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    Anxious about the Reopening? Same. I Asked Experts How to Cope

    In 2019, I considered myself to be a social person (pre-pandemic and pre-reopening): I’m a decent conversationalist, never had a Taco Tuesday that I didn’t like, and tended to gravitate toward the people I didn’t know at a party. When I got vaccinated and restaurants started opening back up at the beginning of the summer, I thought I was ready to dive all in, see people I hadn’t seen in over a year, and even make new friends. Spoiler alert: I was wrong. 
    Instead of the pre-2020 excitement I felt before going to a large social gathering or meeting someone new, dread set in. Questions like, “What do I do if the conversation lulls?”, “What if I’m awkward?”, and (the worst of them all) “What if I’m still not safe, even with the vaccine?” plagued the nights out where I used to only worry about what to wear or if my mascara would smudge. The truth is that we’ve been at home with only our quarantine crew and Uber Eats drivers to keep us company, and a lot of those “fun” things (like crowded bars or concerts) became situations that put us in danger. Of course, there’s going to be some adjusting. 

    “Feeling anxious about reopening is quite common,” explained Dr. Tyson Lippe, MD, a psychiatrist at Heading Health in Austin, Texas. “A lot of our fear in returning to pre-pandemic functions, like the office and engaging in social events, stems from uncertainty. It is unclear who is vaccinated, what precautions will be implemented, and what the new social norms are.” Basically, even the most social of butterflies are way out of practice. Add on stress about safety and dangerous new strains, and it’s no wonder so many of us are feeling stressed RN. So I did what any wellness editor would do and asked experts for their best tips to cope if reopening and getting back to “normal” isn’t as easy as we thought. 
    Just as a brief disclaimer: We always recommend seeking help. Whether that’s leaning on your best friend, finding a therapist near you, or joining a community for your mental health, it’s always important to prioritize how you feel, especially when going through a tough time. Find a therapist you love, come up with a game plan, prioritize self-care over anything else, and try out these seven tips from experts on how to cope with getting back to “normal.”

    Recognize how you feel
    It may sound basic, but the first step is identifying and acknowledging the way you feel. Maybe you haven’t historically been anxious in social settings or maybe you didn’t know our lack of normalcy throughout 2020 and 2021 affected you as much as it did. Once you recognize what you’re feeling, you can make a plan. “The first step is to recognize that you’re feeling anxious,” Dr. Lippe said. “Pay attention to your emotional state as well as any physical manifestations.” For example, does your stomach get queasy when thinking about going back to the office or does your heart start pounding when you enter a crowded restaurant?
    Keeping track of how and what you feel will help identify certain triggers. “Is it a particular place, group of friends, type of setting, etc., that’s making you feel anxious?” asked Merissa Goolsarran, LCSW, a licensed therapist who specializes in anxiety treatment. “Keeping a log of situations where you might experience anxiousness is helpful in determining if a pattern is present.” 

    Appreciate those feelings (yes, even the negative ones)
    I get it. Any negative emotion, whether it’s stress, worry, annoyance, frustration, or sadness, can feel so uncomfortable that we actually get mad at the feeling. But take it from someone who has been in a toxic relationship with anxiety for years: Thinking “why me?” or “I just need to get over this already!” makes it worse. “We have to give ourselves time to be programmed back in the other direction,” said Dr. Emily Stone, PhD, LMFT-S, a professor and licensed marriage and family therapist. “Of course we are going to experience anxiety returning to work and other pre-COVID activities: We have been telling ourselves that these situations are dangerous.” 
    Any extra worry or stress may be annoying, but it’s not irrational. In the big picture, “negative” feelings can actually keep us safe. Feelings of anxiousness and fear are biologically useful—the mind reacts to help us avoid danger so we survive (that’s where “fight-or-flight” comes from). After all, emotional reactions like fear, worry, or empathy are what drove us to make safe decisions during the pandemic in the first place. Appreciate the purpose of that extra stress and worry, and then remind yourself that you aren’t in any immediate danger like the fight-or-flight response tells us, and those feelings aren’t serving a purpose anymore.

    Have a mini escape plan
    If you anticipate that your first day back at the office or a larger social gathering might garner some overall overwhelm, have a game plan to help ease discomfort during each situation. “There are several useful techniques to keep you calm when faced with anxiety-provoking situations,” suggested Dr. Mimi Winsberg, a board-certified psychiatrist and the chief medical officer at Brightside. “Try self-talk, breathing exercises, or even rehearsing worst-case scenarios to realize they are not that bad.” Planning ahead is crucial when easing into uncomfortable situations you’re not used to. For example, mentally repeat an affirmation when you start feeling a little overwhelmed at the office, make a list of topics in your head for when there’s a lull in a conversation, or have a back up plan if the restaurant feels a little too crowded for your comfort level (takeout and wine nights are still fun!). 

    Say “no”
    Just because everything is opening back up does not mean you have to totally open back up. In other words, just because you’re happy that concerts, office happy hours, dinner parties, and restaurants are coming back in full swing does not mean you have to do it all. “Go at your own pace,” advised Jenny Okolo, an occupational therapist from London. “While it may be tempting to say yes to everything, do so at your own pace until you feel more comfortable as your confidence returns.” Also, it’s OK if your comfort level looks different from your friends, significant other, or coworkers. “You’ll probably have different standards or a different ‘normal’ than others,” Goolsarran agreed. “It’s helpful to communicate what you’re comfortable with so that you don’t get stuck in an uncomfortable situation.” Let friends know that you’re sticking to small groups or invite your work friend to meet up at a coffee shop with outdoor seating.

    Get into your body
    Whether it’s a day at the office or a night out, if you anticipate any uncomfortable feelings coming on, try a ritual that will help you calm down before heading out the door. “Think of something simple that leaves you feeling more confident, like exercise or meditation,” suggested Teri Schroeder, a licensed clinical social worker and co-founder of Just Mind Counseling. “For many people, focusing on the body before a challenging event can help reduce stress and clear the mind.” Dr. Winsberg agreed, explaining that she often recommends her clients try jumping jacks or even singing out loud prior to social situations to loosen up and let out anxious feelings. Sometimes the secret to calming the mind is as simple as putting energy into the body. 

