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    This Quick Workout Works Your Entire Body

    If you’re a beginner to working out and are not sure where to start, this quick all-over body burner is for you. Pressed for time? Try this. Got excuses? This is the workout! If you’re sensing a theme here, it’s one that Johannesburg-based personal trainer Sherneal Joseph wants you to pick out. No excuses – just get your workout done in 15 minutes, and you’ll be better for it. “I’ve chosen this workout because it invalidates the most common excuses I hear for people skipping a workout or not training at all,” says Sherneal.

    And you’ll work all your most important muscles, from the core to your quads and back. “Apart from challenging you, torching calories and getting those endorphins flowing,” says Sherneal, “This quick workout will promote strength and muscular endurance in all major muscle groups while elevating the heart rate for cardiovascular benefits.”

    Want in? Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest. Rest for 1 minute at the end of each complete round. Repeat for 3 rounds. Try it again the following week and see how long it takes you. You’ll up your endurance the more you go.

    15-minute quick workout

    Lunge to overhead press

    Start in a standing position, with your weights held at shoulder length. Lunge backwards, then step forward, simultaneously lifting the weights overhead. That’s one rep.

    Gorilla renegade rows

    Get onto all fours, with weight evenly distributed throughout. Now raise your knees off the ground and feel your core engage. Grip your dumbbells and lift one into a row. Switch hands and lift the other weight. That’s one rep.

    Push-up to burpee

    With your weights in your hands, get into a push-up position, legs hip-width apart. Bend into a push-up, then straighten all the way up to standing, holding your weights as you do. That’s one rep.

    Dumbbell snatch

    Let your weights be at your feet and start in the standing position. Bend down and snatch and grab one weight, then, in one fluid motion, raise the weight overhead, being sure to brace your core and keeping feet on the ground. Lower the weight back to the floor. That’s one rep.

    Overhead Russian twist

    Start in a seated position, with your legs in front of you and knees slightly bent. Pick up one weight and lift it overhead to lower on your opposite side, like a rainbow. That’s one rep.

    Watch Sherneal perform the moves here:

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    One Dumbbell, Six Moves: The Ultimate Beginner-Friendly Full-Body Workout

    Load shedding putting your fitness goals on pause lately? Well, worry no more! We’ve got the perfect dumbbell workout to keep you in shape even when the lights go out. Best part: it’s also beginner-friendly.

    Designed by local Sport Scientist and personal trainer, Andile Peyi, this routine is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and your muscles working, no matter how dimly lit the room is. With just six moves, you’ll be targeting all major muscle groups while torching those stubborn calories.

    So, grab that trusty dumbbell, put on your gear and let’s make the most out of those load shedding hours. It’s time to turn darkness into an opportunity for a killer workout. Or at least give you something to do till the lights come back on!

    Meet The Expert: Andile Peyi is a qualified Sport Scientist and personal trainer at FitFreak Training.

    “My workout videos are mostly for beginners starting their fitness journey. There is no excuse not to get it done with the videos I make. You can do it anywhere!” says Andile. And as for her favourite fitness quote? It’s obviously this one: “You have to put the work in for it to work out”. Let’s get to it then!

    Equipment: Dumbbell | Good For: Total Body

    Try This Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

    Goblet Squat

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and then hold a weight against your chest. Always keep your core engaged and pelvis tucked in, avoiding an arched back. Lower your body by bending your hips and knees while keeping your chest tall. Avoid rounding your back as you descend. Pause briefly at the bottom of the squat, then push through your heels to raise back up.

    Static Lunge

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Begin in a split squat position with one foot forward and the other foot back. Hold a weight under your chin. Then raise your back knee up and squeeze your glutes as you come up. Ensure that your core is engaged and your body is in an upright position.

    Curl + Press

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in both hands. Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Start by curling the weight towards your chest while keeping your body stationary. From the curl position, slightly dip your knees to generate momentum and press the dumbbell overhead, fully extending your arms and elbows. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the curl position, then return to the starting position.

    READ MORE: Try This Tough-ish Workout To Really Build Your Strength

    Shoulder Taps

    12 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Begin in a push-up position with your core engaged and your back straight. Then tap your left hand to your right shoulder and your right hand to your left shoulder.

    In + Out

    12 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Place the weight in front of you. Start with your hands behind you, facing forward. Then slightly lean back. Bring your legs toward your chest and then push them out to each side of the weight.

    Plank Jack

    20 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Start in a low plank position with your elbows on the ground. Ensure your core is engaged. Then jump your legs in and out without allowing your lower back to drop.

    Work Out With Andile

    Smashed this workout? Then follow Andile on Instagram for more beginner-friendly workout routines and advice. More

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    The 15-Minute Pregnancy Workout You Can Do At Home

    Joanie Johnson, certified personal trainer and founder of Fit Pregnancy Club in New York City, says these exercises are safe for most pregnant women—provided you get your doctor’s okay.

