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    Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    The best workout is one that doesn’t actually feel like a workout at all, but rather feels like you’re just having a good time. And that kind of fun fitness sesh is what group fitness instructor and Next Fitness Star finalist Botle Kaymaba specialises in. Case in point: This high-energy cardio dance workout. “It’s a cardio jam session that incorporates aerobic movements as well as freestyle dancing,” says Botle. “It’s a great cardio burner workout that will make you feel good, proud and confident at the end of the session.”

    READ MORE: This 17-Day Slimdown Plan Will Help Get You Back In Shape

    How It Works

    Start with the cardio workout. Pump up the volume on the video below and follow along with Botle or simply freestyle. “Just listen to the music and move to the beat,” says Botle. Feel free to play the song more than once. When you’ve warmed up, move on to the strength circuit. Do all sets of each move before proceeding to the next. Once you’ve finished your last set of the third move, you’re done.

    Cardio warm-up

    Pump up the volume and follow along with Botle… 

    READ MORE: Try These Exercises To Build A Stronger, Bigger Butt

    For the next workout, you’ll need: A stability ball and a resistance band

    The Cardio Dance Workout

    1. Lateral Raises

    Reps: 8-25

    Sets: 2-3

    Stand on the resistance band. Hold the tip of the band with palms facing your thighs. Lift your arms sideways to should height and back down to start. That’s one rep.

    2. Overhead Tricep Extensions

    Reps: 4

    Sets: 2

    Grab the ends of the resistance band with each hand and stand on the middle of the band with your feet. Pull the band up over your shoulders so that your elbows are pointed forward. Extend your arms upwards until they’re straight, hold for eight counts, then return to start. That’s one rep. Rest for 10 seconds between reps

    READ MORE: Just These Two Workouts Make A Killer Six-Week Workout Routine

    3. Stability Ball Plank With Single Leg Lift

    Reps: 10-12

    Sets: 3

    Lie on your belly on a stability ball, then walk your hands out so the ball is underneath your shins and your hands are in line with your shoulders. Draw your belly button towards your spine to engage your abs – this will help keep your spine straight and your body stabilised. Raise one leg straight behind you, then slowly lower it back to start. Keep your pelvis stable.

    Watch Botle perform the moves: 

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    This Cardio Abs Workout Takes Only 20 Minutes But Works All Your Major Muscles

    If strengthening and sculpting your core is what you’re after, you’ve come to the right place. This cardio abs workout works all over, strengthening your torso so you have a healthier skeleton, too. Feel free to add it to your regular fitness routine or up the ante and complete the entire four-week workout plan (you read that right!) for an even more hardcore sweat test.
    20-Minute Cardio Abs Workout
    Time: 20 minutes
    Equipment: mat
    Good for: abs
    Instructions: Complete the prescribed number of sets and reps for each move, resting for one minute in between sets, then immediately continue to the next exercise.
    Move 1: Scapulla Pushup

    How to: Start on all fours. Spread shoulder blades wide across back like you’re trying to imprint a bra line on the ceiling, and then squeeze shoulder blades together as you lower chest toward mat without bending your arms. That’s one rep. Complete the number of reps designated below and then move on to the next exercise.
    Week 1: 4 sets of 8 repsWeek 2: 4 sets of 12 repsWeek 3: 5 sets of 8 repsWeek 4: 5 sets of 12 rep
    READ MORE: This Weighted Abs Workout Will Sculpt Your Stomach Like No Other
    Move 2: Plank Jacks

    How to: Start in a plank position. Hop feet out slightly wider than shoulders, then hop them back together. Keep hips level. That’s one rep. Complete the number of reps designated below and then move on to the next exercise.
    Week 1: 4 sets of 30 secondsWeek 2: 4 sets of 45 secondsWeek 3: 5 sets of 30 secondsWeek 4: 5 sets of 45 second
    Move 3: Kneeling Pushup to Bird Dog

