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    This Explosive 15-Minute Workout Gets It All Done – Fast

    Move faster with this get-nimble, get-quick explosive 15-minute workout routine. And you should have 15 minutes to spare, so no excuses! Ready, set, slim down.

    Guess what? Agility drills aren’t just for border collies. In fact, they’re a crucial part of any workout plan. Being able to start, stop and change direction quickly builds stamina and sculpts insane, look-at-me legs – it may even help improve your memory and focus. The explosive moves you see in this explosive 15-minute workout are designed to make that good stuff happen.

    Oh, and they’ll send your fat burners into overdrive, says performance coach Joel Sanders, who created this routine. “More movement equals more kilojoules burnt, making these exercises ideal if you’re crunched for time,” explains Sanders. Even better: they’re mentally stimulating – something you don’t get with the typical squat or lunge. And you can do them in your lounge, no equipment needed. Score!

    The Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    Two or three times a week, perform this explosive 15-minute workout as a circuit. Starting with the first exercise, do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before proceeding to the next exercise.

    Rest for one to two minutes at the end of the set. Complete up to five total sets.You’ll need: floor space; a wall

    Acceleration wall drill

    Place your hands on a wall, arms straight, and lean forward so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Drive your left knee up (A); pause for one second, then return to start and immediately repeat with your right leg (B). Continue alternating as quickly as possible.

    READ MORE: Grab Your BFF For This Fun Buddy Workout That Tones *Everything*

    Split Jumps

    Stand with your left foot one big step (about 90cm) in front of your right. Bend your knees to lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor (A). This is a split squat. Jump up quickly (B), switching your legs midair so you land with your right foot in front; immediately lower back into a split squat (C). Continue alternating.

    READ MORE: What Is Cozy Cardio On TikTok? Trainers Weigh In On The Comfy Workout Trend

    Lateral Bound

    Standing on your right foot, bend your knee and sit your hips back as you swing your right arm behind you, keeping your chest lifted (A). Jump to the left, swinging your left arm behind you and landing softly on your left foot (B). Reverse the movement to return to start. Hold for three seconds, then switch legs and repeat.

    READ MORE: This Totally Explosive Workout Will Help You Burn Fat In No Time At All

    Base Rotation

    Stand with your feet just more than shoulder-width apart, knees bent and weight on your toes; rotate your shoulders and torso to the left (A). Keeping your shoulders facing in this direction, jump and rotate your lower body 180 degrees to the left (B), then jump to rotate back to start. Continue alternating quickly.

    This article is excerpted from The Women’s Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts. More

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    Step Into Your Best Shape With The WH Walking Challenge

    Starting a new exercise programme can be daunting. We get that! And it’s why we’re so excited about the Women’s Health Big Book of Walking Workouts, which proves once and for all that you don’t have to overhaul your entire life to meet your weight loss and fitness goals – you simply have to put one foot in front of the other.

    The WH Walking Challenge is a six-week programme that gives you weekly walking targets, plus workouts to keep you strong and fit. Let’s get moving!

    How To Get Started

    All you need is a good pair of walking shoes for major fitness gains! But following a few basic tips can make your walking challenge experience a whole lot more comfortable and enjoyable.

    Eat a small snack before you set out. To eat or not to eat before exercise is a matter of personal preference, but a big breakfast will likely weigh you down and you don’t want to get a stitch! Have a small snack, like a banana, a small yoghurt or half a slice of toast with peanut butter, and save brekkie for when you get home.

    Drink a glass of water. Your body will be dehydrated after a night’s sleep so drink one glass of water to keep you hydrated during your walk, but not desperate for the loo!

    Start slowly. Because walking is a low-impact activity, there’s no need to do a long warm-up. Simply start at a slow pace for five to ten minutes and pick it up once your body has warmed up.

    Wear reflective gear. If you’re new to walking on the road for exercise, make sure you wear bright and preferably reflective clothing. It’s still gloomy in the early mornings.

    READ MORE: 4 Easy Exercises You Can’t Ignore If You’re Walking For Weight Loss

    Find Your Fitness

    When you start the walking challenge, it’s good to know your fitness level so you can see how you improve over time. Dr James Rippe, a professor of biomedical sciences, developed the following formula to help walkers assess their fitness by age. Walk 1.6km (a mile) as quickly as you can, then compare your time: If you exceed the ideal time for your age group by three to six minutes or more, you’re not in the best shape aerobically. But don’t worry; just keep walking. Exercising consistently can lower your time.

    Under 30 years: If you can walk 1.6km in 13 minutes or less, you’re in great shape!

    30-39 years: 14 minutes means you’re in good cardio health!

    40-59 years: 14-15 minutes means you’re in peak condition.

    60-69 years: 15 minutes is an excellent pace!

