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    Here’s Exactly How Your Vagina Changes In Your 20s, 30s And 40s

     Though you may not be aware, vaginas go through changes along with the rest of your body. Here’s of the vagina changes over the decades from your 20s, 30s and beyond …

    Why do vaginas change?

    Through the years, your vagina changes with the rest of your body, drooping and even drying as you approach menopause. Hormonal changes influence the way your vagina looks and feels – though it’s all totally normal. Over time, you can expect a change in vulva thickness, lubrication and pelvic floor strength. Read on for the specifics of how your vagina changes with age.

    In your 20s

    Normal shrinkage

    Puberty’s over (thank goodness) and your organs have reached their adult size. Except, that is, for your labia majora – the outer “lips” that enclose the rest of your privates. Don’t be shocked to see these looking slimmer. As you age, subcutaneous fat, including that of your genitals, decreases.

    In your 30s

    The big stretch

    The uterus balloons to watermelon proportions during pregnancy – then shrinks back down within six weeks after birth. In South Africa, statistics show that the majority of births in private hospitals are conducted by C-section, sparing their vag opening similar stretching.

    Dark shadows

    The hormone shifts that come with pregnancy or ageing can cause your labia minora, the “inner” lips that encircle the clitoris and vaginal opening, to darken in colour. So you can relax if, on your next self-check, it’s like 50 shades of (mauve-ish) grey down there.

    In your 40s

    Short stuff

    Though a woman’s egg supply dwindles rapidly in her early forties, she still ovulates and (sigh) gets her period. Cycles are a bit shorter, though, and tend to peter out by age 51 – i.e. menopause. Your body puts an end to fertility five to 10 years before that.

    Deep squeeze

    Your repro organs are supported by a hammock of tendons, tissue and muscle. Extra kilos, ageing or years of high-impact workouts can loosen this pelvic floor, straining organs and causing bladder leakage or a “heavy” feeling down below. Your move: Kegel exercises! These simple moves strengthen your pelvic floor, making it healthier – and for stronger orgasms.

    Desert rescue

    Lower oestrogen levels affect the vagina’s acid-alkaline balance, which can spur inflammation – along with thinning and drying of the vaginal walls, which can cause itching, burning and redness. Silver lining: regular sex can prevent this (get on it!).

    This article was first published in More

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    7 Common Things That Make Your Vagina Smell Strange

    Why does your vagina smell and what can you do about it? Dr Christine Kriel, a qualified GP with special interests in women’s health and holistic healing, gives us all the intimate details…

    So, what should your vagina smell like?

    The way your vagina smells is highly individualised and influenced by a couple of different factors. If there is a noticeable odour – associated with symptoms like discharge, itch or burn – there’s a problem and you need to pop in on your gynae. But without these symptoms, the smell is probably perfectly normal.

    But why?

    The reason your vagina has a characteristic smell is because it secretes fluids and normal bacteria to keep your vaginal pH slightly acidic at 4.5 – this plays a role in helping your vagina stay infection-free. Here, the common things that give your vagina its unique scent…

    READ MORE: Vaginal Probiotics Are Having A Moment – But How Do They Work?

    Oestrogen lowers your vaginal pH, protecting you from infections. During the second half of your cycle up until before your period, when oestrogen is low, you might be more susceptible to infections and odour. When your cycle is irregular, you’re also more susceptible to increased pH and infections.

    2. Your diet

    Sugary foods create the perfect environment for yeast infections, causing a change in vaginal odour. (Though yeast infections themselves don’t really have a characteristic smell.) Strong-smelling foods like coffee or onions affect bodily fluids, including vaginal discharge and smell. Incredibly, there is some evidence showing that sweet-smelling foods like watermelon, celery, pineapple and apple might help with vaginal odour. Lastly, eating foods rich in probiotics – like sauerkraut, kefir or kombucha – supports your vaginal microbiome, preventing infections.

    READ MORE: All About The New Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Therapy

    FYI: Your vaginal microbiome is the environment of normal organisms found in your vagina. Their role? To protect you from an overgrowth of unwanted yeast and bacterial infections. The vaginal microbiome and your gut microbiome are connected.

    To maintain a healthy vaginal microbiome, avoid oral antibiotics as far as possible and supplement with probiotic strains lactobacillus rhamnosus (GR-1) and lactobacillus reuteri (RC-14). Avoid: feminine hygiene products used internally, vaginal douching and scented soaps – they disturb your vaginal microbiome, putting you at risk of infection. Our natural response is to think when something smells, we need to wash it, but these efforts have the opposite effect.

