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    Looking for budgeted headphones? 5 AirPods Max alternatives


    by Ruman Baig
    2 hours ago

    Looking for premium sound without breaking the bank with the AirPods Max?
    Look no further. In a world where high-quality audio is often synonymous with hefty price tags, there exists a range of alternative headphones that deliver impressive sound and functionality without the Apple AirPods Max’s premium price.
    Whether you’re an audiophile on a budget or simply seeking value, these alternatives offer a compelling alternative to the high-end market. From sleek designs to advanced features, discover the affordable options that promise to elevate your listening experience without emptying your wallet.
    Best budgeted rivals to Apple AirPods Max:

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram: Feature Image: @xun1020 More

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    Biohacking 101: Wellness expert Dr Frank Lipman shares all you need to know

    Is biohacking a breakthrough or a buzzword?
    The quest for longevity and living a better life are getting a lot of airtime in the wellness space. Those who are in the know are turning into biohacking, also known as do-it-yourself biology, to optimise their physical and mental health through technology, medicine and science.
    The term itself may seem like a daunting subject if you’re getting started so Emirates Man have asked the expert: Dr Frank Lipman, functional and integrative medicine specialist at Wellth, a Dubai-based holistic wellness hub on Al Wasl Road, Jumeirah 2, to share all we need to know about biohacking, how it works and what it could do for you.

    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine and non-negotiable practices?
    I try to meditate for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. I then exercise most days, either weight training, riding the bike or going for a long walk. I usually have a cup of black coffee only throughout the day and I have my first meal around noon.
    Biohacking is using science, technology, nutrition and lifestyle to optimise one’s health. It’s such a loose term – what does it exactly mean and is it a good idea?
    Do-it-yourself biology is also referred to as “biohacking.” Biohacking, is basically about finding clever solutions and shortcuts that focus on smarter strategies to improve health, wellness and, ultimately, longevity. When I talk about biohacking it’s about applying safe and sensible practices – drawn from the latest discoveries from the worlds of biology, nutrition, and neuroscience – to support and enhance your physical and mental performance now, and for decades to come. And, depending on your needs and goals, there may occasionally be a device involved. The kind worn on the body (think smart watches and step trackers) – not in it.

    “for the rest of us, bio-hacking is really about taking a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to health and longevity, as efficiently and safely as possible.”

    What have been the driving factors that played a pivotal role in the growth of the biohacking movement?
    The basic idea of biohacking has been simmering since the early 2000s when hard-charging Silicon Valley types and amateur DIY biologists began exploring ways to more actively control their biology, their energy levels, physical and mental performance. And while some on the fringes of the biohacking culture have taken the philosophy far beyond what most of us would consider reasonable – take for example the California biohacker who currently holds the world record for most implanted technological devices – for the rest of us, biohacking is really about taking a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to health and longevity, as efficiently and safely as possible. It’s also worth mentioning that you’re probably already doing a good bit of biohacking whether you realise it or not, like, eating better, getting more sleep, staying hydrated, and taking supplements. However, as technology has advanced, biohacking has expanded to include the use of many tools and gadgets. Continuous blood glucose monitors, fitness wearables and rings to measure sleep enable people to track their health and make data-driven decisions. Since last year, biohacking has grown from a niche interest to a mainstream trend. Regular individuals have become more focused on optimising both their cognitive and physical performance through biohacking techniques, and while customisation comes with its own set of risks and unknowns, it is safe to say that it is preferable to a one-size-fits-all or one product solution-based strategy. Those who are most interested in biohacking have significant disposable incomes. While some people would pay a premium to prevent their biological clock from aging, others would spend hundreds of thousands to implement biohacking devices and principles throughout their homes, such as smart beds that monitor sleep patterns and air purification systems designed to improve indoor air quality. Even individuals who cannot afford to spend a million bucks on anti-aging therapies are joining the bandwagon. Dietary supplements, blue light blocking glasses, and eyewear designed to relieve eye strain from screen time have all become biohacking staples since their WFH-inspired surge.

    “…you’re probably already doing a good bit of bio-hacking whether you realise it or not, like, eating better, getting more sleep, staying hydrated, and taking supplements.”