    Time: 10 Minutes | Equipment: 2-4.5 kg Dumbbell | Good For: Total Body

    Instructions: Start with a five-minute warmup to get your heart rate up (march in place, step from side to side, etc.) For each exercise move, perform the reps as directed. Then continue to the next move. Repeat entire circuit more than once for a longer workout. Finish with a five-minute cool-down and stretches.

    READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know About Working Out While Pregnant

    Pump and kegel

    How to do the exercise: Stand up straight, with your hands over your belly. Slowly inhale using your diaphragm and release your core muscles. Then, use your ab muscles to hug the baby towards your body (imagine you’re trying to zip up a pair of pants that are too tight). gently lift your pelvic floor muscles at the same time. Inhale and release your abdominals and pelvic floor muscles. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps, continue to the next move.

    Dancer’s triceps

    How to do the exercise: Stand with your feet spread out, wider than hip-width. Point your left foot away from your body, and right foot forward. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms bent, dumbbells near your shoulders. Slowly bend your left knee as far as you can, without letting your knee go past your foot. As you do, extend your right arm to the ground, then away from your body, engaging your triceps. Return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps on each side. Continue to the next move.

    Biceps Curl

    How to do the exercise: Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, palms facing forward, and keep your back straight and chest up. Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the weights toward your shoulders. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening your arms completely. That’s one rep. Perform 10 to 15 reps, continue to the next move.

    Lunge pulse with overhead press

    How to do the exercise: Stand with your left foot forward and your right foot a couple of feet behind. With a dumbbell in each hand, press your arm overhead as you drop into a lunge position. Return to start and repeat on the right side. Perform 10 reps on each side, continue to the next move.


    How to do the exercise: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in front of your chest, elbows pointing toward the floor. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat. Lower the dumbbell to the floor at the same time. Push yourself back to start. That’s one rep. Perform 10 to 15 reps, continue to the next move.

    Side-lying leg extension

    How to do the exercise: Lie on your left side and place your left forearm on the floor. Bend your knees and stack your right leg on top of your left leg, with your left hip resting on the ground. Extend your right leg straight and behind your body. Return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 15 to 20 reps, then repeat on the other side. Continue to the next move.


    How to do the exercise: Lie on your left side and place your left forearm on the floor. Bend your knees and stack your right leg on top of your left leg, with your left hip resting on the ground. Rotate your right knee towards the ceiling, keeping your feet together. Lower your leg, keeping your hips raised throughout. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps, then repeat on the other side. Continue to the next move.

    Triceps Dip

    How to do the exercise: Sit with your hands stacked directly under your shoulders, fingers forward. Place your feet on the floor, knees bent. Keeping your arms straight, hover your butt above the ground. Bend your arms and lower your butt, stopping when you nearly reach the floor. Push yourself back up to starting position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps. Repeat entire sequence two to three times, as preferred.

    This article was originally published on  More

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    This Powerful Joint-Friendly Lower Body Workout Tones Every Inch

    A resistance band is like having a mini-gym — you can use it to work your whole body (or do a lower body workout, like this one) and then conveniently stash it in your sock drawer when not in use.

    It’s also a low-impact alternative to weights for getting your strength back after an exercise hiatus (like, welcoming a beautiful bundle of sleep deprivation into your life. Love ‘em, but being a new mom is hella challenging!).The continuous tension in the band makes it easier to control your movements in both the lifting and lowering phases of the exercise, reducing your risk for injury. Training with a band also allows you to get hyper-specific with the muscles you target — which is why resistance bands are such a favourite of Pilates instructors and physios for strengthening the smaller muscles that often get neglected in the big, impressive-looking lifts that make it to the ‘gram.

    HOW TO DO IT: This lower body workout by trainer Alicia Krige is designed as a circuit. Starting with exercise one, do all reps as indicated, rest, then move on to the next exercise. Once you’ve done all the exercises, take a longer rest and then start again at the beginning for another round. Do 4 rounds in total.

    You’ll need: A resistance band.

    Mycore Hevia Resistance Band

    These bands are slip-proof and won’t snag on your clothes. They come in different strengths, from light to heavy resistance.

    Reebok Lux Strappy Sports Bra

    Angled side seams bring stability while the straps are adjustable for our ever-changing bodies.

    Reebok Lux High-Waisted Leggings

    A high-rise, thick waistband hugs your waist and stays in place through burpees and core moves.

    The Joint-Friendly Lower Body Workout

    Standing lateral lifts

    12 reps per side

    Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, band around your legs a few centimetres above the knees. Keeping your torso upright and forward facing, raise your right leg straight out to the right. Lower to start. That’s one rep. Do all, then switch legs.

