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    Hailey Bieber Is All About This Wellness Treatment—Is It Worth the Hype?

    Walk through any trendy LA neighborhood, and you’ll likely find the usual suspects: a Pilates studio, Erewhon, Lululemon, and a wellness destination complete with cryotherapy, red light therapy, an infrared sauna, and IV therapy. I get drawn in by all of the above. (I’m a wellness girl through and through.) But it wasn’t until recently that I underwent an IV therapy session after months of window shopping, doing my homework, and reading up on celebs who swear by it (read: Hailey Bieber, Kendall Jenner, and Chrissy Teigen).
    Although it’s not new to the wellness scene, IV therapy has become all the rage this year thanks to A-listers and a rise in concierge IV therapy to get in on the treatment’s touted benefits (more below). Read on for the lowdown on everything IV therapy and what happened when I tested it out for myself. 

    What is IV therapy?
    Whether you’ve seen it on Grey’s Anatomy or experienced it yourself, you’re probably already familiar with IV therapy in a hospital setting: A nurse hooks you up to a bag of fluids via a needle to administer saline or medication. IV therapy in the recreational wellness sense isn’t much different. It’s a method of infusing vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream to boost hydration, energy, immunity, or anti-aging. The wave of IV therapy as we know it today is a sought-after service served in health centers. I would describe it as “a high-end spa meets a modern doctor’s office. ”
    Feeling rundown? A vitamin B-Complex (aka B12) drip might be just what you need. Have a hangover? There’s a solution (literally) to rehydrate your body and lessen symptoms. Most clinics that offer IV drip services allow you to choose from a menu of individual drip ingredients and formulated drip blends to customize your IV based on your needs. It’s much like ordering à la carte or pre-fixe at a restaurant. The most common infusions? Vitamin B-Complex (energy-boosting), vitamin C (immune defense), glutathione (the “it” antioxidant), and NAD+ (energy and repair-enhancing, AKA Hailey and Kendall’s go-to).
    Whatever “cocktail” of nutrients you choose, fans of IV therapy say it revs up your body’s performance. Let’s just say it’s the latest wellness routine must-have, next to a lymphatic massage and journaling. But it comes with a hefty price tag: One drip session can set you back anywhere from over $100 to upwards of $1,000, depending on your location and the type of vitamins you receive.

    What are the benefits?
    Said to counteract fatigue, reduce signs of aging, and lower inflammation, it’s no wonder wellness girlies are drinking the IV therapy Kool-Aid. There are other supposed benefits of the relatively quick, albeit pricey, infusions. These include boosting the body’s natural defenses, giving your skin a youthful glow, increasing mental clarity, minimizing hangovers, and combatting jet lag.
    The difference between getting vitamins through IV therapy and oral supplements is that you absorb more nutrients. “A vitamin taken by mouth gets broken down in the stomach and digestive tract and is limited on how much can be absorbed (50%),” Dena Westphalen, PharmD, a clinical pharmacist, told Healthline. “If the vitamin is given through an IV, it’s absorbed at a much higher percentage (90%).”
    So you’re absorbing more nutrients—and absorbing them in less time—than if you were taking an oral supplement. “IV therapy is a more efficient way to resolve nutrient, fluid, or electrolyte deficiencies than oral supplementation,” explained Andrea Paul, MD, a physician and medical advisor for Illuminate Labs. “It may take days to resolve an electrolyte imbalance through oral supplementation, but the condition can be normalized in an hour or less with IV drip therapy.”

    Are there any risks?
    While the perks make IV therapy sound like a magic cure-all, take them with a grain of salt and do your research. Consult with your general practitioner about whether the service is right for you. And if you maintain a balanced, healthy diet and follow your doctor’s orders, you’re likely getting all the nutrients you need—sans needles and fancy treatments. 
    There isn’t hard evidence to prove the advantages of IV therapy, and it’s not FDA-approved. So, it’s especially important to get clearance from your doctor and proceed with caution if you get the green light. “The risks of IV drip therapy are not particularly high, but choosing the right provider is important,” advised Dr. Paul. “It’s important to ensure that the company or individual administering the IV drip therapy is medically credentialed because there are risks to this type of therapy (i.e., nerve damage is possible from improper administration of an IV).”
    There is also the risk of more severe side effects depending on the nutrients used. “For example, magnesium is an electrolyte that’s directly involved in cardiac function,” Dr. Paul warned. “If too much magnesium were administered via IV, a patient could experience heart palpitations or cardiac arrest.” If you have kidney or heart issues or venous insufficiency, Dr. Paul said you might be advised to avoid undergoing IV therapy. 

    My experience 
    I’m someone who cringes at just the sight of needles. (I have to look away whenever I get my blood drawn.) So, I never thought I would voluntarily get poked with one. But what can I say? I’ll pretty much try anything in the name of wellness. I visited Restore Hyper Wellness to get my IV drip on and see what all the hype was about. After completing some paperwork on my medical history, I met with their in-house nurse. They took my vital signs and went over the menu of vitamin infusions.
    After I virtually met with their nurse practitioner to review my medical history, I was given the thumbs up to start my IV therapy experience. I chose “The Defender,” which included glutathione, trace elements, vitamin D, lysine, vitamin C, and vitamin B-Complex. After a quick (and nearly painless) prick, I was on my way to immunity bliss. Twenty minutes into my treatment, I noticed a deep relaxation from head to toe. (The comfy set-up, complete with pillows and leg compression boots, didn’t hurt.) After an hour, my IV drip was complete. 

    Final verdict
    My final verdict: I was on the tail-end of a cold when I received “The Defender.” While I didn’t notice any difference right after the session, I woke up the next day feeling renewed and energized. The brain fog and fatigue I felt less than 24 hours ago from the bug I caught? Completely gone. Although I can’t say for sure it was the drip that escorted the unwelcome symptoms away, I’d do it all over again to speed up the recovery process—placebo or not.
    As for whether it’s worth a consistent spot in my wellness routine? For now, I’ll get my vitamin fix from food sources. I’ll prioritize keeping my body healthy with nutrients from food over depending on IV therapy. But if I was a celeb with all the treatments and money at my disposal? You bet I would get daily treatments, à la Hailey or Kendall. For the sake of wellness, of course.  

