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    How To Get Fit In Your 20s – This Is Your Healthy Routine

    How to get fit in your 20s? Easy. This is the decade in which you’re most likely to be in your peak physical condition; your reaction times are at their fastest, you can build muscle quicker and recover from tough sessions faster. You’re also developing your musculoskeletal strength. “Because bone density peaks in your twenties to early thirties, undertaking weight-bearing activity [where your bones are supporting your weight] like running, soccer or netball, in combination with a strength programme, can maximise your bone health for life,” says Dr Rebecca Robinson, consultant physician in sport and exercise medicine.

    Embracing an active lifestyle now will not only benefit you in the present but will also pave the way for a healthier future. Let’s dive into how you can kickstart your fitness journey in your 20s and make lasting changes that will impact both your body and mind positively.

    Strength Is Key

    The workout you want to do is the one you should do (it’s the one you’ll keep up), but there’s resounding encouragement around strength training. “It’s great for increasing muscle mass and boosting metabolism and confidence,” says personal trainer Samantha McGowan.

    The latter is particularly important in your twenties: several studies have shown that women’s confidence increases with age, while others show that strength training can seriously bolster self-esteem, as lifting heavier and achieving goals gives you a sense of achievement. Dr Hassan concurs. “Finding a balance of basic activity forms (cardio and strength) is key, but your weekly schedule should include at least one strength training session. The type is up to you – body weight, free weights or weight machines all reap the same rewards. I’d advise a combination.”

    Understand Your Body

    Track your menstrual cycle and practise pelvic floor exercises. Contract for three seconds, then relax and repeat. Do eight to 10 daily. Around 21 percent of women in South Africa suffer from a form of incontinence, but strengthening the pelvic area can be game-changing. “Monitor your workout performance during your monthly cycle and see if there are any patterns,” advises Dr Hassan. The four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory and luteal affect hormones, energy levels, strength and endurance. For example, the rise in oestrogen levels post-menstruation means you may have more energy.

    Make Time For Rest

    While this is a great time to fall in love with exercise, over-exercising is common among women of this agegroup. For many of the 20-something patients Dr Nicky Keay, an exercise endocrinologist, sees for amenorrhoea (loss of periods), it can be directly attributed to relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S, pronounced ‘reds’). “It’s a disparity between food intake (the energy and micronutrients you’re consuming) and the nutrition required to cover the energy demands of exercise and the basic ‘housekeeping’ tasks in the body,” she explains. If you’re concerned that your workouts are taking their toll, Dr Keay suggests ditching high-intensity exercise and building in some slow strength and conditioning sessions, too.

    Get Fit In Your 20s: How To Do This Bodyweight Mobility Workout

    Each exercise done for 45 seconds with a 15-second rest. Repeat the circuit 3 times for a sweaty bodyweight HIIT session. If you have any injuries, please check with your medical practitioner to see if it safe for you to do the following bodyweight exercises. Remember to have fun!

    1. Rolling cobra

    Start in a hovering child’s pose and extend your legs up to a down dog (A) Shift your weight forward, round your back as you move through a plank, and then a hanging cobra-style position (B). Continue for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: Your 4-Week Home Workout Plan To Get Fit And Strong AF

    2. Beast reach to high plank

    From hovering child’s pose spring your knees forward to a high plank. Reach and repeat for 45 seconds (A).

    3. Beast reach, high plank, runners lunge

    Move from hovering child’s pose to high plank and then step your foot on the outside of the same side hand for runners lunge (A). Reach back to hovering child’s pose (B). Repeat alternating sides for 45 seconds.

    READ MORE: The Best Back Stretches To Tackle Upper And Lower Back Pain, From A Yoga Instructor

    4. Beast reach, high plank, runner lunge to sit through

    Once in runner lunge, lift your back foot up through the middle of the body (A). Lift the opposite hand off the floor too, balancing on one hand and foot (B). Come back to your starting position and repeat for 45 seconds.

