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    Struggle Sleeping? Here’s How To Create A Bedtime Routine, Per Experts

    As the importance of sleep becomes more and more paramount for daytime productivity and general functioning, so too is creating a bedtime routine rising to prominence. In South Africa, our sleep is less than optimal. Per a Sleep Cycle survey, only 27% of South Africans are getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night. And a lack of sleep can have real implications for your health, expanding your BMI and resulting in increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke, per one study. Not only that, but sleep impacts your mental health, too.

    We chatted to a few experts to get the info on how to really get that all-important R ‘n R every night. One study reveals that a bedtime routine not only helps you get to bed better but can also improve the quality of your sleep over time.

    Meet the experts: Rudo Kemp is the founder of Sloom, creators of mattresses. Marley Rose Harris is an International Business & Mindset Coach.

    Get the right mattress – for you

    “The physical aspects of a mattress are pivotal in ensuring consistent, high-quality sleep, which in turn has profound effects on mental well-being,” says Kemp. Every individual’s body is unique, and what feels comfortable and supportive will vary. For some, a hard mattress might mean an uncomfortable night’s sleep. While for others, a mattress that’s too soft won’t give adequate spinal support. Make sure that your mattress is optimal for your health and needs and a suitable bedtime routine will be that much easier to attain.

    READ MORE: Is Your Mattress Actually Good For You? Here’s How To Tell, According To The Experts 

    Try manifestation

    “Your subconscious mind is most malleable in the evening right before bed and in the morning. This is the best time to rewire your belief system,” says Harris. “Before bed, recall five things you are grateful for throughout the day, which can be little or big things.” The purpose? It works to attune your mind to look to things to be grateful for. “Right when your eyes open in the morning, affirm anything you are focusing on manifesting,” says Harris. “Your subconscious mind is simply spectacular and sleep is the key to opening the door!”

    READ MORE: The 10 Best Sleep Apps To Help You Fall Asleep Faster And Sleep Through The Night

    Try deep breathing

    To calm a busy mind and get in the headspace for restful sleep, Harris stresses the importance of deep breathing. These can calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality.

    Clear the tech

    This is one you’d have heard before, but that’s because it works. Blue light from your tech devices like cellphones can stop your brain from producing melatonin, which allows you to drift off peacefully. Try blue light blocking frames; these block harmful blue light from hitting your eyes and helps you fall asleep better before bed.

    READ MORE: “I Tried The Latest Massage That Promises To Help With Insomnia, Pain And Fatigue.”

    Declutter your space

    Design plays a big role in our sleeping environment, as a well-designed, harmonious bedroom can serve as a sanctuary, signalling to our brain that it’s time to unwind. Before bed, pack away anything that might distract you from a good night’s sleep. Got clothes lying around? Packing them away will tell your brain that all is well and you can rest easy.

    READ MORE: 5 Things To Eat At Night That’ll Help You Sleep Way, Way Better

    Wind down with yoga

    Doing yoga daily adds up to restful sleep, per this study. Yoga is incredible for myriad reasons and is as potent for sleep. By allowing you to take in deeper breaths while stretching out your body’s niggles, you can quiet your mind, ease anxiety and allow your body to properly drift off into sweet slumber. More

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    How To Practice Sleep Syncing for Better Sleep and Energy

    If there’s one thing we can all agree on it’s that sleep is important—and that collectively, we’re not getting enough of it. I’ve been guilty of staying up too late to watch one more episode of the latest show, finish reading a chapter, or scroll through Tiktok without thinking about the consequences (lack of quality sleep). While I love a little self-care time at the end of a long day, I don’t ever want it to translate into a groggy, grumpy kind of morning that leaves me needing coffee in an IV to make it through the day. 
    According to the CDC, more than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep (read: seven or more hours a day). Sleep is vital for our overall health, and sleeping less than seven hours a day can be associated with a risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. Even with the introduction of sleep-tracking devices like the Oura Ring or Apple Watch, we still don’t seem to maintain good quality sleep. Whether you stay up too late, wake up in the middle of the night, or never wake up feeling energized, there’s a new wellness trend that might be the answer to all your sleep woes. You’ve probably heard of cycle syncing, which is syncing with your infradian rhythm; sleep syncing is syncing with your circadian rhythm, and it’s promising everything from the best sleep of your life to optimal energy during the day. Read on for what sleep syncing is and how to try it for yourself. 