    Start small 
    Even if you frequented clubs, concerts, and crowds all the time pre-2020, there are many “muscles” you haven’t worked in over a year. That’s right: Feeling social can be like a muscle and requires work to keep it healthy. “Too much too soon may feel overwhelming right now: start small and try to exercise that social muscle again. Resume social life with your inner circle, and gradually expand outward,” Dr. Winsberg suggested. “It may feel most comfortable to first interact with one or two other people who are vaccinated in an outdoor setting,” Dr. Lippe agreed. “As you begin to acclimate [and the CDC guidelines say so], you can move toward larger groups or indoor environments.” Just like biceps or glutes, it may take some time to warm up that social muscle and to identify what will make it fatigue too quickly. Identify what feels doable and enjoyable, and then limit what might be too much, knowing you’ll work your way there.

    Adjust your routines
    So you’re still in the habit of sleeping in until two minutes before the workday starts, staying in pajamas, and then eating Postmates for dinner in front of the TV? No shame in your quarantine game, but we can all agree that our routines are very different from the days working out at 7 a.m. or putting on a full OOTD before commuting, and then running errands or heading to happy hour after 5 p.m. (how did we do it all?). If your routines are the same when you were staying at home, of course, any difference will feel overwhelming. Even if you’re not ready to go back to the office or fill up your social calendar, start adjusting your routines.
    Roxanne Francis, MSW, RSW, a psychotherapist and owner of Francis Psychotherapy & Consulting Services, recommended structuring your day as if you were going into the office (even if you’re still working from your couch): get up earlier, get dressed as if you were going to work, and treat your WFH space as if it was your actual office (no more empty candy wrappers or dirty dishes). Also, if you’re Zooming with friends after work, put on jeans (pause for shock), take a walk around the block beforehand, or just do a quick makeup routine to start feeling that normalcy come back.
    *These tips are meant to be used as inspiration for coping with stress or anxious feelings, not as a treatment for anxiety. Anxiety can feel isolating, but you shouldn’t have to feel as though you’re going through it alone. Please reach out to your doctor, a therapist, or another trusted professional for support.
    If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions, please get help immediately. 
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
    Crisis Textline: text CONNECT to 741741

    Hitting a Pandemic Wall? These Are the Best Ways to Cope
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    Matcha Is Not Just a Trend: Here’s What You Should Know About It

    Move aside, espresso! Whether matcha is a new ingredient you spotted at Starbucks or a longtime staple in your household, this superfood packs some serious benefits that many Everygirl editors have experienced for themselves. FYI, matcha isn’t just a trendy caffeine craze taking over coffee shop menus and health food store shelves; it has roots in ancient Chinese and Japanese history. The powerful powdered tea is said to have originated in China (over 4,000 years ago!) before making its way to Japan and becoming a key part of tea ceremonies for thousands of years. With a history like that, you know it’s gotta have the health benefits to back it up.

    In this article

    What is matcha?
    “Matcha has been an all-star for centuries and was traditionally used in Chinese medicine,” explained Shizu Okusa, founder of Apothékary, a brand of plant-based medicine supplements based in Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Japanese Kampo Medicine. “Matcha is made from green tea leaves that are grown in the shade to avoid direct sunlight. This process increases the content of nutrients, including amino acids and antioxidants, and is rich in chlorophyll.” In other words, it’s a powdered, more concentrated version of the green tea you’d find as loose leaf or in a tea bag, giving it a bright green hue, earthy taste, and high levels of antioxidants. 

    What are the benefits?
    “Matcha is known for boosting the metabolism, sharpening cognitive function, and basically keeping you on your A-game,” Okusa said. Yes, matcha is known as a coffee alternative because it contains caffeine, but the effects are very different. According to U.S. News & World Report, matcha gives you a calmer, more sustained energy, whereas coffee can make you feel jittery or leave you with that dreaded caffeine crash. Every body is different, so it’s important to experiment for yourself, but if you’re experiencing negative symptoms from coffee, like energy crashes or trouble sleeping, matcha might be a good alternative. 
    Beyond the caffeine, matcha itself is a powerful health food. It contains a high amount of antioxidants (one study found the number of antioxidants in matcha is up to 137 times greater than in other types of green tea. That’s a lot of antioxidants!), can help boost brain health, and may help promote heart health. Traditionally, matcha was seen as having energetic benefits as well. “This powerful superfood contains both Yin and Yang aspects by increasing energy while promoting calmness,” Okusa explained. 

    How to DIY Your Own Matcha at Home
    Matcha is a simple ingredient to incorporate at home, and even DIYing a frothy matcha latte is just as doable as brewing a cup of coffee. The traditional method is to put matcha and hot water in a tea bowl and whisk with a bamboo whisk, called “temae” (or a procedure for making tea). Also, be aware that matcha has not only been used for health benefits or as a delicious morning beverage, it also has important ceremonial ties. A tea ceremony is a Japanese ritual based on principles like hospitality, minimalism, and simplicity. To honor the tradition (and reap the benefits), view making and drinking matcha as an opportunity to take a pause from busy life rather than just a quick caffeine fix. Try a few minutes of meditation while drinking or share a cup of matcha with a friend. 
    If you prefer something a little frothier or sweeter, try adding your favorite latte sweetener, like honey or stevia, and whatever milk or creamer you prefer after whisking the hot water and Matcha powder together. Think of the whisking process like your machine making coffee or espresso. You have to fully blend your coffee before adding milk or sweetener, right? The same goes for matcha. Whisk with less hot water if you want to add more creamer to make a latte (think: similar to an espresso shot). Alternatively, whisk with more hot water if you want a thinner consistency. Pro tip: Matcha also works in baked goods too. 

