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    5 Daily Non-Negotiables of Women Who Are Always Confident

    I came into this world with certain attributes that took no effort: my almond-shaped eyes, my obsession for anything peanut butter and chocolate, and my more-than-I-care-to-admit muscular calves (thanks, Dad). Confidence, on the other hand, is a trait I can say, without a doubt, I was not blessed with from day one. In fact, self-esteem is an unfamiliar feeling I struggle with. But confidence is a learned skill that takes practice, much like riding a bike or mastering a new language—something I gleaned from Jessica Chang-Irish, founder of Jessica Chang Consulting and a coach who trains women to speak and carry themselves more confidently.
    So how does Chang-Irish define confidence? “Confidence isn’t about being self-assured all the time,” she stated. “Rather, it’s a practice of self-awareness, acknowledging your value and gifts as well as your insecurities, and having the courage to break through those insecurities and do the hard things anyway—whether it be getting a new job, putting yourself back out in the dating scene, or recovering from an injury. Being a confident person also means being vulnerable. Confident people aren’t afraid to be vulnerable because they know they’re still valuable while being human and imperfect.” 
    It turns out, even confidence pros who exude major boss vibes have to work on their self-confidence every. single. day. Ahead, Chang-Irish’s daily must-haves to finding your inner power and confidence. Hint: They’re not your average tips. 

    Meet the expert
    Jessica Chang-Irish
    Speaking with Confidence Coach
    Jessica Chang-Irish is an Emmy-award winning news reporter turned public speaking coach who empowers women looking to build their influence through in-person or on-camera speaking. By combining her experience on camera and in marketing, she helps women who feel nervous about public speaking by equipping them with proven strategies and frameworks to boost their speaking skills and confidence.

    1. Remember your “why”
    Knowing your “why” (AKA your purpose) is the first step in tapping into your confidence. Why do you get out of bed every morning? Why do you do what you do? “Your why is your Northstar to turn to when you feel unsure or you’re being tested,” Chang-Irish explained. Author and speaker Simon Sinek agrees that when you start with your why (versus how and what you do), you have the ability to inspire those around you and yourself.
    Think of your why as your mission statement. It doesn’t just have to apply to your career— it could be for your personal life too. Then, write it out. You can start with: “In everything I do, I believe …” Chang-Irish shared hers: “In everything I do and everyone I work with, I believe each and every person is capable of finding their voice and shining in the spotlight, and that I can empower and equip them to become a more confident version of themselves.” Once you’ve jotted down your why, post it up somewhere you frequent every day as a friendly reminder (think: your desk, fridge, bathroom mirror). 

    2. Surround yourself with a tribe of like-minded women
    Let’s face it: We’re our own worst critics. I don’t think twice about complimenting a stranger for her on-point ‘fit, but when it comes to myself, I nit-pick and dwell on my imperfections. Enter: friends or mentors who can empathize with you but don’t let you wallow in the “what ifs” and all-or-nothing thinking. Oh, and they give you a good kick in the butt to keep at it. Chang-Irish pointed out that your tribe could comprise of your friends, sisters, cousins, co-workers, or even communities on social media who share your interests. Be intentional about building your circle—each person may bring something different to the table, but they all should help you stay aligned with your purpose and your most authentic self. 

    3. Pay attention to your inner voice
    PSA: What you tell yourself matters. Whether you realize it or not, your self-talk can make the difference between gaining confidence and standing in your own way. The seemingly harmless narrative—”I’m not good/smart/pretty enough” or “I can’t”—you’ve been telling yourself creates your reality. On the flip side, fostering an optimistic monologue in your mind boosts your self-confidence and bids negative emotions adieu. In fact, people who can master positive thoughts and beliefs are more confident, motivated, and productive.
    “It’s up to you to develop your own inner voice of encouragement,” said Chang-Irish. “Or maybe you’ll find that voice in someone from your tribe. When you hear that voice of doubt in your head or feel the fear rising up, rewrite those limiting thinking patterns and remind yourself that you can do hard things. When you practice shifting your inner voice of doubt to a voice of encouragement, your confidence will flourish.”

    4. Prepare for the important interactions you’ll have 
    Think back to your college days or an interview you recently had. How confident were you walking into a final or your dream company and having put in the effort to study and do your research? My guess is way more confident than had you not prepared. In the same vein, laying the groundwork for the important conversations you’ll have in your day ahead will set you up for success and give you the opportunity to flex your confidence muscles.
    “Whether it’s a date, meeting, job interview, or networking event, think about what you’ll say in the five to 10 seconds you have to introduce yourself, how you’ll keep the conversation going, and what’s in it for the person or people you’re talking to,” Chang-Irish recommended. “While that first impression catches their attention, how are you going to keep their attention? One of the best ways to do that is to ask them questions. Do your homework about the person or people you’ll meet and come up with questions about their interests that genuinely interest you.”

    5. Listen to podcasts that fill your soul and lift you up
    Much like your tribe reminds you of your purpose and worth, the right podcast can be just the friend or voice you need for your daily dose of confidence. And, sure enough, there is no shortage of motivational podcasts that are just a tap away. Chang-Irish’s go-to’s are  “Oprah’s Super Soul,” “The Marie Forleo Podcast,” and “How to Fail With Elizabeth Day,” where you can expect open dialogue and sage advice from industry experts and celebs. And did you listen to The Everygirl Podcast yet? The episode with confidence coach, Regina Bonds, has such great insight into truly loving yourself and showing up as your most confident self. 
    Adding a few inspirational programs to your queue will not only give you a shot of self-belief but also a reprieve from the usual suspects—the “nevers,” “what ifs,” and “can’ts” (ruminating, who?). So go ahead and take that podcast out for a spin (read: walk) and get ready for an extra pep in your “hot girl” step. 

