
Dating in Dubai: How soon is too soon to gift Christmas presents?

Tis the season of giving

December is a funny month for dating. On one hand nobody wants to be alone on Christmas, but on the other hand starting a new relationship during the festive season can add unnecessary pressure – especially when it comes to presents. Here at EW HQ we decided to focus on the period between date 1 and almost reaching the three month mark.

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To give or not to give

Nobody wants to be a Scrooge at Christmas, but at the same time appearing overly keen isn’t a great look either. If you’re only few weeks into dating, we suggest getting a stocking filler like fragrance, book or a candle. Even a box of themed sweet treats would work.

Have a conversation

There’s no point wasting your time guessing if the person is really into festivities or not. If you’re only few dates in then perhaps the whole Christmas malarky can be avoided, but if you’re approaching the two month mark it’s best to have it out in the open to avoid any awkwardness.

EW Verdict

If you have been dating for two weeks or less, you can get away with a small token for Christmas or even nothing at all if you’re both going to be away. After about three months though, you both should have a pretty good idea of likes and dislikes to find a personalised gift. And if come Christmas Day there’s no sign of a present under the tree, then you’ll be totally forgiven for not speaking to him ever again.



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