know carrots help with eyesight and inflammation but adding pops of red, green or purple can boost your immunity too. “This doesn’t have to be perfect, but taking this into consideration each time you eat is really helpful in adding more opportunities for colourful foods over the day/week,” says Meltzer. For example, if you’re making a sandwich with ham and cheese, try adding tomato, peppers and cucumbers to punch up the nutritional value, says Meltzer.

    READ MORE: 9 Of The Best Post-Workout Snacks That Actually Taste Amazing Too

    Try veggie juice

    These don’t replace your meals but can be a quick and easy way to add more nutrients to your diet when you’re pressed for time. “Although juices are highly concentrated and contain less fibre than whole foods, they are an alternate way to get vitamins and minerals from vegetables on occasion,” says Chait.

    Bulk up carby meals

    Feeling for a fast and cheesy pasta? Don’t skimp on adding peas, carrots or spinach to the dish. “Adding more colour not only enhances nutritional value but also increases satisfaction,” says Meltzer. “For example, stirring some fresh baby tomatoes/rocket/baby spinach to a simple pesto pasta, or cooking a pasta/rice bake with some chopped veggies added to it, or trying out a one-tray bake with a protein and ready chopped mixed roast veggies, or trying out a stirfry which has loads of different colours!”

    READ MORE: Why Drinking Diet Coke Won’t Help You Lose Weight

    Try pickles

    Eating for good gut health doesn’t have to be limited to veggies. Pickled and fermented food goes a long way. “Eat sauerkraut and other pickled vegetables. Although high in sodium, fermented foods contain probiotics which are good for your digestive system,” says Chait. More

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    Struggle Sleeping? Here’s How To Create A Bedtime Routine, Per Experts

    As the importance of sleep becomes more and more paramount for daytime productivity and general functioning, so too is creating a bedtime routine rising to prominence. In South Africa, our sleep is less than optimal. Per a Sleep Cycle survey, only 27% of South Africans are getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night. And a lack of sleep can have real implications for your health, expanding your BMI and resulting in increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke, per one study. Not only that, but sleep impacts your mental health, too.

    We chatted to a few experts to get the info on how to really get that all-important R ‘n R every night. One study reveals that a bedtime routine not only helps you get to bed better but can also improve the quality of your sleep over time.

    Meet the experts: Rudo Kemp is the founder of Sloom, creators of mattresses. Marley Rose Harris is an International Business & Mindset Coach.

    Get the right mattress – for you

    “The physical aspects of a mattress are pivotal in ensuring consistent, high-quality sleep, which in turn has profound effects on mental well-being,” says Kemp. Every individual’s body is unique, and what feels comfortable and supportive will vary. For some, a hard mattress might mean an uncomfortable night’s sleep. While for others, a mattress that’s too soft won’t give adequate spinal support. Make sure that your mattress is optimal for your health and needs and a suitable bedtime routine will be that much easier to attain.

    READ MORE: Is Your Mattress Actually Good For You? Here’s How To Tell, According To The Experts 

    Try manifestation

    “Your subconscious mind is most malleable in the evening right before bed and in the morning. This is the best time to rewire your belief system,” says Harris. “Before bed, recall five things you are grateful for throughout the day, which can be little or big things.” The purpose? It works to attune your mind to look to things to be grateful for. “Right when your eyes open in the morning, affirm anything you are focusing on manifesting,” says Harris. “Your subconscious mind is simply spectacular and sleep is the key to opening the door!”

    READ MORE: The 10 Best Sleep Apps To Help You Fall Asleep Faster And Sleep Through The Night

    Try deep breathing

    To calm a busy mind and get in the headspace for restful sleep, Harris stresses the importance of deep breathing. These can calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.

    Clear the tech

    This is one you’d have heard before, but that’s because it works. Blue light from your tech devices like cellphones can stop your brain from producing melatonin, which allows you to drift off peacefully. Try blue light blocking frames; these block harmful blue light from hitting your eyes and helps you fall asleep better before bed.

    READ MORE: “I Tried The Latest Massage That Promises To Help With Insomnia, Pain And Fatigue.”

    Declutter your space

    Design plays a big role in our sleeping environment, as a well-designed, harmonious bedroom can serve as a sanctuary, signalling to our brain that it’s time to unwind. Before bed, pack away anything that might distract you from a good night’s sleep. Got clothes lying around? Packing them away will tell your brain that all is well and you can rest easy.

