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    7 Useful Mind Hacks To Overcome Tough Runs

    Reaching the end of a long run and seeing that you outdid your last pace and set a new PB feels like glory. It’s everything that warrants an Insta Story to let the world know of the day’s great feat. The reality? Not every race feels like you’re flying through it, with every song in your playlist egging you on. Sometimes, pushing through to overcome tough runs is… tough.

    Do we ever talk about the gruelling moments in the run? That moment when you’ve only hit 600m, but you already know it’s going to be a difficult one? Or that moment when you’re 2km from completing your goal, but it feels like torture to continue? 

    For many of us, those moments can be too excruciating and end not only that one run but the motivation to try again tomorrow. But what if you could fight through those moments, overcome tough runs and come out even more victorious at the finish line? At the end of the day, your ability to push past the pain is an integral part of your running life. 

    Here we’ll go through some of the most effective strategies to help you overcome tough runs. 

    Believe in your pain threshold 

    If you believe that you can push past the bouts of muscle pain throughout your run, then you’re already one step ahead. This is according to a study done by researchers at the University of Illinois. The study found that athletes who believed they could push through leg muscle pain did better than those who did not.

    Remember your why

    Sports psychologists Noel Brick and Stuart Holliday wrote a new book, specifically looking at ways to make running more enjoyable. Their first tip? Decide why you’re doing it. With motivation, things are far more likely to get done. “We know that those who have meaningful reasons for running are more likely to maintain running longer term and get through those challenging experiences when running can feel hard, unpleasant, and not particularly enjoyable,” Brick told Newsweek.

    READ MORE: What You Really Need To Know About Running For Weight Loss, According To Experts

    Have a mantra 

    Numerous studies have found that repeating mantras can relieve stress and do wonders for calming the mind. One study concluded that silently repeating one word to yourself brings you peace of mind. This type of positive affirmation is important for any run – particularly a painful one. Repeating the mantra is also a good way to keep yourself distracted so that your focus is not only on muscle pain. 

    Create a power playlist 

    We all know that listening to music while exercising changes everything! But not every song on your Spotify might work well for your routine, so shuffling isn’t the answer. It’s important to take the time and curate a playlist of your power songs. These are the songs that you know always keep you going. It’s also important to try identify one particular power song that can get you through the extremely tough moments. 

    A 2017 study looked at the effect of music tempo on exercise performance among young adults and found that there was an increase in total duration of exercise and heart rate when fast and loud music was played. 

    “Motivation by music can lead to an increase in exercise duration, which is a stress alleviator in young people,” the study says. “Nevertheless, the importance and beneficial effect of music on health cannot be underestimated.” 

    READ MORE: 18 New Running Shoes To Help You Run Faster And Farther In 2024

    If you can overcome a tough run, you can overcome anything

    One of the many wonders of sport is its ability to create grit and mental fortitude that inevitably impacts other areas of your life. The discipline of forging ahead, even when you’d much rather curl up in a ball, spills over into work, relationships and everything else. Remind yourself of this when the going gets tough.

    Focus on the moment

    It’s true: running can become meditation. That’s because by focusing on every step, every breath, the feeling of moving through the air – and nothing else, becomes meditative and reaps benefits. In one study, cyclists who did seven weeks of mindfulness training had changed brain patterns, making them better able to adapt to stress.

    The pain is not forever (if it’s not an injury)

    One thing that can help you get through a tough moment in a run is realising that that’s all it is: a tough moment. It’s not going to hurt forever. It will come and go and each step forward you’re taking is bringing you closer to the finish line. 

    Know when to stop

    Not every difficult moment is an opportunity to fight through – sometimes you have to stop or you could run the risk of getting a serious injury. Here are quick signs that you should never ignore:

    Chest pain 




    Sharp and sudden pain 

    If you experience any of these on your run, stop and get professional medical help.