    What is Sleep Syncing?
    Sleep syncing is the process of aligning your sleep cycle with your circadian rhythm, or the internal clock your body follows. The circadian rhythm regulates your daily sleep, wakefulness, hunger, digestion, hormonal activity, and other bodily processes. It’s why natural light tells the body it’s time to wake up or having set meal times spark hunger. The circadian rhythm regulates the production of different hormones throughout the 24-hour cycle. In the morning when the sun rises, the body produces cortisol, which makes us feel alert and awake. In the evening, as the sun sets, the body releases melatonin, which makes us tired and ready for sleep. When the body is properly aligned with the circadian rhythm, it makes it easier to have a full and restful sleep, but when it is thrown off this schedule, problems arise. Enter sleep syncing. 
    Unlike the many sleep hacks out there, sleep syncing may be the most effective because it follows your body’s natural biological clock, which regulates the cycle of circadian rhythms. By following the tips for sleep syncing below, you’ll likely feel more rested throughout the day, say goodbye to the midday slump, and no longer reach for a caffeine fix the moment you wake up.

    How to Sync With Your Circadian Rhythm

    1. Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day
    Many of us are pretty good at waking up and going to bed at the same time Monday through Friday, but the moment the weekend rolls around, anything goes. But bad news for your weekend sleep-ins or late nights out: if you’re varying bedtimes and wake-up times, the body can be unsure when you should be asleep and when you should be awake, so you may feel tired during the day and unable to sleep at night. By setting a sleep schedule such as 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., and sticking with it every day, you’re more likely to sync your sleep to your circadian rhythm, meaning having an easier time falling and staying asleep, and waking up feeling refreshed. Realistically, going to bed at 10:30 p.m. every single night probably won’t happen, but try to fall asleep and wake up within the same two-hour window as much as possible to sync with your circadian rhythm.

    2. Be mindful of light exposure
    For most people, sleep doesn’t happen as soon as your head hits the pillow. Setting your body up for a good night’s sleep plays a big role in sleep syncing. Start by ensuring all electronics are turned off and away from you at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Any light, including the light that comes from screens, can confuse your body’s circadian rhythm into believing it’s time to stay awake. Dimming all lights in the room can also help prepare the body for rest.
    On the flip side, getting sunlight first thing in the morning is a great well to tell your body it’s time to wake up and halt melatonin. Not only will this give you more energy and wakefulness during the day, but when the circadian rhythm halts melatonin and increases cortisol, it knows that about 12 hours later, it’s time to increase melatonin and decrease cortisol, improving your sleep. Open blinds first thing upon waking up, and try to get outside in the morning.

    3. Eat according to your circadian rhythm
    The circadian diet, which involves consuming all meals during a 12-hour window and fasting during the next 12-hour window, is one most of us intuitively follow in that we eat during the day and stop at night (eating too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep). The circadian diet also says that breakfast should be the largest meal of the day and dinner is the smallest, according to how our metabolism, hormones, etc. change throughout the day, thanks to (you guessed it!) the circadian rhythm.
    Whether or not you want to experiment with when or how much you eat to sync with your circadian rhythm, there are also foods that could be majorly affecting your circadian rhythm. Caffeine causes cortisol to spike, which is counterintuitive to our circadian rhythm if you drink it in the later afternoon (when cortisol levels naturally drop to prepare us to sleep at night). Everybody varies in their sensitivity to caffeine; some people swear they can have a shot of espresso right before bed and others get way better sleep when they avoid caffeine, even in the mornings. Experiment to identify when your cut-off should be to make sure that caffeine is not impacting your sleep.
    Aside from caffeine, there are other foods and beverages that can affect your sleep. Alcohol or spicy foods have been shown to disrupt sleep. Avoiding these before bed and opting instead for complex carbohydrates or a glass of tart cherry juice may be helpful for sleep syncing and improving sleep quality. 

    4. Exercise according to your circadian rhythm
    Exercising according to your circadian rhythm can also positively impact your sleep (they have a symbiotic relationship, just like food and sleep). Engaging in routine exercise is healthy and can promote a positive sleep cycle, encouraging strength and mobility while you work out. However, exercising too close to your bedtime can have a negative effect. Exercise is stimulating and can keep the body awake, so avoid any excessive heart-pumping activities at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. Instead, use exercise as a tool throughout your day to reorient your circadian rhythm and prepare for rest at the end of the day. 

    Enter Your Hot Girl Sleep Era–Here’s How To Upgrade Your Routine More

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    What Is Insomnia, Exactly? And How Can We Get Better Sleep?