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    5 Things My Therapist Taught Me About Self-Love

    If we’re being honest (and slightly egotistical), one of my best talents is self-love. That’s not to say that I don’t have days where I’m unhappy looking in the mirror or that I second-guess a lot of choices I make (trust me, I have my days). But I also really love myself. It’s weird (and sad) how hard that is to admit out loud (self-deprecation is so much more the norm), but I think part of self-love is expressing it so that other people can feel comfortable expressing their self-love too (we’re all in this together!). 
    However, “self-love” hasn’t always been on my list of achievements. The pre-teen age brought puberty and the idea that my body isn’t good enough as is, and most of my teenage and young adult life has been spent trying to look or act different so that I was more “likable.” It’s taken me many failed relationships, major life changes, and a whole lot of therapy to feel this way about myself. My therapist (shoutout to Dr. Kelly!) taught me a lot about self-love and where I was holding myself back. The good news is that self-love is not a destination; it’s the most important lifelong relationship you’ll ever work on. Now that we have all the cheesy clichés out of the way, read on for five things I learned from my therapist that helped me love myself and will maybe help you love yourself too. 

    Self-love is not a destination; it’s the most important lifelong relationship you’ll ever work on.

    Source: @josie.santi

    1. “Perfect” isn’t a goal
    When I first started seeing my therapist, I told her about my anxiety by explaining it as “illogical” and “a little crazy” (as if that somehow made it less illogical or crazy?). I also explained behaviors like falling asleep with the TV on or scrolling through Instagram during my morning meditation time by prefacing with, “I know it’s bad for me.” I’d get frustrated if I failed a health goal, wasn’t able to sleep at night because stress kept me awake, or made a wrong decision. I used these “failed goals” to explain what’s wrong with me rather than questioning that something might be wrong with the goals (but more on that below).
    The judgment over my own behaviors came from the idea that I had to be perfect. But not achieving a goal or making a mistake is not a failure; it’s a way to get to know yourself better. Plus, you already know perfect isn’t possible thanks to every cliché self-help book and inspirational quote out there (so start believing it!), but even if it was achievable, achieving it wouldn’t make you happier anyway. Your goal as a human being should be to find balance, not to achieve perfection. 
    2. Self-love doesn’t just happen
    Self-love is a skill, not a circumstance. Just like happiness or gratitude, self-love doesn’t just happen to you when you reach a certain job title or pants size. It’s a muscle that needs to be worked repeatedly in order to make it stronger. Every negative thought, moment of self-doubt, or criticism that comes up is like a practice round to improve self-love because you can recognize the thought and choose a more positive thought instead. Also, please stop saying that once you lose weight, get a promotion, or have more money, then you will love yourself. That’s just not how the mind works. You achieve what you want in life because you first know you deserve it, not the other way around. 

    Source: @josie.santi

    3. The problem isn’t you, it’s your expectations
    So you don’t look like a Photoshopped influencer, can’t resist cheese fries, or are too lazy to work out five times a week. You probably use all of these “failures” as justification to criticize yourself, thinking things like, “If only I had more willpower or as a better person, I could achieve what I want.” But why do you want to achieve those things in the first place? Would looking like someone else make you truly happier? No. Would working out five times a week make you happier? No. Would saying “no” to cheese fries make you happier? Helllll no. The truth is that we get so caught up in what we’re supposed to do, want, and be that we forget to think about what would actually make us happy. If you’re not meeting expectations, the problem is not you. The problem is that your expectations and goals don’t truly align with what it takes to make you happy (yep, that’s some deep ish, read that again). 
    When it comes to my own self-love, I’m letting my body exist in the healthy space it wants to be in. My “ideal weight” is the one that I feel most strong, energized, and healthy in, but also one that allows me the extra indulgences, fun moments, and enjoyment that makes life worth living. Our own expectations and goals should be tools we use to help us live our happiest lives. Otherwise, what’s the point?  

    4. There’s a difference between what you think is reality and actual reality
    My therapist showed me how my thought patterns would go into “all-or-nothing” mode, or better known as black-and-white thinking. Either I was perfectly healthy and motivated or I stopped caring about my health altogether; either I was crushing it at work or I thought I was completely messing up; either I loved my outfit and my hair looked great or I felt totally insecure leaving the house. The problem with this way of thinking is that I believed what my mind told me, thinking it was reality. 
    PSA: Life always has shades of gray. Plus, it’s not just gray, but a variety of colors you can choose from. If you’re criticizing or hard on yourself, it’s almost always because of your mindset, not because of reality (read: no one else is as hard on you as you are). Realize where you’re thinking in black and white, then add in other options. For example, you can be really good at your job while still making some mistakes, you can be healthy while indulging in chocolate cake, and you can still be happy with your life, even when you’re stressed about parts of it. 

    Source: @josie.santi

    5. Self-respect is more important
    So self-love gets all the buzz these days, but I’d like to introduce you to a new word that’s even more important: self-respect. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t going to live with the Lizzo-level “I’m my own soulmate” vibes 24/7 (not even Lizzo!) and love everything about ourselves. Maybe you want to change your nose, hate the way you look in an outfit, or regret something you did. And that’s OK, because when you love yourself (and I mean really, really love yourself), it’s not that you don’t have those thoughts, it’s just that you know those things don’t make you less than what you are.
    You achieve self-love the same way you build up any other relationship: show you care, do what you say you’re going to do, enjoy time alone, be kind, and be thoughtful. Confidence just means that you trust your own word, and self-respect comes when you live in alignment with who you truly are. Aim for self-trust and self-respect instead, knowing that self-love will follow. 

