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    How to Upgrade Your Wellness Routine for Winter

    So you’ve swapped your favorite crop top and sandals for cozy outerwear and chunky boots (or, if you’re like me, a weekly rotation of various sweatsuits). That’s right: Winter is officially here. Just like our wardrobes, our wellness routines—from skincare to self-care to nutrition and exercise—should look different come winter. Our bodies need different things every season; the food, workouts, and self-care your body craves in winter is going to be different from what it needs in the summer. So it’s time to switch up your wellness routine to support what your body needs during colder months and shorter days. Read on for ways to help “winterize” your daily regimen for a healthy, stress-free season. 

    Prioritize sleep
    Now that we’re experiencing shorter days and less vitamin D than we grew accustomed to during the summer, it’s natural to feel some winter blues, AKA you may feel a little more lethargic and tired this time of year. Because there are fewer hours of daylight, the body produces more melatonin (a sleep hormone) this time of year, and chances are, your sleep habits have been affected by the time change. Instead of fighting the fatigue, think of this season as a time for rest and recovery, and adapt your self-care routine accordingly. Personally, I love winding down with a hot, candlelit bath, but if baths aren’t your cup of tea, you can also treat yourself to a fresh set of luxurious sheets, perfect your nighttime routine, or just get to bed earlier. 

    Focus on relationships
    Yes, even caring for yourself includes tending to relationships. Connection is an important part of a wellness routine because fulfilling relationships help improve our happiness and overall satisfaction in life. Winter is the perfect time to prioritize connection because of the holiday season, but your social calendar can extend well beyond New Year’s Eve. Make extra plans throughout every week to catch up with your mom on the phone or have a movie night in with your best friend. If cabin fever is getting the best of you, grab your sister to go for a drive or test your skating skills at an ice rink with your friend group (which also counts as exercise!). Whatever your self-care routine looks like, it should spark joy and help you reset so you can show up as your best for yourself and also for the people you surround yourself with. 


    Ditch the raw foods and cold meals
    During the summer, nothing hits the spot for me like biting into a juicy piece of watermelon, noshing on a crisp salad, or sipping on a refreshing smoothie. But when the temperature drops and we’re in the thick of winter, you may notice a change in your appetite and your body craving warm, grounding meals like soup, pasta, and warm figgy pudding. Sound familiar? With dreary weather and less exposure to sun, it should come as no surprise that we find ourselves reaching for heartier, comforting foods to boost our mood and warm up our bodies. Remember that salads and smoothies aren’t the only healthy foods. Get creative with nourishing stews, soups, and roasted veggies instead. 
    Incorporate seasonal produce
    If you don’t already know, eating in-season is so important. Luckily, winter offers many delicious, flavorful produce. For fruit, try apples, pomegranates, oranges, persimmons, and pears. As for vegetables, load up on butternut squash, sweet potatoes, kale, Brussels sprouts, turnips, and beets, just to name a few. Listen, if you can’t live without your avocado toast or love eating mangos year-round, it doesn’t mean you should ditch produce that is in season during spring or summer. The most important thing is to eat your fruits and veggies, no matter what they are (and you should always enjoy the food you eat!). Instead of replacing, think of adding winter produce. For example, top your avocado toast with pomegranate seeds or make a side dish of roasted winter veggies that will make any meal more delicious. 
    Honor your sweet tooth
    I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention all the goodies that are synonymous with this time of year: cookies, apple pie, eggnog, Starbucks holiday drinks. Instead of depriving yourself of sweet potato casserole and worrying about how many calories you’re consuming from holiday leftovers, take the time to enjoy the flavors of the foods you love and focus on connecting and celebrating with loved ones. Bottom line: If you’re craving sweets more during this time of year, don’t panic. Reach for antioxidant-rich dark chocolate or naturally sweet foods like bananas and raw honey. But also indulge in your mom’s famous cookies or a cup of hot chocolate when you want to, totally guilt-free. As with any time of the year, being mindful is key, so check in consistently with how your body feels.


    Know that resting is just as good for you as movement
    Whether you’re busy with work deadlines and social plans or the aforementioned winter blues have left you feeling tired all the time, workouts can easily fall by the wayside come colder weather. The thought of leaving your warm, cozy bed can deter even the most hardcore workout enthusiast, and guess what? That’s OK. If your body isn’t feeling like going on a three-mile jog or doing a HIIT class, don’t force it. Instead, move your body in ways that feel natural and nourishing, like going for a walk to get some fresh air, doing a yoga flow, or stretching before bed. Also, remember that rest is just as good for the body as exercise, so make relaxation a key part of your exercise routine if that’s what you’re craving. Your body knows what it needs; you just have to listen to it.

    Adjust your favorite workouts for the weather (but get outside when you can)
    Are you typically a runner who loves to hit the pavement? You don’t need to forego workouts altogether when the weather drops. Instead, try these tips to make the outdoors more bearable or hit the gym for some sprints on a treadmill. If you’re more into yoga, nothing feels better in the winter than moving your body in a heated room, so opt for some hot yoga (turning up the heat in your apartment or placing a space heater near your yoga mat counts too). Since it’s important to always enjoy the type of workouts you’re doing, adjust what you love best to be indoors while still getting outside for walks or jogs to enjoy the fresh air when you can.
    Try hacks to stay motivated 
    And if it’s lack of motivation or the continuous rotation of Hallmark Christmas movies playing that’s keeping you from breaking a sweat (same), use small tricks and tips to stay motivated to move your body regularly enough to feel healthy. For example, fit in multiple movement sessions of five minutes or less throughout the day (it adds up!), multitask like doing bicep curls while on conference calls, and don’t underestimate what a cute, new fitspo outfit can do to get you motivated to move. 


