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    In pictures: Sheikh Hamdan’s spectacular shots of Dubai engulfed in fog

    The internet hasn’t been able to stop talking about the fog that hit the UAE this week.
    In particular, Dubai has been engulfed in some heavy fog making for some quite epic photographs, which many have shared on social media including His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai.

    A couple of days ago His Highness shared a spectacular video of the early morning fog which included some views of iconic landmarks the Burk Khalifa and the Burj Al Arab.
    Now the Crown Prince of Dubai has shared even more shots of the fog from today, this time in photo form.

    The first snap looks directly down on the rooftop of the Burj Al Arab, which is encased in a sea of mist and clouds. The second one showcases another Dubai skyscraper, the Burj Khalifa, with only the very top of the world’s tallest building being visible amongst the clouds and fog.

    The other shots shared show Dubai in the dark with the thick fog encasing even more skyscrapers.
    Those living in the UAE can expect the fog to be a weather talking point for a little longer as the National Centre of Meteorology has forecasted the mist to stay for the rest of the week.

    #NCM #UAE #officialuaeweather #weatherforecast #seastate #windspeed #winddirection #rain #fog
    — المركز الوطني للأرصاد (@NCMS_media) January 16, 2021

    However, by Friday the fog is expected to have cleared.
    As for temperatures in Dubai, expect it to get quite chilly during the evenings with lows of 14 degrees celsius.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Sheikh Hamdan Instagram More

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    The incredible Malala Yousafzai to headline the Emirates Literature Festival

    IN PARTNERSHIP: It’s that time of year to get your literary fix – and after a pretty horrible year, the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature has got wonderful treats in store with literary icons, the hottest new novelists, a Bollywood goddess and an international hero who has inspired the world with her courage.
    Nobel prize winner and activist Malala, and author Elif Shafak are among the top names announced by for the 2021 event (29 January – 13 February) featuring an unmissable programme with live and virtual sessions embracing literature, art, film, food and performance.

    The incomparable Malala will be in Dubai to tell her story and her vision for the future, while Shafak, one of the most influential novelists writing today, best known for Forty Rules of Love, will be exploring her writing and the importance of bridging the gap between the East and West.

    Avni Doshi, whose debut novel Burnt Sugar was shortlisted for the 2020 Booker Prize, will be comparing notes on the journey to get published with Derek Owusu whose own debut work, That Reminds Me, has also received international acclaim.
    One of the most talked-about books last year, London-based author, pop culture writer, commentator and self-confessed “romcomisseur” Bolu Babalola breathes new life into mythical love stories and folk tales from around the world. Oyinkan Braithwaite’s debut novel, Lagos noir My Sister the Serial Killer was shortlisted for a host of awards and oozes sharp, dark humour.
    Author and screenwriter Satyarth Nayak will be celebrating the phenomenon of Bollywood star Sridevi: The Eternal Screen Goddess, hailed as the first pan-Indian female superstar, looking at her rise from child star to one of the greatest movie luminaries who changed the narrative of Indian cinema.
    The latest health and well-being advice enables you to live your best life, including a panel considering the dangers of the anti-facts movement. With fearmongering, disinformation and dangerous conspiracy theories drowning the science, our medical experts will take a scalpel to the mass of confusing data on topics from fad diets to the coronavirus outbreak considering.

    “The biggest impact on your health is…with the simplest solution. It’s how we feed ourselves” is the advice from Dr Rupy Aujla with his all-new practical guide to take you on a culinary journey through food in medicine showing the medicinal benefits of eating well.
    This year there are even more chances to get involved as the Festival is spread over three weekends with family-friendly literature and art-themed events and activities at Jameel Arts Centre and Alserkal Avenue, in addition to the Festival’s home, the InterContinental Dubai Festival City.
    Tickets will be required for each session, including the free events, with prices starting at Dhs60 for adults, Dhs40 for a child.
    The Festival will be fully compliant with all COVID-19 prevention regulations and guidelines.
    See full details of the festival online. For the full list of authors, visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Watch: This iPhone hack has been labelled ‘game-changing’ by Apple users

    With advancing technology, there’s more and more added features to any gadgets you own.
    Tech giant Apple is well-known for this, continuously adding new hidden shortcuts and features to iPhones and the latest one has just gone viral on social media.