    READ MORE: Can Wearing Wrist Weights On A Walk Really Tone Your Arms? More

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    5 Signs You’ve Bought The Wrong Running Shoes

    Raise your hand if you’ve been a victim of this? We’ve all done it, promise. Running shoes should not be chosen based on colour, sale price or even the size you think you are (you’re generally half a size bigger). If you happen to have bought the wrong running shoes, don’t keep wearing them! You will only end up hurting yourself and “hate running”. Here’s how to know when to let the wrong shoes go…

    1. You have to keep adjusting your running shoes

    Look, running never feels amazing for the first couple kms. Your body takes a bit of time to warm up and find its rhythm. However, if you have to keep adjusting the shoe, retying the laces and in general trying to make the shoe feel “more comfortable” that is not ideal. If any part of your foot goes numb or there is chafing or if you develop “sore spots” the shoe most likely does not fit you the way it should.

    2. Your running shoes never “break in”

    There’s a theory that new running shoes need to be broken in. The truth is, running shoes are not like your sleek new stilettos. And you should not be okay with constant blistering. Your running shoes should be comfortable right away! However, they will be the most comfortable two to three weeks into owning them. That’s when the cushioning begins to respond and adapt to your foot strike pattern. The upper will also start to fit and flex to your foot.

    READ MORE: 18 New Running Shoes To Help You Run Faster And Farther In 2024

    3. There’s fraying on the inside heel

    Early breakdown of the heel is an example of wearing the wrong size shoe. For example, your ankle keeps pushing out and causes friction on the run. You can try correct this by retying your shoelaces to provide greater support, preventing the heel and ankle from “escaping the shoe”.

    4. Side wear and tear on your running shoes

    If your shoe sole is still in great/newish condition, but the sides of the shoes start wearing through, it could mean you’re wearing the wrong size shoe. Often we measure by length, but width is also important and there are certain shoes better suited to wider or more narrow feet.

    5. Black toenails

    You should not be getting a black toenail or losing toenails for any distance under a marathon (even then, not cool).

    What causes black toenails? When the tip of the nail bed repeatedly interacts with the front wall or top of the shoe it causes bruising. This leads to blistering and the nail lifting off the bed.

    READ MORE: Maximise Your Runs With These Tips From The Pros

    It’s not your running shoes, it’s your socks!

    Lower-cut socks can also wear down the inside cushioning and material before their time, so consider higher-length socks if you start to notice the back of the shoe coming undone. Not wearing the right socks can also cause blisters.

    How To Prevent Buying the Wrong Shoe

    Visit a proper running store (not just your local sports shop) and get your feet analysed before buying a pair of shoes.

    You need to check your gait, your arch, your foot size and whether you might have a pronation of sorts.

    Get the right shoe(s) for the type of running you’re doing. Some shoes are made for short, sharp running and others are designed for marathon distances. They give you different kinds of support and bounce. More

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    This Powerful Bodyweight Workout Tones It All – Fast

    No gym? That’s no barrier to getting your sweat on. Get stronger with this fun bodyweight workout that you can perform in the comfort of your own home. The only piece of equipment that you’ll need is your coffee table or a bench.

    This all-over bodyweight workout was created by personal trainer and founder of Fit Best Training, Renché Seyffert.

    To complete this workout, work in intervals. For intermediate to advanced athletes (yes, you!) work with the 50/10 principle. This means you’ll work for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

    If you’re a beginner athlete, use the 40/20 principle. Work for 40 seconds, then rest for 20. Rest for one minute after each round and aim to complete three to four rounds in total. We’ll warn you: it’s a doozy!

    Watch PT Renché Seyffert demo the moves, then read on for the technique notes.

    The Living Room Bodyweight Workout

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    1/ Single Leg Skater Sit Squats

    Stand in front of the edge of the coffee table on your right leg.

    Jump sideways to your left and land on your left leg in front of the left edge of the coffee table.

    Still only on your left leg, lower yourself down into a sitting squat, placing your bum firmly onto the table.

    Get back up by pushing from your left heel upwards, using your calf muscles, hamstrings and glutes.

    Jump to your right side and land on your right leg before lowering down into your sit squat. That’s one – keep going!

    READ MORE: Transform Your Legs With This 20-Minute Home Workout

    2/ Incline Push Up with Clap

    Get into a plank position with your hands on top of the table, shoulder-width apart.

    Keep your feet hip-width apart and bend your elbows as you lower your chest towards the table.

    With an explosive movement, push yourself away from the table, forcing your arms and upper body into the air and clapping your hands. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    3/ Plank Cross Tap to Bear Jumps

    Start in a plank position with feet hip-width apart, elevated on top of the table.

