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    How Does a Tomato Timer Help With Productivity? Here’s What You Should Know About the Pomodoro Technique

    The first time I learned about the Pomodoro Technique, I was standing in my manager’s office as she was staring at a tomato. She was convinced it would help improve her focus and her productivity. I remember being very confused and asking myself, “How in the world will this tomato help her get work done more efficiently?” Turns out, she was onto something. Well, actually Francesco Cirillo was on to something first.
    In the late 1980s, Cirillo developed the Pomodoro Technique while attending business school in Rome. How does the tomato timer come into play? “Pomodoro” in Italian means “tomato”, and Cirillo originally used a tomato timer when he first coined this productivity technique.
    My manager isn’t the only person who’s been intrigued by the Pomodoro Technique. Since its creation over 30 years ago, more than 2 million people have used this method to increase their focus and productivity—but how does it actually work? Here’s everything you need to know.

    So, what exactly is the Pomodoro Technique?
    The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that breaks a large task, or series of tasks, into short, timed intervals of work. Francesco Cirillo used a kitchen timer to break his work into 25-minute intervals followed by short breaks. Each interval of work and break is called a Pomodoro. The Pomodoro Technique is meant to improve focus and increase productivity by reducing distractions and reducing complexity. Each Pomodoro helps create smaller, more manageable tasks and improve concentration.

    How do I give the Pomodoro Technique a try?
    There are six steps to the Pomodoro Technique. Let’s break them down.

    Step 1: Select your task. This task can be big or small. It’s totally up to you! The most important thing to keep in mind is that it’s work that requires your full, undivided attention.
    Step 2: Set a timer for 25 minutes. You can use a traditional timer like Cirillo did, or an online timer. You can even set a timer on your phone or download an app, but keep in mind that during this time you are committing to no interruptions. That means that you won’t pick up your phone to check social media, answer a text, or even respond to an email.
    Step 3: Work on the task until the timer rings. As soon as you start your timer, your only objective is to immerse yourself in the task at hand. Remember, no distractions. But because it’s not uncommon for random thoughts to pop into your head (think that one item on your to-do list you totally spaced on), keep a piece of paper handy. If you have a thought that pops into your head, quickly write it down, and then get back to work.
    Step 4: When the timer goes off, stop working. Metaphorical pencils down! Your 25 minutes are up, and it’s time for a break. At this time, put a checkmark on a piece of paper so you can keep track of how many Pomodoros you’ve completed.
    Step 5: Take a short break. The key word is short. The break should only be 5-10 minutes long. Set a timer and do anything unrelated to work. Go for a quick walk. Refill your coffee cup. Grab some water. Do a few breathing exercises. Literally anything other than work.
    Step 6: Lather, rinse, repeat. Congratulations! You’ve completed one Pomodoro. It’s time to get back to work. Once you’ve completed four Pomodoros (approximately two hours if you’re working for 25 minutes with a five-minute break), it’s time to take a longer break. This break should be around 20 minutes, but it can be up to 30 minutes. This time is used as a reset before you begin your next set of Pomodoros.

    A few tips and tricks when implementing the Pomodoro Technique
    The Pomodoro Technique is fairly simple, but staying focused, which is the reason you’re probably trying out this technique, is often easier said than done. But I promise, you’ll get the hang of it after a few tries, and it works! While you won’t find a tomato on my desk anytime soon, I can attest to the magic that is a Pomodoro.
    As you’re working through your Pomodoros, here are a few things to keep in mind.

    Working in intervals is meant to instill a sense of urgency. So while you might find your flow right before the timer sounds, the built-in breaks are there for a reason (i.e., to help reduce fatigue and burnout). It’s important to trust the process.
    The Pomodoro Technique is a great way to take a larger, more complex project and break it into smaller, more digestible tasks. So just because you think a task will take longer than 25 minutes, doesn’t mean it’s not worthy of this technique.
    If you finish a task in the middle of a Pomodoro, use any remaining time to review your work or take a look at your to-do list to identify what you’d like to work on next.
    By keeping track of how many Pomodoros it takes for you to complete an item on your to-do list, you can begin to learn where your time is spent throughout the day to start to create efficiencies in your work week.