    What are some of the biggest misconceptions that surround it or any precautions to be aware of?
    There are several misconceptions and misinformation surrounding the biohacking wellness craze, including:
    • Biohacking works for everyone: In general, biohacking can have a direct impact on your body, albeit in different manners. So just because a bio-hack works for your peers doesn’t guarantee that it will work for you. Keep in mind that biohacking is very personal and unique.
    • Information on the Internet is correct: Though the Internet is one of the best sources of information available to everyone nowadays, it is not always wise to believe everything you read or see on it and take the information with a grain of salt. You may need to consult a variety of sources to obtain the required information to begin your biohacking journey.
    Biohacking offers multiple benefits. Certain forms can be easily followed at home and, in the event that something goes wrong, reversed. Experimenting with oneself without taking the proper precautions may lead to unanticipated difficulties and negative consequences. If you stick to research-validated lifestyle changes, particularly those tailored to your specific geno-metabolic mix, you should be fine. The same is true for the majority of wearables, as long as their readings are accurate and cross-verified with professional equipment. However, implants of all types can be detrimental, particularly when performed without proper medical supervision. Therefore, before engaging in any biohacking methods, it is imperative that you consult with your physician.
    What are the top accessible biohacking practices and its benefits – and which ones have you implemented in your life?
    Some of the accessible biohacking practices that I do and actually work include:
    • Supplement with Nootropics: Nootropics, often known as smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, are a group of substances that can improve learning and memory. These substances include caffeine, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, peptides and sometimes prescription medications.
    Image: Instagram @thenueco_
    • Meditate: Biohackers may practice various types of meditation in the aim of relaxing their minds or improving their general health. Therapeutic techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, and transcendental meditation have been shown to improve health. These health benefits include better sleep, less fatigue, and a more positive mood.
    • Don’t eat round the clock: Time restricted eating, or TRE, is a simple, highly effective, metabolism-boosting hack that just about anyone can do. By extending the natural fast between dinner and breakfast you’ll prompt your body to make the most of what you consume, resulting in decreased blood sugar and insulin levels, less fat accumulation, and reduced inflammation – all of which does wonders for your life-and-health span. Three or four days a week, start with 12 hours between your last and first meal of the day, and work your way up to a 16-hour window.
    Image: Supplied by Wellth
    What are the most common issues in men (in the region and beyond) you are seeing with your clients today that can be solved with biohacking treatments available at Wellth?
    One of the commonest issues I see with men is a low testosterone and the level of consequences from it- low energy, decreased libido, mild depression, losing muscle and gaining fat around the abdomen. So, getting a comprehensive blood analysis (probably one of the most important biohacks to be done), which we do at Wellth, offers evidence about your present health and uncovers factors and deficiencies which may be contributing to someone not feeling as good as they would like to. I have seen too many men in their late 40’s and early 50’s who after doing a consultation, getting their blood results, and then changing their diets accordingly and giving them a few supplements and often testosterone replacement, feel like “new” men.
    Tell us more about the Dr. Frank Lipman method.
    The Dr Frank Lipman method is– listen, measure, intervene and monitor.
    That means I take a good history and do extensive testing of biomarkers to get an in depth analysis of someone’s health. I then design personalised action plans to support longevity, using dietary and lifestyle interventions, supplements, peptides, hormones and medications if necessary, and sometimes more innovative longevity tools. I then closely monitor the effects of someone’s program, making upgrades and adjustments as needed, to guide the client towards their longevity goals.
    What does “a better you” mean to you?
    A “better you” is a happy, optimised and well-functioning you, full of energy and optimism, with few aches and pains and dysfunction whatever your age. Your weight is stable, you exercise frequently, sleep well, deal with your stress, have good healthy relationships at home and at work and are kind to yourself and others.
    To book a consulation or for more information, visit
    – For more on how to look smart and live smarter, follow Emirates Man on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Pexels and Supplied More

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    Vision and Voice: TikTok unlocks social media evolution and innovation potential

