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    A Nutritionist’s Favorite Plant-Based Side Dishes for Fall

    With the arrival of fall comes the hearty flavors of seasonal fall fruits and vegetables. Because sides are some of our favorite dishes of this time of year (cornbread, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, oh my!), we asked Jennie Miremadi, an integrative clinical nutritionist, to share her go-to recipes so that you can be eating the most flavorful, delicious dishes of the season that are also packed with nutrients and make you feel your best. Whether you’re looking for easy sides to accompany pasta or roasted chicken for your dinner party or just want to make a few to put together for meals throughout the week, try some of Jennie’s go-to recipes for delicious, healthy fall side dishes of your autumnal dreams. 

    Meet the expert
    Jennie Miremadi MS, CNS, LDN
    Integrative Clinical Nutritionist
    Jennie Miremadi is an integrative clinical nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner who owns her own practice based in Los Angeles.

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    Source: Jennie Miremadi

    14 Fall Recipes You Can Meal Prep This Week More

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    Why You Need To Change Your Workout Routine

    When it comes to your workout routine, you probably fall into one of two categories: the devout, same-class-every-day, ride-or-die loyalist or the always-changing, new-workout-who-dis explorer. While both loyalty and exploration both have their benefits, the most effective workout plans are somewhere in the middle: consistent yet varied. Only doing the same workout or having no consistency in your routine could prevent you from lasting changes and feeling results. Whether you’ve got your favorite instructor on speed dial or are still making your way through every studio your town has to offer, read on for reasons why you need to adjust your workout routine to achieve a balance between variety and consistency. 

    If you’re a serial workout repeater, you need more variety because…

    You can’t do the same thing and expect different results
    Have you ever wondered how your favorite instructor can teach dozens of classes a week like it’s absolutely nothing? It’s not because they’re superhuman—it’s because their body has adapted to the workload, so it’s no longer a challenge. Take it from a long-time group fitness instructor: Group fitness classes typically do the same thing every time, whether you’re a cycling class fanatic or stan a pilates series. When you start a new form of exercise, you’ll likely notice changes and improvements, like being able to ride out at faster speeds or use heavier weights. However, if the format of how you’re exercising doesn’t change, you’ll reach a plateau. Once any workout stops feeling challenging, it’s time to switch it up. Try a different class method, start tracking weights to hit new goals, or add in sprints instead of just jogging. 

    You may be neglecting a major component of fitness
    Even if you do five minutes of dumbbell work in your cycling class or your pilates series gets your heart rate up, doing the same type of workout means you might be missing a key piece that will keep you healthy, happy, and injury-free. For general fitness, you need a balanced combo of cardio and strength training. While cardio is excellent for heart health, mood boosts, and endurance, you might be at risk for injury when you overuse muscles through cardio without properly strengthening them. On the other hand, strength training is great for building muscle, increasing bone density, and, well, increasing your strength, but it won’t do much to help you conquer the stairs of your fifth floor walk-up apartment without getting winded. Fitness is functional, and a combination of cardio and strength training is crucial for health.

    If you have too much exercise wanderlust, you need more consistency because…

    You need to dedicate time and effort to achieve results
    Imagine trying to learn a new language by studying French one day, German the next, and Greek after that. You might learn a little from each language, but you probably won’t become fluent in any of them. Yes, you should set new goals, feel challenged in your routine, and have both strength training and cardio, but you also need some consistency. Dedicating time and effort to one form of exercise is how you get better at it.
    The best way to make lasting changes through consistency is to focus on one type of exercise modality and track movements, weight used, or effort. For example, incorporate consistent strength training into your workout routine twice a week with one upper body day and one lower body day, and keep track of the weight, reps, and difficulty of each exercise. You’ll be able to make real improvements because you’ll know where you’re starting from and exactly what you need to do to improve.

    Exercise requires learning
    Sure, the first day of school is way more exciting than attending class after a few months in, but your first day at school is usually not when you make the most progress. Picture this: You go to a new workout class that uses kettlebells and you reach for a 10-pound kettlebell since you’re new to them, but in another class, you can lift 20 pounds when training with dumbbells. The answer is not to use a 20-pound kettlebell because form is most important for injury prevention, and you’ve never done a kettlebell snatch before so you shouldn’t feel challenged when trying something new in order to perfect form. You may be learning a new way to exercise, but you’re not getting stronger or closer to your health goals at that one class. With every new form of exercise, you need to learn it before you can challenge yourself. If you’re always a beginner, you’ll always be in the learning phase instead of being able to improve, grow, and gain confidence. 

    If you’re not sure how to achieve that balance between variety and consistency…

    Bottom line: Working all muscle groups or parts of the body (like muscles vs. the cardiovascular system) helps keep you healthy and prevents injuries, and consistency helps you get better and achieve health goals. Going to the same fitness class won’t allow for progress, but you can’t become better at something if you don’t practice. The way you achieve the perfect balance is by intentionally changing what feels stagnant while keeping some consistency to work toward specific goals.
    Let me introduce you to the principle of “periodization,” which is a fancy term for following predictable patterns of variation. In other words, you get results when you increase the intensity of your workouts without changing the modality (like adding sprints to your jogging routine) or keep the same intensity but change the type of exercise (like doing front squats instead of back squats a couple of days a week). For example, add in a day of weight training and work toward a faster mile time if you’re a jogger or try a dance cardio class while slightly increasing in weights every week at that gym if you’re a gym rat. Get clear on your goals, add in at least one to two days of cardio or strength-training (depending on what you practice less), adjust your workout routine to have more periodization, and just see how quickly your strength, endurance, and confidence improve.