    Can I use the Pomodoro Technique with others?
    Yes! While the Pomodoro Technique was originally developed for solo work, there’s a benefit to adapting it to use with your colleagues and teams. For example, try scheduling time with a friend or co-worker to sync up your Pomodoros. Whether in person, over Zoom, or via text, holding each other accountable for knocking out your to-do list is a win-win scenario.
    You can even try the Pomodoro Technique with teams. Say you need to brainstorm for an upcoming project, set a timer for 25 minutes, and let your minds run wild. When that timer is up, take a team walk or snack break before diving back in. Accountability is a powerful tool, and the Pomodoro Technique allows you to hold yourself and others accountable for achieving your goals.

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    Networking Works: Here’s How One Connection Changed My Entire Career

    I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason, especially when it comes to your career. Whether it’s taking a job just to pay the bills (been there!) or taking a role that is far from your dream job just to get your foot in the door (done that!), it can be easy to wonder if all of these random jobs will ever get you where you want to go. In a world where we regularly see people in our networks announcing a shiny new job offer or promotion on LinkedIn, it’s easy to feel down about working a less-than-stellar job. But all is not lost, because even if it’s not your dream role, making the most out of any opportunity can take you places you’d never expect.
    I’ve been there a few times in my career, but one role, in particular, stands out. I knew I wanted to work in the content and editorial world, but it can be hard to break into the industry (gird your loins indeed!). After trying and failing to get a job in the fashion world, I took an entry-level position as a copy editor at a digital publication and bravely walked into the full-time working world. That role ended up being a lot of fun, helped me learn key skills that I still use today, and gave me my first steady paycheck, but those actually weren’t the best things I walked away with. I ended up meeting someone there who, unbeknownst to me at the time, would help me to grow my career to new heights in a number of ways in the coming years. Put in more basic terms, I learned the power of weak ties—how your acquaintances can actually be more helpful in some situations than your close friends and family—something which I definitely wasn’t taught in college.

    My experience
    I met this individual in the office one day when our desks were rearranged, and we found ourselves sitting close together. She was on a different team and from what I could tell, we didn’t have much in common. Her desk was full of DIYs she had made herself (I can barely color in a coloring book), she was older than me (which seemed very significant when I was only 22 and intimidated by anyone with a smidge of work experience), and she already had a strong network of connections in the office with whom she regularly hung out with. I figured we’d be friendly to each other and go about our business like regular coworkers, but we ended up connecting way beyond that.
    Throughout the time that we sat together, she gave me a lot of industry tips, and we bonded over our adopted dogs. When I ended up leaving the company for a different role in an entirely new industry, she leveraged her connections to get me a meeting with the hiring director, and a few years later, she randomly invited me into a top-secret Slack group for marketers in our city (who even knew those existed?!) which is where I found my current role that I love. That, and I ended up tripling my salary over the course of four years as I changed jobs which is something I can tie directly back to my colleague (#blessed).
    Here are some of the things I learned from this relationship that has helped me grow and build an authentic network and similar connections with other people.

    Source: Social Squares

    How To Create Meaningful Connections

    Be open to connecting with anyone
    As I mentioned, I didn’t think that this person was going to completely change my career trajectory. That was largely driven by the fact that I had no idea how networking worked, and I didn’t think there was much value in building connections with people outside of my direct department. Anyone who knows anything about networking will tell you that is totally backward, and I’m glad I learned sooner rather than later because the best connections expose you to people you otherwise wouldn’t probably know—AKA you need to know people outside of your department! By building up a genuine friendship with someone who I otherwise wouldn’t have gravitated toward, I exposed myself to a huge network of her connections which she leveraged when I was looking to make a job switch. I wouldn’t have had access to most of these people or resources had I not made the effort to be open to learning more about her and her role when we worked together many years ago.

