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    Gentle Nutrition: The Non-Diet Approach to Optimal Health and Happiness

    In a world filled with conflicting diet trends and rigid rules around what to eat, many women have turned to intuitive eating as a different way to approach their eating habits. But there’s a common misconception that intuitive eating means ignoring all nutritional advice on eating “whatever you want.” You don’t want to have strict rules and are so over yo-yo dieting, but you also want to eat healthy foods that make you feel amazing. Gentle nutrition is probably the piece you’ve been missing. This overlooked principle encourages you to enjoy meals that fuel your body with foods that bring both happiness and nourishment. Read on to learn more about this compassionate approach to eating and discover simple strategies for applying it to your life. 

    What is Gentle Nutrition?
    Gentle nutrition is the final step of the intuitive eating framework, which was developed by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, CEDRD-S, and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, CED-s, authors of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti Diet Approach. This final step toward food freedom encourages individuals to make food choices based on a combination of nutritional knowledge and their body’s innate cues. Rather than micromanaging what you eat, gentle nutrition considers your desires, like having pizza with friends, along with your nutritional needs, like protein and fiber. This lets you live a life without restriction and also helps you feel your best. In other words, gentle nutrition means honoring how food makes you feel and what food you want. For example, it might look like having a salad with a slice of pizza to get a combination of phytonutrients, fiber, and joy on your plate. 
    Gentle nutrition doesn’t prescribe a one-size-fits-all approach to eating because it recognizes that everyone’s health needs and personal preferences are unique. Instead, it encourages you to ditch the diet mentality, skip counting calories, and throw out your food scale. By eliminating food rules, you’re better able to make healthy eating decisions based on your body’s needs and signals. 

    Is Gentle Nutrition Right for You?
    While gentle nutrition can be a transformative approach to nourishing your body, it’s not for everyone. Before diving into this eating style, it’s important to feel confident in the first nine principles of intuitive eating, such as rejecting diet mentality and honoring your hunger, which means knowing food and hunger are good things that your body needs to survive, and deserve to feel pleasure. These foundational principles create the framework to break free from diet culture and listen to your body’s needs. Mastering these principles will help you approach gentle nutrition from a place of self-love, honoring your health and your taste buds. Note: If you have a history of disordered eating, it’s recommended that you work toward gentle nutrition with a trained expert.

    How to Incorporate Gentle Nutrition Into Your Life
    1. Add, don’t subtract, foods
    The beauty of gentle nutrition is that no foods are off-limits and all foods are morally equivalent. However, you’ll likely find that having a box of cookies at breakfast or a bag of chips in the afternoon doesn’t provide the energy you need to feel your best throughout the day. Registered dietitian Megan Hilbert advises against completely swearing off certain foods like cookies and chips. Limiting or depriving foods can lead to bingeing or an unhealthy relationship with food. Instead, she suggests combining foods that you want but doesn’t make you feel good with more nutritionally-dense ingredients, such as healthy fats or protein, to create a more balanced and energizing meal.

    2. Opt for healthy meals that actually taste good
    It goes without saying that a balanced approach to eating doesn’t mean you can eat desserts all day. However, it also doesn’t mean eating bland chicken breasts and unseasoned veggies on repeat. The key here is finding balance, and one of the easiest ways to do that is by discovering healthy meals that actually taste good. This may involve enhancing your typical salad with toppings like dressing and croutons, despite diet culture’s labeling of these foods as “unhealthy,” knowing you’re also filling your body with amazing nutrients from the veggies, or if you don’t like salad, don’t eat salad. It could also look like adding your favorite veggies and protein to a cheesy pot of mac and cheese, transforming it into a flavorful and nutritious dish, or making nutrient-dense versions of your favorite foods like a cauliflower crust pizza or chickpea pasta. 

    3. Tap into your body’s hunger and fullness cues
    Diet culture undermines women’s trust in their own bodies, promoting the use of calorie-counting, macro-tracking, and food scales to determine what and how much to eat. While these tools can be helpful for some women, others find them exhausting and even harmful. So how do you really know how much to eat? Gentle nutrition encourages you to tap into your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Some days your body may need more energy and, in turn, will rev up your hunger. On other days, your body may need less energy, so your appetite will follow suit. Following these cues will help ensure you’re fueling your body with the amount of food that’s truly best for your body. 

    4. Focus on self-care, not self-control
    Gentle nutrition encourages you to reframe your relationship with food and make decisions on how to fuel your body from a place of self-care, not self-control. Nutritionist and intuitive eating counselor, Kara Lydon, encourages gentle nutrition practitioners to check in with themselves: “If practicing nutrition principles becomes rigid and the control you’re exerting is what’s making you feel good, it’s time to re-evaluate because that’s not the essence of gentle nutrition,” she said. 
    Consider how your eating habits make you feel. If they are rigid and you experience guilt when deviating from certain rules or nutritional guidelines, you’re not practicing gentle nutrition. However, if your eating habits feel balanced, allow for a variety of foods, and bring you joy instead of shame, you’re likely making food choices from a place of self-love.

