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    New Research Shows Where Women Carry Fat Could Protect Them From Brain Disease

    When it comes to protecting from brain disease, we know a few rules that’ll help us age gracefully: exercise regularly and go easy on the sugar and fats. But a new study has linked the natural fat deposits in female bodies as a key protector against brain disease.

    Not all fat is bad

    Like avocados, not all fats are bad. We know this to be true when looking at our diets: high-fat diets that include pizza and excess animal fats tend to have higher negative outcomes than a diet high in olive oil, fatty seeds and nuts and other plant-based fats.

    But a new study shows that the propensity for women to collect fat in places like their hips, butt and backs of the arms (called subcutaneous fat), could protect against brain disease like dementia and stroke. Males, on the other hand, store fat around major organs in the abdominal region, called visceral adiposity, which promotes inflammation.

    Before, the differences in immune response to brain disease were thought to be down to hormonal discrepancies, but this study offers a new perspective. In ScienceDaily, Alexis M. Stranahan, PhD, neuroscientist in the Department of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, said that “When people think about protection in women, their first thought is oestrogen. But we need to get beyond the kind of simplistic idea that every sex difference involves hormone differences and hormone exposure.”

    READ MORE: A New Study Shows That Nightmares Are A Good Predictor Of Future Dementia

    Where you store fat matters

    The study scientists started by inducing obesity in rats, then observing the differences in fat distribution around the body in the males and females. They then noticed that where female rats stored fat correlated with protection against inflammation. They also performed liposuction on the rats before inducing obesity, and were then studied after taking on a high-fat diet, which is known to cause inflammation in the body. The elimination of the fat meant that the rats had less protection against inflammation.

    “When we took subcutaneous fat (fat stored under the skin) out of the equation, all of a sudden the females’ brains start to exhibit inflammation the way that male brains do, and the females gained more visceral fat (fat around the abdominal area),” Stranahan says. “It kind of shunted everything toward that other storage location.” It turns out where the female rats stored fat correlated with a higher level of protection against inflammation, particularly where brain disease is concerned, author’s noted.

    READ MORE: 7 Reasons Your Period Might Be Late — Other Than Pregnancy

    So, what are the implications for your health?

    Without the liposuction surgery, female rats on a high-fat diet only displayed inflammation similar to the level of male rats after menopause, showing that the fat storage was protective in females before this period. It’s notable that even after liposuction, a high-fat diet still correlated with high levels of inflammation, so stick to a whole foods diet.  

    Stranahan notes that this likely has implications for using the BMI as a benchmark for overall health. “We can’t just say obesity. We have to start talking about where the fat is. That is the critical element here,” Stranahan says. A more accurate reading? Looking at the hip to waist ratio, she says.

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    The bottom line: where fat is stored links to inflammation in the brain. Visceral fat promotes inflammation while subcutaneous fat acts as protection, and high-fat diets are not a good idea to take on (kinda, sorta duh), since they promote inflammation. More

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    A New Study Shows That Nightmares Are A Good Predictor Of Future Dementia

    We spend a third of our lives asleep. And a quarter of our time asleep is spent dreaming. So, for the average person alive in 2022, with a life expectancy of around 73, that clocks in at just over six years of dreaming.

    Yet, given the central role that dreaming plays in our lives, we still know so little about why we dream, how the brain creates dreams, and importantly, what the significance of our dreams might be for our health – especially the health of our brains.

    My latest study, published in The Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine journal, shows that our dreams can reveal a surprising amount of information about our brain health. More specifically, it shows that having frequent bad dreams and nightmares (bad dreams that make you wake up) during middle or older age, may be linked with an increased risk of developing dementia.

    In the study, I analysed data from three large US studies of health and ageing. These included over 600 people aged between 35 and 64, and 2,600 people aged 79 and older.

    All the participants were dementia-free at the start of the study and were followed for an average of nine years for the middle-aged group and five years for the older participants.

    At the beginning of the study (2002-12), the participants completed a range of questionnaires, including one which asked about how often they experienced bad dreams and nightmares.