    If sleep is a constant struggle for you (here’s looking at you, doom scrollers), welcome to the club. According to the sleep tracking app Sleep Cycle, South Africans get fewer hours in the hay than any other nation in the world. It also seems that the older you get, the worse your insomnia becomes. Per a 2012 study, people aged 65 and older have higher rates of insomnia.

    Meet The Expert: Dr Alison Bentley is a Restonic Sleep Expert

    So… What is insomnia?

    “It’s easiest to describe insomnia as a reduced quantity of sleep,” Dr Bentley says. “But, to be an insomniac, the reduction in hours of sleep has to cause some kind of problem with daytime function. This could range from poor concentration to memory problems, trouble focusing on tasks and fatigue.”

    She adds that apart from a drop in daytime function, insomnia can have many long-term effects on health, including cardiac issues and metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes. This makes it important to address insomnia as soon as possible.

    What are the symptoms of insomnia?

    There are three main symptoms of insomnia, according to Dr Bentley.

     Trouble falling asleep

    Waking in the middle of the night and battling to go back to sleep

    Waking too early in the morning.

    Most people have more than one of these symptoms and a particular symptom does not necessarily link to a specific cause.

    There are different types of insomnia

    Insomnia is a class of disorders as there are multiple causes. Dr Bentley says the condition can also either be acute or chronic.

    Acute insomnia

    “Acute insomnia occurs when sleep is disrupted due to a specific stressor and in most people only lasts for as long as the stress does, after which it resolves and sleep becomes normal again,” she says.

    “The stress is often psychological. For example, someone might struggle with after the death of a loved one or during a period of intense work stress. It can, however, also be caused by a physical trigger, such as the development of a painful disorder, such as arthritis. Only a quarter of people with acute insomnia go on to suffer with chronic insomnia.”

    Chronic insomnia

    Got chronic insomnia? That’ll be the case if you’ve got sleep problems, from the above symptoms, lasting at least three days per week for at least three months. “At this point, it’s usually not stress causing the sleeplessness, but changes in the way we think of sleep (cognitive issues), as well as some bad habits (behavioural issues) that we adopt to try to get more sleep,” says Dr Bentley. “These mean we worry more about our sleep and spend longer in bed trying to get more sleep and both of these factors make our sleep problems worse.”

    Other types of insomnia

    If you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, chronic pain or obstructive sleep apnoea, you might also have insomnia. Various medications used to treat other medical disorders can also interfere with sleep, for example, medications that lower cholesterol and antiretrovirals for treating HIV infection, says Dr Bentley.

    Is your mattress the culprit?

    Sometimes, your mattress might be to blame. If you have a mattress that leaves you waking up with aches and pains, you might need to replace it. “Over time, the comfort layers in your mattress break down, which can cause pressure points when you sink onto the firmer support core,” says Dale Harley, Executive in Restonic Marketing.

    Dr Bentley adds that other signs that your mattress is affecting your sleep can include finding it difficult to get comfortable causing a longer sleep onset (time to fall asleep).

    “If you no longer wake up feeling refreshed, your mattress may be at the end of its life,” Harley says. “It’s worth exploring whether this is the case.”

    How do you know if you have insomnia?

    Sure, you’re not clocking eight solid hours every night, but does that mean you’re an insomniac? Not necessarily, says Dr Bentley. “The number of hours usually quoted as constituting ‘normal sleep’ is seven to eight hours a night. However, this is not quite true,” says Dr Bentley. “Yes, seven to eight hours is the average amount of sleep for a population. But there are many people who need more than that and some who need less.”

    Treatments for insomnia

    Treatment for insomnia can include CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, as well as medication. You’d also need to cultivate a sleep routine that includes cues your body would learn from. When you expose yourself to a certain scent, for example, that might signal sleep time for your brain, enabling you to nod off. Per the Sleep Foundation, healthy sleep would also involve limiting stimuli around bedtime. Yip, that includes your cellphone and TV.

    Bottom line: if you wake up feeling tired, you likely need more sleep. Think you’re dealing with insomnia? Chat with your doctor first. “There are a number of conditions that cause insomnia and treatment does not always need to involve sleeping tablets,” says Dr Bentley. “But ignoring the problem does not result in improvement over time. Once insomnia has become chronic, it will generally continue unless specific action is taken.” More

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    A Registered Dietician Swears by “The Sleepy Girl Mocktail”–Here’s Why You Should Try It Too

    If you’re struggling to get more shut-eye at night, you’re not alone. According to the Casper-Gallup State of Sleep in America 2022 Report, one in three American adults (about 84 million people) describe their sleep as “fair” or “poor.” It’s no secret that sleep is important, and we’ll try any and all hacks to make sure we get enough of it. Enter the Sleepy Girl Mocktail. Created to send you into a deep slumber, this buzzy wellness drink has taken over TikTok. But the real question is: does it work? As a registered dietitian, I’m always interested in ingredients, so I took a deep dive into the mocktail to see if it can actually grant you those coveted eight hours of sleep. Keep reading to find out what you need to know before mixing it up for yourself. 

