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    5 Green Flags You Have Healthy Boundaries

    For years, I thought I had healthy boundaries. I’ve always been pretty good at saying no, so I figured I had it all down (because I genuinely thought that’s all a boundary was). But recently, I started to notice a pattern of irritability throughout my day, and I realized I was spending so much time cleaning up everyone else’s messes that I didn’t have time for my own. It turns out, I wasn’t setting clear boundaries at all! And how could I, when I didn’t even have clarity around the strategies that would meet my needs for support? It got me thinking: how many of us are actually tuned into our boundaries? How many of us know what it feels like when our boundaries are set and working properly? So I decided to reach out to Elisabeth T. Lilja, a licensed therapist based in Salt Lake City who specializes in trauma, to shed some light on what healthy boundaries look like and how to know if you have them in place.

    Meet the expert
    Elisabeth T. Lilja, LCSW MSW RYT
    Lilja is a therapist and private practice owner of Salt City Therapy based in Salt Lake City, Utah. She specializes in trauma and helping people strengthen their relationship with their body and self-trust.

    What is a healthy boundary, anyway?
    Boundaries are more than just saying “no” to the things that don’t serve you (although that is a healthy component as you’ll read about soon). Lilja defined boundaries as “the needs, limits, and rules we set for ourselves.” That means you understand where your limits are, but you also understand what your needs are—and you’re able to create strategies (rules) to meet them. “Healthy boundaries within relationships are often informed by a healthy boundary relationship with ourselves,” Lilja said. “In relationships, we may look at healthy boundaries as created with connection over protection in mind.”
    Lilja reminded me that there will be times when protective boundaries in relationships are necessary, but a signal that your boundaries are serving you both is when they help build a sense of connection with one another. You are both clear on what you need, you know each other’s limits, and you respect each other’s rules.
    So now that we have a working definition of a healthy boundary down, let’s dive into the signs that you—and those you have a relationship with—are, in fact, working those boundaries the right way.
    Green Flags You Have Healthy Boundaries

    1. Your “no” is respected
    When you’re clear on what’s a “no” for you and you respect and support that “no,” that’s a healthy boundary you’ve created for yourself. And when the people in your life respect it too, that’s a healthy relationship boundary. Keep in mind, “respect” doesn’t necessarily mean no questions asked. The people in your life may still ask for clarification around your “no.” “What this means is we aren’t pushed, bullied, or manipulated into a ‘yes,’” Lilja clarified.
    When someone else has opinions surrounding your “no,” (which can often happen) it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t respect it. “How these feelings are communicated and responded to can indicate the health of our relationships,” Lilja explained. If you are able to hold space for someone else’s feelings about your “no” while still feeling grounded in clarity around your “no,” that’s a major green flag that your boundaries are in the healthy zone.

    2. You engage in conflict with curiosity
    You’re showcasing healthy boundaries when you “are able to be in respectful, healthy conflict that doesn’t move into name-calling, abuse, manipulation, or harmful actions like stonewalling,” Lilja said. And one way to avoid participating in those behaviors is by engaging in curiosity. “Curiosity is a way we can establish healthy relating,” Lilja explained. When you’re curious about the other person’s experience, you’re less likely to make assumptions about their experience that would lead to blaming or shaming. 
    Some questions Lilja offered to check in with yourself about whether or not you’re engaging with curiosity were: “Am I inviting room for clarification over conclusions, assumptions, and defensiveness? Am I asking questions to seek clarification? Am I aware and able to communicate in a respectful way what I am feeling or experiencing and may need?” When you engage with curiosity, it gives you space to feel confident about your own boundaries while respecting the boundaries of another.

    3. You can express your needs and boundaries clearly
    “Needs, or boundary expression, indicates that we are able to advocate for ourselves, that we value our worth and getting [our] needs met in a relational space,” Lilja said. In other words, you know your boundaries are in a healthy zone when you feel safe expressing what you need. When you’re grounded in what you need because you know it’s what’s best for you, it’s a lot easier to feel confident in the ask, even when it can’t be met in the moment.
    “Again, this doesn’t mean that understanding and clarification can’t be wanted around the need or boundary expressed, or that the boundary or need will always be able to be met,” Lilja stated. “Rather, there is space for you to have and express your boundaries. And for persons you are in a relationship with to have the same.”

    4. Repair is important to you
    Even in the most well-meaning relationships, boundaries get crossed. “Ruptures happen in relationships—yes, even healthy ones,” Lilja said. When you prioritize repair after one of those ruptures, you’re setting yourself up for healthy boundaries in the future. Think of it as healthy boundary maintenance.
    According to Lilja, repair looks like learning how to extend an apology (this isn’t just saying the words, “I’m sorry”), taking accountability for how you might have harmed someone, and acknowledging what you will try to do differently in the future. “Repair is a critical part of a secure relationship and healthy relating,” she said. “It’s a good sign if you and someone else can seek repair in a relationship.”

    5. You’re consistent in your follow-through
    Something that’s always stuck with me is the concept that healing requires time and evidence. When you receive consistent proof that something is serving you over a period of time, you begin to believe in it. You start to feel safer in your experience. In the context of boundaries, Lilja noted that consistency is when we do what we say we are going to do. And if something needs to shift, we communicate.
    Having the experience of predictable follow-through builds and maintains a sense of trust that our boundaries will be consistently respected. “While it may not seem like it, follow-through is us upholding a boundary with ourselves,” she said. “Practicing boundaries with ourselves can lead to establishing, upholding, and maintaining boundaries with others.”

    Expert Tips To Help Strengthen Your Boundary Skills

    1. Notice when you are saying “yes” when you mean “no” 
    “Part of learning to find our ‘no’ is understanding why we might be saying ‘yes’ to something we want to say no to,” Lilja said. Getting to the bottom of what’s stopping you can help you shift out of this pattern. “A practice for this is to notice what belief may be coming up for you when you aren’t honoring a ‘no.’” For example, ask yourself what would happen if you said no. Are you worried the other person would feel let down, disappointed in you, hurt, or like you less? Maybe you feel unworthy to set that boundary?
    Then ask yourself if the outcome you anticipate is the outcome that would actually happen IRL. “While [your] feeling or belief is real, is it true?” Lilja asked. “Are there times you have said no and what you fear might not have happened? It can be scary to gather different information, and this is something the body needs to start to make changes.”