    I analysed the data to find out whether participants with a higher frequency of nightmares at the beginning of the study were more likely to go on to experience cognitive decline (a fast decline in memory and thinking skills over time) and be diagnosed with dementia.

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    Weekly nightmares

    I found that middle-aged participants who experienced nightmares every week, were four times more likely to experience cognitive decline (a precursor to dementia) over the following decade, while the older participants were twice as likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

    Interestingly, the connection between nightmares and future dementia was much stronger for men than for women. For example, older men who had nightmares every week were five times more likely to develop dementia compared with older men reporting no bad dreams. In women, however, the increase in risk was only 41%. I found a very similar pattern in the middle-aged group.

    Overall, these results suggest frequent nightmares may be one of the earliest signs of dementia, which can precede the development of memory and thinking problems by several years or even decades – especially in men.

    Alternatively, it is also possible that having regular bad dreams and nightmares might even be a cause of dementia.

    Given the nature of this study, it is not possible to be certain which of these theories is correct (though I suspect it is the former). However, regardless of which theory turns out to be true – the major implication of the study remains the same, that is, that having regular bad dreams and nightmares during middle and older age may be linked to an increased risk of developing dementia later in life.

    READ MORE: Are Your Drinking Habits Ruining Your Brain Health?

    The good news is that recurring nightmares are treatable. And the first-line medical treatment for nightmares has already been shown to decrease the build-up of abnormal proteins linked to Alzheimer’s disease. There have also been case reports showing improvements in memory and thinking skills after treating nightmares.

    These findings suggest that treating nightmares might help to slow cognitive decline and to prevent dementia from developing in some people. This will be an important avenue to explore in future research.

    The next steps for my research will include investigating whether nightmares in young people might also be linked to increased dementia risk. This could help to determine whether nightmares cause dementia, or whether they are simply an early sign in some people. I also plan to investigate whether other dream characteristics, such as how often we remember our dreams and how vivid they are, might also help to determine how likely people are to develop dementia in the future.

    This research might not only help to shed light on the relationship between dementia and dreaming, and provide new opportunities for earlier diagnoses – and possibly earlier interventions – but it may also shed new light on the nature and function of the mysterious phenomenon that we call dreaming.

    This article is taken from The Conversation, where it’s been published under a Creative Commons license.

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    Abidemi Otaiku

    NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Neurology, University of Birmingham More

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    12 Reasons Why You’re Suddenly Experiencing Painful Sex

    Painful sex, or dyspareunia, can cause problems in a couple’s sexual relationship. In addition to physically painful sex, there is also the possibility of negative emotional effects, so the problem should be addressed as soon as it becomes evident.
    In many cases, a woman can experience painful sex if there is not sufficient vaginal lubrication. When this occurs, the pain can be resolved if the female becomes more relaxed, if the amount of foreplay is increased, or if the couple uses a sexual lubricant.
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    In some cases, a woman can experience painful intercourse if one of the following conditions is present:
    1. Vaginismus
    This is a common condition in which there is a spasm in the vaginal muscles, mainly caused by the fear of being hurt.
    2. Vaginal Infections
    These conditions are common and include yeast infections.
    3. Problems with the cervix
    In this case, the penis can reach the cervix at maximum penetration, so problems with the cervix (such as infections) can cause pain during deep penetration.
    4. Problems with the uterus
    These problems may include fibroids that can cause deep intercourse pain.
    5. Endometriosis
    Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium (tissue lining the uterus) grows outside the uterus.
    6. Problems with the ovaries
    Such problems might include cysts on the ovaries.
    7. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
    The tissues deep inside become badly inflamed and the pressure of intercourse causes deep pain.
    8. Ectopic Pregnancy
    A pregnancy in which a fertilised egg develops outside of the uterus.
    9. Menopause
    The vaginal lining can lose its normal moisture and become dry.
    10. Childbirth
    Intercourse too soon after surgery or childbirth.
    11. Sexually Transmitted Infection
    These may include genital warts, herpes sores or other STIs.
    12. Injury to the vulva or vagina
    These injuries may include a tear from childbirth or from a cut (episiotomy) in the perineum (area of skin between the vagina and the anus) that is made during labour.
    READ MORE: 5 Sex Positions You Should Finish With For An Orgasmic Grand Finale
    How can painful sex in women be treated?
    Some treatments do not require medical intervention. For example, in the case of painful sex after pregnancy, wait at least six weeks after childbirth before attempting intercourse. Make sure to practice gentleness and patience. In cases in which there is vaginal dryness or a lack of lubrication, try water-based lubricants.
    Some treatments for female sexual pain do require a doctor’s care. If vaginal dryness is due to menopause, ask a healthcare professional about oestrogen creams or other prescription medications. Other causes of painful intercourse also may require prescription medications.
    For cases of sexual pain in which there is no underlying medical cause, sexual therapy might be helpful. Some individuals may need to resolve issues such as guilt, inner conflicts regarding sex, or feelings regarding past abuse.
    READ MORE: “I Tried Masturbating To Cure My Hangover — This Is What Happened”
    Call a doctor if there are symptoms such as bleeding, genital lesions, irregular periods, vaginal discharge, or involuntary vaginal muscle contractions and ask for a referral to an SSASSERT-certified sex counsellor if there are other concerns that need to be addressed. More

