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    I Fell in Love With My Best Friend…and He Didn’t Feel the Same Way

    I sat next to my best friend on her queen-sized, bed, surrounded by a mass of pillows doing what best friends do best: heart to hearts.Her words stuck.“As painful as it was, losing that friendship wouldn’t have mattered if you hadn’t learned anything.”We were rehashing the loss of one of my closest friendships. My best guy friend. (Let’s call him David.) A guy who in the course of our three-year friendship I realized I was in love with.
    We laid out the details like a deck of cards. What had gone wrong. Mistakes made on both sides. The scars it had left. What I learned from it. How I was planning to let go and move on.I had done the unthinkable. I had written an emotional note to David ending the friendship. To top it off, I sent a text. A text saying I couldn’t be friends anymore. The emotional, disgruntled note came later when I felt the need to explain my text. (A note, might I add, that was written while I was slightly tipsy. Something I highly warn against: drunken notes, texts, smoke signals, or really communication of any kind.)
    Rewind to 2016 when I realized that I had feelings for my best guy friend. After three years of a great friendship — of long phone calls, of making fun of each other, of seeing each other at our worst, of challenging each other to grow, of rooting for each other, of me calling him to come save me — I realized I was in love, and it scared the crap out of me.
    What scared me was that I knew. I knew how I felt. I knew what he meant to me. I knew if I had to choose, I’d always pick him. It was that feeling that older, more mature couples talk about, “When you know, you know.”Pause. Yes, you read that correctly. It took me three years to realize I was in love with someone. So yes, a really long time. I sat on my newfound knowledge of my feelings for a month, hoping I could will them away. I didn’t want to be in love with my best guy friend because I was afraid of losing him, but even more so, I was afraid of being rejected.

    It took me three years to realize I was in love with someone.

    So what did I do? I hard-core stuffed those emotions, deep, deep down in a dark tunnel that no one could find. I worked out to avoid feeling. I worked more hours to avoid emotions. I slept to avoid emotions. I shopped to avoid emotions. And guess what? The feelings were still there. They didn’t go anywhere.In the midst of my attempt to avoid reality, a friend gave me some words of wisdom. She told me that perhaps the first step is to acknowledge what it was. I had been running, stuffing, and avoiding for so long that coming to terms with how I felt seemed impossible. As we sat, talked, and sipped coffee, my heart began to ease and my lips finally released the words that I had been holding captive: I was in love with him.
    “Being honest about your emotions and being vulnerable won’t destroy you. In fact, it’ll only make you stronger.”
    One crisp, clear L.A. night with a glass of wine in hand, I took my phone to my apartment’s deck, and I made the call. With shaky hands and a trembling voice, I said the words that I had been trying so hard to bury: I have feelings for you. Fast forward to present day: the love that I expressed to my best guy friend turned out to be unrequited. He told me while he had felt the same way before, he didn’t think we were a good fit. It was my biggest fear coming true in real time. Falling in love with someone only for it not to be reciprocated. I felt embarrassed; I felt confused; I felt exposed; I felt stupid; I was hurt.
    We tried going back to being close friends like we had always been, but it didn’t happen that way. The phone calls stopped. The witty texts stopped filling my inbox. We saw each other once more in 2016 when we both were home. My heart wasn’t ready. I thought I could be his friend again, but my heart was still hurting. So when I got back to L.A., I sent him a text and said I couldn’t handle being his friend right now. He sent me a thumbs up emoji. We haven’t spoken since.

    When I got back to L.A., I sent him a text and said I couldn’t handle being his friend right now. He sent me a thumbs up emoji. We haven’t spoken since.

    Guess, what? I’m still here. Being honest about my emotions and being vulnerable didn’t destroy me. It didn’t kill me. While awfully uncomfortable, I am still here. To be honest, it was relieving to just be honest. It was like releasing pressure from a balloon. Once it was pierced, it all just came out.I fell in love with someone and that love was not reciprocated. OK. That’s what it is, but knowing that fact doesn’t destroy me. Oh, most certainly it hurts like all hell, but if it was love, of course the loss of it is going to hurt.Years later, I surely don’t have all the answers. I still miss David at times, and I wonder why he didn’t feel the same or why he didn’t choose me. I miss our friendship the most. There’s so many things over the last three years that I’d like to share with him: my job layoff, my freelance career, my crazy roommate stories, my trip to Italy, my half marathon. Yet, when I find myself on the train of thought headed to the past for too long, I kindly take my ticket and head to the exit door.
    I know now that I am enough, with or without this person. Just because one guy didn’t pick me, it doesn’t mean I am unworthy of love or not good enough. I am enough, just as I am: imperfect, beautiful me.

    I know now that I am enough, with or without this person. Just because one guy didn’t pick me, it doesn’t mean I am unworthy of love or not good enough.

    I am finding that part of being an adult and an overall emotionally healthy human being means allowing yourself to be real and vulnerable. While there are a lot of things I would go back and do differently, I am proud of myself for having the courage to be vulnerable. I am proud of myself for voicing my feelings. I am even proud of myself for saying I wasn’t ready to be friends yet because I wasn’t. I know now that that’s OK. I only wish I would have had that conversation in person and not sent a text. It deserved more care and so did he.
    Yet, I can show myself grace because I had some growing to do, as we are all in process, imperfect human beings. In 2016, I was a hot mess in more ways than one. I didn’t value myself nor my voice. 2017 saw a lot of growth, a lot, and boy was it painful. I grew to be more confident in my talents and gifts. I came to get to know and actually like the woman I saw staring back at me in the mirror. I learned to say no, to set boundaries with other people, and to make self-care a priority. 2018 allowed me to put those lessons into action and I gained a thicker skin. In 2019, I hope to only go up from here.