    70+ years: If you can walk it in 18 minutes or so, you’re very fit.

    The WH Walking Challenge

    Follow the six-week plan below, designed by international trainer Leigh Crews, to get fitter and tone up your legs, tummy and bum. If you don’t have access to hills or stairs within your 5km radius, do a brisk pace walk for those sessions instead. Print this plan or screen grab it and save it on your phone for easy access.

    Jiggle-Blasting Strength Moves

    Do these in addition to your walk on days 3, 5 and 7 of the walking challenge. Use your walk as your warm-up, then do these moves when you get home. A set is 8-12 reps unless otherwise indicated.

    Glute Bridge

    How to: Lie on your back with feet flat against the floor and knees bent. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off of the floor until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Pause at the top, then lower back down to the starting position.

    Reverse Lunge With Twist

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with sliders under your feet, and hands behind your head. Slide back with your right leg and lower until your left knee is bent 90 degrees. Keeping your hands behind your head, twist your body to the left. Return to centre, then push through your left foot to return to start. That’s one rep.

    Lying Hamstring Curl

    How to: Start lying on back with knees bent, feet on top of a towel or paper. Engage core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to raise hips toward the ceiling. Hold the position as you extend legs to straight. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Weighted Fire Hydrant

    How to: Get on all fours on top of your mat. Tuck a two to six-kilo dumbbell in the crease of your right knee. Keeping that leg bent at 90 degrees, lift it out to the side, stopping at hip height. Return to start. That’s one rep.

    Heat It Up Hill Walk

    This workout incorporates inclines and specific intervals to help target your glute muscles while you walk. If you don’t have access to a hill or stairs, simply swap these sessions in the walking challenge for brisk-pace walks instead. You’ll still score major benefits!

    How It Works

    Walk for 30 minutes, hitting a hill, bridge or stairs if you can. Time how long it takes to go up a hill or staircase, then recover by walking on level ground for about half that time. For instance, if you took 40 seconds to get up a hill, recover for 20 seconds. Timing doesn’t have to be exact, but this is a good gauge. If you don’t have access to a hill, power walk as fast as you can for the incline parts, then slow your pace for the recovery.

    Follow this pattern for your 30-minute walk:

    PART 1: 5 minutes; Easy pace, like you’re window shopping

    PART 2: 5 minutes; Flat walk at a semi-brisk pace, like you’re walking with purpose.

    PART 3 (Repeat 5 times): 1:30 minutes incline or fast power walk; 1 minute flat or semi-brisk recovery walk. *Note: If your incline takes less than 1:30 minutes to the top, keep going up and down for this amount of time then walk on the flat for the recovery minute.

    PART 4: 5 minutes; Easy pace, like you’re window shopping

    Butt Shaper Walk

    Do this 35-35 minute routine on the stipulated days in the walking challenge programme, focusing on squeezing your bum. Try to keep that contraction in your glutes as you walk.

    READ MORE: DIY Your Own Butt Workout At Home With These 15 Moves From A Trainer

    How It Works

    Start walking at an easy, window-shopping pace. Gradually increase to a brisk, late-for-an-appointment pace over the next 10 minutes.

    Now stop walking and do drill 1 for 20 seconds. (Each week, add another 20 seconds until you’re doing the drill for a full five minutes by week 6.)

    Walk briskly for 5 minutes, then do drill 2 for 20 seconds. Follow this pattern until you’ve done all drills, each time followed by 5 minutes of brisk walking.

    After the last drill and subsequent 5-min brisk walk, stroll at an easy pace for four minutes.

    Drill 1: Speed Skater

    Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Sweep your left leg out to the side and jump. In one smooth motion, land on your left leg in a partial squat and swing your right leg diagonally behind you (shown). Then leap to the right, sweeping your left leg behind you. Continue jumping side to side until time is up.

    Drill 2: Long Lunge with Reach

    Take a long step forwards with your left leg (about 60 to 90cm) and bend your knees as you simultaneously lean forward from your hips and reach as though setting something on the ground next to your front foot. Press into your left foot, pull your hands back and stand up with feet together. Switch sides and repeat drill until time is up.

    Drill 3: Single-Leg Step-Down

    Stand with your left foot on a step or curb, right leg hanging off. Bend your hips and left knee to lower your right foot, gently tapping your right heel on the ground. Press into your left heel and straighten your leg, then repeat until halfway through the set. Switch legs and continue until time is up.

    Drill 4: Heel Walk

    Raise your toes off the ground and walk so you’re balancing on your heels only. Take short, quick steps and swing your arms naturally. Your pace will probably be slower than normal. Continue until the time is up.