    2. Learn how to apologize and repair
    Having healthy boundaries is not just about setting our own boundaries, but respecting the boundaries of the other person. And a key piece of respecting others’ boundaries is apologizing when we (inevitably) cross a boundary. “This can be incredibly challenging for many reasons,” Lilja empathized. “Repairing is also something that can get easier with practice.” Also, apologizing is always important, even if you didn’t have bad intentions or didn’t mean to hurt someone. An apology invites empathy, or acknowledgment that the other person’s experience is real. 
    If you’re curious what an actual apology looks like, Lilja offered phrases you can use below, which she calls the anatomy of an apology. Each one is important when you’re genuinely apologizing and attempting to repair.

    I am sorry for…: The “for” is important here. Name what you are repairing or apologizing for. Think of this as the why. Why are you apologizing? This is how you take accountability for your actions.
    I could have done things differently by… or Moving forward I will…: This shows that you not only understand what you’re apologizing for, but you know how to change your actions moving forward. This is critical for repairing the relationship in the future.
    How are you feeling? or What do you need to feel better about this?: Checking in allows the other person the space to communicate with you what they need, and what you both can do to truly repair.

    3. Practice follow-through
    Following through with your boundaries is as simple as sticking to your promises. Do what you say you are going to do, and communicate when something needs to change. When you show up consistently for yourself, you build trust and a better understanding of which commitments are and are not serving you. Lilja suggested starting small, like making one promise to yourself that you can follow through with on a daily basis. This might look like a morning or nightly ritual (think: journaling or meditating) or setting a time to finish something on your to-do list. Notice how you feel when it’s time to follow through with something, and how it feels to actually do it. “Keeping track of your follow-through can be helpful,” Lilja said. “If you don’t follow through on what you have selected, what happened? What is this telling you? Are you noticing a pattern?” All of this information can help guide you to shift your habits toward more consistent follow-through.

    4. Seek therapy
    If you’re looking for extra support as you flex these skills, therapy is an excellent way to practice with a third party. “Therapy can be a wonderful way to learn how to strengthen boundaries with ourselves and others—creating the space to be curious about what we learned about being in a relationship with ourselves and others,” Lilja confirmed. It can also be a safe place for you and a partner to practice engaging in healthy boundaries with each other to ensure you’re setting up a framework that will support you for years to come.

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    The Trendy New Supplement Everyone’s Taking About for Insane Health Benefits

    There’s no denying that collagen has been riding a wave of popularity over the last few years, but a new supplement that’s hit the wellness scene is giving it a run for its money. Cue the drum roll, please… Introducing colostrum, the superfood that protects and strengthens your body’s defenses, guarding against infections, inflammation, everyday toxins, allergens, and processed ingredients (sounds pretty magical, if you ask me). 
    While you may know of colostrum in the context of the nourishment given to newborns by their mothers, we’re honing in on the bovine variety that delivers benefits adults can get in on—from improving gut health to enhancing athletic performance (stay tuned for more health perks). Read on to find out what doctors and dietitians have to say about what colostrum is, its benefits, and how often it should be taken to get the most out of it. 

    In this article

    What is Colostrum?
    Often referred to as “liquid gold” for its health benefits and nutritional value, “colostrum is a natural superfood produced by all mammals in the first 48-72 hours after giving birth,” explained Dr. Sarah Rahal, MD, a board-certified neurologist and the CEO and Founder of ARMRA. “It’s the first nutrition we receive in life and contains 200+ essential nutrients, like antibodies, prebiotics, peptides, amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, and other natural immune factors, that our bodies need to thrive and work synergistically to enhance all facets of health. For 300 million years, colostrum has served the vital function of protecting and strengthening the mucosal barriers—a barrier of protection lining your mouth, sinuses, lungs, and gut—by creating a tight seal around them, blocking modern-day threats like air pollutants, agricultural pesticides, and chemicals in our food, water, home, body products, medications, and processed food ingredients.”
    So what’s the difference between human and bovine colostrum? Dr. Rahal explained that human and bovine colostrum (which, FYI, usually come from cows) are highly similar in terms of their bioactive components. Translation: They’re both packed with vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, disease-fighting proteins, growth hormones, and digestive enzymes that give our bodies a boost in preventing disease. However, because of the differences in physiology between the species, there are key differences in the relative amounts/concentrations of nutrients. “For example, there are different ratios of prebiotics, which serve to optimize the growth of different species’ microbiomes, in human versus bovine colostrum,” Dr. Rahal conveyed.
    In supplement form, bovine colostrum is pasteurized and dried into capsules or powders that can be mixed with liquids, such as coffee or smoothies. And research shows that taking bovine colostrum supplements may promote immunity, help fight infections, and improve gut health throughout life, according to Healthline. 
    What Are the Benefits?

    Supports immunity
    Cold and flu season or not, reducing your chances of coming down with the sniffles or a virus is a win. Enter: colostrum. “Colostrum works by strengthening the immune barriers along the entire inside surface of the body, our first line of defense against everything inhaled and ingested from the outside world,” Dr. Rahal explained. “This creates a tight seal that guards against the everyday environmental toxins and pollutants that can threaten health and drive inflammation, the underlying root of almost all modern diseases.”
    Mary Sabat MS, RDN, LD, a nutritionist and ACE-certified trainer, also revealed that colostrum contains high levels of antibodies, immunoglobulins, and other immune-enhancing substances that can help fight off infections and reduce the severity of allergies.

    Fortifies gut health
    Real talk: Digestive discomfort is all-too-common (looking at you, belly bloat) and can be a real party pooper (pun intended). The good news? Colostrum could be the answer to a happy gut. “Colostrum contains growth factors and bioactive compounds that can promote the growth and repair of the intestinal lining,” Sabat stated. But the gut goodness doesn’t stop there. Katherine Gomez, a registered dietitian, cited that colostrum may encourage the growth of healthy gut bacteria, enhance gut barrier function, and aid digestion and nutrient absorption. 

