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    Kendall Jenner’s Tips for Living As Her Highest Self Are Pretty Genius

    Whether you watch The Kardashians or you’re one of her 260 million IG followers, you know Kendall Jenner is no stranger to the spotlight but also to the wellness scene. IV therapy, cold plunges, meditation sound bowls, and journaling are a few wellness practices she religiously stands by. If that doesn’t convince you of her self-proclaimed health obsession, her state-of-the-art room dedicated to all things wellness will. Complete with a hyperbaric chamber, red light therapy bed, and oxygen therapy machine, it’s every wellness girl’s dream (major envy). Gadgets and gizmos aside, Kendall has open dialogues with the media and on social media about her mental health and struggles with anxiety.
    Thanks to her recent interview with Jay Shetty on his podcast, On Purpose with Jay Shetty, I got the 411 on her self-work and steadfast wellness rituals. Read on for how she stays in tune with her highest self. Spoiler alert: They’re practices you won’t find on Hulu or Instagram, and we can all benefit from them.  

    Foster your higher goddess
    In Kendall’s work with her therapist, she focuses on living in her higher goddess, AKA her higher self. What does that look like? Words of affirmation, reassuring yourself of who you are, and recognizing everything else is just noise. “Sometimes it feels weird to say good things about yourself, but I’ve also learned a lot about talking to myself and a lot about looking in the mirror and being like, ‘You’re great. You’re gorgeous. You’re amazing. You’re loyal. You’re positive.’” 
    Admittedly, Kendall falls victim to false narratives. Like us all, she has moments she struggles to stay true to who she is and her purpose. “If your happiness depends on the actions of others, you’re at [the] mercy of things that you can’t control,” she stated. Kendall emphasized holding your own happiness and not letting anyone else affect it. If you know yourself and the people important in your life know your true self, nothing else should matter. When Shetty asked Kendall, “What’s something you used to value but you don’t value anymore?” Her answer? Validation. 

    Set aside alone time
    It’s no secret that Kendall is surrounded by a large family and famous friends (hey, Hailey Bieber) in addition to her entourage. But she told Shetty that since she was a kid, the Scorpio in her enjoyed being by herself. “I went through a phase where I felt like I had to be around people,” shared Kendall. “I think I live a very social life, and my job is very social, so I was kind of conditioned to want to be around people a lot. And then, as the pandemic came around, you’re not around as many people anymore. Now I’m just re-enjoying being by myself, which is really cool.”
    At the end of the day, Kendall craves a simple routine. Her perfect day consists of riding her horses, taking a cold plunge, laying out, and journaling. Taking a cue from Kendall, give yourself space and step away when needed. Additionally, be comfortable in your own company. Sometimes the best remedy for a bad day is journaling (yes, it bears repeating), taking a solo walk outside, meditating, or picking up a new hobby.

    Set boundaries at work 
    Let’s face it: We all experience burnout, celeb or not. Kendall expressed there was a long period of time she was overworked, felt overwhelmed, and said “yes” to every opportunity—to the point where she was unhappy. (Can anyone else relate?) Eventually, she learned to prioritize herself. She realized her well-being was necessary to show up better in her personal and professional life. So, she took a step back in her career to reconnect with her higher self: “I got to that point, and I just knew I had to do it…” Kendall explained. “It was just such an unbelievable sensation that I had where I knew that if I do this, I’m gonna be better for everyone. And I’m gonna be better for myself, which means I’m gonna be better for the people around me.”
    Learn to recognize the signs of burnout (think: fatigue, feeling apathetic with your work, changes to your sleep patterns). Then, enforce work-life boundaries to care for your mental health and restore a healthy balance. Maybe that means being upfront and clearly communicating with your boss. Perhaps, it means taking time off. Or, maybe, it’s just saying “no” to taking on more projects or a meeting invite scheduled during your lunch break. Ultimately, your mental and physical health should be your number one priority. (I know that’s sometimes easier said than done.)

    Stay grounded in your relationships 
    When it comes to her family and friends, Kendall told Shetty that honesty and communication are her core values in maintaining healthy relationships. “I find it really important to not feel like you’re on top of each other when you have your family around or your friends around,” she said. “It’s OK to sometimes, even if you’re at a family dinner, run to the bathroom and just being like, ‘Let me just take a couple breaths because this is getting overwhelming.’” 
    Kendall shared that she’s prone to anxiety and can take things too seriously. When she feels inundated with family circumstances or stress, she recognizes her feelings: “I’m allowed to feel this way; it’s valid. I’m just going to take a deep breath, and I’m not going to react, and then I’m going to go back out there, and I’m going to be fine.” Try being in Kendall’s shoes (wouldn’t that be fun?) and pause whenever you feel overwhelmed. Give yourself a safe space to express your feelings. Do this through journaling, speaking to a mental health professional, or practicing deep breathing.  