    What drives the future of social media? Emirates Woman taps TikTok General Manager of Operations – Middle East, Turkey, Africa, Pakistan and South Asia, Kinda Ibrahim, to unlock social media’s evolution and innovation potential. What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine? I start my day at 6am with a quick coffee, followed by a morning exercise routine that I like to switch up every once in a while. Afterward, I go back home for a nutritious breakfast while catching up on the news. This routine not only energises me but also sets a positive tone for a productive workday. Tell us how you got your start in the industry. From the outset, my passion for technology was evident. Supported with an undergraduate degree in computer science, I embarked on a career in programming and development. While pursuing my MBA, I seamlessly transitioned into the realm of business, maintaining a strong connection with technology. My journey led me through diverse roles in analytics, project management, business operations, and partnerships within prominent tech companies across North America and the Middle East – including influential names like IMS Health, Yahoo, Microsoft, Twitter, and most recently, TikTok. How does your role impact innovation and tech at TikTok? The region is a vibrant hub of creativity, and TikTok’s phenomenal success in the market mirrors the enthusiastic embrace of a platform that provides a unique and positively engaging space for creativity. Since assuming the role of General Manager, I’ve been inspired by the incredible diversity, innovation, and expansive reach of TikTok in the region. In my role, I spearhead the localisation and implementation of our cutting-edge features that resonate with the diverse user base in the Middle East, Turkey, Africa, Pakistan, and South Asia. By collaborating with partners and talents, understanding regional cultural nuances, and fostering partnerships with key stakeholders, I ensure that TikTok remains at the forefront of technological advancements in the region. I am thrilled to lead a dynamic team as we continue to enhance and evolve TikTok’s presence in the region. How has the Middle East region changed in terms of interacting with TikTok – has there been a shift in the way content is consumed? The Middle East region has witnessed a notable transformation in its interaction with TikTok, reflecting a shift in content consumption patterns. Short-form content has become increasingly popular, with a focus on engaging elements such as humour, personal anecdotes, and emotional resonance, offering a more immersive and entertaining experience for users. There has been a discernible surge in content consumption across diverse categories including Entertainment, Lifestyle, Education, Music, Sports, and Gaming. Users are actively engaging with content formats like recommendations and reviews, daily life snippets, tips and tricks, as well as the creation and sharing of memes and skits. This evolving landscape underscores the platform’s versatility and its ability to cater to a wide range of interests, making TikTok a dynamic hub for diverse and engaging content experiences in the Middle East. “Our commitment is to continually illustrate how TikTok is revolutionising the content landscape and democratising content creation by tapping into the strength of its diverse and authentic community.” How do you aim to drive the platform forward in the region? TikTok’s remarkable success in the region motivates me to further cultivate and enhance this achievement. With more than 1 billion people around the world who now come to TikTok every month to be entertained, TikTok has become a go-to platform for entertainment. Our commitment is to continually illustrate how TikTok is revolutionising the content landscape and democratising content creation by tapping into the strength of its diverse and authentic community. Functioning as a dynamic cultural hub, the platform connects individuals from various backgrounds, experiences, and communities. TikTok not only facilitates creative expression but also propels global discovery, empowering creators on a worldwide scale. What distinguishes TikTok is its unique ability to provide entertainment while nurturing a gratifying sense of community. Through its inventive strategies, TikTok has reshaped the global and inclusive dimensions of entertainment consumption. A prime example is TikTok’s role as a central hub for originating viral cultural trends, spanning music, fashion, beauty, comedy sketches, recipes, and the discovery of emerging talents. TikTok holds the power to propel these trends into the mainstream, opening doors for opportunities in the entertainment industry for regional talents. Community is at the core of TikTok. How does the company approach innovation to ensure the content is fresh and engaging? The TikTok community is at the heart of everything we do, and we are keen to constantly provide them with opportunities to amplify their voices and enable them to be a positive force of change in society. We are a platform that nurtures creative, authentic and positive content communities which are diverse in age, culture and geography, and allows everyone to have a voice. The beauty of TikTok is that there are trends and communities emerging constantly, such as #BookTok where users share reviews and recommendations of their favourite books, #WhereToVisit acting as personalised city tour guide from the TikTok community, #WhatToWatch an Entertainment Hub featuring recommendations, reviews and their reactions on the top movies and series from our community and leading streaming platforms, #TikTokCookbook for our at-home chefs. We also have a robust localisation strategy to encourage users to create content relevant to their local cultures and trends. Our operations teams ensure TikTok provides the best community support for creativity and discovery for our local users in Arabic. How do you view the future of TikTok and how do you see the use of social media evolve in the next 5 to 10 years? With the world constantly changing and the rapid evolution of technology, it’s hard to say how digital platforms and social media will evolve in the coming years. However, it is certain that TikTok will persist in reshaping the landscape of entertainment by leveraging the strength of its diverse and authentic community. Through its innovative strategies, TikTok has revolutionised the global and inclusive nature of entertainment consumption, a trend that is poised to strengthen further. The platform’s influence extends to mainstream recognition, offering significant opportunities for creators in the entertainment industry. With social media use at an all-time high, what type of content stands out to you? For me, content that really stands out to me is authentic. The TikTok community has created a new global language around video and sound, not just text, by sharing authentic stories, thoughts and experiences with each other. The creativity and authenticity that lives on TikTok cannot be replicated or found anywhere else. This is The Tech Issue – what technology has been a game changer in your life and how so? The game changer in my life has undoubtedly been the integration of smartphones and connectivity, along with the subsequent rise of online platforms. This technological duo has transformed the way we access information, democratising content consumption and providing a voice to everyone. The instant availability of information on our smartphones has reshaped communication dynamics, turning these devices into gateways to a vast digital world. Online platforms, in turn, have broken down traditional barriers, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to share their perspectives and contribute to a more inclusive and interconnected global conversation. This seamless integration of technology has not only accelerated information flow but has empowered individuals to actively shape the narrative, marking a significant shift in how we interact with and contribute to the world around us. February’s – The Tech Issue with Christiana Maxion  – Download Now – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram Images: Supplied More