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    This Dubai-based expert shares how to recalibrate your body in 2023


    by Sarah Joseph
    59 mins ago

    Anisha Joshi, Osteopath at Euromed Clinic Dubai, explains how recalibrating your body will help you go into 2023 with renewed strength.
    Talk us through your career.
    With my parents collectively working four different jobs to partly fund my journey through private school, this work ethic was something I carry through my life now. My sister and I both decided to go down the osteopathy route, so determination and hard work is something that runs in my family. After graduating in 2010 from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London, I decided to travel across the globe to Australia where I cut my teeth in osteopathy, gaining a wealth of experience before deciding to open my clinic at the age of 23. With support from my parents – they remortgaged their house twice to put the initial deposit down – I managed to open her own clinic. Fast-forward 13 years; the clinic’s growth has been impressive; hiring multiple practitioners has seen it grow from 1 treatment room to 6 across two different locations. Since then, I have won Principal Osteopath of the Year, appeared on This Morning TV show and have been sought out by many magazines and national papers for expert commentary. My patient list includes many professional athletes as well as A-list celebrities such as Rita Ora, who seek out my advice and treatment. After the global pandemic and its subsequent lockdown, I decided to merge with my sister to form Osteo Allies; where we are keen to continue expanding our brand and creating opportunities to nurture fellow osteopaths.
    What inspired you to enter the healthcare space?
    I’ve always been inspired by how amazing the human body is and how it doesn’t take much in order for it to adapt and get better.
    What does your role as an osteopath entail?
    People still assume that osteopaths just help bones or back pain, but most aches and pains have multiple factors that contribute to them. Osteopaths conduct a detailed case history and ensure that they take all elements of your lifestyle into consideration. This includes nutrition, your mental health, and exercises. Combining advice in all these areas helps to support your complaint. The main difference between a treatment with an osteopath and a sports masseuse is the in-depth assessment an osteopath will provide you. Osteopathy is a complete system of diagnosis, treatment and overall management.
    When it comes to aches and pains, what do you find is the biggest cause?
    In a world where most of us spend half of our time at a desk, experiencing shoulder and neck pain is very common, and is something that often develops into headaches. Usually, this occurs when someone has been doing something in the same position for too long; working on a computer, for example. The majority of pain is due to a lack of movement.
    “I’ve always been inspired by how amazing the human body is and how it doesn’t take much in order for it to adapt and improve.”
    What is the biggest issue people come to see you to help with?
    The biggest issue people come to see me to help with is back pain. In fact, 84 percent of people will experience back pain at some point in their life. There is a lot of fear around back pain, but the truth is that it occurs in varying degrees. Those who experience persistent pain come to me for a diagnosis and treatment plan so that we can work together to strengthen their body.