    Foods You Should Be Eating In Your 20s

    Remember, balance is key! Allow yourself occasional treats but aim for consistency with nourishing foods that support your fitness journey. Your body will thank you for it!

    Go for food high in fibre like beans, fruits, veggies and whole grains. High-fibre foods digest more slowly and are also more filling, which means they’re a good option for weight control.

    Calcium plays a role in heart health, muscle function and nerve signalling. Many seeds are good sources of calcium. Cheese, yoghurt and sardines are also great sources of calcium.

    Eat the rainbow. Aim for five servings of vegetables a day (1 serving = ½ cup cooked or 1 cup salad) and try to have a bigger variety of veggies each week.

    Habits To Avoid In Your 20s

    Overtraining. The idea that you’re near-invincible during your twenties is only natural – you’ve got energy for days and can sail through any sweat session with a hangover like it’s nothing, but the ‘too much of a good thing’ adage may apply. Over-exercising is something personal trainer Caroline Bragg sees in plenty of her clients in their twenties. “Overtraining can lead to RED-S [relative energy deficiency syndrome], when the body isn’t taking on enough energy to meet demand,” she says. “This can lead to your body fat dropping so low that you stop producing oestrogen, which in turn can nix your periods (amenorrhea). Later on, this lack of oestrogen can cause loss of libido, trouble sleeping and difficulty concentrating.”

    This article written by Kirsti Buick first appeared in the July/August 2022 Issue of Women’s Health UK, additional reporting by Women’s Health SA team. More

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    How Nike is making waves in the wellness industry

    In April 2024, Nike hosted their inaugural Dubai edition of the brands global renown ‘Well Festival’ on 27 to 28, from 4pm to 11pm in a custom-built location at Nara Desert Resort.
    The event will feature two days of reimagined wellbeing experiences where mindfulness, movement, and connection come together in nature. From Yoga, Meditation to Mindfulness, there were a host of wellness-fuelled activities for guests, the event was filled with a host of unforgettable experiences with experts to learn and grow.
    Ahead of the program Emirates Woman spoke to the fitness and wellness coach Siham Zaki and a keen fitness enthusiast, Laura Fallaha on the overarching theme of the festival and how the brands plans to grow in the wellness arena in the Middle East.
    Siham Zaki

    What was the Nike Wellness Collective?
    Moving together, moving in style & moving in grace! This is what Nike Well Festival was all about. Surrounded by vast expanses of sand and under the clear, starlit sky of Dubai, it felt like we were truly connecting with nature on a profound level. From yoga & sound healing sessions to high-intensity interval training sessions & super engaging panel discussions – all under the desert canopy, every moment was rejuvenating for the mind, the body, and the soul. Plus, the opportunity to disconnect from the “hustle and bustle” of daily life and immerse ourselves in this serene environment was so wholesome!
    What were your favourite parts about the programme?
    There was something for everyone. The lineup was diverse and dynamic – from high-intensity interval training to mindful breathing sessions, to clay building in the wadi… the list goes on. Each session was thoughtfully curated to cater to various fitness levels and interests. What really added a unique dimension to the programming is having four different zones that encompassed the sessions: the energy circle, the sanctuary, the conversation pit & the wadi. Each zone offered its own ambiance and purpose, creating a diverse and immersive environment for all participants.
    With a stressful daily routine – what are your top recommendations when it comes to exercising?
    Choose to move to something you ENJOY! When it comes to movement, make it personal, make it about you! Don’t limit yourself to traditional forms of movement, find a form of movement that you genuinely enjoy and look forward to doing – dancing, cycling, swimming, lifting – whatever it is! When you enjoy it, it will become easier to stay motivated to moving your body regularly while having fun with it..
    How do you adapt your approach to movement and feeling good for different skill levels or class demographics?
    Going back to basics – communicating openly with my participants. It is so important for me to engage and communicate with my participants to be able to understand their preferences, any physical limitations and what they hope to gain from their experience with me. With communicating, I can customize and modify the class program to cater to different skill levels. I also encourage my participants to listen to their bodies and to challenge themselves at their own pace – it’s okay to take breaks, lower the intensity, or skip exercises that don’t feel right for you.
    What simple practices can we adopt to be more mindful?
    It is important to highlight that mindfulness is a skill that takes time and practice to develop, especially when you have a hectic schedule, it becomes more challenging to practice mindfulness. I would suggest starting with small, manageable practices and gradually building upon them over time. Choose mindful practices that fit your own schedule and resonates with your own lifestyle.Here are some simple mindfulness practices that I personally incorporate in my day and that can be practiced anywhere, mindful breathing to take a few moments throughout the day to focus on your breath, mindful eating to chew slowly and pay attention to the sensations of eating. Eating mindfully can help you tune into your body’s hunger and fullness cues and prevent overeating and gratitude practice to take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for.
    How is Nike changing the wellness landscape in the region?
    Nike Well Collective’s approach to wellbeing is championing a holistic and inclusive approach to health and fitness. It goes beyond traditional fitness programs – Nike Well Collective incorporates elements of mindfulness, nutrition, rest & connection. By addressing the interconnection of physical and mental health, Nike Well Collective inspires a new generation to prioritise self-care and embrace a lifestyle of wellness. This is not only transforming the lives of individuals, but also shaping the broader wellness landscape in the region.

