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    Covid-19: What’s Next for South Africa – And When Will It Be Over?

    Since the last wave of Covid-19, Omicron, hit South Africa at the end of last year, it seems that things have been looking decidedly up. Schools have done away with rotational attendance, and most workplaces are even opening up, which means regular commutes are back. Masks seem to be worn less and less, and Coachella just announced zero Covid-19 regulations at this year’s festival.
    However, some places still uphold Covid-19 restrictions, while others are lax. The uncertainty is confusing, perhaps summed up best by that *highly* relatable moment Chrissy Teigan had on Insta. There’s just way too much confusing, and contradicting, info up in the air.
    So… is Covid-19 over?
    The short answer? No. Professor Salim Abdul Karim, an epidemiologist who shared the latest insights on the virus during interview on JacarandaFM, noted that while there’s been a decrease in virus rates, we’re not out of the woods yet. However, the noted dearth in infections raises economic opportunities that we can capitalise on while it lasts, he advised. “It’s not that we’re only acting on the science, we’re having to balance it with the needs of the economy,” said Karim.
    READ MORE: How Can I Tell If My Symptoms Are Allergies, Or A Possible COVID-19 Infection?
    Expect a new wave
    According to the pattern of the virus, Karim reckons that we’re looking at another wave of infection in the next few months, likely around April. Whether or not this will prove devastating is a different question considering South Africa has only reached a vaccination rate of 30%. Karim and many other health professionals advise that it’s important that the population gets vaccinated, since this is the fastest way to lessen restrictions and the burden of disease.
    Furthermore, experts have warned that the virus is unlikely to go away at all. Instead, we will probably face more waves, each with different intensities. Plus, having the virus once doesn’t mean you won’t be infected again.
    READ MORE: Nearly Half Of COVID-19 Infections Could Be Asymptomatic, New Study Suggests
    What you can do
    If you haven’t yet, you can go get vaccinated. If you’ve had your shot, you can schedule a booster dose when you’re due.
    The reality is that Covid-19 is far from over, but we’re definitely a lot closer than we were before.

    READ MORE ON: Coronavirus COVID-19 Health News Health Tips More

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    How Much Water You Should Be Drinking Daily, According To A Nutritionist