    Add more layers
    Let’s face it (pun intended), our sun-kissed and supple complexions are now dry and lacking that fresh-from-a-facial look we had going for us during the summer. So what better time to hit refresh on your skincare lineup? Like any fashionista would advise when it comes to dressing for the cold, layering is your friend. And the same goes for your skincare regimen during the winter months. Add a cleansing oil into your routine, pat on an additional hydrating serum, use a thicker moisturizer, and top with a hydrating oil to seal it all in. Even if you don’t want to totally change your skincare routine season to season, a couple added basics can make all the difference. 

    Try a humidifier
    Many of us are experiencing dryness and irritation from all the time spent indoors this time of year. Consider buying a humidifier for your bedroom, especially if you heavily rely on central air conditioning and heating to manipulate the environment of your home or live in a dry climate—it’ll be your new best friend (goodbye, dryness!). A humidifier can help add a little extra moisture in the air while you’re sleeping and hopefully add a little extra hydration and plumpness to your skin. 

    Focus on skincare from within too
    While you’re at it, load your plate with healthy fats (think: avocado, wild salmon, walnuts), which can help regulate your skin’s oil production and soothe dry skin. Achieving radiant, J.Lo-like skin (talk about a major glow) is not just about what you put on it after all. It’s also about adding nutrient-rich foods to your diet.

    7 Ways to Stay Your Healthiest Through Winter
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    This Health Expert Swears by One Hack to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

    I’m choosing to ignore all the memes about how 2022 is “2020 too” (no one needs that kind of negativity in their life) and believe that this is going to be a good year. Besides a celebration of what we’re leaving behind us, the start of a new year also means new year’s resolutions. You know the ones: eat less sugar, stop drinking alcohol, go to the gym more, lose 10 pounds, save more money. I don’t know about you, but the most common resolutions do not sound fun. It’s no surprise that 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail—people expect resolutions to make them feel happier or stress less, instead of prioritizing stress relief or happiness in order to achieve resolutions. New year’s goals typically have nothing to do with stress levels, happiness, or fulfillment, but if we really want to eat healthier, work out more, or save money, mental health should be the first thing we work on in order to get us there.
    Enter: Kadeem One. Kadeem is an author, meditation expert, holistic wellness coach, motivational speaker, aromatherapist, and hypnotherapist (how’s that for a long list of credentials?). He has worked with a variety of clients and even Fortune 500 companies to help achieve goals and develop habits that stick for a lifetime using meditation. Obviously I had to grill him so we can all break out of the New Year’s resolution rut and finally adopt healthier and happier habits that will extend beyond 2023. Read on for all his best tips to use meditation to (actually) achieve your New Year’s resolutions. 

    Meet the expert
    Kadeem One
    Meditation Teacher, Holistic Wellness Practitioner, and Motivational Speaker
    Kadeem One is an author, meditation expert, wellness coach, and hypnotherapist who has worked with corporate companies like Google, Yahoo, and Verizon, as well as individual clients to help everyone reach their goals and achieve successful lives. His expertise has been featured in publications like Martha Stewart Living, Healthline, and The Huffington Post.

    Why is meditation so important for achieving resolutions?
    Good for you if “meditate more” is one of your resolutions, but meditation is also an important tool to achieve any goal, from going to the gym to getting a promotion at work. Why? It helps you get in the mindset required for intentional decision making. “Most of us are constantly in a sympathetic state known as the ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ response, or a high state of stress,” Kadeem explained. “It can be hard to pinpoint problem areas or figure out roads to success when we’re in this sympathetic state. Meditation puts the body in a parasympathetic state, also known as the ‘rest and digest’ response. During this state, you feel balanced and focused, which helps you stay committed to achieve New Year’s resolutions.”
    In other words, consistent meditation allows your body to be in a calmer state, which improves motivation and decision making, and you’re less likely to make decisions out of stress response (like ordering Chinese takeout after a stressful day instead of heating up the nourishing meal that you know will actually make you feel better). A meditation practice can also be beneficial for improving sleep quality, and when you’re sleeping better, you have more energy throughout the day to go to the gym, crush your work presentation, connect with loved ones, or cook nourishing meals. “Meditation regulates sleep by increasing GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps create deep relaxation and sleep,” Kadeem said. In other words, meditation is the secret to make better decisions and achieve optimal energy so that you increase your chance of achieving goals.

    I’m sold…so where do I start?

    Start with focusing on breath
    New to meditation? Kadeem recommends newbies start their meditation journey with breathing. “For a simple start, set an alarm for 60 seconds and do some deep inhales and exhales while pausing in between each,” he suggested. “This technique is called square breathing (also known as box breathing). Inhale, exhale, and pause in between for an equal amount of time (like 3-4 seconds each).” Once you get used to 60 seconds of square breathing, extend to 90 seconds, two minutes, etc. and work your way up to whatever amount of time you need. If you start panicking when thoughts like your to-do list or weekend plans come up, know that meditation is about stillness of the body. Acknowledge the wandering thoughts, come back to your breath, and give yourself grace. Sitting still and making time for yourself is good enough. 

    Aim for consistency over quality
    A meditation practice doesn’t have to be 30 minutes of deep, intense meditation to reap serious benefits. In fact, the most important part of a meditation practice is not the length of sessions or even the quality of your focus. The most important part is consistency and showing up for yourself every day, even if it’s just 60 seconds while riding the subway or in line at Starbucks. “You can’t just meditate once or twice and think it’ll do the trick,” Kadeem explained. “That’s like saying you went to the gym once or twice and expect to lose 20 pounds. Meditation is like a muscle: you have to keep working at it for it to grow and strengthen your life.” Aim for a daily practice, knowing that there’s no such thing as a “perfect” meditation. Some days will be better than others in terms of length or focus, but the important thing is that you show up every day. 

