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    This 20-Minute Dumbbell Full-Body HIIT Workout Will Make Your Muscles Pop Head To Toe

    If you’re pressed for time and want to work your entire body, we’ve got the perfect sweat sesh for ya. This full-body HIIT (or, high-intensity interval training) workout will get your heart rate up and challenge muscles in the upper body, core and lower body. Prepare to move in all directions and engage your glutes, core, shoulders, back, biceps and more – every muscle gets a turn.Meet the expert: Ariel Belgrave, CPT, is the creator of The L.E.A.N. Program fitness and nutrition coaching and the program creator behind the Women’s Health 28-Day Workout Challenge.What’s more, the short bursts of intense dumbbell exercises and limited rest periods is effective for building muscle, changing body comp if that’s a goal of yours and boosting muscle definition, says Belgrave. It’s also made to meet you at your fitness level with scalable reps, so you always feel just the right amount of challenge on your first or 10th time completing this workout. Join us!Time: 20 minutes | Equipment: None | Good for: Full bodyInstructions: Warm up with 30 seconds of jumping jacks and 30 seconds of crossbody lunges (shown below). Then, perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of each move for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Repeat the workout exercises for a total of 4 rounds.Cardio Warmup: Jumping JacksWhy it rocks: Jumping jacks are a classic for a reason, says Beck. Not only will they get your heart pumping, but the move also helps strengthen your outer glutes and inner thighs. Just remember to keep your core engaged as you jump, adds Beck.How to:Stand with feet hips-width apart, arms down at your sides and core engaged.

    Jump feet out much wider than hips as you swing arms out and overhead.

    Reverse the motion to return to standing. That’s 1 rep. Complete 50 reps.Warm-Up: Crossbody LungesHow to:Start standing with feet much wider than hips-width apart and arms at sides.

    Bend right knee and hinge at hips as you rotate torso to right with right arm extended straight up and left arm extended down to tap the floor.

    Bend left knee and hinge at hips as your rotate torso to left with left arm extending straight up to ceiling and right arm extended down to tap the floor. That’s 1 rep.Weighted SwingThis move combines strength and cardio, making it super efficient, Earnest says. “This can improve heart health, overall power, build functional strength and boost your mood!”Target muscles: posterior chain, glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors, upper back muscles and coreHow to:Hinge your hips back, knees slightly bent, torso leaned forward at 45 degrees, holding the edge of the dumbbell with both hands, arms extended straight toward floor.

    Then in one motion, squeeze the glutes, straighten your legs, lift your torso and thrust your hips forward, swinging the weight to chest height. Keep your arms straight and core tight as your move.

    Reverse the movement, bringing the dumbbell between the thighs when you hinge. That’s 1 rep.

    Complete 10 reps each side, then move on to your next move.Reverse Alternating LungeHow to:Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand at sides, palms facing thighs.

    Step right leg back and lower into a lunge so both knees are bent at about 90 degrees, maintaining good posture and an engaged core.

    Reverse move to return to start with control.

    Repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.Form fix: Let your shoulders melt down your back and hold the dumbbells at your sides as if you’re carrying two suitcasesBiceps Curl To PressWhy it rocks: This movement combines two exercises to target your biceps, shoulders and triceps in one go, says Harvey.How to:Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms hanging at sides, and a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward.

    Engage core, draw shoulders down and back and gaze forward.

    On an exhale, engage biceps and bend elbows to curl the dumbbells up to shoulders, keeping elbows tucked into sides.

    Inhale and rotate wrists so palms face away from body. Then, on an exhale, press both dumbbells up to the ceiling, straightening arms. When fully pressed, hands should be aligned with shoulders.

    On an inhale, slowly reverse the movement to return to the starting position with dumbbells down to sides. That’s 1 rep. Do 10 to 12 reps.READ MORE: Try This Upper-Body Dumbbell Strength Workout For Serious Arm SculptingDeadlift And RowHow to:Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, a soft bend in knees, holding one dumbbell in each hand with palms facing legs and arms at sides.

    Hinge hips as you lower dumbbells, keeping the weights close to thighs and shins.

    Pause at the bottom and rotate hands so palms face each other.

    Squeeze shoulder blades together and pull dumbbells toward rib cage.

    Reverse move by lowering dumbbells to shins, then driving through heels to stand with arms at sides. That’s 1 rep.Dumbbell Pullover With Leg LowerTarget: Transverse abdominis, rectus abdomins, obliques, deltoids, triceps, rectus femoris, iliacus, psoasWhy it rocks: Keeping your lower back and head flush with the floor while your limbs shift weight will engage your deep core stabilisers. Being able to lift your legs and arms from this position is essential for a healthy spine.How to:Start lying on your back, holding one dumbbell horizontally in front of your chest with both hands. Lift legs to a tabletop position, knees over hips, lower back flush with floor, core engaged.

