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    The Ultimate Guide To Self-Love

    Let’s celebrate the month of love with the ultimate gift to ourselves; a guide to self-love. This Valentine’s Day, forget about the chocolates and teddy bears. Let’s prioritise self-love, try something new and celebrate every inch of ourselves.

    This 28-day calendar provides you with easy-to-follow daily activities and workouts to help you reconnect and form healthy self-care habits.

    Note to self: Happy Valentine’s Day. I Love You.

    28 Days of Self-Love Calendar

    Whether you’re a newcomer or an experienced self-care guru, this guide is for you.

    Read a book 

    Spend 30 minutes outside

    Try out manifesting

    Declutter a space

    Bake something delicious

    Run or walk for 30 minutes

    Buy yourself flowers

    Listen to a motivational podcast

    Meditate for 10 minutes

    Stretch it out and do some yoga! 

    Try a new workout

    Have a self-care Sunday  

    Wear your fav outfit and try a new makeup look

    Say “yes” to something fun

    Try a new healthy recipe

    Journal about your day

    Get more sleep

    Perform a random act of kindness

    Take a hot bath and relax 

    Make a happy playlist and practise trending TikTok dances

    Go sugar-free today

    Spend time with a loved one 

    Experiment with art therapy

    Create a budget for March

    Read the new issue of Women’s Health

    Buy yourself dinner 

    Make a vision board 

    Write down things you are grateful for. Reflect on the past month. More

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    Want To Manifest Your Goal? Don’t Make These Manifesting Mistakes

    Want to manifest your goal? Welcome to the club. There are at least 8 million of us on Instagram and many more. And for good reason.

    Manifesting can be a powerful tool in helping you achieve your goals, whether that’s to run your first 21K, bag a promotion or find love. But many people feel that it’s about making a wish with all your heart and waiting for it to happen. Unfortunately, you’re not a Disney Princess. “It is impossible to manifest your dream partner who will make you feel alive and in love, while you are sitting on the couch, sobbing as you watch the Notebook, eating ice cream or drinking a bottle of wine, feeling sorry for yourself that you are single,” says manifesting queen and coach Nicola Loots.

    There’s actually a lot of inner work required for you to move from point A, the point without the thing you want, to point B, where you’ve reached your goal and are wrapped in that achievement glow. Here’s how to put in the work, avoid common manifesting mistakes and really move the needle.  

    Manifesting mistake #1: You’re feeling lack (and not abundance)

    “I often hear people so excited, inspired, and optimistic to start manifesting, but after some time, usually, when it is taking longer than they had expected to see results, they get despondent, disappointed, and start thinking that it’s not working,” says Nicola. “Manifesting is not about declaring what you desire and then sitting on the couch waiting for it to happen, but it is also not about working as hard as you can and hustling to control the situation either. Manifesting is a fine line between taking inspired action and knowing when to let go and trust.”

    To this end, it’s important to have an image of what you want that’s so strong you believe in it and start to act in the way you would with your goal in the palm of your hands. “When you are manifesting, your faith needs to be bigger than your fears,” explains Nicola. “You need to believe that it will happen, not on your timeline, but in divine timing and you need to be completely satisfied and accept that when it will happen is out of your control.”

    READ MORE: How To Save Money – And Why It Matters For Your Health

    Manifesting mistake #2: You’re not taking action

    Despite what it seems, manifesting requires a bit of action, kind of like casting a spell. Yes, there’s magic involved, but there’s also special ingredients you need to collect, and then you still need to say the words with intent. There are three main steps in manifesting, that we’ve covered extensively here and here.

    READ MORE: 15 Best Journalling Apps To Start The New Year With More Mindfulness

    Manifesting mistake #3: You’re blocking your own progress

    “Manifesting is about the law of attraction and the law states like attracts like,” says Nicola. “If you want to manifest something that makes you feel good, you need to start feeling good now, so that it is attracted to you.” If, for example, Nicola explains, “you believe that you always get hurt when you open your heart, that you cannot trust men, all of these beliefs are going to block you from receiving. You have to work on your mindset and beliefs in order to manifest.” To this end, Nicola notes that you may need to work with a psychologist or mindset coach to push through the barriers preventing you from attracting the good thing you’re looking for.

    READ MORE: Can Manifesting Really Help You Smash Your Goals?

    Manifesting mistake #4: You’re not looking for the signs

    Yes, signs from the literal actual universe. Sometimes this manifests in the physical realm, like asking to see a butterfly as confirmation that your potential job is the one you should go for. But waiting can often dissuade you. When this happens, Nicola advises going inward. “When you are at a crossroads and are not sure what direction to take, quieten out the external noise and connect to yourself,” says Nicola. This might mean meditation, or just getting really quiet and asking yourself important questions. “From this space, ask yourself, ‘If I knew exactly what to do, what would that be? If I trusted myself, what would I do in this situation?’ External signs are inspiring to receive, but your inner voice and your intuition is so much more powerful.”    More

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    Going on a First Date? Here’s Every Ritual You Need To Get Over Pre-Date Jitters and Feel More Confident

    I think we can all agree that first dates can be a little nerve-wracking. Whether you met through mutual friends, on an online dating app, or at your local coffee shop (the dream meet-cute, if you ask me), the jittery feelings before the main event are always there. Spending a couple of hours with someone you just met is a very vulnerable act after all. You’re not only trying to figure out if you like each other, but also contemplating what questions to ask them, who’s paying, what to order, or when to call it a night. But let’s not forget first dates should also be fun! So how do you let go of the jittery nerves and go into a first date confident and open? It’s all about mindset. 
    Your mindset can be the make-or-break factor in having a great date. We’ve all experienced the date who unloads their bad day on you before the drinks have even been ordered, and no one wants that. Going into a first date with a great mindset won’t necessarily weed out the bad dates, but it will allow you the grace of not being phased by them, and even better, to truly connect on the good ones. Read on for some first date tips and rituals to try to get in the right mindset before your next rendezvous.