    Find common ground
    It’s all well and good to be nice to random people in your office, but what if you have nothing to talk about?! There’s nothing worse than being forced to make small talk about the weather every day, so it’s important to find something in common and build a connection around that. Most people are happy to talk about things they are passionate about, you just need to do some detective work to figure out what that is. In my case, we both had adopted dogs and would swap stories of their antics, but for you, it could be that you share a love of craft breweries or wear similar clothing—seriously, I once became great friends with a VP in my department because I noticed her wearing a sweater I also owned and then figured out that we had the same style. I used to tell her about ongoing sales all the time. It’s easier to build a network when you have an “in” with each person outside of your direct working relationship.

    Nurture your connections
    Once you’ve found common ground, it’s important to nurture your relationships with these people, even if you don’t know if they can help you down the road. In my opinion, this is the hardest part of fostering authentic connections. With the person in my story, we’d stay in touch over text about industry news and occasionally grab lunch, slowly becoming more friends than colleagues. If there’s something I see that reminds me of a past colleague or connection, I take 30 seconds to send them a quick email. Most people love to receive genuine messages on LinkedIn along the lines of “thinking of you!” in a way that isn’t looking for something in return, so be that person. Sometimes one text or LinkedIn DM a year is all it takes for them to keep you top-of-mind.

    Source: Color Joy Stock

    Remember that it’s a two-way street
    On that note, if you want your connections to hook you up with amazing networking and job opportunities, you need to be open to doing the same for them. One of the most annoying things is having a connection who only reaches out when they want something. Even if you stand to gain absolutely nothing, be the person who sends a job opportunity to someone who sounds like a perfect fit, offers to introduce them to a hiring manager if they decide to apply to a role at your company, or even just invites them to join an industry event you think they’ll like. All of that good karma is not just so that they’ll potentially help you down the road, it also helps you build a shining reputation as someone that everyone wants to know.

    If it’s not working, don’t force it
    As much as this strategy has a 95% chance of success (my own data, of course), there’s always a handful of people who you won’t mesh with no matter what. If you’ve tried the above strategies and aren’t seeing any traction in the form of replies to your messages or an equal showing of interest, it’s OK to just let it go. I’ve had this happen a handful of times, and while it’s not fun being left on read, I don’t sweat it. As long as you aren’t burning bridges or only reaching out to people because you need something, trust that the other connections you have will help you out when you need it. That person you never quite connected with might even circle back around years later for a random reason. This is where trusting things to play out as they should in your career is super valuable!

    Play the long game
    We all wish fostering weak ties was one of those one-and-done things, but it’s unfortunately not. Having friends and connections to lean on whenever you need them takes work, but it is SO worth it. Since I befriended my work colleague five years ago, she introduced me to a future manager at a cocktail party and then invited me into a Slack group where everyone shares the inside scoop on jobs and events before they’re public. Everyone knows that applying through a portal is the absolute last way that you want to apply for a role, so having these kinds of resources and a network that wants you to succeed is truly priceless. Remember that you never know where life will take you, so it’s important to be nice to everyone you meet along the way (ugh, mom is right again) and trust that everything in your career happens for a reason!

