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    Mercury is in retrograde: Buckle up, here’s how to protect your mental health


    by Ruman Baig
    25 mins ago

    Navigating the Annual Phase of Mercury Retrograde.
    This frequently memed celestial phenomenon alludes to a series of disruptions that tend to crop up during specific periods annually.
    Proponents of astrology believe that when Mercury is in retrograde, a vulnerable window opens up for communication breakdowns, relationship hiccups, and misunderstandings with those close to us. It’s as if cosmic interference temporarily disturbs our usual patterns of interaction.
    But what exactly does “Mercury in retrograde” signify? Beyond its meme-worthy reputation, this expression refers to an astrological event where Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, appears to move slower than the Earth as they both orbit around the sun.

    Normally, Mercury completes its orbit in 88 days, while Earth takes 365 days. However, during retrograde, Mercury’s slower pace creates an optical illusion that it’s moving backward. This phenomenon holds significance in astrology as Mercury is said to govern areas such as communication, technology, travel, news, and information. Therefore, when retrograde occurs, a series of mishaps—missed connections, miscommunications—can be expected.
    Wondering why people react strongly to Mercury retrograde? It’s because Mercury’s influence over communication is believed to take on negative undertones during retrograde motion. This can manifest in lost emails, disrupted travel plans, and even shifts in relationships and misunderstandings. Some effects attributed to this period include brain fog, anxiety, headaches, and uncertainties in work and personal projects.

    What can one do—or not do—during Mercury retrograde to navigate these challenges?

    If you’re concerned about its potential impact, consider prioritizing self-care and a more deliberate pace.
    Refrain from making significant decisions or starting new projects until after the retrograde has passed.
    Avoid engaging in conflicts, as misunderstandings could be amplified during this time.
    If emotions are running high, practice deep breathing or meditation to alleviate stress. It’s worth noting that even if you don’t personally subscribe to the phenomenon’s effects, those around you might. Thus, offering support and understanding is crucial.
    Maintain perspective and avoid taking things personally

    Remember, Mercury retrograde might be a celestial event with varying beliefs, but its impact on people’s lives is undeniable. Whether you’re a steadfast believer or a skeptic, embracing mindfulness and empathy during this phase is a universally valuable approach.
    For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram @sarashakeel More

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    Anthropologist, Poet And Author Lebohang Masango On Exploring Paths Less Travelled

    Despite her mother being anxious about what career prospects this rare path would open for her, Lebohang allowed passion to trump fear. “I’ve always been a person who follows my heart. Anthropology was something I enjoyed and could spend hours doing and thinking about. So, I asked mom to just trust me,” she shares. 

    Lebohang studied anthropology at a time when there was a big shift towards nurturing a new breed of anthropologists whose work wouldn’t only live in academic journals and textbooks. “Because anthropology involves studying people, we want to create work that will be seen and tangibly change people’s lives,” she enthuses. 

    READ MORE: Banesa Tseki On How Yoga Gave Her A New Lease On Life

    Through the many worldviews that anthropology afforded her, Lebohang has gone on to craft a bold career that challenges the order of things and makes space for fresh perspectives — even the unpopular ones. 


    Her biggest breakthrough to date, she says, was a campaign where Standard Bank gave a few influencers a small budget and asked them what leap of faith they would take if money wasn’t a biggie. The year was 2016, and Lebohang had been feeling incredibly overwhelmed with putting together her master’s dissertation. “I remembered how much joy reading brought me as a child and toyed with writing for children because my brain was desperate for something new,” she says. At the time, poetry, her master’s dissertation and adulting had left her wallowing in frustration, she adds. “Writing for children is more difficult than writing for adults but it was a challenge that I thoroughly enjoyed,” she says. 

    A series of creatively planned events led to Lebohang self-publishing the award-winning Mpumi’s Magic Beads in 2017, followed by The Great Cake Contest a year later. In the same way that her socio-political beliefs were layered in the storyline of Mpumi’s Magic Beads – and influenced by her Honours research on primary school policies on hair and the effect it has on young girls – Lebohang’s new adult novel is centred around her 2019 Master’s thesis on adult women’s choice to enter into consensual relationships with men of a particular financial and social standing. 

