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    6 Things I Learned About Vaginas From This Netflix Show

    I just learned a lot about vaginas from a streaming service, and (thankfully) it’s not porn. Say what you will about Gwyneth Paltrow, her $250 million brand, or the sometimes ridiculous claims (a $3,000 dildo? I don’t even have $5 for daily Starbucks!), but one of the episodes on the Netflix series The Goop Lab shook my world. Episode three, titled “The Pleasure Is Ours,” features Betty Dodson, a PhD sexologist who has been one of the principle leaders in female sexual health and pleasure for decades. Just for reference, her first book, Liberating Masturbation: A Meditation on Self Love, came out in 1974. It turns out the viewer (and Gwyneth Paltrow) has a lot to learn from this 91-year-old (yeah, you read that right).
    Regardless of what you think of Goop or GP’s acting skills, this episode was profound, and, dare I say, life-changing. Watching the episode and writing this article felt like one big therapy session for me. I would go so far as to say that watching it should be required for everyone, because very few of us (sadly) got this kind of education in school. Read on for key takeaways from the episode and the six life-changing things I learned about vaginas. 

    1. Paltrow doesn’t know what a vagina is—and neither do most people
    First of all, let’s start with the word “vagina:” it’s not what you think it is. Even though she recently launched a candle that smells like it, GP got it wrong when talking about “the vagina” in the episode. Many people, Paltrow and myself included, use the word “vagina” to describe the entire system going on “down there,” especially when referring to what we can see on the outside and the parts that relate to pleasure. Like the badass she is, Dodson gracefully schooled Paltrow with a subtle FYI. “The vagina is the birth canal only,” she said. “You’re talking about the vulva: that’s the clitoris, the inner lips and all that good sh*t around it.” Note to self: We know the difference between the penis and testicles, so it’s about freaking time we all know the correct names of female anatomy as well. 

    2. Genital shame hinders our sexuality
    While this one isn’t necessarily surprising, it is surprising how many people with vaginas feel shame about them. Dodson talks about a disassociation with female genitals; most women think theirs is gross, abnormal (more on that below), or don’t even want to look at them (also more on that below). A lot of this comes from a lack of education (did you learn about the “clitoris” in school? I sure didn’t) and also just from cultural norms. Think about it: Even the nicknames and language commonly used to describe vulvas sound gross at worst and risqué at best. Plus, as Dodson points out, a lot of us grew up thinking that sexuality was something we needed to hide or keep to ourselves (can we all just agree that the rules some parents place on teens around dating and sex is a little outdated and effed up?). Shame around our vulvas directly translates to shame around our sexuality, and shame around sexuality hinders our pleasure (and you wonder why you can’t orgasm?). 

    3. Yes, your vulva is “normal”
    Now for what I think is the saddest part of the episode (but also the most empowering): The show cited a study done by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, which found that purely aesthetic labiaplasty surgeries (or surgeries to alter the folds of the skin around the vulva) increased by 45 percent worldwide just between 2015 and 2016. Females as young as 9 years old were asking for the procedure. While we support every woman in making her own decisions about plastic surgery and what’s right for her, the point is that there are many people with vaginas who believe they need to change theirs. A big reason is that our culture teaches us that they’re “gross,” so our default is insecurity, but it’s also because of lack of example.
    Dodson and the president of the Betty Dodson Foundation, Carlin Ross, explained that almost all female genitalia shown in pornography have received surgical altercation. For many people, the only vulvas they see besides their own come from pornography, since there are no other examples in mainstream culture. So The Goop Lab did something revolutionary and showed real vulvas. Yes, up close and personal. They didn’t just show one (because then that one might become the “norm”); they showed multiple in an effort to prove to people with vaginas that theirs is normal, no matter what it looks like. The verdict: Every one is vastly different, and they should be, because we all have different bodies and a different makeup for pleasure. You can stop wondering and worrying—yes, your “down there” is totally normal. 

    4. …And you should know what it looks like
    I’d like to change the saying “know it like the back of my hand” to “know it like every inch of my vulva” after watching this episode. After all, what does the back of the hand do? If it’s worth knowing so well that it becomes a well-known cliché, shouldn’t we also know the most powerful, pleasurable part of ourselves? As Dodson says, “The genitals are your power spot.” Beyond just the pleasure, they are also where the next generation comes from. Regardless of whether birthing children is part of your plan, there’s no denying that the female genitals innately hold so much power and strength (and more capacity for pleasure than a penis, thank you very much).
    But many people don’t even know what theirs (or any—see point #3) look like. In 2016, The Eve Appeal, a Gynecological Cancer Research center in the U.K., asked 1,000 women to identify their own anatomy from medical illustrations (another study cited in the episode. Yes, I took rigorous notes). Only 44 percent were able to identify. A quick PSA on behalf of Betty Dodson: If you are not well aware of what your vulva both looks and feels like, stop what you’re doing, grab a mirror, and get to exploring. 

