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    5 Italian Girl Wellness Hacks I Learned in Italy That Improved My Life

    If I could live out of my suitcase, I would. Trying local food, visiting new places, and meeting interesting people fills my soul with happiness. However, the late nights, heavy meals, and few too many cocktails that usually accompany vacations leave my body feeling a bit blah. So, after visiting Italy this fall, I was surprised that I came home leaner and more energized. How could eat pasta, gelato, and unrestricted amounts of cheese and actually feel…healthier? 
    It turns out this is a pretty common experience for gals who visit the Land of Romance and Wine (AKA Italy). While many popular diets demonize Italian staples like pasta and pizza, Italy is one of the world’s healthiest countries. But you don’t have to live there to reap the benefits of the Italian lifestyle. Here are five wellness hacks I picked up from women in Italy that I’ve started incorporating into my life since I got home. Trust me–they make a huge difference. 

    1. Live an active lifestyle 
    Raise your hand if you’re guilty of busting your butt at a workout class only to sit at your desk the rest of the day. While some movement is better than no movement, living an active lifestyle is far healthier than only exercising an hour a day. In Italy, I didn’t maintain my usual structured workout routine, but I walked everywhere. Many of the Tuscan towns we visited didn’t allow cars within the city, so we explored the picturesque cobblestone paths by foot. 
    Although it’s challenging to move as much as we did on vacation on a daily basis, my husband and I did bring one habit home with us: la passeggiata. La Passeggiata is the Italian ritual of going on a leisurely evening stroll. The goal of this walk isn’t to break a sweat, but rather to catch up with loved ones. We’ve found that this moment of calmness after the workday gives us a chance to reconnect and easily increase our daily movement. 

    2. Enjoy carbs in all their forms
    Before Italy, I’d fallen for the lie that carbs are the enemy, so my meals would solely revolve around veggies and protein, leaving me emotionally and physically unsatisfied. The lack of enthusiasm I had for my “healthy” meals and the level of intense restriction I put on myself set the groundwork for major carb cravings and late-night cookie binges. 
    When we got to Italy, I removed all of the restrictions I had set around food. I was determined to allow myself to fully experience all the cuisine Italy had to offer. I started my mornings with a ham and cheese croissant with a side of unlimited fruit and I ended my days with a bowl of pasta and a glass of wine. Contrary to what the diet industry says, I wasn’t left feeling sluggish and bloated. Rather, my energy improved, and allowing myself to indulge in foods I used to deem off limits eliminated the urge to binge eat. 
    Now that I’m home, I focus on cooking meals that make me feel my best physically and emotionally. For me, that means including carbs at every meal. If you’re still worried that carbs will wreck your wellness goals, you should know that dietitians have debunked the myth that carbs cause weight gain. In fact, restricting food groups in order to lose weight may actually backfire. 

    3. Eat locally-sourced foods
    The Tuscan countryside is scattered with intimate Italian getaways known as agriturismos. These little retreats tucked away in the rolling hills are working Italian farms offering visitors dining and lodging. The one we stayed at produces its own wine that we enjoyed nightly. Others we visited produce their own olive oil and serve meals using ingredients grown on their property or sourced from nearby farms. These meals often included homemade pasta with a simple sauce, local veggies, cheeses, meats, and truffles they’d hunted that morning. 
    As Americans, we don’t often stop to think about the quality of food we eat. We look for hyper palatability first and foremost, which leads to an overconsumption of salt, sugar, and unhealthy cooking oils. However, in Italy, local ingredients take center stage at every meal. Since the ingredients are so fresh, meals are delicious without the need to add filler ingredients. This leads to both a tastier and healthier diet. Since we got home, I’ve focused on purchasing as many ingredients as I can from my local farmer’s market. This has encouraged me to get more creative in the kitchen and drastically increased our fruit and veggie consumption. 

