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    The Wellness Products Transforming Our Editors’ Health Routines RN

    As editors, we get asked a lot of questions on a regular basis: “How can I practice more self-care?,” “What can I do to get healthier?,” and “But really, what wellness products should I actually use?” While we spend a lot of time testing products and researching everything from recipes to relationship advice so we can bring the very best to you, we’re also busy women trying to squeeze in our own workouts or de-stress after a long workday. We’re always on the lookout for tools that’ll help us fit some self-care into our days or for products that make healthy eating easier. In other words, we’ve scoured the internet for the very best wellness products so you don’t have to. Read on for the items that have been game-changers in our editors’ health routines and score some inspo for how to update your health routine right now. 

    Himalayan Lamp
    I’ve always been a fan of nighttime showers and a wind-down routine, but this little Himalayan salt night light has transformed my evenings. I turn off all the lights and only keep this on when I’m showering or even just washing my face before bed, and I swear I feel instantly relaxed. I’ve never slept better! Plus, it looks cool AF plugged into the outlet, regardless of whether the light is off or on.
    — Josie Santi, Wellness Content Manager and Associate Editor

    Weighted Bangles
    Coming from a girl who has never done a good at-home workout, these weighted bangles have really changed the game for me. Whether I want a little extra challenge during my yoga flow or to do a quick glute workout during my lunch break, these bangles have been my ride-or-die product for improving my fitness routine in the comfort of my own home.
    — Josie Santi, Wellness Content Manager and Associate Editor

    64oz Water Bottle
    After seeing time-stamped giant water bottles everywhere, I finally decided to buy one for myself. It has helped me tremendously in drinking more water and staying on top of my hydration goals. This one is 64 ounces (a half-gallon), and I find it so much easier to drink that much water in a day with concrete time goals in mind.
    — Jess Welsh, Junior Graphic Designer and Assistant Editor

    “Facial in a Glass” Tablets
    In the last few months, I have pretty much entirely stopped drinking coffee (unless it’s a one-off, on-the-go, fancy-coffee situation), as advised by my doctor because my body doesn’t handle caffeine well (I get a horrible eye twitch). But I miss the ritual and joy of having a drink—that isn’t water—every morning. I’d had 8Greens supplements in my kitchen cabinets for a while now, but once I started using them as a morning beverage, I fell in love. They taste so good, and I feel like I have more energy throughout the day (although that very well might be placebo, but I’m OK with it). I just started drinking the skin ones, and despite the fact that I haven’t washed my face before bed a few times this past week, my skin still looks good, and I’m going to credit it to my 8Greens. I’ve also used them for hangover relief because they make me feel a little energized and less disgusting. Basically, it’s my cure-all beverage at this point.
    — Beth Gillette, Beauty Content Manager and Associate Editor

    Hoka One One
    Running Shoes
    These running/walking shoes were a bit of an investment for me, but they’ve really proven to be worth it. They’re ultra-cushioned, making them so easy to wear for extended periods of time (like on a long walk). They are seriously one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes I’ve ever worn—and they’re super cute, too.
    — Jess Welsh, Junior Graphic Designer and Assistant Editor

    Booty Resistance Bands
    I’m still working out at home, which means that it’s important to have workout equipment that takes up as little space as possible. I love these booty resistance bands because they don’t slip and slide like my rubber ones do, and after I use them, I’m always sore—in a good way. They’re such a great boost to my workout routine and are great to take on the go.
    — Madeline Galassi, Fashion Content Manager and Associate Editor

    Raspberry Acai Energy Drink
    Aspire is a clean energy drink that has fully replaced coffee and soda in my daily routine. It is filled with vitamins and nutrients and has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. I’ve gotten all of my family and friends hooked on it already.
    — Jessica Jones, Social Media Editor

    Seamless Workout Set
    A new set is one of my favorite ways to stay motivated, and this one from Amazon has been my summer go-to. I have it in several colors because it’s less than $30 and the fit is great. It’s perfect for my long walks on hot days or for pilates class. Sometimes it’s perfect for running errands: I just throw on a shirt and am ready to go.
    — Keely Geist, Senior Social Media Editor

    I’ve been using a humidifier as part of my sleep routine for a couple of years at this point, though super inconsistently. Refilling it was always a hassle, cleaning it was just not something I was ever interested in doing, and, if I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure the benefits outweighed the (looking back, admittedly minor) inconveniences of using it. However, after consistently using this humidifier for the past several months, I don’t think I’ll ever look back. This one is very easy to refill and clean (the two hurdles that made my last one not worth it), and I notice a huge difference when I don’t use it periodically. I wake up congested, my allergies act up all day, and my skin is dry. This humidifier assures I get a good night’s rest and wake up feeling great.
    — Garri Chaverst, Managing Editor

    Instant Vortex
    I can’t (and will never) pass up on an opportunity to talk about the one purchase that has truly revolutionized my life. After having a will-they-or-won’t-they relationship with this air fryer in my cart for several months, I finally bit the bullet and hit “Place Order.” I’m not exaggerating when I say I use this every single day. It makes cooking my favorite meals a breeze, but the biggest benefit is that vegetables actually taste good at the push of a button. Seriously. No matter what I do, frying up whatever vegetable I have lying around results in a tasty snack or side dish. I’ve never eaten more vegetables in my life than I do now, and it’s all thanks to my air fryer.
    — Garri Chaverst, Managing Editor

    Hello Eucalyptus | Etsy
    Eucalyptus Shower Bundle
    Sometime within the past three months, I became weirdly obsessed with taking showers. In order to make my time in the shower as luxurious as possible, I bought one of these amazing eucalyptus shower bundles, and I haven’t looked back since. The smell is immediately calming, and the eucalyptus clears my sinuses. Spritzing the bundle with water every few days can keep it fresh for months.
    — Emma Ginsberg, Editorial Intern More

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    Is a Pre-Workout Supplement Actually Necessary? We Asked the Experts

    So the last thing you want to do after a long day is work out. The supplement industry knows that. Pre-workout supplements are no longer reserved for bodybuilders or professional athletes; just a quick scroll through “What I Eat in a Day” videos on TikTok or the #fitspo hashtag on Instagram might be enough to make you feel like you’re missing out on a workout staple. But what’s really in all those powders and drinks, and do they really make a difference? Honestly, I have no clue, so I did what any good wellness editor would and went to the experts. If you’ve ever been confused about the endless world of supplements or asked yourself if a lack of a pre-workout drink is the reason you’re not seeing results, this one’s for you. Read on for my deep dive into pre-workout supplements and find out what the experts have to say.