    READ MORE: Actress Shannon Esra On Learning To Trust Her Intuition


    Lebohang has read 2000+ books to date, a habit she’s grateful for but is also quick to admit that, “I have slowed down on reading in my adult years because, well…Adulthood! [chuckles]”. Currently a social anthropology PhD candidate at the University of Pretoria, Lebohang wanted her debut novel The Soft Life: Love, choice and modern dating to explore a new narrative. “Academia tends to problematise romantic relationships, especially around young Black women and men. I’m coming from a perspective of ‘what else is there to talk about when we remove illness, stigma and an overbearing focus on violence?’ I believe that the book has done what I was taught in anthropology – to make sure that my work lives beyond the very rigid walls of academia,” she explains.  

    The never-before-explored themes in The Soft Life have already earned some disapproval — even from her own mother. However, she’s willing to take it all in her stride because she believes it’s important to always make room for new perspectives. “Being on the opposite side of people’s moral stances has been hard but receiving feedback from people who totally get the book has been affirming,” she says. Now that Lebohang proved her resilience through an emotionally taxing process of writing an entire novel, what’s next on the cards for her? “I’m working hard to submit my PhD dissertation, all 80 000 words — that’s a very big thing that I need to accomplish.” 

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    “Taking walks, sleeping, reading, spending time with my partner, listening to jazz and watching trashy reality TV shows. My anthropologist brain’s always trying to search for the meaning being created through these reality TV show moments. I think they’re incredibly valuable!” More

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    Here’s Why Burnout Among Women Is A Bigger Issue Than You’d Think

    Burnout is incredibly common and even more so the further along the year goes. And women bear the brunt of burnout rates, according to studies. The issue is larger than you’d think and affects women differently than it does men. That’s because women shoulder responsibilities at home and at work, taking on roles that can be emotionally and physically draining.

    What is burnout?

    Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion resulting from prolonged stress. Globally, just over 42% of women report being burned out. Women are delivering performance and business results but at a great personal toll.

    How burnout manifests among women

    International studies have shown that women in senior management roles do more to help their employees navigate work-life challenges relative to their male peers. Women spend more time helping manage workloads and are 60% more likely to be focusing on emotional support. This is important, as it helps employees feel good about themselves. But employees have reported that when they receive additional support, they are happier in their job and less likely to move.

    Women take on work at home, too

    One in three women and 60% of mothers with young children spend five or more hours a day on housework, homework and caregiving. Five hours a day is equivalent to a half-time job.

    “Burnout arises when individuals cannot access enough recovery between stressors,” explains Kerry Rudman from Brain Harmonics, a Neurofeedback organisation specialising in retraining brains.

    “We see this particularly with employed parents who face a higher number of and longer exposure to stressors from the multiple roles they play. This is compared with non-parents. And they have less ability to access periods of recovery as a result. Employed parents report several stressors. In particular, a lack of work-life balance, increased responsibilities at both work and home, greater concern for safety at work and for their kids at school, a loss of social support and isolation.”

    In collective studies conducted around the world, employed parents have reported the following in comparison to non-parents.

    Women are worn-out after work

    The compounded pressure of working while parenting, including remote schooling and working, has left many with feelings of apathy and fatigue. They feel that they are failing to live up to their own expectations across their multiple social roles. There are also indications that parents are not finding support or help from their employees.

    “Of the parents who report burnout – 90% believe their management considers productivity to be more important than mental health,” says Rudman. “Because of this, a lot of people will never discuss any issues that they are experiencing with their management or co-workers. People don’t want to be seen as incompetent or be at risk of being replaced. There is an assumption that people should be glad that they have a job right now and everyone just needs to do the extra work demanded of them as they could easily be replaced.”

    Employed parents report a range of stressors that have deteriorated their mental health. The level of household responsibilities is a particular problem. “In a survey conducted by Brain Harmonics, parents experiencing symptoms of burnout are more often responsible for all household duties. That’s compared with parents not experiencing symptoms of burnout (57 percent versus 41 percent),” says Rudman.