    I Ate Like the World’s Happiest Population for a Week
    …and I actually felt happier More

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    How To Practice Sleep Syncing for Better Sleep and Energy

    If there’s one thing we can all agree on it’s that sleep is important—and that collectively, we’re not getting enough of it. I’ve been guilty of staying up too late to watch one more episode of the latest show, finish reading a chapter, or scroll through Tiktok without thinking about the consequences (lack of quality sleep). While I love a little self-care time at the end of a long day, I don’t ever want it to translate into a groggy, grumpy kind of morning that leaves me needing coffee in an IV to make it through the day. 
    According to the CDC, more than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep (read: seven or more hours a day). Sleep is vital for our overall health, and sleeping less than seven hours a day can be associated with a risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. Even with the introduction of sleep-tracking devices like the Oura Ring or Apple Watch, we still don’t seem to maintain good quality sleep. Whether you stay up too late, wake up in the middle of the night, or never wake up feeling energized, there’s a new wellness trend that might be the answer to all your sleep woes. You’ve probably heard of cycle syncing, which is syncing with your infradian rhythm; sleep syncing is syncing with your circadian rhythm, and it’s promising everything from the best sleep of your life to optimal energy during the day. Read on for what sleep syncing is and how to try it for yourself. 

    What is Sleep Syncing?
    Sleep syncing is the process of aligning your sleep cycle with your circadian rhythm, or the internal clock your body follows. The circadian rhythm regulates your daily sleep, wakefulness, hunger, digestion, hormonal activity, and other bodily processes. It’s why natural light tells the body it’s time to wake up or having set meal times spark hunger. The circadian rhythm regulates the production of different hormones throughout the 24-hour cycle. In the morning when the sun rises, the body produces cortisol, which makes us feel alert and awake. In the evening, as the sun sets, the body releases melatonin, which makes us tired and ready for sleep. When the body is properly aligned with the circadian rhythm, it makes it easier to have a full and restful sleep, but when it is thrown off this schedule, problems arise. Enter sleep syncing. 
    Unlike the many sleep hacks out there, sleep syncing may be the most effective because it follows your body’s natural biological clock, which regulates the cycle of circadian rhythms. By following the tips for sleep syncing below, you’ll likely feel more rested throughout the day, say goodbye to the midday slump, and no longer reach for a caffeine fix the moment you wake up.

    How to Sync With Your Circadian Rhythm

    1. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day
    Many of us are pretty good at waking up and going to bed at the same time Monday through Friday, but the moment the weekend rolls around, anything goes. But bad news for your weekend sleep-ins or late nights out: if you’re varying bedtimes and wake-up times, the body can be unsure when you should be asleep and when you should be awake, so you may feel tired during the day and unable to sleep at night. By setting a sleep schedule such as 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., and sticking with it every day, you’re more likely to sync your sleep to your circadian rhythm, meaning having an easier time falling and staying asleep, and waking up feeling refreshed. Realistically, going to bed at 10:30 p.m. every single night probably won’t happen, but try to fall asleep and wake up within the same two-hour window as much as possible to sync with your circadian rhythm.

    2. Be mindful of light exposure
    For most people, sleep doesn’t happen as soon as your head hits the pillow. Setting your body up for a good night’s sleep plays a big role in sleep syncing. Start by ensuring all electronics are turned off and away from you at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Any light, including the light that comes from screens, can confuse your body’s circadian rhythm into believing it’s time to stay awake. Dimming all lights in the room can also help prepare the body for rest.
    On the flip side, getting sunlight first thing in the morning is a great well to tell your body it’s time to wake up and halt melatonin. Not only will this give you more energy and wakefulness during the day, but when the circadian rhythm halts melatonin and increases cortisol, it knows that about 12 hours later, it’s time to increase melatonin and decrease cortisol, improving your sleep. Open blinds first thing upon waking up, and try to get outside in the morning.

    3. Eat according to your circadian rhythm
    The circadian diet, which involves consuming all meals during a 12-hour window and fasting during the next 12-hour window, is one most of us intuitively follow in that we eat during the day and stop at night (eating too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep). The circadian diet also says that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day and dinner is the smallest, according to how our metabolism, hormones, etc. change throughout the day, thanks to (you guessed it!) the circadian rhythm.
    Whether or not you want to experiment with when or how much you eat to sync with your circadian rhythm, there are also foods that could be majorly affecting your circadian rhythm. Caffeine causes cortisol to spike, which is counterintuitive to our circadian rhythm if you drink it in the later afternoon (when cortisol levels naturally drop to prepare us to sleep at night). Everybody varies in their sensitivity to caffeine; some people swear they can have a shot of espresso right before bed and others get way better sleep when they avoid caffeine, even in the mornings. Experiment to identify when your cut-off should be to make sure that caffeine is not impacting your sleep.
    Aside from caffeine, there are other foods and beverages that can affect your sleep. Alcohol or spicy foods have been shown to disrupt sleep. Avoiding these before bed and opting instead for complex carbohydrates or a glass of tart cherry juice may be helpful for sleep syncing and improving sleep quality. 

