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    UAE shifts abortion policy: Women gain decision-making authority


    by Ruman Baig
    1 hour ago

    The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has taken a significant step towards safeguarding women’s health and well-being in the UAE. The introduction of new guidelines for abortion procedures prioritizes the safety of pregnant women while establishing clear regulations for healthcare facilities.

    The Ministry of Health and Prevention announces the procedures and regulations related to permissible abortion cases
    — UAEGOV (@UAEmediaoffice) June 8, 2024

    Committee Oversight Ensures Responsible Care
    Gone are the days of unilateral decisions. Under the new protocol, a dedicated committee will meticulously evaluate each abortion request. This committee, as reported by Emirates News Agency (WAM), comprises a trio of specialists: an obstetrician-gynecologist, a psychiatrist, and a representative from the Public Prosecution. When necessary, the committee can seek additional expertise from relevant specialists.
    Permissible Cases Prioritize Maternal and Fetal Health
    The Ministry has outlined clear justifications for allowing abortions. Termination of pregnancy is permitted when continuing it poses a direct threat to the mother’s life with no viable alternatives. Additionally, severe fetal malformations that significantly compromise the newborn’s health and survival qualify for abortion, with supporting documentation from a specialized medical committee.
    Important Timeframe and Procedural Requirements
    The guidelines establish a gestational age limit of 120 days for permissible abortions. Notably, women in the UAE can now make this decision independently, without requiring partner consent.
    Furthermore, the new regulations emphasize the importance of safety and proper medical care. The procedure must be conducted solely in healthcare facilities licensed by the relevant health authority. Only a licensed and qualified obstetrician-gynecologist can perform the abortion, ensuring adherence to the highest medical standards and minimizing risks to the woman’s health.
    Focus on Patient Rights and Confidentiality
    The healthcare authority is actively developing a comprehensive policy that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both healthcare facilities and the women seeking abortions. This policy will encompass pre- and post-procedural healthcare requirements, ensuring informed decisions and proper care for women. Additionally, the guidelines prioritize patient privacy, guaranteeing the confidentiality of a woman’s personal information and medical records.
    The health authority will maintain a vigilant watch on licensed facilities, conducting regular monitoring and assessments to ensure their strict adherence to the new regulations. This commitment to oversight fosters a safe and responsible environment for women’s healthcare.These new guidelines represent a positive step towards safeguarding women’s health and reproductive rights in the UAE.The emphasis on safety, committee oversight, and patient privacy establishes a framework for responsible abortion practices that prioritize the well-being of women.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Unsplash  More

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    Hailey and Justin Bieber are expecting their first child

    Lifeby Ruman Baig4 hours ago Congratulations are in order for Justin and Hailey Bieber who are expecting their first child.From their whirlwind romance to their heartfelt commitment, their relationship has been a source of inspiration for many. Now, the couple has announced that they are expecting their first child, sending waves of joy and excitement through their fanbase.Shared in a sweet Instagram post, where Hailey (dressed in a lace white dress, showing her bump) is seen renewing her vows with her husband.The journey of Justin and Hailey’s relationship has been nothing short of a fairytale, filled with ups and downs, but ultimately rooted in love and unwavering support for one another.The Beginning:Their story began in the most unexpected of ways. Justin and Hailey first met when they were just teenagers, introduced by Hailey’s father, Stephen Baldwin, at a fan event in 2009. Their initial meeting was brief, but it planted the seeds of a deep connection that would eventually flourish into something beautiful.The On-again, Off-again Years:In the following years, Justin and Hailey’s paths would often cross, but it wasn’t until 2014 that their friendship blossomed into something more. They were spotted spending time together and igniting rumors of a budding romance. However, their relationship faced its share of challenges, including Justin’s highly publicized on-again, off-again relationship with Selena Gomez.Despite the obstacles, Justin and Hailey remained close friends, supporting each other through thick and thin. Their bond only grew stronger with time, laying the foundation for what was to come.The Proposal:In July 2018, Justin surprised the world when he proposed to Hailey during a romantic getaway in the Bahamas. The heartfelt proposal marked a new chapter in their love story, symbolizing their commitment to each other and their shared future.The Wedding:Less than two months after their engagement, Justin and Hailey tied the knot in a private courthouse ceremony in New York City in September 2018. While their decision for a low-key wedding initially surprised many, it reflected the couple’s desire for intimacy and authenticity in their relationship.Building a Life Together:Since their wedding, Justin and Hailey have continued to nurture their relationship, prioritizing their bond above all else. They’ve shared glimpses of their love story on social media, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at their life together.Take a look at Hailey Bieber’s first pregnancy photos:– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Instagram: @justinbieber  More