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    I Grilled a Life Coach and Her Tips Will Transform Your Anxiety

    Racing thoughts, pounding heartbeat, heaviness in my chest, the all-consuming, sometimes debilitating sense of fear—just some of the unnerving ways anxiety shows up like an unannounced, unwelcome guest. If you’re one of the 40 million adults in the U.S. who experience anxiety like me, said symptoms are hard to shake off. While it may be comforting to know we’re in good company, having a handful of coping mechanisms at the ready to work through bouts of anxiety can make all the difference. Because–let’s be real– sometimes no amount of logic will cut it. I turned to Alana Warlop, a psychotherapist and life coach, to get the lowdown on her anxiety tips for reclaiming your calmness when it strikes. We got this. 

    Meet the expert
    Alana Warlop
    Life Coach
    Alana Warlop is a spiritual psychotherapist and transformational coach who has guided countless women into next levels of leadership and impact. From traditional transpersonal therapy to utilizing breathwork and meditation, she has spent much of her life learning what it means to heal and experience a life beyond limits.

    What is anxiety exactly?
    Sure, I could try to pinpoint the all-too-familiar ways that anxiety manifests itself for me, but it looks different for everyone. For some, it’s constant, and for others, it’s triggered by a stressful situation (looking at you, health scare) or creeps up out of nowhere when everything was coming up roses. Putting into words what anxiety really is can help us identify and take control of it, no matter the person. “[Anxiety is] a crafty way of distracting your attention and holding the energy of your awareness hostage in a never-ending search for a ‘solution’ that alleviates the discomfort that you are experiencing,” explained Warlop. “We perseverate in hopes that we can find a logical reason why we feel hurt, depressed, judged, shamed, guilty, blamed, or self-critical. And, if we know why, then we think the reasoning will justify our feelings and they will settle.” Warlop warned that that approach rarely works, and if it does, it’s only for the short-term.
    But why doesn’t reasoning work, you ask? “Anxiety is a product of stuck, stale, or stagnant emotional energy and incomplete trauma patterns pent up in the nervous system,” Warlop elaborated. “Emotions and traumas that are unresolved stay stuck in our bodies and build in their power to hijack the limbic and nervous systems, which control our behavior above and beyond any logic you could ever muster.” Long story short, at the root of it, anxiety is the mind’s natural defense against having to feel or experience something painful. While you should always talk to your doctor or therapist if experiencing anxiety, Warlop lets us in on some hacks you can try to not only manage anxiety but to heal from it so it doesn’t get in the way of living your best lives. 

    Tips to help during moments of anxiety:
    Bring awareness to your breath
    There is no shortage of “take a deep breath” memes floating on the world wide web, but it’s for good reason. The practice has become the go-to method in times of stress, and Warlop emphasized that it’s one of the best things you can do when experiencing anxiety. “Feel the breath move in and out of the body so that the attention from the mind goes into the body,” she instructed. “Let the body know that it is safe to experience all that is there and then ask, ‘What am I afraid to feel?’” 
    Warlop also suggested moving your attention to the heart: “Imagine breathing a beautiful, warm, golden energy into the heart space with every breath. Let this light grow in size and calming power inside you. This will also move you forward into soothing yourself, instead of wasting energy searching for a solution to an unanswerable (and, most of the time, made up) problem or insecurity.”

    Feel your feelings
    Having feelings is as natural and involuntary as breathing, but Warlop clarified that feeling is simply a physical sensation and anything beyond that are stories and perceptions that we attach to the feeling. “We are conditioned to think about our feelings instead of actually feeling them, so many people I work with have no idea that they don’t actually know how to feel feelings without telling stories and attaching meaning to them,” she stated. On the other hand, shifting your focus from what’s going on outside of you to your internal experience of your senses, energy, and emotions (AKA “felt sense”) will bring your awareness to the present moment. The result? There is nothing that you cannot truly feel, and allowing yourself to really feel everything that comes along with anxiety will help kick it to the curb.

    Don’t judge your thoughts
    I’m no stranger to thoughts taking over my mind and spiraling further into an anxious episode. You know, like “What if things don’t work out,” “Nobody likes me,” or “I’m not good enough.” Warlop advised giving myself space to be curious about those beliefs and distracting myself from them, rather than reacting to them: “Carry around an essential oil you love to smell when you can start to feel yourself going in the direction of repetitive and worrisome thoughts. Brush your fingertips along the skin of your arm or face, and focus on the pleasant sensation. Put on calming music and focus on the sound frequencies.” In other words, tap into all of your senses—sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing—to instantly bring you back to the present moment.  

    Take care of your basic needs every day
    PSA: Anxiety is the body’s way of letting you know that it is in distress and needs more care. Call it self-care or creating a solid, foolproof routine, but prioritizing basic health and wellness habits is Warlop’s non-negotiable. If you’re not catching enough Zzzs, I’ve got (bad) news for you: Lack of sleep makes the list of top culprits of anxiety. Warlop suggested forgoing your daily nightcap or the next episode in your Netflix cue and letting your body reset. “7-9 hours of sleep, good nutrition, nature time, and working out are essential in shifting the inner landscape,” she stressed. “And for added bonus points, try meditation. Consistent meditation is a game-changer in resetting your nervous and limbic systems.”