    4. Exercise according to your circadian rhythm
    Exercising according to your circadian rhythm can also positively impact your sleep (they have a symbiotic relationship, just like food and sleep). Engaging in routine exercise is healthy and can promote a positive sleep cycle, encouraging strength and mobility while you work out. However, exercising too close to your bedtime can have a negative effect. Exercise is stimulating and can keep the body awake, so avoid any excessive heart-pumping activities at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. Instead, use exercise as a tool throughout your day to reorient your circadian rhythm and prepare for rest at the end of the day. 

    Enter Your Hot Girl Sleep Era–Here’s How To Upgrade Your Routine More

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    Wellness Experts Are Saying These 5 Trends Are Game-Changers for Your Health

    Summer is meant to be enjoyed, but not at the expense of feeling your best. Recovering from a long weekend of fun in the sun isn’t as easy as it used to be. Whether you are feeling groggy, could use a supplement or two, or need a nudge to get back into your pre-summer routine, the following five wellness trends are easy to add to your weekly rotation and are so buzzy, experts or studies are saying they could make all the difference in your hot girl summer era. Read on for the five trends that the wellness world is buzzing about right now and how to try them for yourself.

    1. Supplements/Treatments that Focus on Healthy Aging
    When you think of products meant for healthy aging and cellular turnover, your mind probably goes right to skincare. But why stop there when an internal approach makes an even bigger difference? Supplements and treatments take those ideas and encompass the whole body, focusing on a healthy aging mind, strong memory, improved mitochondria function, boosted eye function, improved muscle strength and performance, and increased energy levels. Not only are we improving skin texture and reducing fine lines, but we’re improving our overall health and lifespan. Enter the molecule that all these supplements have in common: NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which is naturally occurring in the body, but gets depleted with age. While celebrities like Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber swear by NAD IV therapy, you can also take NAD orally through supplement form. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) or nicotinamide riboside (NR) are supplements that are getting more and more buzz because they are compounds that your body converts into NAD.

    2. Exercise Snacking
    While it’s nothing new, moving your body with moderate intensity once a day for at least 30 minutes is integral to feeling your best, both physically and mentally. But the days of intense 90-minute gym sessions in order to get in a “good workout” is over. Instead, the fitness world is shifting to a more active lifestyle by adding in small bursts of movement throughout the day, called “exercise snacking.” This could mean a quick jog in the morning, stretching while on a conference call, walking to the grocery store instead of driving, and taking a 10-minute workout break. My favorite “exercise snack?” A descending ladder of 10-1 burpees and sit-ups (10 burpees, 10 sit-ups, 9 burpees, 9 sit-ups, etc.) that takes 10 minutes max. 

    3. Airplane Mode
    Modern technology has its perks (side note: are you on Threads yet?), but it’s been proven that too much screen time can affect your mood. As more and more people get addicted to their phones and suffer from repercussions such as increased anxiety or decreased focus, health experts are looking to hacks to set boundaries so your technology works for you instead of being in control of you.
    The simple act of turning your phone on airplane mode to prevent any messages or notifications from coming through can prevent you from getting distracted with a notification or can stop the urge to mindlessly scroll. Try turning it on Airplane Mode before bed (some doctors recommend at least an hour before sleep), and keeping it on Airplane Mode for at least the first 30 minutes in the morning to prevent you from diving into texts, emails, and TikTok first thing. Starting your day on the right (calm and centered) foot will change your mood, productivity, and stress levels for the better.

    4. Cold Therapy
    If you’re like me, your TikTok feed is filled with cold plunges, cold showers, and ice rolling. TikTok’s favorite biohack has some impressive research behind it. Exposure to the cold has been linked to a number of health benefits, including increased metabolism, reduced inflammation, decreased muscle soreness, and improved circulation. If you don’t have access to a cold plunge, spending just one minute in cold water at the end of your shower is enough to give you some major cold therapy benefits. Other options if a cold shower is not your thing: Try a facial ice bath by submerging your face for a few seconds at a time in a bowl of ice water, or simply massaging with an ice roller for major skin benefits.

    5. Prioritizing Protein
    Avocados had their moment (remember when we put avocado on everything 10 years ago?) and then cauliflower was being made into everything (pizza crusts, pasta, ice cream…). Thanks to trending foods like cottage cheese and the focus on blood sugar regulation, the wellness world is now obsessing over an entire macronutrient: protein. Turns out most of us are not getting enough. Experts recommend a minimum of 20-30 grams of protein per meal (for reference, two eggs–what many women consider a serving size–only contain about 12 grams). A good rule of thumb is to consume your body weight in grams of protein each day (for example: if you weigh 150 pounds, try to consume 150g of protein daily).
    Consuming adequate amounts of protein promotes fullness and preserves muscle mass, which ultimately increases metabolism and improves body composition. Additionally, improved protein intake has been associated with a stronger immune system and a more positive mood. Try these hacks to get in more protein and make sure you’re eating an adequate, clean source of protein at every meal, whether it’s organic meat/fish, eggs, tofu, tempeh, or high-protein legumes such as chickpeas and edamame. 