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    Hailey Bieber is pregnant with her first child: Alexa, play ‘Baby’ by Justin Bieber

    Lifeby Ruman Baig12 hours ago Congratulations are in order for Justin and Hailey Bieber who are expecting their first child.From their whirlwind romance to their heartfelt commitment, their relationship has been a source of inspiration for many. Now, the couple has announced that they are expecting their first child, sending waves of joy and excitement through their fanbase.Shared in a sweet Instagram post, where Hailey (dressed in a lace white dress, showing her bump) is seen renewing her vows with her husband.The journey of Justin and Hailey’s relationship has been nothing short of a fairytale, filled with ups and downs, but ultimately rooted in love and unwavering support for one another.The Beginning:Their story began in the most unexpected of ways. Justin and Hailey first met when they were just teenagers, introduced by Hailey’s father, Stephen Baldwin, at a fan event in 2009. Their initial meeting was brief, but it planted the seeds of a deep connection that would eventually flourish into something beautiful.The On-again, Off-again Years:In the following years, Justin and Hailey’s paths would often cross, but it wasn’t until 2014 that their friendship blossomed into something more. They were spotted spending time together and igniting rumors of a budding romance. However, their relationship faced its share of challenges, including Justin’s highly publicized on-again, off-again relationship with Selena Gomez.Despite the obstacles, Justin and Hailey remained close friends, supporting each other through thick and thin. Their bond only grew stronger with time, laying the foundation for what was to come.The Proposal:In July 2018, Justin surprised the world when he proposed to Hailey during a romantic getaway in the Bahamas. The heartfelt proposal marked a new chapter in their love story, symbolizing their commitment to each other and their shared future.The Wedding:Less than two months after their engagement, Justin and Hailey tied the knot in a private courthouse ceremony in New York City in September 2018. While their decision for a low-key wedding initially surprised many, it reflected the couple’s desire for intimacy and authenticity in their relationship.Take a look at Hailey Bieber’s first pregnancy photos:– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Instagram: @justinbieber  More

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    5 pregnant celebrities flaunting their baby bump in 2024


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    Congratulations are in order for these soon-to-be mothers who we champion this Mother’s Day on March 21, 2024.
    As numerous stars have announced that they are expanding their broods by welcoming babies in 2024, let’s deep dive to see how the happy announcement had been made.
    With a new year and new addition, it’s time to see which celebrities are expecting and what details they’ve shared on social media so far.

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram & Feature Image: Instagram @alannapandey  More

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    This 15-Minute Pregnancy Workout Does It All – Fast

    If you’re pregnant, making time for exercise can be rewarding but difficult to achieve. Waning energy and not feeling 100% can be powerful demotivators in your fitness journey. But this 15-minute pregnancy workout is made for a slow and steady approach, so you’re working at a level that feels comfortable for you.

    Meet the expert: Ash Iovino is the creator of the FitMom App and is a certified personal trainer and mother of three.

    Why this 15-minute pregnancy workout?

    Short and sweet is the name of the game here. “During pregnancy, motivation can be low,” explains Iovino. “Incorporating a 30-second-on, 30-second-off format, makes the time go by quicker and the workout more enjoyable, with enough rest in between to prevent quitting.”

    It’s also a scalable workout, meaning you can adjust to make it less intense if you need to. “This workout utilises a set of medium to heavy dumbbells, adapting to your fitness level during each stage of pregnancy,” says Iovino. “Tailored for expectant mothers, it focuses on promoting strength, flexibility and overall well-being, ensuring a safe and effective workout throughout your pregnancy journey.”

    READ MORE: “I’m Fit But Had A Rocky Pregnancy — Here’s How I Stayed In Shape”

    How to warm up for this workout

    There are a few moves to do to adequately warm up for this 15-minute pregnancy workout. This includes:

    Seated marching (Sit on a stability ball or chair, march in place, lifting your knees one at a time.)

    Cat-Cow pose (Inhale as you arch your back, tucking your chin for Cat Pose, then exhale, lifting your head and tailbone for Cow Pose, promoting spine flexibility.)