    How to: Begin in a knee plank, tail bone tucked under, index fingers pointing straight forward, and fingers spread wide. Lower down, pulling shoulders away from ears, elbows slightly in toward the ribs. Press up quickly, this time lifting knees off the ground as you do and reaching left arm forward to shoulder height and right leg back to hip height. Lower back to knee plank. That’s one rep. Alternate which arm/leg you lift after each pushup until you’ve completed the designated number of reps below then move on to the next exercise.
    Week 1: 4 sets of 8 repsWeek 2: 4 sets of 12 repsWeek 3: 5 sets of 8 repsWeek 4: 5 sets of 12 reps
    READ MORE: Tone Your Arms And Abs At The Same Time With This 15-Minute Workout
    Move 4: Stretch Jump to Plank

    How to: Start standing in the middle of your mat with feet together and hands at sides. Swing hands overhead and take a tiny hop straight up off the mat. Land and immediately bend knees, folding forward to place hands on floor. Jump legs back to land in plank position. Quickly hop feet forward again to meet hands. Stand and swing arms back overhead to take another tiny hop straight up off mat. That’s one rep. Complete the number of reps designated below and then move on to the next exercise.
    Week 1: 4 sets of 12 repsWeek 2: 4 sets of 15 repsWeek 3: 5 sets of 12 repsWeek 4: 5 sets of 15 rep
    Move 5: Side Plank With Elbow Twist

    How to: Start in a side plank with feet flexed, left foot stacked on top of right, upper body propped on right forearm, elbow underneath shoulder, and left hand behind head. Rotate at waist to bring left elbow down to touch mat. Keep hips high and lower body stable. Return to start. That’s one rep. Do as many reps as possible for the time allotted below and then alternate sides for each set.
    Week 1: 4 sets of 30 secondsWeek 2: 4 sets of 45 secondsWeek 3: 5 sets of 30 secondsWeek 4: 5 sets of 45 second
    This article was originally published on  More

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    Exactly How To Train Like Kim Engelbrecht

    By Ondela Mlandu

    Kim Engelbrecht is loved and known by many around the world for her impeccable acting. Kim has recently returned from the International Emmy Awards in Los Angeles and she’s also our Women’s Health January/February cover star. Writer Ondela Mlandu stepped into Kim’s prolific shoes to find out how the actress stays fit and healthy.

    Kim made waves in the acting and entertainment industry as early as the age of 12. Her career has led her down several paths such as television presenting days on the teen show Craz-e, youth series, Take 5 on SABC, to her acting role as Lolly De Klerk on the popular soapie Isidingo, to television series such as Reyka and Raised by Wolves.

    Kim Engelbrecht’s Metcon workouts explained

    When it comes to exercising, Kim works out with her trainer Bjorn Bergins from The HIIT Club twice a week. The pair have built a good training relationship over the years. Kim’s training routine includes Metcon/HIIT training twice a week, together with Reformer Pilates.

    Metabolic conditioning or Metcon for short is a combination of strength training and cardio exercises, to increase ones overall fitness levels.  You can adapt almost any exercise to fit a metabolic exercise program, including weight training, resistance training, cardio exercises, compound movements, and even bodyweight exercises.

    READ MORE: 4 Core Moves That’ll Create A Stronger Body All Over

    Train like a pro… at home

    Here’s how you can train like Kim…

    1. Full Dynamic Stretch Routine

    The warm-up routine that Bjorn designed for the morning was called the ‘dynamic’ stretch and it included. Try it for yourself:

    a) Warming up the tendons/ligaments in the joints

    b) Lengthening and activating the muscles

    c) Stimulating the blood flow and energy

    d) Connecting the breathing to the movements (mind/body connection).

    Kim Engelbrecht with her trainer, Bjon Bergins

    The movements particularly go through all the planes of movement (up/down, sideways and rotations). Bjorn sees breathing and movement as the foundation of each session.

    “Not only does this prepare the body for action and more importantly, it also gives you an opportunity to get your mindset ready. This is the way to avoid any injuries during workouts and also to speed up recovery time,” he says.

    READ MORE: Sculpt Your Body With This 15-Minute HIIT Workout

    2. Activation/ Mobility Warm-up

    We then moved into the activation/mobility warm-up part. The warm-up was a ball game that can be done in pairs. You will need a tennis ball and four cones. You will be required to sprint to the cones to leave a ball, whilst the next person removes the ball to place on another cone. This warm-up is the ultimate test of endurance.

    3. Metcon Workout

    The workout started with a 10-meter sprint with sets of the below exercises in between.