    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

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    I’m Obsessed With Optimizing Health–These Are the Home Items I Swear By

    You probably already have a toolbox of products you swear by when you’re traveling, doing an at-home workout, or tending to self-care. My ride-or-die wellness essential is my emotional support water bottle because I frankly cannot leave the house without having a hydrating beverage within reach at all times. But what about the products we use in our homes? Although it’s easy to overlook the role our homes play in our health, creating a healthy living space is just as important as eating nutrient-dense foods or using non-toxic beauty products. 
    With so many wellness products on the market, it can be confusing to decipher what we actually need. After moving multiple times in my adult life, I’ve found a few things that I simply cannot live without when it comes to creating a healthy home. Read on for 10 wellness home essentials to add to your home ASAP.

    1. Air purifier
    Even if you don’t suffer from seasonal allergies, having an air purifier on hand at home is especially useful to reduce pollutants and allergens. Look for air purifiers that use a HEPA filter to be sure that it reduces extra small particles. If you have a larger space or a multi-level home, consider adding one on each floor or in each room. 

    2. Oil diffuser ​​
    If you’re looking for a way to add an inviting scent to your home without compromising your air quality (see: toxic candles), adding an oil diffuser could be just what you need. Diffusers disperse the scent of essential oils throughout your home, creating a long-lasting effect. Not to mention, you can mix and match different oils for a scent that is unique to and just right for your space.

    3. Water filter
    We know the benefits water provides for overall health, but tap water may contain harmful additives. To help remove lead, heavy metals, and pesticides from your household water, opt for a water filter. While there are under-the-sink systems, you can also buy a water filter dispenser or a filter that attaches to the faucet. 

    4. Standing desk
    This one is for all the WFH girlies. We’ve all been told about the effects sitting can have on our bodies. Work on posture and get in more movement (bonus points for an under-the-desk treadmill) by adding a standing desk during your workday.

    5. Silk pillowcase 
    Quality sleep is essential for your health, so why not take beauty sleep to the next level with a new pillowcase? Pillowcases can harbor bacteria, dead skin cells, and oils, so selecting one that can keep all of the above at bay is a must. Enter: a silk pillowcase. Silk pillowcases are known for keeping skin healthy and vibrant, as well as preventing hair damage. They also stay cleaner longer between washes due to silk’s properties.

    6. House plants
    House plants don’t just provide pleasing aesthetics—they also act as natural purifiers. Research has shown that having houseplants can actually make you feel happier and reduce anxiety. Don’t have a green thumb? No problem. Plenty of low- maintenance plants can thrive with minimum attention (try a snake plant, staghorn fern, or peace lilies).

    7. Blender
    I personally consider a blender the kitchen staple of all kitchen staples. If you’re a big smoothie girlie, then you know that having a blender that can easily puree frozen fruit or veggies is a must. If smoothies aren’t your thing, a blender also makes the perfect tool for whipping up homemade soups, salsas, juices, and other nutrient-rich recipes. 

    8. Natural cleaning products
    Many cleaning products use ingredients (hi, chemicals) that can do more harm than good when it comes to our overall health. Luckily, there are plenty of non-toxic, sustainable cleaning products on the market today. Bonus: many brands make it easy to have them sent straight to your doorstep. Consider them your one-stop shop for switching to non-toxic cleaning products with the click of a button.

    9. Yoga mat
    You don’t have to regularly practice yoga to justify a yoga mat purchase. If at-home workouts—from Pilates to HIIT—are your jam, then a yoga mat is a necessity. Plus, it pulls double-duty as the perfect spot to practice meditation or stretch after a long day.

    10. Hypoallergenic towels
    This may be basic AF, but selecting a towel that prevents bacteria growth and odors and is allergy-friendly is important. It’s something you use daily after all. And what soak-in-the-tub self-care moment is complete without a fresh, clean towel? 

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    All Your Women’s Health And Wellness Needs In One Place

    At Zoie Health we believe women deserve access to affordable, definitive and helpful healthcare at every phase of their lives. We’re building Africa’s first digital women’s health clinic for 500 million women, offering much-needed support for family planning, fertility, maternity and beyond.

    Catch Us At Fit Night Out

    So far we’ve interacted with you and women like you almost exclusively online. Partnering up with Women’s Health for Fit Night Out is the perfect opportunity for us to give you a first-hand experience of our carefully curated products and services for women’s health and wellness. Join us at FNO on 05 August 2023 to learn more about the Zoie Shop & Pharmacy, where you can access a wide range of women’s health and wellness products. From period, fertility, pregnancy, maternity and menopause needs we’ve got you sorted!

    Delivered Straight To Your Door

    Why take the same monthly trip to the pharmacy when you can have all your essentials for hormonal health, feminine care, over-the-counter medication, sexual wellness, mom & baby products, as well as test kits delivered to your door? Having your medication and personal care products delivered should be as easy as ordering food for delivery. So what are you waiting for? Change the way you care for yourself today.

    Any Burning Questions?