    With your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart, jump onto all fours, then jump back into a plank.

    Tap the left foot to the right side underneath the body.

    Move back to the plank position and tap the right foot to the left side underneath the body.

    READ MORE: Can Wearing Wrist Weights On A Walk Really Tone Your Arms? We Asked A Fitness Expert

    4/ Tricep Dip – Alternating Toe Tap

    Get into a tabletop position facing the ceiling with your hands on the table, keeping your feet on the floor.

    Bend your elbows as you lower yourself towards the floor.

    Straighten your arms to move back up to the starting position. Ensure that you use your arms to perform the movement and not your hips or legs.

    Once back to the starting position, tap your left hand with your right foot. Repeat on the other side.

    5/ Side Plank Hip Dips on Right

    Stand in a side plank on your right elbow.

    Raise your left leg on the table and ensure the right leg is suspended in the air, under the table surface.

    Dip your hips towards the floor and back up. Repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: This Beginner Callisthenics Workout Builds Serious Strength & Mobility

    6/ Step Up Reverse Lunges

    Start by standing with both feet on top of the table.

    Slowly step back with one of your legs into a reverse lunge.

    Make sure both knees are bent and your back is straight. Ensure that your knee (of the foot in front) does not go over your toes.

    Bring back your leg to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

    Once you have found your rhythm and balance, you can speed it up a little and add a hop on top of the table when changing your legs.

    7/ Elevated Sit-Ups

    Start by lying flat on your back on the floor and place your feet and calves on table.

    Extend your arms over your head using your abdominals, as you lift your upper body and crunch down so that your hands can touch your feet.

    Slowly lower yourself back down to the floor to the starting position and repeat. More

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    Can Your VO2 Max Really Reduce Your Death Risk?

    New research released by Discovery Vitality emphasises the need to view cardiorespiratory fitness (measured as VO2 max) as an important health risk metric. Insights were drawn from Discovery’s unique data, including lifestyle information, clinical screening results and insurance claims data. The findings show the tangible benefits of prioritising CRF which dramatically reduced risk of developing – and dying from – cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and diabetes, among other conditions.

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    Vitality Fitness: A one-tap, first-of-its-kind fitness platform

    Linked to these insights, Discovery Vitality announced the launch of two exciting updates to the programme aimed at enhancing the health outcomes of its members. They are a new rewards points metric based on cardiorespiratory fitness level, and a first-of-its-kind exercise platform called Vitality Fitness. The new platform brings a new level of convenience and access to Vitality members, enabling them to view and book an extensive range of workouts provided by a network of gyms and fitness studios around the country. Members access the booking platform through the Discovery app and can book classes in a few taps.

    “My vision is that the insights from this research on cardiorespiratory fitness help inform the global effort to combat the growing epidemic of physical inactivity and its associated health risks. We’re continually exploring ways to incentivise and promote healthier lifestyles among our members, and it’s important that these are backed by research and enabled through the smart use of technology to fit easily into people’s lives,” says Vitality CEO, Dinesh Govender

    READ MORE: Ready To Get Fit? Tap Into The New Vitality Fitness Platform

    VO2 Max: A Key Metric For Overall Health

    Cardiorespiratory fitness refers to how well your respiratory and circulatory systems supply your body with enough oxygen to keep exercising. VO2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen that your body can use when you’re exercising. As your VO2 max increases, so does your aerobic endurance and ultimately your cardiorespiratory fitness. It is a powerful indicator of one’s potential for a long and healthy life, as even a moderate improvement in VO2 max can reduce risk of death by 21-30%. By understanding and improving VO2 max, individuals can reduce their risk of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and diabetes.

    Vitality’s newly published white paper on navigating cardio fitness for optimal health outcomes highlights the critical role of cardio fitness in health management: Vitality members with higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels experience 30% lower hospital claims, and exhibit 95% lower prevalence of obesity, 84% lower prevalence of high-risk blood glucose levels, and 70% lower prevalence of high blood pressure.