    After each workout, you must sprint 10 meters further than you did before e.g. 10 meters, 20 meters, 30 meters and eventually the 40 meters sprint.

    The exercises in between were as follows:

    Full-Body Metcon

    Jumping jacks/plyo jacks (A plyo jack is done by jumping up, opening your arms and legs mid-air into an “X” shape.)

    Commando roll press ups

    Dumbbell squat and press

    Ab twists

    Abdominal Metcon

    This ab workout consists of sets of 10, 20, 30 and 40 exercises, as each set was increased by 10 reps.

    Leg raises

    Super crunches

    Side slides

    Bicycle kicks

    To end the workout, do a cool-down and stretch to recover.

    Kim Engelbrecht’s intentional fasting

    The beauty of fasting is that Kim has adapted it to suit her lifestyle.

    “I usually do a fasted workout and break my fast after training at lunch time. I fast 16:8 – 11 am-7 pm. or 12 pm – 8 pm, although I never really eat after 8 pm,” she says. Kim says one of the benefits of fasting for her, is that once in the fasting phase it allows her to increase her water intake. “I always have to remind myself to drink more water. I drink water and herbal tea (calorie free) and coffee,”
    Kim Engelbrecht

    Fasting makes Kim more aware of how much protein she consumes. “I have started including protein shakes to increase my protein intake. Fasting allows me to turn meal times into an event because I just look forward to meals more now. I set my table because I’ve been waiting 16 hours for a meal and I am definitely going to enjoy it,” she says.

    READ MORE: “Here’s How I Got My Fitness Back After The Pandemic”

    Kim never feels the pressure to look a certain way, however, she does advocate for women to feel comfortable in their own skin. “Fitness is a lifelong journey, and you should enjoy the process and experiment as much as you can. A big secret to a healthy lifestyle is that you can always get back on track,” she says. More

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    4 Core Moves That’ll Create A Stronger Body All Over

    The body part you can’t stomach? Well, your stomach, according to our poll (31% of you cited your tum as needing the most attention). In the WhyFive SA Body Image Report, just 14% of respondents reported being happy with their tummies and 45% – nearly two-thirds of whom were black women – said they would consider a tummy tuck.
    Tighten your waistline without surgery with these 4 core moves from trainer David Kirsch. While you can’t spot-train a slimmer waistline (this happens with creating a caloric deficit and overall exercise), you can and should incorporate abdominal training into your routine, since your core spans your front, back and butt. Training these important muscles help create a leaner, healthier posture, can prevent injury and creates a healthier body overall.
    Try these 4 core moves in a circuit, doing three sets, or tack them to the end of your workout for strong results.
    1. Stability-Ball Jackknife
    Position your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor and place your shins on a stability ball. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels. Keeping your back flat, slowly bend your knees towards your chest. Pause, then return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15 to 20.
    READ MORE: Sculpt Your Body With This 15-Minute HIIT Workout
    2. Stability-Ball Hands-Offs
    Grab a light dumbbell in your right hand and position your shoulders on a stability ball, feet flat on the floor. Form a straight line from knees to shoulders and lift the weight above your right shoulder (A). Raise your shoulders, bring the weight to your left thigh, and grab it with your left hand (B). Reverse the move to return to start. Do 15 to 20 reps on each side.
    READ MORE: Boxing Inspired Workout: 8 Moves That Will Help You Get a Knockout Body RN!
    3. Reverse Oblique Crunch
    Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, palms down, legs raised and knees slightly bent (A). Lift your hips and twist them slightly to the right (B). Return to start. That’s one rep. Repeat on the left side; continue alternating for 15 to 20 reps.
    READ MORE: Just These Two Workouts Make A Killer Six-Week Workout Routine
    4. Side Plank With Rear Fly
    Grab a dumbbell with your right hand and prop yourself up on your left forearm so your body is in a straight line. Hold the weight out in front of you at shoulder level (A). Slowly raise the weight towards the ceiling, arm straight, pulling your shoulder blades together (B). Return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15 to 20, then switch sides and repeat. More

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    I Tried the Taylor Swift Treadmill Workout for a Week—Here’s What Happened

    If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I hate cardio: cycling, HIIT workouts, running–you name it, I hate it. And there’s nothing in the world that can make me do it willingly…except Taylor Swift apparently. When I first saw the Taylor Swift treadmill workout trend on TikTok, I thought to myself “That looks fun,” then immediately questioned “Who am I, and since when does cardio look fun?” But because I’m a Swiftie and I do enjoy walking, I decided to ditch my usual strength training workouts to give the Taylor workout a try for a week. Read on to find out what the workout entails, what happened when I tried it, and whether it’s worth trying for yourself.  

