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    This No-Gym Workout Is Ideal For The Holidays

    Going away for the holidays? This travel-friendly no-gym workout routine by trainer Johno Meintjies can be done anywhere. And it does the job in just 15 minutes!

    Unlike weird carpet designs, gyms do not come standard with every hotel. So top trainer Johno Meintjies created these simple but effective workouts that you can do in any space – even small. They use only your body weight and the kind of props you would normally find in a hotel room or at home.

    The 15-minute no-gym workout

    This no-gym routine, by Meintjes, is a classic example of a travel-friendly workout. It uses only your body weight and a pair of light weights or cans to sculpt your body from top to bottom. “The most important thing about this workout is that it’s nothing new,” says Meintjes. “Everyone has done these moves, but it’s the intensity that’s the key and also getting the foundation right. If you can master the technique and then bring in the intensity with the recovery, your results will be fantastic.”

    READ MORE: Try This 30-Minute HIIT Workout At Home For A Total-Body Burn

    Do the workout

    The workout is designed into blocks, each consisting of 60 seconds’ strength work, 60 seconds’ dynamic strength work, 90 seconds’ flat-out cardio and then 30 seconds’ rest. “The recovery is important because you need to be working at maximum the whole time,” says Meintjes. The fourth and final block works differently. There are no strength moves; it’s just ninety seconds of flat-out, high-intensity cardio. “This last block is divided into divided into 30-second blasts of three different exercises,” says Meintjes. “You’ve done two of them before: squat jumps and high knees. Now we’re adding a burpee.”

    Watch a WH staff member perform the moves…

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    READ MORE: A 4-Week Home Workout Plan To Get Fit And Strong AF

    Your Moves

    BLOCK 1

    1/ Squat to Kick x 60 secondsAlternate sides each rep.2/ Running Man x 60 secondsFocus on your breathing, keep your bum down and core stable.3/ High Knees x 90 secondsGo as fast as you can.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    BLOCK 2

    1/ Lunge Pulse x 60 secondsSo 30 seconds on one side, then switch.2/ Push-up to Fly x 60 secondsAlternate arms each rep.3/ Jump Squats x 90 secondsMaintain a wide stance. Jump as high as you can.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    READ MORE: The 3 Stretches You Should Be Doing Daily

    BLOCK 3

    1/ Weighted Air Punch x 60 secondsHold light weights or identical cans in your hands.2/ Squat Pulse x 60 secondsKeep feet shoulder width and heels flat down.3/ Lateral, Wide, Deep Single-Leg Jump x 90 secondsIt’s a mouthful, but it’s really just jumping side to side. Make it as explosive as possible.4/ Rest x 30 seconds

    BLOCK 4

    1/ Squat Jumps x 30 seconds2/ High Knees x 30 seconds3/ Burpees x 30 seconds More

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    This Totally Explosive Workout Will Help You Burn Fat In No Time At All

    Want a shortcut to fat burning? Two words: progressive plyometrics. This total-body explosive workout from Shaun T, Insanity creator and author of T Is For Transformation, includes lots of jumping (the plyometric part) and builds in intensity (the progressive part) to give you great results fast.

    The routine gets harder as your body “wakes up” on a neuromuscular level. In other words, as you warm up and become more coordinated, you’re better prepared for the next move. Plyos (any explosive workout) spike your heart rate to burn serious kilojoules while activating your fast-twitch muscle fibres to improve strength. Because your upper- and lower-body muscles are working in tandem, your deep core muscles fire over time.