    5. There are many important systems within the “genitals”
    Dodson and Ross explain how the clitoris is not just one single “spot” as the nickname “the G-spot” makes it sound like. It’s actually a complex system on its own, with multiple parts and more than 8,000 nerve endings in the tip alone. FYI, that’s double the entirety of the penis. Also, the clitoris and vagina (or what we mean as vulva) get all the buzz, but your pelvic floor muscles are crucial for pleasure as well.
    For one reason, tight pelvic muscles and tension are common causes for pain, which obviously hinders pleasure. But also, when you work the pelvic muscles, you bring more blood to the area, which means more orgasms. In other words, your genitals deserve a workout routine too. The most talked about way to engage the pelvic floor is kegels, but Dodson has her own fascinating (and successful!) technique if you want to watch the episode or check out her website. 

    6. Knowing your vulva is important for you, not just for your partner
    I think we can all agree that partnered sex is more pleasurable and fulfilling when everyone involved is, you know, pleasured and fulfilled. But the point of knowing your vulva is not just so you can have a fire sex life in your relationship. Yes, feeling just as entitled to pleasure and just as knowledgeable about your own biology as your partner is crucial for many reasons, but this information is also important for you.
    As Dodson said when Paltrow asked why women being in touch with their sexuality has been seen as dangerous (read: thousands of years of slut-shaming), “When we’re in touch with our sexualities, love our bodies, and know how to orgasm on our own, we are independent. We’re dangerous when we’re knowledgeable.” In essence, your own association with your genitals is not about anyone else around you; it’s about your own pleasure, and the knowledge of how to fully access it is one of your greatest powers.  

    5 Things You’re Doing to Your Vagina That You Shouldn’t Be More

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    8 Ways I Prepare (And Recover) From a Night Out

    There was a time in my life when I used to put on full glam on a Tuesday at 9 p.m., hit a pre-party get-together at 10:30 p.m., and make it to the bar at the ungodly hour of midnight. After three hours of dancing the night away, replacing my sweat losses with vodka sodas, and ending the night at Taco Bell, I’d get a mere four hours of sleep and spring up for my 9 a.m. class chipper, bright-eyed, and ready to ace my Biochem exam—no hangover recovery plan (or even need for one) in sight. Now (six years post-grad), I’ll have two and a half glasses of wine while watching Love Island (U.K.) and be down for the count for at least three whole business days.
    While I’m still down to celebrate a job promotion with a friend, pour a pitcher of spicy margaritas to kick off a G.N.O., or stay up past my bedtime to catch a live concert, my prep and recovery for a late night out is a lot more curated than it used to be. Bouncing back from dehydration, lack of sleep, and high-sodium food (Crunchwrap Supremes will be the death of me) is no easy feat, but fear not! If you can’t keep up quite like you used to, these recovery hacks have your back:

    Source: GoHydrate

    1. Pre-hydrate
    Before a night out, get ahead of the game and make hydrating a priority. Sure, water is a good start, but if we’re not in the mood to be laying in bed all day tomorrow, we need all of the help we can get. When we know we’ll be dancing the night away, walking in heels across town to get to the next rooftop bar, or basking in the sunset while enjoying a margarita on a downtown patio, we reach for GoHydrate, an all-natural hydration drink that tastes incredible (if you haven’t tried their cherry limeade packet yet, you are missing out) and delivers five electrolytes immediately to the body. Unlike other hydration packets, these have zero sugar, the added benefit of vitamin D, and only 80 mg of sodium per packet, which is a win in our book. 

    Go Hydrate
    Variety Box
    Use code EVERYGIRL for 15% off of your first GoHydrate variety pack!

    Even when you’re not drinking alcohol, staying hydrated is crucial for feeling your best and keeping your body healthy. Staying hydrated can help with everything from skin glow, to feeling more toned to helping the body detox properly, and, you know, just helping every organ in the body run properly. GoHydrate contains super ingredients like electrolytes (such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium) to immediately hydrate on a deeper level than water alone. Trust me: your body feels the difference when you’re properly hydrated.

    Source: Stoffer Photography for The Everygirl

    2. Assemble a bedside recovery kit
    The last thing that you’ll want to be doing when waking up exhausted after a night out is to go on a treasure hunt around your house to find items to bring you back to life. Before you go out for an evening, assemble a bedside recovery kit so that you can start nursing yourself back to reality from the comfort of your own bed. Here are our go-to items to have in our arsenal:

    Source: Akos Adorjan | Pexels

    3. Practice a 1:1 water to drink ratio
    Being a hydrated baddie is always on our to-do list, and it’s even more important when we’re drinking sugary drinks and drinks that contain alcohol. Getting in the habit of alternating glasses of water with your non-water drink of choice, ordering drinks that are blended with ice, opting for light over dark liquors, and diluting liquor with water are great ways to keep up with water loss while tackling an evening of activities. 