    Here’s Why Rest Days are Crucial for Your Workout Routine
    Trust me–I’m a fitness trainer More

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    I Tried J.Lo’s Self-Care Routine for a Week—Here’s What Happened

    Jennifer Lopez is one of those magical celebrities who is so stunning and talented that it’s hard to believe she’s mortal. Her skin glows, her hair is always flawless, and don’t even get me started on the J.Lo booty (or her impeccable dance skills). More importantly, she always looks well-rested and happy, even with demanding tour schedules and long days of filming. Let’s be real: J.Lo invented #goals. So when ELLE published an interview detailing her skincare secrets and how she takes care of herself, you know I had to try it all. As a celeb who adamantly swears she has never gotten cosmetic surgery but looks her best at 50 thanks to how she takes care of herself (and probably really, really good genes), I had to give her self-care secrets a try. Read on for six things J.Lo does to care for herself that I implemented into my routine too. 
    My self-care inspo for the week:

    1. Repeat a daily affirmation
    Update: it’s not just the general public/entire world that thinks J.Lo is youthful and timeless at any age–she knows she is too because she reminds herself every day. Daily affirmations are crucial to her self-care routine (because I’m guessing you can’t shake it in front of millions of people at the Super Bowl without believing you’re awesome). To get specific, she recites, “I’m youthful and timeless at every age, I’m youthful and timeless at every age, I’m youthful and timeless at every age.”
    I’m only 26 so I have not considered myself anything except youthful (except my 21st birthday when I felt cool AF), but nonetheless, what the queen says goes, so I repeated the affirmation in the mirror at myself every morning before brushing my teeth. Yes, I felt silly and my boyfriend may have questioned my sanity, but there was something entirely empowering about looking in the mirror and thinking something good. I, like most women, normally look in the mirror first thing in the morning and see dark eye circles, subtle wrinkles, or puffiness.
    I’ve never considered myself insecure, but the usual mental conversation I have with my reflection is not a loving one. Making the effort to say something good started to shift the way I thought about myself even throughout the rest of the day. As J.Lo says, “Positive self-talk in your head really does create a beautiful person on the inside who maintains a beautiful person on the outside.” Her suspiciously flawless skin is starting to make a little more sense. 

    2. Be a nice person; it’s good for your skin
    OK, so “being nice” doesn’t exactly count as a self-care routine (it’s just being a decent person), and I wouldn’t call it something I “tried out” for a week (I like to think I try it out all the time…?), but it’s worth noting for many reasons. We often think of beauty as being skin deep: it’s about bubble baths, under-eye masks, and just the right shade of foundation. Or maybe we even go so far as to define beauty being deeper than skincare and makeup, and about how we feed our bodies and how much sleep we get. But a crucial factor we often leave out when talking about both beauty and self-care is being kind to other people. “You have to be a nice, beautiful person on the inside if you want to have your face reflect that,” J.Lo explained. 
    The changes I made in this category were not necessarily about being nice (that’s something we all should practice and prioritize on a regular basis), but about how I saw self-care. Yes, self-care is about caring for yourself, but it’s also about caring for others. When we practice empathy, help whoever we can, and connect with other people, not only does it change the world, but it makes us feel our happiest and most fulfilled. And if I get a J.Lo-level glow and wrinkle-free skin as a result? It will be a welcomed bonus. 

    3. Incorporate more olive oil
    This one was a no-brainer for me since I eat olive oil in one way or another with basically every meal, but J.Lo goes beyond cooking basics and uses it as a “cure-all” for everything. Cure-all for what exactly, I’m not sure (like, is it the secret to becoming rich and famous or?), but I gathered that it’s a skincare necessity since her entire skincare line contains olive oil extract. I’m already a huge fan of using pantry items in my skincare routine, but was still slightly reluctant. Would the key ingredient I use to make greasy, garlicky pasta really make my skin radiant instead of breaking it out? Spoiler alert: yes. 
    I typically pat on oil before bed, but I did not love the idea of olive oil smeared all over my silk pillowcase. Instead, I dabbed a little bit on as the last step in my morning routine. It was hard to get used to since it doesn’t feel like it absorbs like face oil products, but I immediately noticed a difference in my glow. After just the first day, my skin felt well-rested and glowy instead of the dullness and dehydration that normally comes with Mondays. By the end of the week, I had not broken out more than the normal pimple here and there, and my skin was noticeably more radiant. This will certainly be a hack I add into my regular routine, but it also serves as a good reminder that beauty does not have to be expensive and skincare isn’t just about high-end products. The secret to J.Lo skin might be found in your kitchen. 

    4. Focus on quality
    J.Lo talked about prioritizing quality when it came to her skincare, but also in regards to how she wants everything she makes in her career (whether it’s a beauty line, album, or movie) to be the highest quality so she doesn’t let anyone down. I don’t have a beauty line, album, or movie per se, but I liked the idea of “fighting for the quality that you want to be involved with.” So I decided then and there that quality was going to be my driver for the week. I put more work into my daily beauty routine by using my best products (the ones that I typically save for before big events), but I also focused on quality in other areas of my self-care routine.
    I put more time and effort into meals by DIYing dressings, using the freshest ingredients, and adding herbs and spices, which made even a quick workday lunch feel fancy. I also focused on quality with my workouts by prioritizing form and how my body was reacting instead of running faster or lifting more. After a week prioritizing quality, I realized that “quality” is simply a way to tell ourselves what we deserve. Instead of quickly patting on my normal skincare routine, whipping up whatever I had in my fridge, or rushing through a workout class, bringing more quality into everything I did allowed me to not only enjoy my daily habits more, but also made me believe that I deserved more. J.Lo, I totally get it: quality is worth fighting for. 

    5. Read Meditations to Heal Your Life
    I’m a huge fan of inspirational books, but had surprisingly never heard of this gem. Jennifer swears by Meditations to Heal Your Life after it was gifted to her by a friend when she was “doing some soul searching” in her 20s. Personally, my “soul-searching” looked like breaking up with my boyfriend and spending all my money on wine while studying abroad in Paris, but if I had read this collection of meditations then, it might have saved me a lot of tears and carafes of wine.
    Obviously, I immediately ordered it (with Prime shipping!) after reading that it’s a key part of J.Lo’s self-care routine, and the book did not disappoint. The author, Louise Hay, recommends opening to a random page instead of reading it front to back. So I set aside time every morning to fit in my meditations, hoping some of them would heal my life. I loved the experience and definitely felt a shift in my creativity, optimism, and overall outlook. Since meditations have always been difficult for me, consider me a convert. Reading thoughtful and impactful guided meditations feels way easier for me than listening to an app or sitting in silence. 