    The Workout

    Time: 15 MinutesEquipment: None

    Instructions: Do this circuit in order, performing each exercise for one minute before moving on without resting. After you’ve completed all four moves, rest for up to one minute, then repeat twice for three total sets. Let the fat-burning begin…

    READ MORE: Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    1. Back fly with alternating knee-up

    Stand, then jump your feet out slightly wider than your shoulders as you bring your arms out to the side to form 90-degree angles, squeezing your shoulder blades together (A). Hop on your left leg as you lift your right knee up to your torso; bring your elbows toward your thigh (B). Lower your leg; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    2. Lunge with core rotation

    Start in a lunge, with your right leg bent at 90 degrees and left leg extended behind you, and place both hands next to the inside of your right foot (A). Lift your torso as you bring your hands to shoulder height and twist to the right (B). Lower your hands to return to start; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    READ MORE: These Strength And Cross-Training Workouts Will Improve Your Running

    3. Sumo squat jump with alternating punch

    Start in a sumo squat with your feet wider than your shoulders and your toes pointed out, elbows bent and palms facing you just below your chin (A). Jump off the floor as you push your left arm directly in front of you (B), then bring your hand back toward your face to return to start. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    4. Jump lunge to squat

    Start in a lunge with your left leg in front and knees bent at 90 degrees, elbows bent (A). Jump as you switch your arms and legs, landing in a lunge with your right foot forward (B). Jump to bring your feet parallel as you lower into a squat; touch the floor (C). Step your left foot back; repeat on the other side. That’s one rep; continue alternating.

    READ MORE: A Quick Resistance Band Arm Workout You Can Do At Home

    Excerpted from the Women’s Health Little Book of 15-Minute Workouts. More

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    Do This Cardio Workout At Home To Burn Cals And Boost Your Mood

    You already know that cardio is good for you. Research has long shown that revving your heart rate regularly can keep your cells and blood sugar healthy, strengthen your ticker, boost your mood and so much more. Luckily, reaping the benefits is super simple; like, “don’t even have to leave the house” simple. Even without any equipment (or even all that much space), you can score a killer cardio workout at home with just a few moves.

    My go-to bodyweight exercises light up all of the major muscle groups and get my heart pumping. In addition to boosting cardiovascular endurance (meaning I can keep sweating for longer), they also develop agility (which is key for feeling quick and athletic) and core strength (a must-have for anyone who wants to be all-around fitter).

    Though these moves are totally beginner-friendly, make sure to keep your core engaged, back straight and to land from any jumps with bent knees, toes facing forward and ankles flexed.

    You can use these cardio moves to add a little extra intensity to any workout at the gym — or string them together to create your own home cardio workout. Depending on the rest of your workout routine, I recommend doing a DIY home cardio workout at least three times a week.

    Here’s how to turn my go-to moves into a quick (but sweaty) cardio session you can do from your living room with just a timer — and zero equipment.

    Time: 10–15 minutes

    Equipment: noneGood for: cardio, core, lower body, shouldersInstructions: Choose 3 to four exercises from the list below. Perform each for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue onto the next. Once you’ve finished all exercises, rest for 15 to 30 seconds, then repeat for 3 to 4 total rounds.

    1. Lateral High Knees

    How to: Start standing on left leg (knee slightly bent) at bottom of mat facing sideways, right leg bent with knee in line with hip, left arm straight and side and right arm bent, hand in front of chest. Step right foot out and down to the floor while picking left knee up to hip height and switching arm positions. Continue alternating feet while moving to the right for three high knees then reverse the movement to return to start. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Slow this exercise down to nail proper form before speeding up your hop-steps.

    2. Skaters

    How to: From a standing position, shift weight into left foot and reach right hand down to the floor while bending right knee to hover bent right leg behind left leg. Torso should be parallel to the floor and right arm extended straight out at shoulder height. That’s your starting position. Push through left foot to jump laterally to the right, while switching arms to land with right foot planted, left leg bent and hovering behind right and left fingers touching the ground. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: To make this move easier on your balance, tap back toes to the floor instead of hovering foot.

    3. Fast Feet With Punches

    How to: Start standing with feet slightly wider than hips, knees softly bent and arms bent with fists up at chin height. Take small, quick, alternating steps with feet while at the same time, extending arms in an alternating pattern to perform quick punches. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: To nail the coordination required for this one, start with either just the fast feet or punches.

    READ MORE: This Cardio Abs Workout Takes Only 20 Minutes But Works All Your Major Muscles

    4. Tuck Jumps

    How to: Start standing with feet under hips and elbows bent so hands are straight in front of chest, palms facing down. Engage core, squat down slightly and push off the floor with both feet to jump upwards, lifting knees to tap hands at the top of the movement. Land softly with a slight bend in knees. Continue jumping until time runs out.