    Taking a moment to connect with yourself before a first date sets you up to feel good about the conversations you’ll have and the questions you’ll ask, and there’s no better way to do that than by meditating. Meditation is the ultimate mind-body connection, and when you take five or ten minutes to meditate, you are re-centering and sending signals to your brain to relax and trust yourself.
    There are lots of ways to meditate before a date. For example, the Superhuman App has a “Getting Ready” guided meditation and the Unplug App has a wide array of guided meditations to choose from, or you can do a walking meditation or guided journaling. However you meditate, by taking that time to reconnect with yourself, you can go on a date feeling more open to connecting with others. 

    Repeat affirmations
    Affirmations can feel a little uncomfortable at first, especially if they are not part of your routine. But words are powerful, and when you repeat an affirmation enough, you start to believe it. Some affirmations to try before a first date include: “I will trust my own intuition,” “I am a complete person on my own,” “I am open and full of good energy,” and “I can leave whenever I want to.” I like to think of affirmations as secret weapons you can pull out whenever you need them. Say them before, during, and after the date. They are great little reminders of your boundaries and how amazing you are. 

    Manifest a great date
    It may sound a little cheesy to manifest a great date, but hear me out. Manifestation is the act of turning your thoughts into a reality. Now, it’s not as simple as just wishing for a great date and hoping it comes true. You have to intentionally live out your dreams in your day-to-day life. In a broader sense, manifesting a great date might look like getting clear about the kind of partner you hope to have one day, then writing down those characteristics and being intentional about the people you choose to date after that. It could also look like letting go of any preconceived ideas of the type of person or relationship you want or should have and being more open to the people who come into your life (a Charlotte and Harry situation here for all the Sex and the City fans). Manifesting a great date really breaks down to manifesting a great love life, and when you live openly and intentionally, you allow yourself to have both.

    Set clear boundaries
    I’ve always disliked the phrase, “You have to kiss a few frogs before you meet Prince Charming,” because you actually don’t have to kiss any frogs if you don’t want to. Before you go on any date, get clear with yourself about what your boundaries are, and then don’t be afraid to be open about them. Boundaries are there to make us feel safe and comfortable, and whoever you are dating should be respectful of those boundaries. And if they aren’t, then they’re probably not a good fit.
    Taking some time before each first date to set clear boundaries makes navigating any situation that may arise on the date easier. For example, you’ll already know how to answer questions like, “Do you want to come back to my place?” or “Can I kiss you?” You should also feel fully in your power to change your boundaries as the date progresses or for different people. They are your boundaries to set and change as you like.

    Create and practice a “getting-ready” ritual
    Part of the reason we feel so nervous about first dates is because of the pressure we put on them. There’s the pressure to look your best, be outgoing and fun, all the while deciphering if they are “the one,” or at least worth going on date #2. This makes dating not only nerve-wracking, but also exhausting, and the whole point of dating is to have fun. Creating and practicing a “getting-ready” ritual before a first date can help ease some of that pressure. Your ritual should be something you enjoy doing that helps you relax and get in a good mindset before going on a date. Maybe your ritual involves a Bravo show and your go-to cocktail while doing your makeup or simply a cup of coffee and a kickass playlist. 

    Yes, You Can *Actually* Manifest a Better Love Life More

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    Yes, You Can *Actually* Manifest a Better Love Life–Here’s How

    Growing up, most of us learned about dating, sex, and relationships from an issue of Cosmopolitan or an episode of Sex and The City, not by knowing how to manifest. But a few years ago I was introduced to manifestation and it quite literally changed my life (which, by definition, is the whole point of manifesting). As more and more people started to swear by the Law of Attraction for increasing their wealth, popularity, or happiness, it only made sense that it would be used to improve love lives too. 
    After all, some of the biggest questions throughout human history are matters of the heart (“They love me; they love me not”), and everything from Shakespeare’s sonnets to Nancy Meyers’ rom-coms tries to explain the secret to a happy relationship. So could manifestation really be the answer to kicking ass on dates and dating apps, improving your relationship, or overall feeling more satisfied in your relationship status? I asked Dana Lord Lewis, a manifestation expert and founder of Energy Think, for all her tips and tricks on how (and why!) manifestation can transform your love life. Take a break from swiping and read on to achieve a fulfilling love life in 2023.

    Meet the expert
    Dana Lord Lewis
    Energetics Expert and Founder of Energy Think
    Dana Lord Lewis is a thought leader in the realm of manifestation and the founder of Energy Think, a science-based modality that coaches individuals to achieve their dream lives.