    6 Things My Therapist Taught Me About Relationships
    The top tips I’ve learned and am implementing into my life. More

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    Nutritional Psychiatry: How What You Eat Can Actually Boost Your Mood

    So you might already know that the way you eat can affect your gut or even help change your skin health. However, nutritional psychiatry shows that food not only helps the body feel its best, but may help the mind feel its best too. That’s right: there’s a connection between food and mood beyond getting hangry if you haven’t eaten in a while or craving Ben & Jerry’s after a breakup. While it sounds like two very different worlds colliding (nutrition? And psychiatry?), the concept makes perfect sense to me. As a holistic nutrition coach, I always work to connect the dots between diet and emotions. 
    Think about it: the brain works 24/7 to keep the body running optimally. Food is fuel for the body, but the brain is the wheels that keep the car driving. Premium fuel is not only better for the car, but helps the wheels run smoother. Confused? Since I’ve never been a car person, I’ll just let science explain: an emerging field in psychology known as nutritional psychiatry supports the connection between what we eat and how we feel, which means a direct correlation between diet and mental health. You are what you eat, but you may feel what you eat too.

    What is nutritional psychiatry?
    The field of nutritional psychiatry has been growing rapidly after emerging over a decade ago. In 2010, a study found that women whose diets were higher in vegetables, fruit, fish, and whole grains, were less likely to have depression or anxiety than women who consumed a diet high in refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and other processed foods. Since then, multiple studies (like the “SMILES” trial or identifying “antidepressant foods“) have made way for an emerging field that combines nutrition with psychology and the body with the brain. In fact, google “nutritional psychiatry study” and the results alone are pretty impressive. “Nutritional psychiatry means using food, supplements, vitamins, exercise, meditation, etc., in conjunction with standard psychiatric medications to optimize the potential of all treatments,” explained Dr. Sheldon Zablow MD, a nutritional psychiatrist and author based in San Diego.
    What makes the field unique is that it acknowledges and works with the gut-brain connection (more on that below). While nutritional psychiatry traditionally looks at how nutrients that go into the gut (i.e. through food and supplements) affect mental health, many nutritional psychiatrists are also acknowledging the role that everything from exercise to meditation plays in mental health for a more holistic view. “It’s important to address mental health through diet and lifestyle, because the body has nutritional needs,” agreed Dr. Ellen Vora MD, a board-certified psychiatrist. “When we’re malnourished physically or psychospiritually, our mental health suffers.” Nutritional psychiatry is not intended to replace prescription medication, but rather to support a treatment plan and help patients heal using every route possible. 

    Source: Tim Samuel | Pexels

    How does the gut-brain connection work?
    While we typically consider the mind and body to be two separate entities, nutritional psychology acknowledges that they’re intrinsically connected. “The gut directly connects to the brain through the vagus nerve, and the brain is also indirectly impacted by the gut microbiome,” explained Dr. Gonzalo Laje, MD, MHSc, FAPA, a clinical professor of psychiatry based in Washington. “Think of the vagus nerve like a two-way highway connecting the brain and gut,” agreed Dr. Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist and author of This Is Your Brain on Food. “Chemical messages from the food we digest are communicated along the highway. Following a healthy meal, the ‘communicators’ are also healthy and help the gut and brain to function at their best.”
    The “two-way highway” is also known as the gut-brain connection, or the link between gut health and mental health. Besides just the communication between the two, our moods can be affected by chemicals in the gut microbiome, showing that the brain and gut might be one and the same. For example, gut bacteria manufacture about 95 percent of the body’s supply of serotonin (AKA the happy hormone). Is anyone else’s mind blown (pardon the pun)!? Besides just the benefits that come with a good gut, the gut-brain connection also means there might be a price to pay when you’re not feeding your gut with the good stuff. 
    “Inflammation triggered by certain foods (like highly processed foods, added sugar, etc.) has a direct impact on brain functioning,” Dr. Laje said. “Nutrition is the source for building blocks that the brain needs to function, so if there are any deficits, the brain can’t function optimally.” You’ve probably heard of the word “inflammation” and might know that fried food or a couple of daily sodas might be to blame, but do you know what inflammation means? “Inflammation in the gut leads to inflammation in the brain over time, which is a major underlying cause of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, cognitive problems, and more,” Dr. Naidoo explained. “A poor diet, therefore, can worsen mood.”

    So what does a nutritional psychiatrist “prescribe?”
    So you get that what you eat matters, but is it as simple as just eating more fruits and veggies and less processed foods? The short answer: kind of. When it comes to a nutritional psychiatrist’s role, they work with each patient individually to come up with a treatment plan for specific needs, using both prescription medications as well as diet and lifestyle changes, as needed. For example, Dr. Laje includes diet as one of the essential elements in treatment plans for every patient, explaining he incorporates nutrition in his practice through food education (i.e. learning how to make better choices and understanding what those choices do to the brain).
    As for what exactly to eat? Holly Klamer, MS, RDN, recommends clients follow a similar eating style to the Mediterranean diet, which is high in omega-3 foods and plants, and supports brain health. She also encourages clients to eat probiotic-rich foods (like sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods) for optimal gut health. Meanwhile, Dr. Naidoo recommended a wide variety of plants. “A basic pillar of nutritional psychiatry is eating the colors of the rainbow, which brings rich antioxidants from plant foods to supply the gut microbes with fiber to help reduce gut inflammation,” she said. Bottom line: fill your plate with a variety of fruits and veggies, eat your omega-3s (like salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, etc.), and prioritize gut health to make your diet more brain-friendly. 

    Source: Sam Lion | Pexels

    Interested in nutritional psychiatry? Here’s how to try for yourself.