    5. 180 Squat Jumps

    How to: Start in a squat position with butt back, thighs about parallel to floor, back flat and arms bent with fists up at chin height. Push through feet and extend arms and legs to jump up off the ground while turning 180 degrees to land in a squat position facing the opposite direction. Continue moving back and forth until time runs out.

    Modifications: Can’t quite jump the full 180 degrees? Break this move down into two 90-degree squat jumps in order to turn completely around instead.

    6. Reverse Lunges with Knee Drives

    How to: Start in a low lunge position with right foot forward and left back, both bent at 90 degrees, torso parallel to floor, right hand on right thigh and left arm extended, fingertips on mat. Push through right leg to take small jump up into air, lifting left knee off the floor and driving it toward chest, while swinging bent right arm forward until elbow is in line with shoulder. Reverse the movement to return to start. Perform five, then switch sides and continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Keep this one simple by skipping the jump at the top of the move and just coming up to stand and balance on right leg.

    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout

    7. Plank Knee Tucks

    How to: Start in a plank position with hands below shoulders. Push down into hands to lift hips up and back while bending left leg and pulling left knee in toward chest. Reverse the movement to return to plank position, then repeat with the other leg. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Scale this move down by skipping the knee drives and shifting just upper body and hips back.

    8. Cross Mountain Climbers

    How to: Start in a plank position with hands below shoulders. Keeping upper body stable, bend right leg and pull right knee towards left arm. Reverse the movement to return to plank position, then repeat with the other leg. Continue alternating until time runs out.

    Modifications: Keep this one slow and controlled to nail your form before speeding up your cross-body knee drives.

    9. Roll-Up Jumps

    How to: Start seated, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms extended at sides just behind butt with palms pressed into mat, fingertips facing forward. Then, roll back onto shoulders, lift hips off the mat and extend legs straight up in the air. Using momentum, roll forward, bending legs to return feet to the floor and pushing through soles to stand and jump straight up off floor, keeping arms extended at sides. Land with bent knees. That’s one rep

    READ MORE: Is It Better To Do Cardio Before Or After Weight Training?

    This article was originally published on  More

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    This Quick Workout Works Your Entire Body

    If you’re a beginner to working out and are not sure where to start, this quick all-over body burner is for you. Pressed for time? Try this. Got excuses? This is the workout! If you’re sensing a theme here, it’s one that Johannesburg-based personal trainer Sherneal Joseph wants you to pick out. No excuses – just get your workout done in 15 minutes, and you’ll be better for it. “I’ve chosen this workout because it invalidates the most common excuses I hear for people skipping a workout or not training at all,” says Sherneal.

    And you’ll work all your most important muscles, from the core to your quads and back. “Apart from challenging you, torching calories and getting those endorphins flowing,” says Sherneal, “This quick workout will promote strength and muscular endurance in all major muscle groups while elevating the heart rate for cardiovascular benefits.”

    Want in? Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest. Rest for 1 minute at the end of each complete round. Repeat for 3 rounds. Try it again the following week and see how long it takes you. You’ll up your endurance the more you go.

    15-minute quick workout

    Lunge to overhead press

    Start in a standing position, with your weights held at shoulder length. Lunge backwards, then step forward, simultaneously lifting the weights overhead. That’s one rep.

    Gorilla renegade rows

    Get onto all fours, with weight evenly distributed throughout. Now raise your knees off the ground and feel your core engage. Grip your dumbbells and lift one into a row. Switch hands and lift the other weight. That’s one rep.

    Push-up to burpee

    With your weights in your hands, get into a push-up position, legs hip-width apart. Bend into a push-up, then straighten all the way up to standing, holding your weights as you do. That’s one rep.

    Dumbbell snatch

    Let your weights be at your feet and start in the standing position. Bend down and snatch and grab one weight, then, in one fluid motion, raise the weight overhead, being sure to brace your core and keeping feet on the ground. Lower the weight back to the floor. That’s one rep.

