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    9 Ways to Become a Morning Person (And Not Feel Miserable)

    As someone who is used to staying up until early hours of the morning to write (it’s good for the creative process) and has been known to not eat dinner until 9 p.m., I am a self-proclaimed night owl at heart. I’ve always pictured “morning people” as those irritatingly chipper, yoga-at-sunrise-just-for-fun, birds-help-you-get-dressed-in-the-morning type of people. *Major eye roll.* But here’s the funny thing about becoming an adult: Unless you have a cool job like an entertainer on a cruise or a night-shift security guard (Night at the Museum style), you kind of have to become a morning person if you want to be as healthy, productive, and happy as possible.
    I’ve been on a long quest to become said “morning person.” My quest is especially interesting because I live on the West Coast but my office is based in Chicago, which means my workday starts at 6:30 a.m. I had to get serious about becoming a morning person (like a real morning person) if I wanted to have a morning routine. And guess what? With a few tips, tricks, and early morning hacks, it happened. And if it happened to me, it can happen to you. So here are nine ways you (yes, you!) can become a morning person without having to fake it.

    1. Create a ritual you look forward to (even if that means waking up earlier than you need to)
    Not all of us can be the wake-up-and-workout type of people. If the thought of 50 squats or a yoga flow gets you pumped to get up and going, more power to you. But if you’re not the kind of person who gets excited for exercise, don’t force yourself into it first thing in the morning. You’ll get up much earlier and easier when you’re getting up for something you’re looking forward to the night before. My ritual consists of a cup of coffee, telling Alexa to play French café music, and reading for 20 minutes. But if French music doesn’t relax you and coffee isn’t your thing, don’t do my ritual—find your own. What’s something that centers you, inspires you, or gets you excited? Is it 20 minutes of meditation, taking your time to cook a nourishing breakfast, or a 10-step skincare routine? Rearrange the way you plan your mornings so that they’re not spent rushing out the door with a smoothie to-go but instead an entire ritual that you look forward to the night before.

    2. Streamline your morning routine
    In order to make extra room for all the good things you will look forward to, take care of all the things you won’t look forward to the night before. Make a list of every little thing you do in the morning that doesn’t bring you joy. Is there any way you can do these things the night before or at least do some prep work so it takes less time tomorrow? For example, make your lunch, clean the kitchen, get gas for your car, pack your gym bag, and lay out your outfit before your head even hits the pillow. Do everything you can to make sure you wake up every morning feeling prepared, calm, and ready for the day.

    3. Go to sleep five minutes earlier each night
    So you know you need seven to nine hours of sleep a night, but how many of us are actually getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night? The honest answer: not many. Of course you will struggle to wake up if your body needs more sleep. While an earlier wake-up time is the goal, in order to feel your best, you still need to reach those seven to nine hours. To train your body, start by getting into bed five minutes earlier. The next night, get into bed five minutes earlier than that. In just two weeks, you’ll be getting into bed over an hour earlier. Not only will it seamlessly adjust your body so you’re not lying in bed awake, but for those of you who are thinking, “I don’t have time to go to bed earlier!”, you’ll realize you actually do. Everybody has five minutes to spare. 

    4. Get natural light right away
    The first step after your alarm goes off should be to open your curtains or blinds so you’re getting light right away. Sunshine isn’t just a cheery way to start a new day; it’s a physiological need to wake up and feel energized. According to Sleep Advisor, sunlight tells the body to suppress melatonin, or the chemical that makes us fall asleep. In other words, natural light tells your body that it’s time to wake up even better than a cup of coffee can. If you’re waking up earlier than the sun or don’t have access to natural light first thing in the morning, try a wake-up light alarm clock that mimics the sunrise. Take “rise and shine” seriously, people! 

    5. Make it a habit
    Habits make change possible because they free our minds from decision making. In other words, morning people don’t think about getting up early, they just do. So don’t just set your alarm and hope for the best; know that early rising takes time to become a habit, and put in the work for a couple of weeks or until your body is used to the early wake-up call. As tempting as it may be to sleep in on weekends, try to wake up within an hour of your weekday wake-up time, at least while your body’s getting used to it. Use apps like Streaks to hold you accountable and help you make early rising a habit.

    6. Try “inverted snoozing”
    “Inverted snoozing” is kind of like playing a mind game on yourself. While it may sound silly, this technique has been the only thing to effectively break my snooze button habit. The trick is that you actually do hit the snooze button, but you don’t keep sleeping. For nine minutes (one snooze cycle), I do everything I can to not go back to sleep: brush my teeth, open the blinds, drink water, make a cup of coffee, etc. The trick is that I tell myself that once the snooze cycle ends, I actually can go back to sleep if I’m still tired. However, nine minutes of activity is more than enough time to tell the body to wake up. I’ve never felt the need to go back to sleep after the nine minutes are up, but having a fixed milestone (nine minutes) feels much easier than willing myself to wake up for the whole day.

    7. Don’t check your phone or computer for 30 minutes after waking up
    My typical morning goes like this: I groggily shut off my alarm clock, lay in bed for approximately 60 seconds while internally complaining that nap time isn’t a thing for adults too, and then grab my phone and scroll through Instagram for five to 10 minutes (or until I can will my tired body to get out of bed). Starting your day off with a scroll through social media instills in your mind that you’re already missing out on something. Plus, that’s approximately 10 minutes (more like 20, if we’re being honest) that I could spend doing something good for me. Break yourself of your phone habit by not checking texts, calls, or even emails until at least 30 minutes after waking. If it’s too hard to resist, keep your phone in a different room and use an actual alarm clock to wake you up.

    8. Work on saying “no”
    Ah, the mythical work-life balance: It’s an age-old conundrum that few claim to achieve and most struggle to find. But no one said balancing your well-being with professional and personal responsibilities would be easy. The truth is that getting enough sleep and feeling good the next morning requires mastering the art of saying “no.” If your roommate presses you to watch another episode of Love Island or your boss assigns you a last-minute project that will take you all night, don’t people-please your way out of your chance at better sleep. Of course, there will be the nights that are worth losing sleep for (life is about enjoyment, after all), but don’t stay up until midnight watching TV because you don’t want to say no to your roommate, and try suggesting to your boss that you’ll do better on the project the following day when you’ve had ample time to recharge.