    Laura Fallaha

    What was your favourite part about the Nike Wellness Festival?
    Arriving there! Being transported to an exotic and breezy location… Remote yet close to a family of like-minded people with similar values and aspirations! Entering the festival area was such an inviting blend of raw natural beauty and serene charm filled with soothing music. This directly got me transported into a transformative journey of wellness and connection. The community feeling was beautiful, with people sharing their experiences and building their network. This experience, merging the natural beauty of the desert with the collective energy of the group, left a lasting impression and embodied the spirit of the Nike Well Festival. It was timeless.
    What does holistic fitness or movement mean to you?
    Movement has been a fascinating journey shaped by so many experiences and changes in my life. Through country relocations, job changes and adaptation to new lifestyles, movement has been a turning point in my holistic wellbeing both physically and mentally. The beauty of my fitness and movement journey was the agility and adaptability of it. Knowing the impact of movement in maintaining my overall wellbeing, it became a crucial component in my life. To me, holistic fitness and movement mean integrating multiple aspects of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing into one lifestyle. It goes beyond traditional exercise and includes practices that fulfill and nourish the body, the mind and the spirit: from diversifying workouts to practicing mindfulness and meditation, to prioritizing quality sleep and a balanced diet, to connecting with people, and setting goals to maintain motivation. Holistic fitness is about creating a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle that supports overall health, happiness, and longevity.
    Name something you do every single day without fail to look after your wellbeing?
    Structure! One thing I do every single day to look after my wellbeing is structuring my day. Taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly, focus on my work goals, my fitness goals, my nutrition plan and my social events helps me maintain efficiency, productivity and motivation throughout the day. Adapting my routine as needed and staying present in each moment is key to my overall wellbeing. This simple, yet powerful approach has become an essential part of my daily routine contributing to managing time and making sure I prioritize all elements to a fulfilling lifestyle.
    How is Nike changing the wellness landscape in the region?
    Being part of the Nike Well Collective and coaching the running community on Tuesdays (Mixed group interval training at the Nike Well Collective Marina store) and Wednesdays (Women’s only at the Dubai canal) offers multiple ways to engage and inform runners providing them with comprehensive support and nurturing a motivated running community. The approach to both days is different which makes the adaptability more exciting and focused on each runner’s goal. My aim is to always make sure I create a dynamic and inclusive environment where people can connect, support each other and thrive together. Working towards goals in a community motivates people to move, grow, learn from each other and build together. Leveraging the Nike Well Collective resources, I focus on informing runners to prioritize cross training, meditation and yoga. Digital engagement on the Nike Experiences is a strong element that helps and supports runners to widen and diversify their knowledge and training to manage injury prevention, strength and recovery.
    To balance both your corporate life and running/movement routine – how do you unwind?
    It is not always easy especially when you need to manage timings, career goals, fitness goals and wardrobes! Balancing my corporate life with my running routine requires proper mental clarity to be efficient while still maintaining overall well-being. For me, having a structured schedule is key to a busy schedule: planning ahead and following a consistent routine to create a sense of balance. It can definitely be overwhelming sometimes, which brings me to my next point: incorporating mindfulness and self-care through meditation and yoga, and treating myself to massages sometimes to help unwind, reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. The key to my work life balance is also knowing how to set boundaries and when to take a break. Through trial and error, you can learn what makes you feel better, let it be a short walk, some breathing exercises, a run to disconnect etc.. Depending on the type of unwinding I need, I focus on what makes me feel better to reset and balance. By implementing these key elements in my work life balance, I try to manage my corporate responsibilities with my running routine, ensuring I maintain the energy and mental clarity to succeed in both areas.
    Can you talk us through what your running routine normally looks like in a week?
    My running routine can typically look like a 70-30 mix of easy social runs, and threshold/interval runs respectively. Within my running program I focus on mixing speed / aerobic training, with long endurance / stamina building, and with recovery / mobility movement. Additionally, I focus on strengthening, stretching, hydration, nutrition and adequate sleep. This routine provides me with a balanced mix of different types of runs and cross-training activities, promoting overall fitness and reducing the risk of injury. Adjustments are of course made based on training goals, race schedules, and how my body feels each week. You cannot expect to perform at your 100 percent every single time. It took me a while to understand that and to learn to listen to my body.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied More