    Bodyweight squat

    12 reps

    Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width. Keeping your chest upright, sit your hips back, like you’re sitting in a chair. Squeeze your bum to return to start. That’s one rep.

    Donkey kickbacks

    12 reps per side

    Start on all fours — hands in line with shoulders, knees and hips bent 90 degrees and band around your thighs. Pushing through your hands, lift one leg behind you, keeping your knee bent and foot flexed. When you feel your bum squeeze on that side, lower to start. That’s one rep. Do all, then switch legs.

    Curtsey squats

    15 reps per side, alternating

    Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, band around your thighs. Keeping your chest upright, step your right leg back, crossing behind your left leg and lower so your knees are at 90 degrees. Push back to start, then repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.

    Single-leg resistance deadlift

    15 reps per leg

    Stand tall with feet staggered, band looped securely under the front foot, the other part in both hands. Hinge forward at the waist, with a slight bend in your knees. This is your start position. Now, squeeze your bum to stand, keeping your back flat. Lower to start. That’s one rep.

    Bicycle crunch

    12 reps per side, alternating

    Lie on your back, band around your legs above the knee, hands behind your head and elbows wide. Raise your legs, knees bent and shins parallel to the floor. Keeping your lower back glued to the floor, extend left leg and twist left elbow to right knee. Reverse the move back to start, then repeat on the other side. That’s one.

    Clam Shells

    12 reps per side

    Lie on your side, legs stacked, knees bent, band around your thighs and upper body propped up on your elbow. Keeping your upper body still, raise your top knee, keeping your feet together. Return to start. That’s one rep.

    Downward-Facing Dog straight-legged kickbacks

    Do 12 reps per leg

    Start in Downward-Facing Dog, back straight, hands and feet flat on the floor (use a block or folded towel under heels if necessary), band around your legs, above the knee. Keeping hips square, raise your right leg straight out behind you. Lower to start. That’s one rep.

    Core crunches

    Do 20 reps

    Lie on your back, band around your shins, hands behind your head with elbows wide and legs raised with knees bent and shins parallel to the floor. Keeping your lower back glued to the floor, squeeze your abs to raise your head andshoulders. Lower back to start. That’s one rep.

    Single-leg bridge

    12 reps per leg

    Lie on your back, legs bent, feet flat on the floor, arms at your sides, band around your legs above the knee. Raise one leg straight up, foot flexed. Squeeze your bum, then lift your hips so your body forms a straight line from shoulders to hips. Lower back to start. That’s one rep. More

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    Boost Your Morning Routine With This Easy 15-Minute Yoga Flow

    If you ask me, there’s no better way to start the day than with a morning yoga routine. Whether I need to ground down or feel more energized, the right flow of poses always helps me tune into my breath and body.

    Yoga can be an especially powerful practice for anyone dealing with anxiety and depression — and I find that turning to yoga before busy or stressful days goes a long way toward feeling more balanced and centred.

    Plus, mind-body therapies like yoga have been shown to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, according to research published in Plos One.

    And, yes, in case you’re wondering, a morning yoga routine also challenges your body (chair pose is no joke!), so you can move through your day feeling mentally and physically strong — and more flexible. It starts out with some warm-up poses, moves through a vinyasa sequence that you’ll repeat on each side, and then winds down.

    Time: 15 minutes

    Equipment needed: Yoga mat

    Instructions: Flow from pose to pose listed below, holding and breathing as noted. After completing poses five through 12 on the right side, repeat on the left before moving on. Make this practice about moving intuitively. If you want to feel serene throughout the day, keep your movement slow and gentle. If you want to feel energized, build up to a quicker, more heated pace as you progress. The beauty of yoga is that it can be whatever you need it to be!


    How to: Start on all fours with hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Inhale and arch spine so belly sinks down while face and tailbone lift upwards. (This is cow pose.) Then, exhale and push into hands and knees to hollow belly, round spine, and tuck chin towards chest. (This is cat pose.) Repeat for five slow breaths, or about one minute.

    Feel the pose: Close your eyes and try to make your movements more dramatic with each round. Feel the collarbones spread wide in cow pose, and the back of the neck lengthen in cat pose. This one is all about finding a nice rhythm for your spine!

    Downward-Facing Dog

    How to: Start in a plank position. Lift hips up and back, sinking heels toward floor, until body forms an upside down “V” shape. Press shoulders away from ears and relax neck. Spread fingers wide on mat, with palms pressed against the floor. Hold for five slow breaths.

    Feel the pose: Breathe loudly through your nose to tune into yourself and deepen the posture.