    6. Wear sunscreen daily
    If you can’t tell already, I learned a lot from J.Lo’s self-care routine. One thing I did not expect to learn but certainly did: Don’t follow your boyfriend to the dermatologist. In the interview, Jennifer tells a story about going to her boyfriend’s dermatologist when she was in her 20s. The dermatologist encouraged her to start Botox and, to paraphrase, she ran away and never looked back (probably from both the dermatologist and the boyfriend). I’m not sure exactly what this story was supposed to let us know besides that her taste in men is also high-quality (I can’t even get my boyfriend to use anything besides the 5-in-1 wash), but she is openly not a stan of Botox and instead swears by daily SPF to keep wrinkles at bay.
    While I say “you do you” when it comes to any Botox or plastic surgery, J.Lo has a point about the sunscreen. Self-care is also about being preventative–not just in preventing wrinkles, but doing what you can to keep your body as healthy as possible. That includes applying sunscreen. I’ll admit: I put on SPF every time I leave the house without fail, but since I work from home full time, I might not leave the house for days. Since sun exposure can still happen through windows, J.Lo’s cautionary tale served as a reminder to include it in my skincare routine every day. 

    The Verdict:
    Surprisingly, following J.Lo’s self-care routine was doable and simple. Of course, the article definitely did not cover the money she likely spends on trainers, health food, and facials. But even celebs with unlimited time, resources, and experts on speed dial need those simple things like applying SPF every day or repeating “I am youthful and timeless” when they look in the mirror to feel their very best. Applying olive oil will likely become an occasional indulgence, and I’ll go back to Meditations to Heal Your Life time and time again, but the biggest changes that will stick after trying to be J.Lo for a week had more to do with mindset. Being aware of the way we talk to ourselves, treating other people kindly, and focusing on living a high-quality life are all parts of self-care we don’t talk about often, but are more important than face masks or fancy candles. Whether or not you believe she’s never gotten Botox, she’s right that beauty is more than just skin deep. 

    I Tried Jennifer Aniston’s Self-Care Routine—Here’s What Happened More

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    Sleep Is the New Self-Care: Here’s How You Should Upgrade Your Routine

    While self-care looks different to everyone, one self-care practice we all can benefit from is a sleep routine, hence the trending term “sleep-care,” which could be the health-changing step you are missing in your current self-care routine. Routines are crucial because they help us create positive daily habits that promote well-being, and sleep routines are no exception. While we know sleep is crucial to our health, many people are not getting enough. According to the CDC, more than a third of adults are sleeping less than the recommended hours (at least seven per day) on a regular basis. The good news? Sleep-care could change that. Read on to learn more about sleep-care and how to implement it into your routine.

    In this article

    What is sleep-care?
    If you think that self-care is all about fancy bubble baths, luxurious face masks, and expensive health foods, think again. The World Health Organization defines self-care as “The ability to promote health, prevent disease, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” In other words, while health care is a doctor helping your body be healthy, self-care is the way you help your body be healthy. And one of the most important (but often overlooked) ways to do that? Sleep. “Sleep is important to help prevent cardiovascular problems, improve mood, increase learning and memory, and prevent weight gain,” explained Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a neuropsychologist at Colombia University.
    Sleep has an impact on all aspects of our health, and therefore, sleep-care is the practice of creating routines around sleep that provide mental and physical benefits. Sleep-care also addresses that sleep requires more care than just turning off Netflix at night and setting an alarm in the morning—our daily habits, doctor’s visits, and the way we spend our mornings and evenings should take into account how to improve sleep quality. Wondering how to do that?

    Tips to implement a sleep-care routine

    1. Create a sleep schedule
    The best way to implement a sleep-care routine is to create a routine that works for you. Everyone is different, and depending on whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, you’ll want to create a sleep routine that is realistic based on your needs, daily schedule, and preferences. For example, if you typically stay up late and don’t have to wake up for work until 9 a.m., don’t force yourself into a 7 a.m. wakeup time just because waking up early sounds like it’s healthier.
    Instead, wake up at 8:30 a.m. (or 8:59 a.m. We won’t judge) and make sure you’re asleep by 1 a.m. (or about 7-9 hours before, depending on your needs), and then stick to that schedule every day. What matters most is going to bed and waking up at a consistent time so your body knows when it should be awake and when it should be sleeping. Also, get to know the length of time your body needs to sleep. While some people feel great after exactly seven hours, others feel groggy if they don’t get a full nine. Get to know what your body needs and set up a schedule accordingly. 

    2. Unwind from your day 
    Once you have a set bedtime, the next step is to create a nighttime routine that allows you to fully let the day go. You cannot expect to come home from work, eat dinner, work out, clean the house, and then be asleep the moment your head hits the pillow, just because you decided your bedtime was 9 p.m. Most of us need time to decompress from the day and to enter a relaxed state before our body and mind are ready for a restful night’s sleep. A few things you can do to unwind from your day would be journaling, meditating, yoga stretches, pampering yourself with a skincare routine, drinking chamomile tea, taking some CBD, or reading a soothing book (save the thrillers for daytime). Find what relaxes you at the end of the day and give your mind enough time to relax and wind down. These rituals will eventually signal to your body that it’s time to go to sleep. 

    3. Create a relaxing environment
    Your home can either help you relax or cause you more stress. Just like a pile of dirty laundry on the chair or dishes in the sink might make you feel anxious about the next day and have difficulty sleeping, a relaxing environment will help you feel calm. A few ideas to create a relaxing environment include lighting candles, diffusing essential oils, adjusting the temperature, trying blackout curtains, dimming your lights, and removing screens at least 30 minutes before your bedtime. For more recommendations on creating a relaxing environment, click here to shop our favorite products that will help make your home more relaxing. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, so anything you can do to create an environment that makes you feel safe and calm can make a huge difference in your sleep-care. 

    4. Limit caffeine and naps
    Because sleep-care is not just about making changes at nighttime, be aware of habits throughout the day that might be causing you to lose precious sleep. For example, that 2 p.m. cup of coffee or post-work nap might be confusing your body when it comes to a sleep schedule. While having one cup of coffee or tea in the morning can help some people get through the day, you may want to ditch the afternoon cup. When it comes to caffeine, every body reacts differently, so figure out when to get your last cup in before it affects your sleep (for a general rule of thumb, CNBC suggests no later than 2-3 p.m.) or play around with the difference between coffee and matcha when it comes to your sleep quality. And while an afternoon nap may be enticing (especially without that second cup of joe), taking naps can throw off your sleep later. If you really need a nap, The Sleep Foundation suggests keeping it to a minimum of 20 minutes in the early afternoon.

    5. Be consistent
    While you are finding a routine that works for you, adjust your “ideal” routine with what is most realistic. No one is going to be perfect 100 percent of the time, but your goal should be to strive for a realistic, healthy routine that you can follow regularly and stick to more often than not. When your sleep schedule, nighttime routine, and daily habits are consistent, this lets your internal clock know when you should be going to sleep and waking up. Everyone relaxes and takes care of themselves in their own way, and every body has different needs. So whatever you do to unwind, create a relaxing environment, and get a full night of rest, just be consistent.