    9. Schedule more things in your week that you look forward to
    Your appointment book or weekly calendar might be reserved for work meetings and doctor’s appointments, but start scheduling in things you’re excited about and can look forward to all week long. Honor and respect those “appointments” as you would everything else in your calendar because they’re actually just as important. Have at least one thing scheduled every day that you look forward to, whether it’s after-work drinks with coworkers, a fun Zumba class, or a packed lunch you’re especially excited to eat. Don’t go through every day following the same routine and going through the motions and to-do lists. The simplest way to get yourself out of bed: Give yourself a reason to get out of bed.

    The Morning Routine I Follow For the Busiest Work-From-Home Days More

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    7 Weight Loss Tips You Haven’t Tried Yet (We Promise)

    I’ve been writing about health for years and have coached dozens of women through their health journeys. In my experience, I’ve learned that nothing is as clickable or buzzworthy as weight loss tips. However, what makes headlines doesn’t usually pan out in everyday life, and the universal obsession with weight loss is not a sign that we’re prioritizing our health but rather that we don’t feel worthy as we are. If you clicked on this article expecting the usual “Eat less sugar” or “Do a HIIT workout” tips, know that that is not what this is. This is not your typical weight loss article you’ll read through and feel discouraged by at the end or forget to actually apply to your life. 
    And that’s because Dr. Adrienne Youdim is not your typical weight loss specialist. She isn’t telling her patients to count calories or work out more as a solution. Instead, she focuses on the “why” behind both the desire to lose weight and the inability to lose weight to help each patient achieve self-love and lasting healthy habits. Dr. Youdim is an internist who specializes in weight loss and nutrition and served as the medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Center for Weight Loss before opening up her own private practice in Beverly Hills. Read: She’s helped a lot of patients achieve (and maintain) a healthy weight.
    As if her long list of credentials and experience wasn’t enough, she’s also the author of the book Hungry For More, which explains how our emotions or life circumstances affect weight. While she’s a weight loss expert on paper, she’s not like any other weight loss expert. She not only changes her patients’ numbers on the scale but also changes their lives. Struggling with reaching the weight you want to be? Read on for Dr. Youdim’s best tips to achieving your best self. 

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Adrienne Youdim, MD, FACP
    An internist who specializes in medical weight loss and nutrition
    Dr. Youdim served as medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Weight Loss Center before opening her own practice in Beverly Hills. She wrote the book “Hungry For More,” an empowering memoir and how-to guide for women looking to reach their health goals and love their bodies.

    1. Start with mindset
    When you want to change your weight, what’s the first thing you do? Do you start cutting out sugars or processed carbs or increasing your workouts? Dr. Youdim suggested that before any tangible goal, habit, or action, you must work on mindset first if you want to achieve your goal weight (and then sustain it). “How we approach a habit is so critical to our ability to change in a durable or lasting way,” she said. “Without a proper mindset to address the process, the ups and downs, the waning motivation, the negative self-talk, and all the other mental barriers we create, we will not be able to maintain the necessary changes that result in healthy weight.” 
    First, identify why you want to change your weight. Is it to feel best in your body, to live a long and happy life, or to get more energy? Coming back to this core motivation frequently will help you stay inspired and make changes based on self-love instead of self-consciousness (more on that below). But if your reasons have more to do with not feeling enough as you are, disliking your body, or because someone else told you you have to, you won’t achieve what you’re looking to feel, no matter what pant size you get to. 

    2. Identify the “why” behind your eating patterns
    If you feel disconnected from your eating habits, are unable to control yourself, or eat more than you know you need, the problem is not your “laziness” or “lack of willpower.” The problem is that you’re suppressing an emotional need that you’re subconsciously using food to attempt to soothe. In fact, Dr. Youdim wrote an entire book about the emotional reasons most of us eat a certain way or have certain cravings. “So many of us use food to soothe—this is actually hardwired in our neurobiology,” Dr. Youdim explained. You might think you’re craving a donut or absolutely need a slice of pizza, but your body is actually trying to tell you it needs something else, whether it’s a break, stress relief, emotional comfort, or something deeper. “Know what you are trying to soothe with food. We need to identify what is at the root of our ‘hunger.’ What are you truly hungry for?” 

    We need to identify what is at the root of our ‘hunger.’ What are you truly hungry for?

    3. Focus on your routine
    Imagine this: You’ve (finally) reached your goal weight, so you become less conscious about keeping up those healthy habits and then are frustrated when your body goes back to its old ways. Or maybe you eat more plants, exercise more, and prioritize sleep for a week, and then you get annoyed and stop because you saw no changes after those seven days. Or you’ve tried diet after diets for years, always hop onto different workouts, and never stick to your meditation practice. Sound familiar? The key you might be missing is routine.
    “Routine is critical. It allows us to show up for ourselves, even when we don’t feel like it. Every practice that helps us achieve a goal weight help us maintain healthy weight as well.” Be patient with your body. Know that physical changes take time, and you should find comfort instead of frustration in the practices you do for your body. Turn practices that make your body feel good into habits, and give your body some consistency. 

    4. Stop restricting
    In the past, you might have restricted calories or food groups in order to lose weight. You might have tracked macronutrients in an app or cut out dairy or sugar, all in the name of a few less pounds. Maybe your doctor or nutritionist even told you to restrict, so you were convinced it was a healthy way to lose weight rather than a detrimental practice that could cause weight gain or disordered eating. In reality, restricting and limiting might be stopping you from achieving your health goals. “Restriction invariably makes us want to do the very thing we are trying to restrict: It focuses attention on scarcity, which makes the body thinks it needs more of that food. Restriction also causes hunger, which is just not sustainable,” Dr. Youdim said.
    So how do you eat for weight loss instead? “I tell my clients and patients to eat in terms of abundance. Eat so much of what serves you, so that you have less room for what doesn’t.” Yes, that means add more plants to every meal, and you’ll be subconsciously crowding out the foods that don’t make you feel good. Most importantly, eat intuitively rather than based on numbers or percentages.