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    Everything to know about Emirati Women’s Day 2022


    by Olivia Morris
    1 minute ago

    This August will mark the seventh annual Emirati Women’s Day which was launched by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak Al Ketbi, the wife of the late Sheikh Zayed and Mother of the Nation, in 2015.
    With the day fast approaching, here’s everything you need to know about Emirati Women’s Day for 2022.
    When is Emirati Women’s Day?
    Emirati Women’s Day is a reoccurring event on August 28 every year. This year it will fall on Sunday, August 28, 2022.
    When was the day launched?
    Emirati Women’s Day was first launched by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak Al Ketbi, known as the Mother of the Nation, in 2015. The choice of August 28 as the date coincides with the founding of the UAE’s General Women’s Union which launched in 1975, on August 28.
    [embedded content]
    What is this year’s theme?
    Back in April, Sheikha Fatima announced the theme of this year’s Emirati Women’s Day would be ‘Inspiring Reality… Sustainable Future’.
    Upon announcing the theme for 2022, Sheikha Fatima praised the women of the UAE saying “Emirati women have proven that there is no task that is impossible, due to their hard work and innovation”, per WAM.
    Since the inception of the UAE in 1971 under the leadership and guidance of the late Sheikh Zayed, women’s empowerment continues across the nation and this year’s Emirati Women’s Day will highlight this.
    The prosperous and bright future of Emirati women will also be exemplified this Emirati Women’s Day.
    Take a look at some of the incredible women we championed to mark Emirati Women’s Day last year here.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images/Media: Supplied More

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    Abu Dhabi & Dubai voted the most liveable cities in the MENA region for 2022


    by Olivia Morris
    1 minute ago

    The UAE’s biggest cities have topped the rankings for the best places to live in the MENA region for 2022.
    In a list compiled from the Economist Intelligence Unit’s global survey which includes 173 global cities ranked based on their liveability.
    The rankings are calculated based on five categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.
    Out of the 173 cities, Abu Dhabi was the highest-ranking city in the Middle East placing number 77, with Dubai closely following at 79.
    It’s the fifth year in a row that these UAE cities have been ranked as the most liveable cities in the MENA region.
    However, as for the top 10 cities, most of the highest-ranking ones were based in Europe. See the top 10 most liveable cities in the world below.

    Vienna, Austria
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Zurich, Switzerland
    Calgary, Canada
    Vancouver, Canada
    Geneva, Switzerland
    Frankfurt, Germany
    Toronto, Canada
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Osaka, Japan and Melbourne, Australia

    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram

    Feature image: Instagram @demoisellezakia More

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    This app enables residents across the UAE to recycle for free


    by Nicole Little
    1 minute ago

    With sustainability being a big priority for everyone nowadays, recycling has never been more important.
    However, when it comes to the UAE, finding where to recycle your waste sometimes proves to be a challenge.
    But we’ve found a free-of-charge app which is game-changing for recycling.
    RECAPP App, which is available in both the App store and Google Play, is the first free mobile app in Abu Dhabi and Dubai for on-demand door-to-door recyclables collection services.
    The service is available in the entire city of Abu Dhabi and in certain areas of Dubai. You can ensure that pick-up is available from your home address by downloading the app and registering.

    The initiative aims to support local communities as they strive to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle by providing the opportunity for individuals, businesses, and government entities to exchange recyclable and reusable material through an online platform. By donating your recycling to RECAPP, you will contribute to reducing the waste that ends in landfills.
    With the service, you can recycle all transparent plastic bottles (think water bottles), all opaque plastic bottles (think detergent and skincare bottles), and all-metal cans. While for now, they focus on plastic bottles and metal cans, they plan to gradually extend their service to cover other recyclables.
    Using the service is as simple as:

    Separate your recyclables from general waste
    Ensure your recyclables are empty and clean
    Download RECAPP and create your account
    Schedule a pick-up time.

    If contributing to sustainability isn’t enough to convince you to use RECAPP, they even offer a rewards program for recycling. You can collect more points the more you recycle and the points can be redeemed into gifts offered by their partners.
    So, will you be downloading it?
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Instagram, Feature Image: @emitaz Instagram  More

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    Hande Erçel, Alina Boz & more: The top Turkish actresses to follow on Instagram


    by Sarah Joseph
    1 minute ago

    When it comes to a global presence, Turkish actresses are making their mark.
    From brand ambassadors to appearing on the big screen, these talented individuals are constantly inspiring future generations.
    As the Turkish entertainment industry continues to grow, Emirates Woman takes a look at all the actresses to follow on Instagram.
    Hande Erçel