    4. Romanticize your meals 
    If you’re anything like I was, you scroll Instagram while eating breakfast, work on your computer while shoveling down lunch, and curl up to Netflix at the end of the day for dinner. While it’s tempting to multitask while you eat, it can work against your wellness goals. Research has shown that looking at screens while eating can cause overeating, plus you are just not fully mindful to allow your digestive system to relax. 
    Italians approach eating differently. You won’t find them eating in front of a laptop at lunch or staring at a TV screen during dinner. They approach meals with a reverence we’ve lost in the United States. There’s no eating on the go or while distracted. Instead, Italians have long lunches and dinners, taking the time to savor each bite and catch up with friends. I don’t always have the time to dedicate an hour of enjoyment to each meal, but I have started romanticizing my food. This means no more screens at mealtime and focusing on what I’m eating. When the weather is nice, I’ll enjoy my meals outside, and in the evenings, I may light a candle and turn on my favorite Spotify playlist to accompany my dinner. 

    5. Prioritize leisure
    I occasionally fall into the productivity trap. Eight-hour workdays easily become twelve-hour workdays, and Saturday mornings turn into an opportunity to squeeze in a couple of hours of writing. While I love my job, overworking leaves me uninspired, tired, and depressed. But after returning home from my trip to Italy, I noticed both my energy levels and excitement for my career rise. 
    Italians have perfected the art of relaxing. Long lunches, evening strolls, and kicking back with a few friends and a glass of wine aren’t occasional treats. They’re the norm. This balanced approach to life can help reduce stress, ultimately making you happier and more productive when you need to be. I now prioritize little pockets of relaxation throughout my day, which can look like reading a good book or ditching my laptop for a snuggle session with my dog.

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    Your Zodiac Sign Might Be the Secret to Feeling More Confident and Happy—Here’s How To Tap In

    If you know the basics of astrology, you know that your zodiac sign can tell you a lot about your personality traits or who you’re most compatible with. Whether you’re a secret-keeping Scorpio, adventure-seeking Sagittarius, or initiative-taking Capricorn, there’s no denying the insight the stars can give into our truest selves. But did you know that each star sign has a color associated with it? And by tapping into your sign’s specific hue, you can level-up your best qualities, self-awareness, and confidence? “Representing the zodiac sign’s overall feel, certain colors can highlight the most powerful attributes of each sign,” explained Maria Hayes, an astrologer and tarot reader. “Knowing your zodiac color is crucial, as you can feed it to your subconscious energy, further bolstering your inner talents.” Bottom line: Wearing your color can empower you to live your best, happiest life. 
    But there’s more good news: Not only can you harness your power color through what you wear, but also via your decor style and wellness practices. So take this as a sign to go paint the town [insert your color]. Read on to find out which color is best for your zodiac sign and how to bring out its good vibes for optimal energy, abundance, confidence, or happiness–straight from astrology experts.

    How do I harness my zodiac sign’s color?
    Lucky for us, there’s no special formula for activating the energy of the colors written in the stars for our signs. Whether you decide to go the fashion or decor route, you can’t go wrong. “Wearing your power color through clothes, accessories, makeup, and nail polish is a classic choice to channel your sign’s innate energy, but there are many other options, especially for those days when you just can’t get away with wearing bright blue eyeshadow,” said Charlotte Kirsten, a psychotherapist and master astrologer. Kirsten also suggested surrounding yourself with your power color in your home with objects like wall art, flowers, cushions, curtains, or books to help welcome and absorb your sign’s positive energy. 
    Amy Zerner, an astrologer and author of Astrology for Wellness and Mindful Astrology, recommended further channeling your power color through meditation. “Clear your mind, take a few deep breaths, and stare at an object in the color,” she described. “Breathe in the color until you can feel it deep inside of you. Repeat this ritual whenever you feel as if you need to bring healing, happiness, prosperity, or any other good thing into your life.” Sound intriguing? Kirsten breaks down each sign’s inner color below:

    Your Power Color

    Red reflects Aries’ bold and brazen nature and amplifies their natural courage, desire for adventure, and reverence for life. This headstrong ram loves nothing more than being in charge of their own destiny! Ruled by the fearless and feisty planet of Mars (AKA the Red Planet), Aries are strong-initiative takers and aren’t afraid to make risky decisions in pursuit of true freedom.

