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    3 experts on how to destigmatise and boldly drive mental health conversation


    by Camille Macawili
    1 hour ago

    The path to better mental health can be long, nuanced and often best approached with professional help. In lieu of World Mental Health Day, three experts share how to normalise stigmas and fearlessly drive the conversation on mental health support.

    (From L-R): Briar Jacques, Holistic Director and Co-Founder at The Free Spirit Collective; Dr Devika Mankani, Licensed Psychologist at The Hundred Wellness Centre; Dr Vassiliki Simoglou, PhD Psychodynamically-oriented Psychotherapist at Thrive Wellbeing Centre

    Learn to break free when you find yourself staying in agreement with things you don’t feel comfortable with. According to Briar Jacques, Holistic Director and Co-Founder at The Free Spirit Collective, “the reactive over-pleasing syndrome is one that is too familiar. Women can be overly sensitive to how they are perceived by others, and this can result in habitual reluctance to set healthy boundaries. Saying no is just as important as saying yes. It frees us. We only have so much energy and time. Developing conscious discernment about how we use both can feel like a radical act – because it is. The pressure on women to be ‘nice’ can be intense. Women are labelled ‘difficult’ far more quickly than men. But when the price we pay for the nice label is our own mental and physical wellbeing, we need to deeply reflect. Managing how we show up in other people’s minds is an exhausting, pointless activity. It’s also an illusion. People will think what they want, mostly based on things to do with themselves. I’m not talking about not caring how we impact the feelings of others, just how buying into the illusion of control of others’ feelings and opinions can turn into habitual, unconscious-pleasing behaviours. This often will look like saying yes reflexively and not saying how we really feel when it is uncomfortable or may cause conflict. We block ourselves from the freedom to want what we want. Consciousness is changing about this topic though. More and more I see women coming together to support each other to challenge the pleasing habit. It’s inspiring. And necessary. And is easier than we have been taught. It’s just the willingness to feel the discomfort of perceived judgment. The prize? Freedom to claim what we really, truly want.”
    Licensed Psychologist at The Hundred Wellness Centre, Dr Devika Mankani, advises “Always, always honour yourself. While recognition and praise can come from the world around you, be your own source of power. Don’t be shy to acknowledge your strengths, they are real, and they belong to you. No one can take away your power unless you allow them.”
    Mankani adds, “This sounds clichéd but when you can release the pain, stress, and resentment it can be liberating and move you forward, psychologically unencumbered. Forgiveness doesn’t condone the act or behaviour; it allows us to reclaim ourselves before the event.”
    Learn to listen and help others to help yourself. “Denounce sexism, harassment and discrimination wherever it occurs, call injustice out, speak up, and share your story, and help destigmatise. In the workplace, make sure women’s ideas are given space and airtime, celebrate each other’s accomplishments, give feedback when needed, share ideas and communicate openly. Mentor other women, support one another, find and create a platform with like-minded women around a shared interest,” shares Dr Vassiliki Simoglou, PhD Psychodynamically-oriented Psychotherapist at Thrive Wellbeing Centre
    Find comfort in your own company. The more you sit it out with your feelings, the more you recognise your triggers and understand your fears. Identifying your patterns of behaviour will allow you to manage your fight-and-flight response before it hits boiling point.
    October – The Fearlessness Issue with Chaumet  – Download Now
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    The Dubai Match Maker on the pivots that led her to build an AI-powered matchmaking app


