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    5 Things You Use That Are Destroying the Planet

    As a crusader for the earth, you might be sipping your iced matcha latte from a stainless-steel straw, coyly looking over the rim of your sunnies while hashtagging #sustainability. You’ve stopped using plastic straws and bags, and disposable razors are on their way out of your bathroom too—yay! As much as small efforts like that deserve a gold star, sustainability on a whole is about making conscious choices in ALL products that you buy, even the ones that might not seem obviously destructive. Because guess what? Plastic creeps into even the most unsuspecting of our everyday products, significantly increasing our consumption. So, while we should definitely applaud our small wins, true plastic-free living is about taking stock of what we use often and changing up our routines to include more mindful purchasing.
    Here are five things that you use that are destroying the planet, and switches that you can make to replace them.
    1. Microbeads in face wash
    Recently outlawed in Canada and the U.S., face washes that have microbeads in them are hugely popular in many countries, used for that gentle, exfoliating goodness our skin needs. As much as we’re all about #selfcare over here, have you ever stopped to think about what those microbeads are made of? You guessed it: plastic.  
    Microbeads are teeny, tiny balls of plastic that swirl away, down our drains and sinks, only to enter into our waterways, destroying our soil, water supply, and marine life. For the literal seconds they are used for, they last an eternity on earth—they never fully break down.
    Try this instead:

    Find natural beauty brands that have alternatives to microbeads, make your own exfoliating masks using oats, or invest in a silicone cleansing tool. All of these options are great at sloughing away dead skin while ensuring the planet stays intact. 

    2. Mylar balloons
    While most of us already know that releasing balloons into the air is a pretty terrible thing to do (birds and wild animals often choke on them once they deflate), did you know that Mylar balloons (the big, trendy ones that are often bought for milestone events—think numbers and rings) wreak havoc on the earth even when not released?  
    These balloons never fully degrade, as they are made from synthetic nylon with a metallic coating—basically, a recipe for disaster. Animals, both marine and land, often mistake deflated balloons for food, with sea turtles being particularly vulnerable as they confuse them for jellyfish. 
    Try this instead:

    There are tons of beautiful ways to celebrate, including floral wreaths, reeds, paper banners and bunting, leaf confetti, and bubbles. Get creative and binge all the Pinterest content when planning your next event.

    3. Microfiber kitchen cloths
    Popular kitchen cleaning cloths made from microfibers are great at keeping surfaces shiny, but come with a not-so-lustrous impact. These types of cloths (as well as your typical green and yellow kitchen sponge) are made from plastic. Their tiny microplastic fibers shed while in use or while being washed, entering our waterways and polluting our planet in an irreversible way. 
    Even some cloths that claim they’re eco-friendly might have microplastic fibers in them, a common greenwashing move. Microplastics are one of the worst offenders when it comes to ocean pollution, as they’re basically impossible to capture by filtration systems, ending up in the stomachs of marine life, and oftentimes, ourselves too.
    Try this instead:
    Biodegradable sponge cloths, also known as Swedish Dish Cloths, are lovely, soft cloths that are made from wood pulp (cellulose) making them 100 percent biodegradable and compostable (that too, at home). They can replace up to 17 rolls of paper towels, last anywhere from 6-12 months, and because they’re made from plant fibers, never harbor that nasty kitchen cloth smell, according to Swedish dishcloth brand Ten and Co. They’re also inexpensive, making them a win in every way.

    4. Glitter and sequins
    OK, I know this might burst your bubble, but I’m here to deliver some sad new: glitter and sequins, the sparkly bits of joy in our lives, are also made from plastic. Both materials are notorious for ending up literally everywhere (internally shuddering at craft night gone wrong), so you can imagine the havoc they wreak on our environment.  
    Because these particles are so tiny, they are almost impossible to capture once in our environment, where again, marine life and unsuspecting animals ingest them, as they will never biodegrade. If you’re someone who eats seafood, you might be consuming last year’s NYE party dress without even knowing it.
    Try this instead:

    When it comes to wanting to really sparkle in your outfit, consider a luxurious fabric like velvet or silk instead, and accessorize with sparkly jewels. To replace conventional glitter, try a biodegradable option from brands like Universal Soul or Eco Star Dust—these types of glitter are made from plants, not plastic.