    10 Ways to Love Yourself More

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    I Work Out 4 Days a Week—These Are the Nordstrom Sale Finds I’m Eyeing

    For the first time in my entire life, I’ve finally found a semi-consistent workout routine that works for me. While it feels good to get moving and grooving, I’m constantly reminded that I (somehow) don’t have enough activewear to keep up with what feels like incessant sweating and trip after trip to the gym. Sure, I could’ve added to my cart here and there through the highs and lows of my fitness journey, but I can assure you, there’s some logic and one reason behind it.
    And the reason is that I’ve been waiting until I could take advantage of all of the savings that the annual Nordstrom Anniversary Sale has to offer. Now that the Nordstrom sale is finally on, I’m pulling out my credit card, saving my favorites, and getting ready to hit “add to cart” as soon as the Nordstrom gods allow me to. After a few months of patience, I can save big on some of my favorite activewear brands like Zella, Spanx, Alo, Beyond Yoga, and Nike, which means that I can buy more and still stay within my budget. Investing in pieces that’ll make my heart and wallet happy? Sounds like my idea of a good time. If you’re looking to stock up on activewear and save some coin, look no further. Here are 21 activewear items I’m eyeing from the Nordstrom sale:

    Source:Jordan McDonnell for The Everygirl

    Sports Bras

    2 colors available
    Luxe Sports Bra, $44.90
    This moisture-wicking sports bra might be the chicest, most comfortable-looking piece of workout gear I’ve ever seen. I’m adding this one to my wish list for both high-intensity workouts and for lounging around the house, and I’m already excited about putting it on.

    Workout Tops

    2 colors available
    Wrap Top, $34.90
    I’m absolutely loving this cropped-to-perfection, faux wrap top that’ll pair perfectly with high-waisted shorts or leggings. This is probably an item I would’ve had no problem snagging at full price, but thankfully, it has a nice $20-off offer that makes adding it to my cart a no-brainer.


    3 colors available
    Essential Bike Short, $25.90
    The bike short trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and because it’s one that’s super flattering and functional, we couldn’t be happier. If you’re in the market for a new (or your first!) pair of bike shorts, this is your sign to do it.


    3 colors available
    High Waist Legging, $69.90
    I’ve had my eye on Alo leggings for what feels like forever, but I simply cannot justify spending $114.00 on them. But with a $44 discount and this gorgeous blue color, I simply won’t be able to resist.


    2 colors available
    Flyknit 2 Running Shoe, $99.90
    If you’ve ever invested in running or training shoes before, you know the drill. Those suckers aren’t cheap. I’m using the Nordstrom sale as the perfect opportunity to save a decent amount of money without having to compromise my ankles or my training.

    The 30 Best Shoes Currently on Sale at Nordstrom
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    Wellness Essentials for Your Beach Bag You Didn’t Know You Needed

    What are your pool essentials? Does your beach bag contain a pair of sandy AirPods, an old T-shirt that doubles as a cover-up, and that summery romance novel you can (and do) read over and over? No disrespect to your choice of poolside necessities, but if your beach bag isn’t stacked with wellness essentials, it should be. We’ve reclaimed “hot girl summer” to mean the summer we prioritize ourselves, feel good in our bodies, and DGAF about what size swimsuit we’re rocking. If it’s going to be our best summer ever, nobody’s got time for a bad sunburn or post-pool day yeast infection. Read on for 16 wellness essentials we’re adding to our beach bags that will transform the way you take care of yourself this summer. 

    Deodorant Face and Body Wipes
    You know that subtle layer of sweat that comes from a day spent in the sun? Or that certain stench after sweating on the beach and swimming in the water? Yeah, same. The answer to your pool day prayers: deodorant wipes. Not only is this one aluminum-free and clean (we love the superfood ingredients like tea tree oil, chamomile, and acai extract), but you can also use them for a total refresh on your entire body. The best part: These wipes clean (sweat, dirt, chlorine, etc.), nourish skin (no drying!), and prevent future odors. Now that’s a win, win, win!

    Sandwich Storage Bag
    Picture this: You’re spending a lovely day at the beach reading on the sand, swimming in the water, and maybe having a beach volleyball game going. You start getting hungry (beach volleyball will do that to you), but there’s nothing to eat except a greasy hot dog at the snack shack or a candy bar from the vending machine by the bathrooms. For the rest of the day, you feel bloated and sick. Sound familiar? These reusable and sustainable sandwich bags ensure that you’ll never deal with with a snack attack again. Pack up a meal like a sandwich (caprese, please!) for longer days out or add some sliced watermelon for a summery snack that will hit the spot. 3 colors available.

    PLAY Antioxidant SPF 50
    So you already know SPF is an essential in your wellness routine (safety is sexier than a tan!), but the kind of sunscreen you use matters too. This is my favorite because it applies easily (love a body spray over a lotion), is water-resistant (swim all you want), and is non-toxic, so you know you’re putting only the best on your body. But that’s not all! With added vitamin C, you’re not only getting antioxidant protection from the sun but also boosting glow while you keep your skin safe (we stan a multitasker).

    Warby Parker
    Dorian Sunglasses
    PSA: Your sunglasses are not just a major fashion statement (although that’s definitely true–looking at you, cat eyes!). Sun safety is crucially important for your health and goes beyond putting SPF on the skin. Your eyes also can be damaged from sun exposure, so make sure the glasses you’re wearing offer 100 percent protection from UVA and UVB rays. In my opinion, a good pair of sunglasses is well worth the splurge to not only look cute (duh!) but also to ensure you’re getting the best protection.

    Love Wellness
    The Killer
    Between sitting around in wet bathing suit bottoms, more consistent hair removal, exposure to all kinds of environments (do you ever think about what’s in a public pool?), and a summer fling or two, your vagina goes through a lot come summertime (if we don’t say it enough, thank you for all you do, vaginas!). The Killer uses boric acid to maintain healthy levels of vaginal yeast and bacteria, and it balances vaginal pH levels for less risk of yeast infections and to keep your vagina as healthy as possible. Talk to your doctor before use to decide whether or not it’s right for you, especially if you’re prone to infections.