    In this article

    What is a pre-workout supplement?
    While there are hundreds of brands and types of products intended to be consumed before a workout, it turns out most of them share the same basic ingredients intended to benefit energy, endurance, or results. “Pre-workout supplements often contain ingredients like amino acids, vitamin B, caffeine, and creatine,” explained Dr. Eva Gamallo RMT, MD, a medical consultant for Sensible Digs. In summary, the purpose is to maximize the time you spend at the gym by increasing benefits and results. “Pre-workouts are a combination of biochemically active products designed to improve energy, focus, blood flow, and energy to muscles and enhance recovery potential,” explained Dr. Shaffer Mok MD, a gastroenterologist and medical adviser to Sovereign Laboratories. Many people take them purely for energy (especially early-morning gym-goers), while weight-lifters and marathon-trainers take them to speed progress. So can a powder or liquid shot really help us reach our fitness goals?

    Does taking a supplement before a workout really make a difference?
    The short answer: maybe, maybe not. While there are many studies that conclude that individual ingredients commonly used in pre-workout supplements might increase performance (for example, caffeine has been shown to potentially increase speed and power output), there’s not enough research on the supplements themselves, so athletes, trainers, and doctors are left to their own personal experience and research. “There is still limited data on how these common ingredients may benefit athletic performance, so there’s an ongoing debate among experts (about) whether or not they actually make a difference. Some advocates swear they improve energy and have fitness benefits, while others believe in dangerous effects of taking these supplements,” Dr. Gamallo explained.

    What are the potential harms?
    If I haven’t already stated this enough, here’s a quick reminder: With any vitamin or supplement, it’s important to do your own research and talk to your doctor before trying for yourself. Here’s the reason why: Many experts I spoke to believe many of these products could have potentially harmful ingredients. “These dietary supplements are not always closely regulated, and many contain artificial sweeteners,” Dr. Gamallo said. Dr. Mok agreed, pointing out that even if a product doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners, an unnatural or excessive dose of common “good” ingredients can have a negative effect. “Be wary of high doses of caffeine in unnatural sources, as it can significantly alter your sleep (at any time of day), which is the most critical part of any exercise regimen.” 
    Plus, pre-workout supplements were intended for major athletes or serious marathon runners. Not to undermine your workouts (trust me, a hot yoga class or HIIT session is tough as hell), but if you’re not routinely pushing your body to the point of exhaustion or working out for a couple of hours every day, you probably don’t need a pre-workout supplement and may not even notice a difference, since a healthy body should give you all the endurance and energy it needs for a standard workout sesh. “If you’re a recreational exerciser and are just working out to stay in shape, you probably don’t need a pre-workout,” said Ashlee Van Buskirk BSN, a personal trainer, health coach, and founder of Whole Intent. 

    The verdict
    Some experts I talked to add a scoop of powder (like Vital Proteins) to their water before a workout and feel a difference in energy levels, endurance, or speed, but most declared pre-workout supplements are unnecessary at best and harmful at worst. To determine what’s right for you, talk to your doctor and experiment to find what’s best for you. “A lot of training is psychological,” said Jake Harcoff MS, CSCS, TSAC-f, CISSN, head coach, and owner of AIM Athletic. “If pre-workout use helps you get in the gym more consistently, feels good for you, and is something you’ve discussed with your doctor, it might be worth sticking with.”
    The point that I believe is most important is that a healthy body shouldn’t really need a pre-workout supplement. If you’re lacking energy or feel like you can’t challenge yourself during workouts, a supplement is not the answer. “The key is understanding your body,” said Serena Poon, a celebrity nutritionist and wellness entrepreneur. “A lack of energy during workouts could be caused by an array of factors and may not be something that can be fixed with supplements.” In other words, if your workouts are lacking, look into your overall diet, sleep quality, vitamin levels, gut health, recovery days, and stress levels before opting for a pre-workout supplement.
    Still swear by your pre-workout mix or dying to try the new supplement your favorite fitness influencer posted about? You know what to do: Talk to your doctor. Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy, a primary care doctor at Doctor Spring, explained that he doesn’t personally recommend pre-workout supplements to patients, but if a patient wants to try a product, they’ll take a look at the ingredients together to decide if its right. “I explain each ingredient and the possible implications, and then let them decide on their own if they want to continue using it (with precaution, of course).”

    More options to boost your workout beforehand
    While experts disagree on pre-workout supplements and not enough research has been done to either fully support or discourage them, there is something every expert can agree on: the benefits of real, whole foods. “In my opinion, the best way to attain the benefits of pre-workout supplements is by eating a nutritious and balanced diet with the same active ingredients found in supplements.” Dr. Gamallo said. Try pregaming workouts with whole foods that contain the same ingredients supplements offer, like coffee and tea, which contain caffeine to increase energy and alertness during exercise, or watermelon, which contains L-citrulline, an amino acid commonly used in pre-workout supplements that increases blood flow in tissues for better muscle performance.
    Likewise, Dr. Tripathy recommended water (duh!) because staying hydrated will help with recovery, and natural drinks like coconut water can help replace electrolytes lost through sweat. Poon also said to never underestimate the power that good ol’ fashion carbohydrates can bring to your workout. “Carbohydrates store in your body as glycogen, which is your main power source for exercise,” she explained. “Eating a small meal that contains carbohydrates, such as a piece of whole-grain peanut butter toast or a banana can help boost your energy for your workout.” Bottom line: Sure, pre-workout can be super beneficial in getting the most out of that gym time, but it doesn’t have to be from a supplement. 