    These tips are not meant to serve as treatment for anxiety disorder. If you are struggling with anxiety, please reach out to your doctor, a therapist, or another trusted professional for support.Crisis Textline: text CONNECT to 741741

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    Stress Can Mess With Your Vaginal Health–Here’s What You Should Know and How To Deal Accordingly

    It’s no secret that stress can take a toll on your body, so it’s unsurprising that it can mess with your vaginal health too. Now, I know what you’re thinking: Another thing I have to worry about?! Trust me, I get it—sometimes you get so caught up in trying to ward off  stress that you end up stressing yourself out even more because you’re stressed about not being stressed. It’s a vicious cycle and one that’s easy to fall into. That said, taking the time to learn about how stress truly affects your body can help you manage stress and its effects, or might even know what signs and symptoms to look out for that your body might be trying to tell you.
    A brief disclosure: If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned below, scheduling an appointment with your OB-GYN is never a bad idea. If stress is the root cause (or you feel a lot of stress, even if it’s pre-symptoms), make sure you’re also carving out time for yourself to practice self-care and using healthy outlets, such as meditating, journaling, or exercising as ways to manage stress. At the end of the day, finding what works for you and nourishing your mind, body, and soul is going to keep both you and your vagina happy and healthy. Keep scrolling to learn five major ways stress can mess with your reproductive health and how to deal accordingly, along with tips and tricks to de-stress so you can better take care of your mind and body.

    1. Changes in discharge and increased risk of infection
    Stress can suppress the immune system and may seriously disrupt the pH levels in the vulva. When this happens, you may notice discharge that smells funky, is thicker than usual, or darker in color. This occurs because your body’s defense mechanisms are lowered and your vagina has more difficulty weeding out bad bacteria, making it more susceptible to infection. Although discharge is totally normal and changes throughout your cycle, think of it as a window into your body’s overall health: If there’s an abrupt, drastic change in it, it’s usually a telltale sign that something more is going on.
    It may be an isolated incident or an infection, like bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. Talking to your doctor about any changes in discharge or concerns about possible infection is always a good idea as they may be able to provide you with a prescription or over-the-counter remedy. You could also talk to your doctor about trying over-the-counter supplements and vitamins like probiotics or vitamins D and C. Some types of probiotics may help the vagina maintain a healthy pH level, while vitamin D and C can help strengthen your immune system.

    2. Vaginal dryness
    Stress can reduce the amount of blood flow to the vagina, which in turn can reduce moisture and cause dryness. “With stress on your mind, hormone levels will begin to shift—as cortisol rises, testosterone (essential for your libido) will dip,” Dr. Alyssa Liguori, an OB/GYN based in Georgia, wrote for Northside Hospital. “Your body won’t be sending enough blood down there to increase moisture, so vaginal dryness and/or discomfort is more likely.” This dryness can also cause painful sex and an inability to orgasm—two things you definitely do not need in your life.

    3. Low libido
    When you have a huge work deadline looming, student loans to pay off, and a packed social calendar, sex is probably going to be the last thing on your mind. It’s normal, but it turns out there’s a medical reason for it. Because your testosterone levels dip as cortisol levels rise, you not only experience vaginal dryness, but may experience low sex drive as well, since testosterone is essential for libido. However, getting it on can actually destress you: orgasming regularly can improve your mood, release stress hormones, and keep your vagina from getting depressed (who else remembers the Sex and the City episode where Charlotte announces at lunch her vagina has depression?). Even if you’re not totally in the mood, it may be worth reaching for your vibrator to try to destress. However, if you’re experiencing zero interest or changes in sex drive, always talk to your doctor (remember that libido is an important vital sign!)

    4. Changes in menstrual cycle
    If you have a menstrual cycle, its completely run on hormones (the different changes in your cycle are due to estrogen and progesterone levels). If your stress hormones are out of whack, your menstrual cycle can become irregular, those notorious PMS symptoms can intensify, or you may skip a period altogether. This can also cause fertility issues since irregular periods can distress ovulation schedules and make getting pregnant more difficult. If you’re experiencing painful or irregular periods and have felt extra stressed, your cortisol levels could be to blame. As always, if you experience any changes in your menstrual cycle, always talk with your doctor to get to the root cause.

    5. Tight pelvic floor
    The pelvic floor is especially important for women with uteruses since it’s responsible for bowel and bladder movements, and provides support to the reproductive system. A strong pelvic floor makes sex more enjoyable and orgasms stronger. When we’re stressed, however, we can physically seize up (think: clenched jaw or fists) and that tension can reach our pelvic floor.
    A few early signs of a tight pelvic floor are constipation, pain during sex, and lower back pain. Hip, back, abdominal, or leg pain, a feeling of heaviness as though the pelvic floor is dragging, strain with bowel movements or emptying your bladder, or inability to completely empty the bowels or bladder, and a strong urgency to run to the restroom are also signs of pelvic floor dysfunction. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consider seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist.