    While we all know the front of the iPhone is where the action happens – it’s where everything is controlled, of course. But did you know that the simple apple logo design at the back of the iPhone is actually also a control button?
    In a video which has now gone viral – and left many gobsmacked – Instagram user Tenille Serpa shared that once you activate the control settings the Apple logo on the back can take screenshots, activate Siri and more which a double or triple tap.

    It’s simple to activate. Firstly, you need to go to your settings, then scroll down to the accessibility tab.
    Under this tab, you’ll find a ‘touch’ option which you need to click, then scroll down and click on ‘back tap’ and then select the ‘double tap’ option.
    Watch the video below for more insight.

    There are an array of functions, this trick can be used for app switching, control centre, home, lock screen, mute, notification centre, reachability, screenshot, shake(undo), Siri, spotlight, volume down and volume up.
    In the comments section of the video, the hack has been labelled “game-changing” and “mind-blowing”.
    However, just keep in mind how you hold your phone if you turn the settings on, it could take a while to get used to!
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature image: Unsplash @lastly More

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    The Saudi entrepreneur who’s been one step ahead of the rest since she was 16

    January’s – ‘The Positivity Issue’ – Download Now
    Saudi entrepreneur Adwa Al Dakheel shares her success story in partnership with Porsche while being a prominent youth figure in the Kingdom.
    Can you talk us through your career?
    I was always driven to be financially independent. My career started off in the finance world as a stock trader. That was a world I was curious about, so little by little I managed to save up $4,000 by the time I was 16-years-old. I managed to open up an account in Forex trading, and the first day I doubled the $4,000 into $8,000. The second day, I lost everything. I was actually minus $126, and this made my financial obsession stronger. I continued as a trader from my teenage years up until I went to college – that was when I switched into options and derivative trading where I won first place in3 capital trading market competitions by TD Bank before graduating from college. After that, I took my flying license as a hobby and came back to Saudi Arabia to start my business. In 2018, I launched Falak Investment Hub which does venture capital investments and the first-ever investment-backed acceleration programs in KSA.
    You’re a woman of many firsts in your career. What is it like being a woman in this region to pave the way for others?

    There were many inspirational Saudi women before me who overcame gender barriers to achieve a string of firsts for women in the Kingdom. In terms of my own achievements, I try to look ahead because there is still so much more that I want to accomplish.
    What are your hopes for women in the future in your country?
    The recent developments in Saudi have paved the way for women and youth leadership. There’s the talent, innovation and the vision to achieve extraordinary things and the sky is the limit. For example, Falak is 80 per cent female, which wasn’t planned. Where I want to see further change outside Falak, though, is an increase in female participation on boards which will hopefully happen in the near future and years to come.