    Fuels athletic performance
    Could colostrum be the new pre-workout to give you an edge in your workouts? “Some studies suggest that colostrum supplementation in adult athletes may enhance exercise performance, increase lean muscle mass, and support post-exercise recovery,” Sabat affirmed. “It contains factors like growth factors, amino acids, and cytokines that may contribute to these effects.” Consider the 25-7-2 StairMaster Workout crushed. 

    Promotes anti-aging 
    If the Hailey Bieber glow is something you’re after (who isn’t?), colostrum may be the beauty holy grail. “Colostrum includes a variety of antioxidants and growth factors that may have anti-aging properties that could help minimize oxidative stress and enhance tissue repair and regeneration,” Gomez noted. Hello, radiance and skin plumpness. Goodbye, fine lines and wrinkles. 

    Reduces inflammation
    PSA: Chronic inflammation is the invisible culprit of many health woes (think: diseases, gastrointestinal issues, depression, and anxiety). The silver lining is that colostrum is particularly high in lactoferrin, AKA a powerful inflammation moderator that rises in our bodies during times of increased inflammation. “Colostrum contains anti-inflammatory substances, including cytokines and growth factors, which may help reduce inflammation in the body,” Sabat echoed. “This could potentially benefit adults with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.”

    What Dosage Is Right For Me?
    As with most (if not all) supplements, the recommended dosage and frequency of colostrum intake for adults can vary depending on factors such as the specific product, individual needs, and health goals, Sabat voiced. “The dosage recommendations may range from a few grams to several grams per day,” she continued. “It’s important to start with the lower end of the dosage range and gradually increase as needed. Some individuals may benefit from taking colostrum daily, while others may find periodic use or cycling more appropriate.” For that reason, consult your doctor on the best course of action for you. 
    The main takeaway? Because colostrum supplements can differ in composition and quality, look for reputable brands that source colostrum from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows or other mammals that are free from antibiotics and artificial growth hormones.

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    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

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    A Registered Dietician Swears by “The Sleepy Girl Mocktail”–Here’s Why You Should Try It Too

    If you’re struggling to get more shut-eye at night, you’re not alone. According to the Casper-Gallup State of Sleep in America 2022 Report, one in three American adults (about 84 million people) describe their sleep as “fair” or “poor.” It’s no secret that sleep is important, and we’ll try any and all hacks to make sure we get enough of it. Enter the Sleepy Girl Mocktail. Created to send you into a deep slumber, this buzzy wellness drink has taken over TikTok. But the real question is: does it work? As a registered dietitian, I’m always interested in ingredients, so I took a deep dive into the mocktail to see if it can actually grant you those coveted eight hours of sleep. Keep reading to find out what you need to know before mixing it up for yourself. 

    What Is the “Sleepy Girl Mocktail?”
    Maybe you’ve already seen the viral video, but if you haven’t, I’ve got you covered. Createdx by TikToker Gracie Norton, she shares that combining tart cherry juice and magnesium is a “match made in heaven for good sleep.” Here’s how to make the mocktail: Combine one teaspoon of Moon Juice’s Magnesium-Om and a cup of Lakewood Organic Tart Cherry Juice in a glass, then froth them together with a handheld frother, we recommend this one. Transfer the mixture to a wine glass filled with ice and top it off with a splash of Lemon Lime OLIPOP. The result is a great-tasting, fizzy drink that aids in sleep.

    Will It Help You Get Better Sleep?
    Short answer: Maybe. Magnesium can help activate neurotransmitters that aid in relaxing your body for a good night’s rest. Additionally, some research has shown that magnesium may help reduce insomnia in older adults. When it comes to using a magnesium supplement for your own Sleepy Girl Mocktail, make sure you’re choosing the right kind. There are different types of magnesium, which have different side effects. Magnesium glycinate can aid in sleep, whereas magnesium oxide is used as a stool softener, so it’s best to opt for magnesium glycinate if your goal is better sleep. 
    Tart cherries contain two sleep-inducing components: tryptophan and melatonin. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps the body produce the hormone melatonin, and melatonin is secreted in the body when it is time to transition to sleep. Additionally, tryptophan enables the production of serotonin, which allows us to relax. Bottom line: Cherry juice is a great choice for a nightcap.
    While OLIPOP doesn’t have any additional benefits for sleep, it does include a great nutrient profile with nine grams of prebiotic fiber, making it a notable choice for digestive health. It also comes in a ton of yummy flavors and adds a little fizz and fun to the mocktail.

    Final Thoughts 
    There are a few things to keep in mind before implementing the Sleepy Girl Mocktail into your regular nighttime routine. As with all health and wellness trends, it is not one-size-fits-all. What works for some may not work for everyone. And if you do struggle with trouble sleeping, please consult your physician before beginning any supplements. 
    From a health standpoint, there’s certainly nothing wrong with combining the three ingredients for an evening drink, especially since there is research to back up its sleep-inducing benefits. That said, 8 oz. of tart cherry juice contains a large amount of sugar, so choose a juice that is pure tart cherry juice and be mindful of how much you pour into your glass. To avoid having a sugar spike before bed, consider drinking the mocktail 1-2 hours prior to falling asleep. This will also help prevent having to get up to use the bathroom while you’re getting those much-desired Zzzs.

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    Is Cottage Cheese the Ultimate Healthy Snack? We Analyze TikTok’s Favorite Food

    One nostalgic dairy product has had a surprising comeback thanks to #FoodTok: cottage cheese. While the trendy, versatile dairy staple once had a bad rap (you either loved it or hated it), the 252 million views on #cottagecheese say it all—#FoodTok is converting the curdled milk cynics into fanatics. Aside from its health benefits (more to come on that), TikTokers are redeeming the once-overlooked snack by transforming it into endless recipes—from mac and cheese to toast and pancakes to ice cream (yes, you read that right). But is cottage cheese in fact good for you? I asked dietitians what they think of the now-viral ingredient, plus I break down the health perks of adding it to your diet and the must-try recipes to give a whirl.  