    Being an Earth sign, it’s no surprise that the color of nature—green—reflects Taurus’ down-to-Earth and practical side. It’s no coincidence that green is also the color of money, wealth, and financial security, which fits this luxury-loving bull sign and its affinity for being pampered and the finer things in life. Green helps Taureans channel their innate prosperity and natural gift for creating and attracting abundance.

    The inspiring and life-giving yellow reflects Gemini’s childlike wisdom and curiosity. Yellow, the world’s happiest color, helps the dualistic twins learn new things, channel their intellect and mental prowess, and keep their spirits high even on the darkest of days. 

    Ruled by the silver-hued Moon, the comfort-seeking crab is deeply in tune with its motherly, caring instincts. Silver not only reflects Cancers’ calmness, serenity, and higher spiritual self, but it also helps them connect with their intuition and effortlessly pick up on the energies in a room. Tied to many mythological stories and tales, the color silver also acts as a guard, helping Cancers ward off evil spirits and malice.

    Orange or Gold
    Lively and vivacious, Leo knows exactly what it takes to be the life of the party. These lovable lions channel their warm, friendly, and infectious energy to inject spontaneous fun into any situation. Ruled by the luminary sun, Leos are incredibly outgoing and aren’t afraid to give new experiences a whirl. Orange and gold help Leos channel their inner confidence, reveal their true selves, and show off their warm and generous nature.

    An earthy, life-giving color, brown reflects Virgo’s practical, grounded, and systematic approach to life. This analytical and data-driven sign prides itself on its ability to act independently and the color brown aids in fulfilling that goal. Virgos can use brown as a symbol of personal growth, helping them work through even the toughest of problems, obstacles, and challenges. 

    Pink reflects Libra’s delicate and soft, yet charming nature. Obsessed with beauty and symmetry, Libras are the true aesthetes of the zodiac. They adore fine art, intellectualism, and nurturing deep bonds with others, and pink helps them tip the scales in their favor. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libras can use pink as a way to strengthen relationships, promote self-love and compassion, and even enhance their diplomatic skills to solve conflict in the lives of others.

    Black represents Scorpio’s powerful, demanding, and mysterious aura. Ruled by shadowy Pluto, the color black helps Scorpios build deep and soulful relationships with those around them, bringing out their passionate side. It also has a guarding and grounding effect for this water sign, aiding it in an emotional and physical rebirth after times of disaster or upset.

    Engaging and inspiring, this wanderlust-driven sign is known for its freedom-seeking and independent nature, and purple only enhances it. A symbol of elegance, royalty, and scholarship, purple helps Sagittariuses tap into their creative energy, allowing their most brilliant ideas to shine! It drives them to venture into a journey of self-discovery and continuously seek new horizons. 

    The epitome of responsibility, this hard-working and pragmatic Earth sign knows exactly what it takes to become self-sufficient in this world, and grey only serves to bolster this energy. Grey enhances Capricorn’s logic, traditionalist views and utmost determination. Some may say it’s a boring color, but sometimes it’s the boring, nitty-gritty tasks that get us to where we want and that’s exactly the energy that grey brings into a Capricorn’s life. 

    Aquarius has a rebellious streak running through their veins, both in action and thought, and blue allows the sign to tap into its imaginative and free-spirited personality with ease. Whenever they feel their innovative side is stifled, Aquariuses can tap into their power color to release creativity and new ideas. Blue helps this eccentric air sign thrive on individuality and uniqueness, allowing them to march to the beat of their own drum.

    Aquamarine or Light Green
    Ruled by dreamy Neptune, the god of the sea, this visionary fish derives its energy from its deeply felt emotions. Aquamarine enables Pisces to tap into their sensitive, intuitive, and deeply imaginative self. Pisces should especially embrace light green when they need the courage to go after what their heart desires.

    What Astrologists Say To Add to Your Wellness Routine RN More

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    Lili Reinhart Shared Powerful Tips for Managing Anxiety—And We’re Taking Notes

    When it comes to celebs who lay it all out there, it doesn’t get much more real or refreshing than Lili Reinhart. Reinhart isn’t afraid to speak up openly and honestly about topics like body image, diet culture, anxiety, and depression. Sure, she graces our screens and the covers of countless magazines from BAZAAR to ELLE, but she’s also a staunch activist for mental health and body positivity, frequently sharing her own personal struggles with both.
    Reinhart recently sat down with Jay Shetty for his podcast, On Purpose with Jay Shetty, and she didn’t hold back on recapping her 15-year journey with anxiety. In her candid interview, she shared five healing techniques that have transformed her relationship with anxiety. Read on for the breakdown and five key takeaways that you can try to boost your mental health too.