    5. Eat your protein
    Between Keto Diet, low-carb, high-fiber, and everything in between, there’s a lot of confusion over the best type of diet and what percentage of macronutrients is best for reaching a goal weight. While the most important step for actually being healthy is to stop worrying so much about dieting and percentages (see #4), Dr. Youdim said that a common issue she sees with her patients is not enough protein. “Protein is the most satiating macronutrient and also helps preserve muscle mass, which then preserves a healthy metabolism,” she said. But before you pull out your macronutrient-tracking app and load up on protein powders, focus on adding more whole foods and nutrient-rich plants to your diet while also eating a balance of clean protein sources like fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, chickpeas, lentils, etc.

    6. Improve your sleep and stress levels
    If the only factors you’ve considered in your weight loss journey are nutrition and fitness, you’re missing out on key players that can make or break reaching (and keeping) your goal weight. Stress levels and sleep are just as important as food and exercise when it comes to being healthy and reaching a healthy weight. But don’t believe me: Ask Dr. Youdim. “Sleep is crucial. Countless studies show that sleep deprivation results in surging hunger hormones, greater appetite for calorie-dense foods, and weight gain. Stress is also a huge contributor, and it affects our hunger too, both physiologic and emotional.” Your health plan and wellness routine need to include a sleep-care routine and stress-relief plan (whether its daily meditation, weekly therapy, or all of the above). 

    You don’t accept your body once when you reach certain health goals. You can reach health goals because you accept and love your body.

    7. Love yourself as you are now (no, really)
    While this might sound like some fluffy self-help advice your mom used to tell you in middle school, it is actually tangible, concrete advice to reach your goal weight. “We can want to change our bodies and still accept ourselves as we are in this moment,” Dr. Youdim explained. “This is critical because we’ll sabotage ourselves if we don’t accept ourselves. Picture this: You get on a scale and are disappointed at the results. If you accept yourself and hold that disappointment with compassion, you’ll be able to focus your attention on the habits you want to adopt. If you don’t accept yourself (i.e. you get mad at yourself, put yourself down, or feel hopeless), you’re more likely to throw in the towel.” 
    In other words, you don’t accept your body once when you reach certain health goals; you can reach health goals because you accept and love your body as it is right now. Love yourself first, and then make changes or form habits because you know what your body deserves. For tips on where to start with self-love and body acceptance, click here for expert advice or here for 10 ways to love yourself more. 

    This article is intended to provide inspiration to help you reach your health goals, not as treatment for an eating disorder. If you are struggling with an eating disorder or with disordered thoughts or behaviors regarding food and eating, please seek help. Call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 1-800-931-2237 for support, reach out to a qualified medical professional, or, for a 24-hour crisis line, text “NEDA” to 741741.

    Why Losing Weight Didn’t Make Me Love Myself More
    and what actually did instead More

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    How to Get Over the Fear of Not Being Good Enough

    I was terrified to start my own business. Even after years of success, I have fearful moments every day. Sometimes I worry that I’m not smart enough, not productive enough, or not talented enough to make this work. I’ll tell myself that I’m not competent enough to be successful, while other days I’m convinced that any success I’ve had thus far is a fluke, due to luck and timing (not my own skill and hard work). Of course, some days I feel more confident, but it’s hard to avoid the fear of not being good enough or feeling like an imposter. 
    The fear of not being “good enough” is pervasive. No matter how much success we get, we still doubt if we truly deserve it. And it’s not just in our professional lives: we might worry we’re not good enough in our relationships and friendships, or as a parent. No matter how universal the feeling is, it doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) the norm. It’s detrimental to our personal lives, professional goals, and, most importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves. Read on for how to get over the feeling of not being good enough, once and for all. 

    So why can’t you get over feeling inadequate?
    There are a lot of factors that can contribute to not feeling good enough, like the unrealistic portrayal of women in the media, pressure from external sources like a parent or boss, or our own lack of self-confidence. If we recognize and pay attention to the source of our self-doubt, there’s a greater likelihood that we’ll be conscious of it and able to work through it once it starts to creep in. No matter what the root of your imposter syndrome is, it likely comes from one (or both) of the biggest proponents of low self-worth. Read on to for the two reasons you’re not able to get over the fear of not being good enough:

    You’re constantly comparing yourself to others
    As a society, we’ve identified tangible markers of success: a nice house, a long term relationship, making a certain salary, or a certain body type. We compare ourselves to friends, family members, and accounts on social media who have reached these “accomplishments,” regardless what their reality might actually be like. Social media plays a huge factor because it’s easy to compare the worst parts of your life to the highlight reel of someone else’s. We’re constantly being bombarded with and exposed to people that have what we want or are doing something better. 

    You have high expectations of yourself
    Sometimes the fear of not being enough comes from internal, rather than external sources. If you call yourself a perfectionist or rarely pause to celebrate goals you reach and instead focus on reaching the next one, your own expectations might be setting you up for imposter syndrome. As Brené Brown writes in The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, “Perfectionism is self-destructive simply because there is no such thing as perfect.”
    Of course, you should be setting high expectations, prioritizing self-improvement, and pushing yourself to pursue your greatest goals. After all, you are worthy and deserving of so much, and you should know how much you can (and will!) accomplish. But you can still love who and where you are right now while still looking forward to your future. If it feels like you’re never reaching goals or living up to expectations, they might be unrealistic and impossible. 