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    5 Things Successful Women Do Before Bedtime

    We all know what we shouldn’t be doing during our bedtime routine: losing all track of time on TikTok, abandoning our skincare regimen, drinking caffeine, texting our ex, etc. These things don’t set us up for the get-up-and-go energy we need the following day, and when we have things to do and goals to meet, who has the time for that?
    I love a productive morning routine as much as the next girl, but let’s not forget that a bedtime routine that prepares you for the next day is just as important—if not more. By adding in just a few things before bed, you can get miles ahead of where you would be otherwise come morning. But what are some steps we can take to set ourselves up for success instead of scrolling Instagram? I’m glad you asked—because we’re diving into the five things successful women do before they hit the sheets.

    1. Unwind
    We spend all day long responding to emails, answering our coworkers, completing tasks, and doing #allthethings that by the end of the night, a deep breath is not only well deserved but is needed for overall well-being. Can I get an amen?
    To increase rest and relief, we love to incorporate products from our favorite CBD brand, Equilibria, while we unwind. CBD can help regulate mood, reduce stress, and leave you feeling more balanced overall, so Equilibria’s Rapid Calming Melts, Daily Drops, Mindful Mineral Soak, and Sleep Gummies are just a few of the products that our editors are constantly reaching for to make the most of their unwind routines.
    + There’s no better time to stock up on CBD than right now because Equilibria is having a FLASH SALE—score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours!  

    Daily Drops
    These best-selling CBD drops get to work within 10-30 minutes, so take some at the start of your bedtime routine to increase relaxation and shake off any stress from the day while you unwind.
    Choose between unflavored or mint drops.
    FLASH SALE: Score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours! 

    Mindful Mineral Soak
    This powerful soak is infused with 200mg of full-spectrum, premium CBD to purify and destress. Simply pour into a warm bath, relax, and enjoy the benefits. Trust us, you’ll sleep like a baby after.
    FLASH SALE: Score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours! 

    Sleep Gummies
    Sleep Gummies help women combat restlessness and unwelcome thoughts with the help of CBD, CBN, chamomile, and L-theanine.
    FLASH SALE: Score 50% off of CBD subscriptions with code THEEVERYGIRL50, 20% off sitewide with code THEEVERYGIRL, a free tote with the first 200 orders, and free Mini Pear Gummies with purchases made within 48 hours! 

    2. Tidy Up
    A clear space is a clear mind. Who’s with me? Before you head to bed, spend 10-15 minutes tidying your main living spaces (kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom). I am not telling you to go into full-on Marie Kondo mode, but her philosophy rings true even in small ways: When you declutter, you create room for clarity. By putting away dishes that are in the sink, straightening up any loose papers or mail that are cluttering the countertops, pushing in chairs, folding blankets in the living room, etc., you will feel fresh waking up in the morning instead of distracted by the piles of items laying around that you’ll have to get to later.
    Plus, when you do a little bit of tidying every night, you’ll prevent bigger messes from piling up, and this will ultimately save you from an entire afternoon of cleaning over the weekend—praise.  Tip: If something will take 60 seconds or less to put away, do it right then and there. Right before bed is not the time to reorganize your junk drawer, but it is the time to put rogue pens that are sitting on the counter back in the junk drawer. 

    3. Make a To-Do List
    No more making mental to-do lists while you’re laying in bed at night. Instead, spend a few minutes during your bedtime routine writing down what you know you need to tackle the next day before you hit the sheets. Jot down everything that comes to mind (putting pen to paper is my preferred way of doing this, but if you prefer to use an app, go for it!), even if it’s as small as “buy paper towels,” so you can prioritize even the smallest tasks that need to be handled the following day.
    Not only does making a physical list or brain dumping help you get more restful sleep because you’re not kept awake by the thoughts of your growing to-do list, but when you have a better understanding of what needs to be done in your work life and personal life, you are more likely to 1) actually get them done and 2) not feel like you’re scrambling around to check all the boxes.

    4. Set Out Clothes
    Headed to a workout in the morning? Set out your matching set. Have an early meeting to get to? Set out your cool-girl office outfit. Especially if you find yourself spending far too long picking out what to wear (guilty) and running out the door because of it, this tip will totally transform the start of your day.
    Before bed, review your to-do list and your meeting schedule, and check the weather. What outfit will be the most put-together, professional, and practical? For example, if you work in the city and will be walking to a few meetings, plan your outfit around a supportive yet stylish pair of sneakers or slip-ons. This will prevent you from grabbing sandals in the morning and ending the day with swollen feet and blisters. No thank you.
    Spend 10 minutes during your bedtime routine choosing your outfit, and leave nothing for question. Set everything out from your socks (because no one likes searching for those at 6 a.m.) to your jewelry. If you want to take this a step further, get your bag together too, so you’re less likely to forget something in the morning.

    5. Unplug
    The end of the night is when you should be spending time relaxing and recharging, so by all means, put your phone away, or at the very least, turn it on “Do Not Disturb.” The saying is true: You can’t pour from an empty cup. When you want to show up as the best version of yourself, you need to show up for yourself first. This means that late-night text messages, emails, and to-dos that didn’t get done during the day can be handled in the morning. Make unplugging a priority so you don’t end up feeling depleted by the end of the week.
    Channel your inner zen-girl by kicking your feet up and watching your favorite show on streaming, turning the pages of another book on your TBR list, or listening to an episode of a podcast. Spending an hour or two (or more if you’re lucky!) before heading to bed doing nothing other than what brings you joy will restore the energy you need to hit the ground running in the morning.