    Good Habits Can Influence Your CRF

    While many may think that their genes largely determine their cardiorespiratory fitness level, this research revealed the importance of forming good habits: Vitality’s fittest members tend to exercise more frequently, for longer, and at higher intensities. Vitality members with higher cardio fitness levels also tend to have earlier bedtimes, earlier wake-up times, and longer sleep durations. All in all, members with higher Vitality statuses exhibited higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels

    “Through advancements in wearable technology and the Vitality Fitness Assessment, our members can easily estimate their VO2 max. This cardio fitness measurement serves as a valuable benchmark for overall health. Our new white paper provides comprehensive research insights, practical guidelines, and tailored pathways to help members understand and improve their VO2 max,” says Dr. Mosima Mabunda, Vitality’s Head of Wellness.

    Prof Jon Patricios, Professor of Sports and Exercise Medicine at Wits University, adds, “In a country with stretched health resources and large disparities in access to care, there is an accessible and affordable solution: optimal cardiorespiratory fitness. The prescription of aerobic-based exercise provides some of the most effective disease prevention strategies and should be our core lifestyle intervention.”

    From July 2024 onwards, Vitality members can earn up to 10,000 Vitality points by improving their VO2 max.

    VO2 max readings will be categorised into five Vitality Cardio Fitness Levels: low, fair, good, excellent and superior. While there is no single ideal VO2 max, everyone should strive to improve to the next level due to the health benefits. The greatest health benefits are seen in individuals who move from a low to a fair level, with additional benefits realised as one improves to a good or higher level. For most people, reaching a good Vitality Cardio FitnessLevel for their age and gender is a great milestone and will provide the health protection needed to live a long, healthy life.

    “By rewarding Vitality members for knowing and improving their cardio fitness, we are not only encouraging varied exercise intensities and durations but also helping them protect their health and extend their lifespans,” says Govender.

    Download the research paper here: Navigating Cardiorespiratory Fitness for Optimal Health. More

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    This Beginner Callisthenics Workout Builds Serious Strength & Mobility

    If you’ve ever watched gymnast Caitlin Rooskrantz perform gravity-defying feats, you’ve probably wistfully imagined yourself being *that* strong and flexible. The truth? Those fabulous moves are built on callisthenics: the body-weight workout style that prioritises using your own body as the weight. Practising body-weight moves is an effective way to build functional strength and sculpt sexy, lean muscle tone. And, in case the title didn’t clue you in, you can start as a total beginner and still feel like Simone Biles. Ahead, reasons to tap into callisthenics workouts and the moves to start with.

    Why callisthenics workouts are so good

    You can do it anywhere, anytime

    The great thing about body-weight training (or a callisthenics workout, as it’s technically called) is that you can do it pretty much anywhere with minimal equipment. That’s because you’re using your own body weight as the load and gravity to create resistance. Also, most of the time, you don’t need to move very far, so it can be done in relatively small spaces, depending on what you’re doing.

    It builds killer abs

    There’s a lot of balance and stabilising required in body-weight moves, so your core will work overtime (yay, abs!) Plus, having this improved stability means less falling around in the long run, making you sturdy and strong.

    Callisthenics sculpts your upper bod

    All the pulling and pushing you do with your upper body will sculpt your back, arms and shoulders. If you’re aiming to try a pull-up or handstand, these moves will help you reach those goals.

    How to do this beginner callisthenics workout

    These moves, from Tim and Jacko of the training community School of Calisthenics,  are ideal as callisthenics for beginners starting body-weight training. And all they require are a floor with a cushioned surface (like an exercise mat, carpet or grass), a wall and something to hang from. We’ve used gymnastic rings, but a straight bar at your local park will also work fine.

    Tim and Jacko from School of Calisthenics, with trainer Hayley Ryan, show us how to master these moves…

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    1 Frog Stand

    This foundational move helps you build the upper-body strength and balance that you’ll need for more advanced body-weight moves like freestanding handstands. If you find your feet can’t lift off the ground, that’s totally fine. Over time, you’ll build enough strength to lift them!

    2 Wall Walk

    As adults, we don’t spend much time upside down, so this is a fun challenge. Keep your core braced and only go as far as you feel comfortable, but aim to walk a bit closer to the wall every time.

    3 Dead Bug

    This body-weight move from Pilates works different core muscles simultaneously, strengthening your stabilisers, lowering your injury risk and improving your coordination. Be sure to keep your lower back glued to the floor at all times.