    Plan to break a sweat at FNO? Studies show that those who are physically active report greater sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction. Drop by our stand to get to know how your workouts can boost your libido. Our resident OBGYN and sexual health educator will be on standby to answer all your burning questions! More

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    200+ Affirmations For Anxiety

    Butterflies in your stomach, increased heart rate, feeling jittery and on edge—we all know what it’s like to experience anxiety. It’s part of being human. Sometimes we get stressed thinking about the future; other times we get triggered by world events. While taking care of yourself and seeking professional assistance such as therapy is crucial for treating anxiety, positive affirmations can be extremely beneficial when you feel a worry coming on in the moment.
    According to a 2016 study, affirmations work by rewiring internal biases in the brain. When you say something to yourself enough times, you start to believe it. They can help ease your stress, manage anxiety symptoms, and promote change in your life. So bookmark this page and turn to it as needed, write down a few that resonate with you, or pick your favorite phrase and repeat it to yourself daily. Ahead, a round-up of 265 affirmations for anxiety in present tense to help shift your mindset and alleviate stress and anxiety.

    200+ Affirmations For Anxiety

    Daily Affirmations For Anxiety
    Regardless of whether you’re living your best life, it’s impossible to fully keep stress and anxiety at bay. However, these daily affirmations for anxiety can help in decreasing stress and confronting anxiety effectively day to day:

    This too shall pass.
    I trust myself.
    All is well.
    I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.
    I can handle whatever comes my way.
    What’s meant to be will be.
    I release the past and embrace the present.
    It is what it is.
    I let go and I am free.
    I have time to prepare and decide.
    My anxiety will not control my life.
    I am not alone; I have a great support system.
    I am allowed to make mistakes.
    Everything’s going to be fine.
    I forgive myself for my mistakes.
    I accept that which I cannot change.
    I am open to new and wonderful changes.
    Life supports me in every way possible.
    I have power and now claim it.
    Everything I need flows to me with ease.
    I am more than my anxiety.
    I am on my own path.
    Wherever I go, I am well.
    I release negative thoughts that do not serve me.
    Focus on one thing at a time.
    I am in control of my thoughts and life.

    Morning Affirmations For Anxiety
    Some mornings are better than others. On the days you wake up and find yourself dreading what’s to come, turn to one of these morning affirmations for anxiety to center yourself and enter the day powerfully and prepared.

    Today is a gift.
    I am ready for whatever today brings.
    This day is full of opportunities waiting to be discovered.
    Today, I will focus my energy on what’s most important to me.
    I will accomplish my goals today.
    I will take everything one step at a time.
    Little by little, I face my fears.
    I am in control of my reactions today.
    I can and I will get through today.
    I’ve totally got this.
    I’m in charge of how I feel today.
    I am strong and can take on anything.
    I choose happiness.
    There are people willing to help me.
    I will go at my own pace.
    I can rise to the challenge.
    Today will be a good day.
    I welcome happiness and joy into my day.
    Everything will work out.
    The universe has my back.
    Worried thoughts have nothing on me.
    I refuse to engage in negative self-talk today.
    The next 24 hours are mine.
    I am happy to be alive today.

    Bedtime Affirmations For Anxiety
    Even the best anxiety apps know that worried thoughts can seriously mess with sleep. So the next time you find yourself tossing and turning or stressing over what’s to come, repeat one of these bedtime affirmations to yourself and reward yourself with much-deserved beauty sleep.

    Tomorrow is a new day filled with opportunity.
    I am grateful for today.
    I fall asleep quickly and easily.
    Right now, I release the stress from today.
    My body deserves rest.
    Inhale tension, exhale tranquility.
    I close my eyes, and sleep washes over me.
    I welcome good, sweet dreams.
    I now empty my head of racing thoughts.
    My bed is safe; no harm can come to me.
    I did my best today.
    Nothing can disturb my peace.
    I embrace rest.
    Love flows from my center.
    Anxiety can’t disturb my sleep.
    My bedroom is an oasis; worried thoughts can’t touch me.
    With every breath, I feel sleepier and calmer.
    I fall asleep with a clear mind and full heart.
    Sleep invites positive energy into my life.
    There is nothing I need to handle right now.
    My mind is calm and my muscles are relaxed.
    I did enough today.
    I can fall asleep whenever I want.
    I choose sleep over anxiety.
    I let the feelings of today drift away.
    I am completely safe and at peace; I don’t need to worry.

    Short Positive Affirmations For Anxiety
    Life is busy, but that doesn’t mean you should let your self-care fall by the wayside. Instead, repeat these short, positive affirmations for anxiety in between tasks, while you’re in the car stuck in traffic, cooking, or taking a shower.

    I am enough.
    I am capable.
    Change is a process.
    I am worthy.
    I love myself.
    I am beautiful.
    I am strong.
    All is well.
    I am brave.
    I am OK.
    Let go.
    I am deserving.
    I am radiant.
    I am filled with light.
    I am resilient.
    I am tough.
    Be still.
    I am fearless.
    I deserve peace.
    I deserve pleasure.
    I am somebody. 
    Choose happiness.
    I am powerful.
    I am loved.

