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    What Is Queefing — And How To Handle It Like A Pro

    Picture this: You’re in the middle of having super hot sex, totally lost in the moment, when your vagina lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like you had too many beans for lunch.
    You just queefed, nbd. While you’ve probs experienced this kind of “vagina fart” before (and btw, probs will again), you might not know what queefing actually is. Since this definitely wasn’t covered in your sex-ed class, it’s time to set the record straight.
    What exactly is queefing?
    “We don’t devote any education to this in residency, but I tell patients it’s a very normal thing,” says Dr Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Yale Medical School. “It’s different from expelling gas from your rectum, which happens because of bacterial activity in the gut.”
    Instead, queefing is the result of a trapped pocket of air getting pushed out of your vagina. FYI: The vagina isn’t a straight tube, says Dr Minkin. It has wrinkle-like folds called “rugae,” so air could easily get trapped in there.
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    Should you be worried?
    Not at all. “Queefing is of zero health consequence,” explains Dr Minkin. Slightly related, she does caution against blowing into a pregnant woman’s vagina because the air can get into her pelvic veins and create the risk of an air embolism. “You know how people get nervous when there’s an air bubble in an IV?” she explains. “It’s the same concern: What if the air gets into the vein and travels to the heart or lungs or fetus?” That sounds pretty scary, but Dr Minkin says the worry is more theoretical than practical. (Still, good to know—just in case.)
    When does queefing happen?
    It often occurs during sex, because a penis (or another penetrating object) is going in and out of the vagina, which can displace the air inside of it. “It can happen during any position and is usually fairly quick,” says Dr Minkin.
    Of course, that’s also just so happens to be the last time you’d want to rip one. A queef can also slip out during exercise, like when you’re getting into downward dog or knocking out the last set of crunches.
    READ MORE: Here’s What Could Be Causing That Pain You Feel During Sex
    Can you queef while you’re masturbating?
    Queefing is so not limited to sexual intercourse—anything that causes air to get caught in your vaginal canal, including a vibrator or other sex toy, can be a culprit, says Dr Stephanie Ros, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology and maternal-fetal medicine at the University of South Florida. “This is all about a tunnel that has no other opening,” she says. “If air gets trapped because of movement [no matter what causes it], it has to get out.”
    Do some people just queef more?
    Just like some gals seem to get all the UTIs (ugh), some women’s vaginas are just graced with a greater queef-ability (add that to your vocab). That can change with time and experiences, too. For instance, you can become more queef-inclined after childbirth or massive weight loss, says Dr Ros. “When people lose a ton of weight, and they have a lot of sagging skin, the same thing can happen in the tissues of the vagina.”
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    Are you more likely to queef in certain sex positions?
    Doggy-style fans, you’ve been warned: You’re more likely to queef in positions where your pelvis is tilted upward, says Dr Ros. But the same goes for many, many other positions. If you’re in missionary but your butt is lifted off the bed (or floor, or couch, or beach…), for example, “that would be more likely to cause air entry and, with further movement, the air comes back out and, sometimes, it makes a noise,” she says.
    In other words: Don’t even bother trying to avoid queefing. “Sex is weird, noisy, and messy,” says Dr Ros. “Just laugh and go with the moment. Don’t try to fight it.”
    How should you handle it during sex?
    And that’s exactly what you should do when—not if—it happens to you. Since there’s no mysterious secret to avoiding queefs, you might as well embrace ’em. “Just joke about it and keep going. These things happen!” concurs Dr Minkin. Remember, it’s a natural bodily function—laugh it off and get back to business.
    This article was originally published on

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    6 Reasons Why You’re Pooping A Whole Lot More Than Usual