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    Exclusive: In the office with Clemence Cazeau, Director of Arts and Events at 37x Dubai

    Life by Camille Macawili 9 mins ago VIEW GALLERY/ 5 IMAGES 37x Director of Arts and Events, Clemence Cazeau, shares the conception of this hybrid creative space that aims to bridge the gap between art and technology. Tap the gallery above for a tour inside 37x. How long have you been in this space? The gallery officially opened its doors to the public on November 1st, 2023. However, I’ve been in the art world pretty much since I was born. My parents were both in art, and I knew this was what I wanted to do. I’ve been combining my love for art with tech since about 2018. This is when I first started digging deeper into NFTs and the power of blockchain technology. In 2021, we started looking for venues, architects and contractors to build what is now 37xDubai. Have you custom-built any bespoke pieces? We have not built any bespoke pieces for 37x. But we have curated many interesting artists for our current “Radiance” exhibition. Some of the works are from The SHIMURABros, a sister-brother duo from Japan, Justin Weiler, a French artist, and Juno Shen from China, who have all created unique artworks that beautifully reflect the power of light – as well as the combination of art and technology. How do you think the interior reflects you? The design of 37xDubai embodies art, innovation, and creativity. As an initiative by Morningstar Ventures, it has a strong DNA derived from the world of technology. Describe your taste in three words. Beauty, creative, environment-inspired. February’s – The Tech Issue with Christiana Maxion  – Download Now – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram Photography by Mark Mathew More

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    Founder of MAXION, Christiana Maxion, on building long-lasting connections through tech

