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    7 Oral Sex Positions to Try This Weekend

    If there’s one way to celebrate the end of a workweek, the end of 2020 (finally), and the beginning of the holiday season, I’ll say it’s probably an orgasm. But I’m not talking about any orgasm—I’m talking about the incomparable, fireworks-worthy orgasm you receive during oral sex (or the mind-blowing experience of giving it to someone—now that’s magical). Oral sex is a concept most of us have a pretty good handle on. You know, mouths, genitals. It’s not all that complicated. For a long time, I really stood by the “You either love it, or you hate it” model. Some people have joyously outrageous orgasms through oral sex, and others just aren’t all that into it. And while I think it’s totally normal and OK to not be into it (or any part of sex, of course), I think there are a lot of people out there who write off oral sex because they haven’t tried it in a way that makes them feel comfortable, confident, and pleasured. Perhaps, a new position might be an interesting way to try it out, or if you’re already an oral-lover, to spice things up a little bit. 
    A few things to note:
    Don’t like oral sex? No problem, try one of these positions for penetration. 🙂 
    Your partner doesn’t like oral sex? Here’s how to talk to them.
    No matter how you have sex is sex—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

    1. Lying on your stomach 

    This one lets you touch yourself while your partner uses their mouth on you. Lie on your stomach with your hips slightly arched and your legs spread about just a bit. Your partner is able to go at your from behind, but you’re still comfortably laying down, making this a little different from your typical doggy style.

    2. Face-sitting

    Both you and your partner can do this one regardless of if they have a penis or vagina. If your partner has a penis, just make sure that they are sitting at an angle so they can enter your mouth without suffocating you, of course. You can face your partner so you have the view of looking at them (and touching them if you’d like), or you can face the opposite way and put the focus all on them pleasuring you.

    3. Standing

    This is another easy one to try regardless of your partners’ genitalia. This is a pretty common position if your partner has a penis, but much less so for partners with vaginas. If you have a vagina or your partner does, stand with your legs slightly apart, pushing your pelvis out. It might be easier to lean up against a wall or a table to hold your balance. Another great way to try this one is in the shower!

    4. Upside-down Head Over the Bed

    I’ve also seen this labeled “giraffe style,” which I absolutely love. Lay on your back with your head over the edge of the bed and tilt back so your upside down. This can be done with a partner who has a vagina or penis, but it’s much easier with a penis just based on the angle. Your partner will enter your mouth from a totally different way than normal, and the view is extra hot. 

    5. Legs around the head

    This one is much easier for giving oral sex to a person with a vagina, but it’s not impossible if your partner has a penis. Simply lay back, and after your partner’s head is in your crotch region, you’ll wrap your legs around them. Don’t suffocate them, of course, but loosely wrap your legs around. Your partner can keep touching you or hold onto your legs from the outside.
    One variation of this position is often called the “68.” One person lays down on their back while the other lays on their back on top of their partner, wrapping their legs around them with their crotch in their face. You two will be much closer this way, and it’s basically the lazy lovers’ version of 69. 

    6. Sitting down

    We love a good sitting position here because it’s an easy, applicable way to spin off your usual laying-down positions without having to grab your Kama Sutra book either. You can play this up in tons of ways. Maybe you’re sitting on the kitchen counter, maybe you’re in a desk chair, maybe you’re at the edge of the bed. This is a common position for giving oral sex to people with penises, but it’s a little less common for eating out—which is exactly why you should try it ASAP. 

    7. 69, But Spooning

    Aside from the joking territory surrounding 69, you might not realize just how good of an oral sex position it can be. While laying on top of each other is all fun and nice, try spicing it up by doing it from a spooning position laying down on your sides. You both lay on the opposite sides, and go at each other from the side. If you have different genitalia, it might be easier to situate the person with a vagina first as you’ll likely need to prop your leg up a bit or get closer to your partner, whereas it’s a little easier if they have a penis. You’ll be super close, and going at each other from this different angle might even help you find some new spots each of you likes. Orgasms for all! More

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    4 Reasons to Ditch Your Perfectionist Streak for Good