    In fact, the majority of parents responsible for all household duties report symptoms of burnout. These responsibilities, including caring for older adult family members in addition to children, most often fall to women. They have also been more likely to cut back on paid work during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to provide childcare. For these women, reduced paid time at work could also exacerbate the symptoms of burnout, if their responsibilities at work do not also decrease.

    Moms are worried about their kids

    Four in five employed parents say that they feel concerned about their child’s mental health. And more than one-third rate this concern as extreme.

    In a McKinsey and Co survey, parents are more likely than non-parents to report missing days of work because of burnout. They are also more likely to use leaves of absence and supported employment.

    Employed parents are more likely than non-parents to see themselves staying at their employer in two years’ time. But burnout correlates to employed parents’ likelihood of not recommending their place of work to others.

    “What’s more, stress and burnout, are the main reasons that cause people to consider leaving their jobs,” says Rudman.

    Alleviating the symptoms of burnout

    If you think you’re burnt out, or heading in that direction, therapy is a powerful tool. It’s a way to verbalise and let go of stressors while creating lasting, sustainable habits that can support a well-rounded lifestyle. Neurofeedback is another option: a non-invasive tool that can improve mental health and the feelings of physical burnout. It measures brain waves and provides a feedback signal to the brain so that new, healthier neuropathways are formed. For more information about neurofeedback training, check out Brain Harmonics.

    As with anything, burnout is a condition that needs to be treated with expertise. Chat with your doctor and a therapist to get the help you need. More

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    4 Proudly South African Apps For Mental Health Support

    There are very few things in life that we can never tire of talking about. And mental health should top that list. This, in a country where the stigma surrounding mental health challenges is still met with nonchalant responses such as, “you’re being lazy” or “just keep pushing”, therefore making it harder for people to ask for help. At around a R1000 and more for a consultation, quality mental health care has become the reserve of those with deep pockets! 

    South Africa’s mental health culture still sees many people choosing to suffer in silence and embarrassment instead of speaking out. Other than private mental health specialists, there aren’t many free or affordable mental health resources to cater to the population. 

    A 2022 research paper published by the Wits/Medical Research Council Developmental Pathways for Health Research Unit found that “South Africans suffer higher rates of probable depression and anxiety than other countries”. This was also a finding recorded by the Mental Health of the World report 2021 which, through the lowest mental health quotient score in the world, concluded that South Africa had a masked mental health crisis. To help you along on your mental health journey, we have compiled a list of apps and social media platforms to lean on when hard times strike. 

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    Fee: Free for individualsAvailable: Android and iOS usersPanda is on a serious mission: to empower people to be proactive with their mental health battles. The user-friendly mobile app features tailored content, assessments, one-on-one therapy sessions as well as anonymous group sessions where you learn on topics ranging from anxiety to depression (and everything in between). The app offers three care packages for individuals, employees and insurers. 

    Fee: R185 per consultation or R120 for an express consultationAvailable: Android and iOS usersWith guaranteed quality healthcare at your fingertips, Kena Health has made it easy to consult a doctor or mental health professional directly. The app connects patients to qualified healthcare practitioners for advice, diagnoses, prescriptions and referrals to specialists or another place of care. Their aim: to make quality health care accessible at a steal.

    READ MORE: It’s Official: Stress Makes Us Crave Junk Food

    Fee: FreeAvailable: Android and iOS users Developed by medical doctors, WHOLE empowers users with ongoing self-care focused on holistic wellness in its entirety. How do they do this? Through a fun way to build healthy habits that can help improve mental health. Experiment with over 100 science-backed activities to boost your happiness. Plus, useful tips that keep you balanced all day and measure your progress. 

    READ MORE: “Social media had me romanticising my mental illness and put me in a hole.”

    Fee: FreeAvailability: Not available as an app yetDeveloped by IT entrepreneur Pieter Oosthuizen, this online support group helps you achieve your mental health and greater self-awareness through sharing and conversations. “The benefit of joining a support group has been widely recognised by mental health professionals around the world,” says Oosthuizen, who was inspired to launch the platform by his own sister’s battle with depression and anxiety.

    “Working with my sister, we started developing a platform that would enable anyone wanting to join any type of support group for a mental health condition or for life coaching generally to do so in a way that’s convenient, secure and affordable. It has also been designed to protect their privacy by allowing them to hide their identity from the host and other group members should they choose to do so.”