    What is “manifesting” and how does it work?
    Manifestation is all the buzz across TikTok and The New York Times Best Seller list, but the concept of the Law of Attraction is nothing new, rooted in ideas that come from various philosophical and religious traditions. The idea of manifesting has been covered in dozens of self-help books and discussed by thought leaders around the world, from Oprah to Deepak Chopra to Iyanla Vanzant. The concept is essentially creating reality or bringing something tangible into your life based on attraction and belief. For example, if you think it, believe it, and then act on it, it will come (the key words being “belief” and “action,” since hoping for something alone isn’t enough). But that’s not all. 
    “When people talk about manifestation, it typically has to do with bringing something intentional to fruition,” Lewis explained. “But manifestation also comes from potentials of the unconscious mind. Many people do not realize that they have, on an unconscious level, called it in.” In other words, manifestation does not only come into play when you want a dream promotion, relationship, or house; whether consciously or unconsciously, our thoughts, worries, and beliefs can become our reality too. 

    How can manifestation affect your dating life?
    Since we are constantly manifesting thoughts into existence (whether consciously or unconsciously), it can affect every area of your life—including your love life. Lewis said that she often sees the negative effects of unconscious manifestation in relationships because of worry and fear. “A lot of limiting beliefs play themselves out in the dating world. Our insecurities are triggered, and therefore, we feel fearful and we take action that comes from that fear.” Maybe this looks like sending a text out of insecurity or not sending a text to protect your vulnerability. Maybe this means you tend to date multiple people at the same time because it feels scary to get serious, or maybe this means you always need a serious partner because it makes you feel safe.
    All of our insecurities look different in our dating lives and relationships, but they can be holding us back from a happy love life. “What you do with your energy when you are emotionally challenged is the most important thing to ensure you aren’t sabotaging a love life you may want,” Lewis suggested. But just like we want to get out of certain thought patterns and behaviors to avoid the love lives we don’t want, we can also manifest what we do want.

    3 steps to manifest a better love life:
    1. Develop self-awareness
    The Laws of Attraction are not about stating what you want and expecting to get it like a spoiled kid in a toy store. Instead, the Laws of Attraction state that the way you behave or feel about yourself attracts certain energies to you. When it comes to dating, that means the energy you’re giving out is what you will attract in dates or a partner. “How you treat yourself internally is going to be projected out onto others,” Lewis explained. “This means what you put out, you will get back, perhaps in a different form but with the same character.” So the first important step is to know what you are attracting by developing more self-awareness. What do you do when you feel under pressure? How do you handle insecurities? Why do you want (or not want) a relationship?

    2. Shift out of energy habits that don’t serve your goals
    Once you’re aware of the energy you’re giving off and what you truly want, you can make adjustments to get what you want. For example, if you’re looking for a healthy, lasting relationship but have rooted insecurities that cause you to be jealous or controlling, you may unconsciously attract partners who will give you reason to be jealous or controlling. Work on your own insecurities and prioritize self-love, and you’ll begin attracting partners who will love you like you love you.

    3. Take ownership of your life
    Lewis said the most powerful step is the last one, which she calls “Radical Self Ownership.” You must truly believe and realize that your life is in your control. Life doesn’t happen to you; it happens by you. “The third step is where you realize that you are the creator of your reality, both its pleasure and its pain,” she explained. “When this power is recognized and embraced, everything changes—especially the way you relate to those closest to you. Ultimately, the more you can learn about yourself and accept yourself, the more you will experience love with others.”

    How to improve your love life if…
    You’re single…
    If you’re feeling exhausted or stressed out about the dating apps, online profiles, and planning IRL meet-ups, don’t push through in hopes you’ll achieve the love life of your dreams (because you won’t!). PSA: Dating does not have to be tiring and should be enjoyable if you’re going to manifest a better love life. “Dating feels tiring when there is fear experienced around it because fear is immensely draining,” Lewis explained. “When you take away fear, dating is a source of energy.” In other words, dating should be fun. If it’s not, you might be dating out of fear of being alone or feel too much fear of rejection in order to actually enjoy the process (more on that below). 
    Instead of dating from a place of fear, date from a place of enjoyment. “There are so many benefits to this phase of life,” Lewis said. “If you are single, it is a gift. If you’re single and want to be in a relationship, singlehood is a gift that won’t last forever.” Lewis recommended spending time getting to know yourself better and to try something different to “shake up your current understanding of the world.” Also, remember that all situations exist to benefit you—and yes, that means even single phases, bad first dates, or hurtful ghosting. “Take this opportunity to go beyond the desire for a relationship, and connect to the part of you that feeds this idea that being ‘alone’ is negative.”

    You’re in a relationship…
    So you’re in a relationship but looking to kick it up a notch? Maybe you’ve been together forever and it’s feeling a little complacent, or you’ve recently coupled up but your communication is off. There’s a lot you can do to manifest a better love life too, and—no surprise—it also starts with getting to know yourself better. Lewis recommended getting to know how you like to cycle energy, which can cause patterns in relationships. For example, if you’re a very giving person, you may fall into a pattern of putting others first and yourself last, or if you’re a perfectionist and self-critical, you may be overly critical of your partner or relationship as well. Also, if you have the mentality that your relationship is holding you back from other dreams (like moving across the country, having kids, or getting your dream job), it can lead to disconnect and resentment.
    Lewis explained that (as long as there are no toxic behaviors) the areas where your relationship needs improvement is a reflection of your own energetic state and the way you see yourself. If you give too much to your partner, work on giving more to yourself (instead of expecting them to give more to you). If you’re critical of your relationship, work on being kinder to yourself, and the way you talk about your partner or relationship will follow. “There are so many things you can do to make yourself more in alignment, which will bring happiness and improve all relationships,” Lewis said.  But beware: Since the work is coming from working on yourself, it can be tempting to think that you’re “doing all the work” and fault your partner for not doing the same. Lewis claimed the best advice she has for couples is to not have expectations of your partner to better the relationship to the same degree that you do. In other words, don’t keep score, which can manifest a relationship you don’t want. “To depend on someone else for your better life (even in a relationship) is a losing battle and puts dependency on them for your happiness,” Lewis explained. “To be truly happy in your relationship, the utmost priority should be your own alignment, independent of all others.”