    Motivational Water Bottle
    You know enough about your health by now to know that hydration is key. But staying hydrated in the summer (especially on days in the sun!) is much harder, thanks to sweating more and hotter body temperatures. Enter: a 64oz water bottle. When you’re packing up for your next beach or pool day, leave the little guys at home and opt for a water bottle that will keep you hydrated all day long, no refills required.

    Water-Resistant Activity Tracker
    So you’re one of those people who needs to get 10,000 steps in a day and will not work out without a tracker on? I get it—the instant gratification of a number on a screen telling you “good job!” is so satisfying. But beach or pool days can be some of your most active days and shouldn’t be discounted as exercise just because they’re “fun” and not a designated time in the gym. If you want to keep tracking, try a tracker that’s waterproof so you can head to the pool to swim laps or don’t have to think twice about going between frisbee on the beach to swimming in the ocean.

    Straw Hat
    Confused as to why a hat Jackie O would wear made it to our list of wellness essentials? Again, prioritizing your health is in style. Sometimes, even sunscreen isn’t enough to protect from the sun, whether it’s because of not reapplying enough (every hour, FYI!) or because of hard-to-get spots like the scalp or back of the ears. A hat is always a smart option for days in the sun to fully protect your head and face, which are often the most sensitive to sun exposure. Might as well look chic while protecting yourself, right?

    SPF 30 Face Sunscreen
    So you’re noticing a theme here: Sun protection is everything. But if you really want to up your wellness game, make your SPF work harder for you. This one offers mineral and organic filters for extra protection against both UVA and UVB rays and also contains hyaluronic acid and aloe vera to hydrate and soothe skin to avoid sun burn or irritation.

    Candice Kumai
    Kinsugi Wellness
    You’re going to pack a beach read anyway, so why not make it one that’ll inspire and help you become your best self? Nothing against a romance novel or thriller (we’re huge fans of both), but if you’re interested in spending your relaxing day in the sun to increase your wellness, consider a book like “Kinsugi Wellness,” which is full of Japanese knowledge, refreshing recipes, and tips and tricks on the art of living well, so that you can feel your best this season.

    Love Wellness
    Bye, Bye Bloat
    If there’s one enemy of a glorious beach day besides a dark storm cloud, it’s bloat. I get a lot of questions come summertime about how to avoid the dreaded feeling. While gut health is important year-round, a painful stomachache and bad gas (sorry for the TMI) after a meal can totally put a damper on your pool day. If you do experience bloating, first talk to your doctor about what the possible cause could be and ask if a supplement (like this one with digestive enzymes, ginger, and dandelion root) could help alleviate symptoms while working to improve gut health in the long run.

    Herbivore Botanicals
    Soothing Aloe Mist
    Even if you did it right and reapplied SPF consistently, your skin still might experience some post-sun effects. A non-toxic mist that combines soothing aloe with calming lavender and refreshing mint will help with dryness, redness, and post-sun irritation.

    Kosas Cosmetics
    Lipfuel Lip Balm
    So a lip balm is a necessity in every bag you pack (who isn’t addicted to lip balm?), but if you’ve been using the same drugstore brand since middle school, it might be time for an upgrade. This balm is not only non-toxic, but it also contains wild mint to help energize you (crucial before a round of laps in the pool) as well as konjac root to help protect against elements. Trust me, your lips will have never looked or felt better.

    Magic Globes
    If your skin is sensitive to heat, you might notice more puffiness in your face during days in the sun (or you might just want to buy this to be #extra like me). These mystical little globes are the secret. You might have heard of ice rollers for skin benefits, but these globes deliver a flawless glow and can also help calm rosacea or sensitive skin due to heat and irritants in chlorine. Pro tip: To keep them cold as long as possible, wrap them in saran wrap to an ice pack and keep them at the bottom of your bag.

    Cool Down Muscle Gel
    Especially if you’re sensitive to heat like me, a fun beach day can quickly turn into a painful one if you’re feeling overheated from the sun, humidity, and hot weather. This cool-down roller will instantly give you relief with the spearmint leaf extract, aloe juice, menthol, and a blend of revitalizing minerals. It’ll also help ease sore muscles (you know, that you got from kicking some ass at beach volleyball). It’s instantly refreshing and good for the body.

    10 Wellness Essentials That Will Make Your Summer Better More

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    5 Ways to Eat More Vegetables (That Aren’t Just Eating More Salads)

    It’s the topic you’ve pondered since your mom tried to bribe you to eat broccoli when you were a kid: how to eat more vegetables. We all know that spinach, red peppers, and Brussels sprouts are good for us, but what’s a girl to do when spicy vodka pasta exists in the world? The answer: a few easy tips and tricks to sneak more in. Veggies are not just something we try to eat because we’re supposed to but because nutrients in vegetables can help us feel our very best. And feeling our best doesn’t have to mean eating boring salads or entirely transforming our diets. Read on for five easy tips that make eating more veggies a breeze. 

    1. Get your meals delivered
    TBH, the hardest part about eating your veggies is making the decision to. When you’re at the grocery store or planning out recipes for the week, it’s easy to stock up on frozen pizzas or plan for tasty pasta dishes without thinking of fitting in fresh produce. Plus, we all know the produce section can be overwhelming AF (sorry, how many kinds of squashes are there?). The fix: Get your meals delivered. Blue Apron offers wellness options like vegetarian, 600 calories or less, WW-approved, and carb conscious, so you’ll have veggie-loaded dishes that you didn’t have to think about prepping or grocery shopping for delivered to your doorstep. The best part is that you’ll be cooking with a wider variety of veggies that you never would have thought to cook for yourself (I just made a recipe with kohlrabi and shishito peppers for the first time this week, thanks to Blue Apron!). 
    Get 8 free meals and free shipping when you switch to Blue Apron!