    Everybody poops — it’s a simple fact of life. Maybe you usually go right when you get up or an hour after you have coffee in the morning, or you regularly take a mid-afternoon poo. Whatever it is, you probably have some kind of routine. So it’s completely understandable that you’d get a bit freaked out when you suddenly start going more.
    While going number two more than usual can be a sign that something is off, it’s not usually a reason for an otherwise healthy young woman to freak out, says Dr Kyle Staller, a gastroenterologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. So if you’re going more than once or twice a day, it’s not always an indication that something is terribly wrong. Sometimes, your body can communicate with you without sounding the alarm.
    “Probably one of the most common things would be dietary intolerances — you ate something that doesn’t agree with you,” says Dr Staller. This is especially true if you have a change for a few days and then it goes back to normal. Beyond that, these are the biggest reasons why you’re suddenly pooping a lot in one day.
    1. You started eating healthier
    One of the most common reasons why young women start pooping a lot in one day is because they increased their fibre intake, says Dr Rudy Bedford, a gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. So, if you suddenly started pooping more around the time you switched your Friday night pizza for a veggie curry, that’s probably it.
    READ MORE: 5 Things We ALL Do To Avoid Germs, That Are Actually Useless AF
    2. You’ve caught an infection
    Viral and bacterial infections (think: everything from the flu to E. coli) can cause excessive pooping and diarrhoea, says Dr Staller. While this is normal, if you have bloody poop or a fever with it, you should get it checked out.
    3. You increased your workouts
    Stepping up your exercise routine can make you go more than usual, says Dr Bedford. Here’s why: Exercise increases muscle contractions in your colon, working number two out of your body faster than it did before. That’s why doctors may encourage you to work out more if you’re constipated.
    4. You have IBS
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is no joke, and Dr Staller says it’s common among young women. The condition, an intestinal disorder that causes pain in your stomach, gas, and cramping, can also make you poop a lot. “The classic patient gets sudden abdominal pain and cramping associated with constipation or diarrhoea,” says Dr Staller.
    READ MORE: Here’s What Happens When You Stop Eating Sugar, According To Nutritionists
    5. You’re stressed out
    For people who already have gastro issues like IBS, stress can be a poop trigger. “Many people have more loose bowel movements when they’re under stress,” says Dr Staller.
    6. You’re on your period
    Many women who are just about to get their periods or already have their periods will have looser or more frequent BMs. It’s likely due to a shift in hormones around your cycle (specifically progesterone), and is “very normal,” says Dr Staller.
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    How can you tell your poop issues aren’t something more serious?
    Dr Bedford says abdominal pain, bloody stool, and mucus in your poop are clues that something isn’t right, and you should see a doctor.
    Dr Staller says the way it impacts your life is also a big tip-off. If you really don’t give it another thought, you’re probably fine. But if you find that you’re changing your routine or avoiding some social situations because you’re worried about pooping, you need to see a doctor. “I see plenty of young women who are worried about being on dates,” says Dr Staller. “If it’s a common thing where you’re always on the lookout for a bathroom, you should go and get evaluated.”
    Originally published by

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    5 Things We ALL Do To Avoid Germs, That Are Actually Useless AF

    Ah, the world pre-Covid. Where we needed to be reminded by a new study that public places are completely covered with bacteria. Health alert! And if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s how to avoid germs – or at least try. But do any of these germ hacks actually reduce your exposure to nastiness? We spoke with microbiologist Philip Tierno about some of the more worthless (sorry) germ-fighting manoeuvres.
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    1. Using Your Foot To Flush The Toilet
    Unless you can figure out how to open and lock the bathroom stall door handle – a major germ zone – without using your hands, expect to leave the stall with contaminated paws anyway. Using a tissue to get in and out of the stall may help, but your best bet is to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water after relieving yourself and use a paper towel or your elbow to exit the restroom.
    2. Holding Your Breath When Someone Nearby Sneezes
    “Unless you can hold your breath for a really long time, this isn’t going to help,” says Tierno, since those little respiratory germ droplets can linger in the air. But if you can hold your breath and run in the other direction (without, you know, offending your sneezing boss in a meeting) you might be spared, as saliva and mucus droplets can only travel up to 1.5 metres or so.
    READ MORE: What General Health Checks You Should Be having, According to Your Age
    3. Wiping The Lid Of A Shared Drink
    This tactic’s just so-so. “It is somewhat helpful, since you’re cutting down on some of the salivary secretions, but there’s nothing foolproof here,” says Tierno. Even a good wipe could leave behind strep or the stomach flu, which is never worth a single swig. Lie and say you have a cold if someone else is asking to try your drink.
    4. Putting Gloves On To Touch the ATM
    Germs will transfer to your gloves and not your fingers… for the moment. But the minute you use your hands to pull off your gloves (or touch your gloves to your face), you’re back in contact with those nasties, says Tierno. The good news: most cold and flu germs die off after a day, so as long as you lay your gloves out to dry (anything wet is a breeding ground for bacteria), you won’t carry around a cesspool of bacteria day after day.
    READ MORE: What Is Holotropic Breathwork—And What Can It Do For Your Mental Health?
    5. Hovering Over The Toilet Seat
    Who wants to put their bare ass where thousands of other bare asses have been before? Nobody. But pressing your cheeks against that cold porcelain really doesn’t raise your risk for infection, says Tierno. “People worry about STDs, but they don’t thrive in that environment – and the seat would have to be crazy contaminated (visible grossness like poo and vomit) for you to somehow get sick.” Hovering can, however, raise the risk of splash-back (that terrible sensation of being splashed by toilet bowl water), and we can confirm that’s very gross.
    The bottom line: your best germ-fighting plan is to wash your hands (heck, soap up twice), use hand sanitiser, keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth and steer clear of sniffly germ perpetrators.