    Allow yourself to feel all the feels 
    Reinhart recounted suppressing her feelings as a child because the messages surrounding showing emotion was to not cry and be brave. Reinhart now proudly embraces shedding tears and breaks down the stigma that it’s a sign of weakness: “Crying is the most beautiful thing you can do… I cry all the time,” Reinhart affirmed. “I think it’s the most healthy expression of how you’re feeling. I sometimes wish I just could’ve been told, ‘You can cry. There’s no shame in that. There’s no shame in how you’re feeling. And also you don’t always need to be justifying it.’” And when she is in the midst of an uncomfortable, painful feeling, Reinhart grounds herself by acknowledging how fortunate she is to have the capacity to experience it.
    It turns out having a good cry is good for your health. Researchers have found that crying releases the feel-good chemicals oxytocin and endogenous opioids (AKA endorphins), which help release both physical and emotional pain. So go ahead and sit with your feelings, acknowledge and experience them, and allow yourself to cry without judgment and justification à la Lili. You just might find that feeling all the feels is a source of healing. 

    Learn to feel whole by yourself 
    It goes without saying that people come and go in our lives, whether it’s the cycle of relationships or losing loved ones. And when we experience a loss, we’re often told to find an external distraction to help with the grief (think: go on a hike or pick up a new hobby) rather than turning to introspection. With the revolving door of connections in her life, Reinhart said she found it hard to identify who she is by herself, outside of her circle and work. On days she had nothing scheduled, her impulse was to plan trips or reach out to friends—anything to fill her time so that she wasn’t alone. Her new goal? Trying to simply exist and sit in stillness, without feeling like she needs to fill a void. “I want to be OK by myself,” Reinhart said.  
    With the rise of toxic productivity, it’s only natural to have the urge to stay busy and pack your calendar with obligations and social interactions. Instead, we should take a cue from Reinhart and work towards discovering the value of solitude and feeling complete with or without outside influences.  

    Create a new identity 
    Reinhart told Shetty that she used to be a pessimist, which served as a defense mechanism for disappointment and getting hurt, and she struggled with parting ways with that person she’s identified with for so long. Reinhart now makes conscious decisions to rewire the “that’s what I’ve always done” autopilot mindset. Recognizing that’s no easy feat, Reinhart explained, “It takes pausing and reflecting and making an active effort to shift that behavior.”
    To take Reinhart’s advice, ask yourself, “Who do I want to be?” and reflect on who you are today while actively setting goals and choosing to build new habits to become the best version of yourself (see: future-self journaling). At the same time, let go of attachments to your old identity and any beliefs, patterns, or assumptions that may be holding you back from realizing your higher self. 

    Connect with your higher self 
    As an important step in her healing, Reinhart explored various wellness practices in search of her true self and purpose. “Two years ago the lockdown was forcing me to go through this healing journey by myself and my journey through healing was through spiritual healing,” described Reinhart. “It became an ‘I’m going to look inward’ [route].” After much experimentation, she found Reiki, sound baths, and meditation to be her standbys, crediting living in the Land of Wellness (AKA LA) and TikTok for guiding her to them. 
    Of course, what works for Reinhart (or Kendall Jenner or any other celeb, for that matter) may not resonate with you. But what we can all take away from Reinhart’s soul-searching is to keep an open mind when trying out different rituals to tune in to your higher self. You do you. Find what speaks to you, whether it’s words of affirmation, working out, or journaling, and don’t let any judgments from others deter you from it. 