    3 ways to get over the fear of not being good enough: 
    Be honest and ask for help
    If we were all a little bit more transparent about our lives, fears, and where we feel we’re falling short, we might learn that no one has it all together and very few people actually feel “good enough.” When one person is brave enough to share where they feel inadequate, everyone feels permission to do the same. Plus, when you ask a coworker for help with a skill you fall short in, lean on your significant other during a difficult week, or open up to your best friend about your insecurities, you’d be surprised to find that no one else expects you to be perfect expect you, and that falling short is actually normal. We are not “good enough” when we can do it all perfectly or achieve a certain body type. We’re good enough as we currently are, knowing when to ask for help and being open about where we’re struggling. 

    Identify what you truly want out of life
    When I find myself in comparison mode, I try to decipher between my perception and reality. It may seem like my college friend’s side business is way more successful than mine is, but how am I defining success? Is it because she has more Instagram followers or has a fancier website? Success can mean so many different things, whether it’s the ability to have a flexible schedule or passion for what you’re doing. Someone else’s definition of success doesn’t necessarily have to be mine, and success very rarely looks the same for everyone.
    The same thing goes for standards of beauty: The ideal body that you feel best in should look and feel vastly different from everyone else’s. When you find yourself feeling lesser than out of comparison to other people, whether it’s their career, relationship, or body type, identify if what you’re comparing is truly what would make you happy. Happiness looks and feels differently to everyone. Identify if these comparisons would actually matter to you, or if you’re just caught up in the mindset of not being good enough. 

    Realize and remember the wins
    When you find yourself comparing your behind-the-scenes to the perfectly-filtered highlight reel of someone else’s life, remember that everyone has private struggles,  failures, and insecurities. There is no such thing as a perfect career, relationship, body, or life, so instead of focusing on where you inevitably aren’t “perfect,” focus on where you do have success. For every missed opportunity, mistake, or flaw, you have so much more to be proud of. When we’re bogged down by where we fall short, we’re blind to everything we do have going for us. Take more time to notice your strengths, successes, and wins. Write them down and return to them when you need to.

    7 Steps to Take When Imposter Syndrome Creeps In More

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    How To Turn a Detox Into a Lifestyle

    Juice cleanses run rampant on our favorite celebrities’ Instagrams, popular headlines promise recipes for three-day detoxes, and the number of retreats dedicated to detoxification has spiked in the past few years, as more and more people are looking for a quick detox after an indulgent weekend or before a big event.
    “Detox” is such a trendy word, but what does it even mean? “Toxins are toxic molecules that can be ingested by the body through external sources,” explained Dr. Alejandro Junger, MD, an LA-based cardiologist, founder, and medical director of the Clean Program and best-selling author (and also commonly known as “the father of detox”). “Fortunately, a majority of these toxins can be converted and expelled, thanks to the ‘detoxification system’ in the body,” Dr. Junger said. That’s right, the body is meant to detoxify all on its own (no pricey juice cleanse required). 

    However, if there’s an overexposure, the body cannot work fast enough to get rid of them all. Plus, the liver, digestive system, and kidneys need some TLC in order to do their job. For more information on what “detoxifying” really means, click here, but the bottom line is that you know your body works best when you treat it well, and that goes for the detoxification system too. In other words, a three-day diet or wellness retreat isn’t how you detoxify. Instead, you treat your body a certain way that helps the body’s detoxification system in the long run. So stop the juice cleanse, cancel your short-term meal prep subscription, and get on with your life already! (In a detoxifying way, of course.) Here’s how.

    Get in your greens daily
    No surprise: What you eat matters. But you don’t need to (and shouldn’t) focus on cutting out food groups or limiting what you can and cannot eat (that can lead to bingeing or an unhealthy relationship with food). Instead, focus on adding in more of the fruits and veggies that support the body’s natural detoxification process. Leafy greens are especially beneficial, so aim to add them into at least two meals a day. For example, add spinach to an omelet, throw kale in a pasta sauce, and order a side salad when you’re eating out, or check out some of these delicious ways to eat your greens.

    Increase your water intake
    “Drink more water and stay hydrated, as water helps the kidneys flush out toxins more easily,” suggested Dr. Chris Airey, MD, the medical director at Optimale and a practicing physician with the NHS. One of the major ways we get rid of those toxins is through—you guessed it—our urine. So not only does hydration assist the kidney’s flush of toxins, but it also makes you urine more frequently, meaning you’re eliminating more toxins (so I guess it’s not a badge of honor that you can hold it through a six-hour flight?). Forget detox teas, powders, or juices. All you need is good ol’ fashioned water to help the body get rid of what it needs to. 

    Opt for organic when available
    Do you ask every restaurant you go to for their list of organic vs. conventional farms and grocers or only eat at a salad bar if every item is certified organic? No, you can enjoy your life and get in those fruits and veggies wherever you can. However, if you’re deciding what type of produce to get when shopping for your home, consider going organic when possible. “By purchasing organic foods, you can avoid many herbicides, pesticides, and other hormones that contribute to toxic waste,” explained Dr. M. Kara, MD, a longtime doctor at The Cleveland Clinic and founder of KaraMD.

    Move the body every day
    Exercise is good for your strength, mood, and well-being—all things that help keep your body working as it should. As if you needed more reasons to exercise, sweating is another form of detox that your body naturally does on its own. “Exercise promotes lymphatic circulation and sweat, both of which are crucial to the body’s detoxification process,” explained Dr. Airey. The lymphatic system is another important part of the body’s detoxification, and one of the ways to move “waste” to the lymph nodes is through moving and working the muscles. Plus, sweat not only expends electrolytes and water, it also rids the body of toxins. Win, win! 

    Make changes to your home
    Besides just helping your body be healthy overall so it can work optimally, you can also make some changes to avoid exposure to toxins to reduce the amount of detoxification the body has to do on a regular basis. Many toxins are unavoidable (especially in our modern world), but be aware of where you can make simple swaps or changes that are not only better because they reduce your body’s exposure to toxins but are also better for the planet. There are lots of different ways to reduce your toxin exposure, so it’s all about identifying which ways are best for your lifestyle. A few examples are filtering your air at home or using non-toxic/clean cosmetics, toiletries, and laundry products.