    I have jumped awake at 3:52am more times than I can count. As a former editor who worked years of evening shifts in newspaper publishing, I was supposed to be able to gracefully manage time, words, and people each night to turn out a perfectly polished product for readers every morning.Most of the time, it went fine, or at least fine-ish. But even if I felt pretty confident about the newspaper I’d helped put together hours earlier, I’d still jolt awake in the dark, absolutely sure I had forgotten something important and would be judged for it.
    In my predawn terror, I was starting to realize that my perfectionism wasn’t just about maintaining my own high standards. It was coming from a place of deep, deep fear. 
    What if someone judged me in the morning or found my work lacking? That would be awful. Maybe I would never recover from the embarrassment. So I played it safe, never taking risks or exploring outside my narrow comfort zone. 
    Over time, though, that zone actually became a lot less comfortable. I was scrambling every day to live up to others’ expectations, afraid to use my own voice. And you know what the worst part was? Nobody whose opinion I valued had ever judged me. The expectations I imagined others had for me were just that — imaginary. 
    That’s when I realized that, as scary as it might sound, living in the real world as the flawed human I was (and very, very much continue to be!) was the only way I could learn and develop my skills and confidence. I was learning what experts already know: Perfectionism can be the very thing that holds us back from being the best version of ourselves. 
    Need more reasons to ditch that perfectionist streak once and for all? Try thinking about what it doesn’t do for you. 

    1. It doesn’t raise your game
    First, those high standards we hold ourselves to? They don’t have to disappear. Striving for excellence and being conscientious is something we should be proud of. But there’s a simple reason that perfection isn’t worth chasing. Our goals have to be achievable, and perfection just isn’t. 
    Take it from Dr. Brené Brown, the bestselling author who studies shame, vulnerability, and leadership. “What emerged for me in the data is that perfectionism is not about striving for excellence or healthy striving,” Brown told Oprah, according to HuffPost. “It’s… a way of thinking and feeling that says this: ‘If I look perfect, do it perfect, work perfect and live perfect, I can avoid or minimize shame, blame and judgment.’”
    If you’ve been hanging on to that perfectionist streak because you think letting go will lower your standards, breathe easy. It’s time to set new goals — ones that challenge you, inspire you, and leave you feeling proud of your progress.

    2. It doesn’t help you grow
    Consider adopting the mantra of entrepreneur and life coach Marie Forleo: “Go for progress, not perfection.” On her blog, Forleo admitted that she could easily polish her posts and other products all day. Like many of us, she wants her work to be as good as it can be.“However, perfectionism is an insidious trap that can grind your output to a halt and suffocate your soul — if you let it,” she wrote. 
    That’s because all that endless tweaking doesn’t give you space to grow. Put your best effort out there and be done with it until you’re ready to make real improvements, Forleo argued.
    “The goal is to always keep yourself in a growth-oriented mindset where you’re focused on learning and experimentation and getting better and just putting shiz out there,” she told viewers of her show, Marie TV. 
    Perfectionism is a defense mechanism that’s more about seeking external approval than it is about doing your own best work and learning and growing in the process. The latter tends to be more meaningful, so remind yourself from time to time that progress — not perfection — is the goal. 

    3. It doesn’t support your health
    If you brush off the rest of these reasons, listen to this one. Perfectionism does zero favors for your health.
    “Recent findings suggest that perfectionism is highly prevalent among children and adolescents, and perfectionism can be quite destructive in terms of its links with anxiety, depression, and suicide,” the summary of a 2014 report on perfectionism begins. 
    Other studies support those findings. They connect the dots between perfectionism and depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and more. If perfectionism is becoming more common, as studies suggest, more people are at risk.
    An increase in perfectionism doesn’t indicate that we’re all just getting better at everything, as BBC Future noted. It’s actually a bad thing.