    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    Zendaya Swears by 5 Wellness Hacks—And I Tried Them All More

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    This Might Be the Secret To Improving Gut Health–We Asked an Expert

    I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease seven years ago. As you can imagine, I’ve dealt with more than my fair share of plumbing issues: stomach pain, bloating, constipation, urgency, you name it. So it should come as no surprise that I’m the first in line to try any natural remedy that promises gut health. I’ve learned the hard way that listening to your gut is more than just tapping into your intuition. When my stomach balloons, I get an eczema flare-up, or I’m on an emotional rollercoaster, I go straight to the source—my gut. If your overall health and well-being were a movie, your gut would be the leading lady. 
    When I got word that consuming green tea extract is the new holy grail to keep your gut health in check, I had to get to the bottom of it. I asked Dr. Erin Hendriks, board-certified physician and functional medicine practitioner at Salvo Health, to weigh in on the latest gut health trend. She helped break down what it is, its benefits, and how we can get in on it. Whether you’re looking to heal symptoms or keep your gut happy, read on as we spill the tea (literally). 

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Erin Hendriks
    Physician and functional medicine practitioner at Salvo Health

    In this article

    Why take green tea extract as a supplement? 
    According to a new study by the Current Developments in Nutrition, consuming one gram of green tea extract daily is proven to reduce blood sugar levels and gut inflammation. Richard Bruno, the author of the study and Professor of Human Nutrition at The Ohio State University, explained the findings of the clinical trial. “What this tells us is that within one month, we’re able to lower blood glucose in both people with metabolic syndrome and healthy people, and the lowering of blood glucose appears to be related to decreasing leaky gut and decreasing gut inflammation–regardless of health status,” Bruno explained. 
    But why take green tea extract and not pour yourself a cup of green tea? “Green tea extract likely became popular due to the ease of ingesting higher doses of polyphenols without having to drink so much liquid,” answered Dr. Hendriks. “A typical green tea extract supplement contains about 200mg of the polyphenol EGCG whereas a cup of tea only contains about 50-100mg.”

    How does green tea extract improve gut health? 
    There are wellness trends, and then there’s green tea. Green tea dates back to 206 B.C., when it was used primarily as medicine. “Green tea has been hailed for its health-promoting properties for centuries,” Dr. Hendriks shared. “The compounds [polyphenols] in green tea can lower inflammation, improve cognition, and are potent antioxidants.” 
    While I’m a sucker for new gut health trends, I take them with a grain of salt until I do my homework. Call me a nerd, but I like to know what goes on behind the scenes. Green tea extract truly seems to live up to the hype. “Green tea polyphenols specifically promote the growth of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut,” Dr. Hendriks explained. “Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid well known for its potent anti-inflammatory activity and key role in maintaining the intestinal barrier and mucosal immunity. Green tea also contains a specific type of polyphenol called epigallocatechin, or EGCG for short, which has been shown to offer protection against several cancers, including cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.”

    How can I incorporate green tea extract into my wellness routine?
    Determining what supplement form to take based on your individual needs can be overwhelming. To choose the best option for you, consult your doctor and know what your options are. “Green tea extract comes in a capsule that can be taken orally as a supplement,” stated Dr. Hendriks. “There are also beverages that contain green tea extract as an added ingredient. However, while it may seem easier to take a supplement, it is almost always better to get your nutrients from natural food sources. If you want to add green tea benefits to your wellness routine, I recommend drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day rather than taking a pill.”
    Dr. Hendriks expressed that any foods high in polyphenols can provide similar benefits to green tea. So on your next grocery run, load up on foods like artichokes, blueberries, hazelnuts, dark chocolate, and star anise. However, Dr. Hendriks also warned, “Certain products containing green tea extract may come with a hefty dose of caffeine, which can leave you feeling jittery or trigger gastrointestinal symptoms.” In other words, talk to your doctor, find the right plan for you, and always go with your gut. 
    Please consult a doctor or a mental health professional before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    A Nutritionist Swears By This Secret for Better Digestion More

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    Our Wellness Editor’s Go-To Supplements for Every Health Goal or Symptom

    As a wellness editor and holistic health coach, I consider myself well-versed in many things: plant-based eating, ancient medicinal practices, and self-love. However, the topic I get asked about most often is wellness supplements–what to take, when to take them, and what’s actually worth it. The interest in vitamins and supplements makes total sense to me: the supplement industry is confusing AF. We have countless brands, influencers, and experts telling us a magic pill is life-changing or a new powder on the market will have miraculous results. Identifying what we really need in a market filled with expensive miracle powders and magic pills is challenging.
    So, I’m sharing my supplement routine to serve as inspiration. I thoroughly research every brand, ingredient, and trendy new product and have tried countless pills, powders, and potions. (I legit have an entire closet dedicated to supplements.) The list below contains my tried-and-true, carefully selected supplements from a confusing and oversaturated industry.
    PSA: I’m not a doctor. My goal is to help you avoid spending more money on products that will collect dust on your shelves. I’m here to offer transparency on what works for me, and hopefully, you can use it as a starting point to find what works for you. Remember that every body is different. What works great for me might not work for you, and every supplement routine should be crafted with your doctor. I have my clients get lab work with their doctor to identify gaps in their nutrient and vitamin levels. From there, we add supplements based on health goals. So check with your doc, and use my go-to supplement arsenal as a starting point on your wellness journey.

    In this article

    To take every day

    Daily Softgels
    Important PSA: If you have not hopped on the CBD bandwagon to improve your focus, energy, stress relief, and even anxiousness, you are seriously missing out. CBD has made a huge difference in promoting a sense of calm and stress relief without making me sluggish so I love taking these Equilibria ones to start my mornings off on the right foot.
    Use code theeverygirl for 20% off your first order at Equilibria!