    IMO, nutritional psychology is cool because it proves that nutrition is way more powerful than just being about calories or weight loss/gain (duh!). This article is not intended to stop you from eating all of your favorite foods or to think food is the only type of “cure” you need when feeling down, anxious, or stressed. A spicy margarita or a bag of movie theater popcorn here and there likely won’t do any damage, just like one salad among an entire diet of processed foods won’t make a difference. Also, when dealing with anxiety, depression, chronic stress, or any other mental health condition, talk to your doctor about the role that food or gut health could play in your healing plan, knowing it is usually meant to support treatment, not to be the treatment.
    If you are interested in learning more about nutritional psychiatry for an overall mood boost, Dr. Naidoo suggested starting small and simple, since consistency is most important when it comes to mental health. “Start with just one eating habit you want to change or take on,” she suggested. For example, try adding leafy greens to each meal, or replace your go-to frozen pizza with a cauliflower crust option. “Another easy win is focusing on whole foods and limiting processed foods. However, remember that it’s about finding the right formula for you, so speak to your doctor before making any changes.”

    Please consult a doctor before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article. More

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    I Actually Ate More Vegetables For A Month—Here’s What Happened

    My picky eating has no bounds. I hate warm fruit, soft vegetables, mushy things, and basically all soup. But I’m nearing 25, and at some point, a girl has got to learn to eat vegetables like a regular human being. I wanted to see what really happens when you eat more vegetables, so I embarked on a journey to experience the benefits of vegetables for a full month and see what happened to my body, mind, taste buds, and more.

    How I Did It:

    I started produce delivery

    It was merely happenstance that, as I wanted to try this experiment, my coworker suggested Imperfect Foods for food but also for fantastic moving boxes (which they totally were). I set up a produce delivery every single week, and not only is it pretty inexpensive, but it also encourages me to try new things and always have produce on hand. I have to walk to and from the grocery store, so a giant haul is never a possibility for me—which often encourages me to grab a lightweight bag of chips versus a much heavier head of broccoli. This eliminates that entire conundrum and has completely impacted how much produce I eat.

    I ate a lot of side salads

    If I couldn’t find a way to add a vegetable to my meal, I opted for a side salad. I kept bagged salad and my favorite lettuce (romaine), cucumbers, dressing, and toppings on hand, so even in a pinch, it was an easy way to add a little bit more veggies to my diet.

    I added vegetables to every meal

    I found a way to add a veggie to just about every meal. Spinach to my scrambled eggs, lettuce in my sandwich, broccoli or cauliflower to my pasta—no matter what I was eating, I found a way to add a vegetable.

    I upgraded my snacks

    Just as I put a lot of effort into veggie-filled meals, I did the same with snacks. I’m known for a salty, processed snack: Doritos, chips and salsa, pita and hummus—basically anything you find in the chip aisle at Trader Joe’s. But if I wanted to use up all my produce, I had to have some snacks too. I switched to radishes and cucumbers with hummus (with pita on the side, obviously), added chopped bell peppers to my avocado toast, and ate my afternoon fruit with a small salad.

    What Happened
    I didn’t have magical results by any means. I didn’t lose three inches of my waist, I didn’t gain three inches of hair, and I certainly didn’t teach myself to crave vegetables by any means, but there are a few ways I’ve noticed a real difference through this experiment.

    I wasted less food

    I’m a classic “buy a ton of produce and never eat any of it before it goes bad” kinda girl. I have zero motivation to eat the produce I buy, resulting in so much wasted food on my end. Focusing on eating what I had and adding in all of that extra produce wherever I could fit it in was the ultimate motivation. I almost always use everything up now and feel bad when I let something go to waste. Now that I’ve seen how wonderful it feels to finish up a bag of spinach versus letting it die in my fridge, I always want to use up my food.

    I tried new recipes

    Because I was always looking through ways to add vegetables into every meal, I had to let go of some of my standbys in search of meals that had veggies built right into the recipe. This forced me to try so many recipes, ingredients, and more that I likely would have never even looked at, let alone made.

    I got fuller faster

    I have a big stomach and even bigger eyes. I’m a volume eater, meaning I really like to have a plate full of food in front of me to feel satisfied. But my stomach doesn’t always agree with that. Adding in more veggies—whether it was cauliflower to a lemon pasta recipe or julienne cucumbers to my weekly ramen night—made me feel like I was eating such a bigger meal, and I made myself fill up on all those vegetables when I could. I didn’t cut my pasta portions in half by any means, but I stopped getting that bloating feeling I’d normally get after downing a big meal.

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    Your Search for the Perfect Pair of Leggings Is Over—These Are the Ones Our Editors Swear By

    I have exactly two motivators to work out. The first: the instant mood boost I feel afterward. And second: a really good pair of leggings. Sometimes all it takes to get me out of a workout slump or a lazy mood is to throw on my favorite pair of leggings that make me feel confident, comfortable, and ready to take on the world. Whether you prefer cropped, ankle-length, or printed, there’s no denying that a good pair of leggings is more than just dressing to impress; the right pair can help you be more active and feel more confident (you know the pair because you’ll be more inclined to check out your derrière in the mirror). However, finding that right pair is almost as difficult as finding a pair of jeans that fit like a glove, so we did all the work for you. Shop on for every pair of leggings our editors swear by (and we’ve tried a lot) to find the fit, style, fabric, and price point that’s perfect for you. Your downward dog has never looked better!

    High Waist Power Flex Leggings
    Best for: that pair you’ll want to buy multiple times and wear 24/7.
    This Amazon classic with a cult following is a staple in the wardrobes of multiple Everygirl editors. You might even say this pair rivals much more expensive brands thanks to the comfy fit, fitted fabric, and convenient pockets.
    10+ colors available

    American Eagle
    Real Me High Waisted Legging
    Best for: barre or pilates.
    Jr. Graphic Designer Jess has three different colors of this pair because when you got a good thing, you don’t mess with it. With buttery smooth material, a lightweight feel, and a fit that moves with you, these leggings feel like you’re wearing nothing (IDK about you, but that’s as close to nude yoga as I’ll ever get).
    5 colors available and 25% off!