    4. It doesn’t enrich your life and relationships
    Psychologists say there are a few types of perfectionists. Some — self-oriented perfectionists — may need to know that they’re working at their full potential all the time. They may be disproportionately bothered by making a mistake. They may even expect themselves to be consistently perfect. 
    Other-oriented perfectionists hold others to high standards, expecting the people around them to be perfect. They may not be able to delegate effectively, needing to retain control of work so that it meets their own standards. 
    Socially-prescribed perfectionists are fueled by pressure and others’ expectations of them — real or imagined. They may base their self-worth on whether they can meet those high standards, even if they’re not realistic.
    Each one may struggle with life and relationships in different ways. We are all on our own imperfect journey, like the one that’s described in one of my favorite childhood stories. In it, the Velveteen Rabbit and its friends are discussing the process of becoming Real and truly loved by a child. As they explain, it’s not a journey that has room for perfection — only for being authentic and unique. 
    “It takes a long time,” one toy explains to another. “That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
    Take it from Brown. She believes that in order to genuinely connect with others, we have to show them genuine versions of ourselves — struggles and all. The truth, she argued, is that we are naturally interested in people who are authentic, who are honest about their imperfect lives.
    “Perfectionism is not about healthy achievement and growth; it’s a shield,” Brown noted in a CNN op-ed. “Perfectionism is a 20-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from being seen and taking flight.” More

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    Why You Don’t Need a Thanksgiving Detox (and What to Do Instead)

    So the leftover turkey is in the fridge, the recycling bin is full of empty wine bottles, and you’re planning to be in sweatpants for the next 48 hours because pants that button sound implausible RN. Welcome to the day after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as the day of painful bloating, undeniable sluggishness, and mild (or extreme) regret. We’ve all fallen victim to exclaiming, “I can never eat again!” after Thanksgiving dinner, or feeling lethargic and regretful for days after.It’s no surprise that the Thanksgiving detox is a popular trend following the holiday (if you’ve never heard of it, Google to find hundreds of hits). Juice cleanses boom, workout classes skyrocket, and guilt-ridden dieters download MyFitnessPal and eat salad for lunch as a means to atone for their sins. But no matter what you eat on Thanksgiving (or how much of it), a Thanksgiving detox is unnecessary (and might even be damaging). Read on for reasons you don’t need to cleanse or detox after overeating that turkey, and six things you should do instead if you are feeling uncomfortably full and sluggish the next day. 

    The body repairs itself
    No matter how many calories you gorged or how many slices of pumpkin pie you gobbled down, the body will process everything you ate within 24-72 hours. Everything from the saliva in the mouth to the enzymes in the stomach is meant to digest food, get the nourishment it needs from that food, and then get rid of excess through waste. Gross, but true! Yes, this is anatomy 101, but it’s important to keep in mind that the body is built to repair itself. Your body will digest all that sweet potato casserole and snickerdoodles on its own, whether or not you try to help it the next day. Likewise, you don’t need juice cleanses to “flush out toxins;” it’s the liver and intestine’s job to detoxify the body, so they’ve got you covered. Bottom line: the body is meant to repair itself, and it doesn’t need cleanses or detoxes to get the job done. 

    Source: @celebratingsweets

    A healthy diet should include indulgences
    Maybe your idea of a healthy diet is specific macronutrient percentages, or maybe it’s more about what you’re not eating (no sugar, no gluten, no refined carbs, etc.). There’s a lot of confusion, uncertainty, and debate about what a “healthy diet” really means. In reality, a healthy diet looks different to every single person; it’s whatever honors what your body needs (including foods that you love), and it’s about making intuitive choices with whatever is available. Enjoying cornbread or pecan pie does not mean you “broke” a healthy diet; it simply means your healthy diet includes foods that feed your soul and honors special occasions. 

    Nutrition is more than just what’s on your plate
    If you think your body needs a detox to help it get back to “healthy” after one meal, know that health is not just about the foods we eat. Yes, fruits and vegetables nourish the body, but so do the people we spend our time with, the music we listen to, and what we see when we scroll through Instagram. Leafy greens and lean proteins are important, but how we spend our time and who we’re around feeds us too. If you’re not also focused on the ways you’re being nourished besides the food on your plate, you’re missing key pieces of the puzzle. Keep your stress levels down, regularly indulge in activities you love, and surround yourself with people who make you happy, and your body will respond accordingly. 