    In terms of your career, you’re a female working in a male-dominated space. What’s this like and how do you hope to change the narrative for women in this space?
    As a young woman of colour I had to work doubly hard in a white male medical world but far from deterring me; if anything it spurred me on. I hope that my career thus far stands as an example that women can not only succeed in this space, but also become one of the leading in their field.
    How have you harnessed the use of social media to share your tips and tricks?
    I have found social media to be a great tool for sharing my expert tips and tricks with a wider audience. I frequently post Reels on my Instagram (@osteoanisha) giving advice on a variety of topics and educating my audience on the best ways to easily relieve certain muscle stresses and pains. It’s amazing to be able to share my passion for osteopathy with lots of people all at the same time.
    What advice do you wish you had received at the start of your journey?
    I guess the advice I wish I had got was that you may at times feel like you’re undeserving of your success. However, the impact you will have on other peoples’ lives is beyond what you feel about yourself.
    Looking back over your career, can you tell us some major hurdles you’ve had to overcome?
    I’ve had to overcome the fact that many people don’t know what osteopaths do. I’ve also had to overcome the pandemic when unfortunately my business didn’t receive any government help and I was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy. It was a really tough time and I had to make some tough decisions to make the business work. I never thought that a year after the pandemic I’d have expanded my business into three clinics in the UK and now a clinic in Dubai.
    On the opposite end of the spectrum, what are your top milestones from your career so far?
    I am lucky to say that there are various milestones in my career which I am very proud of. Being awarded Principal Osteopath of the Year by the prestigious Institute of Osteopathy was a huge achievement for me and solidified my position as one of Britain’s leading osteopaths. Appearing on ITV’s This Morning, to discuss the benefits of treatment and tips to keep moving, is another notable milestone. Finally, I have recently spent some time in Dubai after partnering with Euromed Clinic. This has been an amazing experience for me and has not only allowed me to experience a new place but also to meet a variety of amazing people and patients.
    Your top tips for taking care of aches and pains at home?
    To take care of aches and pains at home, it is important to make an effort to do strengthening exercises to alleviate muscle stiffness and get an early night’s sleep. Movement and sleep are both research-driven practices that can help ease body soreness. As well as this, nutrition plays a big role in muscle and joint repair. To stay energised, it is crucial to stay hydrated and eat a well-balanced, protein-heavy diet. Daily supplements of omega-3, magnesium and iron, all also help to promote better energy levels. Omega 3 is found in oily fish like salmon and is really important for muscles, joints, skin and hair. Also, relaxing in a warm bath is a great way to restore the body, acting as a way to switch off and relax.
    Going into 2023, what is your advice for living a more pain-free and healthy life?
    Recognise that pain isn’t a reflection of damage and that we need to move more than we think we do. In a world where we stay stationary more than ever, this is key. If you’re experiencing any aches or pains, then it’s good to chat to an osteopath.
    January’s – The Reset Issue – Download Now 
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    Images: Supplied More

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    Reset with the region’s first fully integrated wellness experience


    by Sarah Joseph
    1 hour ago

    How the founder of ZOYA Health & Wellbeing Resort, Ameer Said has created an immersive wellness experience with a holistic approach in the UAE.
    Talk us through your career.
    I built my career in corporate business development, working for renowned Saudi companies including Saudi Binladen Group and SOOJ International for Development of Economic Cities. I took everything I built throughout my 30 years of experience and focused it on my passion – health and wellness.
    ZOYA Health & Wellbeing Resort is the region’s first fully integrated experience. What inspired you to launch it?
    After losing my wife and sister to a long battle with cancer and witnessing my mother’s suffering and struggles to perform daily functions in her last years, I recognised the need for prevention over cure. Hence, ZOYA was born out of a determination to address the ailments of the modern world, and to create a special place that protects, nourishes, and invigorates the mind, body, and soul.