    Pigeon pose (Bend one knee and place the ankle across the opposite thigh, allowing the knee to open to the side. Gently lower toward the floor to stretch the hip and glutes.)

    Before attempting this workout, it’s important to check in with your healthcare provider. If you are looking for a PT, make sure they have a qualification in pre- and postnatal training. “Avoid randomly following workout videos on social media unless you’re certain they align with your specific stage of pregnancy,” says Iovino. If in doubt, try the many workouts in our FitMama section or try Ash’s FitMom app. “FitMom’s pre- and postnatal program spans 18 weeks, offering meticulously curated workouts designed for prenatal and postnatal stages, inclusive of mobility, stretches, and pelvic floor strengtheners,” says Iovino.

    Do this workout two to three times a week, says Iovino, along with regular low-impact exercises like walking and swimming, “provided they have received approval from their medical team and don’t have any complications in their pregnancy”. “If you were not accustomed to lifting heavy weights before pregnancy, maintain a moderate approach. Additionally, transitioning from high-impact, endurance, or strenuous training to a slower pace, ensures plenty of rest and attentiveness to your body’s cues. Regular, moderate exercise during pregnancy is beneficial, but it’s crucial to align it with your individual fitness history and current health status,” explains Iovino.

    READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know Before Doing Intermittent Fasting While Pregnant

    The 15-minute pregnancy workout

    You’ll need:

    A set of dumbbells

    An exercise mat

    Work for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Then repeat for three rounds of each move.

    1/ Squat and knee-to-elbow

    Start in standing, squat down, then bring your left leg up so your knee taps your left elbow. Bring your leg down, squat, then crunch up your right knee. Continue for 30 seconds.

    2/ Alternating bird dogs

    Start on all fours, with your back in a straight, neutral position. Kick out your right leg and extend your left arm out in front of you simultaneously. Bring each limb in to crunch, then extend back and release down into all fours. Repeat on the other side, alternating for 30 seconds.

    3/ Glute bridge

    Lie on your back with bent knees and hands at your sides to support you. Arch your butt upwards to form a bridge. Squeeze at the top and slowly lower back down. Keep going for 30 seconds.

    READ MORE: Pregnancy Workout: 5 Easy Exercises For A Healthy Bod

    4/ Shoulder press

    Standing up straight, grab your dumbbells and hold them with palms facing forward. Press up with your arms and slowly lower them back down. That’s one rep – keep going for 30 seconds.

    5/ Triceps kickback

    Start in standing, with knees bent. Hinge forward at the hips so your chest forms a 45º angle with the floor and hold your dumbbells with elbows bent so that they’re in line with your chest. Extend both arms backwards to work the triceps and bring them into your chest. Repeat for 30 seconds.

    Iovino demonstrates all the moves here:

    [embedded content]

    Michelle October

    Michelle is the features editor at WH. She’s immensely curious about the world, passionate about health and wellness and enjoys a good surf when the waves are good. Find her on Instagram here. More

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    Founder of Blissful Beginnings on creating a holistic retreat for postpartum pampering