    Nurture your inner child
    After a viral TikTok trend encouraging viewers to stop negative self-talk by picturing their younger selves, Kendall’s therapist suggested she put a spin on it: Find a photo of herself as a child to put on her bathroom mirror. Take a glance at her Instagram, and you’ll see the Polaroid of young Kendall. It serves as a daily reminder that anything negative that she says about herself, she’s saying to that beaming, hair bow-wearing younger version of herself. “If I’m ever looking in the mirror and being negative toward myself, I always look right over to her, and I’m like, ‘She’s dope, and I love her,’” Kendall laughed.
    Bottom line: Practice self-love and find tactics that work for you. Perhaps it’s by exercising mindfulness or putting yourself and your needs first. Maybe it’s simply making yourself a healthy meal. Regardless of your method, keep being kind to yourself, just as you would your 5-year-old self or BFF

    The Kourtney Kardashian-Approved Health Hacks I Swear By More

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    5 Tangible Tips To Recover From Burnout, According to an Empowerment Coach

    Burnout is the emotional exhaustion that comes with feeling constantly overwhelmed at work—and in life! It can impact us all, no matter how much we love our jobs. It can start with tiredness, apathy, anxiety, self-doubt, loneliness, or irritability. And it can lead to physical ailments, like headaches, changes in appetite, digestive issues, trouble sleeping, and a lowered immune system. Oftentimes, burnout manifests itself in emotional and physical ways that can take years to reverse. When I started to feel burnt out at work, I turned to Jen Paterno, an empowerment coach who focuses on all things career, wellness, and self-discovery. She gave me five tips for reversing and recovering from all the negative emotions I was feeling.
    Paterno taught me that burnout stems from feeling out of control. This is why most of us experience it in relation to our careers. “When work-related burnout strikes, more often than not, it’s because it feels like ‘I have not done this to myself; someone else has done this to me,’” Paterno said. “We can manage our social calendars and our personal relationships, but when something needs to get done for work, we don’t always have a say in how or when it gets done. Eventually, that leads to a feeling of ‘I have nothing left to give.’”
    If you’ve ever felt burnt out or overwhelmed by everything on your plate, check out Paterno’s tips and implement them into your daily routine. 

    Meet the expert
    Jen Paterno, CPC, ELI-MP
    Jen supports her clients on their journey to connect more deeply with their personal sense of purpose and fulfillment so they can better serve themselves and their world. As a result of her experience working within global organizations, her current client roster is robust. It includes restaurateurs, musicians, filmmakers, C-suite executives, fitness professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and stay-at-home moms from across the globe.

    1. Take time for self-reflection
    The ideal time for self-reflection is before burnout fully strikes. It’s something to incorporate into your everyday life. “Self-reflection asks you to notice the little tinges of ‘this doesn’t feel right’ as they occur—long before you’re fully burnt out. When you first notice the symptoms, take note of when, where, and with whom you feel them,” Paterno said. In other words, if you’re filled with dread and anxiety every time your boss pings you, take note. 
    Self-reflection is important because it will alert you to any red flags that burnout may be approaching. If you’re starting to feel misunderstood, irritated, or hard on yourself and the people around you, start asking yourself what (or who) is causing these feelings. You’ll want to address them before they turn into physical symptoms. Journaling, free-writing, and meditation are great examples of how to add self-reflection to your day.

    2. Practice (actual) self-care
    “Once your self-reflection practice has helped you to recognize what’s weighing you down, you can begin to use self-care to lean into what makes you feel better,” Paterno said. Making time for physical activity and recharging are great examples of burnout-related self-care. However, when it comes to physical activity, Paterno said that an hour at the gym isn’t the only answer. “Sometimes walking the dog, standing up at your desk, stretching, or having a one-song dance party is enough,” she said.
    Recharging is totally different. “Recharging should be low-effort and high-joy, like something simple that makes you feel really good,” Paterno said. Reading, listening to a podcast, doing something creative, or playing fetch with your dog are great examples of recharging activities. “Be careful not to confuse recharging activities with mindless downtime,” Paterno warned. “Mindless scrolling and Netflix binges can feel like a mental break, but they typically don’t make you feel any better once you’re done.” Stick with feel-good activities that don’t require much effort.

    3. Rethink your priorities at work
    When it’s time to get back to work, Paterno suggested rethinking your approach to how you tackle the day. “Ask yourself what has to be done today. A long to-do list can be very overwhelming, but separating what needs to get done today from what needs to be done by the end of the week can be very helpful.” She also recommended getting clear on what you need to do to be at your best. “For me, I know that I will be better able to conquer my to-do list after a workout, so instead of spending three hours trying to accomplish the things I have to do today, I’ll spend an hour at the gym so that I can be at my best when I’m done,” explained Paterno. “Then, I’ll be far more focused and productive when accomplishing those tasks.” 

