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    Your Easy 10K Training Plan And Tips To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks

    So, you’ve aced a 5K and now want to work toward crushing a 10K race? Well, having an easy training plan and expert-approved tips makes it SO much easier to cross that finish line.Ready to get started? This plan, designed by running coach Kim Maxwell, is for beginners so no need to feel intimidated. The plan will ease you into running a longer distance, starting with a few 15-minute long runs. Most of the weekday runs take less than 30 minutes and the longest run tops out at eight kilometres. Totally doable, right?READ MORE: The Only Half-Marathon Training Plan You Need Per Run CoachesNow that you’ve downloaded the plan, let’s decode the terms Kim uses in the programme: The easy run:Don’t focus on speed/time, rather run slowly. The aim here is to improve your fitness. If you run too hard, you’ll throw out the week’s training.The tempo run:This prepares your body to deal with sustained running at a consistently hard pace. Your pace should be challenging, but comfortable – just below race-day pace.The easy run with pick-ups:Gradually increase your pace from your easy-run speed to 90 percent of a sprint speed by the end of the prescribed interval. Think of it as a skills session. It also deters from the monotony of the easy runs and promotes good form. For four kilometres: 4 x (800m easy + 200m pick-ups). You should be at a 90 percent sprint for the last 20m of each 200m interval.The time trial:This is a race, but focus on trying to hit an even pace at each of the kilometre markers. Start out at a moderate pace and finish strong. Record your time and the weather conditions on the day so you can track your progress and always use the same route – five-kay is a good distance.The turnover drill: Turnover is the number of times your feet hit the ground per minute. The higher the number, the less time you’re spending in the air. A turnover drill means measuring this – wait until you’ve hit your stride, then count how many times your right foot touches the ground in one minute and times by two. Slow down for a bit, then go again, trying to increase the number.The long run:As the name suggests – this is your longest run of the week. Focus on completing the distance rather than speed.Looking for more running tips? Here are 11 starter tips all newbie runners need to know. More

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    Beginners 5K Running Training Plan And How To Crush It In Just 6 Weeks

    If the thought of participating in a full-fledged running race seems daunting, starting with a five-kay run can be an excellent way to build confidence and ease into the world of racing. Not only does the shorter distance sound more achievable than a 10km or longer race, but 5km runs also tend to attract a fun-loving crowd of runners who value camaraderie over competition. Follow this training plan to go from couch potato to 5km runner in 6 weeks!

    5k Training Plan

    This plan, designed by fitness guru Amy Dixon, will help you build from a walk to running 30 minutes without stopping. Do all walking and running at an intensity level that feels challenging, but comfortable. Feel free to switch the rest day, but make sure you have one full rest day each week. And don’t forget to stretch.

    Getting Started

    Now that you have the plan, let’s look at starting out with a few basic items. Choosing the right gear can help you prevent running-related injuries and ensures the support and comfort you need on your 6-week journey. On your rest days, you can browse through the WH Tech and Gear section which is packed with expert advice, reviews, products and helpful tips.

    Adidas Supernova+

    Nike Dri-FIT Fitness Swift

    Nike Women’s Dri Fit Race Run Vest

    Puma Run High Impact Ultraform Bra

    Aonijie Funky Running Hat

    Salomon 250ml/8oz 28 Soft Flask More

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    The Ultimate Training Guide For Your Gut