    Fits Everybody Legging
    Best for: loungewear that fits like a glove.
    We stan a pair of leggings that promise to look and fit well on every body, but they rarely follow through. That is, until this pair from SKIMS that literally “fits everybody.” The stretchy material is designed to mold to every body so you won’t have to worry about those awkward gapes, tight areas, or sags.
    8 colors available

    Align Pant
    Best for: yoga flows, sun saluations, and maximum comfort.
    Dubbed “the greatest leggings in the entire world” by Social Media Editor, Abigail, the Align Pants from Lululemon really pull through. This breathable pair was designed for yoga because it will bend and move with you. That’s right: a pair of leggings that are finally as flexible as you are.
    10+ colors available

    Black Cheetah Foil UpLift Leggings
    Best for: standing out in adorable prints.
    If you haven’t heard of NYC-based Terez, you’re missing out. Founded to spread joy and positivity, their leggings stick to the mission thanks to the confidence-boosting fit and patterns that make you smile whenever you put them on.
    2 colors available

    Abercrombie & Fitch
    Contour Full-Length Leggings
    Best for: showing off that derrière.
    So you already know about contouring for your face (we love a good bronzer), but did you know about contouring for your body? Abercrombie’s contour leggings promise to do exactly that with sculpting technology and stretchy fabric that flatters every curve. Bonus: there’s also a small pocket to fit keys, headphones, or other necessities.
    10+ colors available

    Seamless Leggings
    Best for: high quality on a budget.
    I’ve tried dozens of altheticwear brands, and I’ll be honest: Target’s JoyLab feels as luxurious (if not even better) as the more expensive brands. You’re going to geek out over the fit, quality, and fabric of these seamless leggings in pretty colors.
    6 colors available

    High-Rise Crop Leggings
    Best for: sweaty workouts.
    Editor-in-Chief Allyson claims this classic pair is her go-to for workouts: they dry crazy fast (no more sitting around in sweaty clothes!), don’t pill between the thighs if your thighs rub together, and the deep side pockets are ideal for joggers.
    10 colors available

    High-Waisted PowerHold Leggings
    Best for: when you want a pair in multiple colors (because it’s that good).
    Thanks to a secret power mesh lining, these leggings streamline your shape while wicking away sweat to keep you fresh after the hottest of hot yoga classes.
    10+ colors available

    Faux Leather Leggings
    Best for: OOTDs.
    There was a time in pre-pandemic life when you could walk into the Everygirl office and have a good change that at least a few of us were wearing these leggings. They’re just as sculpting, contouring, and flattering as the SPANX you know and love, but the faux leather fabric makes it the perfect high-fashion piece to pair with an oversized sweater or cute booties.

    Airlift High Waist 7/8 Leggings
    Best for: going from barre class to brunch. 4 colors available.
    There’s something about this fabric that feels different than any other. It’s the kind of fabric that comfortably molds to your body but you want to live in (plus, the fabric is meant to prevent chafing so you’ll always feel good). Whether it’s for a workout, lounging, or running errands, you’re going to want to wear these all day long.
    4 colors available

    American Eagle
    Lightweight Everything Crossover 7/8 Legging
    Best for: a flattering waist that doesn’t slide.
    Managing Editor Garri counts these leggings as one of her ride-or-dies. They’re lightweight, comfortable, and conform to your body no matter how intense the workout. The best part: the wide waistband is so good, you might not want to wear another pair of leggings again.
    4 colors available and 25% off! More

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    I Tried a Lymphatic Drainage Massage—Here’s What Happened

    Full disclosure: I am a sucker for any wellness, beauty, and health trend I find on Instagram. From CBD to celery juice to B12 shots, I’ve tried it all (and if I haven’t yet, I probably plan to). There have been ones that have now been incorporated into my approaches to beauty and wellness. There have also been ones that I could definitely live without. Over the past few months, I have noticed the increase in influencers, bloggers, and models getting lymphatic drainage massages to detoxify their bodies. Honestly, I was skeptical at first that a massage could do all that it claimed to help with. After contemplating it for a while and doing my research, I finally decided to give it a try.
    I made an appointment at a local massage and healing center near me. I made sure that the masseuse was proficient in lymphatic drainage massages. Before the massage, I discussed some of the issues I was having with her and she explained how this treatment would help. The biggest reason I went in was that I suffer from chronic back pain from a prior sports injury that flares up a few times a year, making it hard to stand and walk. She went over what to expect and we talked about the method she uses. The initial process of the massage is just like any other massage: you get undressed and lay on a heated table. After that, don’t expect a deep tissue massage, because it’s nothing like that! She used light, repetitive strokes focusing on my arms, armpits, stomach, back, and legs. When the massage was over, I rested and drank a lot of water as I was directed to.
    A couple of days after the massage, I felt like I had an extra pep in my step. I was able to work out with no pain and my body felt like it was given a boost of energy. I noticed that the water weight around my midsection had gone down and I was no longer bloated. Overall, the inflammation in my body was gone, and I felt like my body was finally in a comfortable, content state that moved with ease. I’m not saying this massage was the answer to all my problems, but I will definitely be adding it to my health routine a few times a year! Keep reading to learn more about what a lymphatic drainage massage is and if it could benefit you.

    What does the lymphatic system do?
    The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels, ducts, nodes, and other tissues, and is located underneath the skin. Think of its function kind of like the garbage disposal of the body (gross analogy, I know): it gets rid of “waste” in the body, whether it’s toxins, bacteria, or excess fluid. The lymph is a collection of the extra fluid that moves through the arteries and tissues to clean them out, before draining them through the lymphatic system.
    However, there is no pump to push the lymph through the body, and it relies on our muscle action to maintain fluid movement. Therefore, any kind of manual “drainage” (I know, so much imagery about that garbage disposal) is said to work by moving the lymph to the lymph nodes to eliminate the toxins and bacteria. While there is some controversy around the massage style, this system is crucial to the body’s health, and stimulating it through methodical massage could have many benefits.