    Sleep Is the New Self-Care: Here’s How You Should Upgrade Your Routine

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    5 Inexpensive Ways To Become a Pilates Girl at Home

    There are trends that come and go (and should stay in the past—looking at you, sweater vests), then there are those that were so good that they come full circle. And if we’re talking about the feel-good world of wellness, there’s one workout that falls in the latter category. Re-enter: Pilates. ICYMI, it’s made a major comeback, and for good reason. Making its debut in the 1920s as a form of rehabilitation, Pilates is a low-impact workout that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and mind-body connection. But don’t underestimate its effectiveness—it packs a punch. 
    It counts celebs like Jennifer Aniston and Hailey Bieber as devotees, and there’s no denying that they’re #fitspo. But Pilates isn’t just for A-listers with endless funds. While it’s traditionally performed on a reformer machine at fitness spots, you can easily adapt the discipline with just a mat. The best part other than firing up your core and getting a full-body experience? You can get your Pilates fix on a budget and in your very own dedicated gym space (AKA your living room), and we’re here to tell you how. Read on for five ways to affordably practice Pilates at home. 

    1. Take Pilates classes online
    Sure, you can flex your Pilates muscles at one of the many dedicated studios, but if the last couple of years has taught us anything, it’s that we can sweat it out with the best of them from the comfort of our own homes (and save some dough). Not sure where to start? Look no further than online fitness platform obé Fitness. Whether you have a few pieces of gear on hand or there’s no hand weight in sight, they’ve got you covered. You can filter obé’s Pilates workouts based on no equipment or what you do have. Only have a few minutes to get your body moving? Don’t sweat it (I can’t promise that you won’t break one though). obé has live and on-demand class offerings that range from five minutes to 60.
    What’s more, you can plank and leg-lift anywhere—from your bedroom to your balcony in Italy—with your favorite instructors cheering you on. No joke—you get first-rate instruction and the energy of a group fitness class from your digs. And if you want to take it up a notch, you have the option to combine Pilates with other types of workouts (think: HIIT, sculpt, and yoga) to get the best of both worlds. While in-person Pilates memberships can set you back a couple hundred dollars each month, you can stick to your hot girl summer reserve doing Pilates in your humble abode using code TEG50 for a 7-day free trial + 50% off your first month of obé!

    2. Invest in affordable Pilates equipment or use what you already have
    A solid Pilates workout doesn’t require any props, but if you want to level up and add variety to your sweat sessions, consider stocking up on a few pieces of equipment or find alternatives around the house.
    The must-have accessory to have within reach? A trusty mat. With the wealth of choices out there, you could have one for every day of the week, every mood, and every matching set (if you want to be extra). Opt for a thicker one with a good grip to give added support when you’re doing your Teasers and Side Bends.
    For an easy mat back-up, pull a few towels or blankets out of your linen closet and layer them up depending on the amount of support you need. 

    Mini Pilates ball
    Don’t be fooled by the size and weight of this add-on. After a few minutes with it, you’ll feel muscles you never knew you had. Use it between your thighs to activate your pelvic floor or underneath your tailbone to make your core exercises more challenging. 
    Not ready to commit to the Pilates ball? Have no fear. Grab a throw pillow, put it between your thighs, and get to work! 

    Sliders (AKA gliders or discs)
    I’m going to bet you’ll develop a love-hate relationship with these guys. The closest thing to mimicking movements done on a reformer, gliders make it easy to slide your feet or knees out, in, and sideways while engaging your core. 
    You know those old towels you keep on hand for “just-in-case” moments? Well, now is the time to put them to good use. Substitute them for the sliders and clean your floors while you’re at it (it’s a clear win-win). And if you have a carpet-only sitch, swap in paper plates. 

    Whether you go the hand or wearable weights route, the oh-so-good burn will sneak up on you. Great for strengthening your balance, enhancing coordination, and working your upper or lower body, you’ll maximize your sweat with 1-, 2-, or 3-pounders. 
    Don’t want to spend your hard-earned cash on weights? Grab some water bottles or jugs, canned goods, bags of rice or beans, et voilà—problem solved. 

    Resistance bands
    Throw in some resistance to your favorite moves with bands of varying levels, and you can easily switch up your Pilates routine. Inexpensive, yet effective, they’re ideal for building strength and flexibility. Place your band of choice around your thighs, ankles, or wrists for more intensity.
    If you want a no-spend option, dig out the old pairs of leggings buried in your dresser drawer and DIY some resistance bands. Tie the two legs of a pair together (this make take some trial-and-error) and wrap it around your knees, ankles, or wrists. 

    Pilates ring
    Simple in theory, this tool does a lot. Flanked by padded grips, you can squeeze in or push out to target your inner and outer thighs, chest and shoulders, and pelvic floor. Bonus points: It can give you a leg up on your posture and balance too. 
    Put your foam roller on double-duty and use it in place of a Pilates ring. Light and compact enough to hold or squeeze, it’ll do the job well. 

    3. Grab a book on Pilates 
    DIY your Pilates workout with the guidance of a good, old-fashioned book. No matter your level of experience, there’s a paperback for you. From restorative stretching to a series of compound movements (read: firing up more than one muscle group at a time), you can customize your Pilates practice. Look for titles that include clear illustrations and detailed descriptions of exercises to guide you every step (or squeeze) of the way.  
    If you’re a newbie, no problem! Picking up a book on the basics will give you an intro to technique and form, teach you the difference between the “Hundred” and “Swan Dive,” and give you a solid foundation to build your Pilates routine. Bottom line: You do you, and go at your own pace (no intimidation or judgment here). 