    Keeping one leg at a 90-degree angle, lower the other to tap heel to the floor. As the leg lowers, reach arms above head at the same time to lower weight toward ground behind head.

    Engage core to lift both arms and leg to starting position. Switch legs and repeat the motion. That’s 1 rep.

    Complete 10 to 12 reps.This article by Jennifer Nied was originally published on Women’s Health US. More

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    This 20-Minute Bodyweight Lower-Body Workout Will Leave Your Legs And Glutes Shaking

    The beauty of bodyweight workouts? You can do them any time, anywhere. So next time you’re traveling or simply stuck with limited equipment access, give this lower-body blaster of a workout a go.The moves ahead are a mix of dynamic leg and glute exercises that hit the lower-body muscle groups from all angles. It’s important when training the lower body, and your whole body in general, to move in different planes, says personal trainer, Ariel Belgrave. For example, in an air squat, you are primarily moving in the sagittal plane, or forward and backward. In the speed skaters or lateral lunges, you are moving in the frontal plane, or side to side. Moving more three-dimensionally helps reduce your risk of injury and make it easier to move and function day to day (even when you’re, say, carrying groceries).Meet the expert: Ariel Belgrave, Certified Personal Trainer, is the creator of The L.E.A.N. Program fitness and nutrition coaching and the program creator behind the Women’s Health 28-Day Workout Challenge.Another perk of the bodyweight lower-body workout here is that it’s totally scaleable. Need more rest and recovery? Only do the first three sets, then keep coming back to the workout as you get stronger. Need more challenge? Hold light to medium dumbbells during the lunge patterns, and hold a weight across your hips in the glute bridge. Get ready for a serious lower-body burn – and follow along with Belgrave.Your 20-Minute Bodyweight Lower-Body WorkoutTime: 20 minutes | Equipment: None | Good for: Lower bodyInstructions: Warm up with 30 seconds of marching and 30 seconds of air squats (shown below). Then, perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of each move for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Repeat the workout exercises for a total of 4 rounds.READ MORE: The Best 28-Day Workout Challenge To Get Stronger All Over Using Only Dumbbells1. Warm-Up: MarchingHow to:Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides.

    Lift one knee to hip height, swinging opposite arm at the same time.

    Return raised foot to ground and repeat on other side. Continue alternating.2. Warm-Up: Air SquatHow to:Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, arms at sides.

    Lower into a squat, stopping when glutes are in line with knees.

    Drive through heels to return to standing. That’s one rep.READ MORE: Get Fit Anywhere With This Resistance Band Workout3. Speed SkatersHow to:Start standing with feet hip-width part.

    Jump to the right and, as you land, cross left leg behind you, landing on your right leg with a bent knee, left toes gently touching ground.

    Quickly hop to left and repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.4. Curtsy LungeHow to:Start standing with feet wider than hips and hands clasped in front of chest.

    Step left foot back, while keeping both hip bones facing forward, and plant it outside of right leg, heel high.

    Keeping torso upright, squeeze inner thighs together and lower down until back knee hovers above floor.

    Press down into right heel to return to start position. Press through heels to return to standing. Switch sides and repeat. That’s 1 rep.Pro tip: Hold a dumbbell at chest height to increase the intensity.READ MORE: Try This Upper-Body Dumbbell Strength Workout For Serious Arm Sculpting5. Alternating Lateral LungeHow to:Stand with feet hip-width apart.

    Take a big step to the side with right leg, then bend right knee and push hips back and lower until your right knee is bent 90 degrees. The left leg should be extended.

    Drive through right heel to return back to start. Repeat on left side. That’s one rep.6. Fire HydrantHow to:Start on all fours with shoulders over wrists, hips over knees, and toes planted on the floor.

    Keeping right leg bent to 90 degrees, engage core and squeeze through outer right glutes to lift right knee out to the right, until upper leg is parallel to floor (or as close as possible).

    Slowly and with control, return leg to starting position. That’s one rep. Perform reps for 20 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.Pro tip: Aim to distribute your weight evenly through each hand, avoiding sinking into your right side when working the left leg and vice versa. If you want an extra push, you can add resistance bands.READ MORE: You Can Sculpt Your Whole Body With This One R199 Piece Of Equipment7. Glute BridgeHow to:Lie on back with feet flat against the floor and knees bent, arms at sides.

    Squeeze glutes and lift hips off the floor until your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders.