    In this article

    Blended Cottage Cheese 101 “Blended cottage cheese is always gritty” or “I can’t get blended cottage cheese completely smooth” – As simple as it sounds – you simply need to blend it longer. 2-3 minutes should do the trick. If needed, microwave for 30-45 seconds before blending to make the process easier “Blended cottage cheese sauces always separate when I add them to pasta” – Most of the time – this is caused by 1 of 2 things. Either your pasta is way too hot, or the water content is too high. Fully strain cooked pasta, and let sit for 2-3 mins (so it isn’t extremely hot when adding sauce), then add desired amount of sauce to the warm pasta. – Avoid heating the sauce in an excessively hot pan. I recommend just adding straight from the blender without heating in a pan, and if needed microwave for 30-60 seconds BEFORE blending so that it is warm – IF the sauce does “separate” when you add to the pasta, remove from heat and let it sit for ~5 minutes. Then, stir the pasta continually and the sauce will actually re-constitute. Again, the separating issue typically is caused by excess heat or water content, but is resolved as it cools down a bit and thickens. I have countless blended cottage cheese recipes on my page – and they’re a great starting point to learn how to work with the ingredient. My favorite aspect of it is that it’s quite simply the easiest cheese sauce you can make – no sauce pan or flour needed, simply throw everything in a blender and you’re good to go. Done every time in 2 minutes or less. And of course – it also works great for “cheesecake” style desserts (which I have a few of on my page as well!) Entire batch of sauce 840 Cals 100g Protein 36g Carbs 40g Fat Makes enough for ~1 pound or 16oz of pasta! Ingredients: 450g 2% Cottage cheese 80g 2% cheddar (or cheddar of choice) 20g Parmigianno Reggiano* 30g Cheddar Powder** 150g milk Salt/Pepper to taste #blendedcottagecheese #whippedcottagecheese #cottagecheeserecipe #blendedcottagecheeserecipe #cottagecheese #cottagecheesesauce #cottagecheesepasta #stealthhealth
    ♬ Spanish Wine by Butter – Tom Walsh

    What Is Cottage Cheese?
    First, a little history lesson on cottage cheese. While it’s unclear when it made its debut (people have supposedly been eating variations of the dairy product for thousands of years), cottage cheese is believed to be the first cheese made in America. It came about as an economical way to make use of excess milk from the butter-making process. Fast forward to the 1970s when it gained popularity as the “it” diet and health food.  
    So what is cottage cheese really? “Cottage cheese is a type of cheese made from the curds of cow’s milk,” described Mary Sabat MS, RDN, LD, a nutritionist and ACE personal trainer. “The curds are formed by adding an acid or rennet to milk, causing it to coagulate and separate into curds and whey. The curds are then drained and often rinsed to remove the whey, resulting in the creation of cottage cheese.” Stroll down any dairy aisle and you’ll see that the product comes in three varieties based on its milk fat content: nonfat, reduced-fat, or full-fat. Whatever floats your boat, just beware of any with flavors—they’re likely laden with additives. 
    While cottage cheese has a mild, slightly sweet and salty flavor (making it an ideal complement to countless dishes without compromising taste or flavor), its lumpy texture is often what puts people off. If you were once apart of the won’t-touch-cottage-cheese-with-a-ten-foot-pole camp, (it’s me, hi) or you’re hesitant to jump on #FoodTok’s latest sensation, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it because there’s major FOMO to be had (spoiler: the recipes are that good). 
    What Are the Benefits?
    With the resurgence of retro food, you’ve got to wonder if there are cottage cheese benefits to back it up or whether it’s just another food fad that we’ll be saying see ya! to in a week. The final verdict? Dietitians give it a thumbs up for its high-protein, low-glycemic-index, probiotic-rich, and vitamin B-packed profile.

    It’s high in protein and other nutrients 
    “Cottage cheese is a good source of high-quality protein, containing all the essential amino acids necessary for the body,” Sabat conveyed. “Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, supporting immune function, producing enzymes and hormones, and providing a feeling of satiety.” Help yourself to a one half-cup serving of low-fat (1% milk fat) cottage cheese and you’ll rack up 14 grams of protein (more than what two eggs serve up!). BTW, to pack more protein into your diet, check out these hacks.
    Cottage cheese also provides essential nutrients like phosphorus (regulates the normal function of nerves and muscles, including the heart) and selenium (boosts immune function, improves hair and nail health, and supports a healthy thyroid) that help ensure your body systems are fine-tuned.
    It has a low glycemic index (GI)
    PSA: Following a low-GI diet may help you lose or manage weight, balance blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, decrease total cholesterol levels, and lessen the risk of diabetes and heart and blood vessel diseases. “Cottage cheese has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause spikes in blood glucose levels compared to other dairy products,” explained Edibel Quintero, a registered dietitian and medical advisor with HealthInsider.

    It can help improve gut health
    Some cottage cheese brands include fermented or live cultures (read: probiotics). Consuming probiotics, or living microorganisms that promote gut health can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, thereby improving digestion and gut function.
    It may aid in reducing inflammation and boosting energy 
    “Cottage cheese is also packed with B vitamins, especially vitamins B2 and B12,” Quintero stated. “Vitamin B2 helps with reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, whereas vitamin B12 is required for the healthy functioning of the nervous system, the formation of red blood cells, and DNA synthesis.” What’s more, vitamin B12 helps the body metabolize the food you eat into glucose, which gives you energy. Translation: The old-school provision just might give your body a leg up in maintaining tip-top shape.

    It reinforces strong bones 
    It turns out milk does do your body good. “Cottage cheese is a rich source of calcium, making it highly beneficial for maintaining stronger bones and teeth,” Quintero affirmed. For that reason, she cited that cottage cheese may be a nutritious addition to a healthy eating routine for those with osteoporosis or who want to prevent bone-related disorders.