    The retreat has a 360-degree focus on the body, mind and soul. Why was it important to incorporate all three?
    The journey towards peace, balance, and rejuvenation comes with focusing on all elements of our being. Unfortunately, we are always more focused on physical health and well-being and tend to forget that without a healthy mind and soul, we cannot transcend into a state of wellness. At ZOYA, we combine unique cutting-edge medical science, physiotherapy, conscious nutrition, and the latest advances in aesthetics to nourish the body and invigorate the mind. Our methods are non-toxic, non-invasive, drug-free, integrative, and holistic – we offer various treatments to create bespoke well-being retreat journeys.
    Oxygen therapy sessions are growing in popularity – tell us more.
    Oxygen therapy is an all-natural treatment that facilitates and optimises the oxygen utilisation of cells and tissues. It improves circulation and reduces heart rate while enhancing physical performance. It also regulates the autonomic nervous system, helps maintain the shorter resting pulse, and aids recovery after exertion by reducing lactic acid build-up. These treatments help with muscle tension, accelerate the healing of wounds and injuries, skin rejuvenation for younger-looking skin, and improve mental wellbeing by boosting relaxation and balance. Our goal is health optimisation; therefore, we offer oxygen therapy sessions as part of all our retreat programmes, where a dedicated team of medical and wellbeing experts will guide guests and provide them with the best-personalised programmes for their healing journey after a detailed health assessment.
    How does medical wellness seamlessly fit into this wellness retreat?
    Medical wellness is infused within our guest journey. Guests’ experience at ZOYA starts with a doctor’s consultation, diagnostics, a detailed wellness consultation, and a nutrition plan selection based on each guest’s needs and requirements to ultimately create a personalised weekly programme to achieve optimal levels of physical and mental wellbeing. We believe that tangible health and wellbeing require knowledge and expertise. At ZOYA, we have a team of professional specialists, from visionaries to doctors, and therapists, who combine their expertise to create individually customised well-being plans suitable for everyone.
    The resort offers a therapeutic culinary experience – can you elaborate on this?
    ZOYA offers various holistic therapeutic fasting, calorie control, detox, and vegan meal plans based on proven benefits, that look beyond the body to provide support and everlasting benefits for the mind and spirit. We only use organic, fresh, and seasonal ingredients at our wellness restaurant and juice bar, where we have adopted a strict clean food policy that turns superb ingredients into therapeutic meals and fine-dining experiences.
    For those planning their first-ever wellness retreat, what tips would you recommend to prepare for the experience?
    Come with trust and an open mind. Our goal is to ensure that our guests leave our resort relaxed, balanced, and rejuvenated with the expert guidance of our health professionals. We have designed our retreat programmes to aid guests in protecting, nourishing, and invigorating their minds, bodies, and souls. While a one-time visit will definitely help, we do recommend that our guests make a habit of wellness visits in order to commit to their wellbeing and transform their lives.
    How has COVID-19 affected the wellness industry on a larger scale?
    Following the COVID-19 pandemic, overall patterns have changed significantly, bringing health and wellness to the majority of people’s top of minds, regardless of their health conditions. This has resulted in the need to maintain physical and mental well-being, driving people to seek holistic approaches to health, which in turn will only continue to boost the global wellness tourism market. With that being said, the wellness industry is vast, consisting of quite diverse offerings, from spiritual to physical practices to improve overall health and well-being. It was important for our resort to position itself as a leader in the wellness space in the region to offer a unique and holistic approach to mind and body rejuvenation, offering only the best retreat programmes curated by experts and professionals in the field with a proven track record.
    Has the need for well-being retreats grown in the Middle East in the last few years?
    Most definitely, the wellbeing retreats were definitely pushed even further following the effects of the pandemic. From launching ZOYA earlier this year, we have seen a huge demand from the GCC and wider Middle East to experience our offering and begin regularly invest- ing in improving their physical and mental health and wellbeing. We are anticipating continued growth and traction both from the regional and international markets.

