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    Face Mapping: 9 Things Your Pimples Can Tell You About Your Health

    Face mapping pimples on your skin is a useful technique that can shed light on the different zones in your face, since each zone develops zits reacting to different health events.
    We’re not just talking beauty here – face mapping can provide a deeper view of your skin concerns. The state of your skin can reflect your whole being. If you’ve been indulging in too much rich food and wine, the face mapping technique will show you the error of your ways.
    So, what exactly is face mapping?
    Face mapping or Chinese face mapping is a great tool to determine where skin symptoms such as blemishes, redness and pimples, connect deeper in the body. It’s a technique that reaches back thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine.
    READ MORE: 8 Skin-Smoothing DIY Face Scrubs You Can Make In Your Kitchen
    This unique skin analysis divides the face into fourteen zones. Each zone is thoroughly examined centimetre-by-centimetre by analyzing conditions like congestion, breakouts, dehydration, pigmentation etc. Below, a breakdown of each zone.

    Zones 1 & 3
    The left and right side of forehead is regarded as the “sister” to the bladder and digestive system. If you breakout frequently in this area, it might mean that you need to improve your elimination by drinking more water and eating more “whole” foods.
    Zone 2
    The middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows, is related to the liver. Congestion in this zone can indicate over consumption of alcohol, rich foods, and possibly a food allergy (such as lactose intolerance).
    READ MORE: “I Tried My Mom’s Beauty Routine And Learnt 4 Important Lessons”
    Zones 4 & 10
    The ears are a highly sensitive area related to the kidneys. If you notice that your ears are very hot, you might be stressing them out – drink plenty of plain water and cut down on caffeine and alcohol.
    Zones 5 & 9
    The cheeks often give an accurate glimpse into any respiratory distress. Smokers or people suffering from allergies generally experience fine, broken capillaries or congestion in this area.
    Zones 6 & 8
    The eyes are truly a window to the body’s health because they’re related to the kidneys. Dark circles, while often hereditary, are made worse by dehydration and poor elimination of toxins.
    READ MORE: 7 Face Mists To Keep Your Skin Cool And Hydrated During The Hot Summer Days
    Zone 7
    A reddened nose can indicate heightened blood pressure, or the early stages of rosacea. Congestion around the upper lip can occur if you use comedogenic lipsticks or liners.
    Zones 11 & 13
    Look and feel for undersurface congestion and breakouts. Undersurface congestion can be due to insufficient cleansing all the way down to the jaw-line, leaving make-up and cleanser residue. If there are breakouts along the jawbone near the ear, check if you’re having problems with your back teeth (wisdom), or have had recent dental surgery or x-rays.
    Zone 12
    Breakouts or unusual hair growth can indicate hormonal imbalance, possibly caused by extreme stress. Premenstrual breakouts are also very common on the chin.
    Zone 14
    Don’t forget to include your neck in your treatment regimen – the skin on your neck is just as fragile as that on your face, so it definitely needs the benefits of moisturisation and sun protection. More

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    An exclusive interview with Mimi Bouchard, founder of Superhuman

    Founder of Superhuman app, Mimi Bouchard discusses her pioneering approach to meditation.
    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?
    I’m a big believer in a strong morning routine. I always say that your mornings create your days, your days create your weeks, your weeks create your months, your months create your years – and you guessed it – your years create your LIFE. Seeing your mornings from a bird’s eye view really helps you understand the compound effect of how powerful your mornings really are. That being said, my mornings always consist of low screen time, writing and some kind of meditation. Some mornings I combine the last two by doing a Superhuman Writing Meditation™, which is amazing for the mornings I’m not feeling like free-writing. I also love a classic motivational morning seated meditation, but lately I’ve been veering towards the Getting Ready Meditations™, especially if it’s a busy AM. One more type I often do in the mornings is our famous Superhuman Walking Meditations™ – I couldn’t forget to mention that! My morning routine has a lot of general consistency but with wiggle room on the details, depending on how I’m feeling each day. I’m not naturally that consistent as a human so doing it this way helps me actually commit and it feels intuitive to my needs.
    You previously had a very different life – tell us what the key to transformation was for you?
    The key to my crazy “before and after” transformation is simple: I simply became the kind of person that had what I desired. By becoming that person, creating the new “self-image”, and effortlessly taking the actions that new Mimi would take… I transformed every single aspect of my life. I radically changed my body and health, my relationships, my career and finances, the impact I had on the world and the relationship I had with myself. Everything changes when you change your identity. Nothing changes when you continue being the “old self”. This realization alone was the catalyst to my success. This is what “manifestation” really is: become the kind of person that has what you want, and soon enough you’ll create the life you seek.