    So, is Cottage Cheese Healthy?
    The short answer? Yes, but it also depends on your own body and lifestyle (i.e. whether you are lactose-intolerant, have a dairy allergy, or follow a vegan diet) and how the cottage cheese is made. “Whether or not cottage cheese is considered healthy depends on an individual’s dietary needs and preferences,” Sabat pointed out. “As a protein-rich food, it can be beneficial for those looking to increase their protein intake or maintain muscle mass. Of most concern is that cottage cheese is an animal-based product and should always be organic.”
    If there are other ingredients such as flavoring, additives, or other artificial preservatives present, or if it’s high in sodium, cottage cheese can quickly go from a nutrient-dense snack to a not-so-healthy option. Sabat also mentioned taking into consideration that many people have trouble digesting the sugar in dairy while some have issues with the casein in dairy being inflammatory. Bottom line: If dairy tends to give you digestive drama (ahem, bloating), it may be best to exclude cottage cheese from your grocery list. Otherwise, it can be a healthy way to stay satiated and load up on essential nutrients in all its forms: a nibble eaten solo, dip, topping, substitution, or addition to your favorite fare. Consider it a food chameleon. 
    Recipes You Need To Try
    There’s no shortage of food influencers and wellness girlies alike showing mad love for cottage cheese on #FoodTok, but don’t just take their word for it. Try these cottage cheese concoctions for yourself. 
    1. @rachlmansfield‘s Cottage Cheese Blender Pancakes

    4-ingredient COTTAGE CHEESE PANCAKES! the pancake recipe we go to over and over again and the most popular pancake recipe on my website🥞 #cottagecheese #cottagecheesepancakes #breakfastideas
    ♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show

    2. @bakedbymelissa‘s Cottage Cheese Toast 

    On repeat #food #recipe #fyp #fypシ #asmr #viral #learnontiktok #easyrecipe #tiktoktaughtme #foryou
    ♬ original sound – Baked by Melissa

    3. @dzaslavsky‘s Zucchini Cottage Cheese Lasagna

    Part 2: Zucchini Lasagna healthylasagna cottagecheese cottagecheeserecipe zucchinilasagna
    ♬ original sound – danielle

    4. @nutritionbykylie‘s Cottage Cheese Dip 

    If there’s one recipe you ever try from TikTok, let it be this one because it takes #cottagecheese #easyrecipe #highprotein #healthyrecipes #dietitian
    ♬ original sound – Kylie, MS, RD, LDN

    5. @brittanyraetoday‘s Cottage Cheese Pasta Sauce

    He’ll hate me when he finds out but at least we have an honest review of the cottage cheese pasta sauce hack!!! #highproteinrecipes #lighteneduprecipes #nutrientdense
    ♬ Call Me Maybe x Whitney Houston by DARCY STOKES – darcy stokes

    6. @feelgoodfoodie‘s Cottage Cheese Ice Cream

    Have you tried the viral #cottagecheeseicecream? There are so many fun flavor options you can do with it. What flavor should I try next? #highproteinicecream #cottagecheeserecipe IB: @lainiecooks
    ♬ original sound – Feel Good Foodie

    7. @jakecohen‘s Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough

    COTTAGE CHEESE EDIBLE COOKIE DOUGH. I’m unwell, I know, but I need a steady stream of sweets throughout the day and lots of protein so I’m actually vvvvvvvv into a few spoons of this magic whenever my sweet tooth is acting up!! Very easy! Don’t try to bake it! Hope y’all are getting swole!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Cottage Cheese Edible Cookie Dough 1 pound low-fat cottage cheese 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 cups almond flour 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder 1 cup dark chocolate chips In a blender, combine the cottage cheese, maple syrup, and vanilla, then purée until very smooth. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the almond flour and protein powder until well incorporated, then fold in the chocolate chips. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
    ♬ original sound – Jake Cohen

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    Experts Believe “Joy Snacking” Is the Key to Consistently Feeling Happier