    Extracted from the Women’s Health Big Book of Walking Workouts. More

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    How I got my job as… Founder of this bespoke fitness studio in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    3 hours ago

    Welcome to the Emirates Woman weekly series ‘How I got my job as…’ where we speak to some incredible entrepreneurs and businesswomen both based in the UAE and globally to find out about their career paths that led them to where they are now; what their daily routines look like; the advice they’d give to those starting out; and the hurdles they’ve had to overcome.
    This week, we speak to a three-time Olympian, Sarah Lindsay who is a personal trainer like no other. A European gold medalist, 2x world silver medalist and 10x British speed skating champion, Lindsay is an inspiration to anyone looking to reach their full potential.
    Roar Fitness’ personal training in London and Dubai offers clients a bespoke gym environment that is truly conducive to achieving optimal results with cutting edge training.
    To understand more, Emirates woman spoke to Sarah Lindsay on how it all began.
    What was your favourite subject at school?
    To be honest I struggled a lot with concentration at school. I think fast but lack focus and my brain bounces around constantly. I always found that my creativity was stifled, and I just spent most of my time at school trying hard to pay attention and not get into trouble. At 43, I still find it impossible to sit still for more than 30 mins so what hope did I have as a hyperactive child? If I had to choose, I would go with history because I had an amazing teacher who was extremely enthusiastic and fun. I did love it when a teacher was particularly engaging because I was interested, and I did want to learn I just couldn’t sit still and be quiet.

    What was your first job?
    When I first made the National Team at 16, I had to move out of home to be closer to the training facilities. As I wasn’t yet funded, to pay rent I needed to work so I started working as a waitress in a restaurant. Not just any restaurant but a Hawaiian-themed restaurant where the uniform was a hula outfit, and an Elvis impersonator was singing on a stage of sand while I was encouraging mostly hen parties to take shots while I shook their heads and blew a whistle in their ears. Four shifts, 7pm to 1am covered my rent and bills and allowed me to train pretty much full time at the start of my journey to the Olympics. Luckily that season I won the National Championships and started showing promise on the world circuit so I qualified for a small living grant and as the program was fully funded, I could just about get by and no longer needed to work late night restaurant shifts.
    What brought you to Dubai?
    Me and my husband spent some time here in lockdown as the UK winter lockdown was just too depressing and we fell in love with Dubai. We always wanted to expand the business abroad but were unsure where until that trip. We had a conversation, made a fast decision and didn’t look back. We came back the following year to look at properties, picked our favourite, put in an offer and signed 2 weeks later. We regularly travel back to the UK, but we are based here in Dubai as I think the quality of life really is some of the best in the world.
    Talk us through the concept of Roar.
    Roar is a private personal training gym exclusively. We now have 3 London gyms and Roar 4 in Downtown Dubai and we’ve always been known for delivering amazing results. When someone enquires about our services, they are first invited in for a free consultation with myself, my partner Rich or my PT Manager to discuss their specific goals, previous training experience, expectations, packages and of course to see the facilities. Before anyone starts a training plan we conduct a movement screening and a nutrition assessment so that we can build a specific training and nutrition plan to facilitate the client’s goals. Most people train 3-4 times per week and meet with their nutrition coach every three weeks to evaluate how their body is responding to the programme so far, then we can decide how to progress their nutrition and training plan.
    What are the key elements of your role?
    In house, I do all the female client consultations which I love! I want to be able to meet everyone who trains at Roar Dubai and maybe somewhat selfishly be part of their fitness journey as it is the most rewarding job in the world. Seeing someone achieve amazing things and grow in confidence changes them in such a positive way. I still do a limited amount of training sessions on the gym floor because personal training is my craft and my passion post my sporting career which I never want to forget.Behind the scenes, I am an active member of the international management team and speak with our Dubai and London Managers daily. I am also very hands-on with the creative and PR side of the business which really is a lot of fun. I have been extremely lucky with the people I have got to know and been friends with in the media and the public eye over the years who have helped me so much with spreading the word of the brand and helping Roar become so well recognised.
    Talk us through your daily routine.
    What I do changes day to day but my morning routine is important to me. Now I am aware that I sound like a mad old hippy but this routine changes how I feel for the whole day. I wake at around 6am, drink water, take my supplements and walk for an hour. I come back and take my MCT coffee barefoot into the park next door and do just 10 minutes of meditation and grounding. Then I have breakfast and head into Roar Dubai for consults and catch up with the team and clients. I’ll spend a few hours on emails and calls, hopefully get a 40-minute workout in and try to leave before rush hour as I live out in Jumeirah Golf Estates. If I don’t have an event then I will cook dinner and eat outside in the garden and discuss the day with my husband. We are so lucky to be partners in business as we have this shared enthusiasm for a common goal so always plenty to discuss. I’ve recently taken up golf so I might practice my swing for an hour at the Tommy Fleetwood Academy or on the home golf sim before trying to finish my emails. The reality is I stare at my laptop for 10 minutes before giving up due to lack of evening concentration and falling asleep on the sofa by 9pm.