    READ MORE: Actress Shannon Esra On Learning To Trust Her Intuition

    More habits to hone

    Over some past few years, several studies have deduced that being constantly plugged into social media increased anxiety and depression. Taking a social media break is helpful for our mental health, as per the research findings of study by the Penn State University, USA and Jinan University, China. If you’re able to silence your mind for a few minutes a day (or more), then meditation also comes highly recommended. Several studies have, in the past, found that practising mindfulness and meditation ultimately leads to decreased stress levels. To get you started, we suggest downloading Insight Timer, Breathe2Relax or Smiling Mind for some guided meditation and breathwork. 

    Click here for some mental health resources and support if you’re in South Africa.  More

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    Actress Shannon Esra On Learning To Trust Her Intuition

    The South African actress, best known for her impressive catalogue of local and international productions such as I Dreamed of Africa, The Queen, The Gamechangers, The River, Still Breathing and, more recently, season 2 of M-Net’s Lioness, is finally allowing her intuition to take centre stage.

    “I’ve spent a great deal of time not listening to my intuition and it’s because I hadn’t understood the voice that was speaking to me,” she says.

    Recently, she’s become conscious of where her intuition resides in her body. “For the most part of my life, I liked bouncing things off of people that I trust. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known people or how close you are to them, they will only understand certain dimensions. Whatever message comes from your own intuition is for you alone,” muses Shannon.

    Staying Connected

    READ MORE: Banesa Tseki On How Yoga Gave Her A New Lease On Life

    The truest way to connect to herself? Tapping into what’s happening whenever her intuition nudges her. We spend much time receiving the bulk of our feedback from the outside world. And sometimes, we do so while ignoring our primal and instinctual knowledge of self – also forgetting that the brain and body are built for survival – notes Shannon.

    ”Clichéd as it may sound, what I know is that our instincts are never wrong.” Along with relying on her instincts more, Shannon is also invested in healing her past traumas through therapy. She has a Netflix feature Do Your Worst film that was released in March. The movie’s about a failing actress about to turn 40, who’s dealing with some seriously bad decisions.

    READ MORE: Why Toxic Positivity Is Harmful And What To Say Instead

    Shannon didn’t particularly resonate with the character much, apart from the very real fear of being an out-of-work actor. “The character, Sondra, is a complete dits but the reason I bring her up is because when I’m in the midst of a project, I kind of become the person that I’m playing,” she explains.

    “I think, in this very strange way, every character that crosses my path comes to inevitably teach and open me up to something in myself that might not have presented itself without their influence. Every character comes at exactly the right time – it’s as if acting is its own type of wonderful healing and evolving experience,” she explains.

    Closed Off

    Shannon goes on to explain that in her world, embracing a character has been much easier than being her true self. Therapy, she acknowledges, helped her realise that she’d been a shutdown human. She cites two events, in particular, that led to her being closed off. Number one: Her love-filled childhood where she never learnt how to process her feelings, nor establish her own boundaries.

    “This created a perfectionist mentality in me, something that has troubled me for a large part of my life.”

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    The second event was a six-year relationship that she recently got out of. “I didn’t realise the extent of how its trauma had affected me because I grew up with that ‘if it doesn’t bleed, it doesn’t hurt’ mentality, which created space for me to keep shoving things under the rug.” Right now, Shannon only cares about being real, flawed and engaging in authentic conversations.

    Going Forward

    Her goal going forward? “…To be as self-aware and present as I can possibly be and, of course, listen to my intuition when something doesn’t feel quite right.” More

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    Why Toxic Positivity Is Harmful And What To Say Instead

    “You have to keep strong! or ‘Everything happens for a reason!” “Don’t grieve like a non-believer!” or “You need to stop moaning about him, and get over him already!” or “You’re young enough, you will still be able to have more kids!” Let’s pick your brains real quick…What do these five statements have in common? *Drum Roll*

    They are those go-to phrases most people over-rely on during trying times, you might say! Or that, secondly, they discourage the person on the receiving end (or, yourself even!) to process their truest feelings. Or that, they reek of an unrealistic pressure to stay positive even when an incident doesn’t call for it. And don’t get us wrong, we’re not advocating for people to chuck their resilience out the window at the first sign of distress or to romanticise negative emotions.