    You’re worried about rejection…
    And now for the majority of us: the ones who avoid going on dates because we’re worried we won’t be liked, or the ones who put too much pressure on our relationships because we don’t feel secure. When you’re worried about rejection, you are literally manifesting a negative love life. Instead, shift your perspective to believe that rejection is not real (no, really). “When we experience the feelings of rejection, we are experiencing it because we have rejected ourselves,” Lewis explained. In other words, everything you know about your relationships to other people is from your own perception. Therefore, you can shift your perception of a bad date, break up, fight with your partner, or Tinder match who never responded to not include rejection at all. 
    All it takes to make this shift is a few key changes. Lewis recommended spending more time on the people and things that fill you with joy. For example, maybe limit the happy hours with the coworkers who complain about their relationships or gossip about the office and spend more time with the friend who’s really into yoga (and is good at motivating you too) or your sister who is so passionate about her non-profit. Beyond the people you spend time with, spend more time on your own fostering your interests, taking care of your body, and making the effort to heal wounds by going to therapy or gratitude journaling. We only experience fear of rejection when we believe our worth is tied to whether we fit the bill of what another person thinks of us, so work on your own worth. “When you live in alignment and are nourishing yourself, it genuinely won’t matter to you if people vibe with that or not,” Lewis agreed. 

    The Everygirl’s Guide to Manifestation and Achieving Your Best Life More

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    Here’s What a Sound Bath Is Really Like, and the Benefits That Will Blow Your Mind

    I’ll admit it: To say I’m a yoga and meditation pro couldn’t be further from the truth (a hard pill to swallow, considering I’m a wellness writer and a native of the land of green juice, healers, and crystals, AKA LA). Sure, I can do Pilates in my sleep and I’ve got my shut-eye schedule down to a science (humble brag), but when it comes to practicing poses and getting my mind to quietly sit still for minutes at a time, I’ve got my work cut out for me. So when I first heard about a sound bath, I took it as a challenge to up my yoga and meditation game. Plus, it’s said to improve mood and mindfulness, so maybe it could be the missing piece to quieting my mind and improving stress levels. With the help of Eva Hooft, a breathwork and sound facilitator, I break down what a sound bath is, its advantages, and my personal experience.

    Meet the expert

    Certified Holistic Health Coach & Breathwork and Sound Facilitator
    In her practice, Eva focuses on reconnecting people to their bodies and intuition through specific enzyme detoxes and hosts carefully curated events and classes that deepen this inner connection throughout LA.


    In this article

    What is a sound bath? 
    Though recently becoming popular in the United States, a sound bath is an ancient meditative practice with roots from over a thousand years ago in Tibet. Sound healing and sound therapy may date back even further, with ancient Egyptians using vowel sound chants in healing practices, as they believed vowels were sacred. Sound has long been used to provide healing, or mental and physical benefits. So what is the ancient practice that’s popping up in yoga and meditation studios all over the world?
    A sound bath has nothing to do with water (think of it like you are “bathed” in waves of ambient sound). “A sound bath is a meditative experience that uses sound and vibration to bring about relaxation, healing, and a sense of well-being,” Hooft explained. “The sound waves produced can be gentle or intense, depending on the instruments used. Generally, this includes instruments such as crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, drums, rattles, or gongs. These are used to create a sonic atmosphere that can create an altered state of consciousness.” Each instrument emits a different frequency, creating harmonic vibrations in the body meant to stimulate the alpha and beta brain waves, promoting deep relaxation and allowing your heart and breath rate to slow down.
    Don’t expect catchy tunes, but rather highly resonant music that envelopes you and ideally puts you in a deeper state of consciousness, shutting off your body’s “fight-or-flight” mode so you can be fully present and let it all go. The result? A restorative effect on your mind and body. And unlike taking a yoga class or some meditation and breathwork methods, you’re not guided throughout a sound bath. Participants usually lie down with eyes closed and are encouraged to just listen, be mindful, and let the meditative benefits set in. Sounds easy enough, right?