    Lifeby Camille Macawili37 mins ago Anticipating the joy of first time childbirth and motherhood is inseparable from preparing for the realities of the postpartum period.No amount of online forums, books, and advice from friends and family can ever truly prepare you for this new stage in life. Usually during this period, new mothers opt to spend this delicate time at home where a family member or nanny is around to help while recovering from birth. Recent years, however have seen a growing number of modern moms opting for confinement centres – a post-childbirth tradition widely practiced mainly in East and Southeast Asia where the objective is to provide comprehensive support and recovery during postpartum week.Enter: Blissful Beginnings. The first of its kind in the GCC, this luxury retreat is aimed at new mothers seeking environments that offer a holistic approach to recuperation through a good amount of pampering, 24/7 care for their newborns, and more. Located in Park Hyatt Dubai Creek and Mandarin Oriental Dubai, packages start from Dhs3,500 and Dhs6,000 per night, respectively.Here, Founder Sandrine Chaker talks about bringing this concept to life and what to expect when checking in.Tell us about the concept behind Blissful Beginnings.At Blissful Beginnings, my vision was to create a sanctuary that redefines postpartum care for new mothers in the GCC. I saw a significant gap in how postpartum care was traditionally approached, focusing mainly on childcare. It’s not just a service, but a journey into a new era of maternal wellbeing. I wanted to create a sanctuary, a place where new mothers could find transformation and solace after the intense experience of childbirth. Here, we offer more than support; we offer a home away from home, where confidence and joy intertwine, allowing mothers to embrace this beautiful new chapter of their lives with love and serenity.What was your Aha! Moment that got this company started.The idea for Blissful Beginnings came to me when I realised the profound need for more comprehensive postpartum care in our region. I saw that while traditional methods focused on the child, the mother’s well-being often took a backseat. This realisation was my ‘Aha!’ moment, and it inspired me to start a retreat that equally prioritises the mother’s recovery and wellness, alongside the care of the newborn.What kind of environment at Blissful Beginnings can one expect?The environment at Blissful Beginnings is crafted to be a tranquil and supportive haven, a retreat from the outside world where mothers can wholly focus on their recovery and bonding with their babies. In creating this sanctuary, I have brought together a team of experts, each with more than 10 years of experience in their respective fields. These professionals are dedicated to providing the best care and support, ensuring that every mother’s experience is enveloped in luxury, comfort, and a sense of home. This space is more than just a retreat; it’s a secure and peaceful haven designed to nurture mothers during this transformative period in their lives.How do you work with new mothers on this journey? Where do you start when it comes to working with a new client or is there a one-size-fits-all approach?Every mother’s journey is unique, and at Blissful Beginnings, we honour this individuality. Our approach starts with a personal session to understand each mother’s specific needs and challenges. From there, we craft a bespoke program focusing on emotional support, wellness therapies, nutrition, lactation and bonding with the child. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s deeply personal and tailored to each mother’s journey.What are the benefits of checking in this postpartum care retreat?Checking into Blissful Beginnings offers new mothers a comprehensive support system. It’s not just about physical recovery; it’s about emotional and mental rejuvenation too. Mothers benefit from expert care in emotional support, wellness therapies and nutrition counseling, ensuring they transition into motherhood feeling confident, relaxed and empowered.What are the services and cultural practices, if any, available on board that come with postnatal support?In creating Blissful Beginnings, I was deeply inspired by the rich tapestry of cultural practices from around the world, especially those rooted in Asian and American traditions. We offer an array of services that reflect these global perspectives. Additionally, we pay close attention to cultural sensitivities and preferences, ensuring that every mother feels respected and at ease in our care. It’s about bringing the best of the world to our mothers, helping them to recover and bond with their newborns in a setting that feels both familiar and luxuriously new.Is this open to all mothers? Are there any restrictions and regulations within the UAE that one needs to be aware of?We strive to make Blissful Beginnings accessible to all mothers. While we operate within the regulatory framework of the UAE, our mission is to provide support and care to every mother who walks through our doors, regardless of their background.How important is nutrition and variety in terms of dining when it comes to postnatal stay?Nutrition is crucial in the postpartum period. At Blissful Beginnings, we place a strong emphasis on providing mothers with nutritious, varied meals that cater to their specific dietary needs during recovery. It’s about nurturing the body as well as the soul.How do you approach client development and retention?Our connection with our clients doesn’t end at checkout. Through our ‘Blissful Beginnings anywhere’ program, we maintain ongoing support, ensuring that our mothers continue to feel supported and connected even after they return home. This continuous care helps in developing lasting relationships with our clients.What have been the driving factors that led to growth and scaling of the company in the UAE?The growth of Blissful Beginnings in the UAE has been driven by our unique approach to postpartum care, addressing a real need in the region. Our focus on luxurious accommodations coupled with comprehensive, personalised postnatal support services has resonated with new mothers, contributing to our growth and popularity.What have you learnt in all of this and what advice would you give to those wanting to carve out their own path?This journey has taught me the profound importance of holistic postpartum care. My advice to anyone wanting to carve out their own path is to listen to your heart, identify a need, and create a solution that comes from a place of passion and empathy. It’s about making a difference in people’s lives, one mother, one family at a time.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    10 Best Maternity Leggings For Moms-On-The-Move

    Ditch the maternity myths, mama! Those “one size fits all” leggings you loved pre-bump won’t cut it anymore. As your beautiful belly grows, your workout wardrobe needs a little refresh. No more tugging up tights, flashing with rogue crop tops, or feeling like you’re suffocating mid-burpee. Enter: the glorious world of maternity leggings.