    The workout
    The workout, created by TikTok star Allie Bennett, is simple. All you have to do is walk (or strut, according to Allie) to the beat of her carefully curated playlists. Each playlist starts off with upbeat warm-up songs, then continues with a couple faster-paced songs perfect for running or fast walking, and ends with a slow song or two for the cool down. Pro tip: Make sure the playlist isn’t on shuffle so that the songs play in the correct order. Find your pace to the first song and increase your speed by .1 MPH every time the song changes. The result is a half-hour workout with a mix of low and high-impact exercises customizable to your fitness level and music taste.

    Replying to @norahhlouise the treadmill strut that started it all is back and BETTER THAN EVER BABY !! this TSTS has TWO running options (bc we all know all too well deserves its own moment 🧣) – let me know if you try this one out !! @benntheredonethat #treadmillstrut #taylorswift
    ♬ hour long taylor swift treadmill strut workout – allie bennett

    My experience
    I started off with Allie Bennett’s original Taylor Swift treadmill workout playlist. At first, I was nervous to strut in front of a bunch of strangers at the gym and had trouble finding the right speed for the first few songs (because not only am I a treadmill amateur, I also have no rhythm), but once I heard “Better Than Revenge,” I started hitting my stride. Despite the fact that the running songs on this playlist—“Shake it Off” and “…Ready For It?”—are some of my favorite hype songs, I was still too nervous to try running, so I kept my pace at a fast walk. The best part of the workout? Strutting to “Style” for the final song. Talk about main character energy. 
    Allie recently released a Midnights treadmill strut playlist, so I knew I had to try that one next since I’ve been listening to the album non-stop for the last two months. I was able to find my pacing much quicker and easier this time, but I still found it hard to stay on beat when each song would slow down during the bridge. This made me think the Midnights album might not be the best to strut to, but I pushed through and even tried (emphasis on “tried”) running to “The Great War.” All the TikToks I’ve seen make it look so fun and easy to run along to Taylor Swift songs, but in full disclosure, I only lasted about two minutes before I had to go back to a fast walk. I was proud of myself for trying though, since I can’t even remember the last time I ran. 
    I rounded things out by trying Allie’s hour-long Taylor Swift treadmill strut playlist. The idea of an hour-long cardio session seemed daunting at first, but after a successful first two days I was interested to see how this workout would go. And it didn’t disappoint. Before I knew it, I was three songs in and reminiscing about high school while strutting along to “Picture To Burn.” I didn’t look at the tracks beforehand, so it was exciting to anticipate what song would come on next, especially when I was surprised with a “Delicate” remix I’d never heard before. This playlist had two different options for the running portion: either “All Too Well (10 minute version)” or “Haunted,” “Out of the Woods,” and “Mr. Perfectly Fine.” Because I’m a true Swiftie, I chose to run during “All Too Well,” but I did more of a five-minute version because, again, I’m out of practice. 

    The verdict
    While I won’t be training for a marathon anytime soon, I can confidently say I’m a cardio convert thanks to Allie Bennett and her Taylor Swift treadmill strut workout. One of the reasons I’ve shied away from the treadmill in the past is because I easily get bored on it, even if I’m watching a show or listening to my favorite podcast. After five minutes, I’d find myself checking the clock to see how much time I had left, but that wasn’t the case with this workout. Focusing on walking to the beat and singing along to some of my favorite songs helped me think about something other than the fact that I was working out. Not only did that make the workout more enjoyable, but it also made it feel like time flew by.
    I also enjoyed how customizable the workout was. Since the intention of them is to walk to the beat, there’s no pressure to walk at a specific speed because everyone’s pace will vary based on their height. Similarly, I like that the running songs can also be fast walk songs if you’d prefer. I’m looking forward to trying out some of the other treadmill strut playlists (crossing my fingers for a Reputation version), and I’ll definitely be incorporating this workout into my gym routine.