    Take extra care of your gut
    Reinhart is a self-proclaimed fast-food lover, and she shared how her dietary choices led to not only her unhappiness with how she looked, but also her chronic fatigue. “I spend so much time trying to better my mental health and I don’t put any of that into my physical body,” Reinhart voiced. She also pointed out that recent studies have shown depression is directly linked to the gut, which gave her the main impetus for reprogramming her old eating habits.
    While the approach to gut health is very individualized, The Everygirl has gleaned a few expert-backed, tried-and-true tips on how to show your gut some TLC: stay hydrated, incorporate more natural fiber into your daily diet (hello, fruits and veggies), reach for fermented foods (think: sauerkraut, kefir, and tempeh), drink green tea, and prioritize quality Zzzs. Pay attention to your body’s cues, and if you notice symptoms like bloating, constipation, skin irritations, sleep issues, or constant fatigue, talk to your doctor and determine the best course of action for you. You can’t go wrong with listening to your gut after all. 

    These tips are not meant to serve as treatment for anxiety or depression. If you think you may be experiencing mental health symptoms, please seek help from your doctor, a mental health professional, and/or a trusted friend or family member. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    I Grilled a Life Coach and Her Tips Will Transform Your Anxiety More

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    An Inside Look at Kat Jamieson’s Morning Routine

    Welcome to The Everygirl Podcast. Whether you’re looking for insider secrets from successful women that have your dream job, are interested in expert advice to transform your health and feel your best, or just want to be entertained and laugh along with us on your commute, we’ve got you covered.

    We love an OG blogger, and it doesn’t get any more ~blueprint~ OG than Kat Jamieson, also known as the voice behind the lifestyle blog With Love From Kat. But Kat is so much more than just a stunning aesthetic (speaking of, check out her iconic California home tour here and her glam Manhattan apartment here). Since starting her blog in 2011, she has been on a transformative wellness journey, and this week on The Everygirl Podcast she’s spilling all of the tea (or green juice) on how she got to where she is with health and wellness. Plus, Kat shares all of the details about her first book, Blended, which incorporates cooking, entertaining, and living well holistically. Read on for Kat’s four-step morning routine, and listen to this week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast for more tips.

    1. Sip hot water with lemon
    Kat’s caffeine of choice is a matcha with coconut milk, but before she drinks anything caffeinated, she always sips on hot water with lemon. She loves starting her morning off with this ritual because it keeps her digestion regular, wakes her up, and gives her a boost of vitamin C. Kat knows that the first thing that she puts into her body is going to set the tone for the rest of her day, so she recommends drinking hot lemon water before any caffeine to boost hydration and stabilize digestion.
    2. Meditate
    Kat is a huge advocate for meditation, but she knows it’s unrealistic to “clear your brain” in the way that most of us expect to when we meditate. Instead of putting pressure on herself to have a completely “clear mind,” Kat sees meditation as a strategy session. “I use it as time to go through my to-do list, or check in with how I’m feeling about a certain relationship in my life, something I’m stressed about, or something I’m excited about,” Kat said. “I get some of my best ideas and creative thoughts during that time.”
    But meditation doesn’t just offer mental benefits–Kat also credits meditation to helping heal gut symptoms and help with digestion, by helping to relax stomach muscles. She’s felt the benefits of daily meditation in her alertness, mental health, social life, and physical well-being.

    Source: @katjamieson_

    3. Drink a green juice every morning
    Kat swears by her daily green juice so much that she got her husband onto the habit too. For years, Kat tried to get her husband to drink green juice in the mornings, and she consistently received the response that he was more of an eggs-for-breakfast person. But once he finally listened and gave Kat’s advice a try, he started to feel so much better. Green juice isn’t for everyone, but Kat herself is obsessed with the digestive benefits of drinking it every morning.

    4. Get outside for natural sunlight
    Before she starts the rest of her day, Kat loves to go outside and soak up some sunlight to feel energized and awake for the rest of the day. She loves to get outside and walk her dog, and–now that she lives in the suburbs–she’ll even walk barefoot in the grass to do some grounding. “There’s something about walking barefoot in the grass or sand that kind of recalibrates and really calms you down. I notice a huge difference when I do that,” she said. More

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    This Powerful Ingredient Is Everywhere, and Experts Say It’s the Secret to Immune Health

    Remember when chlorophyll water or sea moss gel was all the rage? Well now it’s time for bee products to have their turn in the spotlight. Whether it’s a honey face mask, bee pollen, or propolis throat spray, it seems like everywhere you turn, there’s a new bee product to try. I’m all for a new wellness trend, so I had to investigate bee products for myself. Spoiler alert: I became a huge fan. Bee products have been shown to have many health benefits, namely improved immunity. But in order to fully understand the different types of bee products out there, their benefits, and how to consume them, I turned to the experts. Ahead, the lowdown on what they had to say.