    How to Actually Get the Most out of Your Workout, According to a Fitness Trainer

    10 Things to Do Before + After to Maximize a Workout More

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    The 4-Minute Workout That Could Completely Transform Your Health

    Bored of your regular fitness routine or sick of hearing yourself explain that you don’t have time for a workout? Good news: You can transform your fitness levels and achieve your health goals, and all you need is four minutes. At least, that’s the idea behind Tabata, the fitness method that has taken the health world by storm. But is a short period of intensity worth the hype, and how do you know that you’re doing it right? Don’t worry: I asked experts all the questions so you don’t have to spend your gym time on Google. Read on for a beginner’s guide to Tabata and find out if you should try it yourself. Spoiler alert: It just might be the secret to achieving your fitness goals—#fitspo!

    What is Tabata?
    Japanese scientist Dr. Izumi Tabata and his team from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports started Tabata in the early ’90s after researching short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by shorter rests, compared to continuous moderate-intensity. That’s right: This fitness practice didn’t come from a TikTok trend or wellness influencer claiming they found the secret to weight loss. It was a result of a study that found the test subjects benefitted more from shorter, high-intensity workouts, both aerobically and anaerobically. In other words, it was more beneficial for both cardiovascular health and building muscle. 
    While it may sound intimidating, Tabata is just a more specific type of the popular Instagram-favorite HIIT training. “Tabata is a short form of exercise with high bursts of work or energy usage,” explained Justin Meissner, a NASM-certified trainer and sports performance coach. Just like the HIIT circuits you know and love, Tabata uses intervals to maximize movement. The only difference is that the practice is defined by a specific amount of time, both in the length of the workout and in rest vs. intensity time. “Tabata workouts are short bursts of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off, repeated eight times for a total of four minutes.”
    So what’s the point of getting specific AF about a few minutes of movement? “Because of the work-to-rest ratio of 2:1, your heart rate rises in a short amount of time,” explained Emma Caird, a certified personal trainer and TRX Functional Training instructor. “The idea is to push yourself to your limit for a short period, rather than to spend half an hour or more on moderate exercise.” Four-minute workouts sound too good to be true, so do they really work?

    What are the benefits?
    We don’t have to look much further than Dr. Tabata’s original study to find that just four minutes of high-intensity intervals can have some serious fitness benefits, but many trainers and fitness experts alike swear by the method for a range of reasons. “Tabata can improve your VO2 max, AKA the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during a workout,” explained Kelly Cosentino NCSF-CPT, corrective exercise specialist and Daily Burn‘s director of fitness. “Increasing this maximum amount means your body can move more efficiently; it’s an indicator of cardiovascular health and aerobic endurance.” Nadia Charif, a registered dietician and Tabata practitioner, swears by the results she has seen for herself. “Tabata has done wonders for my focus and efficiency, improved endurance, and is great for burning fat,” she said. 
    Besides the benefits the body reaps, there’s one serious benefit we can’t ignore: It only takes four minutes. “Tabata is time-efficient and convenient,” Caird said. “You can do Tabata anywhere, with or without equipment.” Cosentino agreed. “You don’t need equipment or a lot of space to get your heart rate pumping and to start burning calories quickly.” In other words, you have no excuse to skip a good-for-you workout on days where you’re pressed for time. While we often believe we need 30-60 minutes of exercise for it to “count,” Tabata proves that when it comes to fitness, effort is more important than time.

    Are there any cons?
    Before you cancel your gym membership or throw out your at-home exercise equipment, know that Tabata isn’t meant for everyone or for all the time. “A Tabata workout can be efficient when you don’t have time, but it still does not equal a long workout. For the best benefits, mix it with longer workout days,” Meissner said. Just because four minutes of Tabata is a major multitasker (both aerobic and anaerobic benefits are impressive) doesn’t mean you’ll get everything your body needs. A 60-minute yoga class might benefit your mental health or weight training sessions can be important for bone health and reducing injury risk.
    Overall, the goal of fitness should be to live less sedentary, so an efficient workout is good on days where you wouldn’t otherwise fit it in, but you should still be conscious of moving the body more often. Also, if your body is not prepared for high intensity, you might be setting it up for some serious damage. “The fast-paced nature of Tabata workouts could make you focus on more reps and forget to focus on proper form,” Cosentino explained. “If your form is not correct, it can lead to injury, muscle soreness, or activation of the wrong muscles.” Bottom line: Prepare your body before diving into the practice and mix it in with a variety of other workouts.

    Interested in trying Tabata for yourself? Here’s how:
    If you’re a newbie to interval training or have not built up endurance and overall cardiovascular health, start slowly. Try a couple of interval rounds at a lower intensity and work up to the full four minutes at your highest intensity. Also, consult with your doctor or trainer before trying Tabata, especially if you have chronic pain, heart issues, or asthma. When you’re ready to start experimenting, consider buying a stopwatch or downloading an app for interval training like Tabata Timer. If you’re interested in trying cardio exercises, you can use your favorite form, whether it’s biking, running, or going on the elliptical. Think: sprinting for 20 seconds and walking for 10 seconds. Meissner recommended following cardio Tabata with strength training for optimal benefits.
    If you’ve never been much of a runner and don’t own a bike, you can still apply the principles of Tabata to your favorite workouts. “Almost any exercise can be done in Tabata,” Cosentino explained. “Try alternating between strength and cardio moves in each four-minute round: pair jumping jacks with squats, high knees with burpees, and mountain climbers with uppercut punches. You can also try finishing off your workout with Tabata by just adding four more minutes to boost that VO2 max and assist in cardio burn.” No matter what workout you prefer, think of working at full intensity for 20 seconds and then low-intensity for 10 seconds for four minutes.