    Focus on an intention
    While any type of meditation can help you stay on track to hit your resolutions, doing meditations for your specific goals can take it a step further. For achieving goals and resolutions, Kadeem recommends gratitude meditations in which your focus is on being thankful for various aspects of your life related to the resolution (like gratitude that your body can move, gratitude for nourishing food, etc.), visual meditations where you visualize your best self (like doing 100 push-ups at the gym or being confident at work), or expanded meditations, which means focusing on wishing others well, just to name a few different types.
    You can also search for meditations on any topic, so try Googling “Meditations for healthy eating,” or “Meditations for high performance at work,” etc. If your resolutions are more specific, get more broad by searching for “Meditations for abundance” or “Meditation to help achieve your best self.” The key, of course, is to find whichever type resonates with you (and your goals) most. To try some of Kadeem’s meditations for yourself, check out his teachings on Insight Timer or tune into his weekly live meditations. 

    Know that you already have the ability to be your best self
    Another problem with resolutions is that when we think about where we wish we could be, we’re telling ourselves that we’re not already enough as we are. In reality, we can be be our very happiest, healthiest selves right now–it’s just a matter of how we show up. “We have that power to heal ourselves,” Kadeem said. “Achieving that best self may require you to have a daily meditation practice, keep a gratitude journal, change up your friendships to those who energize and support you, donating to charity, or meeting with a holistic wellness coach to help you with your blind spots.” His point: You may think you need to lose 20 pounds or get a major promotion to be your best self, but you actually already are—it’s just a matter of making small changes and showing up as your best every day. “If you are looking to thrive in the new year and beyond, start to do a few new things like meditation to truly achieve the highest and best version of yourself.” Yep, that’s it. 

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    Why 2022 Should Be the Year You Start Weightlifting

    Let me tell you my personal story with weightlifting. When I first began as a personal trainer in 2015, I had one goal for all of my clients: Get sweaty. Sweat, it seemed, was the ultimate sign of an effective workout, and I needed my clients to feel like they were getting plenty of bang for their buck. Every workout included a treadmill warmup, lots of jumping, bodyweight exercises, light weights (for things like “weighted jump squats” and “ultimate dumbbell burpees”), and a finisher that left a puddle on the floor. The same was true for my own workouts, which consisted almost entirely of cardio intervals and plyometrics.
    In 2017, I left the world of personal training to be a full-time indoor cycling instructor, which only further supported my bias toward cardio-heavy workouts. It wasn’t until 2020, after five long years of nothing but sweat-focused, repetitive fitness, I noticed that nothing was changing, so I took a new approach: heavy weights. Over the past couple of years, I prioritized weightlifting, and it has changed my life (and the lives of my clients). Here’s why I think 2022 should be the year that you lift heavy (yes, you!) and how to get started. 

    What are the benefits of weightlifting?

    1. Boost your confidence
    Before this year, I never thought I’d be capable of barbell cleans, 200-pound deadlifts, or heavy push presses. However, now that I know I have so much strength, things like calling the doctor’s office to make an appointment (ugh!) or lugging groceries home from Trader Joe’s to my small NYC apartment don’t seem nearly as difficult. Even seeing small improvements will make you feel like a badass, and those feelings spill over into the rest of your life. Just starting out? Remember that “heavy” is relative—there’s no one true definition of what’s heavy and what’s not, so if it’s challenging you, it’s heavy. Find weights that feel challenging yet doable and watch them feel lighter and lighter with each workout. By strengthening the body, you’re also strengthening the mind and gaining more confidence.

    2. Feel more toned in your body
    While we all know that exercise should be all about internal mindset, the reality is that we all want to be confident in our bodies. We’ve seen fitness fads come and go over the years, but one thing has remained tried and true: Strength training helps strengthen and tone the body. Afraid of looking “bulky?” Don’t be. In order to achieve a bodybuilder’s physique, women need to work more than twice as hard as men because they lack the testosterone required to achieve that level of musculature. Ask any female bodybuilder how many hours a day she trains and how much she eats, and you’ll be relieved to know that most of us aren’t even coming close. Weight training can help you tone muscles and burn fat, but it won’t make you “bulky.”

    3. Take up more space
    Speaking of “bulky,” what’s with the fear of getting bigger? Here’s my call to women everywhere: Let’s be done with aiming to feel small and squeezing ourselves into close-quartered definitions of what we should be, look like, and do. It’s time to take up some space in this world, both physically and emotionally: Claim your spot in the weight room and occupy it proudly, grow your muscles and show them off to the world, and strengthen your body and confidence by asserting yourself into what you may have been previously intimidated by. Nothing says “This is my year!” more than existing unapologetically in a space that you once shied away from. Whether you’re new to the weight room, haven’t been in a while, or simply haven’t considered what your presence might mean for another woman who’s still a little intimidated, start taking up your rightful space and watch how it changes your life and the lives of those around you.

    4. Improve your overall health
    This one goes without saying, but health is wealth. The best possible reason to move your body and do any kind of exercise is to improve the health of every part of your body (including the mind!). Weightlifting strengthens your bones, helps with weight management, improves mobility, protects joints from injuries, improves basal metabolic rate, and boosts heart health, all of which are extremely important for living a long and healthy life. If you’re going all in on cardio, you’re missing key opportunities to help prevent injuries while you’re training for a marathon or help slow bone loss that comes with aging. In other words, you know that any and all types of exercise is good for your health, but resistance training is crucial for so many important functions of the body and can help support all of your health goals.

    5. Feel more independent
    Personally, the biggest takeaway I’ve learned during my journey from cardio queen to strength-training stan is that nothing feels better than knowing you don’t need to rely on anyone or anything. That heavy box from UPS? Don’t worry, I got it. The elevator’s broken? Six flights of stairs are nothing. Moving across town? Well, I still might need some help for that one, but I can still lift even the heaviest boxes without waiting for someone to do it for me (it’s just a simple weighted squat!). If you’re anything like me, weightlifting will help you feel like your most confident, capable, and powerful self in 2022. 

    Where should you start with weight lifting?
    Whether you’re training at home, at the gym, or a little bit of both, you don’t need any fancy equipment or complicated plans to achieve your strongest body and start weightlifting. All you need are weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, and/or barbells) that are “medium” (doable for 6-8 reps) and “heavy” (doable for 4-6 reps) and a couple of basic movements for each muscle group (read below for ideas!). Also, remember that proper form is more important than how much you can lift, so talk to a trainer or fitness instructor to ensure you have the right form, and don’t lift too heavy that you’ll risk injury. Choose weights that feel challenging but won’t sacrifice form, and stop immediately if you feel your muscles fatiguing to the point that form starts to go. 