    4. Get the Pilates look
    I think we can all agree that there’s nothing like a new workout set to get you motivated for a good sweat. So make room in your “hot girl summer” budget and treat yourself to a ‘fit that’ll complete your Pilates girl look. A quick Amazon search of “workout sets for women” will give you endless scrolls of matching two-piece duds that won’t break the bank. Pro tip: Look out for those with the “Prime Try Before You Buy” option (a free seven-day try-on period where you’ll only be charged for what you keep). And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the Amazon Lululemon dupes our very own fashion editor, Maddie, put to the test (and gave her stamp of approval).
    When you’re on your third Target run for the week (anyone feel me?), peruse their JoyLab activewear section and you’ll find wallet-friendly, lust-worthy pieces to fill your cart. Then there’s Old Navy with a crazy-good, extensive workout collection that includes offerings in various fabrics and sizes XS-4X. So go ahead and don your newest workout set like you would going to the gym, light a candle, and hit “play” on your Pilates playlist for your next heart-pumping at-home sesh. 

    5. Follow Pilates influencers
    Thanks to IG and TikTok, you can make connections and immerse yourself in the world of Pilates with a few scrolls and clicks and for zilch. It may take some exploration to find your new favorite, must-follow Pilates guru and a community you vibe with most, but the good news? There’s no shortage of inspo, hacks, and tips to get your #fitspo fill. Find instructional videos, workouts that target a specific part of the body, and advice for the novice and pro alike. So on your next scroll, be on the hunt for the Pilates It girl to inspire your next workout.

    10 Celebrity Workouts You Can Try at Home RN


    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of obé Fitness, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    10 Products a Fitness Trainer Always Has in Her Gym Bag

    Whether you’re a trainer, an athlete, or a weekend warrior, your gym bag should contain everything you need to be out and about from sunrise to sunset. Besides multiple outfit changes, shower necessities, and healthy snacks, the best-prepped backpacks and gym duffels contain items you may not even know you need to help manage a busy schedule and an on-the-go lifestyle. So before you head to your favorite group fitness class, meet up with friends for a morning trail run before Sunday brunch, or hit the gym for an after-work sweat sesh, have these 10 gym bag essentials ready to go—they’ll vastly improve your Fit Girl game!

    The Laundress
    Sport Spray
    No time for a shower? No problem! Gone are the days of smelling like you just left the gym (even if you just left the gym). With The Laundress Sport Spray, you’ll always be smelling fresh and clean. Sport Spray, which comes in multiple scents (pro tip: go for the grapefruit!), adds a fresh and crisp smell while removing unpleasant odors from anything it’s sprayed on, such as bags, clothes, and shoes, or even directly on the body. 

    When it comes to the best shoes to have in your bag, NoBull really takes the cake. The NoBull trainers are flat enough to train in (side note: please stop squatting in running shoes!) and cute enough to wear out on the town, whether you’re into bright colors and designs or a solid pair of neutrals. The proper training shoes are as important as the workout itself, so investing in a good pair that you like to wear is paramount.

    Urban Sport
    There’s nothing more satisfying than a shower after a good workout. And when you’re showering in shared facilities, it’s important to equip yourself with the right accessories to prevent things like athlete’s foot. Whenever you are in the locker room, the shower, or the changing room, never go around barefoot. Instead, keep a pair of flip-flops or slides in your gym bag. These slides are fashionable, non-slip, and sturdy enough to keep you clean, safe, and looking great. 

    Vista Earbuds
    Whether you’ve got a curated playlist, a true crime podcast line-up, or Oprah’s new favorite audiobook, the gym calls for sweat-proof, nonslip, and noise-canceling earbuds. JayBird Vista earbuds check all of those boxes, with earbuds that are treadmill-, box jump-, and grunting-squat-rack-neighbor-friendly.  The bonus? With a self-charging carrying case, they’ll never leave you high and dry without battery life. Toss these bad boys right into your gym bag and make every workout that much more enjoyable.

    Salon One-Step Hair Dryer and Volumizer
    When it comes to making the gym-to-dinner turnaround, there’s nothing harder than turning a sweaty ponytail into an acceptable hairstyle. Thanks to the Revlon One-Step Volumizer, a two-in-one hair brush and dryer, going from Sweaty Betty to glam girl is a cinch. This barrel brush dryer is the only tool you need to create an easy blowout from the locker room. All it takes is a few minutes to brush your way to a “Did you just come from the salon?” look. Take it from a girl whose knowledge of barbells is way more extensive than her knowledge of hair products: The One-Step Volumizer is the easiest and most effective way to go from gym to date night.

    Plant-Based Protein Bars
    Filling up on protein is important for muscle repair after a tough workout, and when it comes to choosing a protein bar, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice taste for health. No Cow protein bars are dairy-free, whey-free, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO, and contain 20+ grams of plant-based protein per bar. Whether you like your protein bars fruity or dessert-like, No Cow has a protein bar for you. Keeping snacks in your gym bag is a great way to ensure that you never face that post-workout ravenousness that can lead you straight to the nearest fast food joint. 