    What Is the “Sleepy Girl Mocktail?”
    Maybe you’ve already seen the viral video, but if you haven’t, I’ve got you covered. Createdx by TikToker Gracie Norton, she shares that combining tart cherry juice and magnesium is a “match made in heaven for good sleep.” Here’s how to make the mocktail: Combine one teaspoon of Moon Juice’s Magnesium-Om and a cup of Lakewood Organic Tart Cherry Juice in a glass, then froth them together with a handheld frother, we recommend this one. Transfer the mixture to a wine glass filled with ice and top it off with a splash of Lemon Lime OLIPOP. The result is a great-tasting, fizzy drink that aids in sleep.

    Will It Help You Get Better Sleep?
    Short answer: Maybe. Magnesium can help activate neurotransmitters that aid in relaxing your body for a good night’s rest. Additionally, some research has shown that magnesium may help reduce insomnia in older adults. When it comes to using a magnesium supplement for your own Sleepy Girl Mocktail, make sure you’re choosing the right kind. There are different types of magnesium, which have different side effects. Magnesium glycinate can aid in sleep, whereas magnesium oxide is used as a stool softener, so it’s best to opt for magnesium glycinate if your goal is better sleep. 
    Tart cherries contain two sleep-inducing components: tryptophan and melatonin. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps the body produce the hormone melatonin, and melatonin is secreted in the body when it is time to transition to sleep. Additionally, tryptophan enables the production of serotonin, which allows us to relax. Bottom line: Cherry juice is a great choice for a nightcap.
    While OLIPOP doesn’t have any additional benefits for sleep, it does include a great nutrient profile with nine grams of prebiotic fiber, making it a notable choice for digestive health. It also comes in a ton of yummy flavors and adds a little fizz and fun to the mocktail.

    Final Thoughts 
    There are a few things to keep in mind before implementing the Sleepy Girl Mocktail into your regular nighttime routine. As with all health and wellness trends, it is not one-size-fits-all. What works for some may not work for everyone. And if you do struggle with trouble sleeping, please consult your physician before beginning any supplements. 
    From a health standpoint, there’s certainly nothing wrong with combining the three ingredients for an evening drink, especially since there is research to back up its sleep-inducing benefits. That said, 8 oz. of tart cherry juice contains a large amount of sugar, so choose a juice that is pure tart cherry juice and be mindful of how much you pour into your glass. To avoid having a sugar spike before bed, consider drinking the mocktail 1-2 hours prior to falling asleep. This will also help prevent having to get up to use the bathroom while you’re getting those much-desired Zzzs.

    People Are Taping Their Mouth While Sleeping—Here’s Why It’s Not Weird More

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    Ultimate Sleep Hack Or TikTok Fad? The Colour Of Sound Explained

    The sheer volume of sleep hacks on TikTok is enough to keep you up all night. And the one that never fails to crank up the views is utilising different colours of sound to get you to sleep.

    Sure we’ve all heard of white noise before, but did you know there’s also pink, brown, green and even blue noise too?

    Although the biggest brains in the sleep business say evidence on the efficacy of noise to get you to sleep “is inconclusive and very low quality at this point,” (thanks Dr Mathias Basner, professor of sleep at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the world’s biggest review of noise as a sleep aid), you can’t keep a good TikTok trend down.

    And, while the noise itself might not trigger sleep alone, Michael Grandner, who directs the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona, says there’s no denying it can help you catch some Zzzzs if used in a certain way.

    “White noise machines work through a process called sound masking or noise masking,” he says. “They create a blanket of sound around you that absorbs other sound waves so that little creaks and cracks and cars driving by don’t quite make it to your brain and you don’t respond to them.”

    But which hue is the sleep sound choice for you?

    What White Noise Does For Sleep

    What Pink Noise Does For Sleep

    If you find white noise too intense, it could. because it delivers the same sound frequencies all at the same intensity.

    Pink noise offers a louder low frequency with softer high ends, which makes it slightly smoother than white noise.