    Source: @noelledowning

    1. Listen to your body during the meal
    Instead of a free-for-all come Thanksgiving at 4pm that you’ll regret the next day, why not just keep up healthy habits and listen to your body? Before eating, check in with yourself to identify what your body really wants and needs. Maybe you’re not hungry, but you would enjoy every bite of a slice of pumpkin pie because it’s your favorite holiday dessert, or maybe you realize your digestion is feeling off and you haven’t had enough veggies with your meal. Notice when you start feeling satisfied and are no longer enjoying each bite to know when to stop, rather than mindlessly eating until you’re uncomfortably stuffed. Aim for a balance of favorite holiday foods and nutrients that will make your body feel good, and stop eating when you’re satisfied.

    2. Drink a lot of water
    Water seems to be the cure-all for everything, and with good reason. Staying hydrated can improve energy levels, relieve digestive discomfort like constipation, and overall help you feel your best. Especially if you’re feeling hungover (whether it’s a food hangover or a real hangover), drink lots of water to ensure your body stays hydrated so that it can do all that repairing it’s meant to do. If you want to be #extra like me, I always start the morning with warm lemon water and a little ginger whenever I eat a lot the night before and my digestive system feels off. I swear that simple hack makes my body feel 100 percent better. If it’s hard for you to remember to drink water (or you’re an overachiever and want an additional challenge), try an herbal tea like peppermint, which can ease indigestion or painful bloating. 

    Source: @kayla_seah

    3. Stretch and (gently) move the body
    Please do not attempt a two-hour HIIT class first thing Friday morning as a means to “erase” or “make up for” what you ate the night before. First of all, that’s not how the body works, but also it’s unnecessary. Go on a jog or work out if it makes you feel better and your body is craving movement. But if you’re feeling sluggish and lethargic like the rest of us after Thanksgiving, try going on a walk and doing some stretches to relax the body. Movement, no matter how low-impact, can boost energy, motivation, and mental health, which is especially important if you’re feeling that post-feast food guilt. 

    4. Add in extra veggies 
    A “detox” or “cleanse” implies that you’re subtracting and streamlining your diet. Instead, you should really be thinking about how to add more nutrients to give your body what it needs to get energy and help with digestion. Vegetables are loaded with good-for-the-gut fiber and immune-boosting antioxidants that help your body stay healthy. No matter what you feel like eating for the next few days, focus on incorporating even more veggies with each meal. Have a side salad or add spinach to your omelet, get all the steamed veggie sides when ordering out, and try a green juice or veggie-packed smoothie for an afternoon snack as an added boost. 

    Source: @kateogata

    5. Take a nap
    The ultimate lazy-girl activity is healthy and a great way to help your body recover from Thanksgiving indulgences. As another example of the body repairing itself and DIY detoxing, sleep is a crucial time where the brain can cleanse itself (according to a 2013 study). A 2019 study agreed that sleep may be the key to detoxing our brains, AKA the best thing that happened to the day after Thanksgiving since the leftover turkey sandwich was invented. So if you’re feeling lethargic and don’t want to get off the couch all day, don’t force yourself to work out or be productive. Give the body time to restore and repair by getting a full 7-9 hours of sleep at night and taking a nap if your body is feeling tired during the day.

    6. Indulge in some self-care
    Whether the way you best care for yourself looks more like 20 minutes of meditation, dry brushing before a steaming hot shower, or approximately five different face masks, spend some extra time making yourself feel pampered and cared for the day after Thanksgiving. Not only will a little extra TLC help you feel physically better from that food coma, but it can help ease the stress from any food guilt. Remember that stress and guilt after eating are worse for your body than pumpkin pie or green bean casserole could ever be, so prioritize self-love if you’re feeling the regret kick in. Try taking a bath, reading a book that makes you happy, DIYing a spa day, or staring in the mirror and giving compliments to remind yourself that one meal (or any meal) doesn’t change how worthy you are. Detox your thoughts; your body’s already got you covered.
    How will you care for yourself during the holidays? What do you think of the Thanksgiving detox? More

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    The One Product That Has Helped My Period Cramps