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    4 Ways To Get Better Quality Sleep. Plus, WIN With Sloom

    Struggling to get those precious ZZZ’s? You’re not alone. 1 in 14 South Africans suffer from insomnia according to a Human Sciences Research Council study. But, to become your healthiest self, sleep has to be at the forefront of your wellness routine. This is why it’s so important to improve sleep quality.
    And although it might feel like there is nothing to be done when you’re counting sheep, there are actually a few things you can do to get better quality sleep.
    But first, what causes insomnia?
    The answer isn’t always simple. But, all that tossing and turning can often be linked to underlying problems with your lifestyle, environment, or overall health. When it comes to your environment, there are a few things you can do to make a positive difference.
    Here are 4 things you can do to improve sleep quality right now
    1. Cool it!
    Are you one of those people who loves feeling the heat and getting cozy when you get into bed? That might be part of the reason you’re struggling to get quality sleep. In fact, A National Sleep Foundation poll found that a cool room temp was one of the most important factors in getting a good night’s sleep.
    According to doctors, the best temperature to sleep is approximately 18.3°C. So it might be time to send your heaters and electric blankets on vacay for a bit. Sorry!

    2. Stay In The Dark
    Think that crack beneath your door or semi-sheer curtains aren’t doing too much damage? Think again! Being exposed to light at night may be linked to depression, anxiety, and obesity. And of course, it impacts the quality of your sleep. Exposure to light actually blocks the production of melatonin, which then interrupts your sleep cycle.
    So when you turn off the lights, look for any spots where light is creeping in. Buy black-out curtains, and cover any other spaces where light creeps through. That includes putting stickers over that flashing WiFi router light and if you live with other people roll up a towel and place it at the bottom of the door.
    3. Get Moving
    Yip, that’s right. Exercising really can help improve sleep quality. Recent research has found that exercise decreases sleep complaints as well as insomnia. Plus, it was found that moderate-to-vigorous exercise could improve sleep quality by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. Say cheers to counting sheep!
    Not sure where to start? Try this 25 minute Total-Body HIIT workout.

    4. Make Your Bed, And Lie In It!
    It might seem like a lie that you tell yourself when you’re buying cute bedding or a new mattress, but what you’re sleeping on actually does impact your sleep. Research has shown that sleeping on a good mattress with adjustable firmness, promotes comfort, proper spinal alignment, and quality sleep.
    That’s why we love Sloom. They’re a South African brand that aims to give you the best night’s sleep without any of the confusion or frustration that often comes with buying a new mattress or pillows. They are really well known for their customisable and adjustable mattress that you can change on the fly. And now, they’ve upped the ante with a new product (spoiler alert: you can win it!)
    Ever heard of a height adjustable memory foam pillow? Sloom will soon be launching this first-of-its-kind in SA to help you get quality sleep. The good news is that you could win 2 of these pillows, valued at R1 200, before the official launch.
    How do you enter?
    It’s so easy!
    1. Make sure that you are following us on instagram @womenshealthmagsa and Then fill in your details here.3. The winner will be chosen randomly.4. To be eligible for the prize, you must be over 18 and a South African resident.5. The winner will be randomly selected and notified.

