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    From Unconscious Eating To Intentional Wellness

    We’ve all done it before – eating on the go, snacking in front of one or more screens, indulging when we’re not hungry, and rushing through meals, it’s even become the norm to some. However, these are not harmless habits.In response, mindful eating has been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to cultivate a deeper connection with our food and our bodies. The practice is centred on fully immersing yourself in the nutritional experience of tasting your food.

    According to Márcia Garcia Eugenio, Head for Multiply Incentivised Wellness for Momentum Health Solutions improved health and wellness lies in breaking free from this cycle of thoughtless eating and instead approach each mouthful with intention.

    To help start you on your journey and guide you in making mindful eating a fun and positive practice, Momentum Multiply has created the 5Ms of truly mindful eating:

    1. Make time

    Set time aside for meals, this will ensure that you don’t hurry while eating and end up just gulping everything and anything down. Not eating enough times in the day can result in actually eating more than we may need at our next meal.

    2. Minimise distractions

    Aim to be fully present with every meal – turn off the TV, put down your phone and step away from any other distractions. Except good company of course – sharing meals with friends or family is a great way to connect.

    3. More chewing = smoother digestion

    Take your time and chew your food slowly and thoroughly to make sure that you savour each mouthful. This will help you experience the depth of your foods’ flavour, texture and taste. 

    4. Mind the 80/20 Rule

    Research1 suggest to achieve a healthy diet, 80 percent of your daily intake should consist of nutritious food such as fruit, vegetables, high-fibre carbs and protein. So stop before you eat – and intentionally choose based on what you’ve already eaten, and still planning to consume.

    5. Make it an experience!

    Different foods have different textures, taste, and consistency. So, when you eat, opt for variety in food to add to the experience. This provides you with a wider spectrum of valuable nutrients and encourages to make every meal worth sitting down for.  

    To guide you on your holistic wellness journey, Momentum Multiply’s new products Multiply Inspire and Engage helps members live a healthy, balanced life by rewarding them for improving both their physical health and mental wellbeing.

    Truly mindful eating is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and it may take some time and practice to develop. However, the benefits it can offer are limitless. By adopting a more mindful approach to your overall health from eating to keeping active and everything in between, will result in endless benefits.

    Visit to start your journey and unlock the priceless value of holistic wellness. 

    1Understanding Calories | Why All Calories are not Equal – Harvard School of Public Health ( More

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    5 Steps For Tapping Into Motivation, Direct From The Pros

    We’re meant to start a new year full of beans, dreams and a renewed sense of purpose… At least that’s what Instagram tells us. But, if it feels like you’re in a rut or can’t quite work up the energy to do whatever it is you really want to do, you’re not stuck in neutral alone. Just one example: 52 per cent of unhappy employees say they lack energy and motivation, according to a recent Indeed survey. No matter where you think your drive is – or isn’t – right now, these simple steps can help to rev up your motivation. Hint: it’s all about embracing the long game and being kinder to yourself.

    1. Do Something 

    Reality check: drive isn’t something that only lucky people have, like great hair or fast feet. Anyone can develop drive (or motivation – experts use them interchangeably) if you know how to go about it.

    “People often think of motivation and drive as the big flame that happens if you take lighter fluid and spray it all over a grill,” says Steve Magness, an executive coach, performance expert and co-author of the book Peak Performance. “A better way to think about drive is that you get some coal, light the fire and let it slow burn over time. That allows us to sustain and cook whatever we’re trying to cook.” 

    James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, writes that “one of the most surprising things about motivation is that it comes after starting a new behaviour, not before.” In other words, you don’t just get motivated, then do something. You do something, and that gets you motivated. “Getting started, even in very small ways … naturally produces momentum,” he writes. If starting out, even in a “very small way,” feels like anything from a minor sticking point to a monumental obstacle, he recommends making the first few steps so easy that you waste no energy thinking about doing them.

    So instead of waiting “until you feel like it” to overhaul your LinkedIn profile to get the job you want, block out 10 minutes to play around with the first entry. Instead of trying to overhaul your nutrition, start by planning what you’ll have for breakfast most days and buying the ingredients.

    2. Remove Barriers

    Even the pro athletes sometimes have a tough time getting started, says Magness, who has worked with NBA players and Olympians. “What saves these athletes is that their environment is set up in a way that lowers the bar – there’s less activation energy that’s needed to get out the door.” They have trainers devising their workouts, training partners depending on them to show up. Their systems are organised to minimise hurdles. And good news: you can do the same. 