    Studies have shown that pink noise can both aid people in getting to sleep and also have a positive influence on supporting deep sleep and memory. 

    What Brown Noise Does For Sleep

    Brown noise has been trending on TikTok for a while now, with 84.3 million views for videos featuring the hashtag and counting.

    Brown noise offers a deeper and stronger tone, the lower frequencies can block out external noise while soothing the mind and making it easier for people to sleep.

    There’s also anecdotal evidence to suggest that brown noise can help block out the internal monologue that many people experience, especially at night when we have no other distractions to keep our minds from wandering. 

    What Green Noise Does For Sleep

    Green noise is a variation of white noise in the middle of the spectrum, as the name insinuates it utilises similar sounds to that you may hear in nature.

    Green noise is said to help restore calm and promote relaxation. It does this by providing a “sound mask” to other ideas, feelings, sensations, and sensory experiences. Because green noise is more pleasing, it may be a more appealing choice than the typical white noise.

    What Blue Noise Does For Sleep

    Because there are few deep tones in blue noise to help balance its energy, which is primarily concentrated at the high-frequency end, it almost sounds like water spraying out of a hose nozzle.

    Although that doesn’t sound very tranquil, blue noise does a wonderful job of severely disguising outside noises. That is, if you’re not sensitive to high-pitched sounds.

    Again, there’s been little scientific research into the effectiveness of blue noise, in comparison to its other colourful counterparts, however, that’s not to say it’s not worth trying if some of the other sounds don’t help.  

    The post Ultimate Sleep Hack Or TikTok Nonsense? The Colour Of Sound Explained appeared first on Women’s Health. Words by by Kara Byers. More

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    “I Tried The Latest Massage That Promises To Help With Insomnia, Pain And Fatigue.”

    A magnesium massage may sound like something better suited to pro-athletes or off-the-grid wellness gurus, but there’s a growing body of research that’s showing us mere mortals should jump aboard the magnesium train. 

    To find out if you can actually massage your way to better ZZZ’s, we kneaded our way through the research before getting treated to a much-needed kneading at a Cape Town spa. Here’s everything you need to know about magnesium massages.

    What Is Magnesium?

    “Magnesium is an essential macronutrient that plays a key role in many body processes, including muscle, nerve, and bone health and mood,” according to Medical News Today. Many people don’t get enough in their diet despite it being found in a variety of different foods like nuts, beans and leafy greens, says Healthline. 

    READ MORE: Exactly How Sleep Deprivation And Weight Gain Are Linked – And How To Prevent The Spread

    The Benefits Of Magnesium:

    If you’ve spent any time on the health and wellness side of TikTok, you’ll no doubt have come across videos about magnesium and the amazing benefits people have experienced from taking supplements. But it’s not just a factless fad. Research conducted into the benefits of magnesium and magnesium supplements have shown many benefits:

    It may boost exercise performance: One 2015 study of 2 570 women associated higher magnesium intake with increased muscle mass and power.

    It may improve PMS symptoms: Some research suggests that magnesium supplements help relieve PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and migraine attacks.

    It may combat depression: A PubMed Central study linked low levels of magnesium to an increased risk of depression.

    It may support better sleep: Research has shown a positive link between magnesium and improved sleep

    Magnesium may also be linked to supporting healthy blood sugar levels, promoting heart health, fighting inflammation, and reducing symptoms of anxiety. 

    What Is A Magnesium Massage?

    It’s usually a full-body massage that incorporates magnesium oil to help induce a state of calm, help with pain and fatigue and give you a great night’s sleep.

    Why Get A Magnesium Massage For Better Sleep?

    Like many of the above-mentioned TikTok users will tell you, magnesium supplements are a very common natural remedy for sleep problems like insomnia. And there’s a scientific reason for that; magnesium regulates many neurotransmitters that are involved with sleep. One such neurotransmitter is GABA (or gamma-aminobutyric acid) which is a neurotransmitter associated with helping with feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear. And what do you know, a 2017 systematic review showed that magnesium supplementation also had a beneficial effect on mild anxiety.

    But if your problem is falling asleep, a 2021 review of older adults who had insomnia found that magnesium supplements lowered the amount of time it took them to fall asleep by an average of 17 minutes. And another study of almost 4000 adults found a link between taking magnesium and improved sleep quality and duration.

    Plus, if you find yourself nodding off in your morning meeting or needing to take a nap in the arvie, a PubMed Central study found that women who had a higher magnesium intake experience a decreased likelihood of falling asleep during the day.  