    READ MORE: 10 Insanely Challenging Yoga Poses That Will Build Serious Strength

    Side Bends

    How to: Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and parallel, arms extended up overhead with hands interlaced. Inhale and lean up and over from waist to left side. Hold for a few breaths, then push through feet to return to standing and repeat on other side. Perform three rounds on each side.

    Feel the pose: As you create space and length in the sides of the body, feel your ribs separating away from your waist.

    Chair Pose

    How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. At the same time, raise hands overhead, palms facing in, until biceps are by ears while bending knees and sitting back as if lowering into a chair. Hold for five breaths.

    Feel the pose: Challenge yourself and build heat in the body by staying here a little longer than you want to. Find ease in the neck as you breathe deep and feel energy extending out from your fingertips.

    Interlaced Forward Fold

    This pose begins your vinyasa sequence. Flow from this pose through pose number 12 (lizard pose) on the right side, then repeat on the left side.

    How to: Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and hands interlaced behind back, arms straight. Lift fists back away from body, gaze toward ceiling, spread collarbones wide, and then hinge at hips to fold torso over legs and stretch arms overhead. Relax head down and shift weight towards balls of feet. Hold for three long breaths, then release and return to standing.

    Feel the pose: Allow your head and neck to hang heavy and feel your spine decompress.

    Low Lunge Twist

    How to: Start in a low lunge with right foot forward between hands and left leg extended straight back. Draw right hand straight up overhead toward ceiling and rotate torso from waist to gaze up at it. Hold for three breaths.

    Feel the pose: Twist from your belly and upper back while keeping your legs and core strong. Engage your back leg and lift up out of hand on the floor.

    Warrior II

    How to: Start with legs almost as wide as mat, right foot forward, toes facing straight ahead, left foot back, outside of foot parallel to back of mat (right heel lined up with middle of left inner arch), torse facing left side, and arms at sides. Keep left leg straight while deeply bending right knee until thigh is parallel to mat, then extend arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Gaze should be over front fingers. Hold for three to five breaths.

    Feel the pose: Stretch through front and back fingertips equally and keep shoulders over hips.

    Wide Forward Fold

    How to: Start standing with feet wider than shoulders and parallel. Hinge at hips to bring torso in front of thighs, allowing head to relax and shifting weight toward balls of feet to open up backs of legs. Hold for three to five breaths, then return to standing.

    Feel the pose: This pose invites us to literally face inward. Let it draw you into a space of calm introspection as it energizes the body and increases blood flow to the brain.

    Fallen Triangle

    How to: Start in high plank. Then, pull right knee toward chest and slide right foot outside of left hand until both legs are extended to straight (entire left foot and outside of right foot are both on the floor). Draw left hand up toward ceiling and rotate torso to face extended leg. Hold for five breaths, then reverse the movement to return to plank position.

    Feel the pose: Lift hips high and raise gaze to look at top hand.

    READ MORE: Banesa Tseki On How Yoga Gave Her A New Lease On Life

    Low Plank

    How to: Start in a high plank position. Keep elbows in close to sides, bend arms, and lower entire body as one unit on an exhale, stopping when biceps are parallel to mat. As you start to inhale, immediately flow to the next pose.

    Up Dog

    How to: From a low plank position, untuck toes, but keep thighs and shins off the floor. Push through palms to straighten arms and lift upper body until perpendicular to mat. Hold for one breath.

    Lizard Pose

    How to: Start in a low lunge with right foot outside right hand and left leg extended straight back. Keep spine long and core engaged, then slowly lower onto forearms. Hold for five to eight deep breaths, allowing hips to relax and open with each exhale. Push up through hands to return to low lunge. Then, return to pose number five (interlaced forward fold) and repeat this sequence on the left side.

    Feel the pose: To modify, lower back knee to the ground.


    How to: Start lying facedown with legs straight and arms at sides, palms facing down. Inhale, draw shoulders back and down, and lift chest, arms, and legs up as high as comfortable, keeping neck long. Exhale, then lower back down with control. Repeat for five to eight breaths.

    Feel the pose: Reach fingertips back to open up chest and heart.


    How to: Start lying on back with arms at sides and legs bent, feet flat on the floor. Squeeze glutes and lift hips into air. Pull shoulder blades together and bring hands to clasp under body on mat. Hold for three to five breaths, then repeat three times.

    Feel the pose: Think about stretching knees over toes and energetically pulling heels toward glutes to create length in body at top of bridge.

    Happy Baby

    How to: Start lying on back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at sides. Draw knees toward chest outside of ribs with legs bent and soles facing ceiling. Bring arms inside of legs and grab big toes with first two fingers and thumb of same hand. Gently pull knees toward floor. Hold for five to eight breaths.

    Feel the pose: Enjoy this juicy position as you start to slow down your heart rate and draw your practice to a close.