    Theragun Mini
    No matter your preferred style of training, keep a Theragun mini in your gym bag for when the soreness hits, and you’ll never have trouble going down the stairs again. Small enough to carry around, yet powerful enough to massage tight muscles, the Theragun mini is the perfect pre- and post-workout recovery tool. The portable percussive massager gets deep into muscle tissue and improves blood flow while loosening and relaxing those stubborn areas that are particularly susceptible to DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), like hamstrings, quads, glutes, and lats. 

    Tiger Balm
    Pain-Relieving Patch
    Sometimes sore muscles need some extra TLC. Enter: Tiger Balm. You probably know Tiger Balm as a herbal pain relief ointment that works on contact, but did you know it comes in the form of patches, sans the grease and mess of the OG balm? Simply unwrap the patch, stick it on the part of your body that aches, and let the pain relief begin. 

    Cryosphere Ice Cold Massage Roller
    If your fitness routine has you on your feet a lot (I’m looking at you, runners!), you’re going to want to keep a Recoup Fitness Cryosphere Cold Massage Roller in your bag at all times. Just two hours in the freezer provides six hours of cold massaging, which is a delight on tired arches, backs, glutes, and shoulders. The roller is lightweight, can be used by hand or placed on the floor, and has a built-in handle to keep hands warm while in use. Bonus points for its double-duty use as a facial roller to alleviate those pesky, dark under-eye circles or that post-workout rosy cheek situation! 

    Hustle Clean
    The Body Wipe
    Made by athletes to clean and refresh and large enough to use on your whole body, these wipes are perfect for tight turnarounds when a shower is simply not an option. Keeping these in your bag will ensure that you’re never subjected to a day of sweaty discomfort after a workout. They can also be used as a way to freshen up after a long flight, your walk to work, or an accidental spill.  

    Exercise and sweat can deplete electrolytes, so adding packet of electrolytes can be a game changer. LMNT Recharge is a paleo-, keto-, and vegan-friendly electrolyte drink mix that deliciously replenishes electrolytes lost in sweat. One packet (either before, during, or after your workout) will restore the sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels your body needs to function at its best. Not sure which flavor to try first? The Orange Salt is a fan favorite, giving delightful summertime margarita vibes. Toss a few packets into your gym bag and recharge those electrolytes! 

    20 Workout Sets So Good, You’ll Actually Be Excited to Go to the Gym More

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    6 Ways To Stick With Your Health Goals While Still Enjoying Summer

    Ah, summer–the season where relaxation is embedded into our daily routines and indulging in an extra scoop of ice cream is always acceptable. It’s easy to let our health goals fall by the wayside when everywhere we look people are either jet-setting around Europe or lounging lakeside with a glass of rosé. It feels like a lifetime ago when we set the goal of working out three times a week or meditating every day for 10 minutes on January 1. If New Year’s Day is made for setting resolutions, then summer is the ultimate test of those goals.
    While it may be tempting to put a hold on your health goals this summer, there is a way to stick with them and still make the most of the warm weather. So whether you want to keep up with your workout routine, maintain a healthy diet, or improve your mental health, here are six hacks to keep your health goals in check (while still fully enjoying the season). 

    1. Adapt to the season and make a plan
    Back in January when you set your health goals, you were probably eager, motivated, and committed. Six months later, the initial enthusiasm you felt to see them through may have dwindled, and that’s OK. It just means it’s time to reevaluate and make a new plan, specifically for summer. Review your goals and see where you can make adjustments to make the most of this season. For example, if your goal was to work out more, but the idea of going to a gym while it’s sunny outside sounds awful, move your workout outdoors. Writing out your plan helps put it in motion and holds you accountable for your intentions. 

    2. Set aside dedicated time for your goals
    For most of us, summer is the busiest time of year. We’re traveling more, attending weddings, and have a busier social calendar, making it harder to find time to prioritize our health goals. But being able to enjoy all that summer has to offer is dependent on our health, so we have to make time for it. Carving out time to carry out your aforementioned plan should be prioritized the same way you would a work meeting or meeting up with friends. Schedule a time block in your calendar every day or every week for the duration of summer, and stick with it!

    3. Provide positive reinforcement
    Remember being rewarded for something good you did as a kid? Perhaps it was a cookie after lunch for completing your homework or a playdate with friends after doing your chores. Now I’m not saying you should reward yourself every time you get one step closer to reaching your goals, but sometimes a change in mindset can help. Try reframing how you approach your goals by planning fun events or trips as the “pat on your back” for your hard work. It’s the best way to ensure you stick with your goals without sacrificing your summer.

    4. Adjust for travel
    If you’re anything like me, you eagerly count down the days to your vacation, but also get anxious wondering how you’re going to maintain some semblance of a wellness routine while away. Over the years, I’ve learned to adjust my wellness routine for travel so I can still enjoy the time off and feel good about my health. This might mean fitting in a 15- or 30-minute workout in the morning before everyone else wakes up, packing supplements that can help support your system (I always bring digestive enzymes, a B-complex, probiotics, and a greens powder), or taking some time each day for yourself to meditate or journal. No matter what your health goals are, there is a way to adapt them for travel. Your routine may not be exactly the same as when you’re at home, but that’s part of living a well-balanced life.