    4. Take ibuprofen before bed and again in the morning
    If you can remember to take ibuprofen before bed in an effort to stay ahead of the aches and pains that come from drinking, dancing into the late hours of the night, running across town to hit up your favorite pizza joint before it closes, and/or consuming mass amounts of sugar and dairy, you will thank yourself later. Ibuprofen (AKA Advil or Motrin) is an over-the-counter, nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drug that can help tackle the aches and pains that come with a night out. On the other hand, acetaminophen (Tylenol) should be avoided, as it’s metabolized in the liver, which already may be working overtime if you indulged in a few alcoholic beverages. Before taking any type of supplement or medication, consult with your doctor about which over-the-counter options are right for you.

    Source: Samson Katt | Pexels

    5. Catch up on hydration in the morning
    No matter how much you may have hydrated before, during, or after a night out, there’s still plenty of opportunity to rehydrate when you wake up. When you open your eyes to a dry mouth, a bit of a headache, and missed calls from your DoorDash delivery driver, reach for a bottle of water mixed with your favorite GoHydrate flavor. With all-natural ingredients, Instant Hydration Technology that delivers electrolytes immediately to the body, and only 80mg of sodium, GoHydrate is an obvious choice for a morning where your tank is on E.

    6. Take ginger for nausea and eat easily digestible foods
    If you’re someone who gets wildly nauseated after a late night out, you’re not alone. Being nauseated can be a huge barrier to rehydrating and keeping up with your nutrition, which can be detrimental to getting through a massive recovery day. Ginger is a safe and effective way to treat nausea and is such a game-changer to have on hand if you’re looking to settle your stomach after a few alcoholic beverages, a lot of sugar, or too much dairy. We love reaching for ginger chews, ginger gum, ginger tea, or grating fresh ginger to add to a smoothie or hot water. If you’re not feeling up to eating a big meal, opt for simple, easily digestible carbs like toast, bagels, crackers, soup, scrambled eggs, or potatoes that will help raise blood sugar while being gentle on the stomach.

    7. Take a nap
    It’s no secret that a night out and sleep don’t mix well. In addition to being out and about and abandoning your normal bedtime, the not-so-healthy choices that come with it (drinking alcohol and eating a lot of sugar) delay sleep onset, cause sleep disturbances, and decrease sleep quality. So, in addition to being dehydrated and possibly hypoglycemic, day-after-drinking symptoms are further exacerbated by lack of sleep. If you can find time in your day after you hydrate and eat a bit, take a nap to give your body the gift of some much-needed rest.

    Source: KoolShooters | Pexels

    8. Gua sha or ice roll for puffiness
    After a night of succumbing to sodium in the form of eating some of our favorite foods (pizza, tacos, or ramen, just to name a few), our faces are always at peak puffiness the morning after a night out. We love reaching for our favorite gua sha stones, jade rollers, and ice rollers to help us de-puff when our faces are holding on to water after a night of fun-filled activities.

    Remember: Drinking can be fun, but it can also be incredibly dangerous and addicting. If you or a loved one is experiencing alcoholism or alcohol abuse, you can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration’s 24-hour hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) for treatment options and resources.

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of GoHydrate, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    The New Workout You Should Try Next Based On Your Zodiac Sign

    No matter where you are on your fitness journey, it’s pretty easy to get tired of your workout routine. Whether you’re tuning in to the same class a few times a week, running the same trail, or hitting the squat rack, doing the same thing over and over again is enough to make you want to bang your head against the wall—or worse, quit. Instead of hitting that dreaded plateau, we’re looking to the stars to tell us the next workout we should try, and the stars have some pretty good ideas. And to make it easier on you, we put together a list of our favorite Obé Fitness classes for you to try and included the gear you’ll need to crush it. 
    Why Obé, you ask? Our editors have been using Obé Fitness for years because it offers so many classes. Only have time to work out on your lunch break? You’re covered with 10-minute express classes. Love a good yoga flow once a week? 60-minute yoga classes at your service. No matter your fitness goals, there’s an Obé option for you.
    For 50% off your first month and a free 7-day trial, use code TEG50 at checkout!

    Aries are fighters, so we’d expect they’d like a little bit of that in their workouts too. To make this class a little more interesting, it incorporates weightlifting in Obé’s classic Power format, which includes lifting through fast movements to add a little extra cardio. Your heart rate will thank you.

    Goddess is a word Tauruses liken to themselves, and the self-care queens of the Zodiac sure can get down with a light yoga flow. This class will get you in deep stretches that make you feel so good during and after. (Get ready for a good night’s sleep!)