    Given the emphasis on hydration in health circles (downing enough of the clear stuff has been linked to improved mood and brain function and a happily functioning digestive tract) it might not be something you think about that much –after all, your reusable water bottle never leaves your side…
    But. Although some experts would have you think it’s as simple as aiming for two litres of liquid per day, in reality it’s far more complicated than that.
    As nutritional therapist and co-founder of Your Body Programme Terry Fairclough reveals, factors such as your activity levels, the weather, your health and whether you’re pregnant all need to be considered when working out how much you should be drinking per day.
    How Much Water Should I Drink a Day: Your 5-Step Checklist
    1. What is your current weight?
    To find the base amount you should be drinking per day:
    Multiply your weight in kg by 0.6
    Divide this figure by 15
    For example, if you weigh 60kg: 60 x 0.6 ÷ 15 = 2.5 litres per day
    “Remember that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables will increase water intake, meaning you can drink less water,” says Fairclough, “while, drinking too much coffee, tea and alcohol will act as a diuretic, meaning you will need more.”
    2. What are today’s training goals?
    Did you know that you can lose up to 6-10% of your body’s water content, via sweat, when you exercise ? Which, considering even just a drop of 2% can have a noticeable effect on your performance levels, is a lot. Helps to explain why that uphill sprint suddenly feels so much harder than it ever has done before. Did you know that muscle is about 80% water? ‘The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking o.5 litres about two hours before exercise, and at regular intervals during your workout to replace fluids lost by sweating,’ says Fairclough.
    “If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra 1.5 to 2.5 cups (400 to 600 millilitres) of water to compensate for the fluid loss – if you’re doing short bouts of exercise. For more intense training lasting more than an hour (for example, running a marathon), you will need even more – the exact amount depends on how much you sweat during exercise, and the duration and type of exercise.”
    When undertaking intense exercise, Fairclough also recommends hydrating with a sport drink that contains sodium to help replace that lost in sweat and so reduce the chances of developing hyponatremia (see below). “It is also essential that you continue replacing fluids after exercising.”
    3. What is the weather like?
    Okay, so this isn’t just a question of whether you’ve managed to bare your legs for the summer or are still encased in a pair of tights. The environment that you commute and work in also factors into how much water you should be drinking.
    ‘Hot, humid weather and heated indoor air, can make you sweat, leaving you dehydrated and in need of fluid,’ says Fairclough. ‘Plus, altitudes greater than 8,200 feet (2,500 metres) may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which use up more of your fluid reserves.’
    One to note, if you’ve any adventure holidays in the pipeline.
    4. How are you feeling?
    If you’ve been experiencing illness such as a fever, vomiting and diarrhoea, or conditions, including bladder infections and urinary tract stones, you should be upping your fluid intake to compensate.
    “In some cases, your doctor may recommend oral rehydration solutions such as Rehidrat or Powerade,” says Fairclough. Note that a number of health conditions can impair water excretion: heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may require that you limit your fluid intake.
    5. Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?
    “The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink about 10 cups (2.3 litres) of fluids daily and women who breast-feed consume about 13 cups (3.1 litres) of fluids a day,” notes Fairclough. Did you know that the water content of the foetus is estimated to be 75-90%?
    Why? Well, water is needed to form amniotic fluid (it is estimated a woman carries from 0.5-two litres during pregnancy), support the increase in blood plasma volume and to produce breast milk. “Remember, that water contained in tea and coffee is not an ideal replacement when dehydrated as they are diuretics and increase your loss of water.”
     5 Ways to Increase Your Water Consumption
    According to the Natural Hydration Council, symptoms of dehydration include constipation, dark yellow urine, a dry mouth, headaches, increased thirst, lethargy and muscle tiredness.
    Research shows that water losses of just 2% can result in reduced mental performance – think brain fog.
    Fairclough shares his top tips for keeping your fluid intake up:
    *Hot or warm water from the kettle is often easier to drink than water straight from the fridge, when the weather is cold.
    *Start the day with a glass of water to flush the body of toxins built up overnight.
    *Aim to have most of you water intake away from meals, as drinking a lot of water close to a meal may dilute digestive acids and enzymes, inhibiting digestion. However, having a glass of water one hour before a meal may help to increase the enzymes and acids.
    *Like tap, sparkling water contains no calories or sugar and, according to the Natural Hydration Council, when consumed in moderation, does not negatively impact dental health, bone density or weight.
    *Naturally flavour your water with slices of lime, lemon, strawberry, ginger or herbs such as mint.
    FYI: Remember that overhydrating can lead to health problems.
    The Natural Hydration Council warns of hyponatremia, which, although rare, can reduce blood salt levels and cause excess fluid to move from the blood into tissue cells, including those of the brain. Space your water evenly throughout the day. Everything in moderation, as they say.
    The article Once And For All: How Much Water Do I Have To Drink Each Day? was first published on Women’s Health US.

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    How To Adapt Your Fitness and Nutrition For Every Age