    2. Add leafy greens to two meals a day
    You get it at this point: What can’t leafy greens do? Since leafy greens pack a whole lot of health benefits, one of the simplest ways to eat more veggies is to add greens like arugula, spinach, and kale to at least two meals a day. Try making a side salad with dinner or adding it to your smoothie in the AM. If you’re bored with the same old salad or smoothie, there are lots of tricks and tips to incorporate greens into the meals you love. For example, replace a wrap with a collard green or bib lettuce, make a pesto sauce out of kale, or add spinach to your omelet.

    3. Eat the rainbow
    Incorporating reds (tomatoes, apples, red pepper), oranges (sweet potato, butternut squash, tangerines), yellows (spaghetti squash, bananas, corn), greens (leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, zucchini), blues (blueberries, blackberries, blue potatoes), and purples (purple cabbage, eggplant, grapes) is the easiest—and prettiest—way to ensure you’re getting an abundance of phytonutrients and the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. As an easy hack, try to add at least three different colors to each meal or keep in mind each color of the rainbow while grocery shopping.

    4. Try one new food every week
    While having a go-to grocery list is necessary for us busy people (and my other lazy people out there), it doesn’t always set you up for the most inventive meals. Challenge yourself to try one different veggie that you’ve never tried before. Maybe you saw a delicious butternut squash recipe and have never cooked butternut squash, or maybe you saw beets at the grocery store and want to Google how to prepare them. Or perhaps you came across a new leafy green at the farmer’s market that you’ve never tried but want to eat. Trying (or cooking) something new will make your meals more exciting, and having a wider variety of food means a wider variety of nutrients. Plus, you might like something so much that it ends up on your go-to grocery list. 

    5. Add them to sauces, soups, and smoothies
    A truth that will inevitably change your life: You can add vegetables to just about anything you’re going to blend. Even your strawberry banana or peanut butter and chocolate smoothie could get a major upgrade with some spinach or cauliflower without a difference in taste. Beyond just smoothies, you can toss a wide variety of veggies into sauces or soups to not only make them more nutritious but also to make them more flavorful or creamy. A butternut squash soup tastes decadent even without cream, and arugula adds a peppery element to cauliflower or broccoli soup. For sauces, add spinach, kale, broccoli, or even beets to pesto, purée carrots or red bell peppers and add them to a marinara sauce, or make a creamy sauce a little healthier by including cauliflower or hearts of palm.

    Health Experts Share Their Favorite Salad Recipe

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Blue Apron, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    The Holy Grail Treatment That Has Made My Sore Muscles Disappear

    While I’ve had quite the run of working out from home (thanks to Obé Fitness and a well-stocked cabinet of workout gear), since I got back in the gym, my workouts have been a complete step above. I’m lifting heavier, going longer, needing fewer breaks—to say I’m thriving would be an understatement. But what comes with harder, more intense workouts? Feeling sore AF. I won’t complain that my body feels sore from my workouts because we all know that bittersweet feeling that we actually accomplished something when we wake up with shaky legs after a day of heavy squats or a long run. But when you get really sore, it can make even the simplest of tasks (like sitting on the toilet) feel like the most laborious chore.
    If you’re looking for a quick fix, massaging your body with a gua sha tool is probably the highest on the list, and it’s the only method I’ve found useful for both relieving and preventing soreness. 
    Gua sha is the act of scraping at the skin to promote circulation. “Gua means ‘scrape’ and Sha means ‘petechiae’ (tiny, flat red or purple spots) in Chinese,” said Dr. Ervina Wu, PhD, LAc, co-founder of YINA. “It’s commonly used in Chinese medicine to scrape the skin (mostly on the upper back) to invigorate blood flow, release heat-toxins, stimulate lymphatic drainage, activate various points of the body, and stimulate an immune response bringing helpful cells to the area.” If you haven’t tried it yourself (likely with a jade or rose quartz stone on your face), you’ve probably seen it on TikTok labeled as a natural way to sculpt and massage your face. It’s been used in ancient Chinese civilizations for centuries to bring out redness and treat ailments all over the body, using sharper objects like coins or scrapers. In Western culture, we’ve seen jade and rose quartz-shaped stones to lightly massage the face, moving around lymphatic drainage and sculpting the face.
    However, most of us are forgetting that one of the best ways to utilize our gua sha tools is on the body. I’ve added body gua sha to my nightly routine for the last two months. Here’s how I use it, what I use, and the Equilibria CBD products that have totally changed my gua sha routine.

    In this article

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Ervina Wu, PhD, LAc
    Dr. Ervina Wu is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and registered TCM Dermatologist and the founder of YINA, a beauty and wellness brand by two AAPI founders and doctors.

    Using Gua Sha With CBD
    When I want to really help my sore muscles, I pair a gua sha body massage with Equilibria’s CBD products, specifically the Relief Balm and Daily Treatment Oil. To get the gua sha moving around the skin, you always have to apply some kind of slippery product so you’re not tugging at your skin, and opting for CBD doubles the sore muscle-fighting powers. The Relief Cream is already my favorite product from Equilibria for relieving menstrual cramp pain and treating migraines, but it quite possibly works its best when used for sore muscles. It massages very deeply into your skin, and you can almost immediately feel it making a difference. When I use it with a gua sha stone, it glides beautifully. The stone itself is great for massaging the skin and relieving some of that soreness, but the Relief Balm actually feels like it’s taking away the soreness rather than just treating it.
    When I don’t use the Relief Cream, I’ll use the Daily Treatment Oil. Since my soreness is pretty prevalent right now, I’m trying to use my gua sha every other night before bed in my nighttime routine, and for the sheer sake of saving every last drop of my Relief Balm, I turn to this oil for everyday treatment. It’s a lot lighter obviously, so it goes a long way. A tiny bit of this covers practically my entire body. It’s definitely not as strong as the Relief Balm, but for an everyday massage, it still makes a bigger difference than using a regular body oil. The added benefit of this oil is that it makes my skin feel so soft and supple after I use it. I haven’t even been using my usual body lotions since I added this to my routine.