    We scoured the fitness landscape (read: online reviews, mama forums and our own sweaty test runs) to bring you the top 10 maternity leggings that’ll move and groove with you every step of the way. Whether you’re doing a HIIT class, stretching it out with yoga, or just chasing toddlers around the park, these leggings will keep you comfy, supported and (dare we say?) stylish. Plus, they’ll transition seamlessly into postpartum life, so you can rock them long after baby arrives. 

    READ MORE: The 15-Minute Pregnancy Workout You Can Do At Home

    We called on the experts

    We polled our amazing community of moms to find out what really matters when it comes to maternity leggings. Key components to look out for across the bank were: stretch, comfort, support and moisture-wicking material.

    Fitness influencer Michelina Chindiya shared: “What I looked for were leggings that had a good hold on the belly area. I found that initially with the cheaper tights, they would stretch out fast and I’d find myself pulling them up ever so often throughout my workouts. I also looked out for full coverage of my belly.” She adds, “I wanted leggings that weren’t too thick and a hassle to put on, because as you get bigger, especially in the last trimester, it’s hard to get into a super tight set of leggings.”

    Fitness trainer and influencer Katy Cloeté says that comfort is her number one priority. “As your belly grows, support is necessary. Some women may need this support earlier in their pregnancy rather than later. Most women won’t be doing extreme exercise later on in their pregnancy, so extreme compression and support is not necessary. But a snug enough fit to make your belly feel supported is a must for me… again, this probably mostly boils down to comfort,” she adds.

    Katy’s tip for the summer: “If you are carrying at your biggest during the summer months, then leggings with moisture-wicking materials are best! You’ll most likely be perspiring a lot more than usual. I also prefer to stick to darker colours that will hide any sweat marks in unwanted places!”

    Our Top Maternity Leggings Picks:

    adidas ⅞ Maternity Leggings

    These leggings are comfy, supportive with a super high waist that grows with you, and moisture-wicking to keep you dry. Plus, say goodbye to annoying seams and hello to distraction-free movement.

    Nike Zenvy Maternity

    These unbelievably soft biker shorts are squat-proof, sweat-wicking and oh-so-gentle on your skin. The maternity design adapts to your changing body, so you can move freely and confidently throughout your pregnancy. Plus, they’re durable enough to handle all your workouts.

    PUMA Maternity Studio ⅞ Leggings

    These PUMA leggings boast dryCELL tech to keep you cool, a supportive high waist and a cropped silhouette that’s both trendy and practical. Because pregnant mamas deserve some fierce workout style, too!

    Maxed Maternity Mid-Thigh Tights

    Looking for an affordable and comfy option? Look no further than these mid-thigh tights from MrP Sport. They offer supportive stretch, an extended band for your growing bump, and all at a budget-friendly price. Perfect for keeping active throughout your pregnancy journey.

    Cotton On Maternity Core ⅞ Tights

    Simple yet effective, these tights from Cotton On tick all the right boxes. The comfy curved waistband grows with your bump, the ankle length is perfect for warmer weather and the elasticated waistband adds an extra touch of comfort.

    Reebok Lux Maternity Tights 2.0

    Reebok knows comfort is key, and these leggings deliver. From indoor cycling to prenatal yoga, they’ll keep you supported and sweat-free with their high-stretch waistband and seamless construction. Plus, they look as good as they feel, thanks to the flattering design.

    Bellysimo Maternity Leggings

    Silky soft and perfect for any activity level, these leggings are a budget-friendly gem. The cotton/nylon blend belly band is comfy and supportive, and the non-ravel fabric allows you to customize the length for the perfect fit. A great choice for all stages of pregnancy and postpartum.

    H&M Mama Cycling Shorts

    Not technically workout gear, but these soft jersey shorts with a wide, comfy waistband are ideal for walks, errands, or lounging. They offer just the right amount of coverage and movement for your growing bump, making them a versatile addition to your mama wardrobe.

    Nike One Maternity Short

    The Nike One Biker Shorts are sweat-wicking, squat-proof and totally opaque, so you can move with confidence. The maternity design ensures a perfect fit throughout your pregnancy, and the versatile style makes them perfect for workouts or everyday wear.

    OTG Maternity Leisure Short

    Up your lounge game with these comfy and lightweight shorts. They’re perfect for relaxing at home or running errands, offering just the right amount of coverage and movement for your growing bump.

    Note: Always find out from your doctor whether exercising while pregnant is safe and reassess the situation at every check-up. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, stop and call your doc.