    Pause at the top, then lower back down to starting position. That’s one rep.This article by Jacqueline Andriakos was originally published on Women’s Health US. More

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    The Best 28-Day Workout Challenge To Get Stronger All Over Using Only Dumbbells

    How do you want to feel 28 days from right now? Stronger, more confident, in a groove with a fitness routine, perhaps? If so, this 28-day challenge is for you and today is the day to kick it off!The challenge is made up of express-style workouts that require 20 minutes or less of effort but still offer gains and serious inspiration to make positive changes. Expertly crafted by Ariel Belgrave (@gymhooky), CPT, creator of The L.E.A.N. Program fitness and nutrition coaching, each workout meets you where you are in your journey – whether you’re looking to lift heavier, rehab an injury, or shake off newbie nerves – and still pushes you to level up, up, up. All you need is a set of dumbbells and a mat, and a go-getter attitude, to take on a new training style for the next 28 days.The real gems in this challenge are the tough-yet-effective compound moves that work multiple muscle groups and joints at the same time. And get this: Resistance-training programs involving multi-joint exercises (a deadlift and row, a squat) are more effective for improving overall strength and daily function than just doing isolated moves (a basic biceps curl), say multiple studies. “Including these types of exercises in your plan is a huge win if you are short on time, because you’re still able to build lean muscle mass,” Belgrave says.The workouts ahead include a quickie warm-up and a circuit of five exercises, which you do at your personal pace (a.k.a., AMRAP-style, meaning As Many Reps As Possible in the allotted time). Dedicating four weeks to a routine is the sweet spot for building consistency, finessing form, improving muscular endurance and more, Belgrave notes. So slip into sneaks, grab DBs, and gear up for the next 20. Then…keep coming back! Next thing ya know, you’ll be shouting Belgrave’s favourite workout kicker, “I. Did. That.”Equipment needed: Dumbbells, matWorkoutsDumbbell Upper-Body Strength

    Bodyweight Lower-Body Burner

    Dumbbell Head-to-Toe HIIT

    Bodyweight Upper-Body Strength

    Dumbbell Lower-Body Burner

    Dumbbell Full-Body Strength

    Your 28-Day Workout Challenge Game PlanThe short bursts of intense dumbbell exercises and tight rest periods in each of the six challenge workouts create the perfect combo. They combine cardio and strength and are effective for building muscle, altering body comp and increasing muscle definition, says Belgrave.Do each workout once per week, for a total of six workouts per week, following the schedule below. (For instance, when it says to do upper-body strength, choose either the bodyweight or dumbbell upper-body strength workout that day.) Oh, and keep these workouts handy after the 28 days are over – they’re clutch *anytime* you’re stumped about what to do.Need more rest and recovery? Skip the bodyweight lower-body burner and only do five workouts per week, Belgrave recommends.Pro Tips For Amping Up The ChallengeIf any of the workouts start to feel less than challenging, consider the following tips from Belgrave to increase the difficulty (– and the results:Increase the weight of your dumbbells by one to two kilograms as you get stronger.

    Count the number of reps you are able to complete in the given time frame and aim to do more next time.

    Decrease the rest time between the exercises or circuits.READ MORE: How To Find The Right Dumbbell Weight For Your Fitness Goals, According To A Personal TrainerWho should complete the 28-day workout challenge?“The 28-day challenge was created for beginners but is generally designed to meet you wherever you are in your fitness journey, whether you’re just starting out, looking to increase your strength, recovering from an injury, or simply want to shake things up in your current fitness routine,” says Belgrave. The AMRAP-style in particular allows you to go at your own pace, making it accessible for all fitness levels, she adds.That said, if you’re intimidated by 28 days of workouts, spark (and maintain) your motivation by making an effort to actually think about and write down your goals. “The first step is truly taking the time to figure out your why, what and how,” says Belgrave.Answer the following questions: Why am I adding fitness and wellness into my life now? In what ways will my lifestyle be different when I have fitness happening on a regular basis? How am I going to include my fitness routine in my schedule? That will give you a “take action” mindset, says Belgrave.Illustrated by Kelli LadererWhat kind of results is it realistic for someone to see in 28 days?You can expect to see some exciting (and realistic) changes in 28 days. “While everyone’s results will vary based on factors like starting fitness level, nutrition and consistency, you can generally anticipate increased muscle tone, feeling stronger, a boost in energy and more confidence in performing basic fitness exercises,” says Belgrave.How can someone keep up their routine once they finish this program?You have a few options, per Belgrave: For one, you could restart the 28-day challenge, with a twist. “This second (third, fourth, or fifth!) time around, you can adjust the workouts so that they are more challenging and align with your new fitness level and goals,” she says. For example, try heavier dumbbells, increase the number of reps in each set, increase the duration of the workouts, or try different workout formats with the same exercises.Alternatively, you could incorporate elements of the challenge (favourite exercises and/or the AMRAP format) into your previous fitness routine. Third, you could always explore totally new fitness programs or classes. FYI, WH has hundreds of exercise routines to choose from! “I’d generally recommend revisiting the challenge periodically and letting it serve as a benchmark to track your progress and assess fitness improvements over time,” Belgrave notes.This article by Jacqueline Andriakos & Jennifer Nied was originally published on Women’s Health US. Illustration by Kelli Laderer. More