    In this article

    What are the different types of bee products?
    Today, there are tons of bee products available, but three of the most popular types are superfood honey, propolis, and bee pollen. As you probably already know, honey is the liquid processed by bees–but what may surprise you is the difference between the honey you find in your local grocery store and superfood honey. Dr. Mahmud Kara, MD, a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic and Founder of KaraMD, shared that most honey found in stores have undergone manufacturing and refining processes that rob honey of its beneficial nutrients and compounds. Superfood honey, on the other hand, has not undergone these processes and retains all its benefits. 
    Propolis is referred to as the “glue” or sticky substances that bees pick up from various plants to create their hives. It can be consumed in a variety of ways, whether it’s in the form of capsules, a liquid extract, or a throat spray, and can be found at many health food stores. Lastly, there’s bee pollen, which Dr. Kara said is the combination of plant pollen or residue and secretions that honeybees make while building hives and creating honey. The best way to buy bee pollen is in its 100% raw form. It is usually sold in jars and looks like small, yellow beads (available in some supermarkets and most health food stores). I find the best way to consume bee pollen is sprinkling some into smoothies, yogurt, or a salad.

    What are the benefits of bee products?
    Superfood honey, propolis, and bee pollen all provide immunity to the body in various ways. Kelly Springer, a registered dietician and nutrition ambassador at Wedderspoon, shared that superfood honey includes trace amounts of amino acids, vitamin B, vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants. She added that including superfood honey in your diet can be extremely beneficial during cold and flu season, as well as before or after a workout. As an added bonus, superfood honey can also be very good for your gut microbiome, which impacts every part of the body, from your brain to your heart. Another perk of superfood honey is its benefits for the skin. Springer suggested making a DIY honey face mask, which can help support healthy and supple skin (adding to my skincare routine as we speak). 
    According to a 2017 study, propolis has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. In other words, adding it into your diet can help reduce inflammation, Dr. Karr confirmed. My favorite way to consume propolis? Using Beekeepers Natural’s Throat Spray. Every time I use it, I immediately feel the effects. As for bee pollen, similar to superfood honey and propolis, it’s packed with numerous vitamins and minerals. Recent studies have even shown that bee pollen can help reduce the risk of disease, blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular protection, and immunity. The health benefits of bee products are extensive, but like adding any new product to your routine, there are some factors to be aware of.

    What to know before consuming bee products
    A large percentage of the population is allergic to bees and bee-based products, so talk to your doctor before adding any bee products into your diet. If you get the green light and decide to try a bee product, it’s important to consider where you buy it from. Choosing brands that are transparent about their sourcing, ingredients, and dosage instructions, ensures you get exactly what you are looking for when buying a bee product. 
    Bee products have been consumed by humans since ancient times as a natural remedy for illness and other ailments. Whether you take a spoonful of superfood honey to help fight a cold, add bee pollen to your smoothie for better gut health, or use a propolis throat spray for stronger immunity, bee products (when consulted by a doctor) can be a great aid in better overall health. 

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    What Really Happens To Your Body (And Brain) On A Detox Diet?