    30s: The decade to… optimise your prime
    So your face has a few more lines, your hairline some silver intruders and your list of responsibilities… let’s not go there. But arm yourself with some essential skills and you’ll enjoy your best decade yet.
    Support your fertility
    If you’re looking to start a family now or later, there are practical steps you can take. Here, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Larisa Corda and nutritional therapist Melanie Brown walk you through the essentials.
    Mind your movement
    “Sitting down all day can reduce blood flow to the ovaries and uterus, so stand up as much as possible,” says Brown. Be careful about overexercising, too. “Exercising too intensely for too long can increase levels of cortisol in the body, which can be a barrier to conceiving.”
    Mitigate stress
    “This is essential if you’re looking to get pregnant,” says Dr Corda. Plot out your stressors on a page, then note the things you can’t control (an unwell parent, for example), the things you can take steps to address (long working hours) and the things you can fix without much hassle (too many plans).
    Reach your body’s happy weight
    “If you’re overweight or obese, take sustainable steps to reach a healthy weight,” advises Brown. “If you’re underweight, increasing your body fat will signal to your brain that your body can support a pregnancy.”
    Eat for balance
    “It’s important to consume enough complex carbs,” notes Brown, who points to research indicating that they promote ovulation. “You need good fats for fertilisation, and quality protein provides the building blocks to eggs.”
    Panic stations
    As the responsibilities start to bite in your thirties, you’re more vulnerable than ever to anxiety-based mental health problems, such as panic attacks. Use our expert-backed timeline to dial down the intensity.
    0 to 3 mins 
    What’s happening: A panic attack occurs when the mind makes a negative interpretation of normal events. When your boss sets you an impossible deadline, for example, your hypothalamus activates your pituitary and adrenal glands, causing stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol to flood into your system: the fight-or-flight response. The result? Shallow breaths, an accelerated heart rate and trembling.
    Your defence: A US study found that refocusing the mind on simple tasks can calm you down. The solution can be as mundane as counting the number of tiles on your office ceiling until the panic passes.
    3 mins to 2 hours
    What’s happening: Adrenaline has a half-life of three minutes, so the initial panic soon passes – your breathing normalises and your heart rate falls. Cortisol, however, sticks around for longer. It can take two hours for your more chronic feelings of stress to subside.
    Your defence: Take a 10-minute break and divert your attention to what’s around you, even if it’s just your neighbour taking the bins out. Your cortisol levels will fall and you can return to a more even keel. Ahhh…
    1 week 
    What’s happening: Anxiety can easily extend beyond a specific stimulus and its chronic form can leave your hypothalamus in a state of constant agitation. It’ll keep releasing adrenaline and cortisol and, with levels set to surge at any point, the simplest upset can burst the dam.
    Your defence: In severe cases, doctors may prescribe you anti-anxiety medication, along with beta blockers, to steady your heart rate. Omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish can curb adrenal activation caused by stress and there are cortisol-slashing B vitamins in legumes, meat and eggs. Plus, a run produces mood-boosting endorphins while using up extra adrenaline.
    Nutrient to know: healthy fats
    Found in olive oil, avocado, nuts, mackerel and anchovies, they’re hallmarks of the Mediterranean diet, which studies suggest can reduce your risk of heart disease. That shoots up in your forties, so take pre-emptive steps now. Doubts remain about the effectiveness of supps, so stick to natural sources. More

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    Could Intermittent Resting Be The Key To Your Fatigue Problems?