    What were the steps to launching Superhuman and do you remember the day you decided to take the leap of faith to launch an app?
    My experience as an entrepreneur was not a linear journey to success. I tested many different businesses before getting into the app space, all of which I am so deeply grateful for as they taught me a lot about myself, business, failure and ultimately what it takes to create a massive success.
    I decided to launch an app after much trial and error and experimenting with what stuck with my audience. The more I tried, the closer I got to the clarity I seeked. V1 of Superhuman was actually a health and wellness subscription platform called Mimi Method. I had offered my unique guided meditations right at the bottom of the platform to add some extra value to my subscribers, not thinking much of it. Fast forward six months, the meditations quickly became the most popular category in the platform and I decided to relaunch as solely a meditation app, called Superhuman. I wanted to go global and removing myself from the brand would help me get there. When it comes to developing the app, I definitely didn’t have $300k+ laying around at the beginning to custom develop the app from scratch. I had to get resourceful! I ended up negotiating a licensing deal with an overseas development agency to kickstart Superhuman. I knew there had to be a way to create a custom experience until I could afford my own app. This was a year-and-a-half ago. Now, I’m proud to share that we are launching a new version of the Superhuman app in November 2022, 100% owned by us, created by an epic team of California-based developers. It’s wild how fast everything has grown.
    There were so many steps to creating this business. I don’t even know where to start! But yes, to answer your question, I do vividly remember the day I decided to switch everything over to the new Superhuman brand. I was sitting in my parked car on a quiet road (this is always where I do my best thinking) and I felt the enormity of this decision, ready to go all in. I knew, deep in my gut, that this was just the beginning of something way bigger than me.
    When you launched were you surprised by how quickly it scaled?
    My honest answer? No. I wasn’t surprised. I knew it was going to happen. I have a strong intuition and I am genuinely the poster child of this work I teach. I attracted my company’s success in every way possible. Superhuman is only aligned with success. Big, quick, epic success. We haven’t even done any paid marketing yet. The wild growth has been 100% organic up to this point. If this isn’t proof that the work works, I don’t know what is! Owned and earned media have been how we’ve grown so quickly. Word of mouth has been HUGE for us. The product is life-changing, and when people consistently use the meditations – they see radical change. It’s just what happens. That being said, we are now exploring paid media and can’t wait to reach more people with this work!
    Your meditation technique is pioneering. Tell us more.
    Superhuman is different to every other meditation app out there in more ways than one. I like to say it is the meditation app for “people that don’t like to meditate”. The main differentiators are how you use these meditations and how they feel to listen to them. I almost didn’t even call the product “meditations” because they’re so much more than that. Ultimately, I wanted to meet the customer where they are so we are calling them meditations for now – but they really are a totally new pillar in the sound industry. I like to call our content “functional audio”. Listen to it wherever, whenever and feel the shift instantly. We offer 16+ different categories of meditations for every single moment of your day. From Cooking + Cleaning Meditations to Workout Meditations… to Getting Ready Meditations and Legs Up Wall Meditations (for lymphatic drainage!). This app quite literally has it all.
    Here at Superhuman, we don’t believe your eyes need to be closed and you need to silence your mind to meditate. We are redefining meditation by offering energizing, motivational content that is designed to give you the benefits of changing your energy without needing to change a behavior Most of us have downloaded and even paid for a meditation app without ever sticking to it (myself included). I found that many of these traditional meditations weren’t fun to do. They just added another layer onto my to-do list, which ended up stressing me out more because I would resist doing them. They weren’t enticing, I hated thinking about nothing and I didn’t feel different after. I created these Superhuman meditations for people just like me – people that want to visualize their abundant, wealthy and blissful futures in a way that feels good. And effective. Superhuman meditations are backed by science. They truly transform you by helping you change your self-image. Check out our website to see videos from our scientists + researchers!
    What is the most popular meditation, and can you see when the majority of people meditate?
    The most popular meditation changes week-to-week. We upload new content every single day so our users are always trying something new. Some weeks it’s a Walking Meditation (the one titled “Transform Into Your Future Self” is amazing), other weeks it’s one of our OG Morning Seated Meditations. A popular topic is Wealth + Abundance – our listeners love money manifestation meditations. They really help you uplevel your vibration, opening you up to new potentials and opportunities in your life. I love those, too. Magical things always happen when I do them consistently. Everything is energy. When it comes to time of day, we generally see a spike in the mornings as our listeners like to set the tone for their day with Superhuman. A huge chunk of our members actually use the app 2-5 times per day. Our MAU + DAU stats are very much above industry standard because of this.