    4. Surround yourself with a support system
    It’s immensely important to have friends, family members, and professionals you trust. They can help you prioritize and mitigate known stressors. “Oftentimes, work issues don’t have simple solutions, so having a friend or family member to call and simply vent to, without help or advice, is huge,” said Paterno. “Additionally, people with more experience, like a mentor who can help you think through some of the work-related tasks you need to prioritize, are really important, too.” 
    Whether the conversation is with a friend, significant other, or mentor, Paterno encouraged setting firm boundaries. Begin the conversation by clearly stating what you need: advice, assistance, someone to listen, etc. This ensures you’re in control of the outcome. “Having someone whose only response is, ‘You should just quit’ is not helpful, especially if you can’t or don’t want to quit, so setting boundaries around these conversations is key,” Paterno said.Finally, don’t forget about people you just like to hang out with. “Not every interaction with your support systems needs to be about work,” Paterno said. “Sometimes it’s just important to have someone to go for a walk with, talk to about the latest book you read, or go to a pottery class with. Whatever your recharging activities are, doing them with a friend can make them even more enriching.”

    5. Incorporate daily recovery 
    Whether you’re worried about eventual burnout or already in the midst of it, daily recovery is essential. “Some of these things can feel overwhelming or like yet another thing to add to your to-do list, so daily recovery is the idea of breaking them down into bite-sized pieces that you can do every single day,” said Paterno. Every single day is the operative phrase. “People tend to wait for the weekends or vacation to finally take care of themselves and try to address their burnout, but that’s a mistake. We need to do one thing every day to prevent or recover from burnout, whether it’s starting with a five-minute stretch in the middle of the day or simply putting your shoes on and walking to the mailbox and back,” she said.
    Paterno recommended making a “daily recovery menu” with a few options to choose from to keep the daily practice meaningful yet doable. When it comes to preventing and recovering from burnout, it’s the small stuff that counts. “Taking care of yourself, noticing what triggers the feeling of burnout, and having support systems in place to help you cope are all really important ways to help you through tough times in work and in life,” she said. 

    Is There Such a Thing As “Too Much” Self-Care? More

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    Test Your Fitness Knowledge: How Healthy Is Your Score?

    Are you a Fitness Fanatic or a Fat-Blasting Fledgling? Take the test and see! The following is a list of fitness facts and falsehoods.Are the statements true or false? See below for answers.

    1. Surfing provides a great cardio workout.

    2. For well-rounded fitness, it’s best to stick to one type of exercise.

    3. Working out can fight depression.

    4. Lifting weights builds muscle, but does little to cut abdominal fat.

    5. In-line skating, on average, burns between 570 and 900 calories per hour.

    6. Drinking sodas high in sugar will help you burn fat.

    7. One benefit of lat pulldowns is improved posture.

    8. Practicing meditation can improve your sex life.

    1. True. Paddling out to waves and riding the breaks provides a workout that rivals any indoor cardio machine. So feel free to skip your next treadmill session when the surf’s up!
    2. False. Variety is the spice of life – and the key to fitness! Choosing an exercise program that involves an assortment of weight training and cardio options will help you reach your goals faster than just focusing on one exercise alone.
    3. True. Feeling depressed? If missing a workout does more than make you feel guilty, try skipping the Prozac and start the calisthenics. According to several studies, some individuals who suffer from this serious health problem could benefit from regular exercise instead of antidepressants.
    4. False. Turn flabby abs into firm abs with weight training workouts that strengthen your core. Lifting weights burns calories both during and after your workout, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day.
    5. True. In addition to firming your glutes, quads and hamstrings, in-line skating can put a fire in your calorie-burning furnace. Adding speed and distance will increase the benefits.
    6. False. Aside from rotting your teeth (ever seen what happens to a nail if you leave it in a can of Coke for a month?), chugging high fructose-laden sodas will turn you into a fat collector, not a fat burner.
    7. True. Lat pulldowns, as a part of a complete weight-training program, can lengthen and strengthen muscles for improved posture. Other benefits include improved breathing, better coordination and a longer, leaner torso. So, if you hit the weights regularly, your mother may not nag you to sit up straight at the table.
    8. True. Meditation fights stress. Stress, in addition to many other maladies, can lead to poor sexual function. Therefore, if you want to heat it up between the sheets, it’s best to chill out at least three times a week.