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    5 Tips To Get You Through the Gloomiest Season of the Year

    Growing up, I never really felt the effects of daylight savings time and shorter, colder days. As a kid, my bedtime was always the same whether the sun had finished setting or not, and in college, I was always down to go out regardless of how cold it was (oh, to be young and fun again!). Now, as an almost 30-year-old with a full-time job, less energy, and more responsibilities, I’m beginning to feel the negative effects of shorter days. Since I spend most of each day in an office and don’t leave until 5 p.m., I only get a short period of sun in the mornings (that is if it’s not cloudy).
    In the summer, I take advantage of the extra daylight by grabbing a rooftop drink after work, but in the winter, all I can think of doing is heading home and crawling right into bed. If you also live in parts of the world that get cold, cloudy, and dark this time of year, you could probably use a few tips to get you through to spring. Read on for the five ways I pick myself up when the winter blues are getting me down. 

    1. Start a new hobby
    In years past, I’ve spent the winter months becoming one with my couch, binging Netflix, and rationing the last of the Christmas cookies. Don’t get me wrong, this is still my idea of a perfect Friday night, but this year, I’ve decided to be a bit more intentional about how I spend my down time. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through my phone while lounging on the couch, I decided to pick up cross-stitching. It was one of my favorite hobbies as a kid and it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it, making it the perfect activity to do while watching TV. Since I started a few weeks ago, I’ve been looking forward to coming home at night to work on my current project. If cross-stitching isn’t calling your name, you could also try adult coloring books, baking, reading, or a hobby for your enneagram. Feeling stuck inside isn’t so bad when you have a something to look forward to at home. 

    2. Make your home cozy
    Hygge is my love language, so I pride myself on having a cozy home during cold, winter months. The state of my physical surroundings can have a big impact on my mental health (for better or worse), so having a space where I enjoy spending time is helpful when cold weather is bumming me out. I focus on keeping my home tidy, lighting my favorite candles, and having plenty of blankets to snuggle up with. Even if you’re not a homebody like me, set up your home to have all your favorite things in one place and turn your living space into your own personal sanctuary. It makes another night at home much more enjoyable and you might even look forward to the sun setting at 4 p.m.

    3. Wake up earlier
    OK, hear me out. I know getting up at 6 a.m. isn’t easy—especially when it’s cold and the sun has barely risen—but I’ve found that starting my day earlier and getting to bed earlier helps me feel my best through the daylight savings changes. Since it’s dark by the time I leave the office, I like to work out, run errands, or just sit and read by the window in the morning so I can spend as much time as possible soaking up the sunlight. Getting more light might even help with symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder, so if you work in an office or have limited windows until the sun sets, wake up a little earlier to fit in sunlight whenever you can.

    4. Stay active
    If you’re anything like me, your favorite place to be when it’s cold outside (or let’s be honest, any time) is in bed. The desire to be tucked under the covers at all times combined with indulging in less-than-nutritious holiday treats often leaves me feeling lethargic and in the mood to hibernate all winter. While resting and recovering are important parts of self-care and the body needs different things during different seasons (AKA if you’re feeling more lethargic this time of year, that’s OK), I know that staying active makes my mind and body feel best. Exercise is an instant mood booster and stress reducer, which we can all use when we’re feeling down during this time of year. If you’re really not feeling like getting off your couch, don’t force yourself into a five-mile jog or intense HIIT class. Instead, bundle up and go on a walk if it’s not too cold outside, do relaxing yoga in your living room, or dance around your kitchen while baking (yes, that counts as exercise too).

    5. Create a Routine
    It’s the middle of winter, which means the holidays are over but spring still feels so far from our reach. All the days start to feel the exact same (cold and monotonous), and it’s easy to fall into a mental health slump. When I start to feel bored, sluggish, and overall blah, I revert to my favorite morning and evening routines to keep me feeling motivated and calm. As a Virgo moon, sticking to a routine comes easily to me, but if your daily routine feels too, well, routine, try to add different practices to make your mornings, evenings, and self-care feel more enjoyable. Having a go-to routine can help decrease stress, improve your mood, and improve sleep, which are results we all want this time of year.

    8 Indoor Hobbies To Get You Through the Winter More

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    How to Set Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

    Even though I know I don’t have to wait for the new year to start a new habit, new beginnings leave me wanting to feel like a new(er) version of myself and make resolutions to get there. But whatever resolutions I decide to make, I know that I’m going to do it out of self-love, not self-hate. For example, if your resolution is to work out more, do it because exercise helps you manage stress or because exercise makes your body feel good and your body deserves it, not because you want to change your body as it is or punish your body for the food you ate over the holidays. When you make resolutions rooted in fear or self-hate, you’re more likely to abandon the goal altogether by March (trust me). Because you deserve to feel accomplished, confident, and happier by 2023, here’s how to set resolutions you’ll actually keep.

    1. Get clear on what you want and why
    Stop and reflect on the last year and how you want to feel in the new year. What does that look like for you? Think about what it would look and feel like when you meet your resolution, and get specific (and I mean really specific). One of my resolutions is to hit the treadmill for at least 30 minutes whenever the day has me stressed because I feel less stressed when I am able to move. Maybe for you, it’s leaving for work 20 minutes early because you want to feel more relaxed and not rushing in the morning helps (or you feel your most productive when you have time to pick up an oat milk brown sugar shaken espresso from Starbucks). Tune out other expectations and visualize all the details around how you want to feel, and then set action goals around that feeling.