    One of Turkey’s biggest TV stars, Erçel has garnered a massive social media following on Instagram at just 28 years old. She has reached some incredible milestones in her career with popular television shows under her belt such as Sen Çal Kapimi (You Knock on My Door). Her career in the spotlight began with modelling and when she competed in the Miss Civilization of the World Contest and ended up being a runner-up in Azerbaijan. As a brand ambassador of brands such as Atasay Jewelry, L’Oreal and many more. As one of the most renowned names in the industry, she has hit 28.2 million followers.
    Tuba Büyüküstün

    The 39-year-old actress wears many hats with her array of talents. During her career, she has received a host of accolades for her role in various TV series. As a popular name in the industry, she has worked with Netflix on several upcoming series such as Another Self and Rise of Empires: Ottoman, that is all set to release this year. In 2014, Büyüküstün was also given the title of UNICEF’s Goodwill Ambassador to improve the rights of children in Turkey. The actress has garnered a massive fan base of around 5.6 million followers on Instagram.
    Fahriye Evcen

    The German-born Turkish actress and model, Evcen is known for her roles in the TV series, Yaprak Dökümü and Çalikusu. After beginning her career at a young age, she made her cinematic debut with the film Cennet in 2008. She has gained over 13.1 million followers over the years after achieving success in the industry.
    Hazal Kaya

    Having played multiple roles over the years, Kaya is best known for her role in the television series Adını Feriha Koydum and Filiz in Bizim Hikaye. She has appeared in multiple music videos and albums as the leading star. Over the years, her following has reached up to 7.1 million and is growing daily.
    Demet Özdemir

    As a multi-talented name in the industry, this Turkish actress balances many roles such as a comedian, model and dancer. Her career began with the series Sana Bir Sir Vereceg Vereceğim, moving upwards from there, as the series developed a loyal fan base. Besides acting she took on many roles, such as the brand ambassador for Pantene, making her reach a following of 15.1 million on Instagram.
    Serenay Sarikaya

    The Turkish actress and model made her acting debut with a minor role in the movie Şaşkın, later appearing in the television series Peri Masali, she was later awarded the first runner-up at Miss Turkey, adding to her diverse portfolio. As the face of numerous brands, she has won a host of accolades leading to 9.3 million followers on Instagram.
    Neslihan Atagül

    As one of the most popular actresses due to her role in the series Faith Harbiye, where she met the love of her life. Atagül has a remarkable presence both onscreen and offscreen. She has also been awarded the international Emmy Award and has made remarkable strides in the films Araf and Sensen Bana Kalan. Her total following on Instagram now amounts to 13.3 million.
    Alina Boz

    Her rise to fame came after her role in the Netflix series Aşk 101. She’s both an actress and model who has appeared as a cover star on several occasions. She transitioned from her career in dance theatre to working as a model in commercials and magazines and eventually became an actress. At present, she has around 4.6 million followers.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature image: Instagram @handeercel More

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    In pics: Sheikha Mahra Al Maktoum visits Museum of the Future for the first time


    by Olivia Morris
    1 minute ago

    Her Highness Sheikha Mahra bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has made a visit to the Museum of the Future (MOTF) for the very first time.
    The daughter of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, shared a series of photos on Instagram of her official visit to the iconic building which opened four months ago.
    Her Highness took a tour around different parts of the museum, including its outside observation deck.