    How Did You Do?
    Tally up the number of correct answers and see where you rank.
    0-2 correct: Fat-Blasting Fledgling
    3-4 correct: Calorie Counter
    5-6 correct: Training Disciple
    7-8 correct: Fitness Fanatic More

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    Can’t Live Without PSLs? Here’s How Experts Make Them Super Healthy

    If there’s one thing that epitomizes the fall season, it’s the cult-favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte. It’s the comforting drink we wait for all year because there’s nothing like the cozy hygge vibes we get from sipping on warm, pumpkin-spiced goodness on a crisp autumn day. There’s one caveat: The traditional PSL, as we know and love from a certain green-and-white siren, is flavored with not-so-great-for-you ingredients: added sugar and natural flavors (read: flavoring agents that can be highly processed and contain preservatives and chemical additives), just to name a few.
    The good news is I’ve picked the brains of doctors and dietitians to create the ultimate healthy PSL, whether at home or at your everyday coffee outpost. And if you just can’t part with your beloved Starbucks PSL, I’ve got a tip or two for you, too. Read on for five ways to hack your way to a nutritious, gut-friendly PSL. Spoiler alert: Your PSL will never be the same again—for the better. 

    In this article

    Hacks to make the PSL nutritious

    1. Use 100% real pumpkin puree
    I hate to break it to you: The PSL offered at most coffee retailers contains pumpkin flavoring or syrup (code for sugar-dense syrup or powder artificially made to taste like pumpkin). Instead, reach for canned or fresh pumpkin puree as the main ingredient, which will deliver on the signature pumpkin flavor and some major health benefits, too.
    “Like most veggies and fruits within the red, yellow, and orange hues, pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and lycopene,” explained Dr. Lana Butner, a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist. “Both of these nutrients are fantastic for eye health due to their antioxidant status, which helps with prevention of cellular degradation. The concentration of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E) in addition to vitamin C, iron potassium, and manganese also make pumpkin a fantastic food for boosting immune function.” Dr. Erin Hendriks, board-certified physician and functional medicine practitioner at Salvo Health, added that pumpkin is packed with fiber, which improves digestion by acting as food for good bacteria in the gut. 

    2. Opt for unsweetened, plant-based milk
    The common base of America’s favorite fall bevvy? Non-organic, processed dairy products, namely condensed milk. “Dairy is a common trigger for gut symptoms, as the lactase enzyme declines with age and most adults have lost at least some ability to digest dairy,” Dr. Hendriks explained. If dairy doesn’t make you feel great, ditch it. Instead, opt for your go-to plant-based option with no sugar added, like almond, cashew, coconut, or pistachio. Whichever you choose, you can still expect the familiar flavor and frothy, creamy texture of the conventional PSL.
    Not all non-dairy alternatives are created equal, though. “Oat milk is higher on the glycemic index, which further disrupts your blood sugar regulation,” warned Dr. Butner. “When blood sugar is dysregulated, it has a negative effect on cortisol production and secretion, which leads to further inflammation within the body.” If nut milk isn’t your thing, try coconut milk, which is high in healthy fats, over Instagram’s favorite oat milk.

    3. Reduce the caffeine 
    Bad news: The pick-me-up most of us can’t function without first thing in the morning can be a trigger for GI symptoms, and it might also interfere with hormones. Therefore, Dr. Hendriks recommended going the decaffeinated route or using less coffee in your PSL if you have gut or hormonal symptoms. But whether you’re going decaf or full-caf, choose a quality brand that is organic and fair trade, as low-quality beans are heavily processed and can be high in toxins. For a coffee kick substitute, Dr. Butner suggested matcha: “One teaspoon of matcha contains 70mg of caffeine in comparison to a cup of coffee which contains roughly 140mg. Matcha is also rich in the polyphenol EGCG, which has potent health protective effects, and L-theanine, which has been shown to improve mood and cognition and reduce stress and anxiety.” (I promise, it still works in your PSL!)

    4. Swap artificial sweeteners for natural alternatives 
    The ingredient that gives the ever-popular Starbucks PSL its signature flavor is the brand’s pumpkin syrup. While they don’t reveal the components of their secret flavoring, Carly Knowles, MS, RDN, LD, PCD, a registered dietitian and cookbook author of The Nutritionist’s Kitchen, let us in on what’s behind the curtain: “These pumped flavorings not only add a significant amount of sugar to your diet, they often contain artificial flavoring and coloring which some have been linked to issues like kidney damage or cognitive problems.” Alternatively, she suggested using a natural sweetener like monk fruit extract, raw honey, or maple syrup to allow you to control the level of sweetness and reduce or eliminate the sugar content entirely, depending on your taste preferences.