    4 Hollow-Body Hold

    Kind of the upside-down cousin of a plank, this isometric body-weight move (holding a single position; not moving) targets your whole core from multiple directions. It’s brilliant for building core strength, as well as body position patterning to protect your lower back in other exercises. The goal is to create a bowl shape with your body. Again, keep your lower back glued to the ground at all times. See how long you can hold it for.

    5 Hollow-Body Rock

    This is a classic example of how a body-weight move can turn into a fun game. Once you can do the hold for 10 seconds without breaking form, the goal is to rock back and forth like a rocking horse, while in that hollow-hold position. Way easier said than done.

    6 Skin The Cat

    You might need a few practice rounds to really nail this, and that’s ok. It’s a good idea to warm up the shoulders before attempting this one (check out this warm-up you can do with a broom). Then, see how many reps you can knock out. Even if you can’t skin the entire cat, you’ll still get a top callisthenics workout.

    Try these workouts next: More

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    Can Wearing Wrist Weights On A Walk Really Tone Your Arms? We Asked A Fitness Expert

    The hot girl walk is about to get hotter—and maybe a little retro. When Kate Davidson posted a simple Sunday morning vlog, filled with skincare, her furry friends and the farmer’s market, to TikTok, her super-toned arms ended up stealing the spotlight. In a subsequent video that racked up five million views, she dropped her secret and it’s simple: wrist weights.

    Kate Davidson – Toned Arm Trend

    Davidson credited wearing the 500g wrist weights on her daily walks for her sculpted upper-body physique, and naturally, the rest of the internet was influenced to give them a try, myself included.

    While many shared their excitement about this “lazy girl hack” for toned arms, others in the comment section had concerns that wrist weights are bad for joint health. But, as long as the weight isn’t *too* heavy, your joints should be okay. “A very heavy weight on a weak wrist can be harmful in that it can put undue strain on your joints, but that’s about it,” says Claudette Sariya. So, you’ll just want to make sure you’re not overloading your wrists with too much weight.

    But, how much of a difference will wrist weights make? Here’s what you need to know about incorporating wrist weights into your hot girl walks and beyond.

    Meet the expert: Claudette Sariya, CPT, is the founding instructor at SOLE Fitness and a coach at F45 Training.

    Benefits Of Wrist Weights

    The cult-fave Bala Bangles are a modern take, but wrist weights have been popular since the 1970s and 80s. They’re versatile and can be used at any time, whether you want to strap them on while you’re doing household chores, at a barre class, or on a walk or run, says Sariya. They add resistance and therefore up the intensity of any activity and help build muscular endurance.

    Wrist weights can help your arms look more toned, but not for the reason you might think. “Using weights while walking won’t help you build muscle,” Sariya says. Instead, by adding weights to your walking routine, you’re making the activity a little bit harder and increasing your caloric burn, even if just by a little bit.

    While you may see the benefits of wearing wrist weights on your arms, it’s not because wrist weights can spot reduce fat (this isn’t possible, Sariya says). Since your arms don’t store most of the body’s fat to begin with, that’s one of the first places you’ll notice a difference, Sariya explains.

    Nordik Beauty Fitness Wrist & Ankle Weights

    OTG Weighted Bangles

    How To Use Wrist Weights While Walking

    The beauty of wrist weights is that they’re easy to use. After you’ve strapped them to your wrists, you’re ready to take them out for a spin. Before you get started, you can also do some wrist rolls to warm up your joints. In order to maximise their benefits, keep your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle, similar to how you hold your arms while running, advises Sariya. And, “if you feel comfortable and coordinated, you can add in bicep curls to get an extra boost,” she says. Overall, the more you move with intention, the more of a difference you’ll see, says Sariya. You can also slowly increase your weights for an additional burn, as long as they’re not too heavy.

    As for how often you should use your wearable weights, incorporating them into your preferred form of cardio (so, in Davidson’s case, her walks) twice a week for about 40 minutes is a great place to start, says Sariya. Since wrist weights are not an effective way to build muscle, you should also do strength training if you’re looking to really take your arms to the next level.

    READ MORE: Step Into Your Best Shape With The WH Walking Challenge

    When should you see results?

    There’s not one timeframe for when you can expect to see results from walking with wrist weights because it varies based on things like starting fitness level and the intensity of your walks. (If you’re a fitness newbie, the good news is results might appear quicker than for someone who is already hitting the gym multiple times a week.)