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    What Is Holotropic Breathwork—And What Can It Do For Your Mental Health?

    There are a lot of trendy treatments out there that promise to bring a new level of awareness to your mental health. But there’s one, in particular, that’s been popping up all over social media as of late, even though it’s not exactly new: holotropic breathwork.
    Holotropic breathwork is a breathing practice where you do fast, controlled breathing patterns, usually in a group setting, to help influence your mind and emotions, says Prof Matthew Johnson, a professor of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at Johns Hopkins Medicine, who is researching holotropic breathwork.
    The name derives from the Greek words holos, which means whole, and trepein, which means moving in the direction of something. It was developed by psychiatrists Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s as a way for people to develop an altered state of consciousness without using drugs. The idea is that it can push people toward positive transformation and wholeness. It’s also used as a tool in therapy, and it’s now even being studied as a potential treatment for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    Got questions on how, exactly, this all works? Here’s what you need to know.
    What does holotropic breathwork do?
    Holotropic breathwork is not going for a calming effect and instead has a goal of reaching a psychedelic type of experience, per Johnson. “It may not necessarily be easy, and it will be intense,” he says. “But it can be an opportunity to explore one’s own mind in a useful way.” It’s meant to trigger intense emotions, sensory changes, and insights.
    It is different from other breathing exercises, BTW. It’s meant to be done in pairs and overseen by someone who has been specially trained in holotropic breathwork, explains Dr Laurane McGlynn, a licensed psychologist and certified holotropic breathwork facilitator who offers weekend workshops.
    The sessions are usually set to specific kinds of music and can go on for up to three hours. “Of all of the different breathing exercises, holotropic breathwork is more on the evocative and energetic side,” Johnson says. “The breathing is definitely heavier than some other varieties.”
    READ MORE: Feeling Burned Out? Try This Super Simple Breathing Technique
    What happens during holotropic breathwork?
    Holotropic breathwork sessions are typically done in groups, with people pairing off. One person is the breather, who actually does the breathing exercise, while the other is the sitter, who is essentially there to observe. “The sitter’s role is simply to be present and available to support the breather—not to interfere, interrupt, or try to guide the process,” McGlynn says. “In addition, trained facilitators are available to offer support or body work—focused release work—as needed or requested by the breather.”
    During a session, the room is usually darkened, and cushions, mattresses, and blankets are available for the breather to use. One session usually lasts from two and a half to three hours, and there’s a schedule from start to finish. “In the first hour of a breathing session, music with fast rhythms, such as drumming music, is used to support breathing,” McGlynn explains. “In the second hour, more dramatic pieces of music are used to facilitate breakthroughs. In the last hour, slow or spiritual music is played.”
    READ MORE: How To Use Breathing To Get A Better Workout

    The breather has their eyes closed and lies down on a mat. They use their own breath and the music in the room “to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the individual’s psyche, bringing him or her a particular set of internal experiences,” McGlynn says. While there can be recurring themes with holotropic breathwork, she points out that “no two sessions are ever alike.”
    As for what this feels like, there’s a range. “At more extreme levels, someone can feel removed from themselves, like they’re not in their own body or they might actually feel more in touch with their own body,” Johnson says. “There is often sobbing and people may cough up a lot of phlegm. Sometimes folks will feel like they’re purging the body of toxins or negative thoughts.”
    At the end of the session, the breather is encouraged to create a mandala (geometric configuration of symbols) to visually represent their experience, McGlynn says. There may also be a group discussion at the end where people can share their experience.
    READ MORE: 5 Breathing Drills That Work Your Core Muscles — No Crunches Required
    Can you do holotropic breathwork on your own?
    Not really. Certain elements have to be in place for the breathing exercise to be actually considered holotropic breathwork, according to McGlynn. “If it is shorter or done alone, then it is not holotropic breathwork,” she says.
    Why is partnering up so important? “If a person encounters material that may be difficult to process, they do not have any support to process or integrate that experience,” McGlynn explains. “Holotropic breathwork offers a safe and supportive setting to process the experiences a breather may encounter during their session.” That’s where the sitter comes in.
    If you want to give it a shot, you can find a practitioner here or here.