    Affirmations For Relationship Anxiety
    PSA: Relationship anxiety is normal—just ask Shay Mitchell. However, anxious thoughts can create unnecessary stress and tension between partners and put a strain on the relationship. But with these positive affirmations for relationship anxiety, you can stop negative, insecure thoughts from getting the best of you and your relationship. 

    I give and receive love fully and freely.
    I release thoughts that aren’t conducive to my relationship.
    My feelings are valid.
    I deserve to be loved and respected.
    I feel secure in my relationship.
    I am worthy of being loved.
    I am independent and confident.
    My partner and I communicate openly and solve conflict respectfully.
    These thoughts are normal.
    My partner loves and respects me.
    Love is all around me.
    I have faith in my relationship.
    I am deeply lovable.
    I believe in infinite love.
    I deserve my happily ever after.
    My needs matter.
    Let them.
    I take responsibility for my emotions.
    I can communicate in a healthy and constructive way.
    No matter what happens in my relationship, I know I will be OK.
    I bring my whole self to my relationship.
    I choose to be vulnerable; walls won’t serve me.
    There’s love, respect, and trust in my relationship.
    My partner and I are fully committed to each other.

    Affirmations For Work Anxiety
    It’s natural to want to put on your best performance at work, but putting extra pressure on yourself can cause unnecessary stress and mistakes. Whenever you feel yourself needing stress relief from a looming project, deadline, or upcoming meeting, turn to these affirmations for work anxiety to regain confidence.

    I am talented.
    I am successful.
    Any company would be lucky to have me.
    I am good at what I do.
    I can do this.
    I am capable and prepared.
    My job does not define me.
    I believe in myself and my abilities.
    I am the right person for this job.
    Today, I will celebrate every little win.
    I will embrace new opportunities that come my way.
    I am capable of picking myself up after I fall down and learning from my mistakes.
    I am proud of myself.
    I am a magnet for money.
    Prosperity and success flow to me abundantly with ease.
    I am open to new and wonderful challenges.
    It’s OK to accept help.
    I am on my own path; no two journeys are the same.
    Keep going.
    I trust my judgment.
    My work speaks for itself.
    I handle stress and tough tasks with wisdom and clarity.
    My desires are being fulfilled.
    I am one step closer to my goals.
    I am grateful for this job.
    I attract abundance, not because of the time or effort I put in, but because of the person I am.

    Affirmations For Driving or Travel Anxiety
    If flying or driving makes you uneasy, you’re not alone. A lot of people experience travel anxiety because it means leaving their comfort zone, or feeling out of control when on the road or in the air. But being able to see different parts of the world is a gift, and you’re more in control than you think. Next time you’re stressed about traveling or driving, use one of these affirmations to combat your anxiety.

    I am grateful for this journey.
    I am open to new experiences.
    I am a safe driver.
    I am open to new experiences.
    Great adventure awaits me.
    Driving comes naturally to me.
    I am safe.
    The world is beautiful.
    Turbulence is normal.
    Airplanes are designed for safety.
    I love to fly and explore the clouds.
    I see beauty outside my window.
    Seeing new things is inspiring.
    I am in control of my vehicle. 
    I am relaxed behind the wheel.
    I am a careful and capable driver.
    I relax and flow with traffic.
    Driving or flying gives me freedom to travel places I love.
    The car or airplane is a safe, capable vehicle.
    I keep my nerves under control while traveling.
    I drive with care and attention.
    I can find joy in the journey, not just the destination.

    Grounding Affirmations For Anxiety
    Whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation or unable to get a hold of your thoughts, turn to these grounding affirmations for anxiety. Similar to how yoga for anxiety works, these affirmations will help you still your mind, feel calm, and release tension.

    I am safe in the here and now.
    I can move past this moment.
    Breathe in, breathe out.
    I am in control of this situation.
    I am rooted to the Earth like a tree.
    With each breath, I draw fresh, healing energy into my body.
    I am not overwhelmed.
    I have what I need to be happy and at peace.
    Today, I exist fully in the present.
    I am at home in my body.
    I am in the right place at the right time.
    I feel glorious, dynamic energy; I am active and alive.
    I am grounded.
    I am balanced.
    I am solid and strong.
    My root chakra is balanced, so I’m safe.
    Nothing else matters besides this moment.
    I am where I need to be at this moment.
    My calmness is a powerful force.
    Every cell in my body is connected to the Earth.
    I am in a natural state of wellness.
    I have strong roots that give me a healthy body.
    My body is filled with inner peace.
    My body is aligned and well.
    I receive every breath as a gift.