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    Is IVF for you? This expert shares all you need to know about reproductive health

    With a sharp rise in IVF (In vitro fertilization), women have entered a new age of awareness with regards to their fertility, as it has cracked open a host of possibilities.From women-centric business ventures to online communities, it all focuses on empowering women with knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of their reproductive realities.As the society’s approach towards the issues around fertility is changing, so is the science around it.Here, we scratch beyond the surface on the subject of IVF and reproductive health with medical practitioner Dr. Mari Mitrani, Chief Scientific Officer at Gattaca Genomics.Dr. Mari Mitrani, Chief Scientific Officer at Gattaca GenomicsTalk us through the IVF process – what can one expect?The IVF process typically begins with a period of ovarian stimulation, during which a woman receives hormonal medications to encourage the development of multiple mature eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Meanwhile, sperm, from a partner or donor, is collected and prepared. In the laboratory, the retrieved eggs and sperm are combined to facilitate fertilization, forming embryos. Over the next few days, the embryologist monitors the embryos’ development, assessing their quality. Selected healthy embryos are then transferred into the woman’s uterus, with any remaining viable embryos being cryopreserved for potential future use. The entire IVF journey requires careful monitoring, precise timing, and the expertise of fertility specialists.The IVF process can have a heavy toll on the mind and body, it is often noted that infertility is considered multifactorial with respect to all the advancements in medicine and science, even now, there is still no guarantee that a successful pregnancy will and can occur for individuals seeking to conceive.Let’s talk about your work process. How do you start in helping your clients with their fertility concerns?As a physician-scientist in the field of infertility, I’m running a lab that offers Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). PGT is a genetic screening done in fertilized embryos before they are selected for implantation. PGT is advancing and innovating the fertility space due to its added value in reporting Aneuploidy, which is the abnormal count of genes present in the embryo that explains a higher rate of miscarriages. Next-generation sequencing allows us to read valuable characteristics of embryonic genetics to predict and/or diagnose genetic disorders and diseases beforehand. Ultimately, we are utilizing artificial intelligence to further analyze and interpret data obtained through genetic testing.“your chances of having a family in the future are possible if you act sooner, rather than later.”When is the right time to consider it?We have precise statistical data referring to maternal age and how it impacts the production of healthy eggs. Although fertility and infertility is so multifactorial, the one thing we know is how to act on this specific characteristic. We know that after the age of 35, women’s egg quality starts deteriorating rapidly year by year. This has a significant impact on embryo quality and genetic abnormalities. As a woman who continuously cheers on other women to pursue their dreams, I would say always keep this cut-off time in your mind. Freezing healthy eggs or embryos early on, helps preserve the ability of couples and individuals to have a family later on. Unfortunately, many couples and individuals wait until after this age to begin their fertility journey, with much time working against those seeking treatment. Doctors, in conjunction with science, can only do so much to aid this process. This is one thing I would love to keep educating women worldwide on: your chances of having a family in the future are possible if you act sooner, rather than later.What are the benefits and risks that come along with it?There are risks in everything we do in the IVF field, but because so many of the advancements are around technology and data, the risks of physical harm are low. While the benefits of this technology haven’t fully been realized, the mass amount of data will yield improvements on multiple fronts, from higher pregnancy rates to lower error rates. Even though this field of medicine is relatively new, the advancements and fertility benefits keep growing yearly!The risk is very clear and not often spoken about, IVF will not achieve pregnancy in 100% of the cases, so it is important to know that your desired pregnancy might not happen after a cycle or cycles of IVF. Know that neither the medical or scientific community will give up to continue to advance innovation and therefore success rates.What are the newest advancements and approaches that support fertility chances available in the region?Advanced embryo selection tools like PGT and AI have added an extra layer of confidence when choosing the best embryo for transfer. Improvements in vitrification, embryo freezing, media, and techniques have allowed for improved survival of human eggs. This is a game changer for patients preserving their fertility before undergoing treatment for diseases like sickle cell and cancer. Time-lapse imaging has allowed us to collect and analyze data from every stage of development without disrupting embryo culture. More and more practices are prioritizing personalized care by tailoring treatment plans to their patient’s specific needs.How do you choose the perfect clinic for couples deciding to try IVF?Like any other specialty, the most important thing is to ensure that you and your doctor connect, on a professional and somewhat on a personal level. During this journey that many call long and complex, it is important for the couples to feel safe around the doctor, bold enough to ask questions or