    This article was originally published in

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    What General Health Checks You Should Be having, According to Your Age

    Haven’t had a health check in a while, or ever?
    You’re not alone. Most people wait until they’re sick to see a GP, so there’s not usually much time in a consultation to also talk about preventative health.
    So, should you book a check with your GP just to talk about what you can do to stay well? And if so what should you be discussing?
    It depends on your life stage.

    Doctors won’t check you for everything
    It may surprise you there is no evidence that a “general health checks” will give you better health outcomes. But at varying ages, it’s hard to know exactly what you need to get at the ‘general’ health check.
    Some preventive checks in low-risk and otherwise well patients have shown no benefit, including some blood tests and imaging investigations, such as whole body CTs or MRIs for cancer screening.
    As well as being a waste of your time and money, there is another concern with generic health screening: it may lead to overdiagnosis, which results in additional tests, appointments, anxiety, drugs and even operations. Ironically, this can leave you less healthy.
    This is why doctors don’t “check you for everything”, but are guided by what you personally would benefit from, based on your individual history, as well as which tests have evidence for their benefits outweighing any harms.
    One of your doctor’s key considerations will be your age.

    READ MORE: How To Adapt Your Fitness and Nutrition For Every Age

    Young adults (20–30s)
    The main evidence-based screening check for young adults is the cervical screening test for women. This is a five-yearly cervical swab which looks for the human papillomavirus (HPV) and pre-cancerous cells.
    When young women present for their cervical smear test, several other important preventative discussions often take place, including pregnancy prevention or planning.
    As young men don’t need an equivalent screening test, they often miss out on the chance to talk about prevention.
    Both men and women in this age group should find a GP with whom they feel comfortable discussing STI (sexually transmitted infection) checks, skin cancers, mental health struggles and intimate partner violence.
    Even otherwise fit and healthy young adults should consider talking with their GP about what they can do to prevent chronic disease down the track. Health behaviours such as diet, sleep, smoking and exercise levels in young adulthood increase or decrease the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and cancer down the track.
    Finally, regular checks from dentists and optometrists can pick up problems early.

    READ MORE: 4 Ways to Support Healthy Ageing

    40–50 year olds
    Despite the adage “life begins at 40”, this is the age at which many of the things that can cause an early death are worth screening for.
    Current evidence shows benefits in assessing your blood pressure, cholesterol, and risk of heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and skin cancer.
    If you have a higher risk for certain cancers (such as breast or colorectal cancer), then screening for these may start around this age too.
    It’s also not too late to improve your longevity with some lifestyle changes so discussing things like losing weight, stopping smoking, and improving your exercise are all important.
    As with young adults, women should continue getting a cervical smear test every five years.
    And everyone should consider getting checked by a dentist and optometrist.
    Mental health may deteriorate around this age too, because the strain from looking after children, ageing parents and demanding careers can all come to a head. Input from a psychologist may be helpful.
    50–65 year olds
    Patients often comment on the 50th “birthday present” they find in the mail: a stool sample collection kit for colorectal cancer screening. While it’s not the highlight of your 50s, it is effective in saving lives through early detection of this cancer, with checks recommended every two years.
    Women will also be invited to start mammograms for breast cancer screening every two years (unless they have already started in their 40s, depending on their individual risk).
    The third health issue to start screening for in your 50s is osteoporosis, a condition where bones become fragile and your risk of a fracture increases. Osteoporosis is painless and therefore often not discovered until too late. You can start checking your risk for this at home via an online calculator, such as this one from the Garvan Institute.
    Oral health and eye checks remain important in this age group as well.

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    Several immunisations are recommended from the age of 65, including shingles and influenza, as your immunity starts to wane and your risk of serious illness increases.
    Other preventative checks include those for your vision, dental health, hearing, and your risk of falls. These often involve allied health providers who can screen, monitor and treat you as needed.
    Some of your other regular screening will stop in your mid-70s, including for colorectal, cervical and breast cancer.
    This article was originally published on The Conversation.