    Is Sex the New “It” Workout? Here’s What Experts Have to Say More

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    Sculpt Your Body With This 15-Minute HIIT Workout

    Equipment sponsored by REBEL Elite Fitness
    The way mixed-martial-arts athletes train is extremely effective for the average person looking to slim down or shape up, says Mike Dolce, a former UFC fighter and longtime coach to top fighters. Dolce’s strategy combines functional strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which builds endurance and strength.
    For each exercise in this 15-minute HIIT workout, complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds, moving from one to the next without resting. Then rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of five rounds.
    You’ll need: A set of dumbbells
    READ MORE: Boxing Inspired Workout: 8 Moves That Will Help You Get a Knockout Body RN!
    15-Minute HIIT Workout
    Watch one of our WH staffers perform the moves:[embedded content]
    1. Push-Up-Position Alternating Raise
    Start in push-up position, legs extended and feet more than shoulder-width apart. Brace your core, then raise an arm in front of you to shoulder height, keeping your hips parallel to the floor. Slowly lower, then repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.
    Tip: Make it harder by using a set of dumbbells or adding a push-up before each rep.
    2. Drop Lunge
    Hold a pair of dumbbells at your shoulders, elbows close to your body, feet hip-width apart. Maintaining a tight core, step your left foot behind your right and bend both knees to lower into a lunge, sitting back into your right heel. Press through your right foot to stand, then repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.
    READ MORE: Just These Two Workouts Make A Killer Six-Week Workout Routine
    3. Knee Strike With Side Kick
    Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent and fists raised in front of you. Keeping your chest upright, drive your right knee towards your chest as you rise onto the ball of your left foot. Lower your knee and drive your foot to the right, extending into a side kick. Return to start; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.
    4. Tuck Jump
    Position your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. In one explosive movement, jump as high as you can and bend your knees towards your chest. Land softly and pause to reset your stance. That’s one rep.
    READ MORE: Try These Exercises To Build A Stronger, Bigger Butt More

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    The Results Are In: Running Proven To Significantly Improve Mood

    Johannesburg, 28 November 2022. A total of 99% of people feel good or great after going for a run. This was the key finding from a series of running support groups set up by Nedbank in partnership with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) leading up to and throughout Mental Health Awareness Month. The runs took place every day in August and September and were led by Nedbank Runified, Africa’s biggest virtual mass participation race. They aimed to show the nation that exercise, particularly running, can be a starting point to address what has become our nation’s next great health crisis: mental health.
    Nedbank Runified for mental health saw athletes, mental health advocates and running enthusiasts lead group runs across the country that were open to anyone who wished to take part. All those who participated were challenged to be cognisant of their mood before and after their run and to report back on how they felt.
    READ MORE: 4 Ways To Boost Your Mental Well-Being
    ‘The results were staggering, but also not totally unexpected’, commented Tobie Badenhorst, Head of Group Sponsorships and Cause Marketing at Nedbank. ‘It has been scientifically proven that exercise, particularly running, improves mental health and reduces depression, stress, and anxiety – this is widely known. But we wanted to illustrate this to South Africans in the most practical way – by facilitating support groups for anyone who felt they needed them. These groups were designed to allow participants to experience the mental effect of even light exercise first-hand.’
    Of those who participated, 59% described their mood as ‘flat’ before their run, with only 7% saying they were feeling great. Post-run, just 1% felt their mood hadn’t improved, with 17% describing their mood as ‘good’ and 82% as ‘great’.
    ‘With South Africa’s mental health stats being one of the worst in the world (one in three South Africans battle with their mental health), our hope is that Nedbank Runified not only gave those who participated an outlet to boost their mood but that it will broadly raise awareness and drive education on mental health. Ultimately, we hope it can create a shift in how we think about and approach mental health. We’d like to thank Nedbank for providing its Runified platform as the vehicle to help us do this and look forward to building on the achievements of the past months,’ added Badenhorst.
    ‘Nedbank has been involved in running for decades, and we are proud to use the Nedbank Running Club as a partner to create a lasting impact in the communities we serve. Through Runified, we were not only able to raise awareness while driving education on this issue, but through clear insights, we have also demonstrated that running, particularly in groups, can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety,’ concludes Badenhorst.
    Nedbank Runified for mental health is not yet over – those who want to join the movement can participate in November from anywhere in the world by joining the Nedbank Running Club on Strava or by searching #NedbankRunified on social media for more details.
    If you or your loved ones are battling mental health challenges, there is hope. Visit or call 0800 567 567 in the event of an emergency. More