    While the added weight on a walk gives you a little boost by driving your heart rate up and working more muscles, the timeframe for results is actually still pretty similar to walking without them. But, if adding this accessory is the inspiration and excitement you need, wrist weights can be a great way to spice up a stale walking routine—I know they spiced up mine.

    READ MORE: 5 Ways To Burn More Fat During Your Walking Workouts

    This article written by Olivia Luppino first appeared on Women’s Health UK. Additional product recommendations by the Women’s Health SA team. More

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    PUMA Just Dropped The New Deviate NITRO™ 3 And It’s Pure Speed

    PUMA just launched their latest innovation, and trust us, this will be the GOAT of running shoes. The Deviate NITRO™ 3 is here to challenge you to the most successful training experience ever. It’s your everyday source of speed, reliable week after week, mile after mile. And can we just take a moment to appreciate that stunning colour fade? Because who doesn’t love a beautiful running shoe? Said no one ever.

    READ MORE: Tried & Tested: New Running Shoes From Asics, PUMA, Salomon & Under Armour

    Engineered For Speed

    The Deviate NITRO™ 3 is packed with even more of PUMA’s cutting-edge NITROFOAM™ technology to deliver supreme cushion and responsiveness. It’s the next evolution of its award-winning predecessor, designed to push you beyond your limits.

    The carbon fibre PWR Plate ensures a smoother, more consistent speed, delivering an explosive toe-off that propels you forward. And with PUMA’s exceptional PUMAGRIP, you’ll get unmatched traction on any surface, even in the testing conditions.

    The lightweight engineered mesh upper comes with strategically placed PWR Tape for added support where you need it most, while a padded collar provides extra comfort and a snug fit. The Deviate NITRO™ 3 will enhance training experiences for people worldwide and continues to grow closer to its race day counterpart.

    READ MORE: Get Cushiness *And* Stability With The New PUMA Velocity Nitro 3

    The Deviate NITRO™ 3 Fireglow colourway is now available on, in PUMA Retail stores, Totalsports and Sportsmans Warehouse. For more information, please visit More

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    The July/August 2024 Issue Stories That Are Inspiring Our Editors Right Now

    We really created something special with this issue – yes, we said it! While tackling all things ‘positive body image’, ‘sports’ and celebrating the inspiring girlies who are off to the 2024 Paris Olympics, so much careful consideration went into each topic covered.

    The July/August 2024, themed The Body Issue, couldn’t have come at a better time, reckons our editor Gotlhokwang Angoma-Mzini. She reminds us of this very crucial factor: “What’s important is to know that our current body is all we have and any future version of ourselves will be reached with this present-day body. So it doesn’t need criticism, it needs encouragement.” The WH Sport section (flip the mag to access it) covers a cycling taboo that’ll give you literal goosies. We certainly had many ‘WTF’ and ‘women go through so much’ moments while editing it.

    Read on to find out what stories our editors are excited for you to lay your eyes on. These, are some life-altering reads we tell ya!

    These Stories Are Inspiring Our Editors Right Now

    Strength Is Universal, July/August 2024

    Chamain van Zyl, Online Editor

    “I hate to sound clichéd, but I’m completely hooked on the entire WH Sport bumper edition! I’m such a die-hard sports fan. You know the type – I get choked up at the finish line and spend Sundays rewatching the highlights. Yep, that’s me, #TeamSA’s biggest supporter. So, this issue is pure gold in my books! From the captivating cover featuring Jo-Ané van Dyk to the Hall of Fame story on Penny Heyns – and all 10 global editions of Women’s Health uniting to celebrate women in sport, this issue is an absolute must-buy. If you’re as passionate about sports like I am, I urge you to grab your copy a.s.a.p!”