    How to Detox Your Sleep Routine More

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    12 Things Healthy Women Do Before 7 A.M.

    Even if you wouldn’t call yourself a “morning person,” the wee hours before the day begins can serve as a great opportunity for self-care, wellness, creativity, reflection, and productivity. What you do when you first wake up matters because how you spend your morning can set you up for success for the rest of the day. Stop scrolling through TikTok or hitting “snooze” and try these 12 things right when you wake up. FYI, you don’t need to check every item off the list every day to be considered “healthy” (nobody got time for that!). The goal is to offer inspiration for you to prioritize your health, turn happiness into a routine, and make the most of your mornings, whatever that looks like to you. Use these 12 things as inspo to experiment with or adapt to your morning routine in whatever way feels best, but above all, make your mornings work for you (yes, even before 7 a.m.). 

    1. Drink a big glass of water
    Drinking more water is one of the best things you could do for your body. Especially after sleeping all night, it’s important to rehydrate as soon as you wake to feel more energized. Make it a goal to drink a big glass of water in the morning right after waking up. Yes, that means before downing a cup of coffee, grabbing a bite to eat, or taking a shower. Make it a part of your usual morning repertoire to avoid feeling sluggish or tired and rehydrate the body as soon as possible.

    2. Establish a skincare routine and stick to it
    So you work out, you eat healthy, and you drink water, but don’t forget to take care of your skin too. All you need is a quick 4-5-step process, but if you have the extra time or love a little extra indulgence, put on a face mask or massage in oil while you brush your teeth. You’ll be taking care of your skin for the long term while reaping those instant-glow benefits for the rest of the day. Also remember that it’s not just the skin above your neckline that’s important, so take care of the rest of your body with hydrating body lotion or oil, and apply the same care as you would to your face on the neck and décolletage.

    3. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier than you need to
    If your mornings feel like a race against the clock, consider waking up extra early to have a slow, calm start to your day. You might have limited control over your mornings (like an early work start time or a child to take care of), so waking up just 10-15 minutes earlier than you need to will help you feel more in control and calmer throughout the entire day. Whether you spend your time meditating, indulging in a luxurious skincare routine, or just brewing a cup of coffee with a moment of silence, you will not miss the 10 minutes of extra sleep.

    4. Don’t look at your phone
    If the first thing you do after your alarm goes off is check your email or answer text messages, you’re starting your day off reacting to what others need from you instead of giving yourself time to focus on what you need. Give yourself at least a little time to be fully present instead of falling prey to the reactive, response mode from all those notifications and alerts. Stay off social media, don’t check your email, and ignore that text message alert for at least 30 minutes after waking up.

    5. Make your bed
    Not only will it feel good to get into a made bed later at night, but it’s also important for the success of your day. Making your bed first thing every morning means one small win before you even have a cup of coffee, which subconsciously will motivate you to achieve thousands of small wins throughout the day (and you know what they say about small wins: They lead up to really big ones). Plus, Gretchen Rubin found in her research that it’s the easiest and most common daily habit you can do to boost happiness.

    6. Carve out 15-30 minutes for yourself
    Maybe you’re used to getting straight to work tasks or your to-do list, and you tell yourself you’ll meditate, move your body, or sit and read later in the day, but how often does that really happen? Place “me time” at the top of your to-do list instead of hoping you’ll have time later by setting aside 15-30 minutes every morning to do something just for you. Write, draw, paint, listen to your favorite playlist, practice French—whatever it is, make sure it’s something you’re excited to do. Another option is to spend a few minutes reflecting before beginning your day by journaling or meditating.

    7. Connect with someone you love
    We’re all about some “me time,” but connecting with the people you love is a crucial part of your self-care routine too. Connecting first thing in the morning will give you those warm and fuzzies all day long and help you remember that the point of life is to enjoy it. Pause for a minute and pet your dog, smile at your roommate, call your mom, kiss your significant other, or write a thank you card to a coworker. All it takes is 60 seconds to check in and reconnect with the people you love most. 

    8. Eat (or prep) a healthy breakfast
    PSA for those of you who claim to not have time for breakfast or that you don’t want breakfast: Breakfast is a crucial opportunity to fit in more nutrients and give your body energy to get through the day. If you don’t feel like eating when you first wake up, no worries. Try to prep something for later in the morning when you are hungry so you can make sure it’s ready to go. Not sure what to make? We’ve got you covered. Try these breakfast bowls, healthy breakfast ideas, and sweet or savory options. If your mornings are usually rushed, try prepping your meal the night before.

    9. Clean one area of your home
    Ugh, we get it. Who wants to do any chores in the morning before a long day of work? We’re not suggesting you pull out the mop bucket or deep clean an entire room first thing in the morning (we can’t all be Monica Gellar!). You can truly make a huge impact in less than 15 minutes by putting away laundry, wiping the counters, or unloading the dishwasher. You’ll be able to enjoy your entire day and feel less scattered when your space is clean, and you won’t be pushing off more chores to do later. 

    10. Prep lunch or dinner
    The healthiest people know that eating healthy requires thought and preparation. If you wait until you’re starving to think about your next meal, you’re more likely to go get fast food or heat up something from the freezer. If you only have a minute, plan what you’re going to eat for the rest of the day, much like you plan out your calendar and to-do list. It can either be a recipe based on what you’re craving or what you’re going to order from the restaurant down the road. If you have 10-20 minutes, start chopping veggies or even throw ingredients in your instant pot. It will save you time later and ensure you’re making the healthiest decisions possible. 

    11. Make a to-do list
    It’s easy to start the day with your head swimming with everything you need to do. Stop, take a breath, and start writing. Writing everything down on paper will make it easier for you to focus on one task and feel less overwhelmed. Don’t forget to also prioritize life goals. Of course, you’ll always have to do the mundane house chores or tedious tasks, but figure out where you can outsource these items and prioritize what will get you closer to your goals first thing so you make sure to get it done (yes, that means a workout or the brainstorm meeting you’ve been putting off).  