    Hello! My name is Abigail. I’m an ENFP Type 7 Aries… aaaand I am VERY squeamish about anything medical. I don’t watch Grey’s (I know, the horror), those pimple-popping videos make me want to vomit, and I avoid going to the doctor at all costs (OK, that one I’m actively working on, but the rest is set in stone).I have, however, learned that it’s important to be in-tune with my OWN body, and to know my own cycle like the back of my hand. While I’ll never say that Derek Shepherd is my favorite man on TV (that title belongs to Schmidt and Schmidt alone), I can acknowledge and admit that it’s worthwhile to understand my own organs and systems (ugh, I didn’t even like typing that!).
    While knowledge is the key to understanding, knowledge itself (unfortunately) doesn’t make my period symptoms get better. That, instead, is a job for my favorite pain relief cream.

    Anyone with period cramps knows that they can be DEBILITATING. The cramping that comes before or during a period has the power to change your eating habits, your sleeping habits, your moods, and your overall LIFE… but with lots of important things to do in our days, we all deserve quick relief and minimal disruption.
    My periods typically last 4-6 days, with the first two days bringing with them some seriously painful cramps. I feel them deep in my lower abdomen and the tops of my thighs, with the pain often radiating around to my lower back as well. Every month, for those two days, I keep my Relief Cream with me at all times (and frequently lean back in my chair to moan with relief as I rub it into my abdomen). Not only can I feel the pain easing inside my body, but I can also feel a cooling sensation right on my skin (aka, it also works on sore muscles from working out or sleeping funny!). Since I’ve been using this cream (for over a year now!), I’ve noticed a dramatic shift in the severity of my pain, and I dread my periods less than I used to.

    Source: Equilibria

    Equilibria’s CBD products feature Colorado-grown, 100 percent full-spectrum hemp flower oil concentrate—and they provide relief and balance without any “high” feeling. Long story short? This cream (which is absorbed into the skin but doesn’t enter your bloodstream) is my favorite tool for fighting period cramps.
    While the cream is a product with many uses (and I’ve been known to rub it on shin splints and headaches as well), my personal favorite way to use it as my period secret weapon. A little bit goes a long way—but that little bit is, for me, the difference between a day spent whimpering in pain and a day spent normally.

    As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment. As always, consult with your physician before starting any new program that may interact with your current health plan.

    This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    The 5 Healthy Habits I Strive for When I’m Feeling Unmotivated

    Some days, I feel like a complete rockstar. I get up early, do my morning skincare routine, stay on top of my hydration game throughout the day, hit the gym, and shower. I fly through my to-do list, jump at opportunities to help coworkers, and create new tasks for myself. I feel social, I reach out to friends to see how they’re doing, and I am active in my family group chat.Other days, I feel like the human equivalent of a stale piece of bread. 
    It’s 100 percent normal to have good days and bad days. Those of you who have more good days than bad, I envy you! For me, especially this year, having a heavy amount of rough, unmotivated days has been more prominent. I’ve been trying really hard not to get too down on myself. Living alone and working from home has taken quite a toll on my mental health and, while I do my best to put my best foot forward (yay therapy! yay reaching out to friends! yay journaling!), some days I just straight up feel like garbage.
    Years ago, there was a darker time in my life where, on my days off from my job as a nurse, I literally wouldn’t get out of bed. If you’ve ever had one of those days… you already know. Feeling too anxious or depressed to get out of bed on top of feeling guilty for not being as motivated as you’re used to being is a vicious cycle and it can be tough to get out of. After too many days of feeling like an absolute blob, I made a not-feeling-so-great action plan to help me rebuild my confidence and to stay present on the days where I’m just not feeling it. Here are the five non-negotiable healthy habits that I prioritize on my most unmotivated days:

    1. Stay hydrated
    After I emerge from my nighttime slumber, I always, always, always rehydrate. Lately, I’ve been reaching for a big mason jar of hot lemon water to help me hydrate, improve digestion, and supplement some vitamin C. Drinking any kind of water is one of the easiest things you can do for your health and sets the tone for a better day. Trust me, being a dehydrated raisin withering away in bed is just not the move!