    What are the benefits?
    Because how we take in and interpret sounds vary from person to person, each individual is going to experience a sound bath differently, as with any other wellness ritual. But the general consensus is that the calming effect of sound baths alone can help you hit reset and feel more at ease and grounded. Still not convinced? According to a 2017 study on Tibetan singing bowl meditation, sound meditation may produce mental and physical health benefits, namely reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression, increasing spiritual well-being, and lowering blood pressure and heart rate. 
    “Sound baths have a range of mental, physical, and emotional benefits,” Hooft affirmed. “They can help to reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, and regulate breathing patterns, which in turn can reduce anxiety and improve sleep. The soothing vibrations also allow for deep muscular relaxation, which can help relieve pain or inflammation in the body. On a psychological level, they are great for reducing stress levels and clearing out negative thought patterns. They allow us to reach a state of mindfulness where we can become more aware of our own feelings and thoughts without judgment or attachment.”
    Are there any drawbacks?
    “For most people, there aren’t any downsides to doing a sound bath,” Hooft said. “However, there is a small chance you may get a little dizzy or nauseous afterwards (this usually fades pretty quickly). It can also bring up emotional trauma, which can be overwhelming for some people.” Additionally, sound baths may not be suitable for people with sensitivity to sound, epilepsy, metal implants, or who are pregnant. If you have any hesitation, consult your doctor before engaging in a sound bath. 

    My experience  
    When I visited Breathwrk in Venice to take part in my first sound bath, I was met with what looked like an ordinary yoga studio, except with colored mood lighting, mats laid out with folded blankets on top (the perfect set-up for a good cat nap, if you ask me), and at the front of the room sat a semi-circle of sound bowls lit by candlelight. I scored the best mat in the house, according to Hooft—front and center—to get the most out of the experience. The theme of the 75-minute session was manifestation, so we started by sharing what we desired and what stood in the way of us achieving our dreams (think: limiting beliefs, fear) with a partner. Then, we moved into breathwork and the main event: the sound bath. At first I struggled to clear my mind, but it didn’t take long to become fully immersed in the symphony of resounding tones.
    After what felt like 10 minutes (I lost all sense of time), I felt a floating-like sensation as I visualized my desires and tapped into the feeling of living them, intertwined with excitement and pockets of grief from the recent loss of a loved one. Even though I was present in my own journey, I was still aware of the other attendees and their occasional sighs, sniffles, or snores that found their way into the mix. Translation: I found my meditative state. I managed to stay awake throughout the session (much to my surprise), tune out the excess chatter in my mind, and realize a relaxation similar to that of getting a solid massage, leaving my mind and body filled with nothing but gratitude, motivation, calmness, and the strong urge to crawl into bed for a blissful night’s rest. And that I did, sound Zzzs and all.   

    Please note that a sound bath shouldn’t be considered a replacement for any medical treatments you’re having. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    I Tried Red Light Therapy, and the Benefits are Insane More

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    This Actor Turned Fitness Trainer Breaks Down Her Inspiring AF Wellness Routine

    When she’s not on set starring in Nickelodeon’s That Girl Lay Lay, dancing her way through La La Land, or appearing in cameos on Grace and Frankie, actress, dancer, and fitness instructor Tiffany Daniels can be found teaching her sold-out, high-energy spin classes in LA. While Daniels’ penchant for dancing remains (she was a former Laker Girl and on Broadway), she’s just as involved in the health and fitness industry. For her, wellness is more than LA’s devotion to juice cleanses, cold plunges, and IV therapy. “Everything I do is motivated by my desire to live my life in full pursuit of longevity, love, and success across the board,” Daniels said. “To me, wellness is treating this one life and this one body like a temple and a gift. I am selective with what I eat, where I go, who gets my time, and who gets my glow!”
    Daniels made the commitment to wellness—what she refers to as “preserving the sexy”—years ago, so she doesn’t have to make time for it; it comes naturally. “I don’t know who I am without self-care… Wellness makes me feel good. And when I feel good, I look good. When I feel good, I do good. It is all about making the lifestyle and wellness changes that work for you.” Read on for Daniels go-to wellness rituals that help her “preserve the sexy,” or feel her very best.

    Meet the expert
    Tiffany Daniels
    Actress, dancer, and fitness instructor
    With a background in dance and Broadway, Tiffany loves performing and views teaching spin classes as another outlet for her to perform while helping people reach their fitness goals. Tiffany currently teaches spin classes at premier boutique fitness TRUFUSION in West Hollywood, California.

    Eating a plant-based diet
    When it comes to wellness habits, Daniels’ non-negotiables start in the kitchen. “I have been plant-based for a very long time and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” she affirmed. “Breakfast is the one meal that I am committed to cooking everyday, no matter what time of the day it is.”
    If you think that plant-based meals involve a lot of time and effort and can’t stack up to their meaty counterparts, Daniels proves otherwise. “My life is busy by design, so most of my meals are simple and quick,” Daniels expressed. “My typical breakfast consists of a plant-based probiotic yogurt parfait with gluten-free granola, blueberries, strawberries, and cinnamon, plus two plant-based, gluten-free breakfast sausages and a matcha latte. Lunch is usually served at work, so I get whatever the vegan option is for the day. 90% of the time dinner is a homemade salad with power greens, bell peppers, mushrooms, cucumber, chickpeas, raw sunflower seeds, olive oil, and a little balsamic glaze. If I need a little more protein for the day, I will add a veggie patty or plant-based Italian sausage on the side.”

    Maintaining a skincare routine 
    While Daniels is never married to any one product for very long, her current skincare line-up includes a few must-haves. “I really like to change things up to allow room for product exploration,” she confessed. “Right now, I am currently using quite a few of the “Youth to the People” skincare products. One of the beauty secrets I discovered on Pinterest is mixing baking soda into my cleanser to add a little exfoliation! The other favorite addition to my skincare routine has been the Solawave Red Light Therapy Wand.”