    But what we’re defs saying is that toxic positivity, as demonstrated in the musings above, tends to be inauthentic and unrealistic at the best of times — even though it may come from a heartfelt place.

    READ MORE: Banesa Tseki On How Yoga Gave Her A New Lease On Life

    Read The Room

    By now, the above examples should’ve jogged your memory back to those incidents where someone’s statement left you thinking: ‘What in the name of tone deafness is that?’

    Experts describe toxic positivity as unsolicited pressure to only display positive emotions while dismissing any negative emotions and experiences. It invalidates human experience and can lead to trauma, isolation, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

    Over the years, many research studies have found positivity to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, improve coping skills, increase physical wellbeing – including reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues – andeven lengthen your lifespan. However, when positivity turns is forced to the point of it being toxic, the results are considerably different. “Toxic positivity is beyond having a positive approach to life,” explains Dr Jennie Hudson,a professor of clinical psychology.

    “It extends beyond the edges of reality. It is insincere optimism, an extreme positive bias that ignores reality.” It also ignores the negative ramifications, both on those spreading toxic positivity and those on the receiving end.

    Though optimism is a powerful tool, forced positivity isn’t helpful at all. In 2020, researchers at the University of found that “overestimating outcomes was associated with lower well-being than setting realistic outcomes”. Circa 2018, universities of Toronto and California researchers found that people who avoided acknowledging challenging emotions could actually end up feeling worse. Dr Hudson unpacks this, saying: “It is normal to experience painful events, or emotions like anger, sadness and guilt. If we live in a toxically positive environment that doesn’t allow us to experience emotions like anger or sadness, then we are robbed of important life experiences and lessons.” She adds that these emotions have a role in our lives, in childhood development, in our relationships. When we feel angry it is usually because someone has wronged us. When we feel sad it is because we have lost something important. These emotions help to guide us and our choices.

    READ MORE: “Social media had me romanticising my mental illness and put me in a hole”

    Say This Instead

    When it comes to showing support or motivating loved ones, words matter far more than we think. Instead of finding yourself uttering words that will leave people rolling their eyes, life and relationship coach Megan Luscombe offers alternative approaches to “motivational” phrases.

    INSTEAD OF: Look on the bright side 

    RATHER SAY: “Sometimes there isn’t a bright side. I’ll stay with you in the dark for as long as it takes and when you want to turn the light on, I’ll help. “

    INSTEAD OF: Everything happens for a reason 

    RATHER SAY: “I’m sure you feel like you need a reason for this to have happened to make sense of it. What’s the story you’re telling so far? I want to support you.” 

    INSTEAD OF: You’ll get over it

    RATHER SAY: “Instead of thinking you have to get over it, let’s instead start to process it.” 

    INSTEAD OF: It could be worse 

    RATHER SAY: “Your feelings are valid. Don’t minimise your experience.” 

    INSTEAD OF: Never give up 

    RATHER SAY: “It’s OK to sidestep, press pause or even change our minds. It doesn’t mean you’re giving up; it means you’re re-prioritising.” 

    INSTEAD OF:  It is what it is 

    RATHER SAY: “What it is, is something that’s hurt/upset/disappointed you. You’re allowed to feel your feelings instead of dismissing them.” More

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    Apple introduces new features for better mental health provision


    by Ruman Baig
    2 hours ago

    Apple launches new features that can tap into deeper areas of health and provide powerful insights.
    Mental health and vision health features have been included in iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and watchOS 10. With this new provision, Apple emphasizes on the fact that mental health is as important as physical health and affects people every day in how they think, feel, and act.
    The new mental health features will allow users to log their momentary emotions and daily moods. It will help them assess and track their emotions and attain important information that will be pivotal in their mental health journey. All of these new features — and existing health features — are backed by science and built with privacy at the core.
    “Our goal is to empower people to take charge of their own health journey. With these innovative new features, we’re expanding the comprehensive range of health and wellness tools that we offer our users across iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch,” said Sumbul Desai, M.D., Apple’s vice president of Health. “Mental health and vision health are important, but often overlooked, and we’re excited to introduce features that offer valuable new insights to provide users with an even better understanding of their health. These insights help support users in their daily decisions and offer more informed conversations with their doctors.”