    12. Move your body
    Aside from helping you feel accomplished, morning workouts help your body feel more awake, energized, and productive through the day. But don’t worry: If you don’t have the time (or energy) to go on a run, do a fitness class, or get to the gym before 7 a.m., you don’t need a full workout to reap the benefits. Try going on a walk to get outside, do a quick yoga flow to move the body, or stretch to warm up your muscles. No matter what type of movement your body craves in the morning, it will help wake you up and keep you energized through your day. 

    These Products Will Make You Excited to Get Out of Bed


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    The Self-Care Ritual My Therapist Recommended for Reducing Anxiety

    When I started seeing my therapist a year ago, I was mostly looking for someone to listen to me and tell me how to fix my problems. What else is therapy for? After a few sessions, I learned that therapists are for more than listening, and mine loves to pull me out of my comfort zone and make me feel emotions I usually avoid—like anxiety. 
    If you’ve ever experienced overwhelming worry or stress, you’ll know the lengths one can go through to just push through, “be productive,” and figure everything out so you don’t have to sit with the emotion of anxiousness. Then, once I get everything done, I’ll self-soothe, maybe with my Equilibria Daily Drops CBD or a day of doing nothing at all. But the damage is already done, and I enter a cycle of feeling anxious all over again.
    The one thing I was missing was self-compassion—something we always give to others but rarely to ourselves. Self-compassion means forgiving yourself, giving yourself grace, and accepting yourself. When you feel anxious, address that it’s normal to feel anxious and continue to love yourself—that’s self-compassion. One of the most important aspects of self-compassion for me has been distraction. I don’t mean avoiding whatever negative emotion I’m feeling altogether—I distract myself until I’m ready to come back to the emotion with a level head.
    Since I started distracting myself when I feel a negative emotion coming on—grief, overwhelm, sadness, loneliness, stress, disappointment, you name it—I actually feel like I’m able to deal with them, once and for all. One of the biggest additions to my routine has been incorporating my CBD regimen from Equilibria in a more intentional way. Instead of just taking my CBD and hoping for the best, I started using my favorite products in conjunction with the rest of my anti-anxiety routine, and it’s finally made me feel at ease. 
    If you also want to try Equilibria’s CBD in your self-care routine, use code “theeverygirl” at checkout for 15% off your order! Plus, through September 30, Equilibria is offering a first-of-its-kind deal: new and existing customers who’ve never subscribed before can get 20% off their first, second, and third months of an Equilibria subscription! Just use code “theeverygirlfall20” at checkout. 

    How I Show Myself Compassion:

    1. Taking baths
    Most of my life, I never had a bathtub, so when I moved into my apartment, I took bath time very seriously. I’d put on a dreamy show, scroll on my phone, put on a face mask—and then I’d wonder why I didn’t feel relaxed when I got out. Now, I use baths as a time to actually unwind by leaving my phone and computer and instead reading a book. I also started adding Equilibria’s Mindful Mineral Soak, which utilizes full-spectrum CBD for a calming bath ritual from the start.
    I take baths in the morning and at night, and I tailor them depending on the time. I love using the Equilibria bath soak at night because it really helps me sleep, whereas in the morning, I rely on Equilibria’s Bath Bombs that make the bath smell invigorating and energizing.

    Bath Bombs
    Use code “theeverygirl” at checkout for 15% off your order!

    2. Giving myself breaks throughout the day
    When I push through my work to get as much done as humanly possible, I end the day feeling like I absolutely need a nap because I’m so exhausted, regardless of how much coffee my system endured earlier in the day. My therapist actually recommended I start giving myself scheduled breaks throughout the day to step away from my computer and re-energize.
    I started incorporating the Equilibria Daily Gummies into breaks at my desk as a way to re-center when I’m experiencing a lot of overwhelm or worry, and they’re a great way to take a short break. I’ll take one and move to a different spot in my apartment or go for a walk. When I can feel myself wanting a Daily Gummy, I know that I’m in need of a quick break. 

    Daily Gummies
    Use code “theeverygirl” at checkout for 15% off your order!

    3. Nighttime body gua sha
    I embarked on a fitness journey this year, and as much as it’s improved my physical and mental health, I experience sore muscles quite a bit more than I ever have. This turned me to body gua sha, which I use with my Daily Treatment Oil from Equilibria (or the Relief Balm on really sore days). What I didn’t know was how much body gua sha would become a self-care ritual for me, even when I don’t have soreness. The CBD oil is so relaxing and soothing on my skin, and the gua sha forces me to take a break to show love to myself for 10-15 minutes every day.
    I usually gua sha before bed, so I keep it on my nightstand with my other essentials like a book and lip balm. It’s become a non-negotiable in my nighttime routine, right along with my face wash and retinol.

    4. Cherishing my morning routine
    I have a habit of waking up in the morning and getting straight to work or heading straight to the gym, not giving myself any time to wake up. I thrust myself into the day and then later wonder why I feel so drained at the end of the workday, which always leads me to feeling anxious. Instead, I have started to give myself an hour before I start working or leave the house. I’ll make a cup of coffee and actually enjoy it while reading a book or catch up on my favorite show.
    Putting too much focus on being productive turns everything I love—like exercise or making myself a good breakfast—into a chore. I wrote down my priorities in a morning routine (exercise, drinking a cup of coffee or tea, getting ready for the day, journaling), and I make sure I get to do those things as much as possible before I start my workday. My anxiety about getting everything done is lessened when I already feel like I’ve established my priorities for the day.

    7 Easy Hacks to De-Stress Throughout the Work Day

    This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    This Walking Workout Is Taking Over the Internet—But Is It Worth the Hype?