    Creative Direction: Amy SessionsPhotographer: Ziga MihelčičFashion Editor: Camille MacawiliMakeup & Hair: Mauro Hernan at MMG artistsCover Star: Christiana MaxionLocation with thanks to UPSIDE LIVINGStyling with thanks to OUNASSIn February’s Breaking The Code, Christiana Maxion, Founder of MAXION, shares personal insights that kick-started her career in building long-lasting human connections through tech, plus her vision for a different online future.What first ignited your interest to develop and start MAXION?It all started with an Instagram account… I started documenting my dating experience in 2020 and people were really drawn to my empowered dating standpoint: dating with high standards and low expectations. I absolutely loved dating in Dubai but the account taught me one thing: people hated dating in Dubai and I was shocked because the most amazing people I have ever met have lived here! I soon figured out that people were just missing one another and I wanted to be the bridge that connected them. I opened up my matchmaking agency in 2021 and we saw immediate success and extreme demand. Which proved to me that people were searching for an alternative to what was currently on the market. In seven months Christiana MAXION Solutions was offering elite matchmaking for high and ultra high net worth men, not only in Dubai, but worldwide! We now boast an over 95% success rate with a 40,000+ global database. What I realized with the matchmaking agency is that we only service a niche group of people and can only take on a certain number of clients per quarter – but I wanted more! I wanted to create more connections and success for a larger pool of people. So I decided to digitise my services, marrying compatibility and concierge, and boom – I launched MAXION in ten months time and we are bringing my elite matchmaking to the masses!What is the USP of the app that sets it apart from the others?MAXION is a matchmaking concierge for driven, smart, ambitious individuals across the GCC who are time-poor, and designed to expedite the entire connection process and put you in front of the right people. Most of us move to the UAE on a work visa without close friends, family or a partner, and it could be a lonely place to start. We all go through proximity settling (forced to be friends with people you work with or live in your neighborhood, rather than true compatibility) and spend lots of wasted time in heaps of trial-and-error relationships. In a city like Dubai, where you outsource everything, why not outsource your love life to the experts? MAXION is changing the way accomplished professionals form meaningful connections – getting busy professionals off the app and in-person with compatible partners. What is on the market right now is NOT working! 42% of online daters have a negative experience; 71% of people lie on dating apps; 77% of online daters don’t go on in-person dates. The UAE is becoming more of a permanent place rather than a transient city and meaningful connections will assist in people’s decisions to choose the GCC as their future home. Now is the perfect time to launch as we want to capture this demand and ride on the success of the agency by catering to a wider audience and expanding into friendship in addition to romantic connections.∙ Only vetted, verified, real people: No tourists. All members are LinkedIn and EID verified.∙ Compatibility: No more swiping. New, expertly-picked profiles sent weekly.∙ Concierge: No more wasted time chatting. We plan, book, and con- firm all of your dates through our partnership with Seven Rooms. We get you to the date with our partnership with Yango.∙ Connection: No more ghosting. Feedback gives you direction and feeds into our compatibility engines to perfect the process.∙ Cherry on top: Not everyone has the time to go on one-on-one dates so maximise your chances of connection by gaining access to our member-exclusive parties. MAXION is designed to skip the chit chat and get you in-person in order to see if there’s a connection. Our ratio will always be 50:50.MAXION was on beta test and officially launched last year. How has it been received?We are so excited to announce that we now have MAXION Members on our platform connecting, going on dates, and attending events. We already have a few couples just from our launch party! We had a slight hiccup post launch with transitioning from an external agency to an internal tech team, but ever since our second launch, we are proud to say that we have over 1,000 downloads and 800 plus applications in just six weeks! We are ready to take over and solve the GCC connection crisis!Have you had to get comfortable as an entrepreneur and has it changed the way you view yourself?I always knew I was destined for greatness but didn’t know which route would make me shine the brightest and now I’ve found it. I’ve been an athlete, Pilates trainer, author, school leader, millionaire matchmaker, and now tech founder… billionaire next. I LOVE who I am today. The woman I look at in the mirror today is a completely different woman than who I was when I moved to this country in 2016, when I was a school leader in 2018, and in between jobs in 2021. I have built myself into what I am today and truly believe that the successes I’ve achieved in all aspects of my life, in particular, my fitness, sobriety, my matchmaking agency and now as a tech founder are at the core of my confidence, drive, ambition, resilience, and grit.