    What advice do you have for anyone looking to follow in the same footsteps?
    If you weren’t to start a business, I believe that you must understand people and be passionate about your product, not the money – people can tell if you don’t care. Once you have written your model (thoroughly) then you just have to start. People can plan forever but you can never be completely prepared for what will happen. There will be curve balls, problems, and failures but you have to just accept that as part of the journey and not give up. It’s not over until you say it is so do not quit. I know there is this statistic of 25% of businesses fail in the first 12 months but I think we can completely change that if we all keep trying.
    What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
    There are no failures, only lessons so enjoy the whole journey.
    And what is the worst?
    Trust me.
    What’s the biggest challenge you have had to overcome?
    From sport coming back from a serious back injury that left me unable to even stand for weeks and unable to train for 15 months. I was told I wouldn’t be able to skate again but 2.5 years later competed in my 3rd Olympics skating the faster I’d ever skated.
    What’s your future for the brand?
    To open more gyms, next will be more in UAE. We have deliberately taken no outside investment so far which although I don’t mind a risk or two, it means that each gym has to be successful. It’s important to me that we don’t dilute the service so I would rather move slower and keep it the high-quality product and amazing experience for our clients that we are so proud of.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied  More

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    Essential Gear For Any Active Vacay

    If your idea of a perfect getaway involves a bit more adrenaline and a lot less lounging, then join the club. Chamain van Zyl, our online editor and hiking enthusiast, knows the drill: “Spontaneous bushveld strolls and local trail scouting? Count me in!”

    Plus, a foray into nature reaps health benefits, too. In a 2020 study published in the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, researchers discovered a significant correlation between outdoor mindfulness and two key components of human well-being: positivity and life satisfaction. The study underscores the impact of mindful experiences in natural settings on individuals’ emotional well-being and overall life contentment. So, if you’re still wondering why you should hit the trails and discover the great outdoors, these articles might help:

    Beyond the basics

    We’ve crafted a guide for your upcoming adventure—packed with action cameras, versatile gear and all the outdoor essentials you never knew you needed. Happy shopping!

    Hiking or Trail Running

    GoPro Hero 10 Black

    Capture the heart-pounding moments of your hiking, running, surfing, cycling and all the epic adventures with the GoPro Hero 10. Don’t miss a single second of the action!

    Garmin vívoactive® 5

    Keep a vigilant eye on your body battery this holiday season. Remember to prioritise much-needed rest and recovery after each exhilarating session. Your body’s your most valuable adventure tool!

    Salomon Active Skin 8 

    Whether it’s a quick run or a day-long hike, this hydration vest offers ultimate comfort with its soft, snug fit and breathability. Plus, enjoy modular storage and clever chest pockets for quick access to your flasks.

    USN Vooma Bar Almond & Honey Nougat

    Get hooked on these delectable USN nougat bars! Not only do they taste AMAZING, but they also give you the ‘vooma’ you need during your action-packed activities. It’s the perfect on-the-go fuel!

    PUMA X Liberty Women’s Crop Top

    It’s not just about hiking; it’s about hiking in both style and comfort. A sports bra ensures the utmost support for your adventure. After all, we need to look after the girls on any trip!

    READ MORE: 3 Things To Look For When Buying A Hiking Backpack (Plus, 8 Amazing Ones To Buy Right Now)

    Women’s UA RUSH™ Energy 2.0 Short Sleeve

    This top not only fits like a dream, but it helps you stay dry, stay energised and conquer every PB on your journey!

    Ladies X-Trail Waterproof Running Jacket

    Don’t let unpredictable weather keep you from the trails. Stay cool, dry and protected with the Ladies X-Trail lightweight jacket. It’s designed for the most demanding conditions and easily packs into your hydration pack. Be unstoppable, rain or shine!

    Kitchen Think Gadget Set

    Marshmallow on a stick is so last season. For the outdoor foodie, this self-stacking nesting gadget set is a game-changer. Enjoy brie and fig sarmies on your hike with a swivel peeler, mini grater, pizza cutter, bottle opener and grinder.

    adidas Terrex Speed Flow Trail Running Shoes

    Your adventure’s best friend. Designed for racing on any terrain and in all conditions, these shoes offer comfort and grip with a breathable mesh upper and a cushioned, lightweight midsole. Stay sure-footed on wet rocks and roots with the Continental™ Rubber outsole.

    Falke Silver Cushion Runner

    Never underestimate the importance of quality socks. Choose the right fit, just like the right shoes, for a blister-free experience.