    I’ll be honest: Even as a wellness editor, I’m not huge on TikTok wellness trends (except for these). But when it comes to the “12-3-30” workout routine that has taken social media by storm, my coworkers had so much to say, and I was curious, nay, flabbergasted. A treadmill workout? For only 30 minutes? Getting insane results? I had to know more.
    “I do 12-3-30 as needed when I want a really good workout but also want to be watching Netflix while I’m doing it,” Beth said. “I hate running, so I was pleasantly surprised at how I felt during and after 12-3-30,” Andi agreed. “I’m breaking a sweat without the high intensity that comes from running.” Color me intrigued. After doing my research, I found that The Everygirl editors aren’t the only fans of the exercise routine. Read on for my deep dive into the increasingly popular 12-3-30 treadmill workout and whether or not it’s the worth the hype. 

    What is it?
    While the combination of numbers might seem intimidating, the name is all you need to know to do the workout: Set the treadmill to an incline of 12 and a speed of 3 miles per hour, and then walk for 30 minutes. Yep, that’s it. So why this combo and where did it come from? Social media influencer Lauren Giraldo first shared the routine on YouTube in 2019, but it went viral when she posted it on TikTok a year later. “I’m not a runner, and running on the treadmill was not working for me,” Giraldo told The TODAY show. “I started playing around with the settings, and at the time, my gym’s treadmill had 12 incline as the max. The three miles per hour felt right, like walking, and my grandma had always told me that 30 minutes of exercise a day was all you needed. That’s how the combination started.”

    @laurengiraldoGame changer honestly♬ original sound – Lauren Giraldo

    Is it worth the hype?
    While Giraldo thanks the routine for her 30-pound weight loss, many other people love it for a variety of benefits and results (just Google the workout and you’ll see pages of TikToks, YouTube videos, and blog posts alike singing its praises). So what’s the deal? Since the workout centers on walking, you can already count it as a great low-impact option for keeping you healthy. According to Mayo Clinic, daily walking may help your general physical health because it can improve cardiovascular fitness, assist in maintaining a healthy weight, and strengthen your bones, muscles, and endurance. Regular walking has numerous mental health benefits as well, from improved energy to stress relief. 
    So if you’re wondering if walking is enough to get in a good workout, the answer is undoubtedly yes (no incline or treadmill required). The 12-3-30 workout takes your daily walk up a notch by adding an intense amount of incline for added benefits (think of it like walking up a very steep hill for 30 minutes straight). Since there’s more gravity resistance, your muscles (particularly glutes and hamstrings) are working harder than when you’re on a flat surface. However, the most notable difference is that your heart works harder when walking on incline, so the low-impact workout fits in cardio without the high intensity or strain that often comes with running. 

    The verdict:
    Undoubtedly, the 12-3-30 routine is a great workout that many people love and feel great doing. What I believe makes 12-3-30 more enticing than other workouts that reap the same benefits is that people who feel intimidated by running or have no idea what to do on the treadmill can easily start, break a sweat, and get in a good workout, all within the time it takes to finish an episode of New Girl.
    When you don’t feel like exercising, it’s easy to talk yourself into a 30-minute walk over an intense run, but the incline ensures that you’re fitting in a good burn and some cardio for those who are looking for a challenge. It’s a lower-impact, less intimidating, and friendlier version of those workouts that seem scary or challenging to most of us. In other words, #fitspo is no longer for the girls who spend two hours a day exercising, love to run for miles, or know exactly what to do at the gym. The 12-3-30 routine is really just proof that anyone can break a sweat and feel their best, even if all they have is 30 minutes and a TikTok account. 

    Interested in trying for yourself?
    What I personally loved about trying the 12-3-30 routine is that it is incredibly straightforward. You don’t need an app, fancy equipment, or to keep track of time (like interval training). So to try it for yourself, you know what to do: Hop on that treadmill, crank up your favorite playlist (or play Netflix, à la Beth), set the incline to 12, and get walking for 30 minutes. However, there are some things to keep in mind before trying.
    Just like any new workout or wellness routine, it’s important to check with your doctor or trainer. Incline at level 12 is no joke, and you could strain your lower back, hamstrings, or calves if you don’t have proper form or don’t warm up your body properly ahead of time. Don’t dive immediately into 12-3-30. Instead, try an incline at a three to six range and see how long you can comfortably walk. From there, slowly build up until you can walk at a 12 incline without strain. 
    If you can walk at 12 incline for 30 minutes with proper form and feel the good burn (muscle burn, working the cardiovascular system, etc.) without the bad (joints hurting or negative muscle strain), it can be a great practice to add to your workout routine. However, it should not be your only workout routine. 30 minutes of walking outdoors can also reap a wide range of benefits like stabilization when walking on uneven terrain or the health benefits that come from getting outside. Plus, you should be working multiple muscle groups and fitting in a variety of workouts to be your healthiest self. Talk to your doctor, try it out for yourself, and add it into your routine if it feels good for you. 

    The 4-Minute Workout That Could Completely Transform Your Health More

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    15 Non-Toxic Wellness Products To Score From Target (That Are All Under $30)

    As a wellness editor, it probably comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone that I live for wellness products. Supplements, essential oils, non-toxic skincare—you name it, I’ve tried it. But shopping for wellness products is different from shopping for a foundation or pair of jeans: A lot more goes into it than finding the right size or shade. The world of supplements can be totally confusing—”all-natural” doesn’t always mean healthy, and everything from essential oils to SPF can get expensive AF. What’s a girl to do? The answer: Head to Target.
    That’s right, the store you go to “just for fun” on Sundays is not only good for wardrobe basics or home decor items you definitely don’t need (but always talk yourself into buying). The aisles of Target are loaded with wellness hidden treasures, from sexual health items to skincare that’s actually healthy for your skin. And because it’s all from Target, you know it’s totally affordable too. I scoured the aisles so you don’t have to—shop 15 natural wellness products you’ve got to try, all under $30. 

    Dr. Bronner’s
    Pure-Castile Soap
    There are a few reasons why this basic soap has a very un-basic cult following. For one, it’s as clean as it gets, with 90 percent organic ingredients. But it’s also certified fair trade, comes in sustainable packaging, and has an amazing scent. It’s called 18-in-1 because you really can use it 18 ways (I checked). Try it for face/body wash, hand soap, house cleaner, or as a gentle soap for makeup brushes. Trust me, you’ll want to buy in bulk.