    Overhead Russian twist

    Start in a seated position, with your legs in front of you and knees slightly bent. Pick up one weight and lift it overhead to lower on your opposite side, like a rainbow. That’s one rep.

    Watch Sherneal perform the moves here:

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    One Dumbbell, Six Moves: The Ultimate Beginner-Friendly Full-Body Workout

    Load shedding putting your fitness goals on pause lately? Well, worry no more! We’ve got the perfect dumbbell workout to keep you in shape even when the lights go out. Best part: it’s also beginner-friendly.

    Designed by local Sport Scientist and personal trainer, Andile Peyi, this routine is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and your muscles working, no matter how dimly lit the room is. With just six moves, you’ll be targeting all major muscle groups while torching those stubborn calories.

    So, grab that trusty dumbbell, put on your gear and let’s make the most out of those load shedding hours. It’s time to turn darkness into an opportunity for a killer workout. Or at least give you something to do till the lights come back on!

    Meet The Expert: Andile Peyi is a qualified Sport Scientist and personal trainer at FitFreak Training.

    “My workout videos are mostly for beginners starting their fitness journey. There is no excuse not to get it done with the videos I make. You can do it anywhere!” says Andile. And as for her favourite fitness quote? It’s obviously this one: “You have to put the work in for it to work out”. Let’s get to it then!

    Equipment: Dumbbell | Good For: Total Body

    Try This Full-Body Dumbbell Workout

    Goblet Squat

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and then hold a weight against your chest. Always keep your core engaged and pelvis tucked in, avoiding an arched back. Lower your body by bending your hips and knees while keeping your chest tall. Avoid rounding your back as you descend. Pause briefly at the bottom of the squat, then push through your heels to raise back up.

    Static Lunge

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Begin in a split squat position with one foot forward and the other foot back. Hold a weight under your chin. Then raise your back knee up and squeeze your glutes as you come up. Ensure that your core is engaged and your body is in an upright position.

    Curl + Press

    10 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in both hands. Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Start by curling the weight towards your chest while keeping your body stationary. From the curl position, slightly dip your knees to generate momentum and press the dumbbell overhead, fully extending your arms and elbows. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the curl position, then return to the starting position.

    READ MORE: Try This Tough-ish Workout To Really Build Your Strength

    Shoulder Taps

    12 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Begin in a push-up position with your core engaged and your back straight. Then tap your left hand to your right shoulder and your right hand to your left shoulder.

    In + Out

    12 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Place the weight in front of you. Start with your hands behind you, facing forward. Then slightly lean back. Bring your legs toward your chest and then push them out to each side of the weight.

    Plank Jack

    20 reps | 3 Sets

    How to: Start in a low plank position with your elbows on the ground. Ensure your core is engaged. Then jump your legs in and out without allowing your lower back to drop.

    Work Out With Andile

    Smashed this workout? Then follow Andile on Instagram for more beginner-friendly workout routines and advice. More

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    The 15-Minute Pregnancy Workout You Can Do At Home

    Joanie Johnson, certified personal trainer and founder of Fit Pregnancy Club in New York City, says these exercises are safe for most pregnant women—provided you get your doctor’s okay.

    Time: 10 Minutes | Equipment: 2-4.5 kg Dumbbell | Good For: Total Body

    Instructions: Start with a five-minute warmup to get your heart rate up (march in place, step from side to side, etc.) For each exercise move, perform the reps as directed. Then continue to the next move. Repeat entire circuit more than once for a longer workout. Finish with a five-minute cool-down and stretches.

    READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know About Working Out While Pregnant

    Pump and kegel

    How to do the exercise: Stand up straight, with your hands over your belly. Slowly inhale using your diaphragm and release your core muscles. Then, use your ab muscles to hug the baby towards your body (imagine you’re trying to zip up a pair of pants that are too tight). gently lift your pelvic floor muscles at the same time. Inhale and release your abdominals and pelvic floor muscles. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps, continue to the next move.