    7 Secrets To Maximize Your Workouts From a Personal Trainer More

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    We Need to Talk About Joining a Gym When You’re Plus-Size

    It’s a constant joke that I was athletically challenged most of my life. I skipped school on the day of every single Pacer test, and when my parents told me I had to play a sport to get into college (my parents both didn’t attend college and genuinely thought you had to play a sport to get in—how pure), I attended one tennis practice and couldn’t show my face to the team ever again. But that doesn’t mean I’m inactive, and after a year of working out consistently at home followed by a short stint in my (better than average) apartment fitness center, I was ready to finally join a gym again.
    I never attended a gym until I was in college, but I quickly learned that weight training was my favorite way to work out. So, when I was home on summer break one year, I joined a gym. They asked all the typical questions: what is your favorite way to work out? How often do you plan to come? What are your fitness goals? But then they ask the worst question of all:
    “What’s your height and weight?”
    I remember thinking, how on Earth is this relevant to me joining the gym? What does saying my weight in this tiny office with this stranger in a gym do to help me achieve any fitness goals? It made me feel uncomfortable every time I saw that gym attendant, knowing that he knew really personal details about me and possibly made up his own judgments about me and my health, all because I told him a few numbers.

    I remember thinking, how on Earth is this relevant to me joining the gym? What does saying my weight in this tiny office with this stranger in a gym do to help me achieve any fitness goals?

    I put off joining a gym for a long time after that because it felt so daunting to put myself out there. I’m a mid-size cis-woman with a little bit of experience at the gym, and I worried about the judgments that might ensue walking into a weight room full of jacked bros and their protein shakes. Everyone talks about gym intimidation and how awkward being in the gym for the first time is, but no one talks about how uncomfortable and overbearing it can be to just join. After months of working out in my apartment gym, I was starting to feel a little stagnant with the level of equipment available to me, so I decided to join a nearby gym. And it was… in a word… horrible.

    My Experience
    I have never felt so uncomfortable as I did when I tried to join this gym. When I arrived, I met with the owner of the gym at a tiny kiosk in the middle of everything. Seriously, a man was like doing squats right next to my face. Not only was I prompted with the dreaded “What’s your height and weight?” (in the literal middle of the gym in front of everyone), but I was pestered and berated about my physical health (by a person who isn’t my doctor!) and questioned over and over about my fitness goals. When I said my goal was to just be healthy, I was, again, berated because I didn’t have any fitness goals. Eventually, I told the owner of the gym I have an eating disorder, and at one point (while tearing into me about my BMI and how I’m at risk to get cancer and have a stroke—again, not a doctor!), he said he wanted to be “gentle with my eating issue.” Then, he proceeded to tell me that if I have no fitness goals, there’s no point in joining the gym. Working out is fun for me and a way to de-stress—is that a crime?
    I stood in the middle of this gym while this stranger wrote down some of my most personal health information and threw it all back at me… and then dared to be upset when I wasn’t really feeling it and didn’t want to join his gym. Like sir, you just laid into me about how “unhealthy” I was and how joining a gym was pointless if I wasn’t trying to do a 180 on my body… what makes you think I’d ever want to come back here?
    I was so taken aback when I left that I called my mom and told all of my friends how horrible this experience was, and a lot of people echoed my thoughts on how agonizing the experience of joining a gym is. But until then, I’d never heard anyone talk about it. When men join a gym, it’s about them getting ripped, and as much as cis-men experience body image issues too, they’re not taught from a young age that how much you weigh is something to be embarrassed about in the same way women are. And the pressure is even worse when you’re above the threshold of what is an “acceptable” size as a woman.

    When men join a gym, it’s about them getting ripped, and as much as cis-men experience body image issues too, they’re not taught from a young age that how much you weigh is something to be embarrassed about in the same way women are.

    Aside from a horrible experience with management, I knew pretty early on this gym wouldn’t be for me. When I walked in, I saw guys who resembled Hulk or at the very least men whose dream was to look like the Hulk, and all the women were fit beyond belief. I didn’t see a single person in the gym who looked anything like me, and it was 7 pm on a weeknight, their busiest time. I knew I’d feel self-conscious going to a gym where I was the only one who didn’t train for marathons or body-building competitions.
    I ultimately left the gym and never looked back. It was so frustrating because they had a great facility, but I knew I’d never feel comfortable. Why do these gym owners think intimidating me and making me feel like an unhealthy sack of sh*t is the way to get me to join? I’d rather never step foot in your facility than ever feel that way again. Even if I was unhealthy, it’s truly none of your business why I’m at your gym.

    What I’m Going to Do Next
    As an avid exerciser, I simply can’t swear away the gym forever, even though the thought of walking inside one and signing up sounds like my personal hell after what I went through. Instead, I joined a nearby gym (we stan Planet Fitness in this house) that allowed me to easily sign up online with ZERO weird questions, pestering, or upselling at all. I’m able to go into my gym now without a care in the world and feel completely normal. Plus, the gym is filled with people just like me: just normal people who like to work out, some who look really fit, and some who look like your average Joe, and I love it. I also plan to start going to a few classes once a week or so to change it up and get my fix of working closely with a fitness professional without all the judgment. Plus, classes are so social and fun to do with friends, and I’ve missed it so much in the pandemic. 
    As far as how I’m coping with this negative experience, I’m choosing to focus on how happy I feel after a workout and remembering why I was so excited to move up in my fitness journey rather than keep up with my same routine. That’s progress, even if some rude, muscular guy at the gym doesn’t agree. Even taking the step of wanting to join a gym is progress! If you have a similar experience, pay attention to all the progress you’re making and get excited about what you’ll make in the future. And I highly recommend writing it out. This article was deeply cathartic. 

    I’m Plus-Size—Here’s Everything That Goes Through My Head While Having Sex More

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    10 Products I Go To When I Need an Immediate Mood Boost

    Let’s be honest: We all have terrible, no good, very bad days every now and then. Even Beyoncé can feel stressed, unmotivated, or just plain bleh (not every Bey song is as upbeat as ***Flawless). We talk a lot about ways to get yourself out of a funk or just feel happier overall, like going for a walk, taking a bath, talking to your therapist, or eating your favorite meal. If you’re like me, a not-so-great mood can push you into a little retail therapy. No, money can’t buy happiness (unless it’s one of these ways), but a few key products help me de-stress, pamper myself, and squeeze self-care into my day whenever I need more energy, confidence, or positivity. IDK what helps Beyoncé get back to 7/11 energy, but read on for 10 mood-boosting products that have actually helped me care for myself and boost my mood instantly. 