    What has been the scariest moment to date and what enabled you to move through that fear and continue to scale and grow both professionally and personally?
    There have been so many terrible moments where something’s gone wrong and it’s been anxiety-inducting to deal with. That’s just life running a tech startup! This stuff happens all of the time. From protecting ourselves legally when being attacked for no reason, to dealing with an old contractor that went rogue and deleted hundreds of our mediation files, to suing copycat businesses, to worrying about user migration when moving from developer-to-developer… The “stresses” are seemingly endless. There isn’t just one that comes to mind. We haven’t had one disastrous problem and we’ve persevered for all of the “medium” to “small” ones. I feel thankful that we’ve set ourselves up very well from the start, which mitigates a lot of risk for future issues. When it comes to me dealing with all of this fear and stress that comes with running a fast-growth business, I just do it. I move forward no matter what the emotions. There’s no other option for me. I just need to continue building my thick skin and put my CEO hat on whenever a problem needs to be solved. This attitude of “keep moving forward and finding solutions” is what has got me here, and what will continue to help me and my business succeed. Giving up is not an option.
    How do you balance the creative and commercial sides of the business and do you feel more drawn to one than the other?
    This is a great question! I’m a visionary. The creative stuff is what I thrive doing most. I can do it anytime and I can get into the zone fast, it’s what I’m drawn to. Most days I work on the business during the day and then record the meditations in the evening when the rest of the world is asleep. Most of my focus actually needs to go into the high-level parts of the business. I feel the product creation is effortless for me, it really just flows out super easily. I’ve grown to love the more commercial side of it all, but it is a lot to work on both at the same time. Thankfully I have a great team member that takes on more of the “integrator” role, and we are continuing to hire fast to give me more “visionary” time. I try to work on the business, not in the business. This is how I move the dial.
    What would be your advice to others wanting to launch an app? Should they have a website first as it’s such a huge investment – how can you help guide others to grow organically?
    My best advice would be figure out your USP (unique selling proposition) and offer something that is different to what else is out there. Uniqueness is massively important in the wellness industry. It’s saturated. It’s the best way you’ll truly stand out. Make it something that you’re passionate about, that helps others. The more people you help, the more your business will grow.
    I’m a big believer in testing your product and the market diligently before investing a large amount of money into it. I’ve learnt this the hard way from my involvement in other business in the past, it’s essential. Even if you think your product is absolutely incredible, you must test it and see how the public reacts before you invest your life savings into making it work. Start with a website. There are loads of subscription-template sites you can use for a minimal monthly fee. See how people react. Take note. Pivot. Repeat. Superhuman is not just a creation I blindly came up with. It’s a creation influenced by the feedback I got along the journey, too.If the product is good enough, you’ll get all the organic marketing you’ll need through word of mouth. Make it so good that people can’t stop talking about it! If you’re needing guidance and wanting to go all in on a career in wellness, I highly suggest checking out – it’s a certification programme that’ll help you step-by-step get to where you want to go. I’m also recording an exclusive masterclass on this exact topic, “creating a multi-million dollar wellness business”, for users that sign up through that link.
    What have been the biggest challenges to date and how did you overcome them?
    One of my biggest challenges has been hiring. I have very high standards for the people I take on my team. There’s a lot of potential being part of the core Superhuman team right now, and the fact that this business is doing so well is making me really picky. The team is everything. It’s been a challenge hiring because I’m looking for extraordinary humans that fit the roles perfectly. I don’t want to have any doubt when hiring, which isn’t great because I tend to overthink things. It’s time consuming interviewing so many people, and it’s something that is difficult for us right now because we are so darn busy. I’m hopeful we’ll continue finding amazing talent soon! It’s a priority for us right now.
    How have you found social media in terms of supporting brand growth?
    Social media has been huge for our growth. The virality of our customers’ organic content has created a major buzz around the brand. We definitely wouldn’t be where we are today without our customer’s love for the product and social media’s ability to share that love on a major scale.
    How do you approach scaling without compromising on quality?
    One of the reasons I love the business model of a digital product paid via subscription is because you can scale really easily. Unlike a physical product that needs inventory and manufacturers, the app business is a lot more forgiving. We could gain 10,000 new members overnight and be fine. Of course, our devs are always on call for any new bugs, but ultimately the product is built well and there’s low risk for quick growth. The beauty of consistent revenue every month from the subscription model means that we have stability as a business and can project future minimum sales well, resulting in investment decisions to continue improving quality. It’s only getting better and better from here!
    What advice would you give to your younger self?
    Only take advice from people that have what you want and start taking 100% responsibility for your life. Those two pieces of advice are life-changers.
    When you travel – how do you stay consistent in your morning routine and what essentials do you need to take with you?
    I’m constantly travelling – I’m actually in an airport right now as I write this! It’s incredibly important for me to stay consistent while on-the-go. I try to uncomplicate things and keep it super simple as this helps me stay consistent. I’m not perfect and definitely still go days without my routine sometimes, but keeping it simple reduces the amount of days that happens. All I need to keep my routine going when I travel is headphones, my Superhuman app, a notebook + a pen.
    If you could recommend a game changer (or three) of a book that truly helped you change your life what would it be?
    There are so many incredible books to choose from! If you’re just starting out on your personal development journey, I always suggest The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. I call this one my bible. It’s so easy to read and digest and it’s great for beginners. If you’re looking for something with more depth, read Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
    This is The Pioneer Issue – what does this mean to you and who else to you is pioneering?
    To me, being a pioneer in an industry means creating something through “out-of-the-box” thinking that can help more people around the globe. Pioneers are opportunity-seekers and industry disruptors. Pioneers teach us that we don’t need to stick to what’s always been done. Improving and adjusting where needed is essential for growth. I believe being a pioneer is the greatest way to have as much impact as possible. There are so many incredible “pioneers” – it’s tough to just think of one. Sarah Blakely pioneered the shapewear industry, Jeff Bezos pioneered the e-commerce industry, etc. Each and every one of these “pioneers” in business inspire me greatly.
    October’s – The Pioneer Issue – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    What Really Happens To Your Body (And Brain) On A Detox Diet?