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    6 spots in the UAE for a horse riding experience


    by Sarah Joseph
    2 hours ago

    From a spacious paddock to qualified instructors, the UAE is well-known for this exhilarating sport which is available all year round for you to enjoy. With horse riding being one of the most sought-after activities it’s worth a try even if you’re a beginner.
    So, get your equestrian hat on to enjoy the outdoors and experience nature at its finest.
    As here at Emirates Woman we are quite the fans of horse-riding, here’s a curated list of stables with fully equipped facilities for you to embrace throughout the year, especially now.
    Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club

    With a state-of-the-art polo and equestrian community located in Dubailand, with over six million square feet of land, it consists of four world-class polo fields, a polo academy, a riding school with a dedicated riding aren’t emulating that Andalusian elegance with an oasis of excellence and uncompromising luxury. The instructors help fine-tune your skills with the well-schooled horses as it operates from Sunday to Saturday, 6am to 12am. Prices start at Dhs240 for beginners in a group setting and Dhs475 for a private beginners class.
    For more information visit
    JA Equestrian centre

    Featuring its own air-conditioned stables with a vast expanse at JA, The Resort. This wonderful place for horse riding in the UAE provides expert qualified instructors for both experts and beginners in a fully-equipped schooling environment where regular riders can venture out and enjoy the natural desert environment, making it available all year round. The stables operate from 7am to 12pm and 4pm to 7pm.
    For more information visit
    Dubai City stable

    This family-friendly oasis located in Umm Sequim district, being only 10 minutes from Dubai’s Downtown area is perfectly suited for city residents who are either trained or wish to begin their horse riding journey as this stable is truly the perfect point for all horse desert adventures as they offer both private and group tuition for beginners through various events too. Starting at Dhs190 for 45 minutes, this place is definitely one to visit.
    For more information visit 
    Sharjah Equestrian and Racing club

    Being one of the first equestrian clubs in the UAE established under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, this riding club is located on Al Dhaid Road. It’s home to one of the largest indoor riding facilities in the Middle East ensuring that its well equipped with qualified trainers and riding instructors who have advanced their technical skills. The riding school is closed on Tuesday and is open from morning 8am to 12pm and 4pm to 8pm.
    For more information visit
    Emirates Equestrian centre