    5. Find a buddy
    Having an accountability buddy not only makes you more likely to stick with your goals but also makes executing them a lot more fun. Find someone who shares similar health goals with you and make a plan together on how to maintain them. Sign up for the same workout classes, make grocery shopping dates, or check in via text with one another each day. Having someone you can share your health journey with allows for a more encouraging environment. 

    6. Reflect on your progress
    With any long-term goal, it’s necessary to take the time to reflect on your progress, assess everything you’ve learned, and make any adjustments as needed to continue. If you’re six months into your goal of meditating daily, and you’ve stuck with it, congrats! But if you’re someone who fell off the wagon a couple of times, that’s OK too. No matter where you are on your journey, be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Wellness is a lifelong journey, and reflecting on your progress is one of the many joys of it.

    Forget #HotGirlSummer–Here Are Lizzo’s Best Tips for Self-Love Summer More

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    7 Habits of Women Who Always Have a Healthy Libido

    Just like exercising to stay in shape or maintaining a meditation practice for your mental health, establishing habits to get your libido in check doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. Sometimes it takes work. It’s important to keep in mind that every part of your body goes through phases over time—even our libidos. And while we would all love a healthy libido 24/7, sometimes our sex drives are going full speed ahead, and other times, they’re at a standstill. If you’re going through a phase where you just can’t get in the mood, know you are not alone and there are ways to get out of it. Everyone deserves to enjoy sex and look forward to it. Read on for seven habits women use to keep their libido healthy.

    1. Prioritize your alone time
    Self-care can apply to many different areas, including your libido. Spending time on your own allows you to reconnect with your body and check in on your mental well-being. Our bodies are interconnected organisms, and if we are stressed, it can often result in more than just symptoms of tiredness or irritability; it can manifest in physical pain (sore back, anyone?) or even low libido. Taking time for self-care—whether it be through exercise, meditation, journaling, a nice bath at the end of the day, or cooking a meal you love—is so important. It’s a mental break we all need to reset and feel more grounded and connected, especially when the outside world can feel overwhelming. 

    2. Try something new
    There’s no better way to stimulate libido than by trying something new. Maybe you and your partner have hit a rough patch and can’t connect like you used to, or maybe you’re single and your vibrator is starting to collect dust in your drawer. There’s no shame in either, but switching it up may be exactly what you need to break the spell. If you’re into solo sex, invest in a new sex toy, experiment with different porn, or set aside a night where you take a bath, light some candles, and indulge in pleasuring yourself. 
    If you are looking to boost sex with a partner, try choosing at least one night a week. Scheduling sex may sound uncomfortable, but it may be the thing to get you both out of a rut. You can also try bringing a sex toy into the bedroom, an aphrodisiac, or watching porn together. The best part? Whatever you choose, it can not only increase your libido but also build a stronger and healthier relationship. P.S. Don’t just stop at one—continue to try new things to keep your libido healthy.

    3. Figure out what you like and dislike
    Part of maintaining a healthy libido is knowing what you like and dislike (AKA what pleasures you or turns you on versus what doesn’t), but it’s OK if you’re still figuring that out—that’s part of the fun in experimentation. Perhaps you could try a new position and role-playing or lean into pleasure that may have felt shameful in the past. Try to vocalize what gets you going and what you could do without. Discovering what you like and dislike means throwing out the narrative you may have learned about what women should like and shouldn’t like about sex. You are allowed to enjoy whatever you like, and no one should tell you otherwise. It’s your body and your libido, so you get to call the shots. 

    4. Build strong trust and communication with your partner
    Whether you’re looking to improve intimacy in your relationship or you’re getting down and dirty with a FWB or casual hookup, you need to feel safe and secure in order to feel vulnerable enough to share your desires. If you feel like you’re lacking something, then it could be time to start an open dialogue with your partner about your needs. Start by planning a check-in or date night where you feel comfortable vocalizing your feelings and come to the table open and ready to share and listen. If you’re in a relationship, remember that your physical relationship can only be as strong as its emotional counterpart. And if you’re not in a LTR, you deserve to feel safe enough to communicate with anyone who’s lucky enough to be with you.

    5. Exercise regularly
    It should come as no surprise that those who exercise regularly are more likely to have a healthy libido. While working out has a plethora of benefits, the endorphins it releases and the effect it has on how we view our bodies directly impact our libidos. Studies have shown that there is “an association between body mass, a negative body image, and the avoidance of sexual situations.” In other words, if we want to feel confident in the bedroom and increase our libido, exercising on the regular and prioritizing our bodies is how we get there.

    6. Take the pressure off
    It goes without saying that women are under a lot of societal pressure. The pressure placed on women to fit into a certain box is prevalent, and I am here to tell you that it’s time to take the pressure off. We’re all wonderfully different, even when it comes to our libidos. Some people naturally have a higher sex drive than others, and that’s OK. Let go of any limiting beliefs surrounding your sexual well-being, and just listen to your body and enjoy sex on your own terms.

    7. Talk to your doctor
    The health of your libido deserves the same attention as any other medical concern you may have. And while your sex drive could improve with the aforementioned habits, there may be underlying factors that require further examination. Aside from mental blocks, including medications, physical changes, and hormonal changes, there are many other factors that can contribute to low libido. If you have a consistently low sex drive, it may be time to talk to your doctor. Maintain regular check-ups with your gynecologist, and prioritize your sexual health as you would any other part of your body.

    Want To Increase Your Libido? I Swear by These 7 Products More