    By Laura Beil
    Your body on a detox is kind of like freefalling from the sky or plunging unexpectedly into icy water: total shock. Since you can’t exactly sit your organs down and chat with them about how you’re about to cut off food for the next few days, your body is largely unprepared for a juice cleanse. We chatted to the experts and delved into what really happens to your body on a detox diet.
    Your Body On A Detox: Right After the first sip
    Your brain’s hunger signals are answered with a dump of pure fruit-juice sugar. And don’t get any ideas – veggie-based cleanses aren’t any healthier. The sweet stuff prompts the pancreas to squirt out insulin, which moves sugar – now in your blood in the form of glucose – into your cells.
    After 30 minutes
    As your cells suck up the glucose, your blood sugar level can start to plummet and you may feel dizzy. Meanwhile, lacking enough kilojoules, your body is operating off its supply of glycogen, a form of short-term energy stored in the liver and muscles.
    After two days
    With each shot of juice, your insulin levels skyrocket, then crash. At this point, your glycogen stores are pretty much gone, leaving your tank on empty – and you feeling listless.
    READ MORE: Are Detox Diets And Cleanses Really Good For You?
    Since you’re getting about half the kilojoules you need, your body draws on long-term power sources: triglycerides, a type of energy stored in fat cells (woo-hoo!), and protein, taken straight from your muscles (oops). You begin to lose muscle mass, even if you’re still exercising every day.
    After three days
    Your brain is not happy. It enters into semi-starvation mode and gobbles ketones, fuel that comes from the breakdown of fat. Ketones work, but they’re like watered-down petrol; as a result, you may feel unfocused or irritable. (Any “mental clarity” is likely due to a strong placebo effect.)
    Sans a fresh protein infusion, your brain is also lacking amino acids, the raw materials that neurotransmitters need to maintain your mood. If you’re prone to depression, you may start feeling blue.
    READ MORE: Caley Jäck’s Simple Formula For Sticking To A Healthy Lifestyle
    The proteins in your shrinking muscles break down into ammonia and uric acid, unwelcome chemicals that invade your bloodstream. Now your kidneys are busy detoxing your detox.
    Stay near the bathroom: the juice’s high carbohydrate load causes a surfeit of water to enter the intestines. That extra H2O in your gut means you’re primed to get diarrhoea.
    After four days
    With no food to digest, your small intestine feels ignored. Its villi – the rows of tiny fibres that move food elements into the blood – start to atrophy. Your diarrhoea may get worse, leading to dehydration… and there goes your rosy glow.
    On the eighth day
    Solid food! But uh-oh – you’ve lost muscle. Even if you go back to your regular eating habits, you now have less muscle mass to burn those kilojoules; instead, the kilojoules are more likely to be turned into fat. (Hence, one reason yo-yo dieting makes it harder to lose weight: your reduced muscle-to-fat ratio messes up your metabolism and makes kilojoules much harder to work off.)
    While juice cleanses can be considered a spiritual practice and many appreciate the infusion of juiced vegetables into their diet, it’s not for everyone. Why not reboot your system the healthy way and download this 5 day healthy eating plan instead. More