    5. Don’t forget the spices 
    The PSL wouldn’t be the PSL without the “S” in it, and luckily, spices also pack powerful health benefits. The usual suspects you’ll find in the PSL are cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves. “Go heavy on the herbaceous spices for the extra seasonal flavor, ” advised Dr. Butner. She broke down the benefits of each:   
    Cinnamon: blood sugar-balancing, allows for insulin to escort glucose into the cells to use as energy (as opposed to remaining in the circulating bloodstream for too long, eventually causing damage to tissue and organs)
    Nutmeg: a powerful antioxidant that is great at squelching free radicals, decreasing inflammation in the body, and helping with cerebrovascular circulation
    Ginger: an antimicrobial antioxidant that helps regulate blood glucose levels, and as a potent herb, it also helps to increase circulation
    Clove: an anti-inflammatory antioxidant shown to increase circulation and nerve transduction to the pelvic floor and reproductive organs

    8 oz. freshly-brewed coffee
    1 cup milk of choice
    2-3 tablespoons organic pumpkin puree
    1-2 tablespoons maple syrup (or another sweetener of choice)
    1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Instructions: Make coffee and pour it into a glass or mug, and set it aside. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat over medium-low until warm (do not let it come to a boil). Then, transfer milk to a blender, and add pumpkin puree, maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice, and vanilla extract. Blend until well combined. Pour the mixture into the glass of coffee and sprinkle with a dash of pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon. Enjoy! 

    Hacks to “healthify” your Starbucks PSL order
    Opt for the “short” or “tall” size 
    Choose decaf instead of regular coffee
    Ask for 1-2 pumps of pumpkin sauce (instead of the usual four)
    Ask for extra foam instead of whipped cream
    Substitute 2% milk for almond or coconut milk
    Add a dash of cinnamon 

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    Could Your Gut Be the Secret to Happiness? A Dietitian Breaks It Down

    Ever feel “butterflies” in your stomach when you’re nervous or excited? Were you ever taught to “listen to your gut?” Same. It’s no secret that we feel emotions in our physical bodies. But could taking care of our gut health also be the secret to happiness?
    The gut controls more than just digestion. Research increasingly shows just how powerful the connection between the brain and gut is—as if there weren’t already enough reasons to take care of our gut health! Navigating new health information can be challenging, but don’t worry. I’ve got you covered. As a dietician, I’m sharing what I’ve found in my research and the tips I share with clients. If you’ve heard of the gut-brain connection but aren’t quite sure what it means, read on to learn more.

    The gut-brain connection
    The communication system between your gut and your brain is known as the gut-brain axis, AKA the gut-brain connection. Our gastrointestinal tract (GI tract for short) is comprised of millions of neurons. These neurons are connected to your brain through nerves in the nervous system, the biggest one being the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is able to send signals back and forth between the gut and the brain. Aside from neurons, the GI tract also contains trillions of microbes (typically bacteria) that play a role in immune function and inflammation. They also release chemicals that affect how your brain works. For example, gut bacteria manufacture about 95% of the body’s supply of serotonin (the happy hormone). 
    As more research emerges, scientists and medical professionals alike are beginning to better understand the link between digestion and the way we think. This is also why there’s an emerging field of nutritional psychiatry linking the foods we eat to our mental health. Although all mental health symptoms should be worked on with your doctor or therapist, taking care of your gut health might also optimize your mood. While there are many ways to take care of your gut health, here are five of my favorite tips I always recommend to clients.

    1. Stay hydrated
    You’ve heard it before, and I’ll say it again: Water is your best friend. Water keeps things moving and helps your body digest all the different foods you eat each day. Additionally, it keeps your bowel movements regular, which is crucial for the health of those microbes that play a major part in the body’s serotonin production.
    A general guideline is to drink half your body weight of water (in ounces) each day. However, needs may vary depending on outside temperature, exercise, and age. Although it sounds simple, I have often found that drinking enough water is a struggle for most people, myself included. Carrying a water bottle with you is one of the easiest ways to ensure you drink enough water throughout the day (bonus if it’s cute!). To take it one step further, try using a straw. 

    2. Choose fiber 
    There are different types of fiber in the foods we eat. Some act as a binding mechanism to push food through the digestive tract to create regular bowel movements. Some act as prebiotics to provide food for gut bacteria. Fiber can be found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and more. Regardless of the types of foods you consume, it’s important to consume adequate fiber daily. Research has shown eating adequate fiber is linked to a more diverse gut microbiome. And a more diverse gut microbiome is linked to better nutrient absorption—AKA better overall health, including brain health. 
    If you are not already incorporating fiber into your diet, don’t stress. Make sure you add additional fiber gradually over the course of a few weeks. Going from consuming little fiber to 25 grams a day could cause potential GI distress, such as bloating or cramping. (Think: adding a vegetable side with lunch or pairing a handful of berries with your breakfast.) Lastly, make sure you are drinking plenty of water to prevent constipation while adding more fiber.

    3. Eat a wide variety of plants
    When it comes to your diet, variety is the spice of life. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can ensure you meet your micronutrient needs. It’s also key to a healthy gut. One study found those who consumed more than 30 different plants per week had more diverse gut bacteria than those who ate 10 or fewer. If that sounds challenging, it may be easier than you think. When preparing meals, think of additional fruits and veggies you can add, such as fruit on top of oatmeal or roasted vegetables with pasta. Try meal prepping with seasonal fruits and veggies, or aim to pick out a produce item you haven’t tried before when grocery shopping. Additionally, opting for plant-based snacks like mixed nuts, veggies, and hummus, or fruit with yogurt can help round out your day.