    2. Make the resolution realistic and manageable 
    We often set resolutions that we think are manageable but are actually impossible, and it’s the unrealistic resolutions that’ll have you tripping. For starters, try not to make too many changes at once. I want you to dream big sis, but I also want you to understand the assignment. Break down larger goals into smaller ones to position yourself to celebrate and be motivated by small wins. If your resolution is to get a certification in your career field, break that resolution into tasks, like getting the study materials or registering for the exam, to figure out your targeted completion date. Proclaiming that you’ll study six hours every day when you can realistically only study two hours a day might leave you feeling discouraged or overwhelmed and eventually ghosting your resolution. 

    3. Plan ahead
    Give your resolutions a fighting chance by setting yourself up for success. Try attaching your resolutions to any established habits you already have that you do regularly without thinking about it. If your resolution is to read eight books this year, and you’ve made more it manageable by breaking it down to read for at least 10 minutes everyday, make getting into bed your “trigger habit” to get cozy with a good book. Check if any of your resolutions pair well together. For example, your resolution to level up your skincare routine would go great with your bedtime reading resolution. Plan ahead by having your skincare items within reach and pick out a book ahead of time for your nightstand. The key is to find maintainable steps you can proactively take that support your resolution and work for you and your lifestyle.

    4. Switch up your routine
    One of my favorite quotes is “The definition of insanity is to do the same things and expect different results.” If your resolution is to change jobs, what do you intend to do differently this year to get to that resolution? More specifically, what habits do you have now that are holding you back from that resolution? Maybe you tend to lose two to three hours each night watching TV or scrolling on social media that could be spent fluffing up your resume or making connections on LinkedIn. Reassess your current routines and how you’re spending your time to block out time that would be better used to learn a professional skill, check job listings, or network with professionals in your industry. What we water grows, so realistically update your routine to reflect your new priorities.
    5. Schedule checkpoints
    Stay on track throughout the year by scheduling checkpoints. Depending on the length of your resolution, these dates can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Because you’ve thought about what it looks and feels like to meet your resolution, you’ll have the metrics needed to be able to tell how it’s going. For example, if your resolution is to save $5,000 for a vacation at the end of 2022, try checking your progress monthly. Have you been depositing $417 each month into your savings? Do you need to make any changes to your budget to help you stay on track? The pre-scheduled checkpoints give you a chance to reward yourself if you’ve met your smaller goals or adjust as necessary if you’ve been struggling. Having a schedule in place will increase the likelihood that you’ll hit your resolution by Dec. 31. 

    6. Get an accountability buddy
    I love checking in with my sister on the progress we’re both making with our goals. We encourage each other to stay focused on the big picture. Even though our resolutions aren’t exactly the same, our check-ins with each other are reminders not only to keep going but also that we’re not alone in successes or challenges. Your accountability buddy can also be someone in your virtual Weight Watchers group or book club. Having someone to bounce ideas off of, vent to, or be encouraged by makes a huge difference. It’s not about someone holding you accountable because you don’t have the ability to hold yourself accountable (hint: you should enjoy and feel motivated by your goals so much that it’s not hard to hold yourself accountable). Instead, having a “buddy” is about built-in support (it takes a village to reach a resolution!). 
    7. Stay inspired
    In order to stay motivated to reach your resolution, immerse yourself in foods, activities, content, and music that inspire you. If you’ve decided to learn French this year, make a French cuisine dinner with your friends to eat while you watch a French film and see how many words you were able to recognize. If your resolution is to run a marathon in the fall, listen to training techniques via YouTube or listen to podcasts with trainers and marathon winners that will keep you inspired and excited. There’s so much content out there to motivate you as you go after your resolution, so immerse yourself in whatever way will keep you inspired. 

    8. Remember your “why”
    Whenever I get distracted from my resolutions, I go back to why I started in the first place and remember that initial intention and how I want to feel. When you’re clear on what you want and why you want it, it’s easier to stay focused—especially when your “why” is rooted in something that matters to you like confidence, happiness, or a longer life. The pride that you feel from learning how to create a healthy and nutritious dish that gives you energy without sacrificing flavor or the idea of spending a longer life with the people you love will motivate you more than the desire to have a six-pack ever could. 

    9. Be kind to yourself
    Show yourself compassion if (and when) you fall short of your expectations. Talk to yourself as you would a friend (and we both know that friends don’t let friends trash talk themselves!). Journal or document your progress and also how you’ve been feeling while taking steps toward your resolution. Making progress toward your resolution is more important than being “perfect” or hitting your exact goals because you’re still getting closer to how you want to feel and the intention that matters to you. If you put yourself down or feel bad for not hitting certain expectations, your chances of ghosting said resolution will go up, so be kind to yourself, talk to yourself like you would a friend, and know that sometimes, resolutions are meant to be a starting point to become our best selves, not a final destination.

    The 15 Best Books for Your New Year’s Resolutions


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    Subscriptions to Gift the Wellness Lover in Your Life This Holiday

    If you’re looking for a gift they’ll actually use or need something last minute that still looks like you put a lot of thought into it, I have the solution for you: wellness subscriptions. If you’re anything like me, you spend most of the holiday season searching for the perfect gift that will make your loved one’s eyes light up when they open it. I love gifting items that my friends and family wouldn’t have thought to buy themselves, and I take great pride in finding unique pieces I know they’ll cherish or use every day. But there are times when someone on my list already has everything they need, so a trinket doesn’t seem like the right answer (looking at you, Dad). That’s when I resort to giving the gift of a membership or subscription. 
    And we’re not talking about the sample size boxes of the past. Subscriptions have come a long way and offer everything from meals to activities to products. Plus, a subscription that will help them eat healthier, exercise more, practice their spiritual health, or boost their mental health will not only be a favorite present during the holidays but will also help them reach their healthiest self in 2022—it’s quite literally the gift that keeps on giving. Read on for wellness boxes and memberships they’ll be sure to enjoy for months to come.