    Whether you’re interested in horse riding or simply wish to experience a tranquil equine desert escape, riders of all levels are welcome and also have the opportunity to learn about show jumping, dressage, eventing, join the pony club or visit the riding school. With fully qualified instructors being able to answer your queries, polo events also take place for you to simply visit. The lesson hours are available from 7am to 11am and 4pm to 7pm and is located on Al-Ain Road, Dubai.
    For more information visit
    Al Wadi Equestrian Centre
    Located at the Ritz Carlton resort Al Wadi in Ras Al Khaimah, this equestrian centre offers lessons and experiences for guests of all ages and skill levels. Group and private lessons are available for experienced and beginner riders, including children. Spacious paddocks and a horse-walking arena are among the facilities.
    For more information visit

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Instagram @oumaymaboumeshouli More

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    Exactly How To Train For A Handstand Or Pull-Up, Per Experts

    We reckon there’s been a time when you envied the women nailing handstands on your feed, or you’ve oggled at someone effortlessly bashing out pull-ups at the gym. The good news: these gymnastics-based movements not only deliver body benefits but are totally doable! Here, how to train for a handstand or pull-up, step by step.

    Why is training for a handstand or pull-up good for you?

    From increased flexibility to all-over body conditioning and beyond, gymnastics training – like tackling a handstand – delivers it all in bucket loads. And you don’t need to master a full twisting layout to reap the benefits. We’re talking the absolute basics: hanging from bars, getting inverted against a wall and increasing that arm strength will, over time, reap rewards. Think: being able to do a handstand, a pull-up or go toes-to-bar at the gym. Yes, these are gymnastics moves! And they build strength, flexibility, balance and a rock-solid core. A 2018 study found that bone mass increased after doing adult gymnastics, something that otherwise decreases with age.

    Train for a handstand

    Safety first: Eva Thornton, gymnast and coach at CrossFit Algoa in Gqeberha, warns that gymnastics can be tricky if you work unassisted. Always get a pro to watch your back as you tackle new skills, then work on them yourself when you’re more confident. Also, remember that when you train for a handstand, progress may be slow. Don’t give up – every workout brings you closer to that goal.

    How long does it take to nail a handstand?

    Well… it takes a while. “I think the biggest difficulty many people have is not understanding that gymnastics skills take time and require consistent practice,” explains Thornton. Most of the time, it can take months or years, depending how much time and effort you put in. So go get it!

    Nail The Basics

    You’ll have to start with the absolute basics first. Practise the hollow hold position where you lie on the floor with legs and shoulders lifted, says National Gymnastics Coach Luitha Roux. This builds core strength to be able to balance when upside down. Do it as often as you can and aim to complete 30 seconds at a time, building up to longer holds.

    READ MORE: 8 Ways To Build Stronger Thighs

    Build Shoulder Mobility

    In order to support your weight upside down, get your shoulders mobile, says Thornton. Good shoulder mobility allows for that straight line from hands to toes and it also is crucial to prevent injury in this position.

    To train for a handstand, stand facing a wall with your arms held out in front of you. Practise pushing against the wall with your hands while moving your shoulder blades backwards.

    Get Upside Down

    Next, do drills against the wall. This specific drill, with your face to the wall, allows you to properly mimic the position of an unassisted handstand while building shoulder, arm and core strength.

    With your back facing the wall, walk your hands down to the floor. Now, walk your legs up against the wall. Walk in and out on your hands, repeating as long as you can.

    Try It Unassisted

    Now for the challenge – trying to hold your handstand without the wall. Try pushing up and hold your handstand against a wall, then remove one foot and then the other, seeing how long you can hold it without the wall.