    Geminis don’t have time to spend an hour in the gym. They want a quick, effective sweat they can get in during their lunch break or just before heading out for the day. This HIIT class will have your heart pumping the entire time—you’ll forget how short of a workout it is when you’re sore tomorrow.

    Sculpt is a low-impact workout that really gets your muscles working to tone, tighten, and strengthen without having to lift heavy weights. It works on muscles you didn’t even know you had, which health-conscious Cancers can appreciate. Level up this class with some resistance bands and ankle weights and feel the burn. 

    Leos want to feel strong and capable, so a strength training class is right up their alley. Make sure to invest in a trendy outfit you can sweat in—not only will this make a Leo way more inclined to work out, but they’ll feel even better during the workout if they’re comfortable. 

    An hour-long workout is perfect for a Virgo who plans their calendar well in advance to fit it in. You’ll love how strong you feel doing this class while still getting your heart rate up. Oh, and getting killer abs is just a plus.

    Barre is all about balance, grace, and strength, which you could also say about a Libra. Libras will love how much barre utilizes those little muscles you didn’t even know existed until the next day when you’re sore AF. 

    Scorpios like a workout they can seamlessly add to their life and keep up the routine for a long time to see results, and a pilates class a few times a week is just that. You’ll focus on your core the entire time, and after a few classes, you’ll notice major differences in your strength. 

    Workout routines aren’t exactly a thing for a Sagittarius. They like to do workouts that are challenging, fun, and keep their attention the entire time. This dance cardio class is already a fun way to get your heart rate up, but the addition of wearing heels the entire time is enough to keep a Sag entertained. 

    After a long work week, the last thing a Capricorn looks forward to is a super hard workout. To finally get your moment to veg out, opt for a de-stressing yoga class. You’ll get a workout in and actually feel relaxed afterward rather than energized. Pair this with a sleep-time tea and your latest Netflix binge afterward. 

    Aquarians want to work out in any way that is fun and different, and a trampoline workout is exactly that. Make sure to pop on a good pair of light running shoes and turn on a good playlist. 

    This energizing yoga class is the perfect way to get a Pisces out of bed and ready for their day ahead. Pisces like a workout that feels productive and invigorating, just like a morning yoga flow. Light a good candle and get in the mood to take on your long to-do list. 

    5 Ways to Actually Feel More Toned by Tomorrow
    we’re redefining being “toned” to mean feeling strong and healthy in your body

    This post is sponsored by Obe Fitness, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    The Wellness Hacks I Love to Start My Day With

    My relationship with mornings has not always been chipper. As someone who starts the workday early, my mornings typically looked like rolling out of bed, brushing my teeth, and opening my laptop (#WFHlife, am I right?). But I quickly noticed that even if I was starting work on time (and had my teeth brushed and ready to go, might I add!), I lacked energy and motivation throughout the day. By the time the workday was over, you can bet I went from my desk to the couch and watched Netflix until bedtime. The truth is that your mornings dictate your entire day. What you prioritize in the mornings can snowball into your habits, routines, and choices until bedtime. So I ditched the roll-out-of-bed-and-open-laptop routine and transformed my mornings as a way to transform my life. And guess what? It worked. Here are five of my favorite go-to morning wellness tips that have changed my productivity, energy, and motivation throughout the entire day. 

    1. Using a CBD Roller 

    Scent is a powerful thing. Just like lavender helps you relax before bed, scents like peppermint, jasmine, and lemon can help you feel energized. Or at least that’s what I’ve found after using my Equilibria Energizing Roller religiously for the past six months. With a combination of peppermint, sweet orange, geranium, spearmint, litsea, and full-spectrum CBD, this product will become your go-to for starting your day the right way. I keep my Energizing Roller in my desk drawer and roll it onto my temples and wrists before opening my laptop every morning. The super ingredients help keep me focused, calm, and energized, and having the same ritual first thing every day helps get me in the mindset for productivity. 

    2. Manifest journaling

    We all know and love gratitude journaling for boosting mental health or fostering healthier relationships. I stan some gratitude and personally swear that it is the secret to a happy life, but I like to take my morning journaling one step further. I always start with a list of three things I’m grateful for (which most often includes my dog and coffee), but I also spend some time writing about my best self. Trust me, manifestation is real, people!
    I’ll either reflect on my best self (What are her routines like? How does she work out? What does she eat? How does she spend her evenings?) or reevaluate my goals (What will make me happy? Are my current habits helping me get there? What do I really want in life?). Even spending just five minutes thinking about what I truly want and who I want to be reminds me of my life’s big picture and helps prevent me from getting stuck in everyday stressors and to-do lists. Plus, there’s nothing quite as motivating as being reminded of your dreams (which, as Glennon Doyle says, is the blueprint of our lives, not a fantasy). 