    READ MORE: 5 Things To Eat At Night That’ll Help You Sleep Way, Way Better

    Wind down with yoga

    Doing yoga daily adds up to restful sleep, per this study. Yoga is incredible for myriad reasons and is as potent for sleep. By allowing you to take in deeper breaths while stretching out your body’s niggles, you can quiet your mind, ease anxiety and allow your body to properly drift off into sweet slumber. More

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    Um, A Scary 50% Of SA Women Are Iron Deficient

    It’s the end of the year and you might be feeling a bit run down — totes normal. But if your tiredness is accompanied by heart palpitations, shortness of breath and craving non-food items like baby powder or soil, it might be a sign of iron deficiency (ID). ID is the world’s leading nutrient deficiency, affecting around a whopping 2 billion people worldwide. And in South Africa, it’s estimated that 50% of women may be iron deficient. That’s a huge number and moreover, it surpasses the global average.

    “Iron deficiency occurs when iron reservoirs in the body become depleted,” explains Dr Jarrad van Zuydam, a sports medicine physician with a special interest in the medicine of cycling and other endurance sports. “The most common cause is an inadequate dietary intake of iron.  When your iron levels are low, your cells are receiving less oxygen making it harder for your body to generate energy.

    READ MORE: 11 Symptoms Of Breast Cancer In Women That Aren’t Lumps

    Who’s at Risk?

    Anyone is at risk of iron deficiency but women of reproductive age are more likely to be at risk. During menstruation, you lose blood which contains iron, which is one of the reasons you may experience symptoms of low iron during that time of the month. If you aren’t supplementing that loss by eating a diet rich in iron, you could become ID over time. Pregnancy can also cause you to become ID, this is because when you’re expecting you need almost double the normal amount the average woman needs. And once you’ve had your baby, iron levels can remain low due to blood loss during delivery.

    “In my practice, I come across iron deficiency anaemia on a daily basis. Factors such as pregnancy, delivery, miscarriages, heavy menstruation, as well as poor iron intake, are some of the most common attributable causes,” says Dr Claire Godwin, a General Practitioner at Premier Health Centre who specialises in women’s healthcare. “Often, the women I see are so used to running on fumes with young children, busy careers, or being caregivers to others that they don’t even realise how they are feeling is a symptom and not just a consequence of their day-to-day stressors. Education around ID is imperative if we want to help more women function at their best.” The bottom line? If you’re feeling exhausted, get your iron levels checked or start supplementing.

    Biogen Iron + Vitamin C

    Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron better, so this duo packs a punch.


    This gold-standard iron supplement is recommended by doctors.

    Solgar Gentle Iron

    This supplement is easy on the stomach and doesn’t cause constipation.

    READ MORE: Cycle Syncing: How (And Why!) To Tweak Your Workouts, Diet And More Around Your Menstrual Cycle

    Signs of Iron Deficiency


    Unusual tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency affecting more than half of those who are deficient. Your body needs iron to make the protein haemoglobin, “Haemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs around the body, cells use the oxygen delivered to them to generate the energy needed for cellular processes.”, explains Dr Van Zuydam. When your haemoglobin is low, less oxygen is reaching your tissues and muscles, making them feel weaker. Your heart then has to work harder to move more oxygen-rich blood around your body. This tiredness is often accompanied by crankiness, difficulty concentrating and poor productivity.

    Shortness of breath

    Given that iron deficiency causes a lack of haemoglobin, oxygen levels will be low too. This results in your breathing rate increasing as your body will try to make more oxygen.

    Frequent headaches

    The lack of haemoglobin means that not enough oxygen is reaching the brain. This causes the blood vessels in the brain to swell, causing pressure and headaches.

    Dry hair and skin

    When your body lacks oxygen, it will direct the limited oxygen for more important functions like your organs and tissues. This lack of oxygen causes them to become dry and weak. That means your hair, skin, and nails won’t be getting love.