    Source: Mathilde Langevin | Unsplash

    What is a lymphatic drainage massage?
    A lot more people are incorporating this massage into their health and wellness routines. You can find directions online on how to give yourself this massage, but I recommend going to a licensed therapist who is trained in lymphatic drainage massage for a proper treatment.
    A lymphatic drainage massage uses very light pressure and long, rhythmic strokes that get the lymph fluid moving and directs the toxins into the organs that can properly remove them. A trained practitioner’s hands can simply apply pressure to re-stimulate the natural contractions of the lymphatic system. This will move the stagnant fluid back into the natural lymph flow of the body.

    What are the benefits?
    The relaxing practice is often used to treat acne, cellulite, digestive issues, puffiness, stress, inflammation, insomnia, migraines, and certain health complications, but that’s not all. A lymphatic drainage massage is also commonly used for its ability to:

    Fight off infection
    Speed up healing and recovery from the cold and flu
    Reduce water retention
    Boost weight loss
    Improve cellulite, skin swelling, scar tissue, acne, and stretch marks
    Reduce stress and fatigue
    Help with post-exercise recovery

    Source: Content Pixie | Unsplash

    When should I do it?
    Everyone can benefit from getting a lymphatic drainage massage with the change of the seasons. This is because with each season we are eating different foods, our level of activity is changing, and the change in weather can affect the body’s internal processes. When you’re ever feeling extra bloated would be a great time to receive the treatment, as it helps to reduce water retention. But bottom line, every body is different, so if you suffer from any of the listed symptoms and feel like a lymphatic drainage massage would help, I suggest meeting with a trained professional to discuss a schedule that would be good for your body. You can also DIY in the comfort of your own home using a dry brush, tool, or just your hands as a relaxing ritual before bed or a practice to keep you calm and energized throughout the day.

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    Other tips

    Drink plenty of water before and after your massage, as it can cause you to become dehydrated
    It’ll leave you feeling pretty exhausted, so you’ll want to take it easy for the rest of the day
    I suggest stripping down to as little clothing as possible (that you feel comfortable with) so the masseuse can do the treatment most effectively More

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    14 Realistic Fitness Goals To Set This Year (And Exactly How to Accomplish Them)

    You know how it goes: we all start out the year with aspirations to get fit, get healthy, and be our best selves. But when those fitness goals are based on long-term ideas of how we want to look (“lose 10 pounds,” “go down a pants size,” “get abs,”) rather than short-term goals on how we want to feel, those goals fall through in a matter of months or even weeks, and you feel let down, disappointed, and like a failure.
    Instead of the endless cycle of weight-focused fitness goals, and make goals based on what’s actually good for you, and goals that you’ll actually be able to stick to. When you focus on what your body can do, rather than how your body looks, you’ll start to appreciate it so much more, and want to give it more of what it needs to be its healthiest. Replace your fitness goals that are focused on the way you look or the way your pants fit with these 14 goals that will make you *actually* stronger, healthier, and better:

    1. Try one new workout every month
    Having a fitness routine is important, but always having the same fitness routine? Not great. For one reason, your body gets used to the same movements, miles, or weights, and in order to keep getting stronger, you should always be challenging yourself. More importantly, if you stick to the same exact workout routine every day, you’ll get bored. Being bored will make you less likely to want to work out, and the key to consistent exercise is not willpower, it’s enjoyment. News flash: exercise should be fun. 

    How to Accomplish It:

    Look for new opportunities to work out. Check out the classes your gym offers, say yes if your work friend invites you along on her run after work, or if you see a $10 first-class deal at a yoga studio, do it.

    Go for the opposite workout than what you’re used to. If you’re a gym rat who prefers weight training, try a dance class, or if you’re a diehard yogi, try an HIIT workout. Changing up the routine will not only help your body get stronger, but will help you enjoy the process, too.

    Not sure where to begin when trying something new? Make online workouts your BFF. Search a workout you’ve never tried before on Youtube video (Beyoncé cardio workout? Yes please!), look up your favorite trainers’ Instagram pages and search their IGTVs or Reels for shorter workouts, or opt for an online fitness platform with a variety of options (if you haven’t heard, we’re partial to Obé Fitness).

    2. Stretch more
    Stretching is one of the #1 things we can do to help strengthen our muscles, avoid injuries, and even relieve tension (both physically and mentally!), but most of us aren’t stretching enough. Especially combined with a sedentary lifestyle and intense workouts, not stretching enough can cause injuries and muscle strain. Not only is a warm-up and post-exercise stretch crucial for those muscles you’re working, but stretching throughout the day can improve the overall health of your body. 

    How to Accomplish It:

    Never work out without some form of a dynamic warmup before and stretching the worked muscles afterward. Danyele Wilson, a NASM certified trainer, HIIT master trainer, Tone & Sculpt coach recommended at least five minutes of active stretching to warm up the body. Post-workout, focus on isolated stretches: stretch and hold for 20-30 seconds to target the muscle groups that you used during your workout.

    Make stretching a part of your routine. Take a few minutes in the morning to do a few morning stretches to wake you up, and a few minutes at night to help you wind down. Also, turn specific breaks throughout your day into “stretch breaks,” whether that’s doing a few yoga poses once every hour during the workday or stretching tight muscles during commercial breaks when Real Housewives is on.