    This is The Reset Issue – what’s your advice for our readers to reset in 2023?
    As the region’s first fully integrated wellness experience, we urge everyone reading to try and always place physical and mental health and wellbeing at the top of their minds to invest in their health. With our busy schedules and unhealthy routines and habits, our health is often disregarded and neglected. At ZOYA, we put a huge focus on prevention over the cure to avoid the need for medication and assistance throughout varying stages of life, and we hope that we are able to successfully create a space that inspires continuous exploration of self and promotes a wellness- led lifestyle for all ages.
    January’s – The Reset Issue – Download Now 
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    7 Reasons Your Period Might Be Late — Other Than Pregnancy

    On the one hand, you have to deal with cramps, bloating and mood swings. On the other, yay, you’re not pregnant! Suddenly missing your period when babies aren’t on the agenda can be a real freak-out moment, but there are a few other factors that may be to blame. Here, gynae Alyssa Dweck, co-author of V is for Vagina, offers potential reasons you have a late period that have nothing to do with a bouncing bundle of joy.
    Major Weight Loss Or Excessive Exercise
    “This is a reason I see not that infrequently in my office,” says Dweck. “If your BMI rapidly dips below 18 or 19, you may start to miss periods.” This isn’t strictly based on BMI, though. Serious conditions like anorexia and bulimia can cause a missed cycle, but so can training for a marathon or some other major event that requires you to exercise more than usual. “Nature has a way of protecting you from getting pregnant if your body is under such extreme stress. Your body prevents ovulation so you don’t have a lot of oestrogen, don’t build a big uterine lining, and then don’t get a period,” says Dweck.
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    A big scary event in your life can cause hypothalamic amenorrhea. “This particular area of the brain, the hypothalamus, is where a lot of the hormones for your cycle are regulated,” says Dweck. “The hypothalamus is very affected by stress.” So if you’re dealing with a big move, death in the family, huge breakup, or any other life event that’s shaking you up, it could be the cause of your late period or missed period.
    READ MORE: Are you experiencing a ‘friendship recession?’
    A Thyroid Irregularity
    The thyroid gland, located in your neck, regulates your metabolism. It also interacts with many other systems in your body to keep things running smoothly. “If you’re dealing with any type of thyroid imbalance, whether it’s hypo- or hyperthyroidism, that can have implications for your period,” says Dweck. If you notice other symptoms of a thyroid disorder, check in with your doctor for an official diagnosis.
    READ MORE: How To Tell The Difference Between Period Blood And Spotting
    Polycystic Ovary Symptom
    PCOS is a hormone imbalance that comes down to a lack of ovulation, so you have altered levels of oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. “We’re seeing a lot more of this, although there are varying degrees. It can cause you to completely miss your period or just not menstruate regularly,” says Dweck. Other PCOS symptoms include hair growth in places like the face and chest, difficulty losing weight, and potential fertility issues. Your doctor can help you come up with a treatment plan to manage the condition.
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    Chronic Diseases Like Coeliac
    “I know coeliac disease is on everyone’s mind right now,” says Dweck, referring to the disease that’s characterised by gluten intolerance. “Any chronic disease that’s left untreated or undiagnosed is a stressor to your general system and can result in missed periods.”
    READ MORE: Vaginal Infections 101 — What You Need To Know About That Itch
    Your Birth Control
    A missed period or late period can actually be a harmless byproduct of the measures you take to avoid pregnancy. “Some low-dose pills will cause a lack of menses that isn’t dangerous and is many times a welcome side effect,” says Dweck. The same goes for methods like hormonal IUDs, implants, or shots. It can also take some time for your period to come back if you’ve stopped birth control, but it will usually resume without issue in a few months.
    READ MORE: “I Tried Masturbating To Cure My Hangover — This Is What Happened”
    Premature Menopause
    When women under 40 have hormones misfiring in a significant way, they can go through premature menopause, also known as premature ovarian failure. Along with a missed period, signs of it include hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. “This isn’t very common, so you shouldn’t immediately worry about it,” says Dweck. If your gyno rules out the many other potential causes and thinks this may be the culprit, she’ll clue you in. More

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    9 wellness-inspired accounts to follow on Instagram


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    A curated guide of all the inspiring accounts to #follow and reset this month
    The Nue Co.@thenue_co

    Science-backed supplements to cleanse from the inside-out.
    Augustinus Bader@augustinusbader

    Award-winning formulas founded in regenerative medicine.
    The Beauty
    The beauty go-to was founded by Wdeema Almheiri.