    4. Choose fermented foods 
    Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut provide good bacteria for your gut, which is helpful for maintaining a diverse gut microbiome—and you already know a diverse gut microbiome can mean healthier gut-brain connection, production of serotonin, etc. In one study, researchers determined that individuals who consumed sauerkraut for six weeks had improved irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, like bloating and gas. Additionally, it improved the makeup of the gut microbiome. To reap the benefits of fermented foods, aim to incorporate them into your daily meals. Try topping tacos, salads, or your favorite meals with sauerkraut or kimchi, or swap your regular yogurt for probiotic-filled coconut or whole milk yogurt. 

    5. Make time to stretch 
    Stretching is often overlooked, especially when it comes to optimizing gut health. You probably already know stretching can release tension and counteract the effects of the hours of sitting we do daily, but it can also help improve digestion. Stretches like downward dog and cat-cow are great for reducing symptoms of gas and bloating, and overall stretching improves blood flow to organs, which helps aid in a smoother digestive process and a healthier gut-brain connection. As a perk, stretching can help reduce stress, making it a great way to wind down after a long day. You don’t need a lot of time to stretch. Incorporating even five minutes into your work day or before bed is enough to make a difference.

    These tips are not meant to serve as treatment for any GI conditions, anxiety, or depression. If you are experiencing GI conditions, please consult your doctor or gastroenterologist, and if you think you may be experiencing depression or anxiety, it’s important to reach out and get help. See your doctor, get in contact with a therapist, and/or talk to a close friend or family member.
    Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    Green Tea Might Be the Secret To Gut Health–We Asked an Expert More

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    It’s Time for a Life Edit—Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide

    Like many, I spent a good part of the pandemic feeling out of control. With my work hours cut, my rental house being put up for sale, and the consistent state of languishing, I was overwhelmed by the unfamiliar chaos of my life. I held on to whatever predictability I could depend on. But with perfectly aligned timing, manifestation found its way into my life. I first learned about the concept from my social media feeds. Alongside influencers and the wellness elite, I saw posts from friends sharing the magic of manifestation.
    As I dove into the practice, I found myself wanting a little more support in designing the life of my dreams. An annual life edit helped me create clarity and carve out space to attract what I really wanted. Read on–the results are worth it! 

    What is a life edit?
    I learned about the concept from one of my favorite podcasts, Almost 30. In Ep. 296, co-host Krista Williams shares how a life edit gave her more clarity and mental peace. As a key step in manifesting your dream life, a thorough edit is intended to help you see every part of your life in its current state. Take a deep dive into all facets of your life: digital, home, finance, wellness, mental health, and social. By doing this, you give yourself the opportunity to spend significant time sifting through the “clutter” and clearing space for what you want to manifest.
    For me, a life edit was the missing piece that helped me lean into manifestation. While manifesting is about turning your thoughts into reality, the reality you want doesn’t simply come about by wishing for it. Instead, manifestation is a matter of intentional alignment. Essentially, you’re learning to shift your actions, beliefs, and habits to support the life you want for yourself. But of course, you can’t change what you’re not yet aware of. And that, dear readers, is where a life edit comes in.
    Think of a life edit as a re-evaluation. It’s an opportunity to take stock and get a pulse on where your life is right now. The best way to clean a space is to (painstakingly) take everything out and only put back what you really want. That’s exactly what we’re doing with a life edit, but it isn’t just your physical stuff. By slowing down and observing our lives, we can see what to let go of and what we ultimately want to welcome in. The space between our dreams and reality becomes so much closer. Let’s go through the six areas you’ll focus on, plus tips and tricks to ensure you’re getting the most from your life edit.

    How to do a life edit
    Step 1: Reflect
    While I’m one to jump into things before I know how to succeed, I’m trying to break that habit by taking intentional pauses. So, while a life edit sounds exciting (spoiler: it is), the best way to ensure you get what you need is to get quiet and spend some time with your journal. Not a fan of journaling? Think of it this way: Putting our thoughts into words gives them permanency that keeping beliefs in our heads can’t. It’s a bit like creating a roadmap for yourself, and people who swear by their morning pages can attest: It’s one of the best ways to find a little much-needed clarity. 
    In your journal, designate six different sections where you can reflect on the following areas of your life: Digital, home, financial, wellness, mental health, and social life. From there, respond to the following questions:

    What do I want more of in this area of my life?
    What feels overwhelming?
    Do I feel any blocks keeping me from achieving my goals?
    What do I want to introduce more of? 
    What can I release?
    How would it look to feel a greater sense of peace?