    By Laura Beil
    Your body on a detox is kind of like freefalling from the sky or plunging unexpectedly into icy water: total shock. Since you can’t exactly sit your organs down and chat with them about how you’re about to cut off food for the next few days, your body is largely unprepared for a juice cleanse. We chatted to the experts and delved into what really happens to your body on a detox diet.
    Your Body On A Detox: Right After the first sip
    Your brain’s hunger signals are answered with a dump of pure fruit-juice sugar. And don’t get any ideas – veggie-based cleanses aren’t any healthier. The sweet stuff prompts the pancreas to squirt out insulin, which moves sugar – now in your blood in the form of glucose – into your cells.
    After 30 minutes
    As your cells suck up the glucose, your blood sugar level can start to plummet and you may feel dizzy. Meanwhile, lacking enough kilojoules, your body is operating off its supply of glycogen, a form of short-term energy stored in the liver and muscles.
    After two days
    With each shot of juice, your insulin levels skyrocket, then crash. At this point, your glycogen stores are pretty much gone, leaving your tank on empty – and you feeling listless.
    READ MORE: Are Detox Diets And Cleanses Really Good For You?
    Since you’re getting about half the kilojoules you need, your body draws on long-term power sources: triglycerides, a type of energy stored in fat cells (woo-hoo!), and protein, taken straight from your muscles (oops). You begin to lose muscle mass, even if you’re still exercising every day.
    After three days
    Your brain is not happy. It enters into semi-starvation mode and gobbles ketones, fuel that comes from the breakdown of fat. Ketones work, but they’re like watered-down petrol; as a result, you may feel unfocused or irritable. (Any “mental clarity” is likely due to a strong placebo effect.)
    Sans a fresh protein infusion, your brain is also lacking amino acids, the raw materials that neurotransmitters need to maintain your mood. If you’re prone to depression, you may start feeling blue.
    READ MORE: Caley Jäck’s Simple Formula For Sticking To A Healthy Lifestyle
    The proteins in your shrinking muscles break down into ammonia and uric acid, unwelcome chemicals that invade your bloodstream. Now your kidneys are busy detoxing your detox.
    Stay near the bathroom: the juice’s high carbohydrate load causes a surfeit of water to enter the intestines. That extra H2O in your gut means you’re primed to get diarrhoea.
    After four days
    With no food to digest, your small intestine feels ignored. Its villi – the rows of tiny fibres that move food elements into the blood – start to atrophy. Your diarrhoea may get worse, leading to dehydration… and there goes your rosy glow.
    On the eighth day
    Solid food! But uh-oh – you’ve lost muscle. Even if you go back to your regular eating habits, you now have less muscle mass to burn those kilojoules; instead, the kilojoules are more likely to be turned into fat. (Hence, one reason yo-yo dieting makes it harder to lose weight: your reduced muscle-to-fat ratio messes up your metabolism and makes kilojoules much harder to work off.)
    While juice cleanses can be considered a spiritual practice and many appreciate the infusion of juiced vegetables into their diet, it’s not for everyone. Why not reboot your system the healthy way and download this 5 day healthy eating plan instead. More

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    15 Dietitian-Backed Recipes for Spooky Szn

    The leaves have changed, grocery store aisles are stocked with candy, and Halloween decorating is in full swing: Spooky szn is officially here. Halloween might be a one-night-only affair, but I believe you can celebrate all season long. For me, making a big pot of white chicken chili to enjoy while watching Hocus Pocus for the umpteenth time is a must every October. And let’s be real, I need my favorite Halloween candy on hand too. But just because the holiday is all about sweets, it doesn’t mean you can’t stick to your health goals. Keep reading for 15 Halloween recipes that are scary good—and nourishing, too!

    Source: Fit Foodie Finds

    Source: Rachel Mansfield

    Source: Peas and Crayons

    Source: What’s Gaby Cooking

    Source: What’s Gaby Cooking

    Source: Recipe Runner

    Source: Sweet Potato Soul

    Source: Well Plated

    Source: Fit Foodie Finds

    Source: Rachel Mansfield

    Source: Emilie Eats

    Source: Eazy Peazy Mealz

    Source: Cookie + Kate

    Source: Sweet Potato Soul

    Source: Wholesome Yum

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    8 Products That Will Help You Romanticize Your Life This Fall

    While I could go on about the benefits of fall (the fashion, Gilmore Girls reruns, PSLs, and of course, Halloween), it also has its downsides. With less sunlight and colder weather, fall can be the start of seasonal depression, and many of us may feel a little down or just plain blah. One way to help boost your mood? Romanticize your life. 
    Romanticizing your life is the act of finding joy in the mundane, day-to-day life. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine that just involves moving from one activity to the next, but romanticizing your life allows you to slow down and find joy in the little things. Whether it’s spicing up your wellness routine, investing in your personal development, or changing your evening wind-down, the options for romanticizing your life are unlimited. To help you get started, I’ve put together a list of products to help you romanticize your life for fall.