    3. Perfect your form
    You could be working out every day or doing hundreds of reps, but if you don’t have the right form, you might not be strengthening as much as you think (or worse: you could actually be causing injuries and longterm damage). Proper form helps you maximize a workout by using your energy for the extra push, meaning that no movement goes to waste. If you have improper form, you might be targeting unintended muscles and setting yourself up for injury. Plus, good form means you can run faster, jump higher, and push harder (yes, you will feel like Superman). Knowing exactly how to perfect your form (no matter what type of workout it is) is crucial for properly protecting your body, strengthening your muscles, and keeping your body healthy. 

    How to Accomplish It:

    If you have the option, utilize a free personal training session at your gym to have a trainer give you one-on-one attention for perfecting your form, or look up the proper form of your most common movements on Youtube (like squats) to learn the best way to perform the move. It might feel tedious, but the education and practice will be worth it in the long run. 

    If you’re a fan of fitness classes, utilize the instructor. Don’t be afraid to call over the instructor if it’s a class like barre or pilates where the instructors are there to help you to check in about your form, or hang back after class to discuss the movements you’re not sure about and if any movement feels painful in a negative way.

    Don’t go up in weight or reps until you know that your form won’t be compromised, and focus on form even more so when your body is feeling tired (AKA when we typically begin to forget about form). 

    4. Get a workout buddy
    Do you have a friend, significant other, roommate, or work wife who also wants to stick to their resolutions? Make them your accountability buddy and motivate each other by exchanging healthy recipes, sending motivational quotes, and checking in to see how the other is feeling or keeping up with their goal. You don’t have to have the same resolutions to motivate each other, but it certainly helps if you plan to hop on a Zoom yoga class with a friend or set up weekly meetings with your work wife to see how your career resolutions are coming along. You’ll be much more motivated feeling like you’re in this together.

    How to Accomplish It:

    Team up with a coworker to work out before the workday starts (meet for an early morning run or text each other to make sure you’re up for individual online workout classes), make friends with people at your gym, or simply tell a friend you trust your fitness goals and ask for help staying accountable.

    Instead of your usual coffee date or happy hour drinks to catch up with friends, suggest a barre class or going for a walk. 

    5. Do something active every week that makes you feel calm
    Fitness should not be all about working as hard as you can, as much as you can. You have to be just as serious about your rest days as you are about your workout days and focus on the mental benefits of fitness just as much as the physical. Instead of sticking to intense, heart-pumping, sweat-dripping workouts, add in an activity every week that makes you feel calm. Now that’s a fitness goal that you can stick to (and will make a major difference in your wellbeing).

    How to Accomplish It:

    Instead of a fifth day at the gym or the same HIIT class you do every day, opt for a calming yoga class at the end of the week, or do your own flow at home (bonus: focus on Savasana more than you focus on the tricep push-ups).

    If it’s nice outside or you need some fresh air, don’t force yourself into a gym or on the yoga mat in your living room: take a walk instead. Listen to a podcast, put on your comfy shoes, and take some time for yourself while you’re moving your body.

    Incorporate meditation. It’ll quiet your mind while your body rests, too. I love meditating right after working out (it feels extra good when your body is tired), but if you need some additional help, check out meditation apps or another kind of meditation.

    6. Walk instead of drive whenever you can
    You might’ve heard that a healthy person gets 10,000 steps a day (curse you, Fitbit!). While I’m not personally a fan of defining our health based on numbers (our wellbeing is much more subjective than that), walking is undeniably good for our health. The body is meant to be consistently active throughout the day, but most of us are sitting basically 24/7 (at your desk, in the car, or on the couch for a Netflix binge). 

    How to Accomplish It:

    Closeout the Uber app or put away the car keys and make the most of the warmer weather by walking. Make sure you plan ahead to allow for a longer commute time, wear comfortable shoes (no more blisters, please!), and cue up a good podcast or playlist to make the time go quickly. 

    If you’re going somewhere too far to walk, get off the train a couple of stops early, park in a farther garage, or have your Uber drop you off a few blocks away.

    Make easy swaps in your routine to up your step count. For example: use the furthest bathroom instead of the closest, treat yourself to a latte at a walkable coffee stop instead of making your own, or go to the grocery store more often (because walking down food aisles count too!). 

    7. Remind yourself of your “why” every day
    New Year’s resolutions often fail (or are forgotten by February) because we forget the “why.”  The first step to holding yourself accountable is to put meaning behind the goals you set. For example, “going to the gym every day” is a fine goal, but you need to look at the bigger picture goal as well. Why do you want to go to the gym every day? Is it to be stronger, feel more confident, or live longer? If you’re not looking at the reason, the goal will never feel motivating enough to actually achieve. 

    How to Accomplish It:

    Instead of thinking you’re supposed to go on a run, attend a workout class, or get up early for exercise before work, remind yourself why you want to do something. Tell yourself you want to work out before work because it makes you feel better during the day, or you want to lift some weights because feeling stronger helps you feel more confident.

    Take some time to reflect or journal about why accomplishing this goal is important to you and how it will make a difference in your life.

    Tape affirmations or your “why” reason somewhere you’d see it every day like on your fridge, mirror, or laptop. 

    8. Drink more water
    Staying hydrated is a tale as old as time, but there’s a reason just about every expert on the planet recommends it. Your body uses water to maintain the functions of cells, organs, tissues, etc. No surprise that water is not only an overall health goal, but also crucial for you to achieve your strongest, fittest self. As with everything else, the amount of water the body needs for optimal health varies from person to person because of factors like lifestyle, activity level, and bio-individuality, but it’s a good rule of thumb to be drinking half of your body weight in ounces a day, or just as much as possible.

    How to Accomplish It:

    Find the type of water bottle you like the best and buy multiple. This sounds so simple, and yet it’s the easiest way to trick yourself into drinking more. Do you prefer tumblers with straws, glass bottles, or steel canisters? Figure it out!

    Set smaller daily goals for yourself that are easy to follow, like “drink three water bottles full of water before lunch” or “after dinner, I’m going to drink two cups before going to bed.”