    3. Your pH

    Your vaginal pH should be between 3.5 and 4.5 – slightly acidic. At this pH level, your vaginal microbiome should be normal. Anything above that puts you at risk of infections and odour. So, what increases your pH? Menstrual blood and tampons, sperm, scented soaps, hot baths, vaginal douching and hormonal contraception.

    READ MORE: Pop Quiz: Do You Actually Know What’s Going On With Your Vagina?

    4. Leakage of urine/menopause

    After normal childbirth and with increased age, bladder control becomes more difficult. A cough or sneeze can cause leakage, and walking around with soiled underwear can result in unwanted odour down south. If you’re prone to this, try Kegel/pelvic floor exercises, wear a panty liner, or carry extra undies in your bag for emergencies.

    5. Personal hygiene and sweat

    This is a common cause of a musky or fried onion-like smell – but staying hydrated helps. If you’re prone to sweating, you can use feminine wipes (not inside the vagina – only on the outside folds) and change your underwear during the day. Baby powder can also help, but once again: for external use only. Lastly, hairy areas are more prone to sweat, so treat yourself to a Hollywood or laser hair removal.

    READ MORE: Vaginal Infections 101 — What You Need To Know About That Itch

    6. Sexual intercourse

    Semen has a strong ammonia smell and it can also increase your pH, putting you at risk of vaginal infections. It’s important to urinate after sex and wash properly with water after the act.

    7. Your choice of underwear

    First, make sure your underwear is clean. Washing your undies in the machine is often not enough – you need to wash them properly by hand. Tumble drying for 30 minutes also helps to get rid of bacteria. Secondly, throw the old ones out. If your undies are stained or worn with holes, get rid of them. Lastly, fabric is important. Avoid synthetics like nylon and spandex – they’re non-breathable. Rather choose cotton. More

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    Vaginal Probiotics Are Having A Moment – But How Do They Work?

    Since your algorithm knows you’re a woman, you’ve likely seen vaginal probiotics on your feeds: gummies, powders and pills that tout an end to thrush and infection. While we know vaginas are self-cleansing machines, this is one trend that could help, per experts.

    First, some background…

    “A healthy vagina has “good” bacteria in it,” says gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Daniela Krick. “This is called the vaginal flora or microbiome and is made up of many different types of bacteria, the predominant being lactobacilli.” They work to fend against microbes from outside that cause infection and microbes that reside in the vagina but multiply abnormally quickly, causing thrush or vaginosis, Dr Krick explains.

    That being said, a probiotic can help – if you have a vaginal flora imbalance. It’s made of naturally-occurring lactobacilli, the healthy bacteria in your bod. This can help restore vaginal pH and improve the body’s natural defence against infection. “Nowadays, there is increasing evidence that probiotics are effective in assisting the treatment of bacterial vaginosis,” says Dr Krick.

    Do you need vaginal probiotics?

    Maybe, say the experts, if you’re prone to bacterial vaginosis or thrush. “The thinking is that introducing more of the helpful lactobacilli might protect against that overgrowth of harmful organisms. Consequently, this can reduce recurrent infections,” says Dr Krick. “There is some evidence that women suffering from GSM (genitourinary symptoms of menopause) may benefit from vaginal probiotics in combination with traditional local oestrogen therapy.”

    Added to that, scant studies suggest that vaginal probiotics could clear out HPV infections. HPV is associated with an increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

    Ingredients to look out for

    Studies that show the positive effects of using vaginal probiotics have specific strains that are successful. So, look out for Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14, says Dr Krick. Also, there are various applications, and they all work to similar effect.

    Even so, chat with your doctor if you’re thinking of using a vaginal probiotic. “It is important to remember that all probiotics are live microorganisms which can have side effects such as allergic reactions and gastrointestinal upset,” says Dr Krick.

    Also, look for probiotic-based products that have these strains. Other products might not have the necessary ingredients that alleviate symptoms of thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

    Make sure you’re safe

    It’s important to not engage in other practices that could create an environment for infection. That includes:

    Long, soapy baths (it’s water full of bacteria)


    Using soaps to wash your lady parts. Only use water or a low-pH soap.