    READ MORE: 24 Best Fitness Gifts For The Gym Lover In Your Life

    Thule AllTrail X 15L

    Whether you’re hauling snacks, jackets, or more, this versatile waxed canvas backpack can handle it all. It’s equally at home on the trail as it is in the city, ensuring you’re ready for any adventure that comes your way.

    Women’s UA Run Elite 2-in-1 Shorts

    What’s an adventure without comfy shorts? These have an expandable pocket to secure your phone without the bounce, making them perfect for runners who like to stay connected.

    Mountain Biking

    Specialized Women’s Camber Comp Carbon

    You cannot go wrong with Specialized! This bike is designed to give women the ultimate trail experience, offering speed, efficiency, and assured handling both uphill and downhill. Get ready to ride like never before!

    Assos® Uma GT Evo | Women’s Half Shorts

    “I prefer shorts over bib shorts, it’s just easier to get out of when nature calls. [chuckles]” says Chamain van Zyl, Digital Editor. Picking the right pair of cycling shorts is crucial to keep your comfort levels high and your bum happy on those long rides.

    Ciovita Nucleo Sport Fit Cycling Jersey

    Look as cool as your ride while tearing up the trails! The Nucleo Sport Fit Cycling Jersey offers a relaxed sport-fit style with slightly longer sleeves. It also packs an expandable pocket for extra storage, reflective trims for visibility and a secure elasticated back hem. Style and function in one!

    Fizik Ladies Terra Ergolace X2 Mountain Bike Shoe

    These gorgeous mountain bike shoes offer an anatomical fit for ultimate comfort. Plus, they feature an X2 outsole with Vibram grip for superior traction both on and off the bike.

    READ MORE: 10 Reasons Why You Should Take Up Cycling In 2023

    Giro Radix Cycle Helmet

    Safety is non-negotiable! Protect yourself with the Giro Radix Cycle Helmet, built to deliver toughness, protection, durability, and style. Your trusted companion for a thrilling ride through the trails.

    ILoveBoobies Tropical Socks

    Don’t forget to match your kit with cute socks! These tropical socks by I Love Boobies aren’t just adorable; they’re functional and for a fantastic cause. For every five pairs of socks sold, one breast cancer screening is paid for.

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    In Pics: Crown Prince leads Dubai run with 226,000 enthusiastic participants


    by Ruman Baig
    2 hours ago

    In a fitness spectacle that captivated the city, the Crown Prince of Dubai, spearheaded the world’s largest free fun run – Dubai Run 2023.
    The iconic Sheikh Zayed Road transformed into a vibrant sea of fitness enthusiasts, totaling an astounding 226,000 participants who joined in the celebration.
    Dubbed the “orange army,” runners and walkers took to the streets for Dubai Run, a grand finale to the month-long Dubai Fitness Challenge. The Crown Prince of Dubai, flanked by UAE astronauts Dr. Sultan Alneyadi and Hazzaa Almansoori, displayed a remarkable unity as they covered the 10km route, showcasing their shared passion for fitness.
    Noteworthy participants included Dr. Al Neyadi’s Expedition 69 crew members from his historic International Space Station mission. American astronauts Stephen Bowen, Warren Hoburg, and Francisco Rubio, along with Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokopev, Dimitrii Petelin, and Andrei Fediaev, added an international flair to the event.
    Participants had the option of two routes – a 10km journey crossing the Dubai Canal bridge and concluding at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Gate, recommended for seasoned runners, and a 5km route starting near the Museum of the Future, passing iconic landmarks like the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Opera, and finishing near Dubai Mall, suitable for participants of all ages and abilities.
    Sheikh Hamdan’s infectious enthusiasm was palpable as he smiled and waved at the crowd, with gratitude expressed later on social media: “A big thank you to all 226,000 participants who joined Dubai Run!”

    The event not only showcased Dubai’s commitment to fitness but also brought together diverse communities in a shared pursuit of well-being. Dubai Run 2023 stands as a testament to the city’s dedication to a healthier, more active lifestyle, breaking records and fostering unity along the way.
    Take a look at how the Sheikh Zayed Road turned into a sea of orange for the run:

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Feature image: Instagram @faz3 More

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    The New Balance Fresh Foam X 1080 Might Be The Bounciest Running Shoe We’ve Tried

    When it comes to running, a number of factors come into play that determine how much you’ll get out of that 5K sprint (or let’s be honest – light jog). There’s how well you hold yourself – too far forward and you’ll be going slowly, too far back and it’s the same. There’s your cadence, pace and other measurable variables. But one that only gets measured by how much pain you experience? Your bouncy running shoe. Too tight and you’ll cramp. If it’s too loose, you’ll get no support. Too soft and you’ll hurt your knees. But we have found a winner! 

    When shopping for a running shoe, we know we need to look at arch support, ankle support and something light and springy. The *new* New Balance Fresh Foam X 1080 delivers all that and then some. It’s incredibly light and so bouncy you’d be forgiven for thinking you’re walking on reinforced marshmallows.