    Add fresh ingredients to your water like lemons, mint, cucumbers, ginger, or fruit. Not only will it boost the nutrients, but it will boost the taste too (and feel bougie AF!).

    Drink a glass of water every single morning before you have a cup of coffee or a bite of food.

    9. Get 7-9 hours of sleep
    Say it with me now: Sleep. Is. Crucial. For. Your. Fitness. Sleep gives your body time to recover and rebuild muscles, as well as conserve enough energy for you to exert at your next workout. Getting your beauty rest is critical for both your body’s health and the success of your workouts, so tracking how many hours of sleep you’re really getting can help determine if your sleep is restoring or if you could use a little improvement. Aim for 8-9 hours (sounds good, right?), but get no less than seven.

    How to Accomplish It:

    Go to bed just five minutes earlier every night. You won’t even notice the difference but in just a couple of weeks (or less), you’ll be sleeping one hour more than you used to.

    Try an app like SleepCycle that will not only track how many hours you’re sleeping, but will also identify sleep quality; even if you’re getting nine hours but your sleep cycles are poor quality, you won’t feel well-rested.

    Perfect a nighttime routine that helps you wind you down. Read for 15 minutes, do a meditation, or have a multi-step skincare routine. You’re less likely to break a routine you enjoy the next time you’re tempted to binge Grey’s Anatomy until late at night.

    10. Live less sedentary
    Forget designated workout times or using a “rest day” as an excuse to not get off of the couch all day. The most important “fitness goal” you could make for yourself is not a longer or more intense workout, but just to live less sedentary overall. That means more non-workout movement and prioritizing your body outside of gym sessions or workout classes. Movement throughout your entire day can help boost consistent energy and help everything from posture to chronic pain. 

    How to Accomplish It:

    Walk to work or your evening plans instead of drive, or take a walk around the block on your lunch break (see point #6). 

    Turn on music and dance whenever you’re cooking or getting ready (bonus: it makes mundane activities way more fun!)

    Set reminders to get up every hour on the hour throughout your workday for some movement: stretch, do 10 squats, or go through a quick yoga flow. 

    11. Schedule workouts in your calendar
    When appointments, meetings, or tasks are on your calendar, you know they’re going to get done. And you’ll probably show up on time, be fully prepared, and never skip. Just because a workout is not a work meeting does not mean you shouldn’t prioritize it as such. Honor your fitness goals like you would any other appointment on your schedule. For example, either sign up for an online workout class in advance or put “going on a jog” in your calendar.

    How to Accomplish It:

    Schedule workouts in your calendar at the beginning of each week instead of planning to get to a workout “sometime.”

    Sign up for workout classes (either virtual or in-person) in advance. The cancellation fee itself will be enough to ensure you show up, and the strict start time will make sure you’re not late or push it off.

    Honor the workout as you would a business meeting (since both belong in your calendar!). Show up on time, plan ahead, and be prepared.

    12. Always take the stairs if you can
    About that sneaking in more movement into our daily lives instead of just intensifying workouts, every set of stairs is an opportunity for a mini glute workout (no, really!). While escalators and elevators are functional, convenient, and important, they also might be one of those sneaky reasons our step goals seem impossible to reach. If you are able to, take the stairs whenever possible to engage muscles, increase step count, and get your heart rate up (and if you have a walk-up apartment, enjoy it instead of cursing it). 

    How to Accomplish It:

    This one’s pretty simple: opt for the stairs over an escalator or elevator whenever possible.

    13. Aim for balance
    Working out way too hard and way too constantly without proper time to rest and recuperate could lead to burnout, injuries, and overall exhaustion. Instead of making goals based on how “intense” you can go or how long you want to work out, aim for balance. After all, the goal of health is balance, not perfection. Prioritizing rest as much as you prioritize exercise will help you be as healthy as possible, both physically and mentally. Bottom line: listen to your body more often than you listen to your workout plan or fitness routine.

    How to Accomplish It:

    Do something every single day that you count as “self-care,” whether it’s getting to bed early, reading for 30 minutes, or watching Real Housewives reruns (we won’t judge).

    Make sure you’re enjoying your health routine. If you’re feeling bored with your workouts, switch it up. If you feel exhausted, take a break and try yoga. Cook inventive and interesting food instead of just bland protein and veggies for every meal, and master healthy cooking.

    Listen to your body: become a master at knowing if you’re feeling lethargic and need to exercise to get your energy up, or if you’ve been running yourself too thin and you need a day to rest.

    14. Give yourself a compliment or gratitude every day.
    By now I don’t need to tell you the importance of self-love and body positivity when it comes to achieving your goals. The more you believe in yourself and love yourself, the more likely you are to achieve your goals—because you’ll be achieving them for the right reasons. Putting yourself down or feeling like you’re not reaching goals fast enough will make you already failed instead of motivating you to work harder. The secret to achieving any goal is to realize you already have what it takes to be your best right now. In fact, the only thing keeping you from being the strongest, healthiest version of yourself is your own belief that you’re not already there. 

    How to Accomplish It:

    Start a gratitude journal. Write what you’re grateful for about your body: how your thighs are so strong, how you can run so fast, or even just that you’re healthy and alive.

    Stare in the mirror and give yourself a compliment. Look for the good in yourself, and tell yourself you’re beautiful for a million other reasons besides the way you look. Eventually, you’ll start to believe it.

    After every workout, make it a habit to silently say “thank you” to your body for working so hard and getting you through the workout. More

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    19 Sex Games You Can Play With Your Partner

    No matter your stage in a relationship, opening up about what you want sexually is awkward. I need a prompt to get me to start talking about something so intimate. That’s where sex games come in. Whether it’s asking about your #1 turn-on or telling you where to kiss your partner next, sex board games get the ball rolling on fun, new things in the bedroom that you probably wouldn’t think up otherwise. Plus, they’re just a fun way to spend a Saturday night in. Scroll on for all of our favorites!