    Can you talk us through the campaign with Porsche to inspire young females across the GCC?
    When I think of Porsche, I associate the brand with performance and agility – something that is essential in the business that I’m in. Just recently, I’ve been involved in their most recent campaign around the launch of the new Panamera, where Porsche has shone a spotlight on unique and inspiring stories of Arab women from across the region who are making significant strides within their line of work. It was such an honour I to work with some of the region’s most talented females from the world of business. I hope the campaign will inspire young women in the Kingdom to enter into industries that they might not feel is achievable.
    To you, what does being a role model mean? How do you execute being a positive role model to others?
    I believe I’ve reached a stage where I am financially independent and sustainable, so now it’s my time to do something for society. It is by lifting others up you reach the true potential. That’s the most important thing to me.
    What do you believe it takes to break down barriers in male-dominated professions to make positive strides for women in this region?
    It starts with believing in yourself and your abilities. I’ve learned that nothing comes without backlash and nothing good comes without a price. My life motto is work smarter not harder. We face obstacles on a day to day basis – what matters is your perspective and how you overcome them.
    What advice would you give to young women in this region?
    You are the future leaders, and there are no boundaries for our achievement. If you have a strong work ethic and always challenge yourself, you can achieve anything you want. The comfort zone is one of the greatest enemies of human potential. Once you have a comfort zone you are limiting yourself to achieve your biggest goals and ambitions.
    What have been three hurdles you have experienced in your career?
    I don’t believe in hurdles, as I believe every challenge and failure I’ve faced has had a positive note and an important lesson towards anything else I do.
    What have been three major milestones in your career?
    Winning first place in 3 Capital Trading Market competitions by TD Bank across New England; getting my private pilot license; and launching Falak Investment Hub and Ns3a Recruitment Software.
    This is ‘The Positivity Issue’ – how do you plan to instil positivity in your life throughout 2021?
    One of my biggest inspirations is human potential. You can do anything you want if you dedicate yourself to it. Always see the glass half full, accept obstacles and take on challenges.
    January’s – ‘The Positivity Issue’ – Download Now
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    7 Tech Hacks to Help You Find Work-Life Balance

    When it comes to work, technology can make or break you. While it’s made our work more efficient, it also can mean that you’re plugged into your job at all hours of every day—which can be draining and unnecessary. Obviously, 2020 heightened this even more; with work-from-home being the case for the foreseeable future, it’s important to be able to make your technology work for you. Here are easy ways to make sure you’re maintaining work-life balance—even when you’re working remote.

    1. Delete, delete, delete
    One easy way to not let work get in the way of your personal time is to delete the email app off your phone right after you finish working on Fridays (this can also apply to any communication apps your company uses). Then, you can re-download it every Monday morning once you officially start your work day. Not only will this allow you to enjoy your weekend fully and without distractions, but you’ll start your work week off on a much more peaceful foot. You really don’t need to start worrying about work emails the second you wake up on Monday morning. 
    This may sound like a pain, but it only takes 60 seconds to re-download the app each week, and you’ll gain so much by removing email completely from your view for the entire weekend.
    Social media managers: the same goes for you. Delete and re-download any social media apps you aren’t supposed to check during the weekend. If you’re not asked to be on call, it’s OK to step away and take a breather. 

    2. Don’t be afraid of do not disturb
    It can feel like a big deal to cut yourself off from the world, but trust us, once you learn to trust the “do not disturb” settings on your phone, you’ll never want to go back. If you have a work-only phone, even better—you can set your whole device to “do not disturb” for non-work hours. 
    If you use your personal phone as your work phone, you can still do this, but might want to allow certain friends and family members to call you during that time. If your boss really needs to reach you, don’t worry: if they call twice within three minutes, the phone will ring (you can learn more about how all these features work here). But no, you don’t need to respond to your boss’ brainstorming texts when you’re trying to enjoy dinner with your family. 

    Source: Colorjoy Stock

    3. Remove notifications
    Even if you don’t open that Slack message or email that comes in a little too early in the morning, it doesn’t mean it’s not disturbing your personal time. That’s time you’re spending reaching for your phone, looking at your screen, and making a mental note to respond later. You now may find yourself thinking about that message during your commute or while cleaning up after dinner instead of catching up on your favorite podcast. Turn off any non-necessary notifications—on your phone and computer—and cut out the distractions. This applies to personal apps too. Not only will your personal time feel more freeing, but you won’t get distracted during work. Get more done and get your butt home. 

    4. Block your worst distractions
    We all have a few websites that we gravitate towards a little too much during the day (this writer is guilty of refreshing New York Magazine’s site constantly since 2008). Try setting some website blockers on your computer to help you keep your focus during the work day. These distractions can slow you down and cause you to work later than you should, especially if you’re working from home where it’s easy to fall into a productivity guilt trap and to work late to compensate. Many of these tools allow you to block devices during set hours (think 9-5), and others remove your access to the site completely until you say you want them back. This list of website blockers is a great place to start!