“I entered a totally new space blind but figured it out. I always say, “jump, then figure out how to fly.”How many people are in your team now and did you start out alone?Being a solo first-time tech founder came with its many challenges, but I always saw every speed bump as a learned lesson and used it to be better moving forward. I entered a totally new space blind but figured it out. I always say, “jump. then figure out how to fly.” The first thing I did when I entered the tech space was ask all of my friends to introduce me to anyone in the space – tech founders, fund managers, anyone and everyone. I connected with people and the first thing I asked them was “tell me the two biggest mistakes you ever made and how you fixed them.” I learned massive lessons from these conversations.Our current team: We now have three advisors and eight MAXION employees. Advisors are KEY especially for a solo founder. I have a tech advisor, strategy advisor and startup advisor. Our team consists of operations, tech, marketing, and memberships, but in all honesty there’s only one role in startups: whatever it takes! You must be able to wear all hats to make this wheel turn. But I could absolutely not live without my right hand! Samreen Khimani is our Operations Lead. I’m the head and she’s the neck. I have the vision, dream, can see the future, and make things happen, but she makes things move. Without the neck, you have no head. She is an absolute critical person to how we function and I trust her wholly and completely. We’ve known each other for years and she has been on this journey with me since 2020!You’re clearly a driven person. Where do you think it all comes from?I am highly motivated by status. I grew up in a very affluent area but always felt a couple of steps behind and I’m determined to be hundreds of steps ahead now. I want to be known as the best, the top, tech phenomenon. Tell me I can’t do something, and I’ll do it ten times better and ten times faster. I had a previous partner that told me I would be nothing without him and I’ve let that statement drive me. It has propelled me into success in all aspects of my life. My drive also comes from my obsession to contribute. Not only contribute by creating connections but also by funding and helping to fuel other female founders’ dreams and businesses.As a female in the tech industry, are there any difficulties you’ve faced and how did you overcome it?Many people don’t take you seriously or waste your time. I also think being young and beautiful is looked down upon but I use it as my superpower! Beauty gets you in the doors, but brains gets you to the top floor. I’ve had people waste my time with meetings disguised as potential investors but really they just want to take me out or get to know me personally. I’ve had so many people say it’s a silly idea and it will never work. I’ve had people question my lack of experience and cast doubt on my ability to thrive… I laugh! They obviously don’t know I’m a force to be reckoned with. I am driven by naysayers. I let the hate fuel me.FUNDING. We are about to close our pre-seed round at $950,000 USD! Which is absolutely incredible for a first-time female tech founder and unheard of.How do you and your product team approach innovation within the company?Community Portals: We now have our first portal launched for the international expat community in Dubai. We have started to localise the product to be Shariah-aligned for Islamic marriage connections for the local communities across the GCC. We cannot wait to serve and create more connections for all communities with the ever-expansion of our new portals.AI: I am so excited to catapult MAXION into the next stratosphere with all of the AI concierge services we have planned. We are not only a matchmaking concierge for connections, but we will soon take over your social life and be your pocket concierge for all of your social needs. More to be revealed soon!What are your top tips in building authentic and elevated connections, online and offline?Be you! My favourite quote of all time is by Dr. Seuss ‘No one is you-er than you’. I relate this to business as in no one can do what you do so keep your head straight and focused on your own path and prize. I also relate this to relationships. Being your authentic self is the number one key to attracting the right people for you. In this day and age where everyone is obsessed with image and social media, people complain about the lack of authenticity as most people feel like carbon copies of what they see online. Instead embrace your quirks and your uniqueness and shine brighter than ever. Stand on a pedestal built on your accomplishments, successes, and character. This is the foundation of who you are and your ideal people are going to put you on that pedestal for those exact reasons. Shine bright and don’t let anyone dim your shine!This is The Tech Issue – what technology has been a game-changer in your life and how so?I am obsessed with my Oura Ring! I get up every morning and immediately check my sleep data and my readiness score. It is so accurate and I get a high form seeing the little crowns for optimal readiness.February’s – The Tech Issue with Christiana Maxion  – Download Now– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram More