    6. Make sleep a regular conversation with your doctor
    While self-care is about how you care for yourself, part of caring for yourself is building and communicating with a team that will help keep you as healthy as possible. While your doctor visits might (and should) cover symptoms, diet, and exercise, make sure that sleep is part of the conversation too. Let your doctor know if you’re having trouble sleeping, if you’re waking up exhausted, or if your work-life balance feels off and you’re not getting enough recovery time. Sleep is obviously an important factor of health, but lack of sleep is a good indicator that your routines or health might need some adjustments. 

    8 Subtle Signs Your Sleep Routine Needs a Major Overhaul More

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    Watching “Nine Perfect Strangers?” Here’s How To Recreate a Wellness Retreat at Home

    Is it just me, or is everybody bingeing Nine Perfect Strangers? The thriller, based at a remote wellness retreat, is Hulu’s latest buzz-worthy series that fans can’t get enough of. I’m going to be honest: I have not yet watched the show or read the book (it’s on my list, I swear!), but I’m assuming that this is not a wellness retreat that you’d opt into, based on the eerie tone and the fact that The Everygirl’s resident lover of all things spooky, Maddie, is a huge fan (something bad has got to happen). However, the concept of a wellness retreat (not in a thriller storyline) sounds appealing, especially after a stressful couple of years.
    I can’t speak for Nicole Kidman, but the purpose of going on a wellness retreat is to spend uninterrupted time focusing on your physical and mental health. Imagine temporarily giving up your hectic life and busy schedule for sunrise yoga sessions, reiki healing, deep tissue massages, meditation lectures, and health food so good, it’s won awards. No matter what actually happens at Tranquillum House, the show had viewers Googling where and how they can attend a wellness retreat.
    However, leaving your life for a few days and spending a hefty amount of money isn’t always feasible. But good news to those of you who are wellness-retreat curious (or just need a damn break): You don’t even have to leave your home to reap the benefits of a trendy health retreat. Read on for six steps to get the Nine Perfect Strangers experience from the comfort of your own home (or you know, all the good parts before Nicole Kidman gets really creepy). 

    Source: Hulu
    Plan ahead
    To get the full experience of a serene retreat away from busy schedules, to-do lists, and distractions, you’re going to have to plan ahead to get rid of those busy schedules, to-do lists, and distractions. Start by decluttering your space (more on that below), let friends or family know you’ll be off the grid for the next day or two, and get any chores done ahead of time so you can fully relax. Also, plan out a schedule to follow or meals to make, just like any other wellness retreat would have for you (as for what to put on the schedule or menu, more on that below!). Most importantly, plan to go tech-free while you’re on your “wellness retreat” (you don’t want an Instagram notification or scroll through TikTok to ruin your meditative bliss). 
    Turn your home into a sanctuary
    The main reason a retreat is so appealing is because of the environment. You’re not going home to dirty dishes, screaming kids, or a pile of laundry—leaving your home gives you the chance to escape normal life for a little and focus solely on your well-being. Even if leaving home is not an option, you can still update your environment for similar benefits. Once you’ve decluttered and cleaned up, orient sofas or chairs toward windows (for more exposure to nature, even if nature is the view of the building across from you), add plants and greenery throughout your space, play with aromatherapy through diffusers and candles, and set the scene with calming music.

    Source: Hulu

    “Attend” classes online
    Wellness retreats often mean early morning yoga or a meditation session before bed. Just because you don’t have a sunrise view or an instructor standing in front of you does not mean you can’t schedule meditation, yoga, and mindfulness classes (without the hefty wellness retreat price tags). Check out YouTube for a variety of wellness-related classes, lectures, and sessions, or try a service like obé fitness for workout classes, yoga stretches, and meditations all in one place. For extra points, try something totally new, whether you want to amp it up with an online fitness bootcamp or do a 60-minute yoga session with poses you’ve never tried. Wellness retreats mean new experiences, so trying something different from your usual workout or meditation app will help separate your at-home retreat from normal life. 

    Have a DIY spa session
    Let’s be honest: The very best part of a wellness retreat is the back-to-back luxurious spa appointments (and absolutely no guilt spending hours of your day to pamper yourself). To reap the same benefits from home, you don’t need a live-in masseuse or facialist on call. Start with a relaxing bubble bath (or luxurious shower) and apply a face and hair mask, and then go into facial massage, dry brushing, and lymphatic drainage to treat yourself from head-to-toe. In fact, there are dozens of beauty treatments you can do in the comfort of your own home (aesthetician not required). Check out 30 of them here. If you’re interested in other wellness treatments like acupuncture, cryotherapy, or aromatherapy, check out how I tried them at home here. 

    Source: Hulu

    Get outdoors
    Retreats are typically located in a place surrounded by nature to create a calm environment and to help attendees disengage. Nature provides many benefits and will help you feel totally at peace. To get the benefits for free, find a nearby hike to schedule into your retreat schedule. If hiking isn’t your thing or you don’t have trails near you, taking a walk through a nearby park or spending some time sitting at the beach will give you the same effects. If you’re more interested in the wellness retreats that are more active than relaxing, plan some more outdoor activities, like kayaking at a nearby lake or booking an outdoor workout class near you. 

    Make your own menu
    And now for the most important part: food. Wellness retreats around the world have a slew of impressive menus that promise high-quality and tasty vegan, farm-to-table, gluten-free, or totally clean meals. Instead of buying a lot of fruits and veggies and hoping for the best, plan out a menu ahead of time like any good wellness retreat would offer upon your arrival. Explore plant-heavy recipes that taste good and make you feel good, and consider meal prepping in advance so you don’t disrupt your R&R whenever you get hungry. Also, you can take this opportunity to improve your cooking skills. Look up online cooking classes like a DIY sushi class or watch a video to get assistance following a more complicated recipe. 