    And, practise safe sex

    Try these vaginal probiotics

    These probiotics contain the ingredients that have been studied and shown to produce results.

    Reuterina Femme

    These contain the right ingredients you need to flush out irritation and infection, in a capsule.

    Femina Cranberry Probiotic Capsules

    Lactose-free and vegan-friendly, this capsule delivers cranberry extract and probiotics.

    Women’s Health participates in various affiliate marketing programmes, which means we may get commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More

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    All About The New Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Therapy

    Vaginal dryness affects many women, especially women in their post-menopausal phase. The result? Less pleasurable or even painful sex and overall discomfort down there.

    According to the Women’s Health Organisation, 58% of post-menopausal women experience a lack of natural lubrication, the hallmark sign of vaginal atrophy – the thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls, often due to a decline in oestrogen. It can affect other women too, who are on medication or struggling with thyroid issues.

    “Vaginal atrophy is also very commonly seen in patients who have had cancer treatment and patients with low oestrogen.”
    Amy Knoetze, the national distributor for AQ Skin Solutions in South Africa.

    The knock-on effects include discomfort during intimacy, the loss of desire and even urinary symptoms like persistent UTIs. 

    Vaginal rejuvenation therapy is one avenue to explore if you’re struggling with vaginal atrophy, and it doesn’t have to be surgical or involve the use of hormones (in the form of hormone replacement therapy), either. For one, AQ Skin Solutions, the same brand that offers a treatment rivalling the vampire facial, uses the same growth factor technology for vaginal rejuvenation.

    The AQ Vaginal Rejuvenation System

    AQ Skin Solutions Vaginal Rejuvenation System (VRS) is a clinically proven solution for vaginal rejuvenation. Using Growth Factor technology, VRS works to relieve vaginal dryness, soothe irritation and improve elasticity. The latter can help tighten the vaginal walls in a way that may enhance intimacy as well as female arousal.

    Um, what are growth factors?

    Growth Factors are highly specialised proteins naturally produced by your body. They’re also “message carriers” with an important job to do – telling other cells to multiply, regenerate and regulate. This is why they’re so useful in skincare. They can instruct your body to do specific beneficial things, like rev up its collagen production to protect and improve your skin’s elasticity. 

    In regards to VRS, AQ Skin Solutions have used a proprietary elixir of all-natural growth factors to create a solution that isn’t just another lubricant. Instead, it helps restore your vagina’s natural lubricating ability while increasing the collagen and elastin within the walls to firm and tighten to your genetic potential.

    “It is important to note that AQ VRS performs better than hormonal treatment for vaginal rejuvenation and is a completely hormone free option,” says Amy. “Many women don’t want HRT (hormone replacement therapy) as it may pose a risk for heart disease and breast cancer so they resign themselves to the idea that a particular part of their life is over. But it doesn’t have to be – VRS is literally changing lives.”

    How it works

    “This is a discreet at-home treatment that restores the function of the vagina and resets the PH to a healthy PH,” explains Amy. The therapy comes in little tubes that are every second evening after bathing, just before bed. Within six weeks, you should see and feel results. “Because of all of the new blood supply in the area, patients often report an increase in sexual arousal and heightened sensation. This is a bonus side effect!” says Amy.

    To try out the system, get in touch with AQ Skin Solutions in South Africa via Instagram or Facebook. More

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    10 Tips To Keep Your Vagina Happy And Healthy

    You might think you know everything about keeping your lady parts in tip-top shape, but you could be wrong. From douching to ditching your annual exam, there are tonnes of common misconceptions about what you should do to maintain a healthy vagina. 

    Allow us to enlighten you…

    1. Don’t forget to use condoms with new partners.

    This should be a no-brainer, but condoms are the only effective way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), says Dr. Gokhan Anil, an OB-GYN in the Mayo Clinic Health System.

    One thing you may not have known, however: They can also help keep your vagina’s pH level steady during sex, so all the good bacteria that’s in there can stay healthy, according to a 2013 study in the journal PLoS One. 

    That’s super important since those little bacteria help prevent yeast infections, UTIs, and bacterial vaginosis. You know, just in case you needed another reason to wrap things up.

    2. Don’t blow off your gyno. 

    Although new guidelines advise against annual pelvic exams if you’re symptom-free and not pregnant (every three years for normal Pap tests), a visit to your doctor isn’t just about poking around your lady parts, says Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a clinical professor of obstetrics, gynaecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale University. “I think an annual exam is important for talking about health problems,” she adds. 