    Healthy Surprise
    Snack Boxes
    Have a friend who’s recently gone vegan or has food sensitivities? By gifting a subscription to Healthy Surprise’s snack box, you can help keep their pantry stocked with dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, corn-free, wheat-free, and non-GMO goodies. Whether you select the Classic Box with 15 snacks, the Paleo box with 17 snacks, or the Big Box with 21 snacks, each box will feature a mix of bars, fruits and veggies, drinks, chips, candy, and nuts. Healthy Surprise offers 30, 60, or 90-day delivery frequencies and one, three, six, or 12-month subscription plans.

    Healthy Snack Boxes
    This subscription box is perfect for the health-conscious fitness lovers in your life. Each month, they’ll receive a mix of chips, jerky, drinks, snack bars, and granola, all of which are GMO-free, high in protein, low in sugar, gluten-free, organic, raw, vegan, and all natural. As a nice bonus, Fit Snack also includes nutritional tips, workouts, recipes, and mindfulness exercises with their subscriptions. Share this box with your fit friends for one, three, six or 12 months.

    Blue Apron
    Meal Subscription
    Give your loved one the gift of never having to decide what’s for dinner with a subscription to Blue Apron’s meal kits. The meals are also a great option for the person on your list who hates meal prepping or finding recipes (it’s me, I’m that person). Menu options span from vegetarian to WW-approved options, making this a foolproof gift to share with any friend, regardless of dietary preferences or health goals.

    Daily Harvest
    Meal Delivery Service
    For the loved one who loves to eat healthy but hates to cook, Daily Harvest has dozens of plant-based options, ranging from nutrient-rich smoothies to delicious bowls to vegan and gluten-free flatbreads that arrive freshly frozen for you to heat up whenever you need a meal on demand. Don’t sleep on their lattes, plant-based milks, and ice cream.


    Studio Bloom
    Online Pregnancy/Postpartum Studio Classes
    If you have a new mom on your Christmas list this year, a Studio Bloom membership is a great option if you know they’re working on their pregnancy or postpartum fitness journey. Studio Bloom by The Bloom Method is an on-demand fitness studio with over 300 exercise videos for every stage of pregnancy and motherhood. A subscription also gives access to an online community of like-minded mamas, free consultations with pelvic floor specialists, meditations, and recipes. Memberships are available monthly for $29 or annually for $240.

    Intensity Interval Training Subscription
    For the cardio lover in your life, Treadthrill is the ideal gift to keep them running through winter months. Think of it like your personal coach or trainer, with workouts designed for maximum results using choreographed high intensity interval training.

    American Ballet Theatre Zoom Classes
    Does your bestie dream of being on Dancing With The Stars or loves ballet? Look no further for the perfect gift than classes from the American Ballet Theatre. You can take classes from professional ballerinas and choreographers from the comfort of your own home so your loved one can live out their ballet dreams, whether they’re a seasoned dancer or newbie.

    obé Fitness
    Fitness Subscription
    Obé Fitness is basically a boutique fitness studio in your pocket. Filled with dozens of different kinds of workouts from barre to HIIT cardio to kickboxing to yoga, there’s something for everyone. They have an entire library of “express” workouts for 10 minutes and under as well as classes ranging from 30 to 60 minutes. (Trust us, the express classes are legit—you’ll be done with your workout in less time than it takes to make breakfast, but you’ll feel sore for days). Use code “TEG50” for 50% off your first month of Obé in addition to the seven-day free trial. 

    Spiritual Health

    Chakra Balance Shop
    Chakra Box Subscription
    Send good vibes to your spiritual Secret Santa with a Chakra Box Subscription by Chakra Balance Shop. They’ll receive a total of nine boxes with vegan and cruelty-free products, hand selected to assist in aligning a different chakra every month. Subscribers can expect to see a mix of nine to 12 items in each box, including essential oils, teas, crystals, affirmations, and meditations. Each box is $28.50.

    Mindfulness Membership
    We’ve tried the Headspace app before at The Everygirl and recommend anyone with anxiety to give it a try. If you have a friend who’s always stressed, has a hard time sleeping, or is just interested in practicing more general mindfulness, a Headspace membership may be just the thing for them. For $69.99/year or $12.99/month, your loved ones can use Headspace to meditate, exercise, and improve sleep and focus.

    To Be Magnetic
    Manifestation Program
    For the friend who is always working on their vision board, the Pathway Membership by Lacy Phillips is a thoughtful gift that will change their lives. Members will learn to unblock subconscious limiting beliefs and begin manifesting their best lives. The program offers a few pricing options: 12 monthly payments of $27, one annual payment of $324, or $1,500 for a lifetime membership.

    Mental Health

    Self-Care Subscription Box
    Give the gift of self-love and happiness this holiday season. TheraBox is touted as the #1 self-care subscription box with six to eight full-sized products curated by therapists every month. Subscribers will receive mindful activities and journals to process their thoughts and emotions as well as beauty and wellness products to #TreatYoSelf. There are a variety of subscription options, such as monthly for $34.99, three months for $99.99, six months for $191.94, or 12 months for $371.88.

    Personal Development Subscription Box
    If someone on your gifting list loves all things personal development and growth, they’ll love a CoachCrate subscription this year (trust me, I’d know. It’s on my wish list). Not one but two boxes are mailed out quarterly and include goodies like personal growth books, coaching plans, custom journals, and two to four self-care or wellness products. Because CoachCrate is so committed to the development of their subscribers, they also offer live Zoom workshops, quarterly challenges, and an online community. Payment options start at $94 for the year or $99 per quarter.

    Silk + Sonder
    Wellness Subscription Box
    For the wellness lover in your life whose favorite section of Target is the stationery aisle, give the gift of a Silk + Sonder subscription. Each month, members will receive a themed planner with writing prompts and exercises for self-reflection. These specially curated planners provide reflection, guidance, planning tools, and accountability. Access to daily audio rituals, a members-only community, and thoughtfully curated content are also included in a Silk + Sonder membership. Subscriptions are available monthly for $19.95, quarterly for $18/month, and annually for $14.90/month.