    Ever randomly left your desk mid-morning to bask in the sun, head buried in a racy novel? Or taken a quick post-run nap on your lawn? You’re in tune with your body’s needs and on the right track, according to experts. There’s a term for these regular breaks — Intermittent Resting.
    You’re probably already familiar with the term Intermittent Fasting — cycling between eating what you like and restricting your food intake via techniques like the 5:2 and 16:8. For the uninitiated, the theory goes like this: by giving your body a break from food you can not only lose weight, but potentially improve your metabolism and reduce your risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
    Now, health and fitness experts are talking about Intermittent Resting, the idea that the body also needs to cycle through small bursts of inactivity (activity fasting, if you will) in order to perform at its best. So, can scheduling rest with the enthusiasm you usually reserve for scheduling workouts really support your health and fitness goals?
    Nahid de Belgeonne, a former fashion industry employee and owner of a London-based fitness studio Good Vibes started creating deliberate pockets of rest throughout the day — a kind of deliberate down time — once she discovered the power of rest.
    That she felt happier, healthier and more productive as a result of her new regime will come as news to nobody. But she also credits intermittent resting with making her fitter, stronger and improving her quality of movement. She now trains others in the art of snacking on rest via her yoga-meets-meditation technique, The Human Method.
    READ MORE: The 16 Best Mental Health Podcasts To Help You Cope With Anxiety, Depression, And More
    Nahid explains that her theory is based on the body’s ultradian rhythms. The sister science of circadian rhythms – which control your 24 hour sleep-wake cycle – ultradian rhythms refers to the cycles that the systems in your body move through during the waking day. The concept is nothing new; it was proposed in the 1950s by sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman, whose contribution of the field of shut-eye is such that he’s often referred to as the ‘father of sleep’.
    That the wellness industry is finally sitting up and taking notice doesn’t surprise Dr Kat Lederle, chronobiologist and sleep coach at the sleep education platform Somnia. “We’ve seen significant scientific interest and progress in nutrition, fitness and sleep — circadian health is the next big topic,” she explains.
    While much of the focus in recent years has been on how your behaviour impacts your ability to fall – and stay – asleep, your behaviour impacts your waking function, too. “The body clock is made up of two clusters of 50,000 cells in the hypothalamus and we refer to that as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN),” Dr Lederle explains. “The SCN is like a conductor, setting the timings for everything else that happens in your body, so while your ultradian rhythms vary from system to system, your body clock ensures they’re working in harmony together. If your internal rhythms become misaligned, that can lead to all sorts of problems.”
    It’s thanks to a raft of circadian rhythm research that we now understand that the repercussions of this ‘misalignment’ extend far beyond a night spent tossing and turning. A disrupted body clock has been shown to interfere with everything from your appetite to your co-ordination and mood. Extreme disruption, the likes experienced by shift workers, has even been linked with depression.
    But if the behaviour that contributes to a broken body clock sits on a sliding scale, with the shift workers whose livelihoods depend on keeping variable hours at one end. On the other, you’ll find the kind of habits you know you shouldn’t do, but you probably do anyway — working through your lunchbreak, doing a HIIT session when your body is begging for yoga and reading the internet instead of your book come bedtime.
    It’s these everyday behaviours, Dr Lederle explains, that present an opportunity to optimise your circadian health. “By becoming more aware of your body clock and adopting behaviours that supports its optimal functioning, as opposed to railing against it, you can not only reduce your risk of various diseases, but improve your day to day functioning.”
    Essentially, it’s about practising sleep hygiene, but for the waking day, too. And among the tools in Dr Lederle’s ‘wake hygiene’ toolkit is a habit that sounds a lot like Intermittent Resting. Regular rest, it transpires, is the backbone of good body clock behaviour.
    “I call them ‘mini breaks’, but they amount to the same thing — taking a break of up to 20 minutes every 90 minutes or so. For me, it’s sitting back for a moment and bringing an awareness to my breaths. But I think the key is doing something in that time that you enjoy. It’s not paying your bills or contacting your accountant — it’s something you’ve chosen to do.”
    READ MORE: Struggle to Get to Sleep? Try These 5 Breathing Techniques
    What seems to elevate Intermittent Resting from your average work break is its intuitive nature; the idea that tapping into the times when your body is best primed for activity and rest could be a useful tool for those in the business of incremental gains. “Mini breaks are just one example of how aligning your schedule with your body clock can support your health goals,” adds Dr Lederle, who gives the example of planning when you exercise.
    If the idea of taking a 20-minute break every 90 minutes makes your heart race (not the goal), even breaking for five or 10 minutes can help. “I’m a huge believer in doing your own experiments and seeing for yourself what works for you,” adds Dr Lederle. “If you’re truly free to plan your life in the way that suits you, the repercussions on your health and wellbeing could be huge.”
    READ MORE: How To Get Better Quality Sleep
    Make Intermittent Resting Work For You
    Take a chronotype holiday
    Dr Lederle suggests taking a five-day trip with the goal of tuning into your natural waking and sleeping hours. Go to sleep when you feel tired, rise when you’re ready and avoid sleep saboteurs like screens. “By day five, you should know what your natural sleep timings are, and ideally you’ll start sleeping in that time window every night.”
    Find out your MEQ
    By now you’ll already known what hours you like to sleep, but for a more scientific approach, take the Morning-Evening questionnaire. There are 19 questions designed to tell you where you sit on the sliding scale of morning person and evening person.
    Keep an energy diary
    You’ll know intuitively when your energy ebbs and flows throughout the day by the times you usually reach for a coffee or a snack. Start consciously tuning into your feelings, and noting them down. Look out for the obvious signs, like yawning, as well as how engaged you feel in a task. Keep it up for a week and see what patterns you notice. This will guide you to your own Intermittent Resting breaks.
    Make it stick
    Your body clock is like a baby – it loves routine. “Anything you do that’s part of a routine will help your body clock to know what to expect, be that the time you do a workout or when you eat your lunch,” adds Dr Lederle. Once you’ve identified your energy peaks and troughs, schedule your breaks accordingly, and stick with it.

    The article Can Intermittent Resting Help You Reach Your Goals? was originally published on Women’s Health UK.

    READ MORE ON: Activity Fasting Health Advice Intermittent Resting Mental Health mental health advice More

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    The 16 Best Mental Health Podcasts To Help You Cope With Anxiety, Depression, And More