    How to: Start lying on back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, left hand on heart, and right hand on stomach. Extend legs and arms to straight on floor. Relax for one to two minutes.

    Feel the pose: Let the body and mind restore after your hard work!

    This article was originally published on  More

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    Try This Tough-ish Workout To Really Build Your Strength

    Let’s admit it: most workouts are tough going. There’s always the element of challenging yourself every time you step up and throw down. But this workout, by Willow Way trainer and gym owner Alida Hendrikz, is tough as nails (ish) and will really test your mettle. At Willow Way, workouts work in six-week cycles. “Through our signature workouts, Strength, Effort, Grind and Speed, we focus on different strength movements, cardio, engine-building and gymnastics,” says Alida.

    Keen to give it a try? This tough-ish workout incorporates strength moves along with functional full-body movements that combined, make for an all-over torch that’ll burn calories like it’s nobody’s business.

    This workout consists of a warm-up and strength training circuit.


    For the warm-up, do three rounds of each move.

    10 Ring Rows

    Lateral Box step-ups, 8 per side

    10 Band pull-aparts

    The Tough-ish Workout

    Strength builder

    For this section, do a superset of moves for four minutes, completing three rounds.

    Barbell lunges, 8 per side

    Start by lowering your one leg into a lunge position, being careful to stabilise through your glutes and through your feet. Stand and return to start. That’s one rep.

    Pull-ups, between 9 and 12 reps

    The strict pull-ups can be performed with or without bands to help with assistance. You can break up the reps into smaller sets taking a quick break between reps to see if you can reach the top end of the reps range.

    EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)

    For five minutes, work as hard as you can, completing this circuit before resting and going again for four rounds in total, giving you a quick 20-minute workout. “It is important to choose the right weight that will allow you to hit the rep ranges and challenge you to get the correct stimulus of the workout,” explains Alida. And don’t go too fast, she cautions, rather keep up a consistent tempo throughout that you can sustain.

    Minute 1: 15 Dumbbell floor presses

    Start by laying on the floor and bring your feet up closer to your body. Engage your core and keep your lower back pressed into the ground. Then, get your dumbbell ups and have your elbows not straight next to your body but more at a 45-degree angle from your body. Press the dumbbell up and breathe out when pressing up. Move through the movement with control.

    Minute 2: 20 Weighted box step-ups 

    Stand in front of the box and step up with one foot pressing through the heel to straighten your leg and make sure you are extended at the top before stepping down from the box. Make sure to engage your core, keeping your back straight and don’t drop your shoulders.

    Minute 3: 8 – 10 per side Dumbbell bent-over rows

    Keep your core engaged and your torso parallel to the floor. Exhale as you pull the dumbbell to your hip – control the movement on the way down and focus on keeping your shoulders square. Exhale as you pull the dumbbell to your body.

    Minute 4: 8 – 12 Knee tucks / Toes to bar 

    Jump onto the rig in an active position making sure your core and lats are engaged and that you have a full grip on the bar. From the active hanging position use your core to drive your knees to your chest and back down. Control the movement and perform as slow and strict as possible. If you’re doing toes to bar, the principle remains the same.

    Minute 5: 10 Calorie row  

    See exactly how they’re done with this video below: More

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    This Quick 10-Minute Butt Workout From A Trainer Will Grow Your Glutes Fast

    Words by Andi Breitowich

    What if I told you you’re only 10 minutes away from a stronger booty? I’m only slightly exaggerating. There’s no quick fix for the perfect peach, but the good news is you don’t need a fully stocked weight room or oodles of time in it to grow your glutes. All you really need: a pair of heavy dumbbells, 10 minutes a few times a week, and consistency.

    Strengthening your glutes means working three distinct muscles—the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Sure, those gains look good, but they will also help you in everyday activities like standing up, using the stairs, running, jumping, and walking, says Macy Pruett, CPT, a certified personal trainer and the founder of Fittest Core. Plus, training your glutes improves your overall body composition. “When you perform glute-focused exercises, you tie in a lot of other muscle groups, which leads to high metabolic cost and burning calories during and after a training session,” she explains.

    Clearly, glute workouts are worth the hype…but what’s the best way to approach them? “Progressive overloading is the most effective way to build glutes, and it simply means doing more over time,” says Pruett. That can mean increasing the weight, upping your reps, or minimizing rest. Those dumbbells you have on hand are more than sufficient for tightening, toning, and growing your bum.

    So, how do you select the right weight? Pruett says you want to pick a weight that you can accomplish 10 reps of an exercise without failing. “When you get to a point of performing 10 reps with ease, it’s time to increase your weight,” she says. (Remember the progressive overloading strategy.) Increase the weight in 5- to 10-pound increments, but make sure you can maintain proper form with the added iron.