    25 Edible Gifts To Send to Your Friends This Holiday Season More

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    The Wellness Gift Guide: WH Editors’ Wish List Picks

    A wellness gift guide? That’s right. Okay, it’s been one long year and you deserve everything. You and yours have earned the right to some great wellness gifts this holiday season, just for making it through the year. And since wellness can take many forms, there’s gifts for everyone; adventurers and beauty junkies, athletes and techies. We’ve curated some of our favourite things. In this lil’ gift guide we’ve picked items that pamper and look out for your well-being. From our WH family to yours.
    Running shoe
    Adidas Ultraboost 22. Fact: more than 50 percent of runners are women, and yet most running shoes are created with the male form in mind.  Tapping into an online database of 1.2-million female foot scans, the Ultraboost has been refined and re-engineered to create a 360-degree female fit. “The UltraBoost 21 was one of the most comfortable running shoes I’ve worn. The UltraBoost 22 tops that. This is such a cool motivation to lace up and go for a run. I’d recommend these to any female runner looking for a comfortable way to get in or get back to running. Plus, the sustainable aspect of this shoe really makes me feel good. Designed with our oceans in mind, it includes a natural rubber outsole and an upper made with yarn containing 50% Parley Ocean Plastic.” – Gotlhokwang Angoma-Mzini

    READ MORE: 16 Super-Stylish Stocking Fillers & Gifts Under R150 – That Aren’t Socks
    Garmin Lily Smartwatch. It wouldn’t be the perfect WH list without a smart watch, and this one takes the cake. “I’ve spent a few weeks reading and getting to know the Garmin Lily and found out it’s got major features in such svelte form.” It tracks your heart rate, stress, hydration and your menstruation cycle. When you want to relax or focus, you can start a breath work activity, and this watch will track your stress and respiration to help you get a better understanding of how you’re breathing.- Gotlhokwang Angoma-Mzini

    Garmin Lily SmartwatchR 5049BUY NOW

    A good book
    Vibrate Higher Daily Live Your Power by Lalah Delia. “I’m learning to sift through what should and shouldn’t bother me, while keeping my energy consistent at all times. I have been eyeing this book for a while, and think it will be such a great addition to this new journey.” – Kemong Mopedi

    A Raleigh 26″ Comfort Cruiser Bicycle. Like the name says, this is an easy-cruising laid-back comfort bike. You get a truly comfortable bicycle thanks to the thick padded saddle with memory foam. You’ll hardly feel any bumps. “I’m finally ready to get over my fear of riding — don’t ask! [chuckles]” – Kemong Mopedi

    Raleigh Comfort Cruiser R 2499BUY NOW

    Pocket knife
    Victorinox Classic Swiss Army Pocket Knife. The Swiss Army Knife is still an icon of sleek functionality. It has 7 functions — including scissors, a nail file and a screwdriver. Victorinox is famous for their high-carbon stainless steel blades, which hold exceptionally good edges and can easily be resharpened. “Great for cutting bagels on the beach or zip ties when travelling. Essential and multifunctional.” – Pia Hammond

    Victorinox Classic Swiss Army Pocket KnifeR 349BUY NOW
    Comfortable sneaker
    Nike Air VaporMax 360. Looking to add a fashion-forward bit of style to your look? This retro-inspired sneaker (yes, 2000s is retro now) gives remarkable and unquestionable underfoot comfort. It features a full-length foam midsole and VaporMax Air unit giving you remarkable underfoot comfort. “I’ve always loved VaporMax, they look like a soccer shoe hybrid, strong and good grip. And they just look badass.” – Pia Hammond

    NIKE women’s Air VaporMax R 3999BUY NOW
    Dyson Airwrap styler. The price tag might make you hesitate but believe us, this is as good a hair tool as you can get. Dyson’s Airwrap was the most awarded hair tool in 2019. It comes with 6 attachments; a pre-styling dryer (goodbye hairdryer), a firm smoothing brush (goodbye straightener), a soft smoothing brush, a round volumising brush (goodbye 80’s curlers), 30mm barrels for voluminous curls or waves and 40mm barrels for loose curls or waves (goodbye curling iron). You’ll get hairdresser quality hair in no time and at home. Need to see it in action? Check out the blowout tutorial below. “Hello new BFF” – Kelleigh Korevaar

    Dyson Airwray styler R 11499BUY NOW

    READ MORE: Find Spring In A Bottle With These 6 Floral Fragrances
    RVLRI Trust Gift Box. After being a “silver jewellery girl” for as long as I’ve adorned myself in metals, I’ve recently matured into a “gold jewellery girl”. Yes, very scandalous. That means I’m trying to find everyday gold staples that don’t break the bank. Enter RVLRI. Their Trust gift set contains a watch, circle of life pendant necklace and intricate circle earrings. That’s half your jewellery sorted in one beautiful box! And at a really great price, too! Who wouldn’t be stoked to receive this? – Kelleigh Korevaar

    READ MORE ON: Fitness gift Gift Guide Health wellness More

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    19 Gifts To Ask For To Kickstart Your New Year’s Resolutions

    As the holidays roll around, your parents, in-laws, siblings, significant others, and friends might be bugging you about what gifts you’re hoping to find under the tree this year. And somehow, the age-old proverb exists: When someone asks what you want, every single thing you’ve ever seen or heard of flies out of your head like magic. Instead of worrying about how you’ll reach all of those health and fitness goals the second the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, ask for gifts that will help you become your best self. No matter what your resolutions are this year, we’ve rounded up the best items to add to your wishlist that will not only bring you joy on Dec. 25 but will also help you become your best self in 2022.

    Charge 5 Advanced Fitness and Health Tracker
    The ultimate one-stop-shop to achieve any resolution, a Fitbit is our go-to gift (and item on our wish lists!) because it can track stress, sleep, and physical activity, so whether you are looking to monitor heart health, move more often, get better sleep, decrease stress, or all of the above, this smart band will help you get there.
    3 colors available

    CBD Daily Drops
    If you’re looking to tackle the new year as your best self, look no further than these CBD Daily Drops from Equilibria. Our editors love adding these CBD drops to their morning lattes to help them start the day with a better mood, improved inflammation, and increased focus.
    Use code theeverygirl for 20% off of your first order! 