    14 Affirmations That Will Make You Tap Into Your Best Self, and When To Use Them More

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    Margot Robbie Dropped Her Latest Wellness Routine in a New Interview

    It’s a Barbie world and we’re just living in it, or at least we can pretend to live out our childhood dreams thanks to Margot Robbie (who didn’t want to live in Barbie’s Dreamhouse?!). ICYMI, Robbie is bringing the iconic Mattel doll to life in the much-anticipated Barbie movie. As Barbie, she can fly down the stairs and walk on water, but behind the plastic-fantastic, jet-setting lifestyle, pink ‘fits, and glam, the actress keeps it real–albeit rigorous at times–with her IRL wellness routine. Keep reading for the lowdown on Margot Robbie’s workout and nutrition preferences. Hint: Her sweat sessions include Hot Skatin’ Barbie energy (think: neon rollerblades, leotard, bike shorts, visor, protective gear, and all). 
    Before we dive in, remember that a celebrity’s wellness routine is likely very different from any of ours; they have money and resources to make a healthy lifestyle feel easier, and pressures such as looking a certain way for a movie role. But celebrity or not, all of our wellness routines should look different because every body is different, and “healthy” means something different to everyone. Take anything that interests or inspires you from this A-List movie star’s wellness routine, and leave whatever doesn’t.

    Her Fitness Routine
    Barbie’s famous gams aren’t going to tone themselves—Robbie put in the (hard) work to transform into the life-size figurine, and the movie’s trailers and BTS pics are proof. Her workout MO? Rollerblading. That’s right, it’s not just on screen that Robbie takes to the streets in her skates. According to her interview with Vogue, she likes to lace up even i her real life (she “hates to break”–she’s that hardcore). ICYWW, she took up rollerskating after her ice-skating stint as Tonya Harding in I, Tonya. To prove my point, she even conducted her Vogue interview while rollerblading. Before you knock the nostalgic activity, consider this: Based on a study by the University of Massachusetts, rollerskating causes less than 50% of the impact shock to your joints than running does, making it a low-impact cardio workout you don’t want to sleep on.
    Aside from skating, Robbie doesn’t shy away from weights, namely intense leg and butt workouts (think: back squats, front squats, leg presses, and deadlifts). She further proves she’s a badass by finishing off her weight-lifting sessions with a jog, jumping rope, jump squats, and mountain climbers. Then, there are her upper body and core workouts that include military presses, push-ups, planks-to-push-ups, pull-ups, and chest presses. As demanding as her workout routine is, Robbie gives her body breaks by alternating between gym and lighter “activity” days such as Pilates, and ballet.  

    Robbie’s idea of balance carries into how she nourishes her body, making sure there’s room for all foods–including indulgences–in her diet. She admittedly “can’t just have a salad every day and half a glass of wine every second day.” To drive the point home, Robbie continued her conversation with Vogue between bites of avocado toast, grilled Halloumi cheese, and Australian-​​style bacon (extra crispy), and they hit up her favorite ice cream shop, Salt & Straw, post-rollerblading. If you can’t tell already, she has a sweet tooth and knows it’s OK to indulge it. “Chocolate, waffles, and fries are the main food groups that make up my diet,” she expressed to Emirates Woman.
    However, a typical day of eating when she’s preparing for a role might look like porridge and a green smoothie for breakfast, tuna steak and sweet potato for lunch, and lemon chicken and brown rice for dinner. In her everyday, Robbie has a major sweet tooth and knows foods you love are a part of a balanced diet, but she prioritizes protein-rich meals when prepping for roles like Barbe.

    Inside Halle Bailey’s Fitness Routine and Nutrition Plan
    It’s Motivating AF More

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    Looking for a wellness getaway? Visit this holistic resort for an inside-out cleanse


    by Sarah Joseph
    1 hour ago

    RAKxa shares how this wellness experience has put Thailand on the wellness map with its holistic treatments and deep detox focus.
    Talk us through the bespoke wellness consultation process you’ve designed for guests.
    Guests can embark on a journey with a three-step assessment that includes a health and wellness consultation session, a functional fitness assessment at RAKxa GAYA, and an in-depth doctor consultation at the VitalLife Scientific Wellness Centre and Traditional Wellness at RAKxa JAI. We place emphasis on addressing the entirety of an individualʼs health by comprehensively examining their medical history to gain a complete understanding of the current health status. Upon completion of the initial consultation, a tailored programme is designed to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident incorporating changes into your daily life. The treatment plan will evolve over time as you progresson your wellness journey. Next, we move onto the Functional Fitness Assessment(FFA) to analyze your daily essential functional movement including strength, mobility, balance, and coordination to guide you to the right treatments, classes, and exercises that suit you best while with us and in your everyday life back home. Then guests will have the chance to consult with an anti-ageing doctor to review all your conditions. Additionally, at the VitalLife Scientific Wellness Centre at RAKxa Wellness, a full repertoire of laboratory tests including complete blood test, hormone panel screening, food intolerance test, micronutrient test, and urine metal test is provided along with online consultation with nutritionists. Our anti-ageing doctors will work collaboratively with the other RAKxa’s traditional therapists with years of experience in practising Ayurveda, Traditional Thai medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to create a fully integrative personalised wellness programme.