    10-Minute Glutes Workout

    Pro tip: If you’re doing an exercise with fewer reps, you can opt for a heavier dumbbell, but if you’re doing an exercise with higher reps, you’ll likely need a lighter one.

    Remember: Consistency is key for results, and that means completing this 10-minute workout programmed by Pruett three to four times a week. Try it out and get ready for a serious booty burn.

    Time: 10 Minutes | Equipment: Dumbbells | Good For: Glutes

    Instructions: This glute workout includes three supersets (two exercises you complete back-to-back, with minimal-to-no rest) that engage all three muscles. Complete 3 sets of the bridge superset, 2 sets of the deadlift superset, 2 sets of the squat superset with no rest, and 3 sets of the finisher.

    Bridge Superset

    Weighted Glute Bridge

    Why it rocks: This move is a staple glute exercise because it’s easy to perform and can be done with or without weight.

    “It comes with a huge range of variations, and, most importantly, uses the glutes maximally without working the quads much,” says Pruett. “It works the gluteus maximus, which is the biggest muscle in our body and the one where we can see glute growth the most.”

    How to:

    Lie on the ground, with your feet flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart, knees bent and arms by your sides on the floor.

    Place the dumbbell where it’s comfortable on your hip bones and maintain a neutral pelvis. (Option to complete the move without a weight.)

    Engage your core, then push through your heels as you scoop your hips up toward the ceiling.

    Squeeze your glutes at the top when you reach full hip extension. Keep your ribs down (don’t flare them or arch your back) and chin slightly tucked or head at neutral throughout.

    Inhale as you lower down with control. That’s one rep. Complete 20 reps.

    Glute Bridge March

    Why it rocks: “This glute bridge variation is fantastic because it gives you that ‘feel the burn’ sensation that’s essential for glute growth,” says Pruett.

    Plus, this exercise also engages the hamstrings and quads with time-under-tension.

    How to:

    Press up into a glute bridge, as described above, with knees, hips, and shoulders in alignment, and hold this position. (Option to place a dumbbell on your hips or complete with bodyweight.)

    From here, raise one leg at a time, keeping the stationary leg firmly on the ground and pelvis stable.

    Keep your core engaged and alternate raising legs, maintaining the lifted butt position. Complete 20 reps on each side.

    Deadlift Superset

    Romanian Deadlift

    Why it rocks: Romanian deadlifts are a great addition to any glute workout because they focus on the “eccentric phase” of the movement, says Pruett—which is when the muscles lengthen.

    “This allows you to take it slow on the way down, while the hamstrings are lengthened, and requires more work from your glutes and hamstrings.”

    How to:

    Start standing with feet about hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing body. (You can hold one heavier dumbbell, or a pair of dumbbells with one in each hand.)

    Keeping knees slightly bent, hinge at the hips while shifting them backwards.

    Maintain a flat back and engaged core as you inhale and lower the weights toward the floor, keeping them close to your body. Make sure to keep your shins vertical and your weight back on your heels.

    Exhale, and bring the dumbbells back up to the starting position engaging your glutes by extending your hips and raising your torso.

    Continue to keep the weight close to your body and squeeze your glutes at the top of the position. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 reps.

    Single-leg Dumbbell Deadlifts

    Why it rocks: This variation of a deadlift isolates the glutes. Plus, performing this single-leg exercise allows you to focus on one side of your body at a time, in turn, creating more work for that side, says Pruett.

    This is also the exact movement as a Romanian deadlift, so you’ll perform it using the same techniques as above, but unilaterally.

    How to:

    Start standing on the right leg with your left leg slightly back behind your body, toe pointed and resting on the floor, right arm on hip, and left arm extended straight down at the side while holding your dumbbell. (Pruett always suggests holding one dumbbell in the opposite hand of the working leg.)

    Inhale, engage your abs, and maintain a neutral spine as you slowly lean forward, lifting your left leg straight back behind your body and lowering your torso toward the floor until both are parallel to the ceiling, with the left hand/dumbbell almost touching the floor.

    Exhale and drive into the right heel to return to the starting position. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 reps on the left, then switch sides and repeat.

    Squat Superset

    Dumbbell Sumo Squat

    Why it rocks: “The sumo squat is essential for glute workouts because it targets the glutes more than a standard squat by allowing you to lift heavier weights and achieve a deeper range of motion,” says Pruett.

    As an added bonus, sumo squats also work your adductors to build up strength around your knees, ankles, and core.

    How to:

    Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, weight evenly distributed, and toes turned out to 10 and 2 o’clock, while holding one heavy dumbbell with your arms straight down, or one dumbbell in each hand.