    A huge problem with the supplement industry is it’s pretty unregulated, so we don’t always know how high-quality or clean the ingredients actually are. Ritual is committed to full traceability–like you can see on the website the exact farm, source, and geographical location where each nutrient comes from. Plus, it’s more absorbable because of the tiny beads within the capsule which have a delayed release in the right part of the digestive tract that absorbs the nutrients, and has more nutrients than typical multivitamins do, like omega-3 DHA.

    Sakara is another brand that I really trust their standards of quality–I do not want any additional chemicals or toxins in my body, and if I’m spending my money, I want to make sure its something that will actually make a difference. I love these probiotics because they’re derived from totally clean, raw, plant-based ingredients and contain food cofactors to improve absorption. In addition to the targeted probiotic strains, each pill contains digestive enzymes, systemic enzymes, and prebiotic fiber to ensure the probiotic bacteria can thrive in the gut, as well as other benefits.

    Pure Synergy
    I’ve been taking a B-Complex for years as recommended by my doctor. I’m a vegetarian who eats minimal dairy, so I’m not getting a lot of B-12 from my diet, and being on the birth control pill for 10+ years has depleted my B vitamins (again, all according to my doctor!). I love this one that’s organic and made from fruits and veggies. Now that I’m transitioning off of birth control and my vitamin B levels look normal, she recommended a B-complex every other day instead of every day, and we’ll adjust based on what my lab results say in the six months–testing is everything!

    Parsley Health
    Vitamin D3 + K2
    Did you know vitamin D is one of the most common deficiencies? Especially through the fall and winter when it’s darker out and we’re not exposed to sun very often. My doctor has said that everyone can afford taking a little vitamin D through the fall and winter months, but–as always–check your levels and talk to your doctor! I love these drops because they contain vitamin K and MCT oil for optimal absorption. I just add a few drops to my morning coffee or tea and it’s the easiest way to get in any vitamin.

    Magnesium is another super common deficiency that I think most people could benefit from supplementing or asking their doctor about. My doctor put me on an additional dose of magnesium citrate before bed to ease constipation and then increased my dosage before and during my period to help with cramps (think of it as helping to relax the muscles). It has many other functions, like lung function, bone health, and helping to metabolize carbohydrates. There are different types of magnesium too, like Magnesium Glycate, which is more beneficial for stress relief, the nervous system, etc.

    Sleep Capsules
    Before Arrae came out with their Sleep capsule, I only took sleep supplements for special occasions like travel (more below) or if I couldn’t sleep. But I’m so obsessed with the Sleep capsules that I take them on a nightly basis and have the best sleep. They are not made with melatonin or like any other common sleep supplement–instead, it’s a blend of herbs (like chamomile, holy basil, and valerian root) that works with your circadian rhythm to help regulate your body’s natural sleep cycle. So it’s kind of just assisting your body to sleep better on its own, and I truly get the best sleep of my life.

    To improve digestion

    Metabolism Powder
    I will talk about this powder until I’m blue in the face because of how it’s changed my life. I’m not typically a powder person and much prefer pills because they’re easier to remember or make time to drink a powder, but this is totally different. It tastes like a luxurious hot chocolate (just add raw honey!) and is my self-care moment every day–so tasty, it’s helped me replace my coffee habit. But because of the superfood plant-based ingredients, it has also hugely helped my digestive issues like reducing bloat and healing gut lining.

    Dr. Schulze’s
    Intestinal Formula Supplement
    I have tried just about everything to relieve constipation–including prescription medication from my gastroenterologist–but no supplement or prescription has really helped besides this one. I only take one capsule every night after dinner and–not to brag–I have a bowel movement every single morning, which is kind of a miracle for me (#sorrynotsorry for the TMI). No, it doesn’t cause stomach aches or diarrhea for me, and it’s NOT a laxative–it contains herbs that help support your body’s natural detoxification system in the colon, like aloe leaf, ginger root, garlic, cayenne pepper, and senna leaf.

    Bloat Capsules
    I’ve tried a lot of digestive enzymes in my day–basically every food leaves me with painful gas, bloat, or stomach pains. These are my favorites to take after any meal because they genuinely help; I notice a major difference and I can actually eat foods I love without suffering. And–you guessed it–they’re full of good-for-you, plant ingredients from fruit and herbs like bromelain (good for speeding food breakdown), peppermint (to prevent gas), and even contains slippery elm to help protect your digestive system. If I’m eating something like broccoli that I know bothers me a little bit, I’ll just take one, but take two after a pasta and wine dinner out.

    Tomorrow’s Nutrition
    Prebiotic Fiber Supplement
    So you already know about probiotics, but PRE-biotics are just as important because they’re a type of fiber that serves as food for the good bacteria in the gut. Without prebiotics, probiotics cannot survive. I make sure to get prebiotics from food and my probiotics contain prebiotics as well, but I add a scoop of this fiber supplement to smoothies, yogurt, or coffee every few days for additional support, or daily if I feel like my gut health is struggling, like during vacation or a stressful time. I was taking inulin powder (another easy thing to look up and add to your diet!) but my doctor had me replace it with this Sunfiber because it’s a low-FODMAP option if everything triggers your gut like it did mine.

    For stress relief

    Calm Capsules
    If you can’t already tell, Arrae can do no wrong in my eyes–I am indeed a fan and daily user of every one of their products. I’ve struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, and—while there’s no quick fix for mental health—this supplement is such an important part of my mental health toolbox. Regular therapy, daily meditation, etc. help keep my anxiety at bay, but taking a Calm Capsule (with ingredients like magnesium and passionflower) is one of the few things I’ve tried that actually works when a stressful meeting is coming up, I’m getting worried while traveling, or I’m feeling extra anxious one day.

    CBD Oil Drops
    I’ve been using these CBD drops for a few years now and I think they will always be a part of my daily routine. While the Arrae Calm tablets are for occasional moments of stress, I use the Daily Drops every day for better response to stress and anxiety over time. High-quality CBD is extremely effective at helping to regulate mood and stress levels. Bonus: they can also increase focus and relieve tension.
    Use code theeverygirl for 20% off your first order at Equilibria!