    While magnesium supplements could positively impact your sleep, like the research suggests (always consult a doc before taking anything new though), magnesium massage therapy could be an underrated sleep hack.

    READ MORE: Normal Sleep — Turns Out, There Might Be No Such Thing

    How Does It Work?

    Transdermal (through the skin) magnesium therapy has been touted online as a hero ingredient that could potentially cure many conditions. It’s said that when used topically, it’s absorbed straight into the body’s cells and tissues, raising magnesium levels in a shorter period of time. 

    However, the research is limited and there are varying opinions about your body’s ability to absorb it through the skin. One Journal of Integrative Medicine study showed that magnesium oil alleviated fibromyalgia symptoms, such as pain. And we know that many athletes love using magnesium in their routines.

    Magnesium Massage Full Review

    Between never-ending loadshedding and a Woolies avo costing a month’s rent, it’s no wonder we’re losing out on precious ZZZ’s.  And while most of us are cutting out anything that isn’t a necessity, I’m here to tell you why a magnesium massage might just be worth the investment.

    I tried the Muscle And Joint Magnesium Therapy Massage at Steenberg Spa. It’s a luxury wellness spa in the Constantia Winelands (tough job). Their massage promises to re-energise the body while treating symptoms of insomnia, pain and fatigue. According to them, their luxurious magnesium therapy induces a state of calm and promise’s a good night’s sleep.

    My treatment expert carefully kneaded away at my body, working through my problem areas (my back – thanks WFH shrimp-like posture!). And by the end of it I felt relaxed and rejuvenated. She even told me concern areas; knots along my scapula and tightness in my lower back I was unaware of. Following a delicious breakfast of fruit, yoghurt, granola and green juice, I wandered through the gardens and pool where you can lounge with a glass of bubbles and a good book.

    You can’t help but feel relaxed being surrounded by gorg gardens, buildings and mountains at Steenberg. But the real star of the show is their scented garden. You can have your massage in this secluded haven that’s punctuated by fragrant flora and a towering Oak tree. So you can soak up nature’s scenes, sounds and scents and segue into a peaceful state. 

    So Did It Help With Insomnia And Fatigue?

    Yes, the real impact happened that night. My sleep is where I suffer most when I’m stressed out. I experience late nights with my mind racing, wake up several times throughout the night and lie for hours trying to fall asleep. Bedtime becomes something I dread, anxiety building throughout the evening as I worry I will have another sleepless night. 

    I’d had a few weeks of terrible sleep so I was in serious need of a good night’s rest. And that’s exactly what happened. I fell asleep almost immediately, without any of that bedtime anxiety, and I slept through the night, not waking up once (a very rare occurrence for me). And the following nights were exactly the same.

    Of course, I can’t state how much of it was placebo or not. But it really helped with the weeks of insomnia I had been dealing with and reset my bedtime routine. Sometimes you just need to break the pattern to alleviate bedtime anxiety that accompanies an extended period of bad sleep. And this massage was exactly that. Although managing the stressors in your life so that your sleep is unaffected is first prize. 

    For me, The Muscle And Joint Magnesium Therapy Massage at Steenberg did exactly what it promised and had lasting benefits outside of what a sublime spa day already does. The massage costs R1 100 for 60 minutes, R1 210 for 75 minutes and R1 340 for 90 minutes and in my opinion it’s well worth it just for the good night’s sleep, let alone the luxe experience you receive.

    READ MORE: The 6 Greatest Recovery Tools That Ease Tight Muscles

    What To Book

    They currently have an amazing Scented Bliss package on offer that’s the ultimate spoil. You’ll have your massage in the Scented Garden. This package for two includes a side-by-side Herbal Oil Massage, Pressure Point Foot Massage and Scalp Ritual at R2450 (60 minutes) or R2970 (90 minutes).

    Alternatively, you can have one of their three unique massage treatments. There’s the CBD Wellness Journey for pain relief and immune boosting, Bellabaci Signature Massage for circulation and toxin elimination or the highly-recommended-by-me Muscle and Joint Magnesium Therapy Massage for fatigue and insomnia.

    Post-pamper, indulge with a bottle of crisp Steenberg 1682 Chardonnay Cap Classique and a refreshing dip in the pool. And it doesn’t have to end there; delight your taste buds with a Scented Garden private dining experience. At R1 250 per person, you’ll get to enjoy a three-course meal on the candlelit deck under the stars with the gentle sounds of trickling water from the garden’s water feature for ambience.