    Dancer’s triceps

    How to do the exercise: Stand with your feet spread out, wider than hip-width. Point your left foot away from your body, and right foot forward. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms bent, dumbbells near your shoulders. Slowly bend your left knee as far as you can, without letting your knee go past your foot. As you do, extend your right arm to the ground, then away from your body, engaging your triceps. Return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps on each side. Continue to the next move.

    Biceps Curl

    How to do the exercise: Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, palms facing forward, and keep your back straight and chest up. Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the weights toward your shoulders. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening your arms completely. That’s one rep. Perform 10 to 15 reps, continue to the next move.

    Lunge pulse with overhead press

    How to do the exercise: Stand with your left foot forward and your right foot a couple of feet behind. With a dumbbell in each hand, press your arm overhead as you drop into a lunge position. Return to start and repeat on the right side. Perform 10 reps on each side, continue to the next move.


    How to do the exercise: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in front of your chest, elbows pointing toward the floor. Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat. Lower the dumbbell to the floor at the same time. Push yourself back to start. That’s one rep. Perform 10 to 15 reps, continue to the next move.

    Side-lying leg extension

    How to do the exercise: Lie on your left side and place your left forearm on the floor. Bend your knees and stack your right leg on top of your left leg, with your left hip resting on the ground. Extend your right leg straight and behind your body. Return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 15 to 20 reps, then repeat on the other side. Continue to the next move.


    How to do the exercise: Lie on your left side and place your left forearm on the floor. Bend your knees and stack your right leg on top of your left leg, with your left hip resting on the ground. Rotate your right knee towards the ceiling, keeping your feet together. Lower your leg, keeping your hips raised throughout. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps, then repeat on the other side. Continue to the next move.

    Triceps Dip

    How to do the exercise: Sit with your hands stacked directly under your shoulders, fingers forward. Place your feet on the floor, knees bent. Keeping your arms straight, hover your butt above the ground. Bend your arms and lower your butt, stopping when you nearly reach the floor. Push yourself back up to starting position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps. Repeat entire sequence two to three times, as preferred.

    This article was originally published on  More

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    This Full-Body Bodyweight Workout Builds All The Muscle

    If you ask me, bodyweight training doesn’t get the credit it deserves. People think you can’t burn tons of calories or build muscle without any equipment — but I’m here to tell you that you can. This full-body bodyweight workout will prove it.

    First of all, bodyweight workouts give you the opportunity to really develop an awareness of your body and perfect your form, which are MUSTS if you do want to work out with weights or resistance bands at some point (and don’t want to get injured).

    The fact that you can score a full-body bodyweight workout without any equipment means that you can boost your fitness and see *very* real results whether you’re at a gym or in your bedroom. (Home workouts FTW.)

    Plus, since bodyweight workouts are easy to modify or progress, you can make little tweaks to increase every exercise’s difficulty, so you continue to sculpt and get stronger. It can be as simple as adding a jump to your split squats or switching from incline pushups to full pushups.

    I promise: As long as you feel challenged, you are building muscle.

    Need I say more? With the 20 exercise options below, you can build your perfect full-body bodyweight workout circuit — whether you want to keep it low-impact and beginner-friendly or crank up the heat and spike your heart rate with some high-intensity moves. Just make sure to incorporate upper- and lower-body movements in order to reap full-body benefits.

    Time: 20 Minutes | Equipment: Bodyweight | Good For: Total Body

    Instructions: Select four of the exercises below, including a balance of upper-body and lower-body moves. Perform each for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue onto the next, resting only as needed. When you’ve completed all four exercises, rest for 30 seconds to one minute, then repeat for three to four total rounds.

    Beginner-Friendly, Low-Intensity Moves

    1. Plank

    How to: Start kneeling at back of mat with toes tucked and butt resting on heels. Walk hands forward to an all fours position with knees under hips and wrists under shoulders. Lift knees to form one straight line from heels to head. Keep hips high and abs engaged. 

    Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    Remember, you’re doing four total moves and showing your upper and lower body equal love.) When you’ve completed all four moves, rest for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat for three to four total rounds.