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    Struggling To Sleep During Your Period? This Might Be Why

    For a number of women, no matter how early a night they get or how many alarms they set for the morning, during that time of the month waking can be an increasingly difficult affair. But while it’s easy to blame a perceived lack of energy or motivation to get up and attack the morning, it turns out there are a number of factors at play, showing just how complex the female body really is. According to Dr Kat Lederle, sleep scientist and author of Sleep Sense: Improve Your Sleep, Improve Your Health, periods can have a significant impact on our sleep-wake cycle, even causing disruption.
    The reason periods impact our sleep is largely due to ovarian hormones which have receptors in the brain that are also involved in sleep regulation. As these hormones fluctuate and change during the menstrual cycle, they can effect sleep changes and our circadian rhythm. When you think about it, the body is looking to create a stable environment for a fertilised egg to develop, so it makes sense that it will do all it can to ensure adequate rest in the form of sleep is achieved. PMS can also contribute to bad sleep, with many who experience low moods, cramps, sensitivity and anxiety experiencing poor sleep.

    READ MORE: Keep Getting Ingrown Hairs In Your Vagina Area? How To Fix The Prob, According To A Gyno

    Speaking to Glamour, Dr Lederle explained that the worst sleep quality can be expected a few days into menstruation. “Those who often notice poor sleep quality in the late luteal phase [right before you get your next period] and your first few days of menstruation,” she said. “When levels of hormones like progesterone and oestrogen decline towards the end of the luteal phase, some women start to experience sleep problems, including for the first few days of menstruation.”
    According to the Sleep Health Foundation, up to 7 in 10 women say their sleep changes before their period, with the most common time frame being 3 to 6 days before having the period. Those who suffer the most disrupted sleep tend to be PMS sufferers; some report feeling sleepier during the day, others are restless at night, and many struggle to get to sleep and stay asleep.

    So, what can you do to help get your sleep back on track? Keep a diary of your symptoms for three months and list your symptoms day by day, as well as when your period starts and stops. If it’s found that your sleep problems have a link to PMS, you have a better knowledge of when to expect the disruption the following month. In the days before this time, it’s recommended to get plenty of rest and sleep, stay active and maintain a good diet, and try to get lots of outdoor light before and during your PMS.

    This story was first published on

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    This is how you get out of that scroll hole

    Have you ever found yourself stuck in a scroll hole? This is what happens when you want to get to the end of the internet.
    Doom scrolling
    Just refreshed your Twitter feed for the umpteenth time today? You’re not the only one. “The tendency to endlessly scroll from one bad news story to another has grown over the past 18 months,” warns Tanya Goodin, digital detox expert and author of My Brain Has TooMany Tabs Open. This habit, also known as doom scrolling, is specific to your smartphone. Unlike your TV, your iPhone is always there, offering you continuous access to, let’s face it, the now rather depressing world.

    READ MORE: Is Your Smartphone Addiction Causing You To Gain Weight?

    We love misery
    This may sound strange, but your brain loves to cling to negative news. “And the algorithms that drive news feeds know this all too well,” explains Goodin. Reading bad news triggers the fight-flight response, but your brain also hates leaving things unfinished. And so arises the psychological phenomenon where you have a fear of interrupted or unfinished tasks, also known as the Zeigarnik effect. And you just want to soak up more bad news.

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    Pandemic = infodemic
    This harmful effect is particularly associated with digital media. In the early days of the pandemic, consumption of stressful online news (which some researchers have called social media’s first “infodemic”) was associated with increased levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Research found that this was not the case with newspapers or magazines. The choice of your reading material therefore determines a lot.

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    Vibe check
    It is not only news that can temper your mood. If scrolling through your perfectly filtered feed fuels your anxiety, it can be just as damaging. “If you find yourself getting gloomier, log out and do something completely different,” Goodin advises. And that really doesn’t mean you should delete all your apps: ‘Dissociating yourself from (social) media is not good for your mental well-being, any more than overconsumption of news or social updates is.’ Keep it in balance.

    This story was first published in

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