    Dynamic Roller Duo
    These genius little rollers are my secret weapon for a quick mood boost throughout the day. If I need a little more energy (like right before a big meeting or if I’m feeling an afternoon slump), I pull out the Energy Roller from my desk drawer for an instant boost. I keep the Calming Roller by my bed to use before I sleep or whenever I’m feeling anxious or stressed. Massaging it into my temples or on pulse points can make a huge difference in my mood thanks to 75mg of CBD per roller and essential oils. Both of these rollers work on a topical level to relieve pressure points, regulate mood, and ease topical discomfort. Trust me: You’re going to want both.
    Use code “theeverygirl” for 20% off your first order!

    Intelligent Change
    The Five Minute Journal
    PSA: Gratitude is not just a cheesy practice your mom preaches or a polite “thank you” when someone does something for you. It’s one of the easiest things I do that makes a drastic difference in my mood and overall happiness. Mentally reminding myself to be more grateful doesn’t always work, which is why I love this Five Minute Journal because it has prompts that make me feel more confident, calm, and grateful. I write in it for five minutes in the morning or turn to it when I’m feeling down. Works like a charm!

    Leaf Yoga Mat
    Good news for yogis and gym rats: Exercise is truly one of the best mood-boosters. Many people forego workouts on busy days because they don’t have time, but the busiest days are when I know I need exercise the most. Even a five-minute flow or a 30-minute at-home barre class transforms my entire day. I use this yoga mat for every at-home workout, and the banana leaf print makes me happy every time I look at it (because mood-boosters can come in even the smallest forms)!

    The Essentials Kit
    Another practice that has made a huge difference in preventing energy slumps and improving overall mood is diffusing essential oils. During my work day, I diffuse oils like peppermint, lemon, or eucalyptus to keep me focused and ease stress. At night, my go-to is lavender to help my body relax. Bonus: No matter what essential oil I’m diffusing, doing this always reminds me to take deep breaths and stay in the moment.

    Himalayan Salt Lamp
    I’m an anxious person, so fitting in relaxing practices throughout the day (instead of making it just a morning or night routine) has made a huge difference in my overall mood. One of my favorite practices to do when I’m feeling stressed, worried, or overwhelmed is to take a shower with the lights off and my Himalayan salt lamp on. Sounds weird, but I swear it calms me down and makes me happy. Try it for yourself and I guarantee you’ll never need a glass of wine to wind down again.

    Spoken Flames
    Light It Into Existence Candle
    Never underestimate the power of aromatherapy and the effect it can have on your mood. This candle uses notes like lavender, rose, and patchouli to engage your senses and help you feel more grounded, inspired, and connected to yourself. Whenever I need a little more positivity, I take a break, light this candle, and set an intention. Not only does the scent help, but the quick reminder also helps me reframe my mindset.

    Click & Grow
    Ultimate Smart Indoor Garden
    Call me an Ina Garten wannabe, but the kitchen will always be my happy place. Cooking makes me feel so good because I’m truly present during this time—instead of thinking about my to-do list, I’m focused on chopping veggies or mixing ingredients. To keep it feeling like a hobby rather than a chore, I make my time in the kitchen feel special by lighting candles, playing music, and using herbs I grow at home to add flavor and health benefits. Cooking can be one of the most frequent ways we care for ourselves and our loved ones. How could it not make you happy?

    Curling Tool
    Sometimes, a mood boost comes from external actions that affect how you feel more than changing mindset alone. We all have that one change in our appearance that helps us feel like our best selves. Maybe it’s a swipe of red lipstick or a power blazer for you, but for me, it’s a little wave in my hair. A good hair day makes me feel like I can take on the world, and I know that curling my hair can transform my mood for the rest of the day. When you take the time to do what makes you feel your best, you’re subconsciously proving to yourself that you deserve the best—instant mood boost!

    Sonia Kashuk
    Dry Brush
    We’ve already established that extra pampering throughout the day reminds me to focus on myself and totally transforms my mood. Dry brushing is another essential pampering practice, but there’s more to it than just that. I’ve heard that dry brushing can biologically boost mood because it stimulates the nervous system. Call it placebo, but I really do feel an immediate calmness afterward. I love this small brush to keep at my desk for a little stress-relieving pampering throughout the day.

    Oprah Winfrey
    The Wisdom of Sundays
    If I’m feeling stressed, anxious, bored, or just a little down, I know that I’ve been focusing too much on to-do lists or spending too much time on social media. In other words, I’m stuck in the mundane day-to-day routine instead of remembering that the point of life is to enjoy it. When I need a perspective shift, I read. This collection of interviews by Oprah is my favorite because it’s basically the best words of wisdom from her favorite interviews. For an inspiring read that will transform your perspective and give you a long-term mood shift, grab this.

    6 Techniques to Reduce Stress That My Therapist Taught Me

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    The Unexpected Workout That I Actually Enjoy (and You Might Too)

    I’m ready to sing it from the rooftops: I finally found a form of exercise that I’ve stuck with and that I truly enjoy. It’s not too strenuous—but it burns enough calories for me, makes me feel good, and is easy to fit into my routine. So, what is it? Walking. Yes, that’s it: just going for a nice long walk. I have long heard about the benefits of walking (and obviously have gone for walks here and there in the past), but I hadn’t really gotten into a regular routine until recently.
    I’ve always been someone who reaaaaally struggles to find the motivation to workout, and I’ve also struggled with finding a type of workout that I truly enjoy. I’ve had little bursts of getting into a routine and doing one specific workout multiple times a week, but I always end up becoming bored of it and then losing motivation to work out altogether. 
    Then, a few months ago, I was inspired by the “Hot Girl Walk” trend on TikTok (if you haven’t seen it, it’s basically just putting on music that makes you feel confident, using the time to manifest for yourself, and walking a few miles) to invest in a good pair of walking shoes and a fanny pack and really commit. Now, every time I go for a walk, I come back to my apartment feeling so much better and like I did something great not only for my physical health but for my mental health as well. 