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    Tech Support: 7 productivity apps to download to keep you focused

    Lifeby Camille Macawili9 mins ago Revolutionise your life with the apps designed to deliver a more mindful and productive approach to your days.ArcushFor time-blocking and smarter planningA daily planner and calendar app that helps build a balanced and smarter schedule for a productive day. The efficiency lies in its minimalistic visuals and interface so you can colour code and structure your day with time blocking to get the right things done.Download hereOne SecFor eliminating digital distractionsSocial media is designed to give you instant dopamine boosts in small increments – hence it’s so addictive. Gain back precious time that could be spent more effectively with the help of One Sec, a focus app de- veloped with the help of psychologists and user experience experts. This game-changing app gives you the chance to pause and think twice before you get sucked into an hour of doom scrolling by making you wait longer for the social media app to open. It has “Focus Sessions” which does not allow you to open any of the configured apps – and there’s nothing you can do about it but focus and get things done.Download hereBlacklaneFor productive travellingBlacklane, the leading chauffeur-hailing service offering a premium experience, is an essential for convenient transport within and outside of Dubai. You can seamlessly schedule your pickups in advance via the app and your chauffeur will turn up.Download hereOpenFor on-the-go mindfulnessStress less, do more. Make a practise of re- setting and aligning – especially during a busy day – with mindfulness practises that can help de-stress the mind to avoid digi- tal burnout and improve focus on the day’s tasks and goals. Open, with its aesthetically pleasing user interface, is a subscription- based app equipped with breathwork and meditation courses and guides in three modalities: Breathe, Move, Meditate.Download hereFloraFor building life-changing habitsFocus on building discipline through creating positive and life-enhancing habits that can increase your productivity daily whether it’s listening to a podcast, doing an online course, or moving mindfully. Flora is a to-do list app with a built-in gamified habit tracker designed to reward as you complete your daily habits.Download hereNotionFor completing work tasks and collaborative task managementA productivity and note-taking app developed by Notion Labs Inc. that blends your everyday work apps into one providing an all-in-one connected workspace for you and your team, so you stop switching between apps and tabs to get work done effectively. Some of the useful organisational tools include project tracking, task management, and even integrating your favourite third-party work tools like Asana, Figma, Google Drive, Slack and more.Download hereFlow LabFor positive-thinking habitsTrain your mind to be active and get more things done with Flow Lab, an app with mental training techniques and guided meditations by personal coaches to develop a growth mindset that fuels productivity and motivation.Download hereFebruary’s – The Tech Issue with Christiana Maxion  – Download Now– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramFeatured Image: Instagram @cassdimicco More