    Step 2: Accept that this will be a challenging process
    Before diving in, I want you to know that this part of your life edit can take a while. There’s no set timeline, but you want to be sure not to rush the process. Be patient and give yourself grace. We often don’t give ourselves enough credit for how challenging it can be to let go of objects or say goodbye to relationships that no longer serve us. And coming face to face with the reality of our financial lives can be a hard pill to swallow.
    Initially, these truths kept me from acting on what I’d written in my journal. I wanted to start saving more money but seeing my spending habits brought on a whole bout of shame. And while I no longer wanted to feel obligated to pour effort into a relationship, my fear of conflict kept me from standing up for myself. The best thing you can do is move forward. It will be difficult and uncomfortable, but nothing is more challenging than staying stuck.

    Step 3: Take action
    Once you’ve spent enough time reflecting and journaling, identify the area of your life you want to focus on first. (Pro tip: Start with what feels like will be the easiest and build momentum from there.) With your journal responses as guidance, take the time to sift and sort through everything that relates to this part of your life. So if you’re starting with your digital life, focus on your devices and online presence. Spend time with your phone and computer to delete old texts, re-evaluate contacts, and clear your inbox. Unsubscribe from emails that cause you stress, and make sure you’re not signed up for subscriptions you no longer use. Do you want to spend less time on social media? Do you need to let go of a few profiles that leave you feeling drained? Consider the steps that will help you reach your goals. 
    Personally, I had the most fun Marie Kondo-ing my apartment. It gave me the opportunity to separate my things into keep, donate, and trash piles. (The closet purge was the most satisfying part.) Remember: No life edit looks the same. This will be a deeply personal and emotional process that might cause you stress in certain areas where others will feel completely calm. That’s perfectly fine! One thing that’s consistent across all life edits? You’ll feel more aligned and confident about where you’re giving your focus, attention, and energy as you step into this next season of life.

    I finished. Now what?
    While I like to do a life edit on a yearly basis, there’s nothing stopping you from doing one as often as you’d like. The purpose is to notice when you’re feeling overwhelmed and to lean into a life edit to bring you greater clarity. And yes, it feels amazing to make your way through the process. However, it’s important to remember that it’s an ongoing journey. The ever-elusive concept of balance isn’t something we’re meant to achieve and maintain at all times. We meet new people, embrace new goals, and welcome new objects into our lives every day. By viewing a life edit as a perennial practice, you can trust you have what you need to create the life that you want.

    Fall Is the Perfect Time To Manifest Your Dream Life
    Here’s Why More

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    4 Common Injuries You Can Get During Sex That You’ll Only Notice Later

    One more reason to love sex and orgasms: they mask pain, thanks to the endorphins. The downside? You might not notice a sensation that would normally hurt. To minimise sex injuries, we’ve come up with a few common nooky accidents and  how to get off without getting wounded.
    Sex Injury #1: Bruises
    Overly enthusiastic thrusting, groping, kissing or sucking can result in an unwelcome shiner or the dreaded hickey.
    The fixer
    Apply ice to the area, says family practitioner Dr Tamlyn McKeag. “Always cover the ice in a clean cotton cloth. Apply immediately, then for 20 minutes three times a day for the next two days.”
    And next time…
    If your skinny guy’s pelvic bone juts into you, place a folded fleece scarf at the point of impact (use it later around his wrists). And if he attacks your neck like Robert Pattinson in Twilight, break out the garlic and run.
    READ MORE: This Is Exactly How Your Weight Affects Your Sex Life
    Eina #2: Overextended Muscle
    You contorted Cirque du Soleil style last night; now you feel like you scaled Kilimanjaro.
    The fixer
    Rest and stretch out your tender muscles a couple of times a day over the next few days. A heat pack and topical anti-inflammatory such as arnica oil will help, says McKeag. If you’re still lame after 24 hours, see a doctor to rule out a torn muscle.
    And next time…
    Keep supple with this full-body stretch four times a week: sitting on the floor, put the soles of your feet flat together and push your knees into the floor. Start with your back up straight, then stretch your hands along the floor as far as they will go. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
    READ MORE: These Are The 3 Top Reasons Guys Fake Orgasms
    Eina #3: Carpet Burn
    Also beware of wooden floors, sheets and the back seat of his Jetta.
    The fixer
    Clean with soap and warm water, air-dry and apply an antiseptic ointment such as Germolene. Then cover with a non-stick bandage, says McKeag. Change it daily, and remove it once a scab forms.
    And next time
    Switch to high-thread-count sheets. Higher equals softer. Or toss a cushy blanket over any surface you tumble on. Avoid terry cloth or scratchy wool.
    READ MORE: The 5 Best Sex Positions For When You’re Feeling Stressed
    Eina #4: Vaginal Irritation
    It happens when you aren’t lubricated enough, you have a bad reaction to a lube or a vibrator, or he didn’t wash his hands well enough after slicing a chilli!
    The fixer
    Thanks to its cell-shedding and natural cleansing acids, your vagina is self-healing. Avoid inserting anything (his penis, tampons or vibrators) for 48 hours – the time it takes to mend. McKeag suggests you soothe discomfort with a warm water bath (no soap – and not in Cape Town, guys!) twice a day; you can add coarse salt. Wear only cotton underwear for the next few days.
    And next time…
    Demand generous foreplay: it takes 30 seconds to several minutes once you’re aroused before you naturally lubricate. Test a new lube on your inner labia and wait a few hours for a reaction before a full-on slather. If chillis are involved, vigorous hand-washing is in order! Avoid jelly rubber toys containing phthalates, as these chemicals irritate tender tissue.
    READ MORE: This Explains The Reason Why You Feel Like You Can’t Pee After Sex More