    2. Deadbug

    How to: Start lying on back with arms extended straight over chest and legs lifted in the air and bent at 90-degree angles. Maintaining contact between low back and floor, brace core, then slowly and simultaneously straighten and lower right leg until heel nearly touches floor and left arm until hand nearly touches floor overhead. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the opposite side. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    3. Incline Pushup

    How to: Start in a plank position with hands on a chair, bench or step and feet on floor. Lower down, with elbows pointing 45 degrees away from body, until arms bend to 90 degrees. Then press back up. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    4. Squat to Lunge

    How to: Start start standing with feet slightly wider than shoulders, toes facing forward or slightly turned out, hands clasped in front of chest. Lower down into a squat, making sure to keep your knees from passing your toes. Rise back to stand, and then take a large step forward with your left foot and lower down into a lunge, stopping when both legs form 90-degree angles. Keep right heel high. Return to start, then repeat on the other leg. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    5. Glute Bridge

    How to: Start lying on back with legs bent, feet flat on floor, and arms by sides. Engage abs, squeeze glutes, press into heels, and raise hips toward the ceiling until body forms one line from shoulders to knees. Hold the position for two seconds before lowering to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    6. Step Up

    How to: Start standing facing a box or step. (You can skip the dumbbells!) Place left foot on the bench and right foot on the floor. Pushing through left foot, lift body up until you’re standing on top of the bench. Drive right knee up until it forms a 90-degree angle. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the other leg. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    7. Tempo Squat

    How to: Start standing with feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, arms at sides. Engage core push hips back, and bring arms forward to clasp at chest height. Begin to lower down slowly to the count of five, stopping when thighs are parallel with the floor. Press through feet to reverse the movement in one count and return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    8. Military Press

    How to: Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands extended straight overhead, palms facing forward, with biceps by ears. (Note: You can use dumbbells for an added challenge.) Keeping back straight and core engaged, slowly lower arms by sides until elbows are bent at 90 degrees. Be sure to squeeze shoulder blades together at the bottom of this movement. Return to starting position. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    9. Pushup Plus

    How to: Start lying on stomach, with legs straight, toes tucked, arms bent, elbows pointed toward the ceiling, and palms close to body in line with ribs. Engage abs, then exhale and push the floor away until arms are straight. Next, continue to push palms into the floor, spread shoulder blades wide and lift upper back toward the ceiling. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    10. Around the World

    How to: Start lying on stomach, arms extended forward, legs straight behind body, feet pointed, all four limbs, plus head and chest lifted to hover off floor. Then, circle arms out wide and back by sides, squeezing shoulder blades together. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    Advanced, High-Intensity Moves

    1. Burpee 180 Jump

    How to: Start standing in middle of mat with feet shoulder-width apart and arms by sides. Complete a burpee by squatting down to place palms flat on mat in front of toes, hopping feet back into a high plank position and lowering body down to floor, then pushing through palms to reverse the movement. As you rise to stand, hop around to face the opposite direction and then perform another burpee. Hop back around to start position. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    2. Plank Up-Down

    How to: Come down into a forearm plank with toes tucked, elbows under shoulders, and hips at the same height as shoulders. Pick up one arm and press hand into the ground toward a high, straight-arm plank; repeat the same action with the other hand to complete the transition from low plank to high. With the lead arm, lower back to forearm, then follow with the other hand. Try to keep hips still. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    3. Bulgarian Split Squat

    How to: Start standing about two feet in front of a step. (You can skip the dumbbells!) Extend left leg back and place left foot on step. Bend knees to lower body as far as you can (or until knee hovers right above the ground), keeping shoulders back and chest up. Pause, then press through right heel to return to start and repeat on other side. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    4. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

    How to: Lie on back with arms out to the side, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Keeping thighs aligned, straighten one leg so that toes point up. Squeeze glutes to lift hips evenly off the floor, then lower and repeat on other side. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    5. Hand-Release Pushups

    How to: Place hands shoulder-width apart on floor, then extend legs with feet about hip-width apart, forming a straight line from head to heels. Keeping core tight, bend elbows to lower body all the way down to the floor. At the bottom, allow torso to rest on the ground and briefly lift hands a couple centimetres off floor. Push back up to high plank. That’s one rep.