    Plant-based power to supercharge your wellness.
    An exclusive boutique Pilates and wellness studio.
    ZOYA Health & Wellbeing Resort@zoyawellbeing
    The UAE’s first wellness resort dedicated to your wellbeing journey.
    Tiffany & Co.@tiffanyandco

    This season’s collection is a real reset.
    Sheikha Majdah Al Sabah@majdajs

    Founder of The Houna Initiative dedicated to supporting mental health.
    Reset from within with Jessica Sepel’s super brand.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Instagram @haileybieber More

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    These Are The Fitness Trends Set To Dominate 2023, According to Google

    New Year who dis? A seismic shift hit 2022 (to say the least) and reverberated through all of us. It threw our priorities and goals and day-to-day habits into a high-speed blender. The topsy-turvy time also offered up an opportunity to reset, embrace the unexpected, and figure out how to keep going. Would 2021 you recognise the 2022 version? 

    Maybe not, but it’s okay. Out went packed race corrals and after-work happy hours. In came pure joy, sweating in unfamiliar ways, and treating your mental health with real TLC. Resettling into the new world was a bit scary at first, but now: The silver linings are everywhere. 

    And now, with 2023 only a day away, we’re already looking to the fitness trends set to dominate over the next 12 months.

    According to new Google trend data, the 12-3-30 workout will come out on top next year (with a massive 308% increase in interest after finding fame on TikTok), followed by a resurgence in Crossfit as well as big spikes in interest for twerking classes. As for home workouts? Those are a thing of the past.

    The new research analysed worldwide Google search data for over 120 different trends to calculate the increase (or decrease) in interest in them between now, and the same period last year. Check it out below:

    The Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2023

    RankTrend% Increase (Jul-Sept 2021 vs. Jul-Sept 2022)112-3-30 workouts+308.78%2Crossfit+173.21%3Twerking class+125%475 soft+124.24%5Hyrox+123.75%6Jazzercise+122.22%7Stroller fitness+88.23%8Pilates+83.60%9Incline walk+83.33%10Everesting+83.33%11Floating yoga+60%12Indoor surfing+50%13Hiking+50%14Yoga+49.72%15Rock climbing+49.63%16Calisthenics+49.63%17F45+49.59%18Zuu+49.58%19Breathwork+49.44%20Outdoor fitness+49.38%

    Much the same as PureGym’s findings last year, the popularity of glute workouts is going nowhere fast, with interest growing year on year (+22%). This crowns glutes as the body part global fitness fans are most interested in building, followed by shoulders and calves. On the other end of the scale, having sculpted abs looks to be less of a focus in 2023, with an 18% drop in interest over the last year.

    For every new trend that comes in, an old trend must go. The world of virtual fitness continues to lose mainstream interest as we move further away from the pandemic, with virtual fitness challenges (-45.76%), outdoor personal trainers (-45.45%), and virtual fitness classes (-45.45%) all seeing the biggest falls in interest.

    The 10 Fitness Trends On Their Way Out For 2023

    RankTrend% Decrease (Jul-Sept 2021 vs. Jul-Sept 2022)1Virtual fitness challenges-45.76%2Outdoor personal trainers-45.45%3Skipping workouts-45.45%4Virtual fitness classes-45.45%5Free weight training-45%6100-rep challenge-34.61%7Active video games-33.33%8Online fitness programmes-33.33%9Virtual training-33.33%10Workout challenges-33.33%

    *This article was originally published on Women’s Health AU by Nikolina Ilic

    Nikolina Ilic

    Nikolina is the web-obsessed Digital Editor at Men’s and Women’s Health, where she covers news, fitness, health, style, travel and pretty-much everything else. A lover of boxing, she was previously a Digital Editor at GQ and Vogue magazine and has contributed to Vogue Living and The Australian. She specialises in digital marketing, social media and branded and editorial content creation. More