    3. Using skincare as self-care

    I consider myself a skincare queen: I have separate drawers for my serums and moisturizers, always put on essences before eye cream, and never leave the house without (non-toxic) SPF. But my morning skincare routine is more than an effort to clear pores and prevent wrinkles; it’s a moment before I start my busy days to center myself. My six-step skincare routine serves as a reminder to not rush through the day and get straight to work. I turn my skincare routines into ~moments~ by playing a podcast or music, taking time to massage in product, and repeating an affirmation in the mirror. No, my morning skincare is not just another must-do item on the list, it’s a wellness hack. 

    4. Eating a big bowl of fruit

    Ever since changing my mindset to be about adding as many nutrients as possible into my diet, not only did my relationship with food change, but so has my body. Breakfasts for me used to be green smoothies or eggs and avocado toast. While those are both amazing meal options, fruit was never really a part of my life besides the occasional apple crumble or strawberry smoothie. When I learned about how much fiber and antioxidants were in fruit, I found a new zest for kiwis, berries, and papaya, and now I crave a big bowl of fruit first thing every morning. Whether or not my go-to green smoothie or avocado toast is part of breakfast, I always start with whatever fruit I have in my fridge. After I began to eat fruits to start my day, I’ve become more energized and have better digestion.

    5. Getting outside

    Full disclosure, of all my other wellness hacks, this one was more so forced upon me than a chosen lifestyle change. Getting a puppy about a year ago changed my life in a lot of ways. Besides the obvious unconditional love and $$$ on vet visits and dog food, one of those changes is that I’m getting outside more, including first thing in the morning (nature calls!). B.L. (“Before Louie”), I went for days without stepping outside. My energy levels have dramatically improved since getting five minutes of sunlight after I wake up, and I’m no longer groggy in the mornings (and afternoon slumps are a lot fewer after a lunchtime dog walk too). Whether you’re walking your own dog or just walking yourself (or sipping coffee on your balcony–whatever floats your boat), start your day with a little time outdoors, and it just might change your life too. 

    6 Energizing Rituals I Tried to Upgrade My Morning Routine

    This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    Coffee Makes Me Sick—Here’s What I Drink Every Morning Instead

    When I found out I had endometriosis, I was actually elated because everyone thought my morning stomach issues were from being lactose intolerant. I thought I had gotten away from dietary issues scot-free—I indulged in all the cereal, cheesy omelets, and bagels with cream cheese the world had to offer. Alas, the world had other things in store for me, leading me on a journey to find alternatives to coffee that could bring me the same benefits.
    Endometriosis has a habit of giving you basically every annoying symptom under the sun. But worse of all, drinking even half a Grande coffee from Starbucks will have me spending the afternoon in the bathroom (I was going to say TMI, but you clicked on the story—what did you expect?). No matter what I do, I can’t seem to drink a cup of coffee without feeling the consequences. But I love coffee, and I love the ritual and placebo of coffee most of all. Waking up and having a special drink or bringing it to a meeting makes me feel ready to be productive and get sh*t done.
    So I’ve gotten creative with the coffee alternatives I drink every morning to give me the feeling of making and drinking a cup of coffee without feeling sick.

    1. Matcha
    The second I discovered matcha, my entire world changed. For the first time, I had a drink that gave me a jolt of energy without a crash or a stomachache. It sustains my energy all day, and the ability to make it hot or iced curbs my coffee cravings big time.
    To make my matcha drink, I mix a little bit of powder with boiling water using a handheld frother. I add it to warmed almond milk mixed with a little vanilla syrup, which results in the perfect sweet matcha latte to start my day or as a midday pick-me-up.

    2. 8Greens
    I love 8Greens so much I brought it to the lake with all of my girlfriends to drink it while they had their morning coffee, and I had absolutely no regrets. It’s a super easy way to get that morning ritual I love, and it’s actually delicious thanks to the citrusy taste. Made with real greens like spinach, spirulina, aloe vera, and kale, 8Greens is filled with rich vitamins like C, B6, and B12, meaning it does more than just taste good.
    I drop 8Greens into cold water and watch it fizz, lightly stirring it with a straw. It’s truly the easiest drink you’ll ever make.

    3. Smoothie
    When I want something a little more, I make myself a smoothie. While this takes some more time to make than my other morning beverages, it’s a good way to mix in extra protein, fruits, and veggies and bulk up my breakfast. I like a tropical smoothie with spinach and kale and some added collagen or protein powder.
    The trick to making your smoothie feel like a ritual is treating it the way you would with coffee. Decant it into a pretty cup or jar, add toppings or add-ins for some flavor, and make it beautiful. Don’t suck it down like you have to run to the gym for your pilates class in 10 minutes. Actually allow yourself to enjoy it just as you would a cup of Joe.