    We’ve all felt that mood boost that comes after seemingly mundane moments: feeling the sun on your skin, taking the first sip of freshly-brewed coffee, or snuggling with your dog. It turns out the phenomenon has a name: “joy snacking.” Coined by Dr. Richard Sima, PhD, a neuroscientist and columnist at The Washington Post, joy snacking is the idea that finding and savoring everyday routine experiences is a way to sustainably cultivate a more meaningful, happier life. Could it be the secret to consistently feeling more content? Ahead, psychologists weigh in and explain what joy snacking is, the science behind joy, and how to add joy snacking to your routine. 
    What is “joy snacking?”
    It’s safe to say we’ve all got the snacking part down—but instead of your bag of popcorn, chips, or pretzels, it’s what Sima calls “joy snacks” or “nuggets of joy.” Whether it’s the smell (and taste, of course) of chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven, laughing over an inside joke with your best friend, or playing “Flowers” on repeat (or whatever your favorite song is ATM), finding and savoring little “bites of joy” in your day can do your life a major solid (read: bring major pleasure and happiness). 
    “Joy snacking is exactly what it sounds [like]—grabbing a quick ‘happy’ snack to bring you a dose of joy to keep you going throughout the day,” explained Veronica Hlivnenko, a psychologist and holistic health counselor at InPulse. “Joy snacking is not about big joyous events that usually require prepping, specific timing, or financial investments. It means finding the sources for little bursts of joy in daily life and pausing to soak them in and savor positive emotional responses and pleasant sensations they bring.” Joy snacking isn’t just about experiencing the small moments of bliss, but also recognizing their meaningfulness and appreciating the positive changes they stimulate in you. “When you bring a sense of purpose to it, joy snacking can help you develop a more sustainable presence of joy, promote a greater sense of calm and happiness, and pave your way to a more fulfilled and flourishing life,” Hlivnenko shared.
    A study published in Nature Human Behavior found that experiential appreciation is a powerful way of making life feel more meaningful. When participants were asked to recount their most meaningful experience that occurred in the past week, what stood out for the majority wasn’t a grand gesture, occasion, or accomplishment (think: going on a trip or getting a promotion), but rather, something simpler and more mundane, such as having an enjoyable conversation or being surrounded by nature.
    What’s the science behind it?
    When you experience pleasure (AKA joy snacks), your brain releases dopamine in large amounts, creating oh-so-good feelings not only in the moment, but also continuously as it motivates you to repeat the pleasurable behavior or activity. “The idea behind joy snacking is to intentionally engage in these activities regularly to increase these moments of happiness and the associated dopamine release,” affirmed Ryan Sultan, MD, a board-certified mental health physician, Clinical Director of Integrative Psych, and Research Professor at Columbia University. 
    “The science behind joy snacking is rooted in positive psychology, which emphasizes the cultivation of positive emotions and experiences,” conveyed Dr. Carly Claney, a licensed psychologist and Owner of Relational Psych. “Regularly experiencing small, positive moments can boost our overall mood and well-being, contribute to resilience, and even counteract the physiological effects of negative events.”
    Hlivnenko cited that joy is one of the most powerful emotions, resonating with humans’ core identity and pursuit of happiness. “It makes life worth living and greatly impacts our mental well-being, physical health, and longevity,” she stated. She likened joy snacks to healthy, nutritional eats as they help balance your blood sugar levels, and a positive emotional state enables you to maintain stress levels, lowering blood sugar levels and, thus, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, or hypertonicity. 
    How to find joy snacks in your life
    Finding joy starts with mindfulness and self-awareness. So look inward, tune into your feelings, and take the time to notice what genuinely brings you a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Is it biting into a peanut butter chocolate cup (or is that just me?)? Or perhaps it’s the tulips you stumbled upon on your afternoon walk? When you start pinpointing what your joy snacks are, you become more aware of them and are able to fully immerse yourself and appreciate them. And by intentionally practicing joy snacking by incorporating it into your daily routine, you’ll gradually encounter joy snacks more easily and regularly.
    “Joy is a mindset, so if you orient yourself towards it, you become more aware, and being on the lookout for it makes it easier to joy snack,” Dr. Holly Schiff, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist. “Practice an attitude of gratitude since joy and gratitude feed off each other. It can definitely take practice to get better at identifying joy snacks, but slowing down and being mindfully present and in the moment can help you better pay attention and appreciate these experiences.” Whether you put pen to paper in your gratitude journal, take a mindful walk, or engage in meditation, you’ll help shift your focus on the joy snacks in your life. 
    Other ways to find joy? “Contemplating nature is a proven and affordable joy releaser, rejuvenating your mind and senses,” Hlivnenko said. “It does not necessarily require traveling somewhere and may come in smaller, more casual forms, such as morning sunlight, a flowerbed or a lawn, a tree, a dog, a butterfly, and more—whatever comes along your way.”

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    8 Essentials You Need for Your Everything Shower

    I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m quick to hop on the latest TikTok trend. The 12-3-30 workouts, all the coastal cowgirl looks that I’ve been wearing on repeat so far this spring, the list could go on and on. When I recently came across the “everything shower” trend, I knew I had to give this one a go, too. 
    If you’re wondering what on Earth the everything shower is, 1) I’m truly honored to be the one to enlighten you and 2) your life is about to be changed for good. The everything shower is exactly what it sounds like. It isn’t your normal routine, it’s a long, deep-cleaning shower that doubles as a luxury self-care practice. It can involve as many steps as you’d like—from dry brushing to scalp massaging. 
    Now if you’re like me, this in-depth shower routine can seem a little intimidating. When I first started partaking in this ultimate self-care experience, I didn’t even know where to begin or what products to reach for. That was until I tried out Athena Club: the inspiration behind my everything shower practice.
    Athena Club is a sustainable yet affordable self-care and wellness brand that caught my attention a few months ago at Target and has had me in a chokehold ever since. They offer many high-quality, impulse-purchase-worthy products that are just as aesthetically pleasing as they are effective. (Plus, right now, we’re giving you yet another excuse to hit “add to cart” because you can snag 25% off your first Athena Club purchase on us by using code EVERYGIRL!) After using their Razor Kit, Cloud Shave Foam, Dewy Body Lotion, and Creamy Body Wash, I knew I found my starting lineup for my regimen. 

    Athena Club
    Razor Kit
    Introducing, the everything shower’s star of the show: Athena Club’s award-winning Razor Kit. A buttery smooth shave is 100% guaranteed every time with its effective, high-quality stainless steel blades and water-activated hyaluronic acid and shea butter serum strip that moisturizes and soothes with every glide.
    Get 25% off your first purchase with code EVERYGIRL!

    Athena Club’s shaving products are truly the crème de la crème of my everything shower. In honor of the silkiest, smoothest shave I’ve literally ever had, here is the rest of my head-to-toe everything shower routine to help guide yours:

    For the mood:
    I always start my everything shower by setting the vibes. I love making a real moment of it because honestly, I deserve some true self-care time (if I do say so myself). Whether you do something as simple as putting on your favorite playlist (Taylor Swift, do your thing, girl) or invest in some products that can make your bathroom an oasis, this step is crucial for making your everything shower stand out from your typical in-and-out rinse off. 

    Fresh Eucalyptus
    I can’t think of a better way to get some serious aromatherapy than by hanging some fresh eucalyptus on your shower head. (If that’s not your thing, you can also throw some shower steamers into your tub for some spa-like smells.)

    Athena Club
    Natural Wax Candle
    Then, I dim the lights and light a candle. Athena Club’s Natural Wax Candle is the one I turn to again and again for a soothing smell and ambiance.

    Waterproof Speaker
    Last, but certainly not least, I throw on some lofi music to really set the scene. JBL’s waterproof speaker is small but very mighty.

    For the body:
    Before I dive into my everything shower, I grab a dry brush and gently massage my skin—starting at my feet moving upwards and towards my heart. ICYMI: using a dry brush exfoliates and improves your skin texture while increasing blood flow and promoting lymphatic drainage. Our wellness editor swears by this step and since I’ve incorporated it into my own routine, I’ve become a forever fan.