    Organic Cotton Tampons
    Let’s talk tampons for a sec. You’re literally inserting them into your body, so shouldn’t we care about how they’re made or what chemicals they contain instead of just how much they absorb? Expect better from your period products: This cotton is not only organic, but it also comes with a BPA-free applicator. If that’s not enough to convince you to switch, every purchase gives period products to girls who need them. Not a tampon fan? Check out Cora’s other amazing period products.

    Vital Proteins
    Collagen Beauty Greens Powder
    Most of you are probably already collagen stans, but for those who live under a rock or have yet to get on the collagen bandwagon, Target has you covered. This one is made with organic wheat grass and spinach, so you’re getting many antioxidants and benefits from greens as well as the collegen. As with any supplement, talk to your doctor before taking.

    Daily Mineral Sunscreen Broad Spectrum – SPF 35
    PSA: There are so many non-toxic SPF options that are better for you and the environment—there’s really no reason to stick to plain old chemical sunscreen. My personal favorite is this gem from Versed. Made with non-nano zinc oxide physical sunscreen, the formula offers protection from the sun without leaving a white tint or cast (even on deeper skin tones).

    The Honey Pot
    Feminine Wash
    Now onto vaginal care. Your vagina deserves (and needs) more TLC than just splashing your normal body wash down there. This wash is made with only clean, natural, and plant-based ingredients, so you know you’re giving your vagina only the best. It’s intended to keep pH levels healthy, prevent infection, hydrate the area, and relieve irritation.

    Charcoal Whitening Mouth Rinse
    Yes, there is such thing as non-toxic oral care, and yes, you should be using it. If you’re looking for whiter teeth but don’t want the price tag of in-office treatments or the toxins (and sensitivity!) from basic white strips, check out Moon. It uses activated charcoal to whiten and brighten instead of chemicals, and it contains 10 antioxidants and essential oils for fresher breath and oral health. Win, win, win!

    Body Oil
    On your next visit to pick up faux greenery or cheap wine, do yourself a favor and add this non-toxic oil to your cart. This genius product is meant for anywhere hair meets skin, meaning sensitive areas like pubic hair and under arms, but it can also be used on legs, face, or anywhere you grow hair. If you prefer hair removal, the oil is intended to keep skin hydrated and prevent ingrown hairs. If you like to grow it out, the oil keeps course hair soft. It’s not only clean and good for sensitive skin, but it’s also dermatologically and gynecologically tested, so you know you’re treating your body well.

    The Seaweed Bath Co.
    Firming Detox Body Cream
    Confession: I read somewhere that Kim Kardashian uses this lotion like seven years ago (way before KKW Beauty), so I obviously bought it and have not looked back since. All it takes to be a convert is to read the ingredients list (see: green coffee bean extract, green tea, hyaluronic acid). The superingredients work to deeply nourish the skin with antioxidants and help protect it from damage. I swear, you can feel the 65+ vitamins and minerals working within one use.

    Organic Warming Balm
    Since you can probably already tell that I’m a Cora fan, let’s talk about their Period Balm. The powerful essential oils help soothe period symptoms like cramping or bloating, and the formula has a warming effect that works to treat inflammation and ease tension overtime. Think of it as the 2021 version of the heating pad or hot water bottle your mom used to place on your stomach when you had cramps.

    Hero Cosmetics
    Mighty Patch Original Acne Patches
    If you have yet to hop on the pimple patch bandwagon, allow me to change your life. Basically, these little stickers stick onto a pimple or breakout and suck out all the gunk in six hours. Seriously. You’ll wake up and any zit will be gone (it’s like magic!). This one is cleaner than patches from other brands and is strong enough to stay on through a whole night (looking at you, restless sleepers).

    Foaming Shave Gel with Aloe Vera
    Full disclosure, I have opted for conditioner or body wash instead of shaving cream since I was 15 years old (I mean, does it really do anything?). That is, until I tried Flamingo. This clean shave gel is so creamy and moisturizing, it is now a staple in my shower. You’d be a fan from the scent alone.

    Pure Epsom Bath Salt Soaking Solution
    Every good wellness enthusiast has a bag of Epsom salt on hand. I like this one because it’s cheap, large (basically the Costco of bath salts), and only contains one ingredient: magnesium sulfate (AKA Epsom salt). The magnesium soaks into skin to help relieve muscle pain, tension in the body, and overall inflammation (my doctor recommended I try Epsom salt baths for help with anxiety!).

    Black Girl Sunscreen
    Make It Matte Sunscreen – SPF 45
    One of our go-to sunscreen brands of all time also happens to be paraben-free, vegan, and doesn’t contain any artificial fragrance (AKA chemicals that can irritate the skin but is found in many beauty products). This one contains shea butter and coconut oil, so you’re getting in some major hydration while protecting your gorgeous glow.

    Blackberry & Green Tea Deodorant
    IDK who needs to hear this, but there might be a lot of sh*t in your deodorant. Do your research and talk to your doctor about recs that are right for you. But if you’re ready to switch to a cleaner kind, I suggest Native’s aluminum-free and paraben-free option. Sure, we love it for the long-lasting protection against odor and all the reasons to love (and need) deodorant, but we’re partial to Native because of the amazing scents. With hints of jasmine, cucumber, or citrus, you’ll subtly smell like you just came from a spa.

    The Honest Company
    Hand Sanitizer Spray
    Who could’ve guessed a couple of years ago that hand sanitizer would be the #1 wellness must-have? Since 2020, I’ve kept a hand sanitizer in every purse I carry and use before every meal or after touching a public door handle (obsessive or smart, IDK). However, if you’re using hand sanitizer more (good job!), it could be drying out your hands. This one is just as effective (kills 99.9 percent of germs and bacteria) but doesn’t contain methanol (one of the main ingredients that leaves hands feeling dry) and contains aloe to help soothe and moisturize skin while you protect yourself from germs.

    The Clean Beauty Brands You Should Know About More