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    6. Prone Pull

    How to: Start lying face-down on floor with legs extended straight, forehead resting on a folded mat or towel, and arms bent with palms flat on floor close to ribs and elbows pointed toward ceiling. Lift palms off the floor, squeezing shoulder blades together, then extend arms straight overhead until biceps are by ears. Bend arms to bring palms back in line with chest. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    7. Bear Crawl

    How to: Start in tabletop position at the back of mat with wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, and neck neutral. Keeping elbows slightly bent and back flat, raise hips slightly to lift knees off the floor. Slowly walk hands and feet forward in an alternating pattern to the top of mat, then reverse the movement. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    8. Walk-Up Squat

    How to: Start in a kneeling position, toes tucked under, knees hip-distance apart. Bring right foot forward to a half-kneeling position. Bring left foot forward, into a low squat. Come up to standing. Return to start by lowering down to a squat and bringing right knee down first. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    9. Tricep Pushup

    How to: Start in a plank position. Lower body down a few inches, with elbows pointing toward feet and biceps close to ribs. Then press back up. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    10. Jumping Split Squat

    How to: Start in split squat with torso upright, right leg forward and left leg back (both bent at 90 degrees), left arm bent in front of chest, and right arm extended behind body. Engage abs and drive through right heel to jump up into the air with straight legs, switching arms and leg positions to land softly back into a split squat with left leg and right arm forward. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep. 

    Repeat for 30 seconds to one minute, then continue immediately to your next exercise, resting only as needed.

    This article was originally published on More

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    Feel Strong And Powerful With This Explosive 15-Minute Workout

    By Wanita Nicol, equipment sponsored by REBEL Elite Fitness
    If you’re looking to find your strength and power, that high after you’ve completed something particularly tough, look no further than this explosive 15-minute workout.
    This workout combines fat-busting movements with strengthening exercises to tone your whole body – with emphasis on the wobbly bits around your butt and legs. Perform these moves as a circuit three or four times a week. For each exercise, do all required reps without rest, rest for up to a minute, then move on to the next exercise. Once you’re done, repeat the entire circuit for a total of three rounds. As you get fitter, decrease your rest time by 10 seconds. Always start with a quick warm-up — include shoulders, wrists and legs.
    READ MORE: This 4-Week Bodyweight Challenge Is The Ultimate New Year Workout Plan
    You’ll need: a step and a medicine ball (or any weighted object that’s easy to hold)
    Watch one of our WH staffers perform the moves for this 15-minute explosive workout:
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    READ MORE: Get Strong, Shapely Legs With This Do-Anywhere Leg Workout 
    1. Step and Extend
    Stand about 30cm behind a sturdy box or step, feet hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball at your chest. Place your right foot on the box. Keeping your upper body straight, step up onto the box, straightening your right leg and extending your left leg out and back. Pressing the ball out explosively as you extend your back leg. Pause, then reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 12, then repeat on the other side.
    2. Donkey Kick
    Start in push-up position, legs extended behind you, feet together, hands under your shoulders. Keeping your legs together, brace your core and glutes, then kick both legs up simultaneously, bending your knees to bring your feet towards your butt. Try to land softly on the balls of your feet, back in the start position. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 16.Medi
    READ MORE: Tone Up The Fun Way With This Strength And Cardio Dance Workout
    3. Calf Raise
    Stand with your heels together and toes pointed out in a V shape. Slowly rise onto the balls of your feet. Hold for two seconds, then slowly return to start. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 15.
    4. Quarter-turn Squat Jump
    With feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat, arms straight down. Jump up explosively, swinging your arms overhead and rotating 90 degrees left in mid-air. As you land softly, immediately drop back into a squat. Reverse the movement to return to start. That’s one rep. Do 12 to 16.

    Wanita Nicol

    Wanita Nicol is a freelance writer and storyteller. She’s also a certified personal trainer and has been a fitness editor for more than 10 years. When she’s not trying a new workout or testing new fitness gear, she’s living her best nerd life on Instagram @TheFitNerdSA. More