    Premier Protein
    100% Whey Protein Powder
    Tip: Once I switched to whey protein instead of a plant-based pea alternative, my digestion improved immensely. Peas are high in FODMAPS, which can be hard to digest, especially for those with IBS.

    4. Golde Supplements
    These Golde supplements are powders you can add into your water that are filled with vitamins and herbs that are good for you, whether you’re looking to destress, boost your skin’s natural glow, or decrease bloating. They come in single-serve packets, so making a cup of this in the morning will take you no time at all. First of all, they taste great; they’re sweet, fruity, and tropical. They also make me actually feel good. When I use the Destress Ade, I get the literal opposite of a midday crash, and the Debloat Ade is great for the days that I go against my body and drink coffee and need a pick-me-up.

    5. Chlorophyll Water
    I’ve been trying chlorophyll water for a few years now. While you might expect it to taste wretched, if you get a good chlorophyll, it’s actually quite tasty. When I drink chlorophyll water, I have so much more energy, and over time, my skin looks clearer too. It blew up on TikTok with major claims like weight loss and acne-free skin, and while I haven’t necessarily noticed a big difference in those aspects, the impact this has on my energy is huge.
    I squeeze a dropper full of chlorophyll into a cup of cold water and stir, and I’m good to go. I’ll warn you that the first couple of times you use this, you’ll likely want to make sure it’s a work-from-home day or you’re near a trusty bathroom (you know what I mean). But my body got used to it pretty quickly, and now I don’t have any bowel-related issues while drinking it at all.

    What to Add to Your Water for Flawless Skin
    delicious AND tasty enough to replace your soda addiction (well, sort of) More

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    The Best Home Workout Equipment You Can Snag on Amazon

    Even though I love being active, the list of things I would rather do than actually go to the gym is pretty lengthy and even includes deep cleaning every bathroom in my house (my brother’s bathroom not included). It can be a hassle trying to plan your day around finding the time to actually drive to the gym for a workout, and on top of that, you have to pray that it’s not too crowded in the morning before work (and it usually is). Then there’s waiting in line for the stair master when you could’ve been done with your workout 30 minutes ago. And we won’t even get into the uber-macho gym buffs who act like they own the place.
    Instagram has now been my favorite place to find great workouts that only require a few simple equipment pieces. It’s like having the benefits of a personal trainer without having to leave your living room (and without having to use the intimidating machines at the gym). Read on for all of the home workout equipment you need for an effective workout. The best part? They’re all from Amazon. So next time you want a great workout, all you’ll have to do is turn on your favorite workout video, move the coffee table to the side, and grab one of these must-have fitness items.

    Amazon | Fit Simplify
    Resistance Loop Bands
    Resistance bands look harmless but can add a ton of extra intensity to any of your workout moves. The more you stretch the band, the more tension you resist with each move. They’re great for strength training and stretching to create long, lean lines in the body. If you have a smaller apartment and don’t want to keep too much equipment around, these are definitely for you. This pack comes with five levels of resistance, making them ideal for wherever you are in your fitness journey. Try them with glute bridges, donkey kicks, and squats to lateral leg lifts.
    3 color combinations available

    Amazon | URBNFit
    Bosu Ball
    A bosu ball is great for training your core because being on an unstable surface while doing simple exercises requires the rest of the body to be engaged in order to stay balanced. You can just stand on it and do bicep curls and shoulder presses, or you can use it more actively for squats and pushups. No matter what workout you decide to use it for (leg exercises, upper body, or cardio), you’ll be simultaneously getting the ultimate core workout.
    2 colors available

    Amazon Basics
    Dumbbell Weights
    Dumbbells don’t need much explanation: They’re used to gain lean muscle mass in an isolated area with a lighter weight and more repetitions. Though they’re mostly used for biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest, they can also be used to add extra weight while doing squats and glute bridges.

    Amazon | DEGOL
    Aerobic Exercise Jump Ropes
    Jumproping is a great cardio alternative to running that also boosts fat burning and increases muscle engagement. It also brings back some fun into working out (remember how fun it was as a kid?). This jumprope has memory foam handles for ultimate control and comfort.