    Before you automatically switch to the three-year rule, talk it over with your doctor. Some risk factors (along with your personal and family histories) can make it so you need pelvic exams and Pap tests more frequently. 

    It’s also okay to want an annual exam, even if you don’t need one. You can use that time to chat about birth control, fertility, and STI checks.

    READ MORE: Here’s How To Have A Discussion With Your Doctor About Sex

    3. Use lube, for god’s sake. 

    It’s a major buzzkill when you hit the sheets, but it seems like your vagina didn’t get the memo. But it’s totally normal – vaginal dryness can impact you if you take certain medications like antihistamines, antidepressants, or hormonal birth control, says Minkin. It can also crop up after pregnancy or shortly before menopause. 

    When this happens, make sure you’re communicating with your partner so they don’t forge ahead before you’re properly lubricated, which is obviously painful and can cause abrasions. Or just use lube to speed up the process and make sex even hotter, says Minkin.

    4. Wear cotton undies (or go commando).

    When it comes to your underwear, your vagina has a preference: cotton. That’s why most undies come with a strip of cotton in the crotch.

    It’s all about that breathability – cotton lets air in and absorbs moisture, says Anil.

    Minkin, goes a step further, suggesting going commando when you’re hanging around the house to let things air out. One tip: Don’t go to the gym sans undies, you want that extra layer between you and germy gym equipment.

    5. Definitely don’t douche – or stop ASAP.

    That whole “your vagina is a self-cleaning oven” spiel isn’t just a funny phrase  – your vagina actually does clean itself. “The vagina already has healthy bacteria that maintain its harmony,” says Anil. “Introducing new chemicals to that can disrupt that harmony.”

    Another thing: a 2013 study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology found that using intravaginal hygiene products can put you at increased risk of infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, and STDs.Just rather don’t do it, okay?

    READ MORE: The STI Tests You Need, According To Your Exact Risk Profile

    6. Try to be a little more careful during cycling class.

    An unexpected place you might be putting your vaginal health at risk is the cycling studio. If you’rea frequent rider, you could be at risk for genital numbness, pain, and tingling (not in a good way) while cycling. 

    In fact, a study of female cyclists in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that a majority experienced these symptoms. If you love to hit up cycling studios, try wearing padded shorts and follow some form modifications to keep your vagina pain-free during your workout.

    7. Don’t overuse antibiotics.

    “Unnecessary antibiotic use can significantly reduce vaginal health,” says Anil. That’s because antibiotics don’t discriminate – they kill off both good and bacteria, which can then change the flora (i.e., the colony of healthy bacteria) in your vagina, causing yeast and other infections to grow.

    Obviously, if you have to take an antibiotic to fight infection, you shouldn’t pass up the prescription—just make sure it’s totally necessary before you start that course, says Anil.

    8. Treat sex like wiping – always go from front to back. 

    Definitely don’t go from anal to vaginal sex without changing the condom or properly cleaning off first, says Minkin. Going from backdoor to front exposes your vagina to a host of bacteria and can up your risk of infections, she adds.

    9. Skip the scented soaps for ~down there~.

    Scented body wash may be awesome, but it doesn’t belong anywhere near your genitals, says Minkin. 

    That’s because, unlike your skin, your vagina doesn’t have an extra protective layer – which means soap and other chemicals can be really drying to that sensitive skin, says Anil.

    You really only need to rinse with warm water to keep things clean down there. But if you just don’t feel right about going soap-free, stick with a plain, gentle, unscented soap, adds Minkin.

    READ MORE: 12 Reasons Why You’re Suddenly Experiencing Painful Sex

    10. Do your kegel exercises.

    FYI: Kegel exercises aren’t just another pointless thing your mom reminds you to do. Doing kegels helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, says Anil, which then helps reduce strain on your pelvic organs, and improves bladder and bowel function. Oh, and they can make your orgasms stronger, too.

    Anil recommends doing three sets of 10 kegels each day, holding each kegel for five seconds. That’s just three minutes of kegel work – totally doable.