    by Camille Macawili
    2 hours ago

    Christiana Maxion aka “The Dubai Match Maker”, on how her pivots led her to finding her path, including being the Founder of an AI-powered social matchmaking app.
    What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like, your morning routine?
    I hate to say but the first thing I do is reach for my phone. With clients all over the world and a team in all time zones, I check my phone first to see if I need to address anything critical. This is then followed by walking my toy poodle Toby in the garden then a coffee on my terrace with a view of the Burj Khalifa journaling. I journal every single day — my gratitude list, goals, and ways to contribute/ add value to others. The more you give, the more you receive.
    You’ve been fearless in changing your career – can you expand on this?
    My early studies and career were in Finance, but I changed course into Education. I had a very successful career as a curriculum coordinator, teacher trainer, school leader, and published author. I used to run a former Instagram account. I ran ‘dating in Dubai’ and what l learned from having that account was that people hated dating in Dubai and I was baffled! You can literally date the entire map here and the most incredible, ambitious people I have ever met have been living in Dubai. I’ve always been a solution seeker and took this as my next challenge to overcome… I’m going to solve dating in Dubai! With the introduction of new long-term visas, the amazing way the UAE dealt with the pandemic, and new laws promoting more freedom in dating and partnership, I decided to consult a legal team about the legalities of opening a professional matchmaking business here in Dubai. I got the green light in 2021 and opened my agency: Christiana Maxion Solutions. Only seven months into the launch of my agency, I was contacted by matchmaking giants Patti Stanger’s Millionaire’s Club and Cinqe Matchmaking to join forces to expand globally and enter into a formal partnership. This new affiliation not only marked a significant new milestone for Christiana Maxion Solutions, but also provides our clients with unlimited matchmaking opportunities across the globe, giving our clients an even greater chance of meeting “the one”.
    We work with the most sought-after HNWIs and UHNWIs in the world. Each has built empires with undeniable levels of success. Hiring a matchmaker isn’t their last resort, it’s their only option. The extreme success and high demand of my core business as a matchmaker to HNWI and UHNWI have led to the creation of my app: MAXION: Match & Meet. It is the first AI-powered social matchmaking concierge app, and a way to bring my niche services to the masses. As a first-time tech founder, there have been many highs and some lows, but entering a new world of tech forced me to learn and learn quickly! I’ve had people try to scam me, purposefully lead me down the wrong direction, and steal ideas… but I am so firm in my belief that I am going to change so many people’s lives with the connections that MAXION will create, that I have been so focused and only see success for us.
    MAXION is an AI-powered social matchmaking concierge. How can AI help in analyzing potential relationships?
    AI is a term that is now used too loosely. MAXION is using AI to master compatibility and concierge, so that all our members have to focus on is connection. I can share that our members’ feedback from their meets will curate their entire dating and social experience to help them find success. Our systems are based on the 96% success rate of my core business of matchmaking HNWIs.

    How has this been optimized to ensure the product is user-friendly?
    We are sharing our app with 500 selected beta testers. The team that built the billion-dollar app Calm, Gymshark, Marks & Spencer and many others, is now building MAXION: Match & Meet. This beta testing will ensure we can optimise the UX – we are working with both AI and real-life humans and connections here, so yes, it has to be right, and it has to provide the convenience and concierge we are promising, exactly what time-poor people need. This beta testing with founder members will be crucial for further developments. What metrics do you use to measure a successful match? There are several factors and with the app, there will be an algorithm that I can’t share publicly but I will share that feedback is super important for a successful match. The more you date, the more curated the experience becomes to find success in both your social and romantic lives. Feedback is everything!
    What are new product features that set it apart from other apps?
    Besides our unique compatibility algorithm and AI enhancements, it’s in the tagline: Match & Meet. No more ghosting, flaky daters, and swiping from an endless pool of incompatible partners. All MAXION Members are extensively verified. We are NOT a free-mium product and will ensure that all MAXION Members are of a calibre that is up to your personal standard. We advise all our members to never settle. We love picky people.
    How do you approach scaling without compromising on quality?
    MAXION: Match & Meet is a way to reach a wider audience and to create so much more connection in the region. Our extreme vetting process is still a handpicked process and our tech aides in all other aspects. For the core business of the personalised matchmaking of HNWIs, I am currently expanding my matchmaking team in UAE and UK in order to keep up with the demand for our services at Christiana Maxion Solutions.
    This is The Fearlessness Issue – what is your advice on how to fearlessly approach making real-life connections?
    Be fearless in who you are and what you bring to the table. Your successes, accomplishments, achievements, character, and values are what make you unique and special in every way. Stand firm and be proud of YOU. This will attract your ideal partner. Another bit of advice that I give to daters and entrepreneurs is to be a duck. Everything rolls off your back like water off a duck’s back. Don’t let the ups and the downs get you too low or too high and keep swimming along. Stay focused on your pursuits.
    October – The Fearlessness Issue with Chaumet  – Download Now
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