    So, what are the benefits of walking?
    According to Mayo Clinic, daily walking may help your general physical health because it can improve cardiovascular fitness, assist in maintaining a healthy weight, and strengthen your bones, muscles, and endurance.
    Regular walking has numerous mental health benefits as well: It can increase your energy levels, improve coordination, strengthen your immune system, and reduce stress. It can also improve your mood, cognition, memory, and sleep. I mean seriously, what’s not to love?
    Experts at the Mayo Clinic also say you should walk at least 30 minutes per day to truly enjoy all of the benefits of walking. You could also take it up a notch by adding weights or using the interval or incline features on a treadmill.

    Here’s how I do it:

    What’s in my headphones?
    When I first decided that I was really going to commit to getting the most out of my walks, I settled on either following the rules of the Hot Girl Walk and listening to music that helped boost my confidence or listening to a podcast. A podcast works really well because it motivates me to listen to at least one whole episode, ensuring that I walk for well over the 30-minute daily goal. 
    I haven’t tried a guided walking workout yet, but I’m very intrigued by them and definitely want to try it out. A lot of your favorite fitness apps offer them, and Apple Fitness+ even offers walking workouts narrated by celebrities (including Dolly Parton, Nick Jonas, Misty Copeland, and many more). 
    My favorite playlists and podcasts:

    Time and distance
    I don’t focus strictly on numbers; instead, I try to walk for as long as what makes me feel the best. I would say that I normally walk at least two or three miles, mostly because I genuinely enjoy it. If I’m listening to a podcast, my walks tend to be at least 45 minutes to an hour.
    At first, I just didn’t think I had enough time in the day to walk for very long, but the more I did it, the longer my walks became. I began to love walking new routes, finding new playlists, and catching up on my favorite podcasts while I walked. 

    How I fit it into my routine
    Incorporating regular exercise works best for me when I don’t force myself to stick to a particular schedule. I know that having a set routine works really well for some people, but I personally need the flexibility of just fitting it in whenever I can depending on the day. I often find that if I do try to stick to something specific (for example, getting up before work every day and working out), I tire myself out and feel defeated and less motivated when I miss a day. 
    Instead, I do whatever my day allows. Sometimes I do get up early and fit in a walk before work, sometimes I take a break from working from home and go for a walk during the day, and sometimes I don’t walk until dusk (I think sunset walks are underrated). I listen to my body, and because walking really does reduce my stress and anxiety levels, I take a walk when I feel like it’ll benefit me most. 
    It’s also important to note that I started walking regularly in early spring and live in Chicago, so the weather was unpredictable. If it’s raining or too cold, walking indoors on a treadmill is great too! I use those times to challenge myself with different incline levels and interval workouts.

    Why it works for me
    Although walking as a workout might give off old-lady-in-a-walking-club vibes, I genuinely think it has benefitted me more than any other exercise I’ve tried. Taking a long walk makes me feel less stressed, it boosts my energy and mood, clears my mind, and it actually burns a fair number of calories.
    I sometimes find it hard to actually get out the door (as I do with any workout), but once I return to my apartment, I feel 10 times better than when I left. I also enjoy the time to myself to think through big decisions or stress points in my life, practice gratitude, manifest positive changes for myself, and disconnect for a bit. Oh, and the people-and-dog-watching is always enjoyable. 
    I try to supplement my walks with other workouts as well when I can—such as strength training, pilates, or yoga—but as I mentioned, I don’t force myself to do anything in particular. I think the flexibility in this routine and my commitment to truly listen to my body has helped me actually enjoy exercising.
    So if you’re like me and have been struggling to find a workout that you enjoy, I challenge you to lace up those sneakers, put your headphones in, strap on a fanny pack, and start walking for at least 30 minutes per day. The benefits go far beyond just physical, so you might just find your new favorite activity. 

    Here are all of the products that have elevated my walking routine:

    Everywhere Belt Bag 1L
    This belt bag is so popular and for good reason. It fits everything you would need for a long walk, but it isn’t too bulky—plus it adds a little element of chic-ness to your walking outfit.
    14 colors available

    Dagne Dover
    Mara Phone Sling
    I love this bag for when I really don’t need to take much on my walk. It’s designed to fit your cell phone, and then it has card slots so you can carry just the essentials. It even has a chapstick loop, which I really appreciate.
    4 colors available

    Hoka One One
    Bondi 7 Sneaker
    After much deliberation, I decided to purchase these shoes a few months ago. They were an investment for me, but it has definitely paid off. Hoka One One sneakers are designed for running and walking, and this particular pair is ultra-cushioned and so comfortable. Is it crazy to say these literally motivate me to workout?
    10 colors available

    Myriad Walking Shoe
    If you need a more budget-friendly pair of walking sneakers, these are a great option. I’ve owned Ryka shoes in the past, and they treated me well. Plus, how cute is this colorway?

    New Balance
    Athletic Cushion Comfort Quarter Socks
    This might seem weird, but trust me on this: You need the right pair of socks for a long walk. I love these because they’re cushioned but don’t make my feet sweat, and the quarter-length prevents any rubbing from the back of a shoe.
    7 styles available

    Obé x Bala Bangles
    Ankle/Wrist Weighted Bangles
    If you really want to get the most out of a walking workout, ankle weights add that little extra something that takes it to the next level. Plus, I seriously can’t get over how cute these Obé x Bala Bangles are!

    Quay Australia
    PSA Square Sunglasses
    I bought these sunglasses at the beginning of the summer, and they’re seriously the only ones I’ve been wearing. They’re perfect for walks for two reasons: 1) They don’t get stuck in you hair when you put them on your head and 2) Nobody can see your eyes through them (meaning they’re perfect for people-watching).