    Switching up her fitness regimen
    For Daniels, working out is about being strong, and she credits her healthy vegan diet and consistent exercise for feeling (and looking) fit and fabulous over 40. “Physical fitness has also become a huge piece of my identity, so much so that I became a fitness instructor in 2015,” she said. “I make sure to get a 90-minute sweat sesh in at least four times a week, six if time permits.” One of Daniels’ tips for reaching your fitness goals? “Change up the workout routine!” she asserted. “Don’t allow your body and mind to fall into the habit of the exact same thing every day. Variety is the spice of life, right?”
    And, of course, she practices what she preaches. “I teach spin classes, but I also love walking uphill or StairMaster intervals as my cardio,” she shared. “Hot Pilates kicks my a** like no other. I love to lift weights at the gym or take kettlebell classes at my studio. And I gotta get at least one hot yoga sesh in a week or my 42-year-old body screams at me!”
    As for Daniels’ other piece of advice for holding yourself accountable to your fitness goals? Plan out your workouts at the beginning of the week, just as you would your work meetings or beauty appointments. “Put them in your calendar or planner and an additional location that you see every day as a visible reminder,” she suggested. “I post my workouts on my white board in my ‘Command Center,’ another brilliant Pinterest discovery I made! (Look it up…trust me.)”

    Prioritizing daily self-care rituals and supplements
    Daniels is all about wellness from the inside out, and her tried-and-true self-care rituals ensure she prioritizes herself first and foremost. “I have a full supplement routine in the mornings, I light a candle in gratitude every day, I do a 30-minute stretch before I start every workout, I go to therapy once a week, and I lay in the steam room as often as I can,” she described. “I’m working on getting journaling and meditation on my non-negotiable list, but the struggle is real, y’all!”
    While Daniels keeps a back-to-basics approach to skincare, her wellness supplement regimen is another story (her collection would make any wellness girlie envious): plant-based collagen builder, pre and probiotic supplements, maca powder, ground flaxseed, MCT oil, spirulina, sea moss gel, ashwagandha, chlorophyll supplements, Vitamin B12 drops, Vitamin D3 drops, aloe vera juice, and lemons, just to name a few. Daniels admitted that it may seem overboard, “but they all serve a purpose, and baby, I am worth it!” More

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    30 Superfoods You Can Sneak Into Your Go-To Meals

    Superfoods: a buzzword that’s been tossed around a lot over the past couple of years. But what exactly is a superfood? According to registered dietitian Beth Czerwony, a superfood “helps promote health by increasing your immune function and decreasing your chance of disease progression.” As of today, there is no exact criteria for which foods are classified as superfoods, but it goes without saying that there are some foods higher in vitamins and minerals than others (looking at you, french fries). While I fully believe foods should not be labeled as “good” or “bad,” I’m also always on the hunt for how to cook meals that I not only love, but that are also filled with nutrient-dense foods that support my long-term health goals. As it turns out, superfoods are a great hack for this. Read on for 30 nutritiously-dense superfoods, plus easy ways to incorporate them into your diet.