    Amazon | ProBody Pilates
    Bender Ball
    I started using bender balls in my pilates classes, and I now incorporate them into my everyday workouts for the increased range of motion in core exercises. They allow for a more effective workout than just ordinary crunches. Plus, have you ever tried glute bridges with one of these in between your knees? Instant inner thigh burner.
    8 colors available

    Amazon | Gaiam
    Ankle Weights
    Ankle weights are another great way to add strength training into your workout. Using ankle weights will help tone your legs and glutes by adding resistance to low-impact exercises and intensifying movements. They’re specifically great for lower-body and core workouts. If you only want to purchase one form of weights, get these. You can also hook them around your wrists or hold onto them to double as arm weights.
    2 sizes available

    Amazon Basics
    Foam Roller
    Foam rollers can be used to warm up before your workout or cool down after. They’re great for stretching to relieve muscle pain and soreness. You’ll never forget to stretch after your workout again with one of these (it hurts so good!).
    4 colors available

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    Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which One You Should Really Be Focusing On

    There’s one question that trainers get more often than any other: “Should I be focusing more on strength training or cardio?” (second to “How long does it take to get abs?”) While some of us love binge-watching old episodes of The Bachelor on the treadmill, others prefer to work on building up our bench press max of five reps. But if dramatic reality TV has taught us anything, it’s that sometimes what we want isn’t exactly what we need. Ultimately, what you should focus on is entirely dependent on your goals, preferences (remember: the best workout is one you’ll actually do!), and the equipment that’s available to you. Since we all have different goals and circumstances, here’s exactly what you should prioritize, based on what you want out of your workouts. 

    1. If you’re training for a marathon (or any kind of race)…
    Simply put, the best way to become a better runner is to run. If you’re training for any kind of race, you’re going to want to put 75 percent of your time and effort into running. However, that doesn’t mean you should just always be on the treadmill. By incorporating speed workouts, tempo runs, and long jogs, you’ll keep the running spark alive and improve your skills for the marathon. Also, switch up between running on the track, along different routes, or at the gym to change up your scenery. The other 25 percent of the time, work on increasing your strength with heavy weights. Runners need strong leg muscles, a strong core, and arms that can swing all day long, so don’t skip out on your squats, deadlifts, planks, and rows (also to prevent injury!).

    2. If you’re trying to change your body composition…
    If you’re interested in increasing your muscle mass and/or changing your body fat, you’re going to need a healthy mix of both cardio and strength training. Changing the way our bodies look takes both cardio and strength training to be our healthiest self. If your goal is to lose fat, cardio affects fat loss, while weight training helps strengthen muscles to burn more calories at rest. If your goal is to feel more toned and gain more muscle mass, weight training will help you get stronger (more on that below), but cardio is also important for muscle circulation and increases oxygen supply so muscles can work harder. Bottom line is that if you’re looking to change your body composition, get a combo of both. Most importantly, remember that rest, nutritious food, and a balanced lifestyle are also necessary for body composition changes, so be sure to incorporate those things too. 

    3. If you want to get stronger…
    It probably goes without saying that if you want to get stronger, you’ve got to head straight to the weight room. Muscles get stronger after they’re damaged from use (training), and then they repair themselves to come back stronger (recovery)—Voldemort style. By using the principle of progressive overload, or periodically increasing the stress on the muscles by using heavier weights, you will see #gainz in both strength (how much you can lift) and hypertrophy (how big your muscles are). Focus on strength training (with some cardio!) and make sure that you’re increasing your resistance by approximately 10 percent every few weeks or when your current weights begin to feel less challenging.

    4. If you want to improve your overall health…
    What’s better than feeling your absolute best? If you’re interested in living a healthy, long life and reducing risk for injuries (or if you’re just tired of the couch-fridge-couch lifestyle most of us have had since 2020), you’ll want a good mix of both strength training and cardio. Strengthening your muscles is important for making daily living easier (like walking up the stairs, carrying groceries, etc.), and cardio will give you the endorphin rush we all know and love. By focusing your efforts 50/50, you’ll improve your health as well as your physical and emotional wellbeing. 

    5. If you like the social aspect of working out…
    As an adult, a workout can be one of the few opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. While friendships have been formed over a love of SoulCycle or Barry’s Bootcamp, this trainer believes that strength training is where the true bonding happens. Picture it: You’re clipped into your bike, breathlessly pedaling as fast as you can to your favorite Rihanna song. It’s too dark and loud to say “hello” to the person a few bikes down (even if you could catch your breath enough to try), and before you know it, you’re going your separate, sweaty ways. Now imagine that you’re at a strength training facility with a handful of other people. As you’re casually chatting about your weekends while doing squats and bicep lifts, you find out that the person in the squat rack next to you was also at that same Rihanna concert on Saturday night. Soon enough, you’re grabbing a smoothie after your workout.

    6. If you’re looking for those feel-good endorphins…
    If you’re going through a particularly stressful time, need a little mood boost, or simply want to develop healthier happiness habits, check out the magic of cardio for yourself and elevate your heart rate too. Whether you prefer to go for a run, take a bike ride, hop into a boutique fitness class, or take a long walk, cardio is the ultimate mood-booster. And while a dance cardio class is a much more upbeat way to achieve the mood-boosting rush, weightlifting can have a similar effect (especially because lower weight and higher rep count can increase your heart rate too), so the most important part is doing the workout that you enjoy most.
    Your goals, equipment, budget, weather, and location are going to dictate what you should be focusing on when it comes to exercise, but no matter what, you’re much more likely to stick with a routine you actually enjoy. I may not learn much about long-term commitment from those Bachelor reruns, but I have learned a lot about it from my LTR with my favorite workouts.