    Words: Amber Brenza and Ashley Oerman

    *This article was originally published by Women’s Health US More

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    Vaginal Infections 101 — What You Need To Know About That Itch

    Being a woman certainly has its benefits but some aspects of womanhood are far from glamorous, in fact they are down right unpleasant. Bothersome vaginal infections are high on the list, with about a third of women being affected at some point during their lifetime.
    Gynaecologist and Lactacyd spokesperson, Dr Lizelle Nortje sheds some light on the topic.
    What Are Vaginal Infections, Exactly?
    It’s a broad term for a number of feminine conditions, the three most prevalent types are:
    • Bacterial Vaginosis (BV); presents with thin, increased, smelly (fishy odour) discharge. This is the most common cause of vaginal infections, accounting for 50% of cases.
    • Candidiasis (yeast infection commonly known as thrush); presents with white clumpy discharge and inflammation with symptoms such as itching, redness and/or burning of the intimate area.
    • Trichomoniasis (a parasite affecting both women and men, it’s a STI); presents with discoloured, smelly (fishy odour) and increased discharge as well as inflammation with redness and swelling of the vagina. It’s also the most common infection, with about 30 million infections in sub-Saharan Africa.
    It’s also quite common to have a mixed infection, which may not be identifiable by one’s discharge.
    READ MORE:  “I Tried Masturbating To Cure My Hangover — This Is What Happened”
    What Causes It?
    Well, it’s complicated; there are many factors that have an impact on our feminine health. Bacterial Vaginosis is caused by a change or imbalance in the types of bacteria normally found in the vagina. Candidiasis is caused by an overgrowth of normal fungi in the vagina and can cause more serious systemic infections in people with a compromised immune system, such as pregnant or HIV positive women.
    Some common triggers include…• Stress• Antibiotics: they destroy healthy bacteria that prevent an overgrowth of yeast.• Allergies to detergents and fabric softeners.• Hormonal changes that may be brought on by menopause, pregnancy or ovulation.• Diabetes, the condition alters the body’s sugar content and therefore the pH is altered.
    Tips to help prevent vaginal infections
    • Wash with just water, unless prescribed otherwise by your gynae. Feminine hygeine products can be scented and disrupt your natural flora.• Stay, healthy, eat well, get enough sleep and drink enough fluids.• Do not douche: it disrupts the natural balance of bacteria and fungi and alters the pH of your vagina.• Keep your intimate area clean and dry.• Wipe from front to back after urination and bowel movement.• Wear cotton underwear.• Avoid using deodorised pads and tampons.• Don’t use petroleum jelly or other oils for lubricants.• Avoid sexual intercourse until the treatment is completed and you are free of symptoms.
    Also, give your body regular breaks from tight clothing; choose natural fabrics over synthetic ones, especially when it comes to underwear; and avoid perfumed feminine sprays.
    READ MORE: Here’s EXACTLY How To Skip Your Period Every Month
    When Should You See A Doctor?
    Bacterial Vaginosis and Trichomoniasis only respond to antibiotics so you will need to pay your doctor a visit if you suspect one or the other. Pregnant women should always consult with their doctor for treatment as vaginal infections can cause complications in pregnancy if left untreated. You should also see a doctor if you have excessive pain or vomiting and fever. If the infection is recurrent you will need to see a doctor to ensure you are getting the right treatment.
    READ MORE: 5 Sex Positions You Should Finish With For An Orgasmic Grand Finale More

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    What Is Queefing — And How To Handle It Like A Pro