    Liquid Gold, July/August 2024

    Kemong Mopedi, Deputy Editor

    If there ever was a place called soup heaven, pages 90 to 95 in the latest issue of Women’s Health SA is it. Cooking, once a favourite pastime of mine, is now a chore that I dread with every fibre of my being (adulting, not me!) Enter soups…Easy and convenient to make, one pot usually ensures that I get all the necessary nutrients needed to sustain my body. I love discovering new recipes and sprucing up old ones. I also scored another soup jackpot in the form of our digital soup guide – pages upon pages of soup recipes for all seasons! Prepare to seriously ladle up…

    READ MORE: The Secrets Of Successful Athletes

    Self-Esteem Under The Microscope, July/August 2024

    Michelle October, Features Editor

    2024 has turned out to be my year of deep self-work in order to uncover this elusive ‘self-love’ concept buried under years of trauma. Self Esteem Under The Microscope (page 48) couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s not so much a step-by-step guide to loving yourself (spoiler: it’s always a work in progress); rather, this article looks at the science of self-esteem and the many layers that create how you view yourself. By unearthing these layers, you can address them one by one until you’ve got a more positive way to look at yourself! An absolutely fascinating read. 

    Why Women Are Choosing To Be Child-Free, July/August 2024

    I’ve always known that being a mother wasn’t my journey. But I’ve always been told that it should, and will, be. Why Women Are Choosing To Be Child-Free (page 84) interrogates this concept and shares the views of many women who decided to forgo motherhood. It also serves as a helpful guide to child-free by choice women who need a bit of guidance for navigating conversations around the topic with others. Because there’s no reason to live a narrative that isn’t yours. 

    Hot & Bothered, July/August 2024

    Gotlhokwang Angoma-Mzini, Editor

    Everywhere I turn, I come across headlines that read something along the lines of: ‘Hidden Signs Your Body Is Inflamed’ or ‘How To Reduce Inflammation’. Inflammation is a common buzzword in the health and nutrition sphere lately. It’s deemed a major player in all sorts of health issues you don’t want to deal with. *Cue scary music*. But not all inflammation is necessarily bad. In fact, it can be quite a healthy, normal process for our bodies. Like, if you have a sprain, your body is stopping you from moving your foot. So how can you tell “good” inflammation from the kind of inflammation that you need to address pronto? Hot & Bothered (page 57) lays down the facts and gives science-backed advice about inflammation.*Cue chilled beats*

    The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Our Bodies, July/August 2024

    Hands up if you’ve never been self-critical in front of a mirror. There are very few women without body issues. Now, I’m not saying they don’t exist, but they are extremely rare. It’s much easier to find that women are generally dissatisfied with their appearance, which honestly is very very sad. If you’re having a hard time making peace with your body, The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Our Bodies (page 72), helps explore how to change your inner monologue, according to experts and women who’ve done it. Definitely worth a read.

    READ MORE: Get A Full-Body Workout In Just 15 Minutes With Only 2 Household Items

    Build A Strong Base July/August 2024

    Kelleigh Korevaar, Managing Editor

    If you’ve been sleeping on training your pelvic floor, it’s time to wake up. And you definitely shouldn’t be waiting for a specific stage of your life to start strengthening your core. Build A Strong Base (page 24) gives you a test to see where your pelvic floor is at, different goals and action plans and some causes of pelvic floor dysfunction (think: birth, impact sports, allergies, stress and poor posture or prolonged sitting – we’re all guilty of at least one). Plus, you’ll get an express full-body equipment free workout you can do at home .

    Cycling’s Silent Epidemic, July/August 2024

    We’ve all been there – a casual Sunday cycle, an intense spinning class or a cardio session on the gym bikes that leaves you sore and uncomfortable the next day (and sometimes a few days after too). Cycling’s Silent Epidemic (page 22 of WHSPORT) tells of the harrowing reality of many women who are forced off their bike seats due to labial swelling pain and swelling. With accounts of women who have experienced it first hand, insights into why it happens as well as information on what you can do about it and prevent it in the first place, this is a real page-turner. 

    How To Be Decisive, July/August 2024

    Pia Hammond, Creative Director

    I struggle with decisiveness. Doubt creeps into my mind on a daily basis – is what I’m making for dinner healthy enough for me to should I buy a house right now? When is the right time for anything in life? I’m learning that sometimes we need to trust the process and know that everything falls into place at the right time. I cope with these choices by talking it through, having a clear mind and being realistic with myself. Impulsivity can be damaging, rather lean into being vulnerable and trust yourself and the advice given by those around you. To anyone as indecisive as me, there are plenty of guidelines on page 60.

    Remember…It’s never too late to start living well. Find the July/August 2024 issue of Women’s Health on shelves now, or buy yourself a digital copy. Happy reading! More