    How to Actually Get the Most out of Your Workout
    according to a fitness trainer More

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    I’m a Vegetarian and My Boyfriend Isn’t. Here’s What I Make in a Week

    Cooking is my love language. Some people give gifts and some people write love letters, but I cook. Though my boyfriend knows a thing or two about roasting veggies and makes a mean pasta sauce, I like to do the cooking because it’s the way I take care of the people I love. It’s an activity I look forward to all day long, and let’s be honest, I’m just way better than he is (he’s better at doing the dishes, so win-win!). However, every meal I make is vegetarian. I’ve never eaten meat in my life (nope, not once!), so I wouldn’t even know what to do with a chicken breast, and I couldn’t tell you the difference between an oyster and a clam. My boyfriend grew up on chicken wings and steak, so I knew his adjustment to my plant-based lifestyle would not necessarily be seamless. 
    While every relationship is different, having dinner is something we like to do together. Eating together is our special ritual; I like to cook for him, and we hang out in the kitchen to catch up on our days. While many couples prefer to eat separate meals (especially when they have different dietary needs), I’ve found ways to make my cooking style work for both of our preferences, so I recorded my meals through an entire week of dinners from Sunday to Thursday (you best believe Friday is reserved for sushi takeout!). Read on for my tips, tricks, and recipes for cooking dinner as a vegetarian for my meat-loving boyfriend. 

    Sunday: Pasta Night

    My boyfriend and I are both Italian, so pasta is the natural go-to in our house. Seriously, there have been weeks where we have same kind of pasta every single night. It’s a good Sunday meal because it’s easy, simple, and delicious. Plus, whether or not you eat meat, everybody loves pasta, right? For plant-based options, I use quinoa, brown rice, or chickpea pasta, or I’ll make spaghetti squash. As for sauce, I love a homemade pesto or quick marinara, but I’ve also been known to get adventurous by adding avocado or hearts of palm to make a vegan “pasta alfredo” (at this point, my boyfriend has stopped asking what’s in the sauce). Don’t forget a simple side salad!  

    Monday: Korean Savory Pancakes

    The secret to getting your significant other to eat less meat? Get adventurous. Since I love to cook and try new foods, I make sure to experiment with different flavors and learn about different diets I would not otherwise be exposed to. In other words, my boyfriend is never bored. I was inspired by a recipe from Bonberi of bin dae tteok, or savory mung bean pancakes, which is a traditional Korean dish. Due to lack of time, I replaced mung beans with chickpea flour (very untraditional) and put together these delicious and dip-able pancakes in under 20 minutes. Trust me, he’s not missing his steak dinners. 

    Tuesday: Fried Egg Tacos

    Pro tip: If you live with someone who has totally different dietary preferences, taco night is the way to go. They’re easily customizable, and all you have to do is prepare a few different toppings and a couple of different fillers. I’ll fill mine with veggies and beans, but my boyfriend can add any kind of meat to his if he’s craving some extra protein. Another favorite hack is to top quesadillas or tacos with a fried egg for extra flavor and protein. I love using eggs for dinner as a protein we both can eat. 

    Wednesday: Blue Apron Meal for Two

    And now for my best cooking-for-two-different-diets hack: Blue Apron. Let’s be honest, yes, I love cooking, but I don’t always have time to meal plan, grocery shop, and DIY an entire meal from scratch. I think of Blue Apron as an investment in our relationship because we both can get what we want. Sometimes the vegetarian option is so delicious and filling that my boyfriend doesn’t even realize there wasn’t any meat. But when he is craving some chicken, steak, or seafood, Blue Apron offers the ability to have two separate proteins for the same recipe, so I’ll add tofu and he’ll add pork—no separate meal required. 
    Sign up for Blue Apron to get up to 14 free meals!

    Thursday: Asparagus Soup

    Some nights, I cook something that may not be filling enough for my boyfriend, so he’ll plan ahead to make his own meat if he wants something extra. Tonight, I was craving soup (it was a rare occurrence, I swear), so I prepared a thick asparagus soup and topped it off with pumpkin seeds and toasted baguette. Bonus life hack: Throw any soup into the blender, and it’ll immediately taste richer and creamier, even if it’s totally vegan. While that was enough for me, my boyfriend roasted some chicken for himself to eat with the soup. Bottom line is, if you have a meat-loving significant other or your roommate is fully plant-based while you can’t give up bacon, any vegetarian main meal can be turned into a side dish for a meat-lover. 

    Super Simple Vegetarian Trader Joe’s Recipes
    that anyone can make!

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Blue Apron, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More