    To take when under the weather

    Pique Life
    Elderberry Liposomal Vitamin C Supplement
    Historically, the second the weather starts changing, I would get colds that would last well through winter. Now, I know to take extra good care of my body to avoid the dreaded cold or to limit symptoms to get through the season feeling as good as possible. In the fall and winter, I take one of these packets every day (and double up when I start to feel a cold coming on) and I swear it makes a major difference. It contains clean ingredients with no preservatives, unlike other vitamin C sources and immunity packets, and contains added antioxidants, zinc, etc. for an extra boost and better absorption. Also, it’s like a gel consistency you eat straight instead of a powder you add to water, which I prefer because it’s way easier.

    Beekeeper’s Naturals
    Throat Spray
    There’s A LOT of power in bee products, and propolis is known as one of the greatest superfoods of the world. Containing flavonoids and polyphenols that fight free radicals, as well as vitamin C, zinc, iron, B vitamins, and lots of other antioxidants, it’s incredible for fighting of colds and boosting the immune system. I even do an extra spray when I start getting a sore throat (like after a long day of podcasting when my throat gets scratchy) and it’s immediately gone.

    Tension Relief Supplement
    Whether it’s a hangover, tension, period-related, or just general stress, this all-natural product really works to ease headaches. The herbs used are pretty fascinating, like feverfew, which helps reduce sensitivity to headache triggers, or willowbark, that promotes head comfort. It also contains a concentrated dose of magnesium glycinate as I talked about above, that is extremely helpful to help muscles and the nervous system relax, good for both tension and stress related headaches.

    To take while traveling

    Greens Supplement
    By now, I have talked approximately 10 friends and family members into hopping on the 8Greens bandwagon. My #1 can’t-live-without health product will always be whole, leafy greens (one of nature’s greatest medicine, IMO). I always aim to add greens to at least two meals a day because it makes the biggest difference in my skin, energy, digestion, immune system, etc. However, when traveling, I don’t always have access to fresh, leafy greens. Enter: 8Greens. Made with spinach, wheatgrass, kale, blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, and aloe vera, each tablet is packed with a variety of nutrients that make you feel amazing. In the form of a convenient tablet you just add to water—it’s like a DIY green juice on-the-go. I also drink 8Greens when I need an extra boost of nutrients in addition to leafy greens, like if I’m starting to get a cold or feel extra drained.

    Organic Green Tea Extract Capsules
    Dr. Christian Gonzalez (you can listen to him on Heal Thy Self Podcast) talks a lot about how the polyphenols and antioxidants in green tea (particularly a highly concentrated version like matcha) can help the body better absorb and detoxify alcohol. Now I have not checked out any other studies to back this up, so do your own research and check out his explanation/recommendations for yourself, but I do take a green tea extract supplement when on vacation (AKA when I’m drinking a lot more alcohol than usual). Do I notice an immediate difference? Not really, but I like knowing I am fueling my body with additional antioxidants. Note: You can also just drink green tea or matcha!

    Hydration Supplement
    You know when you just feel so deeply dehydrated, either from a plane, being in the sun more than usual, drinking alcohol, or just extra depleted from a long day of travel? In order to be optimally hydrated, your body doesn’t just need water–it needs electrolytes that allow your body to hang onto and absorb the water. There are a lot of electrolyte drinks and supplements out there that are full of added sugars, dyes, and toxins, so I like to add some lime juice and a pinch of Himalayan salt for natural electrolytes in my water, but I also like these packets from Cove, which are sweetened with stevia, so they have no added sugar. You’ll feel an immediate hydration, on a deeper level than you would from chugging a glass of plain water.

    Love Wellness
    Sleep Supplement
    Even going from the west coast to the east coast can totally knock off my sleep schedule (a three-hour time change makes a huge difference when trying to fall asleep at night!) so I like to travel with these capsules to help me fall asleep during nights when I know it will be difficult for me to sleep or I’m dealing with jet lag. They contain a small dose of melatonin, which lets the body know it’s time to sleep and release more melatonin, but also uses magnesium and herbs to relax the body and ease stress so you can fall asleep naturally too (and stay asleep!).

    Please consult a doctor or health professional before beginning any supplements or treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or health goal. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    10 Items Our Wellness Editor Swears Have Made the Biggest Difference in Her Life

    This post is sponsored by Equilibria, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board. More

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    What This Viral Hormone Expert Eats in a Day to Balance Hormones

    I don’t have to tell you that hormones can be a bee-och: Whether we’re on our period or not, it can feel like we’re at their beck and call. They affect everything from our emotions and mood to sexual function and sleep, after all! The good news is we can keep our hormones in check naturally (music to my ears) and live our best lives PMS-free with some simple tweaks in the kitchen. Thanks to functional nutrition and women’s hormone expert and creator of The Cycle SyncingⓇ Method, Alisa Vitti, I’ve got the holy grail of balancing hormones down to each phase of our cycles, and I’m letting you in on it. Ahead, the foods to hack your way to hormonal bliss, proving once and for all that food is medicine.

    Meet the expert
    Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP
    Alisa Vitti is a functional nutritionist and womens hormone expert, the founder of modern hormone health care company FLO Living, bestselling author of WomanCode, and creator of MyFLO, the #1 paid period app on iTunes. She has made expert appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Women’s Health, MindBodyGreen, and The Huffington Post.

    How does diet affect hormonal balance?
    Let’s face it: What we eat can make the difference between optimal health and not functioning at our best (and who doesn’t want to be their happiest and healthiest self?). When it comes to balancing those pesky hormones, your eating habits make the call. “Diet is one of the main drivers of hormonal balance—what you eat affects your insulin, cortisol, estrogen, and progesterone levels—and so any issues you are having with your hormones, skin, weight, moods, cycle are all tied to your diet and can all be improved dramatically by using food strategically to support and optimize endocrine function,” Vitti explained. 
    Vitti revealed that women have an unknown second biological clock called the Infradian Rhythm, which we experience over the course of our monthly cycles, and it affects everything from your metabolism, brain, and immune and stress response to your libido, fertility, and cycle. And, yes, your diet plays a major role in supporting the Infradian Rhythm. The moral of the story? “Change the foods you eat and caloric levels to match the four phases of your cycle to optimize blood sugar stability and hormonal balance.” Read on to learn how to do just that. 