    During a rough period when Magness says he was working too much and finding excuses not to exercise, he added five minutes to his evening commute to get to a park where he liked to run. The easy choice would have been to take the faster way home. But by going a few minutes out of his way and seeing his running shoes on the passenger seat, he removed the barrier to taking that run. “It’s almost like your brain sees running as the easier decision now. Those cues are inviting you to take that action, and you don’t have to think about it,” he explains.

    Success strategy: Unlocking motivation is all about the long game, say experts. Seeing drive as a slow burn to sustain rather than a big flame.

    3. Create Micro-goals

    Dr David Zald has watched motivation disappear. He’s the director of the Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research at Rutgers University. His research has found that this happens when the workload seems too heavy or the rewards too far off. The obvious but hard-to-see-when-you’re-in-it solution is to break that big goal into smaller, doable tasks. 

    “Below your goal are subgoals, each of which has its own subgoals, cascading down to specific behaviours,” says Dr James M. Diefendorff, a professor of industrial/organisational psychology. Goals closer to the top of the hierarchy explain why you’re doing what you’re doing and reflect your values, while goals further down explain how the goal will be met, he says. Subgoals help you understand the steps you need to take and give you tasks to succeed at along the way – both help make long-term goals more manageable. Feeling like you’re making progress also feeds drive.

    So below ‘take all my vacation days this year,’ subgoals might be: ‘narrow down Airbnbs to two,’ then ‘email options to friends,’ and finally ‘book it.’ Similarly, if you’re having a hard time getting excited about a long run, promise yourself that you’ll run a kilometre or so, then take a break, and repeat that pattern until you’re finished, tips Zald.

    Key in on the phrase ‘take a break,’ too. You’re more likely to stick to a goal if you earn immediate rewards for steps you take rather than delaying rewards until you’re finished, according to research by Dr Ayelet Fishbach, author of Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation.

    4. Stop One Rep Short

    If you’re driven, you’re always pushing yourself hard… right? Performance coach Brad Stulberg wants to change your mind about that. In his new book, The Practice of Groundedness, he makes the case that “anyone can crush themselves and do an Instagram-worthy workout or all-nighter. That’s actually pretty easy. What is hard is maintaining drive for longer periods of time.” To keep it going, “force yourself to stop the equivalent of one rep short, day in and day out. Doing that is all about going a little slower today so you can go faster tomorrow.” Close the laptop at 6pm instead of 7pm. Sit down to eat lunch. Drive runs on sustainable energy, so feed it right.

    Success strategy: Rather than driving to the basket non-stop, be patient with yourself and look after your energy levels for a real motivation winner.

    5. Let Drive Change

     “The pandemic altered the lives of nearly everyone and led millions to re-evaluate and clarify the core of what is important, essential or meaningful in life – which may not be climbing the corporate ladder,” says Diefendorff.

    What sets you on fire can be a moving target, since we become interested in different things and develop different values over the course of our lives, he adds. To understand what you care about, try thinking about what happens on your best days. What gives you energy and excitement? If you don’t want to switch jobs or goals to feel a sense of drive again, “try to structure your day to ensure that some ‘best day’ activities can be experienced at least some of the time,” Diefendorff suggests.

    The post 5 Steps For Tapping Into Motivation, Direct From The Pros appeared first on Women’s Health. Words by Emily Sohn More

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    Everything You Know About Self-Care Isn’t Wrong… But It’s Not Quite Right

    The term ‘self-care’ is having a moment, but is it the right one? When it’s not being sold to us in the form of candles or fuzzy PJs via Instagram ads, self-care is taking over our TikTok FYP with “everything shower” routines. It’s become an excuse for our every indulgence. Happy hour after a terrible day at work? That’s self-care. Brunch, followed by a Euphoria-inspired mani? It’s all self-care, baby. Splurging on a beach vacay after the hell of these past few years? Self. Care.

    But how much we seem to be focusing on self-care online doesn’t actually align with reality. Nearly half of women are struggling with burnout, according to a workplace survey by Indeed. Meanwhile, a 2022 mental health report by Liptember Foundation revealed that 69% of women are stressed and 44% are facing anxiety. 