    New Balance Fresh Foam X 1080

    The Specs

    Get comfort for your feet with this shoe. It cushions the foot perfectly, while still being versatile for everyday life. A midsole is built for smooth transitions from the landing to push-off (so you’re flying) and a second-skin style mesh upper provides breathability that’s supportive around the ankle. Plus, choose your preferred fit, from a standard shoe or wider shoe.

    READ MORE: How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Your Running Shoes?

    What it’s good for 

    Touted as your go-to everyday shoe, this gorgeous runner goes beyond cradling your foot while trying to ace your next PB. It’s been designed to be worn while running errands, shopping, walking, the whole nine yards. “As a mostly barefoot person (hello, WFH attire), I relished this shoe in all its softness as I padded around the house and did my morning walks. Light and airy, it also looks great with a pair of jeans and a plain white top,” says Michelle October, WH Features Ed. 

    READ MORE: The ASICS GEL-KAYANO™ 30: The Shoe That Will Make You Love Running Again

    We tried the New Balance Fresh Foam X 1080

    WH Features Editor Michelle October took the shoes for a run.

    “The shoe is next-level bouncy and responsive on the road. I tried it out on a run and felt like I was flying through my route. Because the shoe is so soft, I expected it to have minimal support around the ankle – I have weak ones – but that wasn’t the case. The forefoot is reinforced and ultra-supportive, making it perfect for long runs. It’s also got a light, airy upper that leaves your foot able to breathe as you take on your run. I loved that it gave me back what I pounded into the pavement and the bounce back definitely takes a load off your knees when running. Overall, a shoe I’d buy in an instant.”  More

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    Under Armour Drops 2024 Gear – And We Are Obsessed!

    Step into the future with Under Armour’s 2024 tech and product range, where innovation and style collide to empower athletes of all levels. From groundbreaking baselayers to premium sportswear and cutting-edge running shoes, Under Armour is bringing their a-game to help you reach your peak performance.

    Told through an immersive fit – the brand highlights three areas of focus in the year to come:

    Baselayer – For the Heat and Cold.

    Unstoppable Collection – Be Unstoppable. Born from performance. Made for style.

    Infinite – The Run Category Collection.

    Baselayer Tech

    Under Armour’s 2024 collection places a significant focus on baselayer technology, which saw the unveiling of new Heatgear, Coldgear, Iso-Chill and Authentics apparel. These cutting-edge baselayers are designed to offer a next-to-skin fit, regulating temperature and providing essential support for every athlete. 

    The baselayer product offerings included:

    HG Armour Tee (feel cool, dry and light)

    CG Armour (feel warm, dry and light)

    HG Armour Iso-Chill (Makes you cooler so you can work longer).

    All of which exemplify the commitment to moisture-wicking and temperature-regulating properties, ensuring athletes feel powerful and perform at their best. With key benefits such as a next-to-skin fit which regulates temperature, these items are a must-have for every athlete. But, that’s not all. They’re light and tight which makes you feel more powerful so you can work out for longer.

    READ MORE: We Tested The NEW Under Armour Iso-Chill Range With Running Late Club

    Unstoppable Collection

    This is a premium sportswear line designed for athletes who want to look good, feel confident and perform at their peak. It’s described as a “clean, premium and a future-looking sports style.” Feeling confident and unstoppable is the emotional impact of wearing the product. Designed with UA performance technology and crafted from premium materials, the gear is not only comfortable and stylish but also enhances one’s overall performance. The woven fabric, enhanced with an EcoStorm finish, ensures superior comfort and durability, with the jackets composed of 90% Polyester and 10% Elastane, and the bottoms available in 100% Polyester or 90% Polyester/10% Elastane options. 

    The Unstoppable Woven Jackets

    These represent a fusion of style and functionality, catering to the needs of today’s active lifestyle with an elevated and versatile sportswear design. Ideal for post-workout recovery, travel, and everyday activities, these jackets feature a woven fabric with an EcoStorm finish, ensuring superior comfort and durability. The trendy jacket silhouettes not only offer a contemporary look but also incorporate elements of sports heritage DNA, adding a distinctive touch to the design. The jackets boast a loose fit, providing comfort and ease of movement, along with practical pockets for added functionality. The inclusion of PU matte logos adds a touch of sophistication, making these jackets a stylish and practical choice for individuals leading an active lifestyle.

    The Unstoppable Woven Bottoms

    Crafted with woven fabrics featuring an EcoStorm finish, these bottoms ensure superior comfort and durability. The design showcases cargo and wide-leg silhouettes, combined with an elevated aesthetic with elements of sports heritage DNA. Evident attention to detail shines through with the oversized fit for wide-leg pants, loose fit for cargo styles, convenient pockets and incorporation of PU matte logos.