    What to eat in each of the four phases of the cycle 

    Follicular phase
    During the follicular phase, the metabolism is slower, so focus on fresh, vibrant, and light foods that will make you feel more energized. Prioritize healthy fats that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and cruciferous vegetables that can help flush out excess estrogen. As for fresh produce, opt for artichokes, broccoli, carrots, parsley, green peas, string beans, and zucchini, which have a lot of the nutrients needed during this phase. Vitti recommends trying these easy, yet tasty, meals: 

    Overnight oats with cashews, goji berries, and cinnamon
    Lentil tomato quinoa pilaf
    Chicken veggie buddha bowl

    Ovulatory phase
    Fill up on raw veggies for fiber and fruit for high levels of glutathione to ensure your body easily metabolizes and eliminates any estrogen surplus. If you experience any cramping or acne during this time, you may have issues breaking down estrogen in your liver and gut. Eating fiber-rich and cruciferous vegetables during this time helps flush excess estrogen from the body. Load up on asparagus, brussels sprouts, chard, escarole, scallions, and spinach during this phase. Channel your inner Ina Garten and try out these recipes: 

    Sweet green protein smoothie
    Hearty greens salad with salmon toasts
    Zucchini noodles with pumpkin seed basil pesto and grilled chicken

    Luteal phase
    During the luteal phase, your metabolism speeds up, so you should eat more nutrient-rich calories daily to maintain stable blood sugar, which helps balance insulin (a critical hormone that greatly affects the degree of PMS). Emphasize foods rich in B vitamins to stave off sugar cravings, eat leafy greens to boost your calcium and magnesium, and add roasted or baked root vegetables to help your liver and large intestine flush out estrogen. Think: 

    Avocado sweet potato toast with eggs
    Turkey tacos with corn, cassava, or cauliflower tortillas
    Chickpea pasta with garlic kale

    Menstrual phase
    Your hormone levels are at their lowest, so it’s important to eat adequate calories and get plenty of protein and healthy fat during your bleed. Protein, fats, as well as low glycemic veggies and fruits, will keep your blood sugar steady while adding fiber and antioxidants. Add in foods high in iron, like red meat and kidney beans, and some seafood or mineral-rich seaweed that helps replenish mineral levels in your body. Whip up the following eats that are sure to get a chef’s kiss: 

    Cream of buckwheat with almond butter and raisins
    Salmon soba miso bento
    Bunless bison burgers with mushrooms, baby spinach, and avocado

    Alisa Vitti
    In The Flo
    For details on the aforementioned recipes and more of Vitti’s go-to meals

    Why (And How) You Should Plan Your Workouts Around Your Cycle More

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    5 Ways to Make the Transition off Birth Control Easier, According to Experts

    When I talk to other women about their experiences going off birth control, I often hear different stories. Some women complain about irregular periods, painful cramps, or mood swings, and others say the transition was relatively easy. Studies have shown that 80 percent of women regain hormonal balance no less than three months after stopping the pill, but for some, it can take even longer. Our bodies are all unique, and birth control affects us differently. After experiencing my own side effects and speaking with other women about theirs, I realized that a lot of women are looking to stop hormonal birth control (for a variety of reasons) and want to make the transition off it easier. So I looked to the experts to share their best tips.
    I spoke with Dr. Trevor Cates, a naturopathic practitioner, as well as Jade Mesquita, a holistic nutrition practitioner and clinical herbalist. Before we get to the tips, both experts agreed that the first step should be remembering why you went on birth control in the first place. “When someone goes on birth control, it’s usually either for birth control or they’re trying to manage some symptoms,” shared Dr. Cates. If you originally started birth control for symptom management, there’s a good chance that “whatever was being suppressed hormonally is going to come back,” so work with your doctor to identify and heal the root cause of the symptoms. But no matter your reason for going on and going off birth control, read on for some expert tips to make the process easier.

    1. Eat nutritionally-dense meals
    The body is an interconnected organism, so it’s no surprise that what we eat can affect our hormones and help to balance them. Mesquita shared that the number one focus should be balancing blood sugar by making sure every meal or snack has a source of protein, fat, and nutrient-dense carbohydrates. “Instead of just eating a banana, pair it with greek yogurt for protein and almond butter for some healthy fats,” she suggested. She also explained the importance of never skipping meals (especially breakfast) and eating when you’re hungry. 
    Dr. Cates explained that B vitamins, such as B-12 and B-6, and certain minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc, are common vitamins and minerals that can get depleted by taking the Pill, so you may be low or deficient in them if you’ve been on hormonal birth control for a while. These deficiencies can cause symptoms to become worse, so Dr. Cates recommended boosting your intake of foods like dark leafy greens, healthy fats, and protein, and talking to your doctor about testing and/or supplementing these nutrients. 

    2. Boost your gut health
    The gut is the control center for the rest of the body. It affects so many areas, from detoxification to brain health, so it’s no wonder that ensuring good gut health during this transition is important for your hormonal health. “You want to start boosting your gut health by eating lots of fiber-rich foods, like chia seeds and cruciferous vegetables, or taking a probiotic,” Dr. Cates suggested. Jade agreed, recommending you get enough fiber to ensure you’re having at least one bowel movement a day so your body is able to properly detoxify. You should always listen to your gut (pun intended), and if you are having any gut issues such as bloating and constipation, talk to your doctor about ways to increase your gut health. 

    3. Reduce stress levels
    Stress can have a huge impact on the body, especially our hormones, which is why it’s helpful to prioritize practices that can manage stress levels. “If we’re really stressed out and we’re not getting a good night’s sleep, it can impact adrenal function, cortisol, and nervous system balance,” Dr. Cates said. She suggested getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night and going to bed at the same time every night so your body is able to get an optimal amount of high-quality shut-eye. Aside from sleep, practicing other methods of stress management, such as meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, or physical activity, is also a good idea.