    You and Me Intimacy Board Game Promotions
    Need a few ideas to get you going in the bedroom? This game includes 90 different cards with various activities you and a partner can do together to spice things up.

    Our Sex Game Board Game Set Promotions
    This board game is reminiscent of all your childhood faves (like Candyland) but with a sexy twist. You’ll land on different prompts with cards about things to do and talk about it. If you want a thought-provoking game to get to know each other a little more sexually, this is it.

    Put a Label on It Monogamy Board Game
    Similar to the one above, this Monogamy board game is meant to be used with just your partner to heat things up, including cards ranging from passionate to steamy to fantasy.

    Adam & Eve
    Behind Closed Doors Board Game
    You’ll go through this board game picking up cards on different positions, items to bring into the bedroom, and ways to engage in foreplay. Whoever makes it to the Winners’ Circle first gets to implement all their cards into the sex that inevitably ensues after. We love a little competition.

    Adam & Eve
    A Month Of Sex
    If you want a game that you can play over time, try this. This calendar, similar to advent calendars for the holidays, gives you a timeline of ways to spice it up over a whole month. With things like “Dress up in your favorite role-play costume” and “Invite your lover to join you in the shower and then gently caress and wash their body,” your sex life will never be the same afterward.

    Adam & Eve
    Creative Kisses Card Game
    Want something a little tamer? This card game includes 101 creative ways to kiss your partner, from sweet to very spicy. You could spend a night going through as many cards as you can, or keep this in the bedroom and try a new one every day.

    Date Night Box
    In this game, you spin the board, pick a card, and let the fun begin! This game will provoke conversation and connection, leading you both to a lovely night in the bedroom.

    Talk, Flirt, Dare! Romantic Game
    This game includes cards from three levels (Talk, Flirt, and Dare) in which you and your partner can heat things up with conversation, flirty roleplay, and sexy dares. Plus, this game isn’t too steamy, so you could play it with other couples too, making it great for get-togethers and dinner parties.

    Truth or Dare for Couples: 50 Questions
    For changing up your after-dinner routine, these truth or dare cards will inspire fun conversation and then some. Each card contains a truth and dare, so you choose what you want each round.

    Holla Banana
    Love & Naughty Stacking Tower
    If you want a game that resembles games you normally play (you know, with clothes on), this is one to add to your collection. It’s essentially sexy Jenga: each block has an action that you must do if you pull it out. So, you get to play a game of Jenga (a classic) and get sexy all at the same time.

    Love Honey
    Lovehoney Position of the Week Snap
    Finding new sex positions that actually work is harder than you think. This game allows you to actually try them out (with or without clothes—you choose!), making it a fun game to try as many new ones as you can. Ranging from easy to hard, these positions will test your ability to match the cards, all while having fun in the process. These positions are designed for sex between someone with a penis and with a vagina, but most of them can be recreated with a strap-on or for anal sex.

    Love Honey
    Foreplay Dice (3 Pack)
    The easiest, simplest game on this list, add to your foreplay by rolling these dice and seeing what comes up! This game is ideal for travel because these dice are so small and pack up easily.

    Love Honey
    Position of the Week Cards
    For even more sex positions, keep this deck of cards by your nightstand and take a peek every so often. Make a game of it by vowing to try a new card every single week.

    The Hot Game for Passionate Lovers
    This is possibly the sexiest game on this list, as you pick cards deciding what to do to each others’ bodies all in the time limit on the dice. The cards have three different levels (Mmm, Ooh, and Aah—catchy) to build progressive anticipation and excitement throughout the game. The second this comes in the mail, you’ll want to clear your calendar.

    Love Honey
    Fantastic Foreplay Board Game
    Ready to try some new foreplay? This game makes it easy, containing cards with fun activities and cards that will provoke conversation around your biggest turn-ons and fantasies.

    Love Honey
    Lesbian Sex Position Cards
    If you’re in a WLW relationship and looking for some new positions, look no further. This deck has over 50 cards of exciting new positions to look forward to. You can also add these to your other decks to bump up your lists even more!

    Love Honey
    Foreplay in a Row
    You’ll be throwing your classic Connect Four out the second you try this. Connect four chips to win, and the winner gets to choose a task on the card to do that night.

    Love Honey
    Sex IQ Trivia Game
    How much do you really know about sex? This game, which can be used with partners or with groups of friends, tests your knowledge on all things sex.

    Love Honey
    Strip Bedroom Blackjack Sex Card Game
    If you’re a fan of strip poker, add this to your arsenal, which makes it easier by combining all the tasks right onto the cards. You can also use this deck to play other classic card games with a sexy twist, like Rummy or Fish. More

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    We’ve Tried It All: This Is the Best Activewear You Can Buy on Amazon

    Finding activewear that you love and that truly works for you through all of the different types of workouts you do—and on the days when you’re just wearing a cute athleisure look—is a journey that can take YEARS. Finding the best Amazon workout clothes, though? A whole different ball game.
    Leggings that pill, biker shorts that are see-through, sports bras that don’t have enough support, items that look nothing like the photos, skimming thousands of reviews… it all comes with the struggle to find the best of the best. But every once in a while, you encounter a diamond in the rough: your new favorite leggings that feel just like your $100 pairs, or that perfectly fitted workout top that transitions seamlessly from the gym to a coffee run.
    Our editors have been buying and wearing Amazon workout wear for years now, always sharing our new favorite dupe or the biker shorts we can’t stop wearing with each other.  We’ve had our triumphs and our fails, and now we know: these are the best activewear pieces you can find on Amazon. A lot of these items have thousands of five-star reviews, and everything on this list is under $40 (!!!). 
    Keep scrolling to check out our favorite affordable Amazon workout clothes:



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