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    Experience a 360-degree holistic detox at this refined Dubai-based clinic


    by Sarah Joseph
    3 hours ago

    Every once in a while, your body deserved dedicated pampering to cleanse it of all the unwanted toxins.
    By using a holistic approach to healthcare, Biolite Clinic has launched an exclusive healthness package offering a bespoke solution to overcome the effects of our fast-paced lifestyle.
    As a luxurious city retreat, this clinic ensures clients can embark on a personalised health journey with its team of experts that work on meeting everyone’s needs through customised therapies implemented after years of research.
    “I want to wake people up and give them the tools to put their health into their own hands,” said CEO and Founder of Biolite Mona Mirza.
    This integrative approach includes advanced technologies such as the Soma Sleep Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Cell Gym, Triple Detox iDome and IV Infusions including NAD+ and Pressotherapy.
    If you face trouble with uninterrupted sleep, the clinic offers a solution known as Soma Sleep Therapy that helps to slow down mental activity for clients to benefit from deep relaxation techniques. The unique technology promises one-of-a-kind benefits such as improved sleep quality, increased creativity, stress reduction, treats panic attacks and anxiety and reduces signs of depression.

    For a full body detox, the Triple Detox IDome gets rid of heavy metals and carcinogenic waste through Far infrared technology with Plasma and light. The other benefits include boosted mental clarity, skin renewal and spots and muscle recovery. Clients are asked to lay inside the detox machine, for it then to work its magic and remove any unwanted toxins after a simple 20-minute session.
    We all know the ample benefits oxygen has! To improve your immune system from the outset, the clinic’s Ozone Therapy medical treatment is used to increase regeneration as the ozone meets body fluids resulting in more proteins and red blood cells to ensure the overall supply of oxygen in the body. For complete detoxification, reduced inflammation and increased energy production, this treatment works wonders.
    High altitudes often have multiple benefits when it comes to improving energy efficiency. To create the same environment, the clinic’s Cell Gym technology ensures recovery through altitude training with minimum effort. With hypoxic training, the client can experience a sense of renewed energy, weight management, fatigue prevention improved metabolism and overall improvement in energy levels.

    To reverse the aging process and ensure your body receives the correct vitamins and minerals, Biolite promises a custom infusion drip with high-concentration ingredients to completely absorb into the bloodstream. Whether post-renewal after a long-haul flight or stress relief after intense working hours, this IV infusion therapy addresses all needs to maintain and improve health from the inside out.
    Designed for complete detoxification, Pressotherapy stimulates the body’s lymphatic system through an air pressure machine that uses an inflated suit to squeeze the arms, legs or abdomen in synchorised motion to remove any excess fluid for a complete cleanse. To reduce the appearance of cellulite, ensure toned and firm skin and strengthen the immune system, this mechanism provides a trusted approach to skin regeneration.
    Located in Villa 57, Al Thanya Road, Umm Suqueim 2, the clinic is open daily from 9:30am to 9pm, Saturday to Thursday and is closed on Friday. To schedule a consultation, or to learn more about how Biolite Healthness programs can kickstart or assist in your health journey, visit
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    Images: Supplied More

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    What Really Happens To Your Body (And Brain) On A Detox Diet?

    By Laura Beil
    Your body on a detox is kind of like freefalling from the sky or plunging unexpectedly into icy water: total shock. Since you can’t exactly sit your organs down and chat with them about how you’re about to cut off food for the next few days, your body is largely unprepared for a juice cleanse. We chatted to the experts and delved into what really happens to your body on a detox diet.
    Your Body On A Detox: Right After the first sip
    Your brain’s hunger signals are answered with a dump of pure fruit-juice sugar. And don’t get any ideas – veggie-based cleanses aren’t any healthier. The sweet stuff prompts the pancreas to squirt out insulin, which moves sugar – now in your blood in the form of glucose – into your cells.
    After 30 minutes
    As your cells suck up the glucose, your blood sugar level can start to plummet and you may feel dizzy. Meanwhile, lacking enough kilojoules, your body is operating off its supply of glycogen, a form of short-term energy stored in the liver and muscles.
    After two days
    With each shot of juice, your insulin levels skyrocket, then crash. At this point, your glycogen stores are pretty much gone, leaving your tank on empty – and you feeling listless.
    READ MORE: Are Detox Diets And Cleanses Really Good For You?
    Since you’re getting about half the kilojoules you need, your body draws on long-term power sources: triglycerides, a type of energy stored in fat cells (woo-hoo!), and protein, taken straight from your muscles (oops). You begin to lose muscle mass, even if you’re still exercising every day.
    After three days
    Your brain is not happy. It enters into semi-starvation mode and gobbles ketones, fuel that comes from the breakdown of fat. Ketones work, but they’re like watered-down petrol; as a result, you may feel unfocused or irritable. (Any “mental clarity” is likely due to a strong placebo effect.)
    Sans a fresh protein infusion, your brain is also lacking amino acids, the raw materials that neurotransmitters need to maintain your mood. If you’re prone to depression, you may start feeling blue.
    READ MORE: Caley Jäck’s Simple Formula For Sticking To A Healthy Lifestyle
    The proteins in your shrinking muscles break down into ammonia and uric acid, unwelcome chemicals that invade your bloodstream. Now your kidneys are busy detoxing your detox.
    Stay near the bathroom: the juice’s high carbohydrate load causes a surfeit of water to enter the intestines. That extra H2O in your gut means you’re primed to get diarrhoea.
    After four days
    With no food to digest, your small intestine feels ignored. Its villi – the rows of tiny fibres that move food elements into the blood – start to atrophy. Your diarrhoea may get worse, leading to dehydration… and there goes your rosy glow.
    On the eighth day
    Solid food! But uh-oh – you’ve lost muscle. Even if you go back to your regular eating habits, you now have less muscle mass to burn those kilojoules; instead, the kilojoules are more likely to be turned into fat. (Hence, one reason yo-yo dieting makes it harder to lose weight: your reduced muscle-to-fat ratio messes up your metabolism and makes kilojoules much harder to work off.)
    While juice cleanses can be considered a spiritual practice and many appreciate the infusion of juiced vegetables into their diet, it’s not for everyone. Why not reboot your system the healthy way and download this 5 day healthy eating plan instead. More