    2. Make a realistic to-do list
    I’m not talking about a list of “20 things that need to be done today.” Even on my most productive days, the likelihood that I fully complete a to-do list is rare, so I’m not trying to set myself up for failure. I’ll jot down multiple things that “need to be done at some point,” then, I’ll filter out my top three. Those three things must be done by the end of the day and I start with the least taxing first to help me ease in and to help me build my confidence. Checking something off of my to-do list always gets me going.

    3. Move my body
    I actually love working out once I get going but, like a lot of people, getting there can be the hardest part. When I’m feeling motivated and have time to spare, I could easily hit the gym for two hours to do cardio and lift which is a huge feat to tackle on days where I’m feeling low. On “blah” days, I still make sure I move my body to improve circulation, work on my mobility, and pump up my endorphins. I’m not talking anything crazy. I’ll either go on a walk if the weather is nice or I’ll pull out my yoga mat to either stretch or do a few yoga flows. 

    4. Tidy up my living space
    When I’m not feeling so hot, the last thing I want to do is fold laundry, do dishes, or round up the water cups that have been accumulating around my apartment. But this year, I’ve gotten in the habit of cleaning up as I go, no matter what (I know, groundbreaking). My grandmother was right: It has made the day-to-day cleanup more manageable. For me, there’s nothing less inspiring or more anxiety-inducing than being surrounded by clutter and having the constant visual reminder that my life is an absolute mess.

    5. Laugh
    They say that laughter is the best medicine and, honestly, I am “they.” Besides the known scientific benefits of laughing, I have found it to be one of the best ways to help me feel like myself again. Whether I find laughter in FaceTiming a friend, rewatching my favorite episode of The Office, putting on a stand-up comedy, or reading a humorous book, it is my daily challenge to find it—no joke. More

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    How 8 Nutritionists Stay Healthy Through the Holidays

    Starting with Halloween candy and ending with over-indulging in champagne on New Year’s Eve, the holiday season is loaded with temptations and traditions that promise to wreck health goals. November and December are full of sugary hot cocoa, over-stuffed turkeys, unhealthy appetizers, Christmas cookies, and lots (and lots) of booze. Many women have food-related stress heading into the holidays, while others give up on healthy eating entirely until January 1. But reality check, ladies: you can still indulge in your favorite foods without giving up your health goals, and you should be able to enjoy the holidays (totally guilt-free). For some expert advice heading into the most decadent meals of the year, I polled eight nutritionists on how they stay healthy while still enjoying the season. 
    1. McKel Kooienga, MS, RD, LDN, Author and Founder of Nutrition Stripped

    Source: @nutritionstripped

    “Food provides our bodies with the physical nourishment it needs to feel and function its best. But it also is culture, tradition, a way to connect with others, enjoyment, and so much more. It’s so important to honor that, especially during the holidays when food is such a beautiful and important aspect of the celebration. But there needs to be a balance. Many people can fall into the pattern of eating mindlessly throughout the holiday season and not paying attention to their nutritional needs with the intention of “restarting” or dieting in January.
    The way I practice finding the right balance between food for nourishment and food for pleasure is pausing before eating and checking in with myself so I can make an intentional choice. I may say to myself, ‘I’m not hungry, but I would enjoy that dessert right now because it’s my favorite holiday dessert.’ On the other hand, I may say, ‘I’ve enjoyed a lot of my favorite holiday foods today, but I realize I haven’t eaten many vegetables and my digestion feels a little off. I’m gong to choose to fill my plate with more nourishing foods now.’ The purpose isn’t to eat perfect, but rather to slow down, bring awareness to what you want and need, and make an intentional choice.”

    2. Shana Minei Spence, MS, RDN, CDN, Founder of The Nutrition Tea

    Source: @thenutritiontea

    “I think it’s really important to try to keep your mental health in check and a priority as much as possible. Especially with what’s going on in the world now. I personally like to go for walks and get as much fresh air as possible. Not just for exercise, but moving my body particularly outside really helps destress my day and brings me clarity. I think that it’s so important to find some form of exercise that you enjoy. It’s a great mood booster and increases the serotonin and endorphins (feel good hormones). But this only works if it is exercise that you enjoy.”