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    Looking for headphones on a budget? 5 AirPods Max alternatives

    Lifeby Ruman Baig23 mins ago Looking for premium sound without breaking the bank with the AirPods Max?Look no further. In a world where high-quality audio is often synonymous with hefty price tags, there exists a range of alternative headphones that deliver impressive sound and functionality without the Apple AirPods Max’s premium price.Whether you’re an audiophile on a budget or simply seeking value, these alternatives offer a compelling alternative to the high-end market. From sleek designs to advanced features, discover the affordable options that promise to elevate your listening experience without emptying your wallet.Best budgeted rivals to Apple AirPods Max:– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Instagram: Feature Image: @xun1020 More

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    Vision and Voice: Meta unlocks social media evolution and innovation potential

    What drives the future of social media?Emirates Woman taps Meta’s Group Director FMCG, Luxury, Retail & E-Commerce (MENA), Anna Germanos, to unlock social media’s evolution and innovation potential.What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?My day begins with a glance at my phone, catching up on messages from friends and family sent overnight, and reading the latest headlines. The morn- ing hustle then begins – waking the kids up and preparing them for school, a daily marathon of its own. I drop them at the bus and hit the gym at 7am at least three times a week. The 7-8am hour is my only time for fitness.Tell us how you got your start in the industry.My journey in Consumer & Retail began with an internship at Booz & Company during my MBA year. I found myself captivated by industries closely connected to consumers, leading me to focus the rest of my consulting career on consumer and retail projects across the MEA region. In 2017, an opportunity presented itself in Google’s consumer team. Leveraging both my industry expertise and engineering background, I made the transition into the tech sector. Since then, I’ve been advising global and regional clients in Consumer, Retail, E- commerce, and Luxury on their digital marketing transformation journeys.Anna Germanos, Group Director FMCG, Luxury, Retail & E-Commerce (MENA) at MetaHow does your role impact innovation and tech at Meta?In my role at Meta, I directly engage with consumers and advertisers, translating their needs into actionable insights which helps bridge the gap between user requirements and our product teams. These insights also play a pivotal role in shaping Meta’s innovation roadmap, ensuring our products resonate with a diverse regional audience. I also oversee the adaptation of innovations to specific markets, leveraging local nuances for maximum impact. Naturally, any innovation undergoes rigorous testing before its global launch, and in our region, advertisers frequently participate in testing alphas and betas, which help shape the end-product development.“Innovation is also about making our technologies accessible to users of all backgrounds and abilities.”What are the key goals to lead the change in terms of innovation in the tech industry?Ultimately, innovation has to be centered around people. Everything we do at Meta is about breaking down barriers and connecting people, empowering them to create. The concept of the metaverse, for example, underscores the ability to facilitate profound connections through social presence and natural interactions using voice, facial expressions and gestures. Innovation is also about making our technologies accessible to users of all backgrounds and abilities. Whether through advancements in virtual and augmented reality or improved accessibility features, our goal is to ensure that everyone can participate in the digital revolution.How has the Middle East region changed in terms of interacting on Meta platforms – has there been a shift in the way content is consumed?There has been a noticeable shift in content consumption globally and our region is not an exception. It would come as no surprise that there has been a steady rise in the consumption of short-form video content, such as Reels, across all platforms. For instance, people spend more than half their time on Facebook and Instagram watching videos. As we have moved almost entirely to mobile first, when it comes to social media, brevity and shareability has become key. We are also seeing creators explore new frontiers through the use of AR and VR, experiment with new formats and tools, and find new ways to monetise their work. Another big shift is the growth of e-commerce on social media. While people have been using our apps to buy and sell things for years, the integration of e-commerce tools such as shoppable posts and branded content tools on Instagram, Facebook Marketplace, live shopping, product stickers and integrated chatbots for customer support has made the experience more natural and seamless. E-commerce in MENA is projected to reach $50 billion by 2025, 1.7x from 2021 with KSA and UAE leading.How do you aim to positively drive the platforms forward in the region?The Middle East is a hub of immense potential, both creatively and in the business realm, and we are enthusiastic about deepening our collaborations with regional partners to expedite the development of the local ecosystem. We are deeply invested in amplifying the influence of the vibrant local creator community in the region – a community rich in talent and diversity. Initiatives like Creators of Tomorrow, Creator Lab, and locally flavoured campaigns are a launchpad that celebrate these talents and we aim to continue this momentum. We’re also constantly expanding on ways creators can monetise their content on our platforms. As our creator community thrives, so do the opportunities for brands and advertisers on our platforms. The regional success stories are compelling; brands leveraging our platforms have witnessed a substantial boost in ad effectiveness and sales. For instance, with AI-driven ad solutions, Home Center, a prominent home furnishings retailer in the GCC, experienced a 40% lift in return on ad spend using our tools. Similarly, Level Shoes, a luxury multi-brand footwear retailer in the UAE and KSA, reported a remarkable 92% higher return on ad spend in KSA. In addition to growth, we are dedicated to making our platforms a safer space, especially for minors. We’ve recently announced a new bundle of protections to give teens more age-appropriate experience, and overall, we’ve developed over 30 different tools and resources to support teens and their parents.UX/UI is at the core of Meta. How does the company approach digital innovation to ensure the content is fresh and engaging?We want to make the most of people’s time, and we believe personalisation is the way to go about it. We prioritise content that generates authentic interactions and that people seek out and return to on a regular basis. We use a wide variety of AI algorithms to ensure users get a good mix of staying connected to their close friends, while being engaged with new content relevant to their interests. We do that by analysing different factors including history of interaction, location and the user’s activity to try and predict what they will enjoy the most. Another aspect is giving creators better tools and helpful guides to empower them to engage with their communities and produce trendy, entertaining content. Features like Reel templates, Remix, Collabs and many more are all there to ensure we keep the bar high for quality content on our platforms. We also provide global guides via @creators on Instagram and to help creators get inspiration, learn how to best monetise their content, and stay ahead of the curve. Meta is also experimenting with incorporating generative AI post creation elements.Do you believe AI will be the defining technology of our generation or is this a passing trend?While it’s still early days for generative AI, the visible impact it is making leaves us anticipating positive changes across various domains, from business and healthcare to the delivery of public services. Far from being a passing trend, I firmly believe that AI is a transformative force here to stay. For over a decade, Meta has been a trailblazer in AI innovation, utilizing it to curate personalised content and ads for our users while ensuring safer experiences on our platforms. We’ve actively collaborated on over 1,000 open-source AI projects, contributing to the broader AI community. The transformative potential of AI is evident in its application by researchers, accelerating anti-biotic discovery and enabling the creation of detailed MRIs with significantly less raw data. Now, Meta is extending its AI endeavors with the development of new generative AI experiences. These innovations aim to make our platforms more social, more useful, and more immersive, further solidifying AI as a driving force in shaping the technological landscape of our generation.With social media use at an all-time high, what type of content stands out to you?The content that truly resonates with me is usually unique and genuine. I gravitate towards creators and influencers who can either in- spire or entertain me with their authentic passion. I prefer to engage with content that is specialised in a specific genre, rather than spans multiple areas. More broadly, content such as sports, fashion and beauty typically dominate in terms of popularity, followed by music and comedy. However, in our region, cultural events often bring other genres to the forefront, such as food and entertainment shows during Ramadan. I am also very intrigued by the emerging new technology and AI generated content that truly boosts engagement, similar to what Tom Jauncey (@tomjauncey) and Murad Osmann (@muradosmann) are creating on Instagram. Ultimately, content that is crafted with sincerity and passion is the most impactful.This is The Tech Issue – what technology has been a game changer in your life and how so?To me, WhatsApp is a revolutionary tool. Its user-friendly interface allows even the least tech-savvy individuals to connect effortlessly; case in point: my 93-year-old grandma is on WhatsApp! It really simplified my personal life management as a working mother. Professionally too, WhatsApp’s prevalence has expedited tasks, making communication more efficient than other channels. The benefits I’ve reaped in terms of connectivity, time-efficiency, and effectiveness through WhatsApp are immense.February’s – The Tech Issue with Christiana Maxion  – Download Now– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More