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    The Supplements I Add to My Wellness Routine Every Fall

    If you’ve ever been to the supplements section of a grocery store, you’ve likely been overwhelmed by the shelves of options to choose from (who knew there could be so many brands carrying Vitamin C tablets!). Even as someone who devours health and wellness content daily and spends time researching the difference between one green drink brand and another, I’m often confused by the amount of information and products out there.
    But supplements are merely an aid to a well-balanced diet. Food is our #1 source of the vitamins and minerals we need on a daily basis. Anything else we take is because we are not getting enough through our diet or lifestyle. For this reason, I always stress that talking to your doctor is most important before thinking about taking any new supplements so you don’t waste your money on supplements you don’t need.
    I’ve spent many years working with my doctors to find the wellness supplements and brands that are right for my body, and they change seasonally. As someone who lives in the Pacific Northwest, I deal with cold weather, lots of rain, flu season, and less sunlight, all of which play a role in the wellness supplements I take when fall rolls around. With this transition, I’ve updated my routine with tried-and-true supplements that help make things easier. Read on for some inspiration.

    Vitamin D/K2
    If there is one supplement I cannot live without in the fall and winter, it’s vitamin D. As someone who lives in a place that is pretty gloomy and rainy most of the year, it’s necessary I take this vitamin D3 + K2 supplement (vitamin K helps vitamin D be absorbed in the body). The only way for the body to get vitamin D is from sunlight or a select few foods. This supplement plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones as well as neuroprotective properties that support immune health, muscle function, and brain cell activity. Adding 5000 IU of vitamin D daily during these months has really made a difference in my seasonal depression.

    Vitamin C with Flavonoids
    During the summer months, we spend a lot of time eating citrus fruits that contain a large amount of vitamin C, but when the colder seasons come around, it’s harder to maintain vitamin C absorption since our diets change. What’s more, it’s cold and flu season, which requires our bodies to work harder to fight off illnesses. I add vitamin C to my routine because I’m getting less from my diet and the extra dose helps support the immune system. This supplement is vital to the body’s healing process. It helps your body form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in the bones, not to mention it’s an antioxidant that helps protect the body against free radicals. I take one tablet every day, either with breakfast or lunch.

    Beekeeper’s Naturals
    Propolis Throat Spray
    I could go on and on about the benefits of bee products, but for now I will share with you a recent favorite, the Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Throat Spray. Propolis is a natural mixture produced by bees from substances collected from parts of plants, buds, and exudates. It has astounding antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties, which is why every time I use the spray, I instantly start to feel better. While this throat spray is amazing for the immune system when you are sick, I even use it before a night out with friends or at the end of a long day.

    Oregano Oil
    If I come down with a cold or flu during the fall or winter, oil of oregano is my go-to. I swear by this supplement to help kill whatever sickness is keeping me under the weather and help get me on the mend faster. Studies have shown that oregano essential oils have antimicrobial activity as well as antiviral and antifungal properties. By adding 3-5 drops to a little bit of water (or orange juice if you can’t stand the taste like me) a couple of times a day while sick, I’ve noticed my symptoms go away faster than without this powerful supplement.

    A high-quality multivitamin can go a long way in your supplement routine. Unfortunately, there are a lot of multivitamins out there to choose from, so it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. I like Rituals multivitamin for women because it contains many vital vitamins and minerals, including Folate, Omega-3 DHA, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Iron, Vitamin K2, Boron, Vitamin E, and Magnesium. That said, the combination of these is not enough to support a deficiency in one of the above, so if you are feeling symptoms of a deficiency, talk to your doctor. Multivitamins are a great way to get the vitamins and minerals we need on a daily basis, and Ritual is very transparent about where they source their ingredients.

    Source Naturals
    Wellness Formula
    By now, you’ll notice that a lot of the supplements I add to my routine in the fall are on the basis of dealing with the change in weather and getting sick, and this wellness formula is a game-changer. I like to think of it as a supplement that packs a punch. Wellness Formula is filled with so many different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and herbal extracts that help support your immunity. I take two capsules in the morning and two at night when I am not feeling well. I’ll also take two capsules daily if I’m traveling or having a stressful week when my body may need the extra support.

    How To Update Your Wellness Routine for Fall More