    3. Elizabeth Yontz Moye, RD, Founder of Hello Spoonful

    Source: Elizabeth Yontz Moye

    “Fill up your plate with as much fiber as possible! Fiber helps with blood sugar control, appetite control, and stable energy levels. The more fiber you have with your meals (specifically carb-heavy meals) the less of a blood sugar spike you’ll have. The less of a blood sugar spike you have, the less insulin (your fat-storing hormone) you’ll release. When you experience these rapid spikes and falls, the more hungry you become shortly after eating so be sure to fill up on fiber during the holidays to say fuller, longer!”
    4. Valerie Agyeman, RD, Founder of Flourish Heights

    Source: Valerie Agyeman

    “As I fill my body with the right quantity and quality of food it needs, I also remember that food is for enjoyment and connection. The holidays are a time for me to connect with my family traditions, culture, and loved ones. My experience of taste, aroma, the love and intention put into the meal, surrounding myself with family and the joy of eating, all add to my experience of nourishment. It influences my mood, emotions, behavior and food choices too. While it’s been a roller coaster kind of year, remember that food is a comfort. Food is a way to feel connected. It is to be enjoyed too. And that’s OK. That’s a good thing.”

    Source: @nutritionhappens

    “Between the holiday drinks, food, and even the change in air temperature during this time of the year (colder temperatures can contribute to more water loss in the body), hydration can take a hit. Grab an extra cup of water or two between meals to replenish those fluids. For optimal hydration, we need a balance of electrolytes, which are minerals that help regulate and control the balance of fluids in the body. The three big electrolytes are sodium, potassium, and magnesium, and they’re found in natural fruits and vegetables. Try adding a few slices of cucumbers or lemons / limes in a glass of water with a pinch of salt. Not only does this help provide those extra electrolytes for hydration, but it also makes it more interesting to drink throughout the day.
    Also, make at least one meal a day as nutrient-dense as possible. The holidays can bring a lot of changes during mealtimes, like eating different foods or changing our eating routines. A nutrient-dense meal in between holiday meals (think: smoothie packed with leafy greens, a roasted vegetable salad, an omelette packed with spinach) can help you meet those vitamin and mineral goals throughout the week.”

    Source: @marisamoore

    “Instead of focusing on what not to eat, add more to the table. I volumize with veggies. I like to start with a seasonal salad, garlicky green beans, or roasted Brussels sprouts with pomegranates for a festive twist. Also, there are endless eating opportunities during the holidays, but staying active might help to keep stress at bay. Consider connecting with friends over an active meet up like going on a (masked) walk. Lastly, I use what’s in season. From pears to apples to grapes to Brussels sprouts and other greens, there are lots of options.”

    Source: @wellnessforthewin

    “Some things that I think are super important to prioritize all year, but especially around the holidays, are adequate sleep and hydration. I encourage everyone to start their day with a large glass of water before they reach for the coffee. This can help reach daily fluid needs and hopefully remind them to continue to drink water all day long! In addition, create a good routine around sleep. Go to bed and wake up around consistent times each day, and create an environment that supports good, quality sleep.
    Last but not least, plan ahead to reach your nutrition goals. Healthy eating requires a little more planning and intention, but when you think ahead, you are better able to incorporate nutrient-dense foods that support your health and immune system throughout the colder months. Remember that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing; you can truly enjoy all foods throughout the holiday season, without guilt or shame. It’s all about finding the balance that works for you and forming a healthy relationship with food.”

    8. Serena Poon, CN, CHC, CHN, Leading Chef and Nutritionist

    Source: Serena Poon

    “Make sure you’re getting enough quality sleep. A lack of sleep amplifies emotions of tension, stress and anxiety, and weakens your immune system. Make a conscious effort to get at least 5-7 hours of sleep each night. Great sleep hygiene (going to bed at the same time, turning off devices an hour before bedtime, etc.) will help you stay on track through the holidays. Also, find a grounding practice. Meditating, breathing, or repeating a mantra/affirmation can do wonders for your health and mindset.”

    How are you planning on staying healthy through the holidays? More