    Sunrise Alarm Clock
    Do you know what’s not romantic? Your alarm clock. I spent years waking up to the repetitive sound of my phone alarm before investing in a sunrise alarm clock, which was a total game-changer. I fully believe that how you start your day can impact the rest of it. Having a morning routine that begins with the sunrise alarm clock not only sets the tone for my day, it also means I don’t look at my phone first thing in the morning. Instead, I journal and meditate before getting ready for the day.

    Silk Pajamas
    Yes, you can even romanticize your sleep routine. Splurging on a pair of silk pajamas will not only get you one step closer to feeling like a Kardashian, but it will also help you look forward to something as mundane as a nightly routine. I can vouch that switching out a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt for these PJs has definitely elevated my sleep game. There’s nothing more luxurious than walking around your home in something that feels as elegant as you are. As a bonus, they’re machine-washable. Available in five colors.

    Mala the Brand
    Pumpkin Latte Candle
    One of the best ways to romanticize your life during the change in seasons is to switch up your home environment, and you don’t have to break the bank to do it. Making small changes, such as adding a fall-scented candle, is a great way to refresh your home. This eco-friendly pumpkin latte one from Mala the Brand is not only seasonally on brand, but also made from coconut-soy wax and phthalate and paraben-free fragrance and essential oils. Can’t you just picture lighting this candle and sitting down with a good read?

    Monika Hibbs
    Gather at Home: Over 100 Simple Recipes, DIYs, and Inspiration for a Year of Occasions
    This coffee table book gives you a little bit of everything. “Gather at Home” is a collection of recipes and DIY crafts categorized seasonally. From making pumpkin cashew coffee creamer to Thanksgiving dinner thankful cards and pumpkin spice blend, this book has the best mix of fall DIYs. It’s the must-have guidebook for romanticizing any meal or special occasion this fall.

    Guided Meditation App
    As a breathwork facilitator, I believe there’s no better way to romanticize your life than  switching up your meditation routine. I recently started using the Superhuman App, a guided meditation app, and have been blown away by the benefits. It offers a wide array of meditations you can do anytime: while getting ready in the morning for work, going for a walk, or doing the laundry. Every meditation I’ve done resets my mind and helps me look at my environment in a more positive light. To give you another reason to try out the app, they have a meditation called “Romanticize Your Life.”

    Essential Oils
    Essential oils can have a major impact on your living space and your body. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a diffuser and instantly refresh your environment. Each oil has different properties that can affect your body in different ways. For example, lavender is known to be a calming oil that can soothe the skin and aid in restful sleep. Doterra carries so many naturally-sourced oils to choose from, each with its own benefits. Some of my favorites for the fall season include frankincense, which has a warm and spicy aroma that reminds me of fall, and vetiver, which has relaxing properties and makes a great addition to a warm bath. Choose from over 30+ oils.

    Pumpkin Mug
    Part of romanticizing your life means treating yourself because you deserve it! Adding a new fall mug to your morning coffee routine is just the ticket to get you excited to wake up and start your day. Because, what’s fall without the pumpkin-spiced latte? And this pumpkin-shaped mug from Anthropologie will be your new favorite go-to for the season. After all, romanticizing your life is about adding joy to your daily routine.

    Bath Salts
    I don’t think there’s a better way to romanticize your life than a warm bath at the end of a long day. Take it up a notch and upgrade your standard bath ritual, starting with these bath salts from Maude. Made with calming salt crystals from the Dead Sea, you’ll immediately feel the detoxifying and relaxing benefits. Soak while listening to music, reading, or sipping on your favorite fall beverage. Available in three different scents. 

    This article is meant to serve as inspiration for boosting mood, not as treatment for seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, or depression. If you think you may be experiencing mental health symptoms, it’s important to reach out and get help. See your doctor, get in contact with a therapist, and/or talk to a close friend or family member.

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