    Strange cravings

    Many people who have low iron, experience something called pica. Pica is a craving for items that aren’t considered edible, like dirt, chalk, paper or ice. Other symptoms include:


    Pale skin

    Cold hands and feet

    inflammation or soreness of your tongue

    Poor appetite

    READ MORE: Millions of Women Struggle With PCOS In South Africa, So Let’s Unpack It

    What you can do to raise your iron levels

    Iron is essential for healthy bodily functions, meaning that you need to ensure that your diet is up to par. There are two forms of dietary iron: heme and nonheme. Heme iron is derived from haemoglobin, so you will find it in meat, fish and poultry. You can find nonheme iron mostly in plants and legumes. A list of heme and nonheme foods include:

    Beef or chicken liver

    Breakfast cereals enriched with iron



    Dark green leafy vegetables

    Pumpkin, sesame, or squash seeds

    Red meat

    Oily fish


    READ MORE: This Is Why You’re Starving After An Intense Day At The Office

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    Mammograms Are Essential – So Why Are So Many Women Skipping Them?

    According to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), it’s far better to have an early-stage diagnosis, as it results in better breast cancer treatment and long-term survival. The only way to get an early diagnosis? Checking your breasts regularly at home, and making sure you attend your scheduled mammograms. But there are so many mammogram myths that scores of women are opting out of this practice. An informal survey amongst women who are hesitant to go even though they have the means to go shows that the top reasons include thinking it’s painful, having fear of radiation and being afraid of that Big C diagnosis.

    Plus, skipping just one screening can increase a woman’s risk of dying from breast cancer, per a study of half a million Swedish women.

    Since mammograms are essential, we’ve broken through a few of the myths and addressed them, courtesy of the radiologists at SCP Radiologist Practice and Dr Lizanne Langenhoven, who specialises in the treatment of breast cancer. Here’s what you really need to know about mammograms.

    Myth #1: Mammograms are too painful

    Many women still rely on their mother’s experience with early mammograms which were painful. Mammography machines have progressed exponentially since the early days, so the level of discomfort experienced during the procedure is now significantly reduced. Modern technology and digital equipment allow us to use less compression and still obtain quality imaging. Also, the amount of pressure is different for each individual, depending on the breast size and composition. Pressure is often manually adjusted so speak to your mammographer if you experience any discomfort.

    READ MORE: Getting A Mammogram: What To Know, Even If You’re Young

    Myth #2: Mammograms mean exposure to cancer-causing radiation

    A mammogram uses relatively low-dose radiation. The total dose is approximately 0.5 mSv (2D mammogram). To put that into perspective, we are exposed to 3.0 mSv of background radiation from our natural surroundings per year. Radiologists also strictly follow what’s known as the ALARA principle – to always apply radiation “as low as reasonably achievable”. Clearly, the benefits of this screening tool vastly outweigh the actual low-dose radiation.

    Myth #3: You don’t need a mammogram if you go for thermography

    At present, thermography cannot substitute mammography but may be used as complementary screening. Dr Langenhoven cautions that thermography is not all it is cut out to be. In order for the cancer to give off heat signals, it has to be significant in size. Mammography on the other hand can detect changes in the breast before they progress to cancer. A mammogram therefore picks up the disease course much sooner than thermography.

    READ MORE: 8 Breast Cancer Myths You NEED To Stop Believing

    Myth #4: Ultrasounds are safer

    “Mammography is our workhorse.  We look for masses, calcifications, and architectural distortion,” says Dr Langenhoven. “Ultrasound is a supplementary investigation used to further evaluate morphology, blood flow, consistency of masses, and lymph nodes that are abnormal on a mammogram.” Tomosynthesis, a type of X-ray, is also supplementary, used to further evaluate architectural distortion seen on a mammogram. They all work together. With denser breasts mammography is less sensitive, which is when we add the supplementary investigations to improve the sensitivity of detection.

    Myth #5: I can’t have a mammogram I have breast implants

    Yes, you can, is the short answer. If you have breast implants the compression and positioning are adjusted. The amount of pressure is equivalent to sleeping on your stomach. Modern technology means there is a very low risk of implant rupture or damage. It is usually combined with ultrasound for better evaluation of the implants.

    READ MORE: 11 Symptoms Of Breast Cancer In Women That Aren’t Lumps

    Myth #6: If am diagnosed with breast cancer I am going to die anyway. So I would rather not find out

    Perhaps the biggest and most harmful myth of all. The truth is that we’re in a period of time where 90% of women with early breast cancer can be cured of their disease, says Dr Langenhoven. “In the same way we don’t drive cars from the ’50s, our treatment is no longer ancient either!” she remarks.

    “The good news is that our understanding of the different subtypes of breast cancer has improved significantly over the past few years! We no longer follow a one-type-fits-all approach and many women may even safely be spared chemotherapy in a curative setting,” she says.  