    What was the inspiration behind launching RAKxa, the luxury wellness destination?
    We understand that everyone’s health journey is unique and ever-changing. When it comes to individual health, a ‘one size fits all’ treatment will not be as effective as a personalised one where each individual’s health issues are uniquely treated. We are dedicated to being your trusty health guide, offering valuable support to those navigating the complexities of the healthcare system. We are dedicated to healing, sustaining, and preventing – a lasting wellness journey tailored to your unique needs. We embrace an integrative approach as a whole to wellbeing through a combination of health care, therapies, treatments, and wisdom of traditional and modern medicine, along with, nutrition, rest, and taking advantage of their unique healing benefits that complement one another, then integrate them into a healing system or what we call a programme, to deliver synergistic and complementary wellness results, with a more pleasant healing experience. Our brand philosophy states, ‘Health is Wealth’ – Everyone wishes to guard and cherish their health as much as their wealth.
    “We believe that a balance of opposing forces, known as Yin and Yang, is crucial for both the body’s optimal functioning and overall health.”

    The villas are designed to encourage deep rest and reflection. How does the design and layout ensure utmost relaxation?
    The layout and function of the villas are ergonomically designed by doctors to create a safe and comfortable resting space for everyone. The bed’s height is set to no higher than 70cm for comfort, especially for elderly guests or those with back pain and injuries. Natural materials such as hypoallergenic cotton silk bedsheets are chosen, with a choice of six pillow types for our guests to choose from (contour massage, cervical opedic, classic natural latex, buckwheat, companion, and memory foam), all are made from natural materials. The organic selection of amenities made from high-quality natural materials designed by Thai local brands embraces the idea of giving back to the local community. Our rooms are decorated with earthy tones, creating a calm and serene atmosphere. Soft fabrics and blackout curtains are installed throughout the villas so that our guests can enjoy a peaceful and undisturbed night’s rest.
    The RAKxa’s wellness cuisine is centered on ingredients. How does the retreat focus on restoring balance through food?
    We believe that good food is the best medicine. Our food philosophy is rooted in the idea that what we eat can profoundly impact our overall health and wellness. By understanding each of our guest’s unique dietary needs, conditions, and preferences, we could offer a personalised healthy and balanced dietary menu. At the beginning of your programme – our chefs and nutritionists collaborate with doctors and use dietary lab test results to curate personalised menus that meet individual health goals, from optimising gut health for efficient nutrient absorption to striving to minimise and eventually eliminate harmful toxins accumulated in the body. Also, we work with our traditional medicine doctors – we believe that a balance of opposing forces, known as Yin and Yang, is crucial for both the body’s optimal functioning and overall health.

    Science and tradition come together at RAKxa. How are the traditional treatments combined with energy healing practices?
    Energy Medicine at RAKxa Integrative Wellness is a healing practice that is based on the perpetual transmutation of vibrational energy and has been around for centuries. The techniques are cultivated in various cultures and traditions, and our talented guru’s conduct with grace and skill. At RAKxa, we offer unique examples of this methodology from all corners of the world: singing bowls from ancient Tibet, chakra and pranic healing, part of ancient Ayurveda methodology, healing with crystals which date back to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, and Reiki, which originates from Japan. The transformative effects of energy healing help to unleash joy and peace by manipulating brainwaves, enhancing individuals’ chemistry and hormone levels, removing energy stagnation and improving your overall wellbeing. Energy healing can be integrated and treated alongside other medical services, whether it is exercises, physical therapies, or administering medical care such as intravenous vitamin (IV) infusions, because we want everyone to be in good health both inside and out and, importantly, in mind and spirit.

    The property’s medical gym uses technology, functional medicine and the science of movement – what are some of the bespoke exercise routines available?
    Our medical gym at RAKxa Gaya uses a diagnostic approach, drawing upon technology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, and the science of movement to create a personalised exercise. RAKxa’s team of physiotherapists and sports scientist conduct a comprehensive assessment of guests’ body posture, stability, endurance, strength, coordination and balance, as well as everyday movement using state-of-the-art equipment and world-class Olympic Grade Standard machines such as walk-pattern analysis with Gait Analysis, Functional Assessment with Huber, and Neuromuscular reactivation using Redcord Muscle Function Restoration with Red Cord Exercise. Following a thorough assessment, the results are then interpreted by a staff of movement specialists, physiotherapists, and wellness trainers who create custom-made training plans that blend results-oriented, corrective exercises,that are both modern and traditional. Your training programme will be specifically tailored to your conditionsand abilities, as well as your personal wellness goals. Head to Toe Stretch, which is a one-on-one session provided by medical gym staff, is recommended. This passive stretch helps you gently loosen up your physical tension, reduce lactic acid build-up, and improve your range of motion and flexibility.
    The VitalLife provides hyper-personalised treatments – what’s the science behind this technology?
    Our anti-ageing medicine is an array of modern technologies from advanced diagnostic equipment to innovative therapeutic interventions that create hyper-personalised treatments designed to restore and optimise guests’ health and longevity. We strive to provide guests with the highest level of medical standards and care, ensuring they receive the most advanced and tailored anti-ageing solutions in a comfortable and welcoming environment. The treatment sessions are based in the Medical Wellness Clinic under the supervision of medical professionals from VitalLife.
    July/August’s – The Summer Escape Issue with Tania Santos Silva – Download Now 
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