    Stats like these raise this question: if the ‘treat yourself’ approach to self-care is working, why are we still so frazzled and worn out? Well, according to experts, we’re all somewhat missing the point. “Self-care is about taking time to understand your true needs beyond your impulses,” says Dr Chloe Carmichael, a therapist and author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety. “It’s looking at yourself on a deeper level.”

    It’s not that a vacation or a happy hour isn’t a worthy form of self-care. Sometimes ‘treating yourself’ is what’s needed, notes Carmichael. But the truth is, if that’s all you’re doing, you’re missing out on the real benefits. Keep reading for a step-by-step lesson in strengthening your relationship to caring for yourself.

    Apps That Will Change Your Life


    Start your morning with a motivational pep talk from the most inspiring people in the world. You experience a simulated video call with professional athletes, celebs, and musicians. Whatever your goals PEPTALK will be your personal coach, trainer or accountability buddy.


    Some psychologists claim that it takes 21 days for a new habit to form; others argue it’s closer to three months. Either way, sticking to anything for that long can be tough. Streaks is a self-improvement coach that helps you ingrain those healthy behaviours by logging the good stuff you get done.


    This app is like a cross between a supportive friend and psychologist – each day you’ll get an uplifting message. Also, you can tap into the library of resources with exercises such as mindful cooking or creating a coffee ritual and work through expert-approved challenges to upskill in areas like self-confidence and anxiety.

    Action point one: Define what self-care really means to you

    There isn’t one single meaning of the term. It’s an ever-evolving concept that’s constantly updated, for better and for worse. “Self-care” as a cultural phenomenon was first introduced by feminist author Audre Lorde in her 1988 essay collection, A Burst of Light, says Dr Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo, an assistant professor at Northwell Health in New York.

    “For her, a Black, queer woman, self-care was about self-preservation. It was about being able to see your identity outside of the white gaze and come back to yourself. It wasn’t something nice to do, but something that kept you alive.” 

    Since then, self-care has been appropriated by marketing whizzes eager to sell an idealised version – and the exxy candles that come with it. But now, finally, we’re starting to come full circle and to build upon Lorde’s original thoughts, adds Dr Catherine Cook-Cottone, a professor whose research focuses on mindful self-care. People recognise the holes in that commercialised alteration and are searching for a deeper understanding of what it can do. “Self-care isn’t something you buy,” Cook-Cottone says. “It’s an active practice of taking care of the internal aspects within the context of external pressures.” According to Dr Barbara Riegel, a University of Pennsylvania nursing professor who studies chronic illness, self-care is about “taking control of your body and taking control of what’s going on with you.” For Uwemedimo, self-care is “creating space in your life to remember who you are and what your purpose is.” 

    So in short, the semantics are up to you. Just remember that it’s a lot like parenting yourself, which means it’s your job to stay focused on what you need, not what you want in the moment. That’s not always easy. One example to drive the point home: social connection is important, but maybe you just moved and don’t know anyone, so reaching out feels scary. You can tell yourself that staying home with Netflix is self-care (and it may make you feel good at first), but Netflix won’t fill your need.

    “Self-care is about taking an honest look at what you require in order to function your best – not only today, but in the broader sense,” Carmichael explains.

    Action point two: Find ways to feed your mind, body and soul

    One of the most difficult aspects of self-care is that it’s so individual. “There isn’t a litmus test where certain behaviours always count as self-care,” Carmichael says. “It depends on the person.” So, how do you know what you need? And how do you find that balance between pushing yourself outside your comfort zone and comforting yourself when you need it?

    Remember ART

    Remember the acronym ART to help you decipher if your self-care behaviour is on point, suggests Cook-Cottone. A is ‘attunement’. As in, are you tuned in to what you really need? R stands for ‘responsive.’ Is the behaviour going to serve that need? And T is ‘taking action’. Will you follow through? If you’re having trouble with the first part, you might start including time in your routine to do nothing but reflect.

    “Taking a break is important to develop awareness,” Cook-Cottone says. That *might* mean taking a regular bubble bath, but while you’re in the water, ask yourself: what do I need to feel my best? What is working in my life right now, and what isn’t? If you’re short on time, you can accomplish the same goal by using the moments you spend on other activities – say, folding the laundry or working out – to focus on your breath and simply listen.

    Time To Pause

    Instilling a time to pause in your day should give you an idea of what, if anything, is missing from your routine. It’s also good practice for knowing what you need in the moment. You might learn that you should focus more on physical forms of self-care: getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, taking prescribed medications, and so on. Or maybe managing stress is an area that’d be good to work on, which eventually leads you to a mindfulness practice or more time outside in nature. Maybe you need to do something creative or something that contributes to your community, like volunteering for a cause you care about.