    Wellness Trends to Try From Home More

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    Bored With Your Mornings? These Products Will Make You Excited to Get Out of Bed

    Last year, I overhauled my morning routine in the universal attempt to get out of the rut that was 2020. I started journaling, DIYing celery juice, and stretching before the workday started. For a while, this morning makeover made me feel like a brand new woman. The journaling helped me stay motivated, the celery juice helped my digestion, and stretching helped my body wake up. But after a while, these things just started to feel, well, boring. Journaling seemed uninspiring, celery juice started tasting bland, and stretching felt like a chore. The truth is that sometimes, even when habits and routines are good for us, they can start to feel mundane.
    Mornings are hard, and getting out of your warm, cozy bed for the stressful day that awaits you is even harder. But we all deserve to wake up every morning feeling energized, excited, and happy. The trick (besides getting a full seven to nine hours of sleep the night before): making your mornings a little more special. If your usual morning routine feels boring, shop the products below that will make you excited to get out of bed (no celery juice necessary). 

    Dynamic Roller Duo
    These genius little rollers are my secret weapon for getting out of bed in the morning or staying energized throughout the day. If I need a little more energy (like right before a big meeting or if I’m feeling an afternoon slump), I pull out the Energy Roller from my desk drawer for an instant boost. I also keep the Calming Roller by my bed to use before I sleep or whenever I’m feeling anxious or stressed. Massaging it into my temples or on pulse points can make a huge difference in my mood, thanks to 75mg of CBD per roller and essential oils. Both of these rollers work on a topical level to relieve pressure points, regulate mood, and ease topical discomfort. Trust me, you’re going to want both.
    Use code “theeverygirl” for 20% off your first order!

    14-Cup Coffee Maker
    If the only thing you look forward to when your alarm clock goes off is your first cup of coffee, this one’s for you. Whether you can’t function before you’ve had it or the first sip is the best part of your morning, coffee is a good reason to get out of bed. Try this programmable machine that you set to start brewing right before your alarm goes off, so there’s less time between the minute your eyes open and your very first sip of the day.

    Back Seam Skinny Pants
    Reality check: Of course you’re not going to want to get out of bed if you have to change from cozy PJs to stiff jeans or uncomfortable trousers. Whether you’re back in the office or still rocking workwear while working from home, these ankle pants are cozy enough to feel like loungewear but chic enough to pair with any button-up for even your most serious meeting days. Order a few pairs because they’re all you’re going to want to wear.

    Green Tablets
    TBH, while celery juice is still a practice I love, the ritual started feeling so boring because it just took a lot of work (I mean, homemade green juice every morning? I’m exhausted just thinking about it!). If you’re like me and love the feeling of taking care of your body but hate the effort it takes, I have the answer for you. 8Greens is an Everygirl editor favorite because of the delicious taste, amazing nutrients, and plant ingredients. Add to a cup of water and enjoy!

    Hair Dryer & Volumizer Hot Air Brush
    What’s more motivating to get out of bed than knowing you’re going to have a great hair day? Even if you don’t have time to fit in a full face mask or bubble bath in the morning (who does?), you can still take some time to pamper yourself by getting ready for your day. This hot air brush is not only easier and less steps than a full blow dry and curling routine, but you’ll also have that just-got-a-blowout look throughout the rest of your day. Now that’s worth waking up for.

    Youth To The People
    15% Vitamin C + Clean Caffeine Energy Serum
    Speaking of pampering yourself, if you don’t look forward to your morning skincare routine, it’s time to make some changes. This clean and sustainable serum contains a high concentration of vitamin C (hello, glow!), but it more importantly contains a clean caffeine to wake up and energize the face. Think of it like a cup of coffee for your skin (because it deserves coffee too!). Apply under a moisturizer and SPF for a skincare routine that will get you out of bed.

    Hamilton Beach
    Breakfast Sandwich Maker
    Let’s be real: The best part of mornings is breakfast. If you’re a smoothie-on-the-go kind of girl or have the same avocado toast every morning, no wonder your mornings are boring. You can DIY the breakfast sandwich of your dreams, thanks to one easy, simple step. Trust me, the smell of eggs, bacon, and english muffins alone will be enough to get you out of bed.

    Milk Frother
    One of the changes in my morning routine that has stuck is frothing my creamer. It sounds like such a simple step, but frothed milk immediately turns a cold cup of coffee into a decadent latte or delicious cappuccino. My coffee is no longer a necessity—it’s my favorite morning luxury.

    Le Moderne Wellness Journal
    Tired of the same boring planner and to-do lists? Same. When you sit down to write out your to-do list and create your schedule, make it a ritual you’ll look forward to instead of another mundane moment in your day. This wellness journal helps you track things like sleep, meals, and self-care, and it also gives you space to gratitude journal and record feelings for a practice that’s much more inspiring than “all-staff meeting at 1 p.m.” or “finish folding laundry.”

    Build Your Own Cozy Set
    Getting out of bed is often so hard because it also means getting out of your cozy, comfy pajamas. So what if your outfit for the day was even more cozy and comfy than your old camp T-shirt? If you’re working from home or lounging around the house on the weekends, lay out this dreamy set for an OOTD that will feel better than any pajamas you’ve ever had.

    Amazon | JALL
    Wake Up Light Sunrise Alarm
    If waking up feels more painful than actually getting out of bed, the fix might be as simple as changing your alarm clock. Forget the annoying ringers on your iPhone or sound machine. No matter when you wake up, you can wake up with the sun, thanks to this soothing and gentle light that mimics the sunrise to wake you up naturally and peacefully.

    Frank Body
    Original Coffee Scrub
    If you’re one of those people who don’t feel fully awake until you take a shower, make sure your shower routine is enough to get you excited for the mornings. PSA: Morning showers should not just be a quick shampoo. All it takes is a minute to pamper yourself from head to toe. This non-toxic scrub not only feels luxurious on the body, but it’s also made with coffee grounds so you can get your caffeine fix before you even brush your teeth.

    Magic Spoon
    Grain Free Cereal
    Think about when you were a kid. What was the one thing that got you out of bed before a long day of pop quizzes and multiplication? That’s right, Fruit Loops or Cap’n Crunch. Since you’re now a grown adult and know better than to call sugary cereal a nutritious meal, you can still get the excitement of a tasty bowl of cereal (that won’t give you a sugar crash) with to Magic Spoon. With clean ingredients, high protein, and no gluten, grains, soy, sugar alcohols, or anything artificial, your childhood favorite is better than ever.

    Laura Vanderkam
    What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
    If all else fails and no breakfast, beauty product, or cozy clothing can get you excited about your mornings, look to inspo from the experts. From motivating morning routines to tips for waking up easier, this must-read will give you all the inspiration you need for how to make your mornings a little more exciting.