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    How Triathlete Vicky van der Merwe Balances Training With Motherhood

    Well-known Stellenbosch-based triathlete Vicky van der Merwe is on the comeback after a break after her son was born. She will be competing at the Woolworths X TRI off-road triathlon in Elgin on Saturday 4 December.
    Vicky van der Merwe: having it all as an elite triathlete and a mom
    Top triathlete Vicky van der Merwe is also a business owner at Stellenbosch Triathlon Squad (STS), where she is a coach and race organiser, and in the last two years she has added wife and mother to her roles. The 32-year-old athlete is a familiar face on podiums across the country and internationally, and she is now focused on her return to competitive racing in short-course triathlon since the birth of her son Adriaan in February 2021.
    She says being both a mom and an elite athlete has given her a new perspective: “The amazing thing is you have to make every session count as every opportunity to train is time away from the family. You have to be so intentional with your time. I love it. I always knew that I would return to racing, but I did not have a clear plan. It was my first pregnancy and I had planned a natural birth, and then I had to have an emergency c-section at 37 weeks – you really can’t plan these things!”
    READ MORE: Boxing Inspired Workout: 8 Moves That Will Help You Get a Knockout Body RN!
    “I threw myself in the deep end with training four or five weeks after Adriaan’s birth, and started slowly building up.”
    Three months later she went to Africa Champs, claiming fifth place despite not having a great race. She feels optimistic about re-establishing her place as one of the top female South African triathletes. Since returning to competition with the 2021 Africa Champs, she has won the Walker Bay Xtreme Big 6, the Torpedo SwimRun (she holds the record), the Caveman Triathlon, the African X Trail Run, and recently the 2022 Cape Town Triathlon.
    Vicky at the CT Triathlon 2022
    READ MORE: “I Travel Solo Even Though I Have Anxiety — This Is How I Cope”
    Vicky says she loves racing and has a few more years of competitive racing ahead. Her immediate focus is on the Woolworths X TRI the off-road triathlon on 4 December at Paul Cluver Family Wines Wines in Elgin. This race is a bit more about the fun, but a challenging event nonetheless if you are taking on the full triathlon.
    “I find mixing it up a bit with off-road triathlon is so good for me as an athlete, and the WW X TRI is perfect for triathletes like myself looking to cross-train and test themselves in different disciplines. I will for sure be looking to stand on the top step of the podium, but this event really hits the mark for family fun as well, with a Lite event plus fun trail runs and a shorter walk.”
    When asked if her goal is to qualify for the Paris Olympics, she is hesitant to confirm: “You obviously have to be in the top two or three in the country and we have some very strong women athletes. Because I’ve been out of it for so long, I have set myself small goals, with SA Champs being my next big one in March next year.”
    With some confusion for the layperson about what constitutes a triathlon, Vicky sums it up, “Triathlon is any race involving a swim, a cycle and a run. There is off-road triathlon where the Xterra World Championships is the highest honours, then Ironman, full and half, that are more focused on endurance, and the World Championship held in Kona in Hawaii is the big goal. Then there is the Olympic Triathlon which is my discipline, and I prefer the sprint or short-course which is a 750m swim, 20 km cycle and 5km run. Standard Olympic Triathlon distances are 1.5 km swim, a 40 km bicycle ride and a 10 km run.”
    READ MORE: What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Working Out?
    As someone who was National and African Junior Triathlon champ when in high school, Vicky has triathlon in her veins, and beneath the fun and bubbly personality is a fierce competitor who juggles being a wife and mom, a businessperson, a coach and an athlete.
    Get to Paul Cluver Family Wines in Elgin on 4 December for the WW X TRI to catch Vicky in action and support the work of the Woolworths Trust, the beneficiary of all proceeds from the event.  For more information and to enter visit More