    Keep your core engaged and chest tall as you inhale and bend your knees, sinking your hips down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Think about pushing your knees out at the button of the position, while maintaining a neutral spine and your weight in your heels.

    Exhale as you drive through your feet back to an upright standing position. That’s 1 rep. Complete 10 reps.

    Pro tip: Always make sure your knees stay in line with your feet to prevent any injury, says Pruett.

    Bodyweight Sumo Squat Pulse

    Why it rocks: Pulse variations are great for “pumping up” the muscles since they isolate and activate your glutes, and fatigue them more quickly, which helps build endurance and increases muscle growth, explains Pruett.

    This move also allows for high reps, which is perfect for supersets.

    How to:

    Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, weight evenly distributed, and toes turned out to 10 and 2 o’clock.

    This is the same movement as a sumo squat, but instead of performing it to its full range of motion, squat down and only come up about half the distance before returning down to the bottom position (this is your “pulse”). You can keep your hands on your hips or out in front of you.

    Continue to pulse up and down while maintaining an engaged core and neutral spine. Complete 30 pulses.

    Finisher: Glute Kickback

    Glute Kickback

    Why it rocks: No glute workout is complete without a burnout, says Pruett. She suggests wrapping things up with glute kickbacks because they target the gluteus maximus and hamstrings. You can also torch the medius if you internally rotate your foot.

    “Glute kickbacks are one of my favourite glute exercises to add into any glute workout because they can be done standing, quadruped, with bands, weight, or the cable machine.”

    How to:

    Begin on all fours, with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Make sure your hips are square throughout the entire move and your core is engaged.

    Using your glutes (really focus your mind on that working muscle), raise and extend the active leg and squeeze at the top of the movement.

    Lower back down to starting position. That’s 1 rep. Complete 15 reps on each side.

    This post This Quick 10-Minute Butt Workout From A Trainer Will Grow Your Glutes Fast was originally published on More

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    This Full-Body Bodyweight Workout Builds All The Muscle

    If you ask me, bodyweight training doesn’t get the credit it deserves. People think you can’t burn tons of calories or build muscle without any equipment — but I’m here to tell you that you can. This full-body bodyweight workout will prove it.

    First of all, bodyweight workouts give you the opportunity to really develop an awareness of your body and perfect your form, which are MUSTS if you do want to work out with weights or resistance bands at some point (and don’t want to get injured).

    The fact that you can score a full-body bodyweight workout without any equipment means that you can boost your fitness and see *very* real results whether you’re at a gym or in your bedroom. (Home workouts FTW.)

    Plus, since bodyweight workouts are easy to modify or progress, you can make little tweaks to increase every exercise’s difficulty, so you continue to sculpt and get stronger. It can be as simple as adding a jump to your split squats or switching from incline pushups to full pushups.

    I promise: As long as you feel challenged, you are building muscle.

    Need I say more? With the 20 exercise options below, you can build your perfect full-body bodyweight workout circuit — whether you want to keep it low-impact and beginner-friendly or crank up the heat and spike your heart rate with some high-intensity moves. Just make sure to incorporate upper- and lower-body movements in order to reap full-body benefits.

    Time: 20 Minutes | Equipment: Bodyweight | Good For: Total Body

    Instructions: Select four of the exercises below, including a balance of upper-body and lower-body moves. Perform each for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue onto the next, resting only as needed. When you’ve completed all four exercises, rest for 30 seconds to one minute, then repeat for three to four total rounds.

    Beginner-Friendly, Low-Intensity Moves

    1. Plank

    How to: Start kneeling at back of mat with toes tucked and butt resting on heels. Walk hands forward to an all fours position with knees under hips and wrists under shoulders. Lift knees to form one straight line from heels to head. Keep hips high and abs engaged. 

    Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    Remember, you’re doing four total moves and showing your upper and lower body equal love.) When you’ve completed all four moves, rest for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat for three to four total rounds.

    2. Deadbug

    How to: Start lying on back with arms extended straight over chest and legs lifted in the air and bent at 90-degree angles. Maintaining contact between low back and floor, brace core, then slowly and simultaneously straighten and lower right leg until heel nearly touches floor and left arm until hand nearly touches floor overhead. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the opposite side. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    3. Incline Pushup

    How to: Start in a plank position with hands on a chair, bench or step and feet on floor. Lower down, with elbows pointing 45 degrees away from body, until arms bend to 90 degrees. Then press back up. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    4. Squat to Lunge

    How to: Start start standing with feet slightly wider than shoulders, toes facing forward or slightly turned out, hands clasped in front of chest. Lower down into a squat, making sure to keep your knees from passing your toes. Rise back to stand, and then take a large step forward with your left foot and lower down into a lunge, stopping when both legs form 90-degree angles. Keep right heel high. Return to start, then repeat on the other leg. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    5. Glute Bridge