    On a crisp autumn afternoon, my legs whisked me along the trail. It was blissful running perfection… until it wasn’t. I felt a telltale rumble in my stomach, but the bathrooms were locked for the season. I slowed to a walk, too late. Thankfully, nobody witnessed my re-enactment of that Bridesmaids scene before I hobbled home, hopped in the shower fully clothed and promptly trashed my leggings.
    The experience might be familiar if you tend to push through long, tough workouts. After all, discomfort and surprise urges can pop up at any time. “The intensity and duration of the workout are the two important variables associated with gastrointestinal symptoms,” says Manasi Agrawal, an assistant professor of gastroenterology and a marathon runner. “When we’re exercising, blood flow tends to get shunted toward the exercising muscles and the skin for temperature regulation, and away from the GI tract. When blood flow isn’t adequate, it affects GI tract movement and its capacity to absorb nutrients.”
    High-impact activities like running tend to elicit more severe gut symptoms due to their intensity. The good news? More seasoned exercisers deal with fewer GI emergencies, which means training your tum is possible – and being intentional with your nutrition and fluid intake during workouts helps optimise performance, per research in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. These tricks from the pros will have you chasing PBs (instead of public bathrooms).
    Finally, a comprehensive training guide that’s tailored to your gut. Relief, right this way.
     If You Feel Nauseous AF…
    Queasiness and/or vomiting can be traced to multiple issues, including dehydration, mid-workout intake of hypertonic fluids (anything with a higher concentration of salt and other electrolytes than is found in normal cells and blood), going overboard on chews or gels, ingesting too much caffeine, and stress or anxiety. Given the slew of possible causes, nausea and vomiting are complex symptoms to address, says Patrick Wilson, an associate professor of exercise science and author of The Athlete’s Gut. To calm those stormy seas, Wilson recommends getting a handle on stress, changing your pre-exercise food intake and using cooling tactics while working out. Zone out with a few minutes of box breathing (inhale for two secs, hold your breath for two, exhale for two, hold for two, repeat – working up to four- or eight-sec box breaths) before a sweat. To help keep your temp regulated, dip into a tub of icy water pre-workout and have a cold beverage on hand. As for food? Try eating something different beforehand to see if that makes an immediate difference. Once you’ve landed on a pre-workout eat that works, test and re-test your nutrition plan with different workouts until you feel confident in a food match. (Do this well in advance of a race or one-off fitness event – it usually takes a few weeks to figure out.)
    If symptoms continue or worsen, check in with your doc or a gastroenterologist.
    Proactive Planning
    No gut probs? Continue to nurture a healthy microbiome so you never experience them. That means sticking to a regular sleep, bathroom and eating routine so your system remains reliable. Also, eat a diet with enough fibre (guidelines recommend 25g daily) from whole-food sources to feed gut bacteria, says exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist Stacy T. Sims. The result is a healthier, consistent GI system, with less inflammation, to support your fitness goals.  
    If Heartburn Strikes…
    Feeling the fire in the wrong spots? Reflux during exercise can mimic breathlessness or chest constriction. Higher-intensity exertion can trigger heartburn for some people. For others, it may be a result of eating high-fat foods or excessive carbs right before or during a workout. If you regularly get reflux, skip acid-increasing eats like chocolate, citrus, chilli and coffee close to exercise time. And don’t stuff yourself pre-workout. A bellyful of food will slosh around until your body can focus on digestion, says dietitian Ryan Turner.
    READ MORE: The GAPS Diet Promises To Health-ify Your Gut And Your Brain 
    If Cramps and Bloating Slow You Down…
    Cramps can stop you in your tracks and are another side effect of paused digestion while exercising; certain foods or poorly absorbed nutrients can cause excess gas production in the gut. Midsection aches can also pop up if you regularly use NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) for pain relief and recovery. Avoid heavy foods a few days before a big workout as they can slow gut movement. Bacteria ferment these items in the intestines, producing gas and the uncomfortable balloon-feels. And cut back on pill popping for every little ache. When used frequently, NSAIDs can cause more serious issues, like ulcers. Reduce your use or switch your pain reliever of choice and modify your nutrition to allow cramps to cool off. 
    If it’s Bathroom Emergencies…
    Your GI tract can only handle so much activity when you’re, say, crushing a cycling day or in the midst of a long run. Don’t overdo it beforehand on carbs (especially complex ones like grains and starchy vegies), which your gut may not be able to properly break down. When it comes to workout fuel, “Gels or drinks that have 5 to 8 per cent max of simple sugars are well tolerated… anything more concentrated can lead to extraGI distress,” says Agrawal. Find your fuel sweet spot by testing combos of easily digestible simple sugars (like glucose and fructose) and recording your post-sweat reactions. After a few weeks, if you’ve had predictable bathroom trips, Turner says, then you’ve found a trustworthy energy source.
    READ MORE: Are You Lactose-Intolerant? Here’s How To Tell If You’ve Got Dairy Issues
    Stretch for Success
    The digestive system is nicknamed the second brain, so it should come as no surprise that the mind-body benefits of yoga can also soothe the GI tract. Practising yoga lowers cortisol levels, which contributes to smooth moves all around, says Jessica Moy, a yoga teacher and physical therapist. This flow goes a step further by manually stimulating the gut to keep you regular. Do poses on both sides.
    1/ Revolved Chair 
    Look above top elbow. Hold for three to five breaths.
    2/ Seated Twist 
    Gaze in direction of rotation. Hold about one minute.
    3/ Reclined Supine Twist 
    Let the leg fall across you, and hold for three to five minutes.
    4/ Savasana 
    Lie relaxed on back for a few minutes until completely still.
    This article was first published in
    READ MORE: Follow These Steps To Change Your Gut Bacteria And Lose Weight

    READ MORE ON: Gut Issues Training Plans More