    1. Cinnamon: Add it to your morning coffee, smoothie, or pancake recipe. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce blood sugar levels.
    2. Chia seeds: Sprinkle them on your salad or into your morning smoothie or yogurt. Chia seeds are a great source of fiber and may help to lower LDL cholesterol. 
    3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Switch out any butter or vegetable oils for olive oil. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
    4. Dark Chocolate: Switch out your milk or white chocolate snacks for dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is known to have higher benefits for heart health than other cocoa-based products.
    5. Spinach: Spinach is a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B, A, E, C, and K. In the mornings, add a handful of spinach to a smoothie or fry it with your eggs. Try a spinach salad for lunch, or mix it into your pasta recipe for dinner.
    6. Dates: They make a great snack, and this recipe shares seven ways to eat them, or you can blend them into a smoothie too. They are a great source of fiber, iron, and magnesium.
    7. Avocados: Try avocado toast for breakfast, add an avocado to your salad for lunch or a salmon bowl for dinner, or try this easy avocado snack. Avocados are a great source of healthy fat and are great nutrient boosters.
    8. Pomegranates: Aside from adding them to a salad or drinking fresh pomegranate juice, you can also eat pomegranates on their own for a snack. They are high in antioxidants and promote heart health. 
    9. Blueberries: If you like to bake, blueberry muffins or bars are a great way to add some blueberries to your diet. For an easy health hack, add them to your smoothie or yogurt bowl, or eat them as a snack with almonds. Blueberries are a healthy source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 
    10. Wild salmon: Choosing salmon as your protein source for lunch or dinner once a week, as opposed to other seafood, chicken, or red meat, makes for a great boost in Omega-3 fatty acids. You can try it in a salmon bowl with rice and vegetables or on a sheet pan dish with veggies.
    11. Garlic: Luckily, many recipes already call for garlic, including stir frys, salad dressings, pastas, and soups. Garlic not only helps boost immunity and works as an anti-inflammatory, but also helps your heart health too.
    12. Mushrooms: A highly underrated food, mushrooms are a great topping on pizza or salads as well as with pasta or roasted vegetables. Most types of mushrooms are rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, vitamin D, selenium, copper, and potassium. 
    13. Quinoa: Next time you make a rice dish, opt for quinoa instead. Quinoa is a great source of plant protein and fiber. 
    14. Lemon: Spice up your water by adding some lemon to it. Not only does lemon water keep you hydrated, but it also aids digestion and boosts your vitamin C intake.
    15. Kimchi: This traditional Korean dish is an easy add-on to your stir fry and tastes great in a seaweed wrap with rice and other vegetables. A great gut-boosting food, kimchi is filled with probiotics, and we all know the gut is the control center of the body. 
    16. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes taste great with in any bowl or sheet pan meal. They are a great source of healthy carbohydrates, vitamins A, B6, and C as well as potassium and fiber. 
    17. Chickpeas: Chickpeas are a delicious substitute for anyone with gluten sensitivities (peep chickpea pasta), and as a complete protein high in fiber, they also help to balance blood sugar. You can add chickpeas to salads or substitute them for chicken in wraps. This recipe is a personal favorite.
    18. Golden Berries: This tiny berry packs a punch. Filled with vitamins and minerals, you can eat golden berries on their own or with yogurt and granola.
    19. Green Tea: If you’re an avid coffee drinker, try switching out your morning or afternoon coffee with green tea (hello, matcha). There is a realm of benefits to drinking green tea, including lowering cholesterol and boosting heart health. It also might be the secret to gut health.
    20. Turmeric: Sprinkling half a teaspoon of turmeric on your fried eggs or roasted vegetables, or drinking turmeric tea can go a long way. Turmeric is beneficial for managing inflammation. 
    21. Tahini: Once you try a tahini-based salad dressing, you’ll never go back. It is rich in fatty acids, including omega-3s and omega-6s. Here is a great recipe.
    22. Red Beets: Beets are special for their cardiovascular and heart health benefits. They can be grilled or baked with other vegetables or juiced.
    23. Manuka Honey: Bee-based products are all the rage right now, and for good reason. Manuka honey has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It can be added to tea, yogurt, acai bowls, or drizzled on toast. 
    24. Spirulina: Available most commonly in powder or supplement form, you can add spirulina to smoothies, a pancake mix, or an orange or grapefruit juice. Spirulina is filled with immunity-boosting properties.
    25. Tomatoes: Try replacing cream sauces with tomato sauces in your pasta, or adding tomatoes to your breakfast egg scramble. Tomatoes provide a good amount of potassium as well as vitamins A, C, and K. 
    26. Maca Powder: You can add maca powder to smoothies, coffee, pancakes, oatmeal, or baked goods. It can be incredibly powerful in helping to balance hormones.
    27. Almonds: Almonds are a great protein-packed snack on their own, but you can also opt for almond butter, which you can add to smoothies, toast, or apples. Not only are almonds packed with nutrients, but they can also help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol. 
    28. Bone Broth: Drinking bone broth is a great way to boost your immune system and add more collagen to your diet. The easiest way to consume bone broth is in soups.
    29. Seaweed: Seaweed snacks are a personal favorite, but you can eat seaweed with sushi or add it to soups. It is a significant source of vitamins and minerals.
    30. Ghee: If you don’t want to switch out your butter or oils for olive oil, ghee is another good substitute. Ghee is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. 

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    The Latest Sexual Wellness Trends You Are Going To Want To Try This Year

    When you hear the word “wellness,” chances are smoothies, Pilates, and trends like mouth taping, red light therapy, and cold plunges first come to mind. A self-pleasure protocol and regular orgasms probably are not the first things that come to mind. But tending to your sexual health, desires, and sexuality is a form of self-care, just as much as therapy, journaling, and getting quality Zzzs (more on that to come).
    Thankfully, 2023 is the year of normalizing sex (seeing it an essential part of our overall well-being) and sexual inclusivity (AKA de-stigmatizing sexuality). Case in point: the range of sexual wellness products (think: vibrators, lubes, toys) that you’ll be able to shop in-store alongside your beauty must-haves, feminine products, and groceries in one fell swoop. From self-pleasure and sexual mindfulness, I asked sex experts to dish on the sexual wellness trends you don’t want to sleep on this year. Read on to get a head start on what’s hot on the sexual wellness scene for 2023.  

    1. Sexuality as self-care

    Bubble bath? Check. Hot girl walk? Check. Vibrator? Check. Equal with pampering yourself and exercising regularly, taking time to be sexual falls under physical self-care, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness’s Self-Care Inventory. In other words, we should be prioritizing taking care of our bodies sexually in the same way we do our healthy eating, exercise, and skincare routines. “We saw a huge rise in attention to health and self-care during the pandemic and sexual wellness fits right in,” explained Brittany Lo, Founder of sexual wellness brand Beia. “There are so many health benefits to sexual wellness: for example, orgasms can help you sleep better, boost your mood, and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Expect to see a shift in focus from sexual wellness being indulgent to an every day practice.”
    And it goes without saying that sexual wellness doesn’t start and end with having pleasurable sex, whether we’re talking with a partner or going solo. Following through with your annual wellness visits, getting tested for STIs, exploring self-discovery, and becoming aware of your own body, sexuality, and what feels good all make up a holistic approach to sex-care. 