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    Finally, Contraception Delivery Services Are In South Africa

    We’ve come a long way. COVID – thankfully – forced pharmacies and businesses to jack up their service and offer delivery of much-needed medication. A relief, since most of us are so busy we can barely make time for the grocery store, let alone stand in a queue for what feels like a year. And then there’s all the questions that come with picking up a simple prescription.
    Now, contraception delivery services are in full swing and there are a few options to choose from. Medical aids can even cover the cost of the medication, and delivery is discreet and in some cases, comes with a few goodies. Here, the cool-as-hell services we’ve come across in sunny South Africa.

    Compatible with medical aid (or without) choose a subscription and every month, you’ll get your contraception delivered. Contro also offers treatment for erectile dysfunction, hair loss, STIs, thrush and UTIs.
    How it works
    First, sign up and fill in a health questionnaire, get a digital doctor’s consultation, then get free delivery. Contraception offered is over 30 kinds of the contraceptive pill.
    How much?
    Pay R150 per month with medical aid, or between R240-R400 per month without. Check them out here.
    READ MORE: This Explains The Reason Why You Feel Like You Can’t Pee After Sex

    MyContraceptive by Zoie Health
    Zoie Health is an all-inclusive digital healthcare app, with virtual doctor’s consultations for everything from endometriosis to lactation consults to psychologist sessions. Their contraception delivery service, MyContraceptive, offers monthly delivery for your chosen contraceptive.
    How it works
    Book a consultation from the app (or website) with a medical professional, who’ll help pick the right contraception for you. Then it’ll be delivered monthly – with a few other goodies. You’ll also get access to the Zoie Health online community of women and healthcare professionals who swap tips around birth control, periods and everything in between. MyContraceptive offers the contraceptive pill, The Patch, The Ring and emergency contraception.
    How much?
    Pick from a consultation only (from R250 or medical aids may cover), consultation and delivery (from R150) and delivery only (from R150). Find out more here.
    READ MORE: Struggling To Sleep During Your Period? This Might Be Why

    Pill Squad
    Simply get your existing prescription delivered to your door.
    How it works
    Send them your existing contraception prescription – emergency contraception not serviced, complete the payment (if medical aid covers, then you’ll need to submit those details) and await your delivery!
    How much?
    If you’re on medical aid, this service will be paid for. Otherwise, you’ll have a copayment or can pay using cash or card. Find out more here.
    READ MORE: Getting A Mammogram: What To Know, Even If You’re Young

    Get My Pill
    Get My Pill offers prescriptions for The Patch, The Injection and contraceptive pills. Delivery is free. For the injection, you’ll need to visit a clinic to have it administered – delivery not available.
    How it works
    Complete a medical survey and a script will be sent to you. Or, purchase the delivery option and your prescription will be sent to Get My Pill’s delivery partners, Clicks Direct Medicine.
    How much?
    Prescriptions cost R200 for 3 months ( More

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    4 Common Injuries You Can Get During Sex That You’ll Only Notice Later