    Dry Brush
    I personally love this one from OSEA since it’s easy to hold with its comfortable handle and wide brush head. I don’t have to worry about it slipping, sliding, or falling out of my hand.

    For the silkiest shave of my life:
    Once I hop into my shower at a modest 500 degrees, the real fun begins. After staring at the wall and contemplating life for a few minutes, I reach for one of the most effective products in my everything-shower regimen: Athena Club’s Razor Kit.
    Athena Club made razors based on how people actually shave—and it shows. When I use this little guy, it glides with me on its easy-to-hold ergonomic handle and leaves me with the closest shave. If I’m being honest, I can be a bit of a clumsy shaver so I heavily rely on the built-in skin guards and they haven’t let me down. I never get any cuts or scrapes, even on those hard-to-shave places like the knees and ankles, when I’m using this razor. When I first saw the price, I didn’t expect to be this impressed but I can honestly say it’s gained a permanent spot in my shower lineup.
    To really get the full experience, pair your Razor Kit with their Cloud Shave Foam, Dewy Body Lotion, and Creamy Body Wash that left my legs feeling smooth as can be. Plus, Athena Club just launched in Target which makes getting your fix easier than ever (or, if your vibe is a 25% off discount, head to their website and use code EVERYGIRL to get 25% off of your first purchase online).

    Athena Club
    Razor Kit
    Athena Club’s Razor Kit not only does the absolute most when it comes to shaving, but it looks beautiful hanging on its easily-accessible magnetic hook that keeps your razor in tip-top shape—without getting slimey and gross.
    Get 25% off your first purchase with code EVERYGIRL!

    For the scalp:
    Now, it’s time for one of the most underrated parts of my routine and a step I can’t believe I lived so long without—a scalp scrub. If you’re looking to remove build-up and purify your scalp and hair while giving it a good shine, adding a scalp scrub into your lineup is a great place to start. It’s as easy as one, two, three: Gently scrub this product into your scalp, wash it evenly throughout your hair, then follow it up with your normal rinse and lather with your go-to shampoo and conditioner.

    Scalp Scrub
    NEXXUS’ Clean and Pure scrub is loved by many—and for good reason. One of my favorite features is that even though it’s a deep scrub, it doesn’t contain any sulfates, parabens, or dyes so you know it works with all hair types and colors.

    For the feet:
    Every everything shower needs the full head-to-toe treatment. Using a sole smoother gives my soles a much-needed refresh by exfoliating and removing calluses. First, I soak my feet and then gently massage the bottom of my feet with the coarse side of the stick before flipping the stick to smooth. 

    Sole Smoother
    Tweezerman’s Sole Smoother is easy to hold and use with its long handle. Plus, unlike many other pedicure tools, this one is fully waterproof making it everything shower-approved.

    For the face:
    I like to keep the good vibes going even after I turn off my shower head. I always wrap up my everything shower practice by applying my favorite overnight face mask to help lock in moisture and set myself up for a glow that keeps on giving. My skincare goals in life are to look like a glazed donut after I apply all of my products, and trust me, this stuff gets the job DONE. 

    Overnight Face Mask
    Laneige’s Cica Sleeping Mask has been my trusty go-to the past few months whenever I need an overnight refresh. I always wake up looking more glowy, moisturized, and hydrated than I did the day before (and it locks that hydration in for days after I used it)! Talk about a deep moisturizer.

    This post is sponsored by Athena Club, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    New Study Says Taking This Supplement Can Reverse Biological Age by a Year

    It seems that we’re always chasing the fountain of youth (not to mention, spending a pretty penny doing so)—be it an anti-aging cream, the latest cosmetic treatment, a supplement, or fashion styling hacks. But vanity aside, we all want to improve our longevity so we can live the longest, healthiest, most fulfilling life possible, right? While the jury’s still out on anti-aging creams, science says there are factors that can determine longevity.
    We actually have two ages: a chronological age determined by when you were born, and a biological age, or the age at which your body functions. And your biological age may be younger or older than the age displayed on your driver’s license. Translation: You could be 30 chronologically, but have a biological age of 24 and have a lower mortality risk. But wait, there’s more good news: A recent study suggests that by taking vitamin D, we may be able to slow down the aging process–namely reverse biological age by a year–and promote longevity. Ahead, experts break down biological age and all the details you need to know about supplementing with vitamin D. 

    In this article

    What is biological age?
    Your biological age takes into account a number of biological and physiological development factors other than just the day you were born, such as genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, and diseases. “Biological age represents the actual age of our cells, tissues, and organs, as determined by their biochemical state and function,” explained Dr. Xiaojing Yang, Group Leader of Epigenetics at myDNAge. “Our core area of focus is epigenetics, which studies how our lifestyles and environment can affect the way our genes work and express themselves. This plays a crucial role in determining your rate of biological aging and, in turn, impacts your body’s overall longevity and health span. Using specific DNA methylation biomarkers, we can calculate a person’s biological age.”
    In other words, biological age is the rate at which you’re aging physically. And your behaviors—diet, exercise, and sleep (or lack thereof)—and exposure to environmental toxins (think: air pollution and chemicals) can affect your epigenetic makeup, determining whether you take years off your biological age or increase it. The main takeaway? “What we’ve learned now is we can literally reprogram our epigenome and reverse biological age at any age,” Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading expert in functional medicine, explained via The Cut. 
    So how do you determine your biological age? The most accurate assessment is looking into your epigenetic data using DNA samples from your saliva, blood, or urine. And thanks to a new wave of companies offering at-home tests that reveal your “magic number,” it’s never been easier. For more information on testing your biological age, speak to your doctor on what testing is best for you.

    How supplementing vitamin D can affect your biological age
    Approximately 35% of adults in the United States have vitamin D deficiency, and based on a recent study, those people may be missing out on preventing accelerated aging: it found that people with low vitamin D in their blood were “biologically older” and had chromosomes (AKA the structures that organize DNA) that appeared older than people with adequate vitamin D levels (30-100 ng/mL).
    Dr. William Li, a medical doctor and New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer, explained why: “Vitamin D is responsible for many functions in the body that slow biological aging, such as lowering inflammation, preventing oxidative stress, supporting immune function, improving bone strength, and slowing the shrinking of telomeres, which are the protective caps defending our DNA. Supplementing vitamin D adds to the body’s own control of these features of biological aging, although the exact mechanism is still being researched.”