    5. Use tech to set boundaries
    Remember back in the day when we would customize our AIM chat room away statuses whenever we stepped away from that precious screen? It’s not entirely clear why anyone needed to know we were in the shower, but that’s how it went. Today, you can do the same thing with your more modern forms of communication. Whenever you leave the office or simply want some heads down time, feel free to change your status on Slack, mark off time on your public calendar, or set OOO notices that inform your coworkers when you’ll be back online. This may feel harsh at times, but if expectations are set, no one will feel like they’re waiting around for your response since they know you aren’t available at the moment. 

    Source: Colorjoy Stock

    6. Track your movements
    We’re talking literally. Track every physical move you make with a smart watch, your phone, or some sort of exercise tracking device. Set movement goals for yourself and use your tech pal to track your steps and keep you accountable. Check in on your progress throughout the day—an app may just be the reminder you need to give yourself a break and get your blood flowing! 

    7. Set break reminders
    Similar to how you can use your tech devices to give you a nudge when you need to get moving, use your phone or computer to set break reminders. It’s so easy to get caught up in our work and forget to take breaks, but you need to take them. Block off time for a solid lunch break on your calendar, or set a timer to alert you when you’ve worked for an hour straight. Move. Breath. Stop typing. Do whatever you need to do to relieve tension, take a break, and come up for air. You deserve it.  More

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    7 of the best sky-high restaurants in Dubai offering spectacular views

    Want an amazing fine-dining experience with some of the most spectacular views of Dubai? These sky-high restaurants will do just the trick.
    Also read: The ultimate round-up of the best rooftops in Dubai

    Located in the world’s tallest tower, the Burj Khalifa, Atmosphere takes the prize for being the highest restaurant in the world. Dine from the 122nd floor of the Burj Khalifa in the company of the most spectacular views of Dubai.  From afternoon tea to drinks to a fine-dining experience, the options for dining are endless at this chic haven.
    For more information visit
    Skyview Bar and Restaurant

    This chic cocktail spot on the 27th floor of Jumeirah’s Burj Al Arab with views of the city and the sea as it’s 200m above sea level in this world-renowned hotel. Offering sweeping views of the city, it pays homage to their critically acclaimed cocktails.
    For more information visit

    This luxurious setting has views across Downtown Dubai and straight to the Burj Khalifa. With both a bar than a restaurant vibe, it’s the perfect setting to take in the breathtaking skyline views.
    For more information visit
    Al Dawaar Revolving Restaurant

    While being the only revolving restaurant in Dubai, it combines culinary excellence with 360-degree views of the city’s skyline including Burj Khalifa, creek and the sea with dinner in a chic, tropical and colonial setting. Located at Hyatt Regency Dubai, dinner starts from 6:30pm up until 11:30pm.
    For more information visit
    Observatory Bar & Grill

    Being a popular venue for romantic dinner and crafted classic beverages, this venue highlights the combination of exceptional service, great food and beverages along with panoramic views of Dubai Marina and Palm Jumeirah as you enjoy the sunset at Mariott Harbour Hotel & Suites.
    For more information visit
    Atelier M

    With impeccable views of Dubai’s skyline and a gorgeous rooftop terrace, Atelier M is located in the heart of Dubai Marina in the oh-so-chic Pier 7. With every dish having a story to it, this luxurious three-level concept has timeless enchantment in the world of dining. It’s open daily from 6pm to 2am.
    For more information visit
    Prime 68

    For a feast above the clouds, this new generation of steakhouse offers supreme quality ingredients plated to perfections with Dubai’s breathtaking skyline views. It’s an experience to remember along with carefully selected artisan produce from the finest heritage. Located on the 68th floor in JW Marriot Marquis Business Bay, the views are definitely something not to miss.
    For more information visit
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram, Feature image: Instagram @neos More

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    Emirates rolls out COVID-19 vaccine programme for employees

    With the administering of a COVID-19 vaccine well underway in the UAE, Emirates Airline has begun a vaccination programme for its employees.
    Working with the Dubai Health Authority and the Ministry of Health and Prevention, the airline is amongst some of the first in the world to begin to offer employees a COVID-19 vaccination option.