    5. Dryer sheets
    A big trend in the sustainability world is the shift away from dryer sheets. Mainstream dryer sheets are made from synthetic polyester, an under-the-radar single-use plastic that is trashed with one use, lingering in our environment for eternity. Not only are they made from wasteful plastic, but they can contain potentially harmful chemicals and hidden fragrances that haven’t yet been fully researched for their health effects. Rolling around in fresh-from-the-dryer bed sheets doesn’t have quite the same appeal anymore, does it?
    Try this instead:

    A great alternative to conventional dryer sheets is wool balls. Made from yarn, these balls are multi-use, often lasting years. They take the static out of fabrics, are natural and biodegradable, and you can even add some scent with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. These wool balls also look super cute sitting in a little basket—much better than a giant box of dryer sheets that so doesn’t match your aesthetic. 
    Choosing sustainable options over conventional might take some getting used to, but when it comes to the impact mainstream products have on our environment, the alternatives are becoming non-negotiables. With small steps (my motto is always “progress over perfection”) and intentional consuming habits, we can transform into mindful consumers, making our impact responsible and effective.   More

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    The Morning Routine I Follow For the Busiest Work-From-Home Days

    Before the chaos of 2020 ensued, I would have laughed at the idea of a “morning routine.” Y’all, I was spending an hour putting my makeup on and doing my hair every day; I didn’t have time to do yoga and make some elaborate smoothie bowl and make my bed and journal and meditate in silence for 20 minutes and write affirmations. I could barely get out of the door in time for the Starbucks *I* ordered. But then, life imploded and I needed something to quite literally fill my time so I wouldn’t wake up with existential dread every single day! I know what you’re thinking: this girl needs a therapist, and yes, I just made an appointment on ZocDoc. 
    Because every day is different (despite the Groundhog Day memes floating around), I can’t have one blanket routine that works for everything. My days are different and revolve around various meetings, deadlines, and ~personal engagements~ (I am not as important as I’m making myself out to be right now). So throughout the last few months, I’ve been slowly perfecting a few different morning routines to get myself in the groove, and the most important one as of late has been my Productive Busy Day Get Sh*t Done routine (trademark coming soon). For the days I have a to-do list that’s an entire page long and it seems like there’s no end in sight, I prepare myself with this morning routine. It gets me up and at ‘em and ready to pull through a day of endless list-making with ease! 

    Wake up early
    OK, I’ll admit that this isn’t hard for me. My internal clock wakes me at about 6-6:15am—I have no idea why. But on the days I’m tempted to sleep in a little longer, I make sure I get up at least by 6:45. Knowing I have about two hours to do what I want before I really have to work makes me much more excited for the day than when I grab my computer from my desk at exactly 8:29am.

    Schedule my day
    One aspect of this morning routine is that I write my to-do list before bed. I am a #bulletjournaler, so I track my habits and mood in a notebook at night which is also when I write my to-do list. We use Asana to track tasks for the day, so I look at all my tasks and brain dump what I want to get done the next day, both for work and my personal life (things like “call the Internet company because they raised your rate $20 a month!” and “walk to the library” make the list). 
    Then, in the morning, I actually put all of that into a schedule. Some days, I do it right on my iCal. Other days, I’ll write it in my notebook. And sometimes, I’ll be honest, it simply lives in my head. But knowing that I want to write this article at 10am, schedule Facebook at noon, attend a meeting at 1pm, and take my lunch at 2 keeps me on a schedule. It also forces me to work even when I want to procrastinate. Because I know I need to take my lunch at 2, I have to get all those other things done before that time.