    Picture this: You’re in the middle of having super hot sex, totally lost in the moment, when your vagina lets out a noise that sounds suspiciously like you had too many beans for lunch.
    You just queefed, nbd. While you’ve probs experienced this kind of “vagina fart” before (and btw, probs will again), you might not know what queefing actually is. Since this definitely wasn’t covered in your sex-ed class, it’s time to set the record straight.
    What exactly is queefing?
    “We don’t devote any education to this in residency, but I tell patients it’s a very normal thing,” says Dr Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Yale Medical School. “It’s different from expelling gas from your rectum, which happens because of bacterial activity in the gut.”
    Instead, queefing is the result of a trapped pocket of air getting pushed out of your vagina. FYI: The vagina isn’t a straight tube, says Dr Minkin. It has wrinkle-like folds called “rugae,” so air could easily get trapped in there.
    READ MORE: 4 Crazy (But Totally Doable) Sex Positions To Keep Things Interesting
    Should you be worried?
    Not at all. “Queefing is of zero health consequence,” explains Dr Minkin. Slightly related, she does caution against blowing into a pregnant woman’s vagina because the air can get into her pelvic veins and create the risk of an air embolism. “You know how people get nervous when there’s an air bubble in an IV?” she explains. “It’s the same concern: What if the air gets into the vein and travels to the heart or lungs or fetus?” That sounds pretty scary, but Dr Minkin says the worry is more theoretical than practical. (Still, good to know—just in case.)
    When does queefing happen?
    It often occurs during sex, because a penis (or another penetrating object) is going in and out of the vagina, which can displace the air inside of it. “It can happen during any position and is usually fairly quick,” says Dr Minkin.
    Of course, that’s also just so happens to be the last time you’d want to rip one. A queef can also slip out during exercise, like when you’re getting into downward dog or knocking out the last set of crunches.
    READ MORE: Here’s What Could Be Causing That Pain You Feel During Sex
    Can you queef while you’re masturbating?
    Queefing is so not limited to sexual intercourse—anything that causes air to get caught in your vaginal canal, including a vibrator or other sex toy, can be a culprit, says Dr Stephanie Ros, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology and maternal-fetal medicine at the University of South Florida. “This is all about a tunnel that has no other opening,” she says. “If air gets trapped because of movement [no matter what causes it], it has to get out.”
    Do some people just queef more?
    Just like some gals seem to get all the UTIs (ugh), some women’s vaginas are just graced with a greater queef-ability (add that to your vocab). That can change with time and experiences, too. For instance, you can become more queef-inclined after childbirth or massive weight loss, says Dr Ros. “When people lose a ton of weight, and they have a lot of sagging skin, the same thing can happen in the tissues of the vagina.”
    READ MORE: 10 Signs You’re In A Narcissistic Relationship
    Are you more likely to queef in certain sex positions?
    Doggy-style fans, you’ve been warned: You’re more likely to queef in positions where your pelvis is tilted upward, says Dr Ros. But the same goes for many, many other positions. If you’re in missionary but your butt is lifted off the bed (or floor, or couch, or beach…), for example, “that would be more likely to cause air entry and, with further movement, the air comes back out and, sometimes, it makes a noise,” she says.
    In other words: Don’t even bother trying to avoid queefing. “Sex is weird, noisy, and messy,” says Dr Ros. “Just laugh and go with the moment. Don’t try to fight it.”
    How should you handle it during sex?
    And that’s exactly what you should do when—not if—it happens to you. Since there’s no mysterious secret to avoiding queefs, you might as well embrace ’em. “Just joke about it and keep going. These things happen!” concurs Dr Minkin. Remember, it’s a natural bodily function—laugh it off and get back to business.
    This article was originally published on

    READ MORE ON: Health Health Advice Vaginas More

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    Are You Ready to Make The Switch to a Menstrual Cup?

    In a world of fast fashion, palm oil and David Attenborough, I’m a typical millennial – swinging between being a vego-leaning reusable coffee cup owner and that drunk ordering chicken nuggets. But the news that the plastic in a packet of sanitary pads is equivalent to four single-use bags is sobering, even when it isn’t being delivered in Dave’s dulcet tones. Enter: the menstrual cup.
    You probably remember it as the menstruation solution that elicited the loudest chorus of ‘eww’ during sex ed. Popularised around 20 years ago, the silicone ‘cup’ is designed to sit in your vaginal canal and collect, rather than absorb, your period blood. Presented with a solution that swerves the huge environmental impact, I decide to give it a go and start with a menstrual cup.
    READ MORE: Is It Safe To Have Sex While Wearing A Menstrual Cup?
    Leaky Start
    My first impression is along the lines of ‘square peg; round hole’ – next to a tampon, it looks huge. I study diagrams before I feel confident enough to try it. The first time, I put it in too high. Since it works by forming a seal on your canal wall, this can lead to leaks. 
    I discover my error after a workout first thing and leaking all over my leggings (inserted correctly, a menstrual cup can be worn while you exercise). To be fair, the instructions specifically state not to put it in too high – it sits much lower than a tampon – and, with the help of an online tutorial, I get it right second time (I know because I can’t feel it at all). After a few bathroom checks, I feel pretty confident and leave it in all day at work, removing the need for a tampon-up-the-sleeve situation entirely. How often you empty it depends on your period – four hours for heavy, up to eight for light – and while I preferred to change it at home, it’s doable on the move – just empty it into the toilet and rinse before putting it back in. More