    READ MORE: Tone-Up From Head To Toe With This Killer 15-Minute Workout

    Train for a pull-up

    Build Arm Strength

    Per Thornton, start building upper arm strength with ring rows. You can do these with suspension cables or rings hanging from a bar, feet on the floor, pulling yourself up. “That’s your first step to developing pulling strength,” says Thornton. The lower down your body, the harder the pull. Focus on keeping your core tight throughout and go slow – you want every muscle to take the time to grow.

    Get the hang of it

    Next, graduate to the bar, doing pull-ups using a thick resistance band. The thicker the band, the easier the lift. Loop the resistance band around the bar and slip your one knee into the other end of the band. You’ll feel supported throughout and the pull-up will become much easier to execute. Keep going, and the easier it gets, the lighter you can make the resistance band, says Thornton. Another option? The assisted pull-up machine at the gym.

    READ MORE: This Scalable HIIT Workout Will Be Your New Go-To For All-Over Gains

    Pull Through!

    Once you’re strong enough (after months of practice), you can try your hand at an unassisted pull-up. Remember this is all core and upper body strength, so if you can’t nail it the first time around, keep practising the foundational moves. More

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    This Scalable HIIT Workout Will Be Your New Go-To For All-Over Gains

    Looking for a low-intensity scalable HIIT workout that works for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts? Look no further than this workout, which prioritises speed over power for all-over toning and of course, hitting those heart rate goals.

    What exactly is HIIT?

    Essentially interval training on speed, HIIT involves bursts of flat-out exertion alternating with rest periods. The best part: a workout can last anything from 30 minutes to just four.

    Added to that, a flurry of studies has shown that you get all the benefits (and more) of an hour-long steady-state workout in a fraction of the time. The catch? You have to be prepared to push yourself close to your drenched-in-sweat, heart-pounding max for the high-intensity periods. But it’s doable since your time in all-out effort lasts just 30 seconds.

    How to do this scalable HIIT workout

    Do this scalable HIIT workout two or three days a week in place of your usual cardio days (don’t skip strength training). Starting with the first exercise, complete as many reps as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Continue until you’ve finished all the exercises. That’s one circuit. Repeat three more times. Good news: you can tailor high-intensity interval training to your fitness level. Use these guidelines from trainer and group exercise instructor Rachel Vaziralli.

    Beginner:  Ratio: 1:3 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 90 seconds)

    Intermediate: Ratio: 1:2 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 60 seconds)

    Fit: Ratio: 1:1 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 30 seconds)

    Super-Fit: Ratio: 2:1 (Go all out for 30 seconds; rest for 15 seconds)

    You’ll need: Floor space; a kettlebell (challenging, but not so heavy that you struggle to lift it).

    1. Squat Thrust

    Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Squat down to the floor and place your hands in front of your feet (A). Jump your legs back into push-up position (B), then quickly reverse the movement and stand to return to start. That’s one rep.

    READ MORE: Food, Fitness & Family: How Zinhle Masango Juggles It All

    2. Prisoner Squat

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands behind your head, elbows out (A). Keeping your chest up and back flat, push your hips back and bend your knees until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor (B). Push through your heels to return to start. That’s one rep.

    READ MORE: Get A Full-Body Workout In Just 15 Minutes With Only 2 Household Items

    3. Prone Hand Touch

    Get into push-up position, your hands shoulder-width apart and your body forming a straight line from head to heels (A). Keeping your body stable and hips parallel to the floor, lift your left hand and touch your right hand (B), then return to start. Repeat with the right hand. That’s one rep. Continue alternating.

    READ MORE: Tone-Up From Head To Toe With This Killer 15-Minute Workout

    4. Alternating Kettlebell Clean

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, a kettlebell (or dumbbell) sitting between your feet. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower and grab the weight with your right hand (A). With your back flat and core tight, stand and raise the weight to shoulder height (B). Reverse the move to return to start. Repeat with your left hand. That’s one rep. Continue alternating.