    4. Opt for low-impact workouts
    While it’s fun to switch up the type of workouts you do every now and then, many experts recommend sticking with low-impact workouts during this period as your body is adjusting to a new hormonal balance. “High-intensity workouts can raise cortisol in the body, so during this period, reducing cortisol as much as possible can help to make the transition off birth control easier,” Jade explained. Luckily, there are so many low-impact workouts to choose from such as pilates, yoga, and—my personal favorite—walking. We want to make this process as easy for the body as possible, and if a low-impact workout helps, then a hot girl walk it is. 

    5. Have a reproductive health plan
    If you’ve decided to go off birth control, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place. If an unplanned pregnancy is a concern for you, Dr. Cates emphasized the importance of having an alternative form of birth control to put into practice immediately after (yes, you can get pregnant even soon after getting off the Pill). “Whether it be a non-hormonal IUD or fertility awareness methods, tracking your ovulation is a really powerful thing, and it’s something we don’t have access to when on birth control pills,” she shared. 
    While this transition can sometimes feel scary, it can also be an empowering time to better understand your body. And building a plan around your body’s natural cycle can make the process even smoother. If you’re going off birth control for the purpose of family planning, work with your doctor to balance hormones to improve fertility as much as possible. No matter your current goals, having a reproductive health plan is always important, and transitioning off hormonal birth control provides a good opportunity to rethink what’s best for your body, goals, and lifestyle.

    I Asked an OBGYN All the Questions You Feel Too Embarrassed to Ask More

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    I Asked an OBGYN All the Questions You Feel Too Embarrassed to Ask—Here Are Her Answers

    Women often have a lot going on BTS that we don’t think about unless something feels off. Many of us come up with excuses to put off going to see the doctor, whether it’s because we’re uncomfortable laying everything out there (literally) or afraid of the answers we might get. Long story short, going to the gyno isn’t exactly a walk in the park (anyone else shudder at just the thought of the scary-looking—not to mention, cold—speculum?). But we’re here to normalize regularly seeing your OBGYN if you have a vagina, as well as creating dialogue around all the topics related to female wellness.
    Enter: Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a practicing gynecologist in Westchester County, NY and advisor to Tru Niagen. From vaginal odor to birth control and everything in between, I probed (pun intended) Dr. Dweck on the most important questions to ask your OBGYN, and we left nothing off the table. Read on for her answers to questions you may be embarrassed to ask your own doctor.

    Meet the expert
    Dr. Alyssa Dweck
    Dr. Dweck provides care to women of all ages and has delivered thousands of babies. Voted “Top Doctor” in New York Magazine and Westchester Magazine, she has a special interest and expertise in female sexual health and medical sex therapy. Dr. Dweck is co-author of three books, including the newest release “The Complete A to Z for Your V (Quarto Press 2017),” and has appeared on The Today Show and Good Day LA. 

    1. What is my vagina supposed to look like? 
    While every vagina is unique (just like the person who it is a part of), Dr. Dweck explained what you can generally expect: “A healthy vagina, the internal canal, is typically a shade of pink, lush, sometimes glistening with normal clear fluid and with many folds called ‘rugae.’ The vaginal opening might have darker pigment and variable skin folds depending on history of childbirth, previous surgery, and/or sexual activity, for example.” Take a cue from Charlotte in Sex and the City and grab your trusty handheld mirror to get up close and personal with your vulva. 

    2. Is it normal to have vaginal discharge and odor? What causes them?
    Before you go down the Google rabbit hole, slow your roll. Dr. Dweck assured us vaginal discharge and odor are typically not causes for concern: “Most vaginas have a natural physiologic discharge made up of mucus from the cervix, vaginal fluid and cells, and cells/fluid from the uterus.” However, there are instances in which vaginal discharge and odor can raise red flags. “Infection with viruses, bacteria, and other microbes, including STIs (sexual transmitted infections), hormone changes, and/or external irritants, can disrupt the normal vaginal pH and microbiome and cause infection. In these cases, an atypical vaginal discharge or foul odor can occur.” The main takeaway? If you’re not sure and can’t decipher what’s what, it’s best to consult your doctor.

    3. Why do I have urinary or fecal incontinence, and what can I do to resolve it?
    If you experience loss of bladder or bowel control (AKA leaking urine or poop), you’re not alone (it’s more common than you may think). “Both can occur due to weak or relaxed pelvic floor muscles,” said Dr. Dweck. “Genetics, prior childbirth (especially for big babies or instrumented deliveries), and obesity may play a role.” So how do you address urinary incontinence? Dr. Dweck encouraged taking into account treating any underlying UTI (urinary tract infection), minimizing or eliminating caffeine (which can create urgency and frequency), practicing Kegel floor exercises, engaging with a pelvic floor physical therapist, and consulting with a urologist/urogynecologist for more intensive testing. “Similarly, for fecal incontinence, one may consider increasing fiber intake to bulk up stool, Kegel exercises, pelvic floor physical therapy, or seeing a colorectal or gastrointestinal specialist.”

    4. How many yeast infections or UTIs are too many? When should I see a doctor?
    One yeast infection or UTI is enough to send anyone into a frenzy. So how do you know when an OTC remedy will do the trick or it’s time to pay your doc a visit? “Recurrent UTI typically refers to greater than or equal to two infections in six months or three infections in a year,” Dr. Dweck clarified. “Recurrent yeast infection implies more than four infections per year. Both scenarios are best addressed by a HCP [health care provider]. Severity of infection is also a reason to check in with a HCP.”

    5. Why is it painful to have sex?
    PSA: Sex should only be pleasurable. So if you’re experiencing any discomfort between the sheets, seek help from your gyno or a pelvic floor therapist. As for what’s the culprit behind painful sex? “Painful sex could occur for a variety of reasons, including vaginal dryness, infection, hormonal changes, and mechanical or anatomic issues, such as fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, scar tissue, vaginal muscle tightness, and/or traumatic sex,” Dr. Dweck elaborated. 
    6. Can I have sex while I’m on my period? And is it possible to get pregnant during my period?
    While you may not feel the sexiest during that time of the month (there are ways to flip the script, BTW), if the mood strikes, Dr. Dweck gave the green light: “One can engage sexually while menstruating if comfortable and, in fact, period sex may relieve cramps or enhance pleasure for some. Precaution should be taken since blood-borne infection, including HIV, can be transmitted. It is possible, although unlikely, to get pregnant from sex while bleeding since some have irregular menses and unpredictable ovulation.”
    7. How do I determine what type of birth control is best for me?
    It goes without saying that birth control is a personal choice. It can be overwhelming and confusing to choose a birth control method that checks all the boxes for your needs and lifestyle. When deciding the best method for you, talk it out with your physician “[Determining the right birth control] is a shared decision made between patient and HCP based on menstrual habits, desired permanence of contraception or future fertility, medical history, and medications, lifestyle, and insurance coverage,” stated Dr. Dweck. “Keep in mind, condoms prevent against STIs while most other forms of contraception do not.”