    READ MORE: 24 Best Fitness Gifts For The Gym Lover In Your Life


    Let’s talk shoes, a popular offering in the Under Armour staple. It was announced that a key focus for 2024 is their Infinite Shoe range, with special attention being placed on the UA Infinite Pro, UA Infinite and UA Elite – elevating your running experience like no other. 

    UA Infinite Pro

    Designed to deliver an elevated and comfortable running experience, the UA Infinite Pro incorporates various tech features. The tongue and collar lining provide added comfort, ensuring a snug fit without irritation. The shoe prioritises heel impact reduction for smooth landings and enhanced overall stability. Its outsole is intelligently designed for a balance of durability and lightweight rebound. The engineered upper, with zonal structures and 3D haptic print detailing, offers breathability and containment. A high-resiliency premium sock liner cradles the foot, enhancing step-in comfort. The lightweight Pebax foam in the midsole contributes to soft landings and exceptional springiness, providing excellent energy return. The one-piece bead foam midsole, softer, lighter, and more flexible, ensures a plush and bouncier underfoot experience for runners.

    UA Infinite

    The UA Infinite offers an exceptional running experience with its Deluxe Comfort System, featuring an Ortholite sock liner and PU strobel underfoot for ultimate step-in comfort. The full-length, unwrapped HOVR technology ensures lightweight cushioning and high rebound responsiveness, propelling the runner forward. The Circular Knit full-length upper contributes to breathability, durability, and lightweight containment. Additionally, the shoe is equipped with a durable rubber outsole that provides traction and durability. This ensures proper flexibility for an efficient toe-off during each stride.

    UA Infinite Elite

    The UA Infinite Elite promises an uninhibited running experience with its resilient and springy core. The updated outsole design features wider gauges and a reinforced heel for added guidance, flexibility, and efficient dispersion of impact forces, ensuring a smooth ride. HOVR+ cushioning, higher midsole heights, and intelliknit upper technology combine for an undeniably plush feel, providing a dynamic fit. Notable features include a pull tab for easy entry, premium branding for heel support and an outsole designed for a balance of durability and lightweight rebound.

    The knit upper materialisation provides a precision 1:1 fit with micro details. While a high-resiliency premium sock liner enhances step-in comfort. The full-length, one-piece bead foam midsole contributes to a softer, lighter, and more flexible underfoot experience, promising runners a smoothed-out ride with amplified energy return and increased overall stability.

    For more information, visit or download the Under Armour app on Google Play or the Apple Store, today! More

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    13 Benefits Of Cycling For Physical And Mental Health, According To Trainers

    Cycling isn’t only spandex shorts, sore bums and lengthy road rides. Rather, hopping on a bike includes building up cardiovascular health, relieving daily stressors and finding your own uplifting community. Honestly, that’s only the beginning of the benefits of cycling. Whether you’re on a stationary indoor bike or cruising along outside, this sport has so much to offer for your mental and physical health with each pedal stroke you take.

    “Cycling can serve as a release mentally, emotionally and physically,” says Karen Maxwell, CPT. “It’s an excellent, low-impact fitness option that promotes fat loss, improves heart health, boosts muscle endurance and provides a rigorous workout for your legs.”

    Meet the experts: Karen Maxwell, CPT, is an ACE-certified personal trainer and the director of training at CycleBar, an indoor cycling studio. She’s also a former D1 athlete and ISSA-certified sports science nutritionist. Olivia Amato, CPT, is a certified personal trainer and Peloton instructor, who left Wall Street to become a full-time fitness pro.

    Once you have a bike (indoor or outdoor) or sign up for a class, cycling workouts are easy to add to your weekly routine to build up your endurance, strength and overall fitness at your own pace.

    READ MORE: 10 Reasons Why You Should Take Up Cycling

    Read on to learn about all the benefits of cycling, whether you’re pedalling outside or hopping in the saddle inside, all according to expert trainers.

    12 Benefits Of Cycling

    1. Low impact and welcoming for beginners.

    Since cycling is a non-weight-bearing, low-impact activity, you aren’t adding any extra pressure or intensity to your joints, tendons, or ligaments. Because of this, cycling is ideal for those who are new to exercising in general, people who are injured or need rehabilitation, or people who have degenerative joints, according to Current Sports Medicine Reports. As with any new activity, always consult your physician before starting.

    “Regardless of fitness level, cycling is an accessible cardio regimen,” says Maxwell, “that can cater to both seasoned athletes and beginners that are embarking on their fitness journey.”