    6 Energizing Rituals I Tried to Upgrade My Morning Routine

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    How to Achieve Body Acceptance and Self-Love, According to an Expert

    Some of us want to get stronger, some of us want to eat healthier, and some of us want to get more sleep, but the one goal we all have in common is to feel more self-love. Self-love is not something that’s taught in school. In fact, we’re more likely taught how not to love ourselves and accept our bodies from friends, parents, and the media (more on that below). But thinking we’re not good enough or constantly trying to change the way our bodies look is stressful, destructive, and a complete waste of energy.
    Think about all the time and energy you spend obsessing about the way your body looks or not loving who you are. That time and energy could be spent on more important things like running successful companies, growing fulfilling relationships, and actually going through life feeling happy (imagine!). So how do we get out of the self-hate cycle and accept our bodies as they are? I turned to an expert for advice. 

    Dr. Adrienne Youdim is not your regular weight lost specialist—she’s a cool weight lost specialist. And by that, I mean she uses her expertise and practice to teach women how to achieve self-love and body acceptance first, knowing that true health can only begin when you love yourself. Dr. Youdim is an internist who specializes in weight loss and nutrition and served as the medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Center for Weight Loss before opening up her own private practice in Beverly Hills. Read: She’s seen a lot of patients who do not accept their body as it is.
    As if her long list of experience wasn’t enough, she’s also the author of the book Hungry For More, which connects the desire for weight loss with what we’re lacking emotionally. While she’s a weight loss expert on paper, she’s really a self-love expert because she knows that you cannot reach any health goal without it. Read on for her definition of body acceptance, where it comes from, and six tips that will help you achieve it. 

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Adrienne Youdim, MD, FACP
    An internist who specializes in medical weight loss and nutrition
    Dr. Youdim served as medical director of the Cedars-Sinai Weight Loss Center before opening her own practice in Beverly Hills. She wrote the book “Hungry For More,” an empowering memoir and how-to guide for women looking to reach their health goals and love their bodies.

    What does “body acceptance” even mean?
    We talk a lot about accepting your body and loving yourself, but what does that really mean? Does it mean looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking everything is perfect, or is it like any other romantic relationship where you feel unconditional love and respect? According to Dr. Youdim, body acceptance is different from self-love, but they both share an important factor. “Body acceptance and self-love are not the same, but they are both unconditional and are not dependent on outside factors,” she explained. “We can accept and love ourselves regardless of how we look, how much we weigh, what kind of car we drive, or how much money we make.”
    Another important PSA: Body acceptance and loving yourself does not mean that you don’t have goals or aren’t prioritizing self-improvement. Rather, you love and accept yourself so much that you know you deserve to reach your goals. “For example, you can want to lose weight, but body acceptance means that you still accept yourself for who you are in this moment. In fact, that acceptance makes it more likely that we will achieve our goals.” In other words, you don’t accept your body once when you reach certain health goals, you can reach health goals because you accept and love your body as it is right now.

    We talk a lot about accepting your body and loving yourself, but what does that really mean? Does it mean looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking everything is perfect, or is it like any other romantic relationship where you feel unconditional love and respect?

    Where do body insecurities come from?
    Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a “joking” conversation with your friends over which body part you hate most (Mean Girls style). I am certainly guilty. The sad truth is that body insecurities are so normal that it’s something we bond over with other women. If you’re the Cady Heron who can’t think of anything to dislike about yourself besides bad morning breath, you’re probably the outsider. When we grow up and assimilate to societal norms, we learn pretty quickly that hating our bodies is not only socially acceptable but expected. 
    “There is so much outside noise that affects how we see ourselves and particularly how we see our bodies,” Dr. Youdim explained. “Not only does social media, TV, and our culture at large dictate how we should look, but many of us are even affected by people we love. For example, a mom who struggles with body image may criticize her own body or engage in unhealthy weight loss strategies. Her words and actions are a form of role-modeing that sends a message to her children that a body needs to look a certain way in order to be acceptable.”
    Bottom line: Your body insecurities actually have nothing to do with your own body. They come from external pressure to look a certain way or feel a certain way about yourself. For that reason, no pant size, weight, or body shape is immune. But good news: There’s a way out. Read on for tips to accept your body and love yourself more. 

    Tips to improve self-love and achieve body acceptance:

    1. Start by being more aware
    “The first step to achieving self-acceptance is self-awareness,” Dr. Youdim suggested. Self-awareness means knowing what we are saying to ourselves and the messages we’re sending to our bodies. She also suggested distancing yourself from the negative thoughts. For example, if you find yourself hating your thighs or feeling like everyone is staring at your stomach, notice the thought and then look at it objectively. Ask yourself, Is this belief really true? Would a close friend or confidant tell me the same thing? Then, think like the opposite is true, like your thighs look amazing, your jeans fit perfectly, or everyone is staring because of how good you look. “Operate from a place of possibility,” Dr. Youdim advised. “Dare to imagine a different story and allow for that new narrative to stick. With time and practice, it will!”

    2. Know that self-love is a skill, not a circumstance
    Self-love doesn’t just happen to you once you reach a certain weight, promotion, or get in a relationship. Self-love is a state of mind you work on internally, not a factor that hits you from the inside. If you need some proof, even Dr. Youdim has had to overcome insecurities too. “I was just as critical of myself at size 2 as I was at size 10,” she explained. “Self-love is an inside job, and being overly critical, engaging in self-limiting beliefs, or not accepting our bodies can and will happen at any size.” For whoever needs to hear this: Yes, you can and should love yourself, regardless of “imperfections” you see in the mirror. Stop thinking that changing those imperfections will make you love yourself more and start cultivating self-love as you are now.

    Self-love is a state of mind you work on internally, not a factor that hits you from the inside

    3. Notice where your relationship with your body is physically manifesting
    And now where the tie between lack of self-acceptance and Dr. Youdim’s weight loss practice comes in: Your relationship to food has everything to do with your relationship to your body. “There is a physiologic reason why we can’t control ourselves when it comes to food,” she said. “When we are sad, unfulfilled, anxious, etc., we seek comfort and often turn to food for that comfort.” While a glass of wine or a tub of Ben & Jerry’s might feel temporarily comforting, it does not fix what is making us uncomfortable to begin with and, as Dr. Youdim said, does not address what we are truly hungry for. If you’re anxious or hateful when it comes to your body, those feelings manifest into uncomfortable feelings that then physiologically trigger food cravings. Your body is affected by negative emotions, including when you have negative emotions about your body. Start getting curious about cravings. Identify what you are truly hungry for and what would actually comfort the uncomfortable feeling. 