    8. If my state outlaws abortion, what are my options for unintended pregnancy?
    In light of the reversal of Roe v. Wade, it’s no surprise there’s a lot of confusion and fear around reproductive health and abortion (it’s OK to feel all the feels, BTW). Whether or not you’re pregnant, arming yourself with information and resources from a trusted source (read: your OBGYN) is never a bad idea. But if you find yourself at a loss as to what safe recourse you have in the case of an unplanned pregnancy, Dr. Dweck pointed us in the right direction: “There are several online sites that will provide services, though travel may be required. Hey Jane is one example of a virtual clinic.” 

    9. Why can’t I have an orgasm?
    According to the Cleveland Clinic, only 10 percent of women easily climax. So if you’re part of the other 90 percent, Dr. Dweck shed some light: “This can be complex, but some reasons include not enough direct clitoral stimulation, pain during sex, medications (most notably antidepressants), medical conditions, prior surgery, or psychological factors.” Whatever the root cause may be, you can rest assured your OBGYN can help you find the solution that works best for you. Because we all deserve orgasms. 

    10. How do I talk to my partner about STIs/STDs?
    Sure, we can list a hundred things we’d rather do than get tested for STIs/STDs—let alone talk about them—but think of it as a form of self-care. And as awkward as it may be, Dr. Dweck emphasized that having a direct conversation about STIs/STDs with your partner is necessary. After all, you can’t go wrong creating a safe space for open and honest dialogue surrounding sexual health. It may just bring you and your SO closer and make the sex even better (talk about a win-win). 

    11. I feel lumps in my breast. How do I know if it’s something more?
    If you’ve ever done a breast self-exam, pat yourself on the back. Familiarizing yourself with “your girls”—from their appearance to how they feel—is a healthy habit to add to your wellness regimen. While breast lumps are common and most often non-cancerous, it’s nonetheless unnerving to find one (or more). So knowing what to look out for can help calm a bout of the jitters: “Lumps that are approximately 1 centimeter or larger are palpable,” Dr. Dweck pointed out. “A clinical breast exam with a HCP and imaging, including mammogram, sonogram, or MRI, are potential next steps.” During your next check-up, don’t hesitate to get some pointers on at-home protocols to maintain from your doctor. 

    Please consult a doctor before beginning any treatments. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.

    I Tried Pelvic Floor Therapy, and You Should Too More

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    Stress Can Mess With Your Vaginal Health–Here’s What You Should Know and How To Deal Accordingly

    It’s no secret that stress can take a toll on your body, so it’s unsurprising that it can mess with your vaginal health too. Now, I know what you’re thinking: Another thing I have to worry about?! Trust me, I get it—sometimes you get so caught up in trying to ward off  stress that you end up stressing yourself out even more because you’re stressed about not being stressed. It’s a vicious cycle and one that’s easy to fall into. That said, taking the time to learn about how stress truly affects your body can help you manage stress and its effects, or might even know what signs and symptoms to look out for that your body might be trying to tell you.
    A brief disclosure: If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned below, scheduling an appointment with your OB-GYN is never a bad idea. If stress is the root cause (or you feel a lot of stress, even if it’s pre-symptoms), make sure you’re also carving out time for yourself to practice self-care and using healthy outlets, such as meditating, journaling, or exercising as ways to manage stress. At the end of the day, finding what works for you and nourishing your mind, body, and soul is going to keep both you and your vagina happy and healthy. Keep scrolling to learn five major ways stress can mess with your reproductive health and how to deal accordingly, along with tips and tricks to de-stress so you can better take care of your mind and body.

    1. Changes in discharge and increased risk of infection
    Stress can suppress the immune system and may seriously disrupt the pH levels in the vulva. When this happens, you may notice discharge that smells funky, is thicker than usual, or darker in color. This occurs because your body’s defense mechanisms are lowered and your vagina has more difficulty weeding out bad bacteria, making it more susceptible to infection. Although discharge is totally normal and changes throughout your cycle, think of it as a window into your body’s overall health: If there’s an abrupt, drastic change in it, it’s usually a telltale sign that something more is going on.
    It may be an isolated incident or an infection, like bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. Talking to your doctor about any changes in discharge or concerns about possible infection is always a good idea as they may be able to provide you with a prescription or over-the-counter remedy. You could also talk to your doctor about trying over-the-counter supplements and vitamins like probiotics or vitamins D and C. Some types of probiotics may help the vagina maintain a healthy pH level, while vitamin D and C can help strengthen your immune system.

    2. Vaginal dryness
    Stress can reduce the amount of blood flow to the vagina, which in turn can reduce moisture and cause dryness. “With stress on your mind, hormone levels will begin to shift—as cortisol rises, testosterone (essential for your libido) will dip,” Dr. Alyssa Liguori, an OB/GYN based in Georgia, wrote for Northside Hospital. “Your body won’t be sending enough blood down there to increase moisture, so vaginal dryness and/or discomfort is more likely.” This dryness can also cause painful sex and an inability to orgasm—two things you definitely do not need in your life.

    3. Low libido
    When you have a huge work deadline looming, student loans to pay off, and a packed social calendar, sex is probably going to be the last thing on your mind. It’s normal, but it turns out there’s a medical reason for it. Because your testosterone levels dip as cortisol levels rise, you not only experience vaginal dryness, but may experience low sex drive as well, since testosterone is essential for libido. However, getting it on can actually destress you: orgasming regularly can improve your mood, release stress hormones, and keep your vagina from getting depressed (who else remembers the Sex and the City episode where Charlotte announces at lunch her vagina has depression?). Even if you’re not totally in the mood, it may be worth reaching for your vibrator to try to destress. However, if you’re experiencing zero interest or changes in sex drive, always talk to your doctor (remember that libido is an important vital sign!)