    Podcasts are incredibly popular these days, and there are so many to choose from. From politics to pop culture this type of audio entertainment covers almost everything you can think of and is a great way to pass the time and learn something new. But that’s not all it’s good for – mental health podcasts, in particular, can boost your emotional wellness and be an effective form of self-care.
    Shelby John, a clinical social worker who specialises in addiction, anxiety, and trauma, loves mental health podcasts because they are not only extremely accessible for most people, but they are also free. “The freedom to be able to listen to episodes whenever and wherever you want is incredible,” she says. “This allows people who maybe otherwise would not go to therapy or hire a coach to access knowledge and practical skills from professionals.”
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    The information you consume has a direct impact on how you behave, feel, and think, says Amy Morin, a therapist and the host of The Verywell Mind Podcast. “If you listen to podcasts that share stories, strategies, and tips that can improve your mental health, you can learn how to improve your psychological well-being,” she explains. “A podcast might affirm the information you already know, which can reassure you that you are on the right path. A podcast might also help you feel less alone. This is especially true if you hear stories and interviews with guests you can relate to. You might also learn new things or discover strategies you can try to reduce your anxiety or boost your mood.”
    Most mental health podcasts feature experts in a specific field, such as behavioral scientists, psychologists, therapists, or other types of pros with unique and helpful insights to share.
    How To Choose A Mental Health Podcast That Is Right For You
    The host will be your constant companion, so look for one whose personality and voice mesh well with you. You should also make sure the podcast you’re listening to is produced by a licensed and legitimate mental health care provider, advises Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Master Social Worker Kayleigh Parent. “Even then, just because someone is licensed does not mean they are competent or using evidence-based practices,” she says.
    Another factor to consider is whether you are part of the target audience. Of course, anyone can listen to any podcast, but you may be able to benefit more if you tune into ones that you feel a kinship with, whether it is because of the age group, ethnicity, gender identity, or mental health issue they address.
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    Know that many of the conversations that take place on podcasts are based on personal experience. The host and guests may touch on sensitive topics that trigger you. If you’re not comfortable with what will be discussed on a podcast (read those episode blurbs beforehand!), it may not be right for you.
    Remember: Podcasts are not a replacement for therapy. If you struggle with issues such as addiction, eating disorders, domestic violence, self-harm, suicide, or trauma, seek help from a medical professional.
    Ready to jump in? Here are the 16 best mental health podcasts recommended by experts. More

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    10 Signs You May Have a Magnesium Deficiency

    Magnesium is a key mineral to women’s health, and yet many women are low in this essential mineral, suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Stress, caffeine and alcohol deplete our magnesium stores faster than we can replenish. Could it be time for a little top up?
    Along with increasing fresh produce in your diet, many of us require further supplementation to meet our recommended daily intake of 310g for women. Magnesium is best absorbed as a powder or liquid with magnesium glycinate, magnesium biglycinate or magnesium citrate being the easiest for the body to absorb and utilise. 
    READ MORE: Cold versus COVID — How To Tell The Difference
    Here are 10 signs you might have a magnesium deficiency and may need to pick up a supplement. But even if you check out for all 10 and think you have a magnesium deficiency, remember that you should always speak to your health practitioner before starting a new supplement.
    1. You have period pain
    While period pain is common, it is not normal. Magnesium can reduce inflammation and relax the smooth muscles of the uterus to reduce symptoms of dysmenorrhea (period pain) for some women.
    2. You are tired all the time
    Magnesium plays a major role in our energy levels, supporting energy production at a cellular level. If you are not consuming enough magnesium, your body simply may not have enough resources to create the daily energy it requires.
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    3. You crumble under pressure
    Magnesium helps to calm our nervous system. During times of stress, our magnesium levels deplete rapidly, meaning there isn’t enough stores to support our nervous system and calm the body. Stress naturally produces cortisol and adrenaline, a little is a good thing, but when these two are elevated for too long we start to see the body crumble under the pressure.
    Magnesium changes how the body responds to stress in the first place – meaning, we are more likely to stay calm and collected.
    4. You are feeling anxious 
    Dopamine is our relaxing hormone; low levels of magnesium is associated with lower dopamine production. Increasing your daily magnesium intake can support dopamine production and provide support against the symptoms of anxiety.
    5. You have monthly PMS
    Research has shown that women with PMS have lower levels of magnesium when compared to those without reoccurring PMS. This is thought to be due to magnesium’s role on women’s hormones, in particular progesterone. After ovulation we produce progesterone; it is our calming superpower. When the body is not producing enough progesterone, we start to see mood shifts prior to a bleed.
    READ MORE: Are You Ready to Make The Switch to a Menstrual Cup?
    6. You have a serious sweet tooth
    Magnesium plays a role in our blood glucose management, improving insulin receptors and supporting blood sugar levels. This means that we have less sugar cravings when we have adequate magnesium supplies.
    7. You are often constipated
    For a happy digestive system we want to be moving our bowels once or twice a day. If you are feeling that your bowels are slow moving or that the stool itself is hard to pass, small pellets or thin like a snake, then Magnesium may be the helper you need.
    During times of stress our internal organs feel it too, magnesium can support by relaxing the digestive system so that waste can eliminate easily. Daily elimination is essential to hormonal health as well, as we need to clear oestrogen to support healthy hormone function, such as progesterone production.
    8. You are having troubles falling asleep
    Magnesium’s role on the nervous system extends into our sleep routine as well. Firstly, by supporting our overall stress response to feel calmer and unwind into the evening with ease, and by enhancing the quality of sleep each night. Magnesium is best taken in the early evening to best support sleep.
    READ MORE: Struggle to Get to Sleep? Try These 5 Breathing Techniques
    9. You have high blood pressure
    Magnesium and calcium work together to support healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Increasing your dietary sources of magnesium such as dark leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and wholegrains will further support overall cardiovascular health.
    10. Your muscles cramp and twitch
    Magnesium plays a role in muscle contraction and relaxation. If you are experiencing sore limbs after exercise, restless legs during sleep or even frequent eye twitches it may be time to increase your magnesium. 
    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health AU