    READ MORE: 30 Plank Variations That Will Transform Your Core From A Trainer

    5. Alternating Reverse Lunge

    Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips, chest up and shoulders back (A). Keeping your upper body still and core tight, take a large step back with your right foot, then bend both knees to lower into a lunge (B). Press through your left heel to return to standing. Repeat, stepping back with your left foot. That’s one rep. Continue alternating. More

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    5 ice baths in Dubai to keep you cool after an intense workout

    Lifeby Sarah Joseph2 hours ago Looking to cool down after an intense workout session?Here are five of the best ice bath spots to visit in Dubai to calm your muscles and to ensure you’re ready for the next HITT or spin class.Embody FitnessEmbody Fitness offers state-of-the art recovery suites, Olympic standard gym equipment, sport therapy treatment rooms, luxury changing rooms and a healthy café. For expert sports therapy, customers can utilise the modern recovery suite including infrared saunas, ice baths and sports therapy treatment rooms to improve their performance to the next level. Located in ICD Brookfield, the session is priced at Dhs130 for 60 minutes and Dhs1,200 for unlimited sessions per month.ContrastGuests can experience an immersive ice bath to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, aid muscle recovery and strengthen mental resilience, making it the perfect modality to complement the sauna experience. As a sanctuary for recovery, visitors can soothe, switch off, rest and recharge. With both hot and cold therapy, guests have the choice to promote relaxation and detoxification. Located at Golden Mile 6, Palm Jumeirah, the Ice Bath is priced at Dhs95 per 30-minute session.ReFIVE Spa, FIVE Palm JumeirahPlunge into the icy cool waters at the Ice Bath at ReFIVE Spa, FIVE Palm Jumeirah. After quickly becoming one of the top wellness treatments, this cold-water immersion action has an array of epic benefits including faster muscle recovery, improved sleep patterns, stress reduction and even boosting immunity. Expect reduced stress and anxiety levels, an increased metabolic rate to aid with weight loss and cellulite, plus the ultimate sports recovery for those post-workout muscle aches. Post-treatment, you can expect a deeply relaxed state for improved sleep. At ReFIVE Spa, the Ice Therapy treatment represents the epitome of this fusion, providing you with an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, revitalization, and transformation. Rediscover yourself at ReFIVE Spa, where the power of Ice Therapy meets the art of well-being. Immerse yourself in a world of renewal and embrace the cold as your ally on the path to a healthier, happier you. Each session is priced at Dhs125 per person.BoxicaGuests can opt for this regimented training technique to regulate the nervous system and train the vagus nerve which is linked to the parasympathetic nervous system. Beneficial to anyone, ice baths are recommended to be between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. This experience is designed to improve mood, completemental clarity, reduce inflammation,muscle soreness and conquer fear. Located in Dubai Studio City, the sessions are priced at Dhs100 for Boxica members and Dhs150 for non-members.LongevityLongevity offers a variety of wellness treatments focused on athletic recovery and performance, including infrared saunas, sports massages, yoga, stretching, and mobility treatments, in addition to ice baths. Founder Dani Afiouni is a passionate mountaineer with extensive experience in endurance sports and brought his expertise to Dubai to allow athletes and health enthusiasts to use cold water immersion to unlock their bodies’ recovery potential. Located at Umm Suqeim, Warehouse #S6, the cold dip is priced at Dhs115 per session.– For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and InstagramImages: Supplied More

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    This One-Dumbbell Workout Is Perfect For Home Or A Packed Gym

    Whether you’re in a packed gym and could only find one lonely dumbbell or if you’re working with a sparsely-stocked home gym, there’s a lot you can accomplish with this one-dumbbell workout.

    Using just one piece of equipment doesn’t mean you can’t get a good workout. In fact, when you’re short on time, stuck at home, or navigating a packed gym, scaling back can make you more efficient. Added to that, using one weight allows for unilateral moves that challenge your balance, firing up your core and stabiliser muscles in your legs and elsewhere. Simplify your routine without sacrificing results with this one-dumbbell workout from trainer Craig Ballantyne.