    “As with everything else in life, it is easier to address a ‘small’ or ‘early’ problem than it is to address a much larger problem! I’ve seen breast cancer diagnosed at a size of 2mm on a mammogram – meaning that treatment is tailored to a very low-risk situation. In short, the earlier we become aware of an existing problem, the sooner it can be addressed and with much less invasive treatment.”

    Added to that, the side-effect profiles of our new drugs improve the quality of life during treatment. And the fact that we now identify and treat four distinct subtypes of breast cancer means that we can target the specific growth pattern at play and avoid unnecessary treatment. In short, modern medicine means your chances of dying of breast cancer are reduced. But screenings are still the champion in our fight against breast cancer.

    Different screenings for breast cancer

    “When you consider that around 90% of women find their own breast lumps, it is a very important part of the screening process,” says Dr Langenhoven. “Although 80 percent of these lumps are not malignant, there are cases where women owe their lives to their own self-examination.”


    A mammogram involves breast imaging using low-dose X-rays to form a 2D image. The advantage? It often reveals abnormalities undetected in a clinical breast examination. Four images are taken, two of each breast. The breast is lightly compressed for less than 1 minute during the examination to improve diagnostic accuracy.


    This is a form of 3D mammography and uses X-rays as well as sophisticated software to create a 3D image of the breast. It is considered better at detecting cancer and reducing false positives in dense breast tissue.  It is invaluable in problem-solving and is used in combination with 2D mammography.

    Breast ultrasound

    Ultrasound is a supplementary investigation used to further evaluate morphology, blood flow, and consistency of masses and lymph nodes that are abnormal mammography.  It uses no radiation but rather real-time imaging, using sound waves to create an image. It’s a slightly longer process and is also valuable in problem-solving. It is used in combination with a mammogram not in place of it.


    The digital MR image uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves but no radiation. You will receive an intravenous injection and then lie on your stomach, in an MRI ‘tunnel’ for around 45 minutes.  An MRI for breast screening is usually used for problem-solving, high-risk screening and for women who have breast implants.


    Your doctor might recommend a breast biopsy when a suspicious area is found in your breast, like a breast lump or other signs and symptoms of breast cancer. It is also used to investigate unusual findings on a mammogram, ultrasound, or other breast examination.


    Thermography is a test that uses an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues. Digital infrared thermal imaging (DTI) is the type of thermography that can be used to show these patterns and flow in the breasts. More

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    How To *Actually* Lose Belly Fat With Diet And Exercise

    How to lose belly fat remains one of the top searches on our site. Everyone seems to want to get rid of their pooches, for myriad reasons. And while that may not be you, the science warns that the more fat in the belly, the more health risks become apparent. You should never feel the need to lose weight unless you actually want to. But stomach fat in particular can be harmful.

    “Stomach fat is not a good idea,” says Dr Tracy Nelwamondo, a weight loss GP. “We advise to keep abdominal circumference less than 88cm. This is not only for cosmetic reasons, but we find this puts you less at risk of disease.”

    Meet The Experts: Dr Tracy Nelwamondo is a weight loss GP and Roystinn Davids is a personal trainer.

    What are the health risks of belly fat?

    Fat cells in your stomach are made of two main kinds. The one you can see when you squeeze your tummy is known as subcutaneous fat and sits on the outer edge of your organs. The more worrying fat is the kind that lies deep within the abdomen, known as visceral fat. They’re biologically active cells that are linked to a host of chemicals in your body, further linking to a wide variety of diseases.

    Subcutaneous fat is linked to a higher proportion of beneficial molecules, while visceral fat is less so. It’s made up of proteins called cytokines, which when triggered, set off low-level inflammation in the bod. The risk? Heart disease and other chronic conditions, like dementia, asthma and even breast cancer.

    Per Harvard University, a waist circumference of 88cm or higher is considered a sign of excess visceral fat – but it may not apply to you if your overall body size is large. A better indication is an expanding waistline.

    READ MORE: Here’s Why It’s Important To Lose That Belly Fat

    So it’s clear that this kind of fat in your bod is dangerous, losing your gut can be more easier spoken about than done. But we’ve rounded up the expert advice, coupled with research, to determine the exact steps to take to minimise belly fat and keep your body healthy. The good news, per research, visceral fat responds better to diet and exercise than the fat you collect on your butt and hips.

