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    Feel Strong And Powerful With This Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    By Wanita Nicol, equipment sponsored by REBEL Elite Fitness
    If you’re looking to find your strength and power, that high after you’ve completed something particularly tough, look no further than this explosive 15-minute workout.
    This workout combines fat-busting movements with strengthening exercises to tone your whole body – with emphasis on the wobbly bits around your butt and legs. Perform these moves as a circuit three or four times a week. For each exercise, do all required reps without rest, rest for up to a minute, then move on to the next exercise. Once you’re done, repeat the entire circuit for a total of three rounds. As you get fitter, decrease your rest time by 10 seconds. Always start with a quick warm-up — include shoulders, wrists and legs.
    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan
    You’ll need: a step and a medicine ball (or any weighted object that’s easy to hold)
    Watch one of our WH staffers perform the moves for this 15-minute explosive workout:
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    READ MORE: Get Strong, Shapely Legs With This Do-Anywhere Leg Workout 
    1. Step and Extend
    Stand about 30cm behind a sturdy box or step, feet hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball at your chest. Place your right foot on the box. Keeping your upper body straight, step up onto the box, straightening your right leg and extending your left leg out and back. Pressing the ball out explosively as you extend your back leg. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 12, then repeat on the other side.
    2. Donkey Kick
    Start in push-up position, legs extended behind you, feet together, hands under your shoulders. Keeping your legs together, brace your core and glutes, then kick both legs up simultaneously, bending your knees to bring your feet towards your butt. Try to land softly on the balls of your feet, back in the start position. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 16.Medi
    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout
    3. Calf Raise
    Stand with your heels together and toes pointed out in a V shape. Slowly rise onto the balls of your feet. Hold for two seconds, then slowly return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 15.
    4. Quarter-turn Squat Jump
    With feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat, arms straight down. Jump up explosively, swinging your arms overhead and rotating 90 degrees left in mid-air. As you land softly, immediately drop back into a squat. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 16.

    Wanita Nicol

    Wanita Nicol is a freelance writer and storyteller. She’s also a certified personal trainer and has been a fitness editor for more than 10 years. When she’s not trying a new workout or testing new fitness gear, she’s living her best nerd life on Instagram @TheFitNerdSA. More

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    Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    The best workout is one that doesn’t actually feel like a workout at all, but rather feels like you’re just having a good time. And that kind of fun fitness sesh is what group fitness instructor and Next Fitness Star finalist Botle Kaymaba specialises in. Case in point: This high-energy cardio dance workout. “It’s a cardio jam session that incorporates aerobic movements as well as freestyle dancing,” says Botle. “It’s a great cardio burner workout that will make you feel good, proud and confident at the end of the session.”

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    How It Works

    Start with the cardio workout. Pump up the volume on the video below and follow along with Botle or simply freestyle. “Just listen to the music and move to the beat,” says Botle. Feel free to play the song more than once. When you’ve warmed up, move on to the strength circuit. Do all sets of each move before proceeding to the next. Once you’ve finished your last set of the third move, you’re done.

    Cardio warm-up

    Pump up the volume and follow along with Botle… 

    READ MORE: Try These Exercises To Build A Stronger, Bigger Butt

    For the next workout, you’ll need: A stability ball and a resistance band

    The Cardio Dance Workout

    1. Lateral Raises

    Reps: 8-25

    Sets: 2-3

    Stand on the resistance band. Hold the tip of the band with palms facing your thighs. Lift your arms sideways to should height and back down to start. That’s one rep.

    2. Overhead Tricep Extensions

    Reps: 4

    Sets: 2

    Grab the ends of the resistance band with each hand and stand on the middle of the band with your feet. Pull the band up over your shoulders so that your elbows are pointed forward. Extend your arms upwards until they’re straight, hold for eight counts, then return to start. That’s one rep. Rest for 10 seconds between reps

    READ MORE: Just These Two Workouts Make A Killer Six-Week Workout Routine

    3. Stability Ball Plank With Single Leg Lift

    Reps: 10-12

    Sets: 3

    Lie on your belly on a stability ball, then walk your hands out so the ball is underneath your shins and your hands are in line with your shoulders. Draw your belly button towards your spine to engage your abs – this will help keep your spine straight and your body stabilised. Raise one leg straight behind you, then slowly lower it back to start. Keep your pelvis stable.

    Watch Botle perform the moves: 

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