    2. Sexual products with clean, organic ingredients
    Just as we’re becoming more conscious of using more natural skincare and household products, the oils, lubes, supplements, wipes, bath salts you use in your sex life should be no different. Thanks to revolutionary, female-led companies leading the charge in redefining sexual wellness, we now have our pick of intimate goods that deliver on clean ingredients as much as they do pleasure. “The sexual wellness category is still in its infancy so I think we will see a lot of outdated products go out of style and focus on clean, vegan formulas the same way many of us do in our skincare products,” Lo predicted. 
    “We’ve had a great increase in options for all-natural products that are designed for the female body, but what most consumers don’t realize is that your vulva and vagina are very absorbent and made from the same mucosal lining as your mouth, which means anything and everything you put on it absorbs into your body,” agreed Kiana Reeves, a somatic sex educator, pelvic health practitioners, and Chief Content Officer at Foria. “That’s why it’s super important to not just use natural products, but they also really need to be organic.” Bottom line: Avoid ingredients like glycerin, nonoxynol-9, petroleum, propylene glycol, parabens, and chlorhexidine gluconate. There’s nothing sexy about added toxins. 
    3. Self-pleasure routines
    There’s nothing like a euphoric, toe-curling orgasm and the physical and emotional effects that come with it (hello, feel-good chemicals). And taking matters into your hands (literally)—whether that looks like experimenting with multiple erogenous zones during a solo sesh (see: Friends episode where Monica describes the seven different ones to Chandler) or stepping up your sex toy collection—means getting to know your body better and what turns you on, not to mention developing self-confidence inside and outside the bedroom.
    “Taking charge of the sexual [element] in your romantic relationship and not constantly depending on someone else to provide you that spark will be on most people’s list this year,” explained Aliyah Moore, a certified sex therapist. “This year, many couples will be seeking ways to be more present in the bedroom while also igniting the spark of passion and pleasure within themselves, rather than relying only on one another.”

    But self-pleasure goes beyond reaching the big “O” solo. It also involves letting go of any shame and judgment surrounding your sexual self. “A reclamation is happening: women are taking their power back over their femininity, pleasure, and sexuality, releasing generations of sexual shame and allowing themselves to meet their own needs and desires first,” conveyed Steph Morris, a love, sex, and relationship coach. Morris suggested planning regular dates with yourself and romanticizing your life, allowing yourself to meet your own needs and self-sourcing your own pleasure.

    4. Foreplay products

    If the growth of the global sex toy market tells us anything (it’s expected to reach over $62 billion by 2030), it’s that the use of sex toys for more sexual satisfaction is only going to become more accepting and ubiquitous. “There [has been] such a big stigma against using sexual wellness toys to enhance pleasure, even though they play a crucial role in closing the O-gap,” Lo said. “80% of women have faked an orgasm and I think a lot of it comes down to not feeling in control of your own pleasure. Toys are a great way to take control and find what works for you.”

    Reeves explained that over the last few years, we’ve seen the sexual wellness market heavily focus on lubes, arousal oils, and all-natural alternatives to support pleasure during sexual activity. “This year I think we will see a wave of products that focus on enhancing sensuality and foreplay, helping to set the mood, connect people with their desire, and reach deeper levels of pleasure and arousal,” she predicted. “Foreplay is an essential act that often gets forgotten in the throws of passion or when the familiarity and sexual habits of a long-term relationship take hold.” Still not convinced? Using sex toys can help boost body confidence, better sleep, and relationship satisfaction, just to name a few. *Immediately adds five to cart.*
    5. Sex therapy

    Sexual health is equal parts physical and mental. We seek therapy for mental and emotional health, so why not for our sexual well-being to? “People are realizing that sexual health is just as important as mental health,” explained Dr. Lee Phillips, a psychotherapist and certified sex and couples therapist. “Sexuality is a phenomenon in which biological and psychological factors intersect, so both a person’s physical condition and their psychological well-being represent interdependent cornerstones of sexual health.” Common issues can include sexual problems related to chronic illness, pain, and disabilities, unsatisfactory libido levels, orgasm difficulties, painful intercourse, sexual trauma, gender and sexual orientation concerns, and relationship issues, all of which can create shame, depression, anxiety, stress, and anger.

    The good news? There’s an app for everything, even therapy for sex and relationships. “These apps can assist those who find discussing sex awkward and serve as a means to bring up problems with their partner and resolve them in the privacy of their own homes,” Moore concluded. “Making therapy more accessible, encouraging crucial partner conversations, and fostering a better awareness of our own bodies can only result in positive things.” Look for a sex therapist in your area or download an app like Coral.
    6. Sexual mindfulness

    “Experiencing sex in a whole new way is possible when you get out of your busy mind and into your physical, emotional, and energetic bodies,” Morris affirmed. Enter: mindfulness. When you pause, become more aware of your sensations, thoughts, and feelings in the present moment, and let go of any feelings of shame, you can increase your mind-body awareness and your capacity to feel pleasure. “Breathwork is a powerful embodiment practice that sensitizes your whole system, cultivating a deeper connection with your body and deepening your feeling of safety and ability to surrender to more pleasure,” Morris continued. The result? A powerful orgasm. 
    Morris suggested taking five minutes to do a connected breath in and out through your mouth (either alone or with your partner) to get your body warmed up and quiet the mind before getting into intimacy. In the same vein, you can go the meditation route because, yes, you can meditate your way to better sex. A 2018 study found that people who meditate tend to have more sexual desire and better sexual functioning than people who don’t. Meditation decreases stress and helps you tune into your body and let go of distractions after all, leading to higher levels of sexual satisfaction. So before getting steamy between the sheets, try a guided meditation or setting an intention, then taking deep, slow breaths as you stay present and feel every sensation. 

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