    How to do this one-dumbbell workout

    Using the heaviest weight you can handle (while maintaining proper form), perform the prescribed number of reps for each exercise in order, resting 30 seconds between moves. (If needed, you can rest up to a minute, or make it tougher by dropping that break altogether.) That’s one circuit.

    Rest for two minutes, then finish as many circuits as you can in 15 minutes. Beginner? Start with two circuits and build from there.You’ll need: a bench; one heavy dumbbell

    1. Narrow-stance goblet squat

    Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest, both hands cupping the dumbbell head (A). Keeping your chest up and your core tight, sit your hips back and squat as low as you can (B). Press through your heels to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 15.

    READ MORE: 30 Plank Variations That Will Transform Your Core From A Trainer

    2. Single-arm bent-over row

    Place your left knee and hand on a bench and hold a weight in your right hand at arm’s length (A). Pull the dumbbell up to your ribcage (B), then lower back to start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then repeat on the other side.

    READ MORE: Get A Full-Body Workout In Just 15 Minutes With Only 2 Household Items

    3. Single-arm chest press

    Lie face-up on a bench, holding a dumbbell in your left hand at your chest (A). Press the weight directly upward (B). Slowly lower back to start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then switch arms and repeat.

    READ MORE: 8 Ways To Build Stronger Thighs

    4. Dumbbell swing

    Hold a dumbbell with both hands using an overhand grip and stand with feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back, knees slightly bent, and lower your chest to bring the dumbbell between your legs (A). Keeping your core tight, push your hips forward and swing the dumbbell up to shoulder height (B). Reverse the movement, swinging the weight back between your legs. That’s one rep. Do 15. More

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    Why Trojan Is The Perfect Fit For Cover Search

    Cover Search 2024 is officially underway and the entries are streaming in (and may we add how downright stunning each entrant is!). We’re on the hunt for that perfect blend of health, fitness and inspiration to grace the November/December 2024 cover of Women’s Health. And to make this campaign (#WHCoverStar) truly special, we’ve partnered with Trojan as our presenting sponsor.

    What makes this collaboration truly special?

    Partnering with both Men’s Health and Women’s Health on the Cover Search campaign comes as a natural fit for Trojan. Our brands aligns perfectly, especially with their mission to inspire individuals to move better, feel better and perform better.

    Cover Search Is For Every Body

    Just like Trojan’s motto suggests, the Cover Search campaign is built on the belief that health and fitness are for everyone – regardless of shape, size or background.

    “We’re inspired by individuals who want to move better, feel better and perform better. Whether you like to move fast, go far, stretch deeply or lift heavy things, we have everything you need to work out in your own space and on your own terms. The cover search winners will be at their personal best and the best, train with Trojan,” shares the Trojan team.

    READ MORE: Makin’ Gains With Trojan

    Versatility Is At The Forefront

    Much like our diverse pool of entrants and their fitness preferences, Trojan’s equipment caters to a wide array of workouts and sports. From cardio to strength training, there’s something for everybody in Trojan’s repertoire, ensuring that each individual can pursue their fitness goals with passion and purpose.

    Advanced Tools And Insights

    With their cutting-edge fitness equipment and insightful resources, Trojan provides the Cover Search entrants with the tools they need to push their limits and soar to newer fitness heights.

    READ MORE: Bring Your Run Indoors With The Trojan TR510 Treadmill

    About Trojan

    Since launching in 1981, Trojan has been a cornerstone of South African home fitness. Their mission? To create a home gym experience that’s both robust and rewarding.

    Trojan’s product line-up speaks volumes about their dedication to fitness. From morning runs on their state-of-the-art treadmills to strength training with their free weights and rowers, Trojan provides everything you need to achieve your fitness goals in the comfort of your home.

    What sets Trojan apart is their commitment to quality. They partner with top-tier manufacturers to produce not just fitness equipment, but tools that support a healthier lifestyle.

    Trojan is exclusively available in Makro and Game stores countrywide, or on their websites.Visit for more product information. More