    How To Get More Magnesium In Your Diet

    Once you leave the Steenberg spa, you can still incorporate magnesium into your everyday life. These foods are rich in magnesium (click on the magnesium sources for delicious recipes using these ingredients):

    Pumpkin seeds

    Chia seeds

    Black beans

    Kidney beans

    Edamame beans




    Potato with the skin on



    Peanut butter

    Brown rice



    Soy milk

    Whole wheat bread

    Low-fat yoghurt


    Fortified breakfast cereals

    Add These Magnesium Sources To Your Pantry

    Shop them from local brand, Faithful To Nature. You’ll have the magnesium magic sources at the ready every time you want to cook or have a snack.

    Chia seeds contain 335mg of magnesium per 100g.

    Pumpkin seeds contain 262mg of magnesium per 100g.

    Almonds contain 268mg of magnesium per 100g.

    Cashews contain 292mg of magnesium per 100g.

    1/2 cup of cooked black beans contains 60mg of magnesium.

    Kidney beans contain 140mg of magnesium per 100g.

    Peanut butter contains 154mg of magnesium per 100g.

    1 serving of instant oats contains 36mg of magnesium.

    1 cup of soy milk contains 61mg of magnesium.

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites.

    Kelleigh is the Managing Editor of Women’s Health. When she’s not convincing her colleagues to try the latest TikTok trends, you can find her planning a holiday that never leaves the group chat, binge-reading or eating her way through Cape Town. More

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    Normal Sleep – Turns Out, There Might Be No Such Thing

    When we think about sleep, almost anyone will tell you that getting eight hours is ideal. However, how many people have you met who swear by only getting six? Or those who get 10 or even 11 each night?

    Dr Alison Bentley, Restonic Sleep Specialist, cautions against the idea that only eight hours can be considered normal and in fact, healthy. Dr Alison Bentley has been seeing patients with bedtime problems for 30 years and helped to run the first diagnostic sleep laboratory in South Africa. She believes that there is some room for deviation from commonly cited “normal sleep” in terms of three main components: duration, timing and solidity.

    “What is normal sleep?” asks Dr Alison Bentley, Restonic Sleep Specialist. “It’s not a strange question, really. But while books and Google insist that normal sleep is 7-8 hours long, in one go from 10pm to 6am, how many of us actually rest like that? I find that people whose rest differs from this ideal often believe they have a sleep disorder. However, that’s not necessarily the case.”

    While on average, sleeping can lie between seven and eight hours, that’s not to say the norm is the only kind that’s healthy. There are people whose bedtimes are only five hours long. Dr Alison says that while a sleep disorder could be in the realm of possibility, that person could also just be a naturally short sleeper. “The difference lies in how they function during the day,” notes Dr Alison. “The naturally short sleeper copes well and doesn’t feel tired, while the person with insomnia feels tired and fatigued with a deficit in attention resulting in poor concentration and memory difficulties.”

    The sweet spot

    So how can you tell if you’re getting optimum zzz’s? Dr Alison says you need to pay attention to how you feel after waking, and during the day. “The most important thing is that you need to feel that you have had enough when you wake up – that you are not fatigued or tired during the day,” she says. “Being able to concentrate and focus during the day on important tasks is also an important measure of enough rest. Good daytime function is a better measure of sleep rather than the right numbers at night.”

    Timing your zzz’s

    While many people catch naps between 10pm and 6am, there is variation in terms of timing. “Some people are like larks and go to bed early and wake early – feeling refreshed and ready to go to the gym at 5am,” says Dr Alison. “Others are owls, preferring to stay up late and sleeping in a little later as well. Whether you are a lark or an owl is also genetically determined.” You can always try and override your natural sleep timing but this would leave you feeling tired.


    Naturally, nap for a short period of time and wake up ready to hit the gym? You’re a naturally short sleeper. If you naturally prefer a lie-in and like going to bed later at night, that’s your natural duration. “It is important to accept the duration of your rest, otherwise it is can lead to a lifetime of medication with no real change in your sleep,” says Dr Alison.


    Lastly, Dr Alison says there’s also a misconception that zzz’s happens in one solid block – uninterrupted from start to finish. “Solidity of sleep refers to the expectation that rest during the night should occur in one solid block,” she says. “However, that never really happens because we actually wake up every 90 minutes.”

    According to Dr Alison, these wake-ups are very short and good sleepers don’t even remember them. It is believed that we wake up just to check the environment – an evolutionary “safety feature”.

    “If you extend your duration by an hour, those wake-ups are also likely to expand, meaning that when you wake up normally you may stay awake for longer,” she says. “Sometimes, the first three hours of bedtime stay intact with multiple awakenings after that.”