    2. Build muscle strength.

    “Cycling truly is a full-body workout,” says Maxwell. “Building muscle and strength through cycling correlates with how much resistance you put on the bike (when indoors) or how steep the incline is (when outdoors).” To amp up the strength training, add in resistance or incline to build those lower body muscles. Your upper body — like arms and core — are always at work, too, when cycling, since you use them for balance and stability while on the bike. Indoor stationary cycling does in fact increase leg strength (and balance, too), studies say.

    3. Improve heart health.

    Cycling is considered an aerobic exercise, which means its main benefit is working out your heart, blood vessels and lungs. That’s because, according to The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), aerobic exercise is any activity that uses large muscle groups (check!), can be done continuously (check!) and in a rhythmic nature (check!). So every time you get on the bike, you are working toward better heart health.

    “When you are consistent, cycling increases your endurance, too, which allows you to hold higher levels of activity for a longer period of time,” says Olivia Amato, a certified personal trainer and Peloton instructor.

    4. Explore new music.

    The combination of endorphin release and uplifting music in indoor cycling classes like Cyclebar provides an immediate mood lift, says Maxwell. “You can walk into a class feeling stressed and walk out feeling as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders,” Maxwell says. When you sweat to music, you’ll even see increased stamina, according to the National Center for Health Research.

    5. Reduce CO2 emissions.

    As you feel more and more confident in your cycling skills, commuting to work or to run errands will seem like much less of a chore and much more of an adventure. Plus, folks who commute via cycling had 84 percent lower CO2 emissions than non-cyclists, studies show. Added bonus: You save on gas money!

    6. Boost joint health.

    The benefits of cycling are two-fold for your joints, according to the Arthritis Foundation. You aren’t pounding on or stressing your joints repeatedly, but you are also helping strengthen the muscles that support your knees, ankles and feet.

    7. Connect with a new social circle.

    Setting out on a long ride is way more fun with other people and there are no shortages of cycling groups to join—beginners, women-only, road, gravel, or mountain biking groups are all available. Plus, every human needs that feeling of belonging. In fact, the CDC states that having strong social connections can decrease your risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, depression and anxiety.

    The list doesn’t stop there though—social connections can promote healthy habits and physical activity and even help you sleep better. “Working out or riding with others helps us stay committed and create relationships with like-minded people,” Maxwell says.

    8. More time outside.

    Even if you are cruising on a casual ride, getting outside and breathing in that fresh air has so many benefits. Greenspace exposure can lead to less cortisol (the pesky stress hormone), decreased blood pressure, a lower heart rate and even less HDL cholesterol levels, according to a study in Environmental Research.

    9. Pump up feel-good hormones.

    Cruising down a hill with wind whipping your hair out of your face is a sure way to get your heart pumping and not just from the workout. Push yourself heading up those hills, but have even more fun heading down. Ready for a different challenge? Try mountain biking with even more features, views and skills to learn. Getting those post-ride endorphins really adds to her excitement and a healthy mind, Amato says.

    “Cycling helps increase your overall mental wellbeing by decreasing stress, increasing your mood and self-esteem, and encouraging mindfulness by allowing you to focus on the hard work you are doing for yourself in the present moment,” she says.

    10. Help with weight loss.

    According to a 2018 study in the European Journal of Obesity, participants who cycled for one and a half hours a week or more were found to have a lower body weight than non-cyclists. And if they cycled even more throughout the week? The study found that waist circumference and body fat percentage were lower when the duration of cycling was higher. Amato notes, too, that cycling is an efficient workout for those who might be short on time.

    “It can be helpful for those with a hectic lifestyle,” she says, “since a workout can be done in as short as a 10- to 15-minute HIIT ride.”

    11. Better sex life.

    It’s true! Being active can improve your sex life overall, studies show. Biking seems to offer an added boost in this arena, too. After women did 20 minutes of stationary cycling, they had a higher state of arousal than those who did not exercise, one specific study found.

    12. Effective cross-training.

    “Not only does cycling excel in building endurance, but indoor cycling can also serve as an effective HIIT workout, bolstering aerobic capacity, fostering muscle growth, and stimulating the production of fat-burning enzymes and hormones,” says Maxwell. So if you need a break from your regular running schedule or strength-training routine, hop on the bike!

    13. Reduce risk of disease.

    There is ample research linking cycling with a lower risk of multiple diseases. For starters, commuting to work via bike regularly is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature death, according to a 2017 study.

    What’s more, both cycling for commuting and for exercise are consistently associated with diminished risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a 2016 study of Danish adults. People who cycle for 30 minutes, five days a week take about half the sick days compared to sedentary counterparts, according to research from the University of North Carolina. Finally, people who regularly travel by bike live longer, healthier lives, according to a study published in Sports Medicine.

    READ MORE: Tegan Phillips Is Trying To Break The Guinness World Record For Cycling From Cairo To Cape Town

    This article written by Mattie Schuler was originally published on Women’s Health. More