    Scroll on my phone
    I know you just audibly gasped. Does this girl have any concept of wellness? You know, not really. When I know my day will be full, I allow myself that scrolling time in the morning. If I get out my Twitter fingers first thing in the morning, I’m less tempted to pick up my phone at all the other lulls in my day. I’ve done my liking, sharing, retweeting, Story-ing, and following for the day, so I can wait until later to get ahead. Also, I’m sure I’m in the minority here, but social media motivates me sometimes. I see a cute picture that inspires me to read a new book, or I see a hilarious tweet that I absolutely want to reference in a story (here is my favorite from this morning).
    This is also the time I catch up on news and current events. I get NYT news alerts and always read those, but I also love getting my news from Instagram and Twitter. I follow a lot of news outlets and creators who share a lot of what’s going on in the world (the good and the bad), and I enjoy that kind of news coming from #OwnVoices (a term coined in book publishing that describes books authored by someone who identifies with the marginalized community expressed in the work) sometimes even more than 2,000-word long-form articles about a community (shoutout to the journalism degree I’ll be paying off for the next 15 years!). 
    If this will affect your mental health (which it absolutely does to me sometimes), then it’s probably not the best for you. Know yourself. 

    Eat a big breakfast
    On a day that I know I have a gazillion things to do, I make a big breakfast. I know what you’re thinking. “She makes a big breakfast because it gives her energy and electrolytes and brain power!!!” Not one bit. I wish that was why. In actuality, I make a big breakfast because it’ll keep me full until lunchtime so I’m not spending my entire morning thinking about when I can take a break and eat something. Instead, I eat at breakfast, and then I’m full, alert, and ready to work until I take my scheduled lunch break. 
    This breakfast looks different sometimes, but right now, I am absolutely addicted to these breakfast wrap/burrito/too-big-so-I-make-it-a-taco situation. Just a wrap, scrambled eggs, cheese, two strips of bacon (I buy the pre-made that you just heat up in the oven or skillet because LOL, I don’t actually know how to cook bacon at 23 years old), and veggies or salsa! I also go the easy route with savory oatmeal, eggs and hash browns, or basically any variation I can cook an egg in! 

    Listen to music
    Again, I’m showing that I’m weird, but on days that I’m busy, I rarely listen to music and prefer to either work in silence or ASMR videos (LOL, guys, give it a try—watching this woman gently sanitize her groceries will soothe your germ-anxiety). It just is calming and soothing for me, and when I listen to music, I want to sing or dance and feel like I can’t focus my thoughts. So, before I start my day is when I like to shuffle a Spotify playlist and get all of that out. Music is another thing that really motivates me, so I rarely listen to soothing, soft music and almost always listen to “Frat Rules” by A$AP Mob at least once a day! 

    Get ready
    If my hair and makeup aren’t at least somewhat done or I’m wearing gross clothes, I will mess around and stare at myself in disgust all. day. long. I’ll usually put my hair in some kind of bun or braids so it’s out of my face and I can’t fidget with it all day (because I’m basically a child!). Then, I’ll just apply the basic makeup (tinted moisturizer, mascara, brows, bronzer, and highlighter). I look good enough for any meetings that come up (they almost never do, but a girl can hope) or walks around the neighborhood, but most importantly, I feel better and won’t worry about my appearance all day. 
    As far as clothes, it’s pretty strategic. I’ll usually grab a dress (the one above is sold out, but all of our editors have been loving this one all summer!) because it’s one piece and no pants. I wish I could say it’s because I want to look nice, but that’s mostly it. I just hate pants. Otherwise, it’s leggings or shorts and a blouse or tank! Pretty basic, but most of all comfortable for me. 

    How do YOU get ready for a busy day?! Tell us your tips in the comments! More

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    11 Inexpensive Ways to Feel Like Yourself Again

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