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    A Lunchtime Workout Session Could Cure Burnout

    Whether you’re still working from home or have returned to the office by now, the 3pm slump is inevitable. In the morning, we’re efficient, making calls and organising team catch-ups and meetings, sending emails with speed and the kind of sign-off that demands a thoughtful and considered response.
    But slowly, as the day progresses, our energy wanes. And regardless of what we eat for lunch or the number of caffeinated beverages we choose to consume, 3pm comes around it suddenly feels like we’ve aged a decade. Unable to focus, time moves at a glacial pace for those remaining hours of the day and it’s all we can do to drag ourselves home and into bed.
    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan
    This mental exhaustion is a common feeling for many but in some good news, it appears exercise might be the cure. As anyone who has been in the slump can attest, getting into some activewear and breaking a sweat is often the last thing on your mind. However, it might just be the thing you need. As a newly-published study by German researchers suggests, exercise can reverse this mental fatigue in just 30 minutes.
    For the study, subjects with cognitive fatigue were grouped into three interventions: 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, 30 minutes of easy stretching and 30 minutes of watching the TV sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The group that cycled for 30 minutes on an exercise bike reported feeling less mentally tired, had improved mood and better perception of their mental capability, and also showed improved ability to take on new tasks. Ultimately, the 30 minutes was seen to restore higher-order executive functions, helping workers to get back online and ready for action.
    As the researchers found, exercise during lunchtime does wonders – not just in the short-term, but for the long-term too. Aside from feeling refreshed post-exercise, you can also combat long-term negative alterations in the brain structure and function that can come with chronic, persistent mental fatigue. The study found that the more fatigued someone felt, the more the 30-minute exercise cycle made them feel refreshed.
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    It’s worthing noting, though, that the study only looked at 30 minutes of easy aerobic exercise so it’s not exactly clear what the impact of doing, say, an hour’s run might be on mental stress, or a higher intensity exercise. As Women’s Running suggests, “Since we know that mental stress and physical stress build off each other, it’s likely that if a too long or too intense exercise session puts additional strain on the body, it could contribute to fatigue and not help you recover from it.”
    But despite exercise being an effective mood-boosting tool to overcome mental fatigue and the dreaded feeling of an afternoon slump, studies also show that people often blow off a workout when feeling overwhelmed because they feel the long-term benefits aren’t as important as their immediate need to chill. If this is something you’re guilty of, we’d suggest scheduling in 30-minutes of exercise just as you would a meeting or Zoom call, to hold yourself accountable and ensure you take that time. Because while your mind might be telling you to lounge and chill, exercise is exactly what your body needs to come back feeling energised and invigorated.
    And as the recent study suggests, you don’t need to push yourself. This isn’t a time for analysing metrics on your smartwatch or looking at data, it’s simply about connecting to your body through movement and allowing the tension you’ve built up in the day to release.
    READ MORE: 5 Workouts To Help You Tone, Trim, and Build Muscle This Summer
    Cape Town-based Jessica Naylor, a seasoned fitness trainer (group exercise) best known for her optimistic, high impact energy workouts has compiled a few fun, effective, equipment-free and lunch break friendly exercises. “All these workouts can be done anywhere, provided there is a bit of space. Prepare to tone and burn all in one,” she says.
    Move: Soccer Drill ​Nail it: Tap your foot, then the other foot, knee and then the other knee. Pick up the pace and double the time!
    Move: High KneesNail it: Keep your knees high and the power going, on the spot, in a sprinting motion.​
    Move: Arms For DaysNail it: Stand tall, keep your shoulders behind and tummy tight. Place your arms out horizontally. Palm open and thumb facing the roof. Pulse your arms back and forth. Make small movements and feel the burn!
    Move: Explosive Star ​Nail it: Slightly bend your knees. In one movement make your self into a star shape. Shoot arms and legs out and quickly bring yourself back to the starting position. Repeat this movement 20 times. Hello cardio!
    Move: Jump For Joy ​Nail it: Point on your toes. Arms stretched up above your head and bounce away!​
     Move: Quick FeetNail it: Make sure your feet are directly under your shoulders. Bend your knees slightly and run on the spot!
    The article Why A Lunchtime Sweat Session Could Be The Cure For Burnout was originally published on the Women’s Health Australia website. 