    One more reason to love sex and orgasms: they mask pain, thanks to the endorphins. The downside? You might not notice a sensation that would normally hurt. To minimise sex injuries, we’ve come up with a few common nooky accidents and  how to get off without getting wounded.
    Sex Injury #1: Bruises
    Overly enthusiastic thrusting, groping, kissing or sucking can result in an unwelcome shiner or the dreaded hickey.
    The fixer
    Apply ice to the area, says family practitioner Dr Tamlyn McKeag. “Always cover the ice in a clean cotton cloth. Apply immediately, then for 20 minutes three times a day for the next two days.”
    And next time…
    If your skinny guy’s pelvic bone juts into you, place a folded fleece scarf at the point of impact (use it later around his wrists). And if he attacks your neck like Robert Pattinson in Twilight, break out the garlic and run.
    READ MORE: This Is Exactly How Your Weight Affects Your Sex Life
    Eina #2: Overextended Muscle
    You contorted Cirque du Soleil style last night; now you feel like you scaled Kilimanjaro.
    The fixer
    Rest and stretch out your tender muscles a couple of times a day over the next few days. A heat pack and topical anti-inflammatory such as arnica oil will help, says McKeag. If you’re still lame after 24 hours, see a doctor to rule out a torn muscle.
    And next time…
    Keep supple with this full-body stretch four times a week: sitting on the floor, put the soles of your feet flat together and push your knees into the floor. Start with your back up straight, then stretch your hands along the floor as far as they will go. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
    READ MORE: These Are The 3 Top Reasons Guys Fake Orgasms
    Eina #3: Carpet Burn
    Also beware of wooden floors, sheets and the back seat of his Jetta.
    The fixer
    Clean with soap and warm water, air-dry and apply an antiseptic ointment such as Germolene. Then cover with a non-stick bandage, says McKeag. Change it daily, and remove it once a scab forms.
    And next time
    Switch to high-thread-count sheets. Higher equals softer. Or toss a cushy blanket over any surface you tumble on. Avoid terry cloth or scratchy wool.
    READ MORE: The 5 Best Sex Positions For When You’re Feeling Stressed
    Eina #4: Vaginal Irritation
    It happens when you aren’t lubricated enough, you have a bad reaction to a lube or a vibrator, or he didn’t wash his hands well enough after slicing a chilli!
    The fixer
    Thanks to its cell-shedding and natural cleansing acids, your vagina is self-healing. Avoid inserting anything (his penis, tampons or vibrators) for 48 hours – the time it takes to mend. McKeag suggests you soothe discomfort with a warm water bath (no soap – and not in Cape Town, guys!) twice a day; you can add coarse salt. Wear only cotton underwear for the next few days.
    And next time…
    Demand generous foreplay: it takes 30 seconds to several minutes once you’re aroused before you naturally lubricate. Test a new lube on your inner labia and wait a few hours for a reaction before a full-on slather. If chillis are involved, vigorous hand-washing is in order! Avoid jelly rubber toys containing phthalates, as these chemicals irritate tender tissue.
    READ MORE: This Explains The Reason Why You Feel Like You Can’t Pee After Sex More

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    Flying Pregnant? Get These Health Checks First

    While once we thought of taking to the air as a supernatural event, catching flights is now as routine as Zooming your therapist.
    During your pregnancy, the health risks of flying are considerably low, depending on what kind of pregnancy you’re having (low or high risk). Before 36 weeks, you’re considered good to go – but there are other factors at play. Here’s what you should keep in mind before jet setting, says Wilson Tauro, Air France-KLM Country Manager Southern Africa.
    Pre-travel advice and immunisation
    Depending on your destination, advice about vaccination and malaria prevention may be different if you are pregnant. That’s why it is extremely important to be properly informed, especially when visiting countries where infectious diseases such as malaria are prevalent. In some cases, travel to a country could even be discouraged because of the risks. Pregnant women or women who want to get pregnant should also avoid travelling to countries with outbreaks of Zika.
    READ MORE: 6 Surprising Signs You’re Stressed Out (And Need A Holiday)
    How far into your pregnancy can you fly?
    KLM recommends that women who are more than 32 weeks pregnant should not fly. The airline also discourage flying – for you and your child – during the first week after birth. If you are expecting a multiple birth, the airline recommends that you consult your doctor before any flight. If you have had complications in the past, you should get your doctor’s permission to fly. Additionally, it is recommended that you carry a recent pregnancy statement with information about the due date and other relevant information. In many countries airline staff may want to see that. Regulations differ from one airline to the next, so always check before you travel.
    READ MORE: Apparently 35 Percent Of People Think It’s Totally Fine To Drink During Pregnancy
    Cosmic radiation
    In a normal situation, the cosmic radiation exposure of a return trans-Atlantic flight can be compared to the same amount of exposure as when you have a chest X-ray. As with X-rays, any radiation can cause damage to genetic material inside a cell. However, there is no evidence that a trans-Atlantic flight increases the risk of abnormalities. To be on the safe side it is recommended to avoid frequent air travel when pregnant. For KLM flight crew there are special regulations regarding exposure to cosmic radiation.
    Increased risk of thrombosis
    If you are pregnant, you already run a greater risk of developing thrombosis. Flying will increase this risk. Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is a potentially life-threatening disorder in which blood clots can form in the deep veins of the body, particularly the legs. In an aircraft, the dehydration caused by the dry air may thicken your blood. In addition, the relative immobility of sitting in a confined space for a long period can cause blood to collect in your legs.
    READ MORE: Exercising While Pregnant: How One Flitfluencer Scaled Down Her Approach
    There are a few things you can do to prevent or reduce the risk of thrombosis:

    During long flights, walk around the cabin every 15 to 30 minutes, if possible
    Do some simple stretching exercises while you are seated
    Only sleep for short periods – up to 30 minutes at a time
    Move around after every nap
    Drink plenty of water
    Avoid alcohol and caffeine

    Wearing compression stockings can also help.
    If you are worried about DVT during the flight, consult your doctor beforehand to discuss how to best reduce the risk. More

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    Here’s where you can get free breast cancer screenings in the UAE in 2022


    by Sarah Joseph
    29 seconds ago

    Early detection of breast cancer can save lives and ensure a 93 per cent or higher survival rate in the first five years, per the USA’s National Breast Cancer Foundation.
    To mark breast cancer awareness this month, the UAE’s Pink Caravan mobile clinics along with its Minivan Clinic which is offering initiatives for women to get tested in both Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah.
    Organised by Sharjah-based Friends of Cancer Patients (FOCP) and its partners, free screenings are being offered to women in order to help with the early detection of breast cancer.

    Here’s where you can go for a complimentary breast cancer screening session during the month of October:

    University of Sharjah – October 4, 9am to 3pm
    Emirates Identity Authority – October 5, 9am to 3pm
    Sharjah Ladies Club – October 7, 4pm to 10pm
    Mirdif City Centre, October 8, 4pm to 10pm
    Yas Mall, October 8, Abu Dhabi, 4pm to 10pm
    La Mer, October 15, 4pm to 10pm
    Dubai Frame, October 16, 4pm to 10pm
    Mamzar Park, October 16, 4pm to 10pm
    Umm Al Emarat Park, Abu Dhabi, October 18, 4pm to 10pm
    University of Sharjah, October 19, 9am to 3pm
    Raw Coffee in Dubai, October 23, 10am to 4pm
    Al Majaz Waterfront, October 27, 4pm to 10pm
    Museum of the Future, October 28, 4pm to 10pm
    Mega Mall in Sharjah, October 29, 4pm to 10pm
    Dubai Digital Park, October 30, 4pm to 19pm

    With free checkups across multiple locations, women across the UAE can prioritise their health this month and beyond.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images & Feature Image: Unsplash @anna tarazevich More

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    6 Surprising Signs You’re Stressed Out (And Need A Holiday)