    Exercise for belly fat

    Studies show that in order to nix belly fat, you need to be training for at least 30 minutes on most days. That includes long walks or casual spins on the stationary bike. Added to that, Dr Nelwamondo recommends at least two days of resistance training. That’s because resistance training builds muscle, which in turn works to burn fat – and it’s metabolically more active than fat tissue is.

    READ MORE: The 3 Most Important Changes To Make If You’re Trying To Lose Belly Fat

    Ab workouts won’t melt belly fat

    Keep in mind that it’s simply not possible to train only your midsection if you’re looking to lose stomach fat. Spot-training doesn’t work, and in fact, fat is breathed out from the body when you’re working out and your heart rate is high. So look to workouts where your entire body is working hard and your heart rate is higher. “There is no magic, overnight solution for losing belly fat,” says Roystinn Davids, personal trainer. “The best way to shed excess weight is by making permanent lifestyle changes. This often involves a combination of diet, exercise, stress management and other strategies.”

    Examples of fat-burning exercises include:





    Group fitness classes

    Your belly fat nixing move

    Davids recommends 20 minutes of cardio, followed by strength training. He recommends the following strength training moves to help shift the needle:


    inverted rows



    power cleans

    “Do eight reps of each, for four sets. Rest for one minute in between sets,” says Davids. When training, don’t discount the power of planking. “A plank is Ideal for losing belly fat because it engages multiple muscles at the same time, increasing metabolic rate and benefiting core strength,” he says.  

    READ MORE: Try This 7-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout

    Eating for less belly fat

    “Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats,” says Davids. “Choosing healthy options like these can make it easier to ensure you get the proper amount of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.”

    Eliminate processed food

    While that’s easy enough to do, indulging in processed foods like chips and sodas should be avoided when trying to eliminate stubborn belly fat. “Generally, better eating always consists of incorporating fibre and protein and reducing ultra-processed foods, keeping them as an indulgence in moderation instead of making them a daily habit,” warns Dr Nelwamondo. Also, look at your hydration levels and make sure you’re not dousing your system with sweetened drinks, which spike your glycaemic load and allow fat deposits to collect.

    Get specific with your intake

    Per the American Diabetes Association, there are also specific tweaks you could make to ensure you’re eating just enough to lower your risk of holding onto belly fat. That includes:

    Keeping the total fat to only 20 to 30 percent of your overall calorie intake (calorie tracking apps like My Fitness Pal help with this)

    Keeping saturated fat to less than seven percent of your overall calorie intake (watch the fries!)

    Limiting harmful trans fats, found in doughnuts and other fried foods.

    This means that if your daily caloric intake is at 2000, 700 calories should come from fat (about 77g) and only 140 from saturated fat (around 15g). Added to this, make sure to prioritise protein in your diet. Per observational studies, people who eat more protein have less abdominal fat than those with a low-protein diet.

    READ MORE: 5 Ways To Burn More Fat During Your Walking Workouts

    Lifestyle tips for excess belly fat

    Quit smoking

    Seriously! Even vaping moves the needle towards a larger waistline. Per studies, heavy smoking increases insulin resistance and is associated with increased fat deposits in the midsection. In another study published by PLOS One, authors note that among smokers, there appears to be “more metabolically adverse fat distributions”. Translation: the heavier the smoker you are, the more harmful your fat can be.

    Sleep well

    Never getting to sleep at a reasonable time? If you always find yourself in sleep debt, this could be one thing that is contributing towards your expanding waistline. Per one study, a lack of sleep majorly boosts the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases the hormone leptin, which suppresses your appetite. The result? You’re constantly hungry, leading to overeating.

    Another 2022 study found that among people who slept only four hours a night had a nine percent increase in subcutaneous fat and an 11 percent increase in abdominal visceral fat, compared to people who got nine hours of shut-eye.

    READ MORE: Is Your Sleep Schedule Making You Fat?

    Boost your mood

    Per studies, people with larger bellies have an increased risk for both anxiety and depression. Plus, another study found that the older you get and the more body fat you accumulate, the less mental flexibility you’ll have. That mental flexibility refers to reasoning, thinking laterally and problem-solving.

    It goes the other way, too: long-term stress is linked to increased abdominal fat. There are tons of ways to find your way to a calmer – and hopefully slimmer – bod. Try meditation, journalling, exercise (it really does wonders) and delegating more tasks.

    The good news? It turns out that people who meditate are less likely to be obese and have less belly fat, per one study. That might be because getting zen lowers cortisol levels and regulates emotions, leading to less emotional eating. More