    While many assume that any period spent awake during the night must be abnormal, Dr Alison says that literature from centuries ago suggests that it was normal to go to sleep as soon as it got dark, followed by a few hours spent awake during the night and another few hours of sleep before starting the day. “So, sleep would be in two pieces – and that was normal,” she says.

    What about tech?

    While you might be using blue light blockers to minimise your blue light exposure before bed, what about smartwatches that track your zzz’s? Dr Alison says it’s a useful tool to use. “Smart devices can give us lots of information about our sleep,” she says. “Analysis has been done on many of them looking at how accurate they are compared to the gold standard – a full overnight sleep test. They match up quite well but can be up to 40 minutes off when analysing sleep stages.” So don’t go overboard when using them as the absolute truth of your rest – it might be off by a few minutes when letting you know how many hours you’ve slept.

    They can also give valuable insights in sleep apnoea and heart rate levels during rest, says Dr Alison. “If your heart rate during the night is high and your oxygen is very variable – that is not normal.”

    Our top sleep-tracking watches

    Huawei Band 7

    With 96 workout modes and a two-week battery life, you can’t really go wrong. It tracks sleep and can identify up to six sleep-related issues.

    Fitbit Sense

    Track your time spent asleep in various sleep stages and use the app to create a personalised wind-down routine that’ll keep you accountable.

    Garmin Venu Sq 2

    Understand how your body is recovering with our improved sleep monitoring feature. After waking up, you’ll receive a sleep score as well as breakdown of your sleep stages. More

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    Is Your Mattress Actually Good For You? Here’s How To Tell, According To The Experts

    Sleep is our body’s top recovery mechanism. It impacts our health, our weight and is even affected by our menstrual cycle. But what you sleep on? That’s a different topic entirely.

    Signs you need a new bed

    “There are a few signs which indicate that you need a new mattress,” says Rudo Kemp, founder and CEO of Sloom. “If you are waking up feeling sore and stiff – your mattress isn’t correctly supporting you and distributing your weight which could cause pain in your neck, shoulder, lower back, and hips. This is the generic answer however, having been in the industry for 11 years I’ve found that there are many other factors to consider.” Other factors to consider? If there’s an indentation in your bed, it’s time to think about a new mattress. If your bed is more than eight years old, this is also a sign, says Rudo. And, if you’re waking up groggy (and consistently, sans partying the night before) or are plagued with allergies, it could be your bed that’s got to go.

    If your body changes, your mattress likely needs to change too.

    A good mattress should support your body changes and not leave you with little aches and pains. “If physical changes in your body such as ageing or weight gain are causing joint pain, muscle aches, and stiffness then it would be time to find a mattress that relieves your pressure points and supports your body,” says Rudo. Also, springs in beds wane in strength over time. You might want to look at a bed with a different supporting mechanism. According to Rudo, “The Sloom Mattress has modular comfort, meaning that the foam layers can be rearranged according to the specific firmness that you prefer. If your body is changing, it could mean that you require a different firmness level to support those needs. Sloom uses a high-density foam that is divided into five ergonomic zones that help relieve pressure on the shoulders and hips by correctly distributing your weight.”

    How to pick one

    This one’s a biggie. When it comes to picking a mattress, there’s a ton of conflicting information, but Rudo says there are five main points to consider:

    Will both myself and my partner enjoy the firmness of the mattress? Look for beds with split comfort so partners both wake up on the right side of the bed.

    Does it have zoned support to relieve pressure points? The Sloom mattress is divided into five different zones to relieve pressure.

    Does the mattress have an anti-bacterial treatment? Reducing allergies and bed bugs leaves you with a safe sleeping environment.

    Do I have support from the brand that I bought the mattress from? Aftercare service and the option to have the freedom to return your mattress after the trial is essential.

    Can I change the comfort levels? Some mattress companies can customise the firmness level of the bed.

    When you’re buying a mattress, it’s always easier to go for the cheapest option possible. But not knowing what’s in your mattress, not having the option to customise it and not having aftercare can dictate how well you’ll be sleeping each night. “The perception that a high or thick mattress is a better quality mattress still dictates the demand in the industry,” notes Rudo. When picking a mattress, look for high-quality foam. “Advances in foam technology have allowed for far more breathable foams with even better durability.  The foams that we use in our mattresses are not just any type of traditional high-density foam but rather a new generation of foams specifically formulated for better durability, longevity and quality,” he says. More