8 Things That Could Be Stealing Your Joy Right Now
You may not recognise it, but there are several biological imbalances and environmental factors that could create bad mood triggers, affecting your mood as an offshoot of something else that’s not quite right. Days like International Day of Happiness, celebrated annually on 20 March, serve to remind us that happiness is everyone’s birthright, something we should all be constantly striving towards. Read on and check if any of these ring alarm bells. Then start working slowly towards pouring into your happiness cup again.READ MORE: 10 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Hit the Gym After WorkBad mood trigger 1: Food IntoleranceFood intolerances are responsible for a wide range of physical conditions including nausea and abdominal pain, but they can also affect your mood, causing irritability, mood swings, lack of focus, aggression, nervousness or hyperactivity. If you suffer from regular mood swings, try keeping a food diary – noting what you eat as well as any changes in mood – to see if you can identify a link.Bad mood trigger 2: Your Home DecorIf you want to give your mood a boost, try changing your home decor as your surroundings can heavily influence your mood. While red can make some people feel irritable or hostile, yellow communicates happiness and blue aids relaxation, so try accessorising your home with colours that enhance your mood. Research has also suggested that hanging up soothing pictures – such as beautiful landscape paintings – can positively affect a person’s mood and reduce stress and anxiety.While many of us dream of getting a promotion in work, the reality may not be as rosy as you think. A study by researchers at the University of Warwick has found that rather than improving quality of life for workers, following job promotion employees suffered from increased mental strain and there was on average a 10 percent decrease in people’s mental health.Trigger 4: Your Bedside LampIf you regularly fall asleep reading or watching TV, this can have repercussions on your mood the next day. Research has shown that nighttime light can suppress the production of melatonin; a mood-regulating hormone which is only produced during darkness. So, try investing in some heavy curtains and make sure you turn off all lights at night to give yourself a happiness boost.READ MORE: 5 Beginner Yoga Poses To Help You Sleep BetterTrigger 5: Nutrient DeficienciesWhile depression can be caused by a number of things, symptoms can be worsened or improved by your diet. Deficiencies in vitamin D, the B vitamins (particularly B6, B12 and folate) and omega-3 fatty acids can all lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Try introducing more foods rich in these nutrients into your diet to see if symptoms improve.Trigger 6: Your FriendsYou might think that spending time with your friends is a great mood booster; however, that could all depend on their mood. Research has found that emotions – both positive and negative – are contagious and easily passed from person to person, often without you being aware of it. Furthermore, you don’t even need to see your friends to catch their mood, as a study suggests that the emotions of Facebook users directly affect the emotions of their friends for up to three days.Trigger 7: Late NightsMany of us are aware that lack of sleep can contribute to a low mood; however, research suggests that when you go to sleep could be almost as important as how much sleep you get. According to a study published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, night owls are almost three times as likely as early birds to experience severe symptoms of depression, so try getting some early nights to boost your mood.Trigger 8: The PillA study by researchers from Monash University has found that women who take birth control pills are twice as likely to be depressed as those who don’t. For some, certain birth control pills can also lead to mood swings, increased anger and loss of libido. If you think that your mood has changed for the worse since you began taking the pill, visit your GP to discuss the alternatives.READ MORE: 4 Science-Backed Ways To Love Yourself – And Why You ShouldThings That Are Making Team WH Happy Right NowThe team shares the little things that bring them joy amidst the pressures of the rat race!
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