    READ MORE ON: burnout Cognitive Fatigue Fatigue Fitness Advice Health wellness More

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    Cold versus COVID — How To Tell The Difference

    There’s been a lot of confusion over cold versus COVID symptoms since the advent of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Pre-pandemic, it was easy to brush off symptoms like a runny nose, cough, and congestion as just the common cold. But now, those symptoms can send anyone into a panic spiral of worrying that they have COVID-19.
    Enter the latest COVID-19 variant, omicron, and you have an even more complicated picture. Medical doctor and Wits University Associate lecturer Dr Nthabiseng Kumalo advises that omicron symptoms tend to present themselves fairly quicker than those of previous variants. “Fatigue, congestion and a cough are amongst the top three omicron symptoms,” says Dr Kumalo.
    Real talk? “There are no easy ways to tell the difference,” says Lewis Nelson, MD, the chair of emergency medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Each illness can have its own range of severity, he points out, leaving a lot of grey area.
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    A common cold and COVID-19 share some symptoms, but there are differences in other symptoms, and their impact on you. Here’s how to tell them apart—and when you need to see a doctor.
    What’s the difference between the common cold and COVID-19?
    You probably have this memorised by now, but it never hurts to go over it again: COVID-19 is a disease caused by the respiratory virus SARS-CoV-2, according to the CDC. The virus is thought to mainly spread through respiratory droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
    The common cold can actually be caused by many different viruses, the CDC says. These include rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, and coronaviruses—excluding SARS-CoV-2, of course. The viruses that cause colds can also spread from infected people to others through the air and close personal contact.
    But how serious these infections are can be very different. “COVID, if unvaccinated, can lead to hospitalisation or worse,” Dr. Nelson says. “Clearly COVID is readily spread, and it can lead to more severe disease, primarily in the lungs at first.”
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    “The best way to think about cold viruses is that they’re pretty harmless,” adds Timothy Murphy, MD, senior associate dean for clinical and translational research at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. “We all get the common cold, sometimes several times a year. People get through colds just fine as opposed to COVID-19, which can cause a systemic illness and be far more dangerous.”
    What are the common symptoms of a cold and COVID-19?
    Common symptoms of a cold can include the following:

    Runny nose
    Sore throat
    Body aches

    The CDC lists these as the most common symptoms of COVID-19:

    Fever or chills
    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    Muscle or body aches
    New loss of taste or smell
    Sore throat
    Congestion or runny nose
    Nausea or vomiting

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    So, how can you tell if you have a cold or COVID-19?
    Dr. Murphy says it’s hard for even doctors to know just from examining you and hearing about your symptoms if you have a cold or COVID-19. There is one symptom, though, that makes it more likely that you have COVID-19: losing your sense of taste and smell.
    “Though that does occur sometimes with colds, it’s far more likely with COVID,” he says. “With colds, you would typically get really stuffy first before you lose your sense of smell. With COVID, many people just lose their sense of smell altogether.”
    Still, plenty of people have COVID-19 and never lose their sense of taste and smell. Given that we’re still living through a global pandemic and COVID-19 is practically everywhere, Dr. Murphy says it’s important to at least consider that you could have the virus if you develop even mild symptoms.
    Dr. Nelson agrees. “Anyone with viral illness symptoms, particularly if they’re not COVID vaccinated, should wear a mask and take a COVID test,” he says.
    *The article Cold Vs. COVID: How Do I Tell The Difference In Symptoms? was originally published on the Women’s Health US website.

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