    What you need to know about supplementing with vitamin D
    What dosage should I take?
    There’s no one-size-fits-all dosage and frequency recommendation for taking vitamin D; they depend on many factors, such as your individual needs and environment. “Knowing how much vitamin D to take can be a challenge,” conveyed Dr. Arielle Levitan, a board-certified internal medicine physician. “Most of us are deficient if we do not take some vitamin D supplementation, but knowing a safe amount to take requires some expertise. Needs can vary based on factors including where you live (sun exposure matters), skin color, health conditions, and body weight.” While Dr. Levitan noted that a typical daily dose may range between 800 and 2000 IUs, it is best to determine your daily vitamin D needs by getting your levels tested and working with your physician to examine your diet, lifestyle, and health conditions.

    When should I take it?

    “Most doctors recommend taking vitamin D supplement with a meal to help the body absorb the vitamin,” Dr. Li affirmed. “Vitamin D is fat-soluble, but it’s not necessary to eat [it with] fatty food for it to be absorbed.” For that reason, look for a vitamin D supplement that contains fat (such as MCT, fish oil, etc.). While there’s no scientific evidence that proves whether taking vitamin D at night or in the morning is more effective, some reports claim supplementing with it at nighttime may interfere with sleep. Bottom line: Take vitamin D alongside a meal and make it a part of your routine consistently—whatever time of day works best for you.

    Not all types of vitamin D are created equal. “Vitamin D should always be taken in the form of vitamin D3, which is more easily used by the body than Vitamin D2,” expressed Chante Wiegand, a naturopathic doctor and director of research and development at The Synergy Company. “Vitamin D3 should also always be taken with vitamin K2 to support optimal calcium absorption and bone health. While vitamin D ensures that calcium is properly absorbed, vitamin K makes sure the calcium is integrated into our bones.” 
    Is it possible to take too much?

    When it comes to vitamin D, you can have too much of a good thing. “Most vitamin D overdoses come from taking too many supplements, not from excess sun exposure or a vitamin D-rich diet,” Dr. Yang commented. “That’s why it matters to speak with your physician to determine the right dosage to take, to prevent any side effects such as kidney damage.” 
    Wiegand pointed out that it would take consistent supplementation of vitamin D at very high amounts to reach unsafe levels, but it is possible. The signs to look out for? “Very high levels of vitamin D in your blood (greater than 375 mol/L or 150 ng/mL) can cause nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, confusion, pain, loss of appetite, dehydration, excessive urination and thirst, and kidney stones,” she explained. 

    Should anyone not take vitamin D?

    “People who have kidney disease, including kidney stones, and those who have high blood levels of calcium or phosphate should not take vitamin D,” Dr. Li attested. “Some medications including statins and the heart drug digoxin can have potential interacts with vitamin D.” 

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    Please consult a doctor before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

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    4 calming venues with sound healing classes in Dubai


    by Sarah Joseph
    15 mins ago

    With the hustle and bustle of city life here, it’s important to take a few moments and cleanse the mind.
    Based on the principles of vibration, resonance and integration of the mind and body, a sound healing session is the best way to balance the mind, body and soul.
    To heal yourself from a cellular level, sound meditation uses different frequency levels to soak in the good vibrations and let go of the bad.
    If you’re looking to embark on your wellness journey, Emirates Woman has curated the ultimate guide of sound healing classes to rejuvenate you for the week ahead.

    This wellness café and studio offers a host of calming classes, including sound healing. By making wellness easy for everyone, Paus takes visitors on a holistic healing journey through movement and spirituality. From Candlelight sound healing to sound healing for women only, these classes take everyone on a meditation journey as they bathe in the soothing vibrations of Tibetan bowls.Located at Villa 1202, Al Reef Villas, Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 2, this wellness hub is open daily from 7am to 10pm and classes start at Dhs120 for 60 minutes.
    For more information visit

    For a private one-on-one session, SEVA ensures everyone can embark on a solo sound healing journey by healing the energy flow through a 60-minute class effective for all. With a strong reset, everyone can find the inner piece. The vibration of the strings causes all thirty trillion cells of the body to resonate, to dance—forming patterns that release blockages that have prevented the cosmic pulsation to flow freely through our being. The private session is priced at Dhs700 for 60 minutes, for a complete cleanse. Everyone can choose from a host of sessions which include, Gong Sound Bath, Crystal Bowls Guided Sound Healing, Private Sound Healing Session and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Healing. Post-class, there’s access to high-quality vegan food and fresh juices for everyone to savour. Located in Jumeirah, SEVA is open daily from 8am to 10pm.
    For more information visit
    Yoga House

    This neighbourhood yoga studio promises a breathing community in the heart of Dubai. Designed as a place to connect with each other, the sound healing sessions are taken in combination with other journeys such as the cacao ceremony and more for a more impactful session. The sound of the Crystal Bowls creates a feeling of peace in a loving and compassionate way, bringing everyone back into perfect balance and harmony. The sessions start at Dhs250 and take place in both Greens and Dubai Marina.
    For more information visit
    DNA Health & Wellness

    This premium wellness centre DNA offers a range of holistic well-being classes, including evening sound healing with crystal bowls led by the expert practitioner and meditation facilitator Prem Amit. When the body’s systems become stressed or compromised certain frequencies become out of tune and everything can become affected. With sound healing, utilising various instruments and tones, the body is gently brought back to its natural state of harmony. The first session is priced at Dhs80 and each single session is later priced at Dhs125. Located at Al Manara on Al Wasl Road, Dubai Marina and Al Serkal Avenue, this clinic is open daily from 8:30am to 8pm.
    For more information visit
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    Images: Supplied & Feature Image: Pexels @magicbowls More