    You’re stressed. We’re stressed. Everyone’s stressed. No big deal, right? Because it’s so common, you might think that if you’re not lying on the floor from exhaustion, you’re probably fine. But stress has an insidious way of creeping up on you, and it’s not just a mental or emotional issue — stress symptoms can impact the body in some very visible (and bizarre) ways.
    “One of the biggest problems I see in my practice is women coming in with multiple physical signs of stress,” says Dr Nancy Molitor, a psychiatry professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. In fact, a new study found that stress and other negative emotions were consistently linked to poor physical health in more than 150,000 people in 142 countries. That’s because the mind and body are intrinsically connected.
    “Emotional stress alerts the body to produce stress chemicals such as cortisol, which — if produced on an ongoing basis — begin to break down the immune, gastrointestinal, neurological, and musculoskeletal systems,” says Molitor.
    What’s worse, those physical symptoms you end up with (um, bald patches) can bump up your emotional angst even more. If you don’t break the cycle, you’re left with an ugly feedback loop that increases your chances of serious issues such as obesity, depression, and heart disease. Pay close attention to your bod for these overall signs you’re stressed out. It signals the need for you to step back and take a break.
    The best ways to reduce your overall stress is to get enough sleep (seven to nine hours a night for most people), eat healthful food, exercise, reach out to supportive pals, and focus on things within your control. You can also learn to read your body and recognize the not-so-obvious signs that you’re overstressed before it all snowballs into a long-term health condition. Keep an eye out for these red flags:
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    You’re Stressed Out If…
    1/ You’ve got stomach aches
    The brain’s nervous system is linked to the gut’s, so mental stress can wreak havoc on your GI tract, says gastroenterologist Dr Bincy Abraham.
    Depending on your situation, your doctor may treat your tummy troubles with over-the-counter drugs (stool softeners), prescriptions (such as anti-nausea meds), or dietary changes (fibre can restore your gut’s stress-ravaged helpful bacteria).
    In the meantime, the best natural remedy for stress-caused constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, or vomiting is. . .exercise. It may sound like the last thing you want to do when your stomach is aching, but heading out for a run can boost endorphins that make the mind and gut feel better.
    2/ Your hair is falling out
    Super-high levels of sex hormones called androgens, which zoom up during stress, could mess with hair follicles to prompt temporary hair loss, says dermatologist Dr Roberta Sengelmann. (Shedding around 100 strands a day is normal.)
    There’s no one food or supplement that’s proven to restore your locks, but eating a balanced diet can help cell growth and healing.
    3/ You’ve got an eyelid twitching
    These annoying muscle spasms typically occur around one eye and last for a few minutes. Stress is one of their most common causes, though doctors aren’t quite sure why.
    When a twitch strikes, close your eyes, try to relax, and breathe deeply. Inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, then exhale for eight seconds. Repeat this four times while using a fingertip to put mild pressure on the lid that’s twitching.
    OTC artificial tears can also help ease the spasms, which dry eyes can exacerbate, says ophthalmologist Dr Anne Sumers. If the twitching spreads to other parts of your face, see a physician – it could be a more serious type of spasm.
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    4/ You’ve got acne
    Just like your hair, your skin is sensitive to those higher-than-normal androgens, which can bring on breakouts, says Sengelmann. Stress can short-circuit your immune system, causing dormant skin issues to act up.
    Talk to your dermatologist if your zits keep coming back – the chronic inflammation can lead to scarring. (As hard as it is, resist the urge to pop the suckers, which only adds to the inflammation. And you’re more likely to end up with scarring when you’re stressed and your body’s ability to heal isn’t at its peak.) Oral and topical prescription meds, as well as certain soaps, can help unplug pores and wipe out the bacteria that cause acne.
    Your dermatologist might also suggest you go on birth control, or switch up what you’re already on, to balance out your hormones. And be sure to stick to noncomedogenic (i.e., non-pore-clogging) makeup, moisturisers, and sunscreen.
    5/ You’ve got back pain
    The hormones your body pumps out when you’re stressed produce a fight-or-flight response, which – along with raising your blood pressure and heart rate – tightens up your muscles. “If you’re trying to outrun a predator, that’s good,” says pain and rehab specialist Dr Joanne Borg-Stein.
    “But if it’s all the time, that sort of chronic stress response can lead to pain.” Plus, muscle aches are par for the course if you’re hunched over at your desk all day worrying about deadlines.
    Movement is the best remedy, so if your back is in knots, stand up every hour and do some stretches – reach your arms over your head, touch your toes, roll your neck and shoulders. Also try to get in a 10- to 15-minute walk around the office or outside once or twice a day.
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    6/ You’ve got rashes
    Stress can throw your immune system – not to mention your skin’s defenses – out of whack. When these are lowered, you could become susceptible to rash-causing skin infections caused by staph. On the flip side, if your immunity goes into overdrive, your skin will become more sensitive, making a dormant issue like eczema act up.
    In either case, bland emollients, including gentle OTC moisturizers, can help you heal. “If that doesn’t help, or if the rash is accompanied by a fever or other flu-like symptoms – chills, sweating – see your doctor right away,” advises Sengelmann. More