    With the Sinophram and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines both being available in Dubai, the Dubai-based airline is giving its employees access to both.
    Ensuring accessibility of the vaccines for its employees is as easy as possible, inoculation appointments will be available seven days a week, 12 hours a day, with the aim those who are frontline aviation workers can be vaccinated as soon as possible.

    Similarly, just as the general public are able to, Emirates employees can also receive the jab at designated vaccine hubs around the UAE.
    Sinophram vaccine
    Out of the two vaccines that are currently available in the UAE, the first to be administered was the Sinopharm vaccine.
    The vaccine underwent clinical trials in Abu Dhabi during summer last year and it was confirmed by health authorities saying that the “analysis [from the trial of 31,000 people] shows no serious safety concerns”.
    High-up government officials including His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and the Ruler of Dubai, Her Excellency Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaab, the Minister of Culture and Youth and more have received the Sinopharm vaccine.
    Pfizer vaccine
    Then, at the end of December, the COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was approved to be administered in Dubai.
    After undergoing numerous clinical trials, the vaccine has been found to have 95 per cent efficacy. Recently, the DHA outlined exactly who is currently eligible to receive the vaccine.
    The vaccine has already started to be rolled out, with some government ministers already receiving their first doses. As of today, this now includes Director-General of the Government of Dubai Media Office (GDMO) Her Excellency Mona Al Marri.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
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    Dubai ranks amongst the top 10 most Instagrammable cities in the world for 2021

    With world-breaking skyscrapers, some of the most luxurious and out-of-this-world hotels, sweeping desert plains, the best restaurants you could ask for and too many landmarks to count, Dubai is a hub for all things travel and leisure and with this comes the inevitable sharing on Instagram.
    In-keeping with the Instagrammable nature of the city, Dubai has ranked in the top 10 of Big 7 Travel’s ’50 Most Instagrammable Places In The World 2021′ list.

    Stating that “Dubai was basically made for Instagram”, the emirate ranked number six out of 50 which is highly impressive and it is one of two Middle Eastern cities to appear on the list – Marrakech, Morroco came in at number 40.
    Analysing the number of hashtags per travel destination, Big 7 Travel calculated the results from a survey they conducted with their social media audience of which they have over 400,000 Instagram followers.

    The top destination was Tokyo, Japan followed by The Philippines. Iconic cities Paris and New York City took the number three and four spots followed by Istanbul, Turkey at number five.
    Rounding off the top 10 was Dubai at number six; Havana, Cuba at number seven; Sydney, Australia at number eight; London, UK at number nine; and Chicago, USA at number 10.
    While travel across the globe may still be largely on hold, that can’t stop you from dreaming of wanderlust.
    Check out the full list of the 50 most Instagrammable places in the world below.
    Tokyo, Japan
    The Philippines
    Paris, France
    New York City, USA
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Dubai, UAE
    Havana, Cuba
    Sydney, Australia
    London, UK
    Chicago, USA
    Madrid, Spain
    Berlin, Germany
    Toronto, Canada
    Hong Kong
    Santorini, Greece
    Milan, Italy
    Moscow, Russia
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Bogota, Colombia
    San Francisco, California
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    Vancouver, Canada
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Jakarta, Indonesia
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Vienna, Austria
    Seattle, Washington
    Budapest, Hungary
    Seoul, South Korea
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Dublin, Ireland
    Lisbon, Portugal
    Minsk, Belarus
    Warsaw, Poland
    Marrakech, Morocco
    Hoi An, Vietnam
    Bruges, Belgium
    Nice, France
    Tallinn, Estonia
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Sofia, Bulgaria
    Helsinki, Finland
    Phuket, Thailand
    Baku, Azerbaijan
    Athens, Greece
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Feature Image: Instagram @abdulazizbusaud More