    Source: Equilibria

    Shop My Favorite Gua Sha Tools

    Bian Stone Body Gua Sha Tool
    This is the body gua sha I’ve been using, and it’s a game-changer. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to invest in a bigger gua sha to use on your body if you already have a stone you love for your face. But I love the rippled edge on this and also love that it’s a little bit bigger than a gua sha stone you’d use on your face so you can cover a lot more surface area in one swipe. Plus, it was developed by doctors of Chinese medicine and the brand’s founders are AAPI, and when buying a product that is so focused on a practice in Chinese culture, it’s important to support them.

    Gua Sha Body Scraping Tool
    For a less expensive alternative that you can use to really get into your muscles (especially your legs and calves for runners), this stainless steel tool will be your best friend.

    Benefits of Body Gua Sha
    I’ve seen so many benefits since I added this practice to my nighttime routine. “Gua Sha is especially effective at relieving muscular tension and breaking down fascia adhesions, [making it] perfect for those with tight muscles, sluggish circulation, and tech necks,” Dr. Wu said. Here’s what I’ve experienced so far:

    Better Sleep

    Because I do my body gua sha at night, I feel so relaxed that I fall asleep easier. But what I really love is how much deeper, longer, and more comfortably I sleep after using gua sha. Because I’ve relieved some of the tension in my muscles, I’m not tossing and turning all night trying to find a comfortable way to sleep.

    Softer Skin

    Thanks to my nighttime oil from Equilibria, my skin feels softer and smoother. It’s a reminder to use a moisturizing oil before bed, when I otherwise would scroll on my phone and avoid spending some extra time on myself, and my skin is thanking me for it. 

    Less Soreness Over Time

    Using gua sha on my sore muscles has actually made me get less sore over time. Because the gua sha increases circulation to those areas, they heal faster and are more prepared to recover on their own after a workout.

    Releases Tightness

    The gua sha massage breaks up tension because you’re massaging out those muscles and moving that lymphatic drainage around your body. When I use it on sore muscles, I notice an immediate difference: Those muscles feel energized and recovered. Dr. Wu also suggested trying gua sha on your legs and ankles for long flights to reduce swelling or keeping it at your desk to relieve shoulder tension, text thumbs, and achy keyboard hands. 

    More Relaxed Nighttime Routine

    Rather than feeling the scaries or anxiety before starting my night routine, I feel relaxed and excited to get into my gua sha massage.

    If you’re pregnant or menstruating, you should avoid using gua sha on your abdomen. If you tend to bruise or are on blood thinners, Dr. Wu recommended using lighter pressure. Also, you should avoid broken skin, wounds, scrapes, and any sensitive areas. 

    Source: Stocksy

    How Often Should You Gua Sha?
    You can gua sha anywhere from daily to once or twice a week. When I first started, I was only doing it as needed when my muscles felt a little sore, but I’ve started doing it just about every night before bed and have noticed the most results that way.

    How to Gua Sha on Your Body
    You can gua sha your entire body or just the areas you’re feeling sore and tight. Here’s my routine:
    Apply Relief Cream or Treatment Oil to my skin. I do this section by section so the oils don’t absorb into the skin before I can make it to that area. I don’t rub this in too much—just enough to get it spread out.
    Start at the top of your body and go down the rest from there. You can even gua sha your scalp like you’re combing your hair to feel extra relaxed. Follow this by doing your neck, chest, arms, abdomen, legs, and feet. Don’t forget the soles of your feet, ankles, and palms of the hands. According to Dr. Wu, you should move to another area once it starts to turn pink or warm. 
    Start with minimal pressure, and tailor your experience using all sides of the gua sha. When I want something more intense, I’ll use one of the sharp edges. When I want a larger surface area, I use the longest edge. My gua sha has a rippled edge as well, which I like to use on bigger muscle areas, like the tops of my arms, the shins, hamstrings, and top of the back.
    Do anywhere from 10-20 swipes for each section. This is pretty intuitive, so I focus on where I need the massage most and what feels most effective for me.
    Finish the massage by running your hands over each area, rubbing in any excess oil or balm.
    If you experience any redness from your gua sha, that’s normal! Especially if you use a firmer pressure, gua sha can bring up lots of redness and inflammation in the body, but it should go away in a few hours.

    This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    Feeling Down? Here Are 20 Products That Can Help Boost Your Mood Instantly

    We talk a lot about ways to boost your mood because having a random bad day here and there or feeling a little extra stressed is a part of being human. But just because we all get bad days sometimes doesn’t mean we shouldn’t always be working on happiness. There are many ways to get yourself out of a funk or just feel overall happier, like going for a walk, taking a bath, talking to your therapist, or eating your favorite meal. If you’re like me, a not-so-great mood can also push you into a little retail therapy. Money can’t buy happiness (unless it’s one of these ways), but sometimes, spending a few dollars on something that instantly brings you joy, helps get rid of stress, or squeezes a little self-care into your day can do the trick. Shop on for 20 products that could instantly boost your mood (now that’s some retail therapy I can get behind!).

    Blue Apron
    Home Meal Kits
    We all have a lot on our plate right now (pun intended), and meal prepping, grocery shopping, and cooking can often be more stress on a long to-do list. Blue Apron wants to help you find more “me-time” to boost your mood and stress less, starting with new low-maintenance recipes that require less prep, less cleanup, and less time spent at the store. Because what’s going to boost your mood more than a nutritious, delicious, and convenient meal delivery kit delivered straight to your door? It will save you time, energy, and (most importantly) stress.
    Plus, new customers can get 8 free meals and free shipping!

    Motivational Water Bottle
    If you’re feeling lethargic, unmotivated, or lackluster about your health/life goals, consider switching to this water bottle that will not only help keep you hydrated, but will offer time-stamped reminders throughout the day that you deserve, like “Well done!” and “You’ve got it!” 10+ colors available.