    4. Try intentional mindfulness and meditation 
    As for tangible practices we can add into our routines to cultivate more body acceptance, Dr. Youdim cited mindfulness, meditation, and journaling as being the most effective tools to improve our self-love. Since negative thoughts are typically automatic, being more mindful will allow you to catch yourself in these thoughts (read: self-awareness), and change thought patterns. As the mental health practice taking the world by storm, “studies show that we can foster greater self-acceptance through meditation,” Dr. Youdim said. Meditation in general can help with clarity, but try meditating with an affirmation like “I love myself” or “my body is healthy and powerful” to make it specific to body acceptance. And if meditating isn’t for you, journaling is also a powerful tool. “Writing is a gateway to awareness, self-healing, and transformative change. Gain awareness of thoughts and patterns, set intentions and goals, and offer yourself compassion and grace.”

    5. Remind yourself that you are not alone
    It may sound cheesy to say that you are not alone, but when we’re struggling with body image issues and lack of self-love, we often are overly focused on our own experience. For example, we’re thinking that everyone is judging us or that other people notice the insecurity like we do. In reality, no one thinks of you as critically as you think of yourself (duh!), and everyone is dealing with their own insecurities. Personally, when I start feeling overly insecure about the way I look, I take it as a sign that I’ve been too focused on myself and start checking in with friends or call my mom to see how she is. 
    “When we suffer, we imagine that we are the only one,” Dr. Youdim agreed. “Being human means being imperfect. A sense of common humanity can make you feel differently about negative beliefs you have about yourself. Remind yourself that you are not the only one suffering or experiencing insecurities.” When you’re focused on your body, remind yourself that you are not alone. Remember that no one is perfect and everyone has their own insecurities. And then, shift your focus to loving and taking care of other people; it will translate into loving and taking care of yourself. 

    6. Practice self-kindness (not self-judgment)
    The last thing you should do when noticing your insecurities and negative thoughts is to add even more insecurities and negative thoughts on top of that. Don’t be angry at yourself every time you notice a negative thought come up. Instead, practice self-kindness as much as possible. Look into your reactions when you’re feeling inadequate or insecure: Do you feel compassionate and understanding, or are you criticizing? Dr. Youdim suggested thinking of a negative belief you have about yourself. Do you think you’re bad at your job, aren’t likable, or aren’t as attractive as someone else? Now think about how to reframe this belief with an attitude of kindness. How would your best friend, mom, or whoever is kindest to you reframe this thought? Even if you don’t believe the kinder version of the thought, after enough practice, you eventually will. 

    5 Things My Therapist Taught Me About Self-Love More

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    Beyoncé Has Insomnia: Here Are 7 Expert-Backed Tips To Help if You Have Trouble Sleeping Too

    I don’t know if you’re as up-to-date on Beyoncé news as I (always) am, but recently, the only news alert I’ve been getting is that Beyoncé has insomnia, a common sleep disorder in which you experience persistent problems falling and staying asleep. The original source: the September issue of Harper’s Bazaar, in which Queen Bey graced us on the cover and with a headline-making quote in the interview that stated, “I’ve personally struggled with insomnia from touring for more than half of my life.” While I’m not surprised that Beyonce’s health habits became news-worthy across platforms like People, Insider, and Yahoo! News (I mean, when she mentioned she was vegan, the whole world gave up dairy), I was surprised how many people resonated with not getting enough sleep.
    According to The Sleep Foundation, as many as 30 percent of adults (and up to 48 percent of older adults) struggle with chronic insomnia. Moreover, women are 40 percent more likely to experience insomnia in their lifetime than men (*eye roll* as if we didn’t already have enough to deal with. I bet Jay-Z is sleeping soundly!). Sleeping troubles are so common that the CDC even declared sleep disorders a public health epidemic. Basically, Beyoncé is just like us! Since lack of sleep is one of the most common health issues out there, we definitely need to be talking about it more.
    I grilled sleep experts for all the info on how to identify insomnia as well as their best tips and tricks to relieve it and help you get a good night’s sleep. Even if the cause of your sleep troubles does not have to do with a demanding tour schedule à la Beyoncé, read on for a guide to insomnia and expert-backed tips on getting the best sleep of your life. 

    In this article

    What is insomnia?
    Insomnia can have many definitions. For one, the word can be used as a name to mean any kind of sleep troubles that have to do with your body not getting the quality sleep it needs. “Insomnia can present itself in various forms,” explained Dr. Cassandra Aasmundsen-Fry Psy.D, a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of MindWell. “It can look like trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, frequent waking, or waking up too early. Often, it’s a combination all of these.” 
    Another definition is a diagnosis: insomnia disorder. Dr. Allison Siebern PhD, CBSM, a clinical psychologist who is certified in behavioral sleep medicine by the American Board of Sleep Medicine and the head sleep science advisor for Proper, explained that insomnia symptoms are when someone struggles to fall asleep or stay asleep periodically, which most people go through at different periods in their lives. Insomnia disorder has specific clinical criteria that health care professionals use to diagnose. Insomnia disorder is typically chronic, meaning a patient experiences insomnia symptoms consistently.
    “The criteria of insomnia disorder versus insomnia symptoms include difficulties getting to sleep and/or staying asleep at least three nights a week for at least three months, or if this sleep disruption leads to distress or impairment,” she explained. Dr. Siebern also pointed out that a medication, substance, or illness might be the cause of difficulty falling or staying asleep, which is not technically defined as insomnia disorder and should be identified and worked through with your doctor. 

    How do you know if you have insomnia?
    “Insomnia” sounds like a big word, but insomnia symptoms can be used to describe not being able to fall asleep or if you wake up throughout the night and can’t fall back asleep. “You have insomnia if you have been struggling to fall or stay asleep or are waking earlier than intended,” Dr. Aasmundsen-Fry said. You also might experience symptoms throughout the day that are caused by not getting enough sleep like chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and physical symptoms like headaches. Everyone might experience bouts of sleeplessness here and there, but consult a doctor if you have trouble sleeping for more than three months.  
    Not sure what “normal” falling asleep looks like? Not sure if waking up from a bad dream or a need to pee falls under the insomnia category? “An adult should first fall asleep within 10-20 minutes,” explained Dr. Carleara Weiss, Ph.D., MS, RN. “If you do wake up in the middle of the night, it should be short (no more than 30 minutes).” Another factor that can signal insomnia is how you feel when you wake up. “If you don’t feel well-rested when you wake up, it might be a sign of poor sleep quality and insomnia,” Dr. Weiss said.
    If it takes you longer than 20 minutes to fall asleep, you consistently wake up for 30+ minutes throughout the night, or you feel exhausted even after seven to eight hours of sleep, talk to your doctor about sleep disorders or possible causes. For the occasional bout of insomnia symptoms or while you’re working with your doctor, read on for expert-backed tips to help you sleep better. 