bring up concerns or even feel heard. Understanding one another plays a vital role in hopes of achieving the ultimate outcome of a successful pregnancy.Another major factor to consider is the physicians’ qualifications; in the US, there is a subspecialty of Gynecology that only deals with fertility called REI (Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility). These physicians have dedicated their careers only to helping couples in their fertility journey and have very high standards of care focused on the complex hormonal cycles and mechanics of conception with advanced knowledge of sperm, eggs, male anatomy, female anatomy, and scientific research.How does proper diet and lifestyle play into the entire IVF process?Dr. Natalie Crawford, a double board certified ObGyn/REI doctor, says: “A healthy diet that is good for your body is the best diet for your eggs and reproductive system!” A diet high in whole foods, rich in dark leafy greens, lots of fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, and whole grains is scientifically proven to boost our overall health, including your fertility. While no one has a perfect diet all the time, the goal is to remain consistent and make healthy improvements as much as you can. Toxins also play a big role in the IVF process. Smoking, scented products and the chemicals in our household items can have a significant negative impact on your egg and sperm health. Reducing unhealthy habits like smoking, vaping, and cutting back on the amount of toxins in your household can improve your chances of having a successful IVF cycle. Regular exercise, has proven scientifically to increase your chances of fertility, and the interesting data comes not only from cardio training but from strength training, so ladies, it’s time to lift some weights!“We are usually looking for the latest trends and crazy expensive solutions, but it is the simple, logical changes that give us the most significant results.”Which food types should we incorporate to boost fertility naturally?Nothing will miraculously ensure a boost in fertility in a way that will guarantee pregnancy. If somebody is offering you this, please run as fast as possible! Infertility is multifactorial, and there is no such thing as a magic pill or “one size fits all” kind of strategy. You need to ensure you have the best doctor, healthcare providers and lab team in your corner to excel in your journey.We are usually looking for the latest trends and crazy expensive solutions, but it is the simple, logical changes that give us the most significant results. I propose something: what if you just start adding more “fruits” and “veggies” into your diet? Plant-based Omega-3’s are so essential to your diet, think walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds or brussel sproust. They have proven to increase the time to pregnancy, improve ovulation and overall fertility outcomes. Even though fish has Omega 3’s, we want to avoid heavy metal consumption. Complex carbohydrates (brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats, etc) are the right choice, not your enemies! Carbs are not the problem; you need them! Refined carbohydrates like white sugar, white rice, white pasta, and white flour are the ones you have to limit; they have been shown to lower the chances of getting pregnant. High insulin levels impact normal hormonal function in the ovaries and, therefore, egg quality and chromosomal abnormalities. Higher sugar and insulin levels early in pregnancy have been associated with miscarriages however it is crucial to note that research in this area is ongoing. Vitamin D3 has been shown to increase reproductive outcomes, live rate births, and improve egg and sperm quality.And the ones to avoid that adversely affect fertility?In IVF studies, patients with a higher intake of plants and a lower intake of red meat had better embryo development. Red meat has a high glycation end product (GES). These are endocrine disrupting chemicals, which have been shown to be detrimental to egg quality. The more you eat red meat, the worst your reproductive parameters will be.Two large cohort prospective studies have also shown a negative reproductive association with more dairy consumption, as it lowers reproductive outcomes. The suggestion is to limit or lower their intake of meat and dairy and increase consumption of a whole food plant based diet.“In essence, a partner’s presence and active participation can provide practical assistance and invaluable emotional support during the IVF journey.”How important is it to involve your partners in the IVF process?The involvement of a partner in the IVF process is of profound importance, both emotionally and medically. While infertility is often thought of as only a woman’s issue, male factor infertility can contribute up to 40-50% of all cases of infertility. It is crucial to not only have a woman’s fertility tested, but the male partner as well. IVF is a journey that requires not only medical support but emotional and psychological support. Having a partner by one’s side provides crucial emotional reassurance, as it can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. Partners can offer empathy, comfort, and a sense of shared responsibility throughout the process, strengthening their emotional bond. Moreover, partners often participate in decisions related to IVF treatment, including choosing treatment options, attending medical appointments, and providing valuable input during the decision-making process. Their active involvement fosters a sense of unity and teamwork, which can be empowering and comforting during the sometimes unpredictable and uncertain path of fertility treatments like IVF. In essence, a partner’s presence and active participation can provide practical assistance and invaluable emotional support during the IVF journey.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Pexels; Supplied More