    Elements of Balance
    Blueberry Lemon Focus Drink
    Looking to kick your coffee (or Diet Coke) addiction, once and for all? These plant-based, zero-sugar elixirs not only replace bad habits, but are powered by adaptogens for any health goal. This one is meant to help you crush that work project or get through an afternoon slump, but don’t miss out on the Energy, Calm, and Sleep flavors as well.

    Blue Apron
    Meal Subscription
    If your goal is to cook at home more often (because whose isn’t?), we have the perfect gift idea for you. Blue Apron is an Everygirl favorite because of their wide range of delicious meals. You select whichever meals sound best to you, and it’s delivered to your doorstep with exact proportions of ingredients (no grocery shopping or food waste) and easy instructions. Blue Apron also offers more weekly Wellness meals than ever before (like WW-approved, 600 calories or less, or vegetarian) and trust me, these meals do not sacrifice flavor. You won’t be tempted to get takeout when you have a homemade meal this good—and easy to make!

    Sunrise Alarm Clock
    This is more than an alarm clock—it’s a personalized sleep and wakeup routine, including meditations and a sunrise light. This time of year is especially hard because the sun rises later, so it’s pretty dark and gloomy in the morning. This alarm clock will mimic the sunrise to bring you optimal energy whenever you wake up to get that workout or morning meditation in and then give you energy to achieve your goals all day.

    Acupressure Mat Set
    If you’re looking for something to add to a morning or nighttime routine, are working on reducing chronic pain, or just want to step up your wellness game, look no further. This acupressure mat offers a wide range of benefits like headache relief, less tension, and improved chronic pain for your healthiest body in 2022.

    Sport Duffle
    Gym bags are an essential piece to maintaining health goals because they make it easier for you to get to the gym (or to your yoga mat, to barre class, or on a run). Packing a gym bag the night before will keep you motivated and make exercise a “must” instead of a “maybe.” This one is our favorite for the most organized, roomy, and chic option.
    2 colors available

    Therapy Notebooks
    The Anti-Anxiety Notebook
    If your goal is to ease stress and anxiety, of course you know the basic steps (get a therapist, try meditation, gratitude journal, etc.), but also try adding this notebook into your routine. Designed by therapists to help ease anxiety (in between actual sessions), the notebook offers tips, exercises, journal entries, and more.

    WB-1 Bottle
    It can be easy to forget to stay hydrated, so drinking more is always a resolution. This bottle with time stamps will help you keep track of your water intake and also keep you accountable to drink more. Need more motivation? The body needs optimal hydration to stay energized, so if you achieve the hydration goal, you can get more motivation to achieve other goals too. This water bottle will help you get there.

    Authors: Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle
    Eat Clean, Play Dirty Cookbook
    If your goal is to dabble with plant-based eating (or just to eat more plants), this cookbook is perfect, whether you’re just starting out with eating more produce or you’re an expert vegan. Filled with recipes for everything from dessert to pastas to tacos, this is plant-based eating like you’ve never tried it before. It won’t feel like you’re working on a resolution at all!

    Therma-FIT Leggings
    Yes, the beginning of a new year is crucial to start off that year on the right foot, but the beginning of a new year is always freezing cold. If you want to train for a marathon in 2022 but can’t even go for a jog on Jan. 2 because it’s cold, I got you. This breathable fleece fabric will keep you warm until spring.

    Reusable Snack Bags
    The key to any healthy eating goal is preparation—when you have healthy options already chopped, prepped, and stocked up in your fridge, it’s way easier to throw together meals and you’ll be less tempted to order UberEats (even after long work days).

    Make Your Matcha Kit
    If your goal is to kick your coffee addiction once and for all, matcha is the wellness world’s favorite alternative. This kit from one of our go-to supplement brands have everything you need to DIY a frothy, delicious, quality cup of matcha.

    Grove Collaborative
    Reusable Produce Bags
    Because one of the best resolutions we all could have is to be more sustainable, these produce bags will not only encourage you to buy more fresh produce but also to be more eco-friendly with your grocery shopping (Bonus: They’ll also keep your produce fresher and more organized in the fridge).

    Express Tasti-Crisp Air Fryer
    Because everything tastes better when it’s fried, an air-fryer will transform your cooking, recipes, and meals. It makes any veggie or protein more delicious without the hassle of an oven or the unhealthy coating and processed oils of a regular fryer.

    Swift Run Sneaker
    Insider tip: If you’re struggling to find motivation to work out or are lacking confidence to try a different exercise class, new athleisurewear is the solution. Invest in sneakers that not only are good for your fitness goals but are also a style that you love—you’ll be much more motivated to keep up your fitness routine when you’re actually excited to get use out of these shoes.
    2 colors available

    Rolling Spinner Suitcase
    After the past couple of years, we all probably have the resolution to travel more and make the most out of 2022. This suitcase is our favorite option for fitting in more while still keeping everything organized for easier packing and more stress-free traveling (because we could all use more of that!).

    Obé x Bala Bangles
    1-lb Weighted Bangles
    These weighted bangles are going to be your secret weapon to staying fit. They strap on to your wrists or ankles for full-body toning, are easy to throw in your carry-on for travel, and can be worn during any exercise like walking or jogging for an added boost. And most importantly, look how cute they are!

    Sweaty Betty
    Bouclé Athletic Jacket
    If you like to stay in pajamas all day but still want to go for a run and crush your Zoom meetings, I’ve found the perfect gift for you. The bouclé fabric is so soft, you’ll never want to take it off, but it’s structured like an athletic jacket so you can wear it at the gym or on a jog, and the mock neck detail makes it look more sophisticated and elegant than a regular sporty bomber. Basically, it’s your go-to jacket for any resolution.

    12 Hacks to Hold Yourself Accountable with Your Resolutions

    This post contains a sponsored inclusion of Fitbit, Elements, Equilibria, and Blue Apron, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board More