    Tips to help with insomnia:

    1. Don’t have caffeine after noon
    Bad news: Caffeine could be disrupting your sleep. It varies based on how caffeine is metabolized in the body. Some people can have an espresso shot at 5 p.m. and sleep like a baby, while some people cannot even have a cup at 9 a.m. without feeling the effects at night. If you’re not sure which camp you fall into, Dr. Aasmundsen-Fry recommended stopping your caffeine intake after noon as a good rule of thumb. Yes, that might mean kissing your 2 p.m. Americano goodbye (sigh), but caffeine is in more than just coffee. Everything from soda to pre-workout supplements to green tea to chocolate can contain caffeine, so check the nutrition labels if your body is struggling to sleep at night.

    2. Limit screen time in the evenings
    More bad news if Netflix is your go-to bedtime ritual (guilty) or your only time to catch up on Bachelor in Paradise is late at night: “The light from electronic devices (TV, tablets, laptops, and cellphones) have a negative impact on the natural production of melatonin, which impacts your body’s ability to sleep,” Dr. Weiss said. “Screens are both stimulating and can be a source of stress and tension,” agreed Dr. Aasmundsen-Fry. Yes, that means turning off Hulu and having a designated work cut-off time before bedtime, but it also means that if you do wake up in the middle of the night, don’t start scrolling on your phone in an effort to lull your body back to sleep. If you’re feeling restless or anxious when you wake up, turn on a dim light to read something relaxing or get out of bed altogether (more on that below). 

    3. Be consistent in your sleep schedule
    If you’re sleeping in until noon on weekends or pulling an all-nighter once a week, your body is probably struggling to identify when it’s supposed to be asleep and when it’s supposed to be awake. Dr. Ruth Varkovitzky, a clinical psychologist specializing in treating sleep disorders, recommended being as consistent with your sleep schedule as possible. “Wake up at the same time every day (yes, even on the weekend!) and try to avoid napping, which breaks up sleep and takes away from the consolidated sleep span we need,” she said. Unlike bad boys, sleep works best when it’s consistent, so aim to fall asleep and wake up within the same hour every day. Oh, and if you’re prone to naps, try to avoid falling asleep during the day and get to bed earlier at night if you’re feeling tired. 

    4. Prioritize stress relief
    Many experts I talked to explained that stress is the most common cause of insomnia, probably because most of us deal with stress on a regular basis (curse you, work deadlines!). “When the body is on high alert throughout the day, it can be hard to fall asleep at night,” Dr. Siebern said. “It’s especially problematic because lack of sleep due to insomnia can affect your ability to cope with demanding situations, causing even more stress,” agreed Dr. Li Åslund, PhD, a sleep expert at Sleep Cycle. “Then, we stress about not getting enough sleep, which makes it even harder to sleep and forms a vicious cycle.” In other words, your stress about not getting enough sleep is stopping you from getting enough sleep. 
    In general, work on stress relief throughout the day and make sure to have routines in place to help manage stress, like meditation, taking regular breaks, or therapy for a long-term solution. Especially if you work from home, set boundaries to transition out of your workday so as to not bring stressors into your night. Allow your body and mind to calm down by giving yourself a cut-off time, changing clothes, or having a ritual like lighting a candle to signify the workday is over. 

    5. Use your bed only for sleep and sex
    As a general rule of thumb: The bed is only for sleep and sex (sex is important for sleep too, FYI). Watching TV, working on your laptop, having a snack, or even scrolling through Instagram can negatively impact your sleep at night. If your bed is just for sleep (or, you know, sex), the mind understands that getting in bed means it’s time to fall asleep. But if you work, watch TV, or even fight with your partner while in bed, the mind will associate your sleep space with other activities (including high-stress ones).
    Make your bed a sacred space so that when you crawl into it at night, your mind and body know what to do. Besides just the normal no-no’s like watching TV or working on your laptop, look into your pre-bedtime rituals. For example, reading before bed is a great way to relax the mind, but a career-related book could spark work anxiety, or a thrilling novel could be overstimulating. Consider reading on the chair in your bedroom until you’re tired enough to get in bed or reading something relaxing. When it comes to waking up in the middle of the night, Dr. Aasmundsen-Fry recommended getting out of bed if you can’t fall back asleep in 20 minutes and doing something else until you feel tired. “Your brain needs to know that the bed is not for other activities and to learn to associate it with sleep,” she said. 

    6. Try essential oils
    PSA:Aan oil diffuser on your nightstand is not just for decoration or making your bedroom smell good. Essential oils can be a powerful tool to help the body relax and fall asleep. “When I see patients who are suffering from insomnia, my biggest hack is essential oils,” said Dr. Peter Bailey MD, a family practice physician and expert contributor for Test Prep Insight. Dr. Bailey recommended lavender oil, which helps relieve insomnia and anxiety by promoting through relaxation. “When diffusing, aromatic therapy provided by lavender oil can even help to stimulate the release of melatonin, which makes you sleepy.” Try diffusing essential oils through a diffuser or using a pillow spray with lavender oil. 

    7. Get to know what does (and doesn’t) work for you
    While these tips may help alleviate some of the common causes of insomnia, every body is different, and your causes and solutions for insomnia will likely be different from anyone else’s. Whether you’re affected by a demanded tour schedule like Beyoncé or that 10 a.m. espresso shot is affecting your body more than you realize, insomnia looks and feels different to everyone. “There is not a one-size-fits-all solution, as everyone’s sleep situation varies,” explained Dr. Siebern. Start by observing what might not be working for you: What does your pre-bedtime routine look like? Are you working on stress management as much as you could be? Is an afternoon nap chipping away at your sleep, or is a glass of wine at night leading to sleep disruption? Bottom line: Do whatever you need to do to get a good night’s sleep, including working with a doctor or psychologist to find a solution. 

    20 Bedtime Essentials To Make Sure You Get the Most From Your Sleep More