    How to: Start lying on back with legs bent, feet flat on floor, and arms by sides. Engage abs, squeeze glutes, press into heels, and raise hips toward the ceiling until body forms one line from shoulders to knees. Hold the position for two seconds before lowering to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    6. Step Up

    How to: Start standing facing a box or step. (You can skip the dumbbells!) Place left foot on the bench and right foot on the floor. Pushing through left foot, lift body up until you’re standing on top of the bench. Drive right knee up until it forms a 90-degree angle. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the other leg. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    7. Tempo Squat

    How to: Start standing with feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, arms at sides. Engage core push hips back, and bring arms forward to clasp at chest height. Begin to lower down slowly to the count of five, stopping when thighs are parallel with the floor. Press through feet to reverse the movement in one count and return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    8. Military Press

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands extended straight overhead, palms facing forward, with biceps by ears. (Note: You can use dumbbells for an added challenge.) Keeping back straight and core engaged, slowly lower arms by sides until elbows are bent at 90 degrees. Be sure to squeeze shoulder blades together at the bottom of this movement. Return to starting position. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    9. Pushup Plus

    How to: Start lying on stomach, with legs straight, toes tucked, arms bent, elbows pointed toward the ceiling, and palms close to body in line with ribs. Engage abs, then exhale and push the floor away until arms are straight. Next, continue to push palms into the floor, spread shoulder blades wide and lift upper back toward the ceiling. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    10. Around the World

    How to: Start lying on stomach, arms extended forward, legs straight behind body, feet pointed, all four limbs, plus head and chest lifted to hover off floor. Then, circle arms out wide and back by sides, squeezing shoulder blades together. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    Advanced, High-Intensity Moves

    1. Burpee 180 Jump

    How to: Start standing in middle of mat with feet shoulder-width apart and arms by sides. Complete a burpee by squatting down to place palms flat on mat in front of toes, hopping feet back into a high plank position and lowering body down to floor, then pushing through palms to reverse the movement. As you rise to stand, hop around to face the opposite direction and then perform another burpee. Hop back around to start position. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    2. Plank Up-Down

    How to: Come down into a forearm plank with toes tucked, elbows under shoulders, and hips at the same height as shoulders. Pick up one arm and press hand into the ground toward a high, straight-arm plank; repeat the same action with the other hand to complete the transition from low plank to high. With the lead arm, lower back to forearm, then follow with the other hand. Try to keep hips still. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    3. Bulgarian Split Squat

    How to: Start standing about two feet in front of a step. (You can skip the dumbbells!) Extend left leg back and place left foot on step. Bend knees to lower body as far as you can (or until knee hovers right above the ground), keeping shoulders back and chest up. Pause, then press through right heel to return to start and repeat on other side. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    4. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

    How to: Lie on back with arms out to the side, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Keeping thighs aligned, straighten one leg so that toes point up. Squeeze glutes to lift hips evenly off the floor, then lower and repeat on other side. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    5. Hand-Release Pushups

    How to: Place hands shoulder-width apart on floor, then extend legs with feet about hip-width apart, forming a straight line from head to heels. Keeping core tight, bend elbows to lower body all the way down to the floor. At the bottom, allow torso to rest on the ground and briefly lift hands a couple centimetres off floor. Push back up to high plank. That’s one rep.

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    6. Prone Pull

    How to: Start lying face-down on floor with legs extended straight, forehead resting on a folded mat or towel, and arms bent with palms flat on floor close to ribs and elbows pointed toward ceiling. Lift palms off the floor, squeezing shoulder blades together, then extend arms straight overhead until biceps are by ears. Bend arms to bring palms back in line with chest. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    7. Bear Crawl

    How to: Start in tabletop position at the back of mat with wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, and neck neutral. Keeping elbows slightly bent and back flat, raise hips slightly to lift knees off the floor. Slowly walk hands and feet forward in an alternating pattern to the top of mat, then reverse the movement. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    8. Walk-Up Squat

    How to: Start in a kneeling position, toes tucked under, knees hip-distance apart. Bring right foot forward to a half-kneeling position. Bring left foot forward, into a low squat. Come up to standing. Return to start by lowering down to a squat and bringing right knee down first. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    9. Tricep Pushup

    How to: Start in a plank position. Lower body down a few inches, with elbows pointing toward feet and biceps close to ribs. Then press back up. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    10. Jumping Split Squat

    How to: Start in split squat with torso upright, right leg forward and left leg back (both bent at 90 degrees), left arm bent in front of chest, and right arm extended behind body. Engage abs and drive through right heel to jump up into the air with straight legs, switching arms and leg positions to land softly back into a split squat with left leg and right arm forward. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    This article was originally published on More