    For the public outing, Sheikha Mahra wore a stunning light pink abaya with her long hair curled, also featuring a braid.
    MOTF officially opened its doors on 22/2/22 and was inaugurated by Sheikh Mohammed himself alongside his sons His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dubai Future Foundation (DFF) and His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

    The spectacular opening of the building marked a new chapter for Dubai with MOTF set to give a “message of hope, a global scientific platform and an integrated institutional framework to shape a better future for all of us”, Sheikh Mohammed said.
    What is the Museum of the Future?
    MOTF is described on the museum’s website, it’s a “home for inspiration, open to all”.
    Back in September 2021, Emirates Woman became the first publication to shoot on the site of the Museum of the Future for The Icon Issue’s cover shoot.
    As part of this groundbreaking issue, we spoke to Majed Al Mansoori, Deputy Executive Director of the Museum of the Future about the primary focus of the new iconic Dubai landmark.

    “The Museum of the Future is a transformative environment that will engage all senses in a life-altering experience that will invite visitors to look at their world through a new lens and encourage them to embrace innovative ways of thinking,” he said.
    “It will showcase living, breathing examples of a better, hopeful future. It strives to be a place of tolerance and inclusiveness and promote a pro-human value system.”
    Now, Sheikha Mahra is just one of many who has visited this iconic Dubai building.
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images:@marwa.alzarounii Instagram  More

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    7 Emirates flight attendants forging new career paths


    by Sarah Joseph
    1 minute ago

    Balancing two careers doesn’t come easy, but Emirates cabin crew members show us how it’s done.
    From launching their own fashion labels to jewellery brands, these talented individuals have made a mark for themselves beyond the world of aviation.
    To champion these talented cabin crew members, Emirates Woman has curated a list of flight attendants who prove that you can do both.
    Luciana Tanase

    Besides her full-time career as an Emirates cabin crew member, Luciana Tanase has also founded her own fashion label, I-LO. This Romanian-based fashion label offers an array of everyday wardrobe staples such as crop tops and partywear pieces. With a passion for travelling, she’s managed to garner a massive fan base and dedicate time to growing her fashion brand’s presence online.
    Yassmine El Kholy

    With a passion for yoga and other meditation practices such as sound healing, Yassmine Elkholy is a part-time yoga instructor and an Emirates cabin crew member. She has been part of several campaigns for brands such as Reebok and Alo Yoga, making a mark for herself in the world of fitness. With a focus on complicated poses, she has garnered a dedicated audience who are keen to learn about the practice.
    Maria Soldatova

    With over 11 years of flying experience, Maria Soldatova is a long-standing Emirates cabin crew member. With her dedicated love for travelling, Soldatova decided to launch her own jewellery brand, Zoldi Jewels, designed with all the wanderlust inspiration. The pieces consist of airplanes, seashells, a map and various countries she’s visited around the globe. The pieces are sustainably produced in a conscious environment for the workers. As an entrepreneur, she has learned the art of dedicating her efforts to both her profession and brand.

    Danai has visited over 48 countries as an Emirates flight attendant. Originally from Greece, she has established herself as a travel content creator with her pictures from around the globe. From surfing to skydiving, she’s always on a mission to try out new activities while sharing her fashion inspiration. Her loyal fan base is always keen to see where she’s off to next and what her outfits are.

    With long-haul flights and numerous hours spent on air, Margot started her own YouTube channel and is now a part-time vlogger. With all the new countries she has visited, she shares snippets of her life as a cabin crew member, her channel has reached over 51,000 subscribers.
    Hana Brvar

    This Slovenian cabin crew member has travelled to a host of countries around the world. After pursuing her law degree, she decided to become a full-time flight attendant and makes time for her hobby as a professional ski instructor. From Portugal to Sri Lanka, she has seen the world and constantly shares photos of her travel experiences.
    Olia Podvolotskaya

    Podvolotskaya wears many hats. Along with being an Emirates cabin crew, she has been a dancer for 18 years and is also a part-time English and German teacher and interpreter. In May 2022, she officially completed her training programme and is now a full-time flight attendant for Emirates.
    So, who says you can’t do two things at once?
    – For more on luxury lifestyle, news, fashion and beauty follow Emirates Woman on Facebook and Instagram
    Images: Supplied & Feature image: Instagram @luciana_tanase More