    Gretchen Rubin
    The Happiness Project
    If you have five minutes to read, this is one of the most helpful and life-changing works of positive psychology because it teaches us how to actually be happy. “The Happiness Project” combines personal anecdotes, scientific research, and wisdom from the past to help us not only achieve happiness, but re-examine what we all want out of life. Talk about a mood boost.

    Spoken Flames
    Light It Into Existence
    Never underestimate the power of aromatherapy and the effect it can have on your mood. This candle uses notes like lavender, rose, and patchouli to engage your senses and help you feel more grounded, inspired, and connected to yourself. If you’re looking for a little more positive energy and a little less stress, this is the candle for you.

    Yoga Bolster Pillow
    Another one of our favorite methods to feel better instantly: meditation. Try meditating in one of the suggested positions with this yoga pillow to also stretch out the body for bonus points. Plus, having this pillow in the corner will remind you to get to your meditation practice, even during the busiest of days. 5 colors available

    Wellness Journal
    If journaling is more your style, make time for yourself to record your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Whether it’s first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day or a five-minute break whenever you need to, this journal is designed to boost your overall wellness. 3 colors available.

    Charlotte Tilbury
    Matte Revolution Lipstick
    Sometimes all it takes for an instant mood boost is adding a final touch to your #OOTD that makes you feel extra special, whether that’s a piece of jewelry, a hairdo, or a makeup look. Try a swipe of red lipstick before your next Zoom meeting for an instant oomph of badass confidence (or whatever makeup look or clothing item makes you feel your best). 15 shades available.

    Motto of the Day Card Set
    So you only have 30 seconds? Pick a card (any card!) to get a one-sentence affirmation for the day. Not only will reading the card to yourself instantly make you feel good, but you can repeat the affirmation throughout the day for a happy reminder any time you need one. 2 colors available and 12% off!

    HappyLight Therapy Lamp
    Sunlight is nature’s mood booster, but sun isn’t always readily available, thanks to long office days, cloudy weather, and the fact that SPF is a necessary step in our skincare routines (I repeat: necessary). Get the happiness effects of sunlight thanks to this affordable and easy-to-use light therapy lamp. It mimics the sun using full spectrum light to improve mood, energy, sleep, and focus, without the harmful UV rays. 25% off!

    3 Pack Face Masks
    Even if the world is starting to feel normal, it’s still crucial to wear your face masks. Might as well be one with happy colors and an important reminder, right? Wear these masks to the grocery store, while traveling, or running errands to get an instant mood boost whenever you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. 15% off!

    Love Wellness
    #Mood Pills
    Thanks to all-natural and mood-enhancing ingredients like vitamin B6, organic St. John’s Wort, and chasteberry, this nifty little supplement promises to deal with occasional stress or irritability, fight fatigue, and assist with mood changes associated with PMS (because sometimes a “bad day” just comes from a bad period).

    Intelligent Change Store
    The Five Minute Journal
    Gratitude is not just a cheesy method your mom preaches or a polite “thank you” when someone does something for you. It’s actually a key factor of happiness and an effective way to improve your mood. If making a mental list of what you’re grateful for is not your thing, try this Five Minute Journal with prompts that will help you feel more confident, calm, and grateful. 2 colors available.

    Etsy | Empow Her Prints
    Affirmation Yoga Mat
    If you struggle with reminding yourself that you are “talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular…” (cue the Lady Gaga meme), let a yoga mat do it for you. Whether you’re going through flows, working out, or just have it laying out on your living room floor for later, you’ll be served some important reminders about how awesome you really are.

    Cryo Skin Icing Dual-Ended Roller
    If a busy workday or stressful to-do list is ruining your mood, try squeezing in a little pampering throughout the day to give yourself a break and serve as a check-in. I love a good facial massage to make myself feel pampered and cared for, but a cold facial massage? Extra luxurious.

    Lalah Delia
    Vibrate Higher Daily
    Instagram superstar, Lalah Deliah, put her self-help wisdom into this comprehensive book that teaches we have control over our emotions (yes, including that bummer of a mood). “Vibrating Higher Daily” helps you make intentional day-to-day choices that lift you out of mindsets, habits, and lifestyles that don’t serve you, and into ones that do.

    Abercrombie & Fitch
    Sweater Lounge Shorts
    Never thought a piece of clothing could impact your mood? Well you probably haven’t felt these sweater shorts yet. Hop out of your uncomfortable jeans or form-fitting dress and into clothing that will feel like a warm hug. These shorts are perfect for warmer weather, but still feel just as cozy and comforting as your favorite sweats. 4 colors available and 60% off!

    Serenity Candle
    Picture this: you’ve been working for hours, have barely gotten up from your desk, and you can feel your stress levels rising. So you take a break from your laptop, get up from your desk, check-in with your body, and light a candle that’s called “Serenity” (and for good reason). How much better do you feel already? This mix of pomegranate, sage, patchouli, and cinnamon is the perfect way to soothe your senses into relaxation mode. More importantly, lighting a candle serves as a reminder to take breaks (no matter how short).

    Painted Floral Doormat
    Get an instant mood boost every time you enter or exit your door with this gorgeous, happy, and colorful doormat. Not only will you get a ton of compliments (and compliments make you feel good!), but replacing basic items with extra special pieces can brighten up your day.

    Dynamic Roller Duo
    Whether you need stress-relief or an energy boost, these rollers have got you covered. With 75mg of CBD per roller, they work on a topical level to relieve pressure points, regulate mood, and ease topical discomfort. Use code “theeverygirl” for 20% off the first order!

    Mini Wand Massager
    Because there is nothing (and I mean nothing) more mood-boosting than an orgasm, right? Besides the fact that pleasure should be a key piece of a regular self-care routine, orgasms release happy hormones and allow us the important opportunity to care for our bodies.

    Products I Go To When I Need an Immediate Mood Boost

    10 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Mood

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Blue Apron, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More