    4. Changes in menstrual cycle
    If you have a menstrual cycle, its completely run on hormones (the different changes in your cycle are due to estrogen and progesterone levels). If your stress hormones are out of whack, your menstrual cycle can become irregular, those notorious PMS symptoms can intensify, or you may skip a period altogether. This can also cause fertility issues since irregular periods can distress ovulation schedules and make getting pregnant more difficult. If you’re experiencing painful or irregular periods and have felt extra stressed, your cortisol levels could be to blame. As always, if you experience any changes in your menstrual cycle, always talk with your doctor to get to the root cause.

    5. Tight pelvic floor
    The pelvic floor is especially important for women with uteruses since it’s responsible for bowel and bladder movements, and provides support to the reproductive system. A strong pelvic floor makes sex more enjoyable and orgasms stronger. When we’re stressed, however, we can physically seize up (think: clenched jaw or fists) and that tension can reach our pelvic floor.
    A few early signs of a tight pelvic floor are constipation, pain during sex, and lower back pain. Hip, back, abdominal, or leg pain, a feeling of heaviness as though the pelvic floor is dragging, strain with bowel movements or emptying your bladder, or inability to completely empty the bowels or bladder, and a strong urgency to run to the restroom are also signs of pelvic floor dysfunction. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consider seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist.

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    7 Habits of Women Who Always Have a Healthy Libido

    Just like exercising to stay in shape or maintaining a meditation practice for your mental health, establishing habits to get your libido in check doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. Sometimes it takes work. It’s important to keep in mind that every part of your body goes through phases over time—even our libidos. And while we would all love a healthy libido 24/7, sometimes our sex drives are going full speed ahead, and other times, they’re at a standstill. If you’re going through a phase where you just can’t get in the mood, know you are not alone and there are ways to get out of it. Everyone deserves to enjoy sex and look forward to it. Read on for seven habits women use to keep their libido healthy.

    1. Prioritize your alone time
    Self-care can apply to many different areas, including your libido. Spending time on your own allows you to reconnect with your body and check in on your mental well-being. Our bodies are interconnected organisms, and if we are stressed, it can often result in more than just symptoms of tiredness or irritability; it can manifest in physical pain (sore back, anyone?) or even low libido. Taking time for self-care—whether it be through exercise, meditation, journaling, a nice bath at the end of the day, or cooking a meal you love—is so important. It’s a mental break we all need to reset and feel more grounded and connected, especially when the outside world can feel overwhelming. 

    2. Try something new
    There’s no better way to stimulate libido than by trying something new. Maybe you and your partner have hit a rough patch and can’t connect like you used to, or maybe you’re single and your vibrator is starting to collect dust in your drawer. There’s no shame in either, but switching it up may be exactly what you need to break the spell. If you’re into solo sex, invest in a new sex toy, experiment with different porn, or set aside a night where you take a bath, light some candles, and indulge in pleasuring yourself. 
    If you are looking to boost sex with a partner, try choosing at least one night a week. Scheduling sex may sound uncomfortable, but it may be the thing to get you both out of a rut. You can also try bringing a sex toy into the bedroom, an aphrodisiac, or watching porn together. The best part? Whatever you choose, it can not only increase your libido but also build a stronger and healthier relationship. P.S. Don’t just stop at one—continue to try new things to keep your libido healthy.

    3. Figure out what you like and dislike
    Part of maintaining a healthy libido is knowing what you like and dislike (AKA what pleasures you or turns you on versus what doesn’t), but it’s OK if you’re still figuring that out—that’s part of the fun in experimentation. Perhaps you could try a new position and role-playing or lean into pleasure that may have felt shameful in the past. Try to vocalize what gets you going and what you could do without. Discovering what you like and dislike means throwing out the narrative you may have learned about what women should like and shouldn’t like about sex. You are allowed to enjoy whatever you like, and no one should tell you otherwise. It’s your body and your libido, so you get to call the shots. 

    4. Build strong trust and communication with your partner
    Whether you’re looking to improve intimacy in your relationship or you’re getting down and dirty with a FWB or casual hookup, you need to feel safe and secure in order to feel vulnerable enough to share your desires. If you feel like you’re lacking something, then it could be time to start an open dialogue with your partner about your needs. Start by planning a check-in or date night where you feel comfortable vocalizing your feelings and come to the table open and ready to share and listen. If you’re in a relationship, remember that your physical relationship can only be as strong as its emotional counterpart. And if you’re not in a LTR, you deserve to feel safe enough to communicate with anyone who’s lucky enough to be with you.

    5. Exercise regularly
    It should come as no surprise that those who exercise regularly are more likely to have a healthy libido. While working out has a plethora of benefits, the endorphins it releases and the effect it has on how we view our bodies directly impact our libidos. Studies have shown that there is “an association between body mass, a negative body image, and the avoidance of sexual situations.” In other words, if we want to feel confident in the bedroom and increase our libido, exercising on the regular and prioritizing our bodies is how we get there.

    6. Take the pressure off
    It goes without saying that women are under a lot of societal pressure. The pressure placed on women to fit into a certain box is prevalent, and I am here to tell you that it’s time to take the pressure off. We’re all wonderfully different, even when it comes to our libidos. Some people naturally have a higher sex drive than others, and that’s OK. Let go of any limiting beliefs surrounding your sexual well-being, and just listen to your body and enjoy sex on your own terms.

    7. Talk to your doctor
    The health of your libido deserves the same attention as any other medical concern you may have. And while your sex drive could improve with the aforementioned habits, there may be underlying factors that require further examination. Aside from mental blocks, including medications, physical changes, and hormonal changes, there are many other factors that can contribute to low libido. If you have a consistently low sex drive, it may be time to talk to your doctor. Maintain regular check-ups with your gynecologist, and prioritize your sexual health as you would any other part of your body.

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