    Friendly reminder: as a complex being, you have complex needs. It’s not as if you can pick one self-care activity and call it a day. “You want a diverse portfolio of self-care,” advises Cook-Cottone. Some activities will be for your physical well-being, while others will be more for your spiritual and social sides. From there, all you have to do is make sure to make time for that self-care on the regular.

    So, yes, this means that you want to have structure, but also the leeway for spontaneity. Include small, daily practices like saying a loving thing to yourself while you brush your teeth, as well as formal practices like regular meditation. Scheduling a variety of activities (fitness classes, meet-ups with friends, whatever lights you up) can take some decision-making off the table. Creating lots of opportunities and practising varied ways of providing care for yourself will help you “be more agile and responsive in the moment,” explains Cook-Cottone. In other words, when a stressor comes up, it’ll be easier to dig into your toolbox and lean on a practice that’s already routine.

    Action point three: Set boundaries in new ways

    This can have multiple applications and implications. First, you want to set boundaries that protect your time for yourself, like saying no to a night out when what you really crave is a good sweat or some time to process a bad day with a mate. You also want to set boundaries for what you accept as appropriate for your life. That means setting rules for the types of treatment you tolerate in your relationships or at work. This second type of boundary is generally harder to set, given how our culture rewards women for being able to push through anything. The benefit is that when we set boundaries for ourselves, we’re protecting others too. We’re making it smoother for other women to set similar boundaries. “It’s easier to do that in community, so you don’t feel like the odd person out,” Uwemedimo says. 

    It’s all too simple to let self-care be last on our to-do list. But without it, you’ll lose yourself in the constant pressures – and who wants to live like that? Plus, self-care isn’t just a mental boon. If you ignore it, you’re setting yourself up for major health issues down the line, from burnout to true chronic illnesses like depression, diabetes or heart disease, Riegel says. “It’s not something that can wait.” All the more reason to start putting yourself first.

    The post Everything You Know About Self-Care Isn’t Wrong… But It’s Not Quite Right appeared first on Women’s Health. More

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    Start Your Wellness Journey and Improve Your Lifestyle

    Feeling overwhelmed with the idea of starting your wellness journey? When it comes to improving your lifestyle, it’s important to start off on the right foot and celebrate every small win.

    With the fast pace of modern life and the demands that come with it, taking charge of your health and wellness can be daunting, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own. That is why Momentum Multiply partners with you on your journey to better health.

    Here are five tips to help you achieve real gains in your healthy lifestyle journey and have fun while doing it:

    1. Get moving with an activity you love

    This makes it easier to stay motivated and stick to a routine.

    2. Set realistic goals

    Listen to your body and avoid straining yourself by doing too much too soon. For example, you can start with a goal of completing 30 minutes of physical activity three days a week. Multiply members can access the Multiply app for customised weekly goals and tangible rewards when they achieve these goals.

    3. Tap into fitness tools

    Tracking and recording your progress with fitness tools will help you stay motivated and keep track of your accomplishments. It can also empower you to be more aware of your habits and areas of improvement. Multiply guides and encourages members to improve the way they eat, sleep, breathe, move and connect in a seamless digital experience.

    4. Constantly challenge yourself

    As a Multiply member, you get to participate in health challenges with your peers and stand a chance of winning not just bragging rights but tangible rewards.

    5. Make it a date with yourself!

    Much like the pay-yourself-first approach to saving, blocking off or scheduling time for your health and wellness is key to making your goals a priority. Set a reminder for that 5-minute meditation or half an hour run. Go on, invest in yourself!

    Momentum Multiply is not just a wellness rewards programme.

    We have an innovative approach to wellness focusing on helping you achieve your health goals in fun and engaging ways.

    We believe that your overall wellness is the greatest reward and we reward you based on changes you make to improve your overall health.

    We understand that small efforts every day can lead to big long-term health wins.

    Whether you’re just starting out on your journey or you’re a seasoned pro, Multiply is there with you every step of the way. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or hitting the gym, find an activity that you genuinely enjoy doing.

    Sticking to the same fitness routine can start to feel boring and leave you feeling unmotivated. That’s why it’s essential to challenge yourself regularly and mix things up.

    Speak to your financial adviser or visit to start your journey and unlock the priceless value of good health. More