    According to research, reflecting on one’s own mental state can help improvise emotional awareness. “Identifying our feelings has been shown to help us manage difficult emotions, appreciate positive moments, and improve well-being.” Multiple studies by researchers have shown that identifying feelings reduces emotions like sadness and anger, and positively impacts our body by slowing our heart rate. Additionally, in a survey of participants in the UCLA Digital Mental Health Study, initial results showed more than 80 percent of participants found reflecting on their mood in the study app increased emotional awareness, and about half said it increased wellbeing,” adds Dr. Michelle Craske, a distinguished professor of psychology and psychiatry at UCLA.
    Through the health app users can scroll through engaging, multidimensional shapes and choose how they are feeling in a range from Very Pleasant to Very Unpleasant. They can also select associations that are having the biggest impact on their feelings, like travel or family, and describe their feelings, such as grateful or worried.
    In addition to that, users will be able to identify the contributing factors to their mental state — whether it’s associations or lifestyle factors, such as sleep or exercise — and can use these insights to better manage their overall health.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram & Feature image: @veneti.a More

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    Boost Your Mind And Movement With ASICS’ NAGINO™ Collection

    ASICS unveils a groundbreaking global campaign emphasizing the transformative power of exercise in empowering women to navigate everyday stresses. This momentous campaign coincides with the launch of ASICS’ revolutionary NAGINO™ Collection, spotlighting the profound impact that movement can have on our mental well-being.

    The campaign was developed in response to ASICS 2022 State of Mind Index, which revealed that globally, women tend to exercise less than men and, as a result, experience a lower state of mind.

    The power of movement on the mind

    In a world where stress and anxiety are at record levels, the campaign highlights the power of exercise to calm the mind. Contrasting the shortness of breath in stressed moments with the controlled, rhythmic breaths of a workout, the new campaign highlights the power of movement to offset the stresses and strains of everyday life.

    ASICS’ NAGINO™ Collection

    Designed by women for women. The new NAGINO™ Collection is created to support women to find their inner calm through movement. Each piece is purposefully crafted to inspire body confidence and support women to move undistracted and comfortably during their run and workout.

    “With the NAGINO™ Collection we wanted her to feel comfortable and confident before, during and after her training. We know that nothing frees the mind like exercise and so the new collection is designed to be 100% distraction-free, so the only thing she needs to focus on is herself and her workout.”
    Martina Jurcova, Product Manager for Apparel and Accessories

    The collection features pieces designed for running and training and is completed with colour-matching footwear. This includes the brand’s latest product innovation, the GEL-NIMBUS™ 25 running shoe. Each item is highly technical, providing storage and layering options for on-the-go adaptability. One of the apparel highlights is the NAGINO™ Run Unitard made from premium heathered knit fabric and designed in a body-hugging shape to help her feel supported.

    Shop The NAGINO™ Collection

    The NAGINO™ Collection is available online and in-store now. For more information, click here.

    Nimbus 25 Running Shoe

    Nagino Running Jacket

    Nagino Seamless Blue Tights

    Nagino Seamless Bra

    Nagino Blue Vest

    Nagino Blue Run Shorts

    READ MORE: Is This Really The World’s Most Comfortable Running Shoe?

    ASICS Commitment to Move Every Mind

    ASICS believes every mind deserves the right to be moved so we can all achieve a Sound Mind in a Sound Body. This is why ASICS is launching its mission to move every mind to help tackle exercise inequality and support everyone to feel the positive mental benefits of movement.

    This mission comes in response to ASICS State of Mind Index which uncovered a gender exercise gap, with women exercising significantly less than men, and potentially missing out on the mental benefits that exercise bring.

    As a first step to move every mind, ASICS is conducting a global live study. This is to better understand the environmental and societal barriers preventing women from exercising. Plus, what needs to be done to help them to move freely.

    Sign up here to learn more about move every mind. More