    Silicone AirPods Case with Rosegold Keychain
    Not only is this AirPods case cute, I’ve found it extremely functional (and it helps you not mix up your AirPods with your roommate or partner’s). I previously owned a case without a keychain, but I found that I was wanting to be able to hook it to things. This is perfect for hooking to my belt bag.
    30+ colors available More

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    8 Easy Swaps I Made This Year To Become My Healthiest Self

    For a long time, I viewed “healthy living” as unapproachable and intimidating, mostly because I felt so unbelievably far from achieving it. Up until a few months ago, I ate too much salt, went to bed super late, watched way too much TV, drank a lot of wine, and ordered McDonald’s chicken nuggets more times than I’d like to admit. Before I discovered attainable health swaps for my life, I felt like a bit of a failure in the wellness department.
    This year, I’ve put more focus on the small day-to-day choices that I make instead of becoming consumed and overwhelmed with drastic, unsustainable changes that derail me from even trying in the first place. For me, making healthy swaps for things I was already doing and eating was a great, welcoming approach for living my best life, and now, I swear by it. These eight healthier choices helped me transform the way I look at healthy living and have fueled my fire to keep this lifestyle going:

    1. Matcha instead of coffee
    Don’t get me wrong—I love my coffee and still drink it occasionally. But instead of viewing espresso as a vital necessity to life, I view it as more of a treat instead of a three-cups-a-day routine. After years of drinking almost a pot of coffee a day, I realized that it didn’t even keep me awake anymore, and I felt close to ill when I’d skip a cup. This is when I knew I needed a change. Now, I drink a teaspoon of matcha with vanilla oat milk almost every day, and I’m hooked. Not only does it give me a little bit of a caffeine buzz, but it’s also packed with antioxidants and other nutrients that actually make me feel good about drinking it. 

    2. Reading before bed instead of scrolling on my phone
    Before the last month, falling into a bottomless, deep, dark hole on TikTok or Instagram before bed was one of my most fatal flaws, and unfortunately, my most closely practiced ritual. While I didn’t completely give up scrolling through my phone, I do opt to read before bed instead of being sucked into the blue light blob. I find that reading three pages helps me wind down more quickly than I would spending an hour (or more) on TikTok and allows me to sleep at a more reasonable hour.

    3. Banza noodles instead of traditional pasta
    This is one of the easiest swaps I’ve incorporated into my meal prepping routine. If you aren’t already on the chickpea noodle train, this is your sign to hop aboard. I’ve been a pasta junkie my entire life (perks of growing up with an Italian grandmother), and while I never felt guilty for consuming it in mass amounts, I found that chickpea noodles (low carb, gluten-free, and high in protein) are just as good and so worth the healthy substitute. If I’m going to be eating pasta anyway, I might as well swap it with something that tastes just as great and is a bit healthier, right?

    4. Eating in instead of eating out
    OK, I’ll admit this is probably one of the more difficult “easy swaps” on this list. But I can finally say, now that I’m on the other side, it’s so much easier than I thought it would be. For years, I relied heavily on eating out and ordering on DoorDash, which typically left me feeling bloated, guilty, and—quite frankly—broke. 
    Two things that really helped me gain control over eating out were 1) finding a grocery schedule that worked for me and 2) recreating the meals I was craving in my own kitchen. That included mastering my favorite vodka pasta recipe, figuring out how to make my own Chick-fil-A sauce, and recreating my go-to Sweetgreen salad. From there, I realized that I can in fact cook, and beyond that, I could take the liberty of making healthier versions of some of my favorite meals to eat out. While I still do dine out, I now do it a lot less frequently, which has given me back some financial freedom, helps me make healthier choices at home, and allows me to cherish the times I eat out a bit more.

    Source: Colorjoy Stock

    5. Walks instead of binge-watching TV after dinner
    For a while, I was gridlocked into the routine of plopping down on the couch after cooking, eating, and cleaning up the disaster in my kitchen. Enter four-hour-long Netflix binge-watching sessions with intermittent naps that messed with my sleep schedule and took precedence over any night routine that would set me up for success the next day.
    Now, instead of giving in to the food coma, I engage in a light walk after dinner, which helps me beat the post-meal slump and allows me get some steps in toward the end of the day. Whether I walk and catch up with a friend or enjoy the solitude of a favorite-playlist-filled sunset walk, my post-dinner stroll has become one of my favorite self-care acts of the day.

    6. Dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate
    All of my life, I looked at dark chocolate with disdain because of its bitterness—I didn’t quite get the hype. But now that I’m older, wiser, and more aware of dark chocolate’s health benefits (antioxidant-packed, flavanol-filled, and more heart-healthy than milk chocolate), I gave it another go, hoping my taste buds had changed. To my surprise, I loved it. Now, I opt for dark over milk chocolate whenever I have the chance, and like my matcha vs. coffee switch, it’s an easy swap that makes me feel a lot better.

    7. A flexible activity schedule instead of a rigid workout schedule
    Before, I’d try to hop back on the workout train—lifting five days a week, sustaining injuries, losing motivation quickly—only to fall right back off of the boat. While I kept up with this yo-yo workout situation for quite some time, it’s not until this year that I finally took a step back to reevaluate my relationship with physical activity.
    I still lift weights here and there, but if I’m not able to go to the gym four to five days a week like I used to strive for, I don’t beat myself up over it. The reality is this: Life is busy. We get tired, we don’t have time, or we can’t coordinate our strict hair-washing schedule with a day of dripping sweat at the squat rack. And that’s OK. My new fitness goals focus on moving in any capacity, and I’ve found that taking a more flexible approach has made me more motivated and excited to get moving. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a yoga class, a HIIT session at the gym, or a 10-minute affair with my weighted hula hoop, I’ve found that listening to my body and keeping activity simple and fun has been a game-changer in keeping my activity levels more consistent.
    8. Hydrating before reaching for caffeine 
    The number of times in my lifetime that I’ve chugged two cups of coffee before even thinking about water is an absolute tragedy. This year, I’ve really prioritized hydrating, especially in the morning after a night of sleeping and hours of not taking sips of water. Starting my day off hydrated AF helps set the tone for the day and sets me up for success before reaching for my morning caffeine choice. 
    On the days where I focus on my water intake, I find that I have more energy to power through the mid-afternoon slump, have more stamina during my workouts, and am less prone to suffer from that late-afternoon headache and/or annoying right eye twitching. It’s not groundbreaking but, now that I’ve finally hopped on board, I totally get the hype.

    7 Things Every Woman Should Change for Better Health RN More

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    How to Admit You’re Overwhelmed at Work

    Feeling stressed at work is the worst, but it happens to the best of us. Though you may worry about looking incompetent in front of your boss or disappointing your colleagues, it’s better for your sanity — and your career — to fess up in order to get some help. Here are eight ways to actually let someone know you’re overwhelmed at work, instead of pretending to be “fine,” so you can bounce back like the productive, confident person you already are.

    1. Don’t play the “I’m so busy!” game.
    Admit it: there’s a weird sense of satisfaction in claiming to be “sooooo busy.” It makes you feel important and needed; however, it’s completely unsustainable. Falling into the busy trap will not only make you sick, tired, irritable, and less productive, but also doesn’t allow you to figure out a solution to feeling overwhelmed at work.
    Instead, think through your daily to-dos and fess up some honest answers to important questions: are your priorities straight?  What never seems to get checked off your list (and do you even need to accomplish it)? What should be delegated to a team member? Taking an assessment of how you’re truly spending your time is a helpful first step is deciphering what actions will affect change.

    2. Admit what you don’t know.
    In my first job out of college, I remember spending hours on a project, filled with dread. Why? I had said yes to the assignment, but wasn’t entirely sure how to do the work itself. I wanted to be the type of employee who could breezily problem-solve on my own, and I also hoped to appear more than proficient (aka, impress my team).
    Don’t do this. It’s okay to admit what you don’t know! I mean, there’s a huge difference between shrugging at your manager in a “not my problem, man” kind of way and saying, “I’ve never done this before, but I’m excited to try! Can you help me get started?” Asking for more knowledge is a good thing, and owning up to where you could benefit from reinforcements saves you time and energy in the long run.

    3. Vent to a trusted colleague.
    When you’re freaking out at work, sometimes it helps to just get it out of your system with someone you trust, and then move on. In fact, almost every time I pause from a panic session to grab a coworker and say, “I need five minutes to vent!” I end up feeling better, and more clear-minded afterwards.
    It’s also nice to ground yourself in reality. Talking through a problem, even if you’re not looking for a solution, can allow you to stop jumping from task to task. If anything, literally show your schedule to someone and say, “I’m stressed and need to spend less time in meetings to meet that deadline. Is there anything I could pass on this week?”

    4. Get feedback from someone you don’t normally work with.
    Whenever I get stuck on a project, I ask somebody outside of my team (or industry, or even company, if possible) for input. It is easy to spend SO much time on a creative endeavor, and then realize you can’t even see where you’re trying to go anymore.
    Besides, there’s no reason to try to be an isolated genius. All the best work usually involves multiple rounds of edits and full team insights before going to print or production. So cut yourself some slack, and stop assuming you have to be the hero at work and solve every single dilemma or master every single assignment.

    5. Stop saying yes to more.
    Once, a boss of mine told me, “It’s great that you can turnaround work so quickly when people ask. But make sure you’re doing the right work first.” Yikes. He wasn’t wrong, though. I used to think it was optimal to be the go-to person, always willing to help or step in. Of course, this isn’t always a bad thing, but can easily set you up for failure, because if you’re the person who can be relied on “to help” all the time… you’ll be the person relied on to help all the time.
    More isn’t better — it’s just more, and that can easily be the source of your stress at work. If you’re overwhelmed, you need to refine, not add on. So for every well-meaning coworker who is like, “Hey, do you have 5 minutes to…” give yourself permission to politely decline. Say, “I’d love to help, but I need to focus on XYZ. Did you ask so-and-so?” Ask yourself if somebody else can do that same work, or if you’re the right person to help at that given moment. Or just flat-out learn how to say no: “That’s not going to line up with my priorities this month, but let’s talk about how we can get the work done.”

    6. Figure out what’s temporary and what’s not.
    A friend of mine is a news anchor, and a few times a year, she knows her schedule will be absolutely bananas due to ratings months. Because she can anticipate the overload, she can mentally prep, and since it’s that way for her entire team, it feels much more doable to survive. She also knows it’s just the industry, and not her fault, which helps her keep a cool head.
    If you’re in that boat, take solace in the fact that you’re not alone; in fact, you may be relieved to know you’re not the only person feeling overwhelmed. But if you ask around, and that’s not the case, it might be time to have a conversation with your supervisor.

    7. Take real breaks — and explain why.
    I know you want to look cool as a cucumber no matter what, but this  attitude can be to your detriment. For example, if your coworkers know you as someone who responds to email in 0.1 seconds flat, tell them you’re now batch-checking email at set times. If you can’t seem to make progress on a singular project, devote a day to it and go one hundred percent (okay, 95%) off the grid: shut off your phone, put on a cheery out of office response, and get in the zone. If you’re always waking up early, or staying late, or working weekends, see if you can cut back just a little bit.
    When people see you practicing self-care, they’ll (hopefully!) recognize what a good work-life balance looks like. When you’re intentional and outspoken about your own boundaries and need for breaks, you will be less likely to burn out, and you’ll manage your own energy much better.

    8. Propose a solution to your boss.
    If you can’t find a way to ease up on your own, you’ll eventually need to talk to your boss — which can be terrifying, because you want him or her to see you as a valuable asset who can consistently deliver and add value. The good news is that you can be all of those things and still need clarity or guidance.
    Instead of showing up unannounced and saying, “Hi, I’m drowning in work, help,” take a moment to think through some potential solutions with an attitude of fixing the problem. Look at your job description and consider where you’re outperforming versus falling behind. Ask yourself what seems daunting, where you struggle, what feels completely unmanageable — and the type of help that would make a difference, like more education, less responsibility, or better support. If it is clear you’ve thought through what needs to happen, with tangible examples, it’s likely the conversation will go more smoothly.
    Finally, keep a calm, positive, professional tone. You’re not weak to ask for help, and your boss may not have even realized